Home / pies / Almond biscuit joconda recipe. Chocolate biscuit "La Gioconda"

Almond biscuit joconda recipe. Chocolate biscuit "La Gioconda"

This cake is prefabricated - the biscuit was translated separately, the mousse separately - all from Pierre Herme's book "Le LAROUSSE des DESSERTS", my assembly.

The name comes from the French almond biscuit of the same name "Joconde", which is the basis of many cakes, rolls and desserts. All I can say to maximize the delight of preparation and taste - I touched the magic of French art. And despite all the apparent complexity, working with this cake is a pleasure.

Try to cook it yourself, and I, in turn, will help you create it - in great detail, with my comments and the author himself, with photographs and an amazing result!


Pâte à biscuit Joconde - Biscuit dough"La Gioconda"

Preparation: 25 minutes
Portion: for 500 g of dough

30g flour
20g butter
100g ground almonds
100g sugar
3 whole eggs
3 egg whites
15g powdered sugar
1 st. l. red liquid food coloring(if you have dry, then dilute with a little water), if you do not have a dye or you do not want to mess with it, take cocoa.

Mousse à la fraise - Strawberry mousse

Cooking 20 minutes
Serving: 600 g mousse

350g strawberries (or raspberries)
1 lemon
5 sheets of gelatin (or 15 g of gelatin)
250g Italian meringue
160 ml liquid cream

Meringue italienne - Italian meringue

Preparation: 10 minutes
Portion: for 500 g of meringue

85 ml water
280 g powdered sugar
5 egg whites

Strawberry syrup (or jam)

250 g fresh strawberries for garnish
1 bag of cake jelly

P R I G O T O V L E N I E:

Let's start slowly, in detail, with a biscuit. And I want to start with a tip from the chef:

“The main challenge is to introduce air bubbles into the dough. In most cases, this stage is the key to success, as it determines whether the biscuit will be fluffy or flat. Here, of course, you need patience.
If you prefer to beat the dough with an electric mixer, then make sure that the whisk is tilted. The vertical beaters really give mediocre results and you would be required to hold the whole combine at an angle, which is impractical and inconvenient to beat decently.”

I have not seen a combine where the beaters would be at an angle, and therefore I beat everything with a hand mixer, tilting the bowl.

1. Sift the flour into a bowl. Melt the butter in a small saucepan and let it cool.

If you can't find almond powder, you can make your own. At the beginning, be sure to peel it - pour the almonds hot water for 10 minutes. Drain and rinse it cold water. Pour boiling water again and let stand until the water cools completely. The almonds will pop out of the skin on their own. Before grinding it, it must be completely dry, at least overnight. And in the morning you can already grind it in a coffee grinder or meat grinder.

Mix almond powder and powdered sugar in a bowl. Add 2 eggs. First one, beat well, then the second.

2. Beat the mass very strongly and for a long time at an angle, adding air bubbles to the dough, we must make it lighter: the dough should double in volume. And only then add the last egg. Whip for another 5 minutes.

3. Add, with constant beating, half of the melted butter. Mix well. Then pour out the rest.

4. Beat separately egg whites until light foam, gradually introduce sugar. Beat until stable peaks. We introduce 1/3 of the protein mass into the resulting dough. Mix gently with a spatula or spatula to lighten our dough.

Then add all the proteins alternately with the flour, which you sift through a sieve into the mass. Mix slowly and gently. The dough will be very airy.

5. We spread about half of the dough in a detachable form, not greased with anything. We level and send in a preheated oven to 180C for 15 minutes. Readiness to check with a wooden stick.

6. Divide the remaining dough into two parts. In one add 1 tbsp. l. red food coloring. The dough should be a nice pink color.

7. We cover the baking sheet with baking paper. Pour the white dough on one side and smooth it out. On the second pink. The dough should not lie in a thick layer, somewhere around 3-4 mm.

We get the form with the base:

The same amount of time (+ -) bake a biscuit on a baking sheet. It should brown a little.

Turn it over onto a cutting board or towel, lightly sprinkled with powdered sugar and take off the paper. We remove the detachable sides from the mold and take out the basis of the future cake.

Gourmet Tip:
After cooking, the dough is soaked perfectly with syrups, according to various desserts and becomes soft. It keeps very well in the refrigerator, wrapped in cling film.

This is very important when mixing the proteins into the dough - when they have already fully combined with the dough, then you need to cook immediately, otherwise the dough will fall off.


Tip from the chef:
Why don't we overheat the raspberry/strawberry puree?
Try one day, enjoy the warmth raspberry puree, feel how the delicious aroma of raspberries or strawberries fills your kitchen. Alas, these smells quickly evaporate, and everything goes into the ground, taking away all the aroma of raspberries and strawberries, which is only found in uncooked fresh berries.
To dissolve the gelatin, you need to warm the berries, but retain the flavor fresh raspberries or strawberries heat can not. Physicists know the minimum temperature to dissolve gelatin: 36C. Above this temperature, gelatin molecules disperse in water and combine to form a gel. There is not a clear boundary and we cannot risk it - the maximum temperature increase is possible only up to 50C.

1. I used strawberries. First, use a blender (or a fork) to make strawberry puree. Then, with a wooden spatula, push this puree through a sieve into a bowl. You will get about 200 g. Squeeze lemon juice into it.

2. Pour the gelatin with water, exactly until it completely covers it. Leave until completely swollen. Put it in a saucepan, and put it on water bath. Add a quarter of strawberry puree to it, and with constant stirring with a whisk, heat the mixture to 40C (gelatin should completely dissolve, raspberries should change color a little - turn gray and go light steam). Remove from heat and add the rest berry puree, stir with a whisk until completely combined.

3. Pour the cream into a bowl, place the bowl in a container with ice and beat until stable peaks. Put away in the fridge for now.

4. Italian meringue:

- Boil water with sugar in a saucepan, simultaneously cleaning the walls with a wet brush.

- Using an electric mixer, beat the egg whites to stiff "bec d'oiseau" (bird's beak) peaks.

Switch the mode to medium speed and, while continuing to beat, pour in the sugar syrup in a thin stream. Beat for a few more minutes.

5. Stir strawberry-lemon jelly mixture with Italian meringue. 6. The resulting mixture with whipped cream. Stir gently, from bottom to top, so that the mousse does not settle.


Now - the most interesting. We need a ruler and a thread (or tape measure).

To begin with, we turn our base upside down (so that the ruddy top crust is on the bottom, and the porous bottom is on top, so it will be better saturated). We cut it a little around the circumference so that when we connect the split walls, there will be a small gap between the biscuit and the wall. There will be our sides. The gap should really not be large, equal to the thickness of the baked sheets, this is important. They should be as tight as possible. And, mixing strawberry syrup (or jam syrup) with a small amount of water, soak the biscuit.

Now we measure the circumference and height. We add another + 1 cm to the height. It turned out that the thickness of the strips should be 3 cm, and the length is 7. We make marks on the pink and white biscuits equal to our calculations and cut them out. I put white on pink so that everything turned out evenly.

Alternating, we insert our strips between the base and the walls.

When the form shrinks and closes, they will stand very tightly, without a single gap.

Pour out half of the mousse.

We lay the remaining strips on top, slightly pressing them down.

And pour the remaining mousse, very carefully so that the strips do not move.

We put it in the refrigerator for the night. In the morning, cut the strawberries into petals and lay them on top of the frozen mousse. And pour the cake jelly on top, adding a little strawberry syrup for color, diluted according to the instructions on the package. We put it in the refrigerator until completely solidified.

And a piece of boundless pleasure:

Happy tea!

This recipe attracted me the most because of the lack of butter in creams. Indeed, it turned out to be so tender, just melting in the mouth, that the eyes themselves close from pleasure, from tasting this coffee miracle. It's impossible to describe how delicious! The most tender tenderness! Especially when you consider that I love coffee, and not so much for the taste as for the aroma. And there is plenty of aroma and taste here.
Of the difficulties ... it's hard to cut off an even piece, since the cake is very delicate. Therefore, a very sharp and thin knife is needed. The cake must be well chilled before cutting. I think if you serve to guests and in order not to spoil the mood with a crooked piece, you can put it in the freezer for 30 minutes before serving. The taste will not change during this time, but the pieces will be even and neat. And do not forget to dry the knife before each new cut, or even better, lower it into a glass of hot water, wipe it and cut it.
Well, I’ll also add ... at the moment this is one of the most memorable and liked cakes.

You will need:

1. Gioconda biscuit with cocoa.
2. Ganache with white chocolate.
3. Chocolate cream.
4. Coffee syrup.
5. mirror glaze.

Gioconda biscuit with cocoa:
- 2 eggs,
- 3 proteins,
- 65 g ground peeled almonds,
- 65 g of powdered sugar,
- 25 g flour,
- 20 g cocoa powder,
- 25 g melted butter.

Ganache with white chocolate:
- 100 ml espresso,
- 200 g white chocolate,
- 220 ml cream 35%.

Chocolate cream:
- 110 g of chocolate (70-75%), I used a simple "Coffee with milk" from "Russia".
- 2 yolks,
- 20 g of sugar,
- 200 ml cream 35%.

Coffee Syrup:
- 140 ml espresso,
- 10 g of sugar,
- 1 tbsp coffee liqueur

Mirror Glaze:
- 6 g sheet gelatin,
- 50 ml of water,
- 85 g of sugar,
- 37 g cocoa powder,
- 45 ml cream 35%.

How to cook:

1. White chocolate ganache: prepare an espresso, cool to room temperature. Melt the chocolate in a water bath. Add coffee in batches, beating with a whisk after each serving. Stir cream until smooth. At this stage, ganache liquid sour cream. Put in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours, covered with cling film.

2. Chocolate cream or cremeux: (as for me, the same ganache with dark chocolate, forgive me real confectioners). Alena used gelatin in the recipe, I decided to try without it, with thoughts if it doesn’t thicken in the refrigerator, I’ll add it. Beat the yolks with sugar until thick light mass (10 minutes). Mix with cream. To put on small fire and cook until slightly thick (82 degrees), like an English cream. Remove from heat and pour into bowl with chocolate chips. Stir until smooth. Strain through a sieve and refrigerate for 2-3 hours, covered with cling film.

3. Gioconda biscuit with cocoa: preheat the oven to 220 degrees. On paper, draw 3 squares measuring 18 cm by 18 cm. Lightly grease with butter. I have 2 on one baking sheet, and 1 on the second. Prepare a pastry bag without a nozzle. In a separate bowl, sift flour and cocoa, stir with a whisk. Melt butter. Beat egg whites until stiff with sugar. Mix eggs with powdered sugar and almond flour, beat until thick, light mass, about 10 minutes. Fold in 1/4 of the beaten egg whites with a spatula, working from top to bottom. Gently fold in dry ingredients and remaining egg whites. Just carefully add the oil. To make the cakes the same, I divided the dough by weighing it into three parts. I put each part in a bag and squeezed it out according to the drawing, slightly going beyond the borders. Bake for about 6-8 minutes. Remove from paper and set aside. Cut to size.

4. Coffee syrup: mix espresso with sugar until completely dissolved, cool, add liquor.

5. Mirror glaze: Soak gelatin in cold water. Mix water, sugar, cocoa and cream. Bring to a boil, boil for 1 minute. Cool down to 50 degrees. Add squeezed gelatin. Blend with an immersion blender. Cool down. Operating temperature 37 degrees.

6. Assembly: Put the mold on baking paper, from the inside lay out the curb tape. Take the chilled ganache out of the fridge. Beat, starting at low speed, moving to the highest, until sharp peaks, like Chantilly cream. In time, it took me about 7-8 minutes. Beat the chocolate cream in the same way. He whipped up a lot faster. The consistency is similar to slightly thick sour cream. You don’t need to beat very hard, it will be difficult to align. Put 1 cake on the bottom of the mold, soak well with syrup. Top half (better weighed) of white ganache. Cover with the second cake, lightly press down on the perimeter, also soak, cover with the second part of the ganache. Again the cake, again the impregnation and chocolate cream. Smooth well. Put in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. Pour the glaze over the cooled cake and refrigerate again for 3-4 hours. Before serving, remove the form and tape.

Prepare a biscuit. With a mixer, beat 3 eggs with sugar and almonds, 5 minutes. Continuing to beat, add the remaining eggs one at a time. Melt the butter, add 1 tbsp. l. resulting egg mixture, mix and set aside.

Whisk egg whites with powdered sugar and fold into egg and almond mixture. Mix carefully.

Pour the sifted flour, add the remaining mixture of eggs and melted butter. Mix.

Preheat oven to 230°C. Line a round baking dish with parchment paper. Put 1/3 of the dough into the mold, smooth the surface. Bake 7 min. Bake 2 more cakes in the same way.

Prepare cream. Rub the yolks with half the sugar. Boil milk and pour into the resulting mass. Stir, rub through a sieve and cool.

From half the sugar and 300 ml of water, boil the syrup. Beat with proteins until the mass cools down.

Separately, beat the butter with a mixer, gradually adding a mixture of yolks and milk.

Pour in the coffee, then gently fold in the whipped sugar syrup proteins. Mix carefully and refrigerate.

Prepare chocolate ganache. White chocolate grate. Combine milk and cream in a saucepan, place over medium heat and bring to a boil. Remove from heat, immediately add chopped chocolate and butter. Mix with a mixer until smooth.

Smear 2 biscuit cake chilled cream.

Put one cake on top of the other. Cover with the remaining biscuit crust.

Gently pour half of the chocolate ganache over the top of the cake. Smooth the surface with a spatula. Lubricate the sides. Put the cake in the refrigerator for 1 hour. Coat the surface of the cake with a second layer of ganache, smooth the surface and refrigerate for another 2 hours. To decorate the cake, you can use fresh or canned berries, crumbled milk and dark chocolate, as well as ready-made confectionery decorations, such as sugar flowers.

This cake is prefabricated - the biscuit was translated separately, the mousse separately - all from Pierre Herme's book "", my assembly.

The name comes from the French almond biscuit of the same name "Joconde", which is the basis of many cakes, rolls and desserts. All I can say to maximize the delight of preparation and taste - I touched the magic of French art. And despite all the apparent complexity, working with this cake is a pleasure.

Try to cook it yourself, and I, in turn, will help you create it - in great detail, with my comments and the author himself, with photographs and an amazing result!


P?te? biscuit Joconde - Biscuit dough "La Gioconda"

Preparation: 25 minutes
Portion: for 500 g of dough

30g flour
20g butter
100g ground almonds
100g sugar
3 whole eggs
3 egg whites
15g powdered sugar
1 st. l. red liquid food coloring (if you have dry, then dilute with a little water) if you don't have dye or don't want to mess with it, take cocoa.

Mouse? la fraise - Strawberry mousse

Cooking 20 minutes
Serving: 600 g mousse

350g strawberries (or raspberries)
1 lemon
5 sheets of gelatin (or 15 g gelatin)
250g Italian meringue
160 ml liquid cream

Meringue Italy

Preparation: 10 minutes
Portion: for 500 g of meringue

85 ml water
280 g powdered sugar
5 egg whites

strawberry syrup (or jam)

250 g fresh strawberries for garnish
1 bag of cake jelly

P R I G O T O V L E N I E:

Let's start slowly, in detail, with a biscuit. And I want to start with a tip from the chef:

“The main challenge is to introduce air bubbles into the dough. In most cases, this stage is the key to success, as it determines whether the biscuit will be fluffy or flat. Here, of course, you need patience.
If you prefer to beat the dough with an electric mixer, then make sure that the whisk is tilted. The vertical beaters really give mediocre results and you would be required to hold the whole combine at an angle, which is impractical and inconvenient to beat decently.”

I have not seen a combine where the beaters would be at an angle, and therefore I beat everything with a hand mixer, tilting the bowl.

1. Sift the flour into a bowl. Melt the butter in a small saucepan and let it cool.

If you can't find almond powder, you can make your own. At the beginning, be sure to peel it - pour hot water over the almonds for 10 minutes. Drain and rinse it with cold water. Pour boiling water again and let stand until the water cools completely. The almonds will pop out of the skin on their own. Before grinding it, it must be completely dry, at least overnight. And in the morning you can already grind it in a coffee grinder or meat grinder.

Mix almond powder and powdered sugar in a bowl. Add 2 eggs. First one, beat well, then the second.

2. Beat the mass very strongly and for a long time at an angle, adding air bubbles to the dough, we must make it lighter: the dough should double in volume. And only then add the last egg. Whip for another 5 minutes.

3. Add, with constant beating, half of the melted butter. Mix well. Then pour out the rest.

4. Beat the egg whites separately until light foam, gradually add sugar. Beat until stable peaks. We introduce 1/3 of the protein mass into the resulting dough. Mix gently with a spatula or spatula to lighten our dough.

Then add all the proteins alternately with the flour, which you sift through a sieve into the mass. Mix slowly and gently. The dough will be very airy.

5. We spread about half of the dough in a detachable form, not greased with anything. We level and send in a preheated oven to 180C for 15 minutes. Readiness to check with a wooden stick.

6. Divide the remaining dough into two parts. In one add 1 tbsp. l. red food coloring. The dough should be a nice pink color.

7. We cover the baking sheet with baking paper. Pour the white dough on one side and smooth it out. On the second pink. The dough should not lie in a thick layer, somewhere around 3-4 mm.

We get the form with the base:

The same amount of time (+ -) bake a biscuit on a baking sheet. It should brown a little.

We turn it over on a cutting board or towel, lightly sprinkled with powdered sugar and remove the paper. We remove the detachable sides from the mold and take out the basis of the future cake.

Gourmet Tip:
After cooking, the dough is soaked perfectly with syrups, according to various desserts and becomes soft. It keeps very well in the refrigerator, wrapped in cling film.

This is very important when mixing the proteins into the dough - when they have already fully combined with the dough, then you need to cook immediately, otherwise the dough will fall off.

Tip from the chef:
Why don't we overheat the raspberry/strawberry puree?
Try it one day, enjoy the warmth of raspberry puree, feel how the delicious aroma of raspberries or strawberries fills your kitchen. Alas, these smells quickly evaporate, and everything goes into the ground, taking away all the aroma of raspberries and strawberries, which is only found in uncooked fresh berries.
To dissolve gelatin, the heat of the berry is necessary, but heat cannot preserve the aroma of fresh raspberries or strawberries. Physicists know the minimum temperature to dissolve gelatin: 36C. Above this temperature, gelatin molecules disperse in water and combine to form a gel. There is not a clear boundary and we cannot risk it - the maximum temperature increase is possible only up to 50C.

1. I used strawberries. First, use a blender (or a fork) to make strawberry puree. Then, with a wooden spatula, push this puree through a sieve into a bowl. You will get about 200 g. Squeeze lemon juice into it.

2. Pour the gelatin with water, exactly until it completely covers it. Leave until completely swollen. Put it in a saucepan, and put it in a water bath. Add a quarter of the strawberry puree to it, and with constant stirring with a whisk, heat the mixture to 40C (the gelatin should completely dissolve, the raspberries should change color a little - turn gray and go light steam). Remove from heat and add the rest of the berry puree, stir with a whisk until completely combined.

3. Pour the cream into a bowl, place the bowl in a container with ice and beat until stable peaks. Put away in the fridge for now.

- Boil water with sugar in a saucepan, simultaneously cleaning the walls with a wet brush.

- Using an electric mixer, beat the egg whites to stiff "bec d'oiseau" (bird's beak) peaks.

Switch the mode to medium speed and, while continuing to beat, pour in the sugar syrup in a thin stream. Beat for a few more minutes.

5. Stir the strawberry-lemon jelly mixture into the Italian meringue.

6. The resulting mixture with whipped cream. Stir gently, from bottom to top, so that the mousse does not settle.


Now - the most interesting. We need a ruler and a thread (or tape measure).

To begin with, we turn our base upside down (so that the ruddy top crust is on the bottom, and the porous bottom is on top, so it will be better saturated). We cut it a little around the circumference so that when we connect the split walls, there will be a small gap between the biscuit and the wall. There will be our sides. The gap should really not be large, equal to the thickness of the baked sheets, this is important. They should be as tight as possible. And, mixing strawberry syrup (or jam syrup) with a small amount of water, soak the biscuit.

Now we measure the circumference and height. We add another + 1 cm to the height. It turned out that the thickness of the strips should be 3 cm, and the length is 7. We make marks on the pink and white biscuits equal to our calculations and cut them out. I put white on pink so that everything turned out evenly.

Alternating, we insert our strips between the base and the walls.

When the form shrinks and closes, they will stand very tightly, without a single gap.

Pour out half of the mousse.

We lay the remaining strips on top, slightly pressing them down.

And pour the remaining mousse, very carefully so that the strips do not move.

We put it in the refrigerator for the night.

In the morning, cut the strawberries into petals and lay them on top of the frozen mousse. And pour the cake jelly on top, adding a little strawberry syrup for color, diluted according to the instructions on the package. We put it in the refrigerator until completely solidified.

And a piece of boundless pleasure:

Happy tea!

The most accurate and complete description: La Gioconda cake recipe - from the best chefs in a large but informative article collected from all corners of the net and books.

  • This cake got its name from the Gioconda biscuit, which is different from regular biscuit cooking technique. Firstly, the dough is made on the basis of almond, and not wheat flour. Secondly, whole eggs and whites are used instead of yolks. This biscuit stays fresh for a long time.


    For the biscuit:

    • crushed almonds into flour - 200 g
    • butter - 50 g
    • powdered sugar - 25 g
    • flour - 50 g
    • sugar - 200 g
    • eggs - 5 pcs
    • egg whites - 5 pcs

    For cream:

    • butter - 400 g
    • sugar - 250 g
    • strong coffee - 30 ml
    • egg white - 2 pcs
    • egg yolk - 4 pcs
    • milk - 100 ml

    For chocolate ganache:

    • butter - 30 g
    • cream with a fat content of 35% - 50 ml
    • white chocolate - 175 g
    • milk - 120 ml


    Prepare a biscuit. With a mixer, beat 3 eggs with sugar and almonds, 5 minutes. Continuing to beat, add the remaining eggs one at a time. Melt the butter, add 1 tbsp. l. the resulting egg mixture, mix and set aside.

    Whisk egg whites with powdered sugar and fold into egg and almond mixture. Mix carefully.

    Pour the sifted flour, add the remaining mixture of eggs and melted butter. Mix.

    Preheat oven to 230°C. Line a round baking dish with parchment paper. Put 1/3 of the dough into the mold, smooth the surface. Bake 7 min. Bake 2 more cakes in the same way.

    Prepare cream. Rub the yolks with half the sugar. Boil milk and pour into the resulting mass. Stir, rub through a sieve and cool.

    From half the sugar and 300 ml of water, boil the syrup. Beat with proteins until the mass cools down.

    Separately, beat the butter with a mixer, gradually adding a mixture of yolks and milk.

    Pour in coffee, then gently fold in egg whites whipped with sugar syrup. Mix carefully and refrigerate.

    Prepare chocolate ganache. Grate white chocolate. Combine milk and cream in a saucepan, place over medium heat and bring to a boil. Remove from heat, immediately add chopped chocolate and butter. Mix with a mixer until smooth.

    Spread 2 biscuit cakes with chilled cream.

    Put one cake on top of the other. Cover with the remaining biscuit crust.

    Gently pour half of the chocolate ganache over the top of the cake. Smooth the surface with a spatula. Lubricate the sides. Put the cake in the refrigerator for 1 hour. Coat the surface of the cake with a second layer of ganache, smooth the surface and refrigerate for another 2 hours. To decorate the cake, you can use fresh or canned berries, crushed milk and dark chocolate into crumbs, as well as ready-made confectionery decorations, like sugar flowers.

    Ganache is a mixture of melted chocolate, cream and butter. It can be made from different varieties chocolate - bitter, milk, white. Used for cooking chocolate creams and for pouring cakes.

    cooking time


    Difficulty of cooking




    Number of calories


    A source

    “Gastronomy School”

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    a comment

    We will definitely answer.

    Table of measures and weights Recipe catalog 1 1


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    Almond Biscuit Gioconda- world confectionery classics. Moist, juicy, noble. Verified step by step recipe with photo!

    Hey! Oh, I haven’t written here for a long time and I really miss my favorite site!) Moreover, I have something to tell)

    Today I will share a proven recipe for the most delicious and one of my favorite biscuits - Gioconda almond biscuit! I have wanted to make this recipe for a long time, but only recently such an opportunity has arisen. What is good Biscuit Gioconda? It is tender, moist, juicy, so it does not need to be impregnated. And, of course, it's delicious! But it needs almond flour, and it's not cheap. So you can’t exactly call such a budget biscuit. But what can you do? In addition, most often the Gioconda biscuit is used in mousse cakes, and not in traditional ones, and the biscuit goes there, you know, quite a bit)

    So let's get started!

    We will make a sponge cake in a shape with a diameter of 18 cm. It can be cut into 2 cakes about 1.5 cm thick.

    We take 2 eggs of the 1st category, 25 g of sugar, put everything in a bowl and beat well at a high mixer speed. Beat for a long time, about 10 minutes. We need the mass to become light-light, very lush, creamy, beautiful) I love these metamorphoses!

    Add 50 g almond flour. You can make it yourself, here I told you how. But you can also buy.

    Carefully, with a silicone spatula, movements from the bottom up, so as not to destroy the airiness of the egg-sugar mass too much, mix.

    Add 20 g of sifted wheat flour.

    And mix gently again.

    Pour 20 g of melted and cooled butter along the edge. Mix again.

    In a separate dry and clean bowl, beat 2 egg whites with a pinch of salt.

    Add 25 g of sugar.

    And beat well. But not to the density, but to the state when the proteins are firmly held in an inverted bowl. Like a classic biscuit.