Home / Chebureki / Red caviar from agar agar. Review: Black caviar from gelatin and soy sauce

Red caviar from agar agar. Review: Black caviar from gelatin and soy sauce

In the recent past, red caviar was considered an obligatory delicacy on New Year's table, as proof of well-being and a symbol of prosperity. The habit has remained with us, but the red caviar has lost its quality and increased in price. But what does it cost us to build a house? Or rather, make red caviar beautifully and on a budget. Easy. those comrades who have never tried real caviar before will not feel the difference.

Such caviar is often sold, and buyers spend unrealistic amounts for fakes. Let's do it for ourselves. Where is our agar-agar? Yes, you need agar-agar, gelatin will not work. From my travels I have bags of ten grams already colored. I took an orange, read that these are ten grams per liter of water. Divided into five parts. It turns out that two grams of agar-agar is enough for 200 ml of liquid.

When the agar-agar has dissolved by heating on the stove, you can add sugar or salt, if desired. I added one teaspoon of salt to make it taste like real caviar. In the process of cooking, it turned out that the native orange color is pale. I added half a teaspoon of paprika to enhance the color. Paprika turned out to be the most suitable dye for red caviar.

To create eggs, you will need a tall and narrow glass, into which we pour chilled unrefined sunflower oil. And I poured the hot agar-agar into a bottle for baby food with a wide throat. This turned out to be convenient, since agar-agar solidifies quickly, and it will be easy to get it out of there. Therefore, 100 ml is the maximum that can be used at one time.

The rubber tip had to be expanded to three millimeters. I tried to drip from the bottle in one place. After three drops, the egg began to sink to the bottom. If you drip in different places, then the eggs will be of different sizes.

When the drops fall evenly into the oil and make a long journey in a tall glass, they do not stick together at the bottom and remain in the form of balls.

If agar-agar has frozen during operation, it can be heated on the stove and reused. When a lot of caviar has accumulated in a glass of oil, we filter it through a sieve. A good result for the first time, the shape and color pleased.

I got red caviar (I can’t call it false caviar) two hundred grams. I put it in the refrigerator in reserve, and so the caviar keeps its shape, does not melt and does not turn into jelly. For our dish, you will need much less. Taste from real caviar the only thing that distinguishes ours is that this one does not have a shell.

To serve, I boiled hard-boiled eggs, cut into two parts. According to the size of their dish, all halves are located around the perimeter.

I completely remove the yolks, expand the recesses for minced meat around the entire perimeter of the protein. And for stability, I trim the squirrels a little from the back.

A persimmon tomato ripened on the window. I use it for decoration, I place it in the center of the dish.

I cut the tomato into petals and bend the outer layer.

Mayonnaise will also be my own. For mayonnaise, I set aside one egg, which I beat with salt and sugar until a persistent foam forms.

A lot of unrefined oil remains from caviar, you can take it. I drip oil quietly, without interrupting the whipping process.

Be sure to fix the mayonnaise when it becomes thick. I add diluted citric acid.

I grind the yolks and mix with ready-made mayonnaise until a yolk paste is formed.

I add garlic mass to the yolk paste to taste, I like it spicier.

I put a sharp yolk paste into the recesses, lightly tamping. Top with a thin layer of mayonnaise.

And I put eggs on top, they stick well to mayonnaise and do not slip off.

I insert carrot plates into the slots of the tomato flower, it matches in color. Around I will stir the leaves of celery, which very opportunely grew in flower pots.

To complete the composition, I decorate with celery around the entire perimeter of the dish. Green celery contrasts beautifully with red caviar.

From scraps of protein I do the finishing touch. I decided to make snow out of it, it crumbles easily. It is enough to sprinkle the dish with protein, and it has acquired a New Year's, festive look.

Now everything is ready, you can invite Santa Claus. Miracles happen. And Santa Claus came, and a large supply of red caviar. The year will be good.

I address this New Year's card with the upcoming New Year to all readers and friends of Photorecipe. I want this picture to materialize for you.
Happy and delicious holidays!

Time for preparing: PT00H40M 40 min.

Approximate cost per serving: 40 rub.

Overseas caviar... Orange!

or " molecular cuisine in life"

Recipe from maria_selyanina :She didn’t just enter, she brazenly invaded her :). Yesterday, Chef Domingo looked into the chocolate department and handed me a jar: "Try balsamic caviar!" In appearance - absolute black, only the grains are larger. It tastes like funny balls of balsamic bursting on the tongue. And I was gone... the guys instantly explained to me how they do it, and, of course, the first thing I did this morning was SHE. Orange juice caviar with a dash of dye to give it a "believable" color.

In fact, it is a completely useless thing in everyday life, but ... in how many of us have experimenters disappeared?

I’ll write the recipe, or rather the technology, because:

A) to be silent
b) There are sure to be crazy people here who will do it :)))


1 cup rast. odorless oils
125 g juice
60 g water
10 g sugar
3 g agar


Put the butter in the freezer for 2-3 hours. It should become very cold, but not frozen. Mix the juice with water and sugar, add agar-agar (if your agar needs to be soaked in advance, then leave it to stand for the right time). Bring to a boil, boil for 1-2 minutes. Let it cool down a bit. Type in a pipette or syringe (anything from which liquid can be released in drops) and release drop by drop into cold oil. The agar will solidify immediately.
Throw in a colander, rinse from the remnants of oil under cold water.
Is it really simple? :)

But in general, they don’t make it for the sake of taste :))) Balsamico is cool, for snacks it’s what you need. These orange ones are like hard jelly.

You can experiment with wine, with chocolate, carrot juice)


- I saw somewhere for a long time that a segment of a dropper was adapted for spawning - practically spawned automatically)

- Made from carrot juice on gelatin. Liked. I decorated the salad. :) We must try the sweet caviar!

- Got some great advice today!
You can use vodka instead of oil. You can not be afraid to overexpose it in the freezer (after all, it does not freeze !!!)
The smell of alcohol disappears after washing very quickly. And no oil stains.
I received advice when I was interviewed in a new confectionery with us. This pastry chef turned out to be very nice :-)



This caviar can be a good decoration for children's desserts.


refined vegetable oil - 1 cup

boiled chilled water - 60 ml

sugar - 10 g

agar-agar - 3 g

Cooking method:

Put a glass of vegetable oil in the freezer for 1.5-2 hours. The oil should not freeze, but be very cold.

Squeeze juice from oranges.

Mix water, orange juice. Add sugar and agar. Let stand for a while.

Put the mixture on fire. Let it boil and cook for 1 minute. Remove from fire. Let it cool down a bit.

Take jelly into a pipette or syringe and release drop by drop into cold oil. The jelly will harden immediately. Then put in a colander and rinse the orange caviar under very cold water to remove excess oil.

Everything - original dessert ready, which can serve as an excellent decoration for cakes and various pastries!



You can take simple gelatin and add fish oil for salted caviar, then the caviar smells like fish. And decorate the dish: fish in the center, and decorate with caviar around, it looks very beautiful and impressive!))

(from internet)

"But black caviar! Unknown..."

The dish is a joke, or a trick, or a prank, or maybe magic... The surprise of guests is guaranteed. Incidentally, fresh and delicious, especially with soft bun and butter, but also good with fresh vegetables.


  • Soy sauce - 150 ml
  • Agar-agar - 2 g
  • Vegetable oil (refined, deodorized) - 250 ml

The ingredients are simple, but not exactly common.

It is important to use good quality soy sauce.

Agar-agar is a neutral jelly that is obtained from red and brown algae. And the most interesting thing is that in our country it is used mainly in confectionery- for the manufacture of marmalade, marshmallows, jelly, ice cream. Today, agar-agar is known as a vegetable substitute for gelatin, sweets and diet foods, it is recommended for body cleansing and weight correction. In sweets, agar is good because, unlike gelatin, it does not add calories and undesirable aftertaste. In addition, the gelling properties of agar are better than those of gelatin: it solidifies faster, it does not need to be thoroughly mixed.

We also need a pipette and a glass for oil.

We measure out 2 g of agar-agar. If there is a scale - great, if not, then it's a full teaspoon with a small slide.

For the success of our magic glass sunflower oil needs to be cooled down a lot. We put it in the freezer for an hour. The oil should become very cold, but not freeze or thicken. Olive oil not suitable for this purpose.
An hour passed, the oil became very cold. Pour 150 ml soy sauce.
Pour soy sauce into a saucepan and pour agar-agar.

We put on fire and stirring, bring to a boil, boil for 30 seconds.
We collect a full pipette of soy solution and send it drop by drop into cold oil. The droplets immediately turn into small balls and settle to the bottom of the glass.

This is the most tedious part of the magic - transfer 150 ml of the solution with a 2.5 mg pipette into a glass of oil.
Pour the oil into a bowl through a strainer. And here it is a miracle: a whole strainer of selected, large, shiny, very appetizing black caviar!
By the way, the oil can be used for other culinary needs, because we did not heat it.

We wash our caviar under a thin stream cold water and put it in a pretty bowl.
Well, whoever says that it doesn't look like black caviar, let him throw a stone at me!

Since in its preparation we will not use any fish ingredients. Red caviar will turn out like real only from natural plant products. Recipe with photo sent by Alevtina:

On the New Year I want to please myself and my loved ones with something original, tasty and preferably not harmful. What could be more original than vegetarian red caviar. Moreover, it looks like natural, and I think many will like the taste. She prepares quickly enough. It takes me half an hour from start to finish. Try it and you won't regret it!

Just an amazing resemblance! Thanks Alevtina for the recipe! When there are dishes such as vegetarian and red caviar, it is much easier to become a vegetarian, since you can not refuse the usual tastes.

Vegetarian red caviar


  • 1 pack of seaweed
  • 1 carrot
  • 1/2 small beetroot
  • 130 ml water
  • 1 glass of vegetable oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon of agar-agar
  • 1 teaspoon salt

Syringe - 1 pc

How to cook vegetarian red caviar:

  1. Cool the vegetable oil in the freezer for 3-4 hours. Can be longer.
  2. Peel beets and carrots.

    Beets, carrots and seaweed

  3. Squeeze juice from beets and carrots. To do this, grate them on a fine grater (without mixing).

    We rub vegetables

  4. After that, place the grated carrots in cheesecloth, folded in 2-3 layers and squeeze. We repeat the same with beets.
  5. Soak agar-agar in 40 ml of water for 10 minutes.

    Juice and agar-agar

  6. Put the pulp of carrots into the pan, sea ​​kale and 90 ml of water. Bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes.

    Carrot cake with seaweed

  7. Strain, discard pulp.

    We filter

  8. Pour the strained broth into a saucepan, add salt, carrot juice, soaked agar-agar.
  9. Add beetroot juice drop by drop until desired color is achieved. I don't get all the juice, usually half. Bring to a boil, boil for 1-2 minutes.

    Cooking vegetarian red caviar

  10. Take vegetable oil out of the freezer.
  11. Pour the resulting broth into a syringe (with a needle).
  12. Now the hardest part. Gently dripping droplets from a syringe into a glass with vegetable oil. Droplets should not fall one on top of the other, only on a free space. Try to keep the drops the same size. If the drops themselves do not settle to the bottom, gently shake the glass of oil. If the broth has thickened, it can be heated again, for small fire until it becomes liquid again. Then you can continue the operation.

    Preparation of vegan red caviar

  13. After that, red caviar must be filtered through a strainer. If you do not want it to be greasy, you can rinse the caviar with water.

    We filter lean red caviar

Our vegetarian red caviar is ready! Prepare it and surprise your guests!

Red caviar vegetarian

More vegan caviar recipes:

P.S. If you liked the recipe, we will have many more unusual and delicious recipes!

Bon appetit!

Julia recipe author

This is a budget option cooking red caviar at home using nori seaweed. You can also take note as a vegan recipe.

It’s scary to approach showcases with red caviar in our time because of biting price tags. Fake caviar is made at home from available products and ends up being very cheap.

The process, of course, is not fast, but the result is very good, and now the red caviar blende flaunts on New Year's and festive tartlets and sandwiches.

Fake caviar from agar-agar


  • 5-7 g nori leaves
  • medium carrot
  • half a small beetroot
  • 0.5 teaspoon agar agar
  • 1 glass of oil
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 130 ml water

How to cook red caviar at home:

1. Chill the butter in the refrigerator for at least 4-5 hours.

2. Squeeze juice from carrots and beets into separate bowls.

3. Soak agar-agar in 40 ml of water for 20 minutes.

4. Put the rest of the vegetables and nori leaves in a saucepan and pour 90 ml of water.

5. Cook for 5 minutes over medium heat to gurgle. Strain.

6. Now add carrot and beet juice drop by drop to get the desired color.

7. Add agar-agar and salt. Mix thoroughly.

8. Put on the stove and, stirring, bring to a boil. Boil for 2-3 minutes over low heat. Let cool slightly.

9. Remove oil. Draw the decoction into a syringe and drip round "eggs" from it into a container of oil so that the droplets do not fall on each other. If they do not sink, then shake the container so that the oil envelops them completely.

You need to store such vegan caviar in a glass jar in the refrigerator.

How to make red caviar video recipe

And now the most interesting. You will see how this fish product is prepared on step by step video prescription.