Home / Buns / What real black caviar looks like. How to distinguish red caviar from a fake? Tips & Tricks

What real black caviar looks like. How to distinguish red caviar from a fake? Tips & Tricks

Moscow, December 27. On the eve of the New Year, there is no snow and a crisis outside. But how can you leave yourself without the main holiday of the year? New Year's table this year in Russia has risen in price by 30%. This is about minimum set products. Tangerines, sausage, boiled pork, herring, champagne, of course. And also - caviar, which should still be bought with caution. There are a lot of counterfeit products on the market. Just this week, a car with a ton of dubious product was detained in Russia. Correspondent "MIR 24" Roman Nikiforov nevertheless decided to choose on New Year good caviar.

The contents of the detained sacks in the capital market could have been sold for 20 million. But in the Khabarovsk Territory, the court's decision is being executed - they destroyed half a ton of smuggled black caviar. Moreover, she was transported in the bus of the company of funeral services. Operatives saw such products in the coffin, literally.

Another seizure is in Sakhalin. The caviar is not black, but red. As many as 7 tons. Here a minibus would not have been enough, two wagons were needed. The delicacy, as you can see, is already pretty spoiled.

A typical poaching scheme: in the summer - barbaric prey, and closer to the New Year - the shipment of goods to the center of Russia. However, according to the World Wildlife Fund, the situation in the country is gradually changing. In 2005, animal rights activists recommended not buying black caviar at all: sturgeon fishing was banned, and there were 99% of illegal products on the market. Now - a little more than half. The quality of the so-called "wild" caviar does not stand up to criticism. Unsanitary conditions along the entire production chain, from fishing to transportation.

“In no case should you buy caviar in the markets, in no case in shops within walking distance. This is a big chance that you will pay the poacher to kill the last sturgeon. Therefore, buy either directly from the manufacturer or in large retail chains. Here is my recommendation, ”- Alexander Moiseev, Project Coordinator of the WWF Russia Sustainable Fisheries Program.

Legal black caviar is only made in aquaculture farms. The largest of the Russian ones is in the Vologda Oblast. There the fish are raised in open water cages. Everything is like in humans: a pregnant female is given an ultrasound scan, when she is ready, she is given birth. An analogue of a cesarean section: a small incision heals quickly, the fish stays alive. True, upon reaching the age of 15, pushing her belly is already a problem. And then sturgeon have to be slaughtered.

“Vital caviar has large sizes. And here you can see such whitish spots. These are the embryos themselves. Since the caviar, which is obtained by slaughter, does not have time to ripen to such a size. It is slightly smaller than caviar obtained in vivo. Therefore, it is the best there is, and, of course, more expensive, "- notes general manager caviar production enterprises Sergey Novikov.

Sergei Novikov calls poaching products biological weapons. His advice is not to buy caviar by weight. Take only a high-quality jar with high-quality packaging. Cheap for such a product does not. Read the composition of foreign manufacturers: is there any E285 additive, known as borax, banned in Russia, it disrupts metabolism.

In addition, you should be very careful when buying the largest and most valuable caviar - beluga. The maturation period for this huge fish is about 15 years. And in the overwhelming majority of Russian farms, belugas are still too young. So substitution is possible.

Finally, the price. Cheap legal black caviar cannot be by definition. To open a production, you need to invest at least 100 million rubles, and the investments themselves are long-term and risky. Although sturgeons mature in indoor pools twice as fast as in nature, the first caviar will take five years.

“The fish, first of all, may not grow. Maybe the genetic inheritance itself is bad. It can itself die from disease in the process. Any technical failures, interruptions in the supply of oxygen, for example, can kill all the fish within an hour, ”says Marat Abzalov, director of the sturgeon farm.

Red salmon caviar is similar in composition and useful properties to black caviar. It is absorbed a little worse, but it costs much less.

The main thing is to choose the right product, so we go shopping in one of the capital's hypermarkets. So, 4 cans of caviar from different manufacturers were bought at a price from over 2 to 3.5 thousand rubles per kilogram, which were referred for examination to the Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography.

“First, when choosing a jar, we, of course, look at the date. This is done in the summer, just the season of Putin. When the fish spawns and when the fish is harvested. This is from July to September, ”explains the head of the testing laboratory Svetlana Mikhlai.

If the date is different, then before being rolled into banks, the caviar was kept in a warehouse or transported across all of Russia. Such a product is less valuable and there is more of it on the market. The reason is economics.

“And labor, and electricity, and tin, of course, in the Far East is much more expensive than here. Therefore, it is easier to deliver frozen yastyk, defrost it here, and make products from it with some relatively cheap labor, ”explains Vasily Sokolov, deputy head of the Federal Agency for Fisheries.

It is good if the label indicates the same GOST for all, and not specified by the manufacturer itself. (technical conditions - ed.)... The choice is simplified by a transparent bank.

There should be no excess liquid inside. Eggs should be kept in shape, approximately the same size and natural light orange color. Buying a pig in a poke is risky. So in the set "MIR 24" the worst was unexpectedly the most expensive caviar with GOST, packaged on time, right in Kamchatka. Not everything depends on the manufacturer.

“She has the smell of oxidized fat, such a smell is not typical for her, herring offal. Perhaps the temperature conditions were not observed during transportation. The caviar could either freeze slightly, then melt, or the regimes in the trading network were not respected. It is better not to eat such caviar, ”says the head of the testing laboratory Svetlana Mikhlai.

Caviar is more than 30 grams of valuable protein. And also healthy fats, trace elements and vitamins.

“They are very easy to digest. They are immediately synthesized into our neurotransmitters. These are serotonin, endorphins. Caviar is a kind of drug, a drug of positive mood, ”says nutritionist Mariyat Mukhina.

But you can't abuse it. Ideally, no more than 3 teaspoons a day. Too much salt.

“One gram of salt retains a glass of water in our body. If you ate 6 spoons, then you have 2 liters lingering. That is, in the morning you will just have a swollen face. You will have postny legs, ”explains the nutritionist.

Many buyers ask themselves the question: how to check red caviar at home - natural or not? Red caviar is one of the affordable, but not cheap, delicacies. She is one of the best decorations on the festive table. Red caviar is not only good for sandwiches, but also rich in nutrients. This is not surprising, because caviar is an accumulation of fish eggs, in which the embryos of fry should develop.

In most living organisms, the organs where the offspring develops, which will have rapid growth, are saturated with fats, proteins and vitamins. Therefore, both plant seeds and bird eggs, as well as the fish caviar, are very nutritious and contain vitamins. V Food Industry unfertilized caviar is usually used. And red caviar is a collective name for caviar different types salmon fish. They are similar in color and composition.

The benefits of red caviar

Red caviar contains vitamins of groups A, B, D and E, as well as folic acid, which is indispensable for pregnant women - in its absence, the development of the fetal neural tube is impaired. Of the trace elements in it, as in many seafood, iodine, in addition - calcium, phosphorus and iron. It is rich in caviar and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Together with fish meat, its fat and vegetable oils, it is considered a valuable source of Omega-3 and Omega-6. They support cardiovascular health and prevent cancer, asthma, depression and obesity despite their high calorie content... Calcium is good for bones, and iron increases hemoglobin.

Such a valuable product will certainly want to be forged! You can come across a low-quality product or artificial caviar. But few will agree to go to the laboratory with a jar of caviar to assess the quality of the goods. It would be convenient to test red caviar at home. How to do it? Let's take a look at some of the points. In the article, you will learn more about how to check if red caviar is real or not, at home and in the store. First, let's try to assess the quality of caviar.

Examining the bank

At home, check the red caviar, as you might guess, you can taste. But it is much better to find out in advance, even before buying. The can where caviar is sold can tell you a lot. First, shake her. Natural caviar is usually tightly packed and you won't hear any gurgling. If there is one, feel free to leave the product on the store shelf. Second, consider labeling. It must be pressed in from the inside. If they are dented on the outside, which is much easier to do, you are dealing with a fake. The release date is also informative. Caviar is usually harvested in the summer and is quickly processed. Other dates should alert you.

Look at the composition. Avoid caviar, which contains E239 - urotropine. toxic. Sodium benzoate (E211) is also not useful. Both of these substances under certain conditions are converted into carcinogens. Most likely there will be preservatives in caviar, but sorbic acid (E200), which is the most harmless, should be preferred.

We buy by weight

By weight, it is much easier to distinguish a fake from an original - after all, all the goods are in your sight. You can even taste it! But here, too, it is important to be careful. First, take a look at the caviar and appreciate its appearance. If the kernels are too large and dull in color, polyphosphates may have been added. They are used for weight gain as they retain moisture. This caused a strange swelling of the eggs in size. Not only is it simply unprofitable to buy water instead of caviar, but polyphosphates are also very harmful. The property of retaining water is reflected in the human body - edema and cardiovascular diseases occur.

How to check red caviar at home? You can do the same inspection at home and also taste it. This has one drawback - the product has already been purchased and the money has been spent. High-quality red caviar smells good. Take the egg in your hand. It should not have plaque, and when squeezed, the egg bursts. Taste it - you should feel the familiar taste of red caviar, any difference from which is a reason to refuse to purchase.

Dangers of loose caviar

It is convenient to buy by weight - all the caviar is in your sight. But we must take into account that it is not stored in prepackaged form for more than 4 months. As you already know, salmon fish spawn in summer, so after November it is not worth buying caviar by weight. Most likely, it was already frozen and lost its unique flavor and texture.

The danger of loose caviar is also that the seller can remove dried or cloudy eggs (a sign of loss of container tightness) and add glycerin and fragrances. And the best option is to choose caviar in glass containers. It is both sealed and protected from manipulation by unscrupulous sellers, and at the same time is visible to the light.

What is artificial caviar?

When artificial red and black caviar was invented, it was made from eggs. However, the product was very different in taste and texture from natural and was not in great demand. Years passed, technologies developed. At the heart of modern artificial caviar are gelling agents - agar and sodium alginate. The first is obtained from red algae, the second from brown algae.

Artificial caviar is made on the basis of eggs, milk and protein. In the production can be used salmon meat, fish oil. This gives the caviar a fishy flavor. But in taste it is still inferior to the real one. She is deprived of the majority nutrients found in real caviar. Dyes and flavors, which are intended to bring its taste closer to natural, can pose a health hazard.

In principle, caviar surrogate is a good choice for those who save money. It can be used to decorate dishes for a large number of guests. But if you go to the store to buy a natural delicacy, you will beware of counterfeits. Some buyers try to test red caviar at home. As often happens, not everyone is able to distinguish natural caviar from a surrogate, so it is important to familiarize yourself with the tips for choosing this product.

There is one more fact not in favor of artificial caviar. The agar-based product is stored unopened for only a few hours. This red algae gelling agent is not accidentally used in a petri dish to grow laboratory bacteria. It is an excellent breeding ground for them. Therefore, leaving such caviar in the refrigerator, you run the risk of getting along with it many unknown microorganisms.

At the same time, the question has matured: how to check red caviar at home - natural or artificial?

What does the packaging hide?

Try to test red caviar both at home and on the spot. Manufacturers of artificial caviar do not always have a goal to hide this fact, so be sure to read what is written on the packaging. It may indicate that the product is an imitation of fish. But even if this fact is hidden, the composition can betray the truth indirectly. If caviar contains vegetable oil and dye, it's not without reason! Oil is used to prevent gelatinous eggs from sticking together, and the dye gives them a red tint. An unnaturally bright color may indicate dye use.

You should be alarmed by the too low price of the product. Storage conditions can also give away all the secrets. Natural caviar is stored at negative temperatures, so if you see a storage temperature above zero, for example, from + 4 to + 8, this is a fake. Artificial caviar sticks together when frozen, and when thawed turns into porridge. To prevent this from happening, the temperature is not indicated on the package below zero.

Look at the manufacturer's address. In the Far East, it hardly makes sense to produce artificial caviar, but if the place of production is in the continental part, then the probability of counterfeiting is high. It turned out to be quite possible to check red caviar, real or not, at home!

Appearance and properties

How to check red caviar, real or not, in appearance? Examine the eggs carefully. The most important criterion is that there will be no nucleus in fake eggs, because they are devoid of an embryo! Artificial eggs can vary in size and shade, while natural eggs are usually of the same size and color.

What other ways are there to test red caviar at home - is it natural? How can you do this? Place a couple of eggs in hot water. If the caviar is real, nothing will happen. And the artificial one will quickly give itself away. The gelatinous shell will dissolve in water. The caviar surrogate quickly turns the water orange.

Structure, taste and smell

It is worth putting the eggs on your tongue and trying to crush them. Bursting means real. Artificial caviar it is only possible to bite through with your teeth. While a real egg is a capsule with a liquid content in which the fry should develop, the technologies for producing a surrogate have not reached such an accurate imitation. Its eggs are uniform in structure. Good caviar should not be overly salty. Notice how the caviar smells. A pronounced herring smell indicates that the caviar is made from meat and fat of fish, that is, artificial, or flavors have been added to it, which also does not favor it.

Summing up

So, how to check red caviar at home? Natural red caviar is distinguished by many visual and taste properties... And information about it can be obtained by carefully examining the packaging. So, if you are observant enough, you can check at home whether it is real red caviar or not. Buy quality products and enjoy the taste!

It is difficult to imagine a real Russian feast without red caviar. This delicacy often becomes the main ingredient required for the preparation of a wide variety of dishes and snacks. Have you ever thought about how to distinguish red caviar from a fake? How does product counterfeiting take place? Who needs it and how to distinguish an original from a fake? The answers to these and many other questions will be known very soon.

What can be found on the shelves of our stores?

Many people know that caviar is black and red. And can buyers boast of knowledge about what types of fish provide a delicacy for the festive table? As a rule, there are three types of black sturgeon caviar in stores. The most expensive of these is sevruga caviar, followed by beluga and sturgeon caviar. Depending on the processing method, it is divided into granular (when the eggs are well separated from each other, and the caviar itself is made from selected raw materials), pressed (in the form of mashed potatoes) and roe (when the caviar is salted in the film itself). Red caviar, in turn, is represented on the market by all types of salmon fish. This is everyone's favorite pink salmon, chum salmon and salmon, trout and seal. Most often, pink salmon caviar is found - this fish is the most prolific of the eggs. The taste of caviar is liked by all lovers of delicacies. can be found not so often, but all because this fish has long been in the status of mass extermination.

How to recognize a fake?

Before answering this question, it is worth understanding how fake products are made. What is a fake red caviar made of? For these purposes, seaweed is used. Agar, alginate and agaroid are first isolated from plants. After that, on the basis of these components, jelly is cooked according to a special recipe. Subsequently, the product is tinted in the desired color, and eggs of one size or another are formed from the finished jelly. Then sturgeon fat is added, or which, in turn, gives the same aftertaste of red caviar. It is believed that such a product is rich in iodine due to the main component of the product (seaweed). So fake red caviar is completely harmless if all conditions and production technology were observed during its production. To find out how to distinguish red caviar from fake, you should define some aspects that must be taken into account when choosing a product.

Caviar color and its external data

Only in original products, all eggs are of the same size and can be easily separated from each other. Any plaque, damage, cracks, blood clots or mucus are simply unacceptable on the surface of the red grains. Real red caviar has a rich, bright orange (or scarlet) color. The eggs themselves are transparent - through them you can see the so-called eyes, that is, the nuclei of the eggs. If there are none, then, most likely, in the hands of the buyer is a fake, which is made from protein products, milk and gelatin with the addition of flavors and flavors. By the way, the color of the fake caviar is much richer than that of the original products.

Knowing how to visually distinguish red caviar from a fake, you can protect yourself from purchasing a fake product.

Container and packaging

Real red caviar will never be stored in plastic containers! Holding a glass container with red caviar in your hands, you should pay attention to the integrity of the package. The can should not be swollen or squeezed. The shelf life of real red caviar cannot exceed 12 months. The product should be stored at temperatures between -180 ° C and -250 ° C. When the can vibrates, there should be no extraneous sounds. The characteristic gurgling indicates that the tightness of the package is broken or the caviar has been re-frozen. In the event that a potential buyer has a tin can in his hands, attention should be paid to the manufacturer and the composition of the product. So, red caviar from Sakhalin and Kamchatka is produced from mid-June to September, since it is at this time that salmon fish go to spawn. Currently, this is the only place in Russia from where the export of seafood is allowed. In the event that a different manufacturer is indicated on the bank, you should be wary, since the buyer can hold a counterfeit product in his hands. In addition, the label must state that the caviar meets GOST. Speaking about how to distinguish real red caviar from fake, you should familiarize yourself with other marks that should be on the label: date of manufacture, sign “Caviar”, number of the manufacturer, shift number and, of course, the corresponding index of the fishing industry (“ R"). The “TU” mark should be avoided, as it indicates that caviar was made from frozen raw materials. All of the above information will help you find out how to distinguish red caviar from a fake in a bank.


If you know how to distinguish real red caviar from a fake, then even the cost of one can can tell a lot about the quality of the product. So, only true fish can cost about 1200 Russian rubles per kilogram. It should be understood that too high a cost is not an indicator High Quality... But an “attractive” price tag should certainly alert the buyer.

How to distinguish red caviar from a fake at home?

If the product has already been purchased and for some reason it was not possible to verify its authenticity in the store, there are special methods of verification at home. We should talk about them. Before serving, you need to take one egg and lightly press on it. If it burst, but did not splash on the sides, then this is real caviar, which can be safely wrapped in thin pancakes. If the eggs remain intact, then this means that the consumer got counterfeit products. There is another interesting method that allows you to answer the question: how to distinguish real red caviar from a fake? Experience with iodine will help you find out the answer to this question. Just one drop of iodine is enough to see the reaction - real red caviar will not react in any way to its effect, unlike an artificial product, which very quickly changes its color. The easiest method is to dip a few eggs in a glass of hot water. The artificial analog will dissolve, which will never happen with real red caviar. This method allows you to get an answer to the question of how to distinguish good red caviar from a fake.

Chemical composition of red caviar

Perhaps, it was worth telling about the useful properties of this product in advance, but nothing prevents you from doing it right now. Knowing how to distinguish natural red caviar from fake, you can talk about the composition of the product and its beneficial properties. You should immediately pay attention to the fact that counterfeit caviar may contain such a dangerous substance as urotropin, which is added to counterfeit caviar to extend its shelf life. By itself, urotropine is not so harmful, which cannot be said about the product of its decay - formaldehyde.

And now more about chemical composition red caviar. The delicacy is a nutritious product rich in proteins and vitamins A, D, E, folic acid, phosphorus and iodine, as well as calcium and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Red caviar contains a large amount of protein - about 32%. All these substances are essential for the human body. It is for this reason that red caviar is very popular in folk medicine. This product is widely used in cosmetology.

Beneficial features

Knowing how to distinguish red caviar from fake to taste, outward appearance and with the help of simple experiments, you can talk about the beneficial properties of this product and its distinctive qualities. All the benefits of red caviar can be explained by only one fact: a small egg is a “fish egg”, which contains in its composition everything that is necessary for the full development of the embryo. But this does not mean that red caviar can be eaten with tablespoons for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Red caviar is very useful for the prevention of atherosclerosis and for the general strengthening of the immune system. Moderate consumption of red caviar contributes to the natural rejuvenation of the body. This product is beneficial for strengthening bones and improving vision. In addition, red caviar prevents the formation of blood clots, it improves blood circulation. Many experts recommend this product for use for those who wish to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Negative qualities

Real or artificial red caviar? How to distinguish a fake? How to get the maximum benefit and not harm the body? In fact, red caviar is not always healthy. The permissible dose is 4 teaspoons of the product per day (this is about 2-3 sandwiches).

Red caviar contains salt, which can lead to fluid retention in the body. Moreover, the combination of red caviar, white bread and butter- This is a serious blow to the hips and buttocks, so do not get carried away with a delicacy if you need to lose a few pounds.

There is one more point that must be taken into account - real red caviar goes through several stages of production and conservation before it gets on the table. Only if the technology is observed, this product can be considered useful and nutritious. Unfortunately, not all manufacturers can boast of an impeccable process of collecting and preserving red caviar.

How to distinguish real red caviar from artificial in taste?

This information will be useful to those who, for some reason, could not assess the quality of the product before purchasing. Real eggs do not stick to each other, they are dense in consistency, have a clear "eye". When biting or pressing, the eggs burst, but do not splatter, which cannot be said about the artificial analogue. The eggs in the jar must be the same size. Clouding of the brine, the presence of mucus and impurities are not allowed.

Caviar in autumn is counted

Particular attention should be paid to the production date when purchasing. Of course, the best caviar will be the one harvested during the salmon spawning months. The duration of this period is different: for example, pink salmon in western Sakhalin goes to spawn from mid-May to October, chum salmon begins its spawning campaign around August, but coho salmon in Kamchatka goes along rivers in three stages. In the event that the date on the package does not correspond to the spawning period, most likely the product is made from frozen oysters. In this case, the beneficial properties are, of course, lost, but the taste remains the same.

These practical tips will help you choose truly high-quality caviar and not be mistaken when buying a delicacy for festive table:

  1. It is best to choose a package labeled "GOST".
  2. Particular attention should be paid to the place of production and give preference only to producers located in traditional spawning grounds (Kamchatka, Sakhalin).
  3. The type of salmon fish must be indicated on the bank.
  4. Preference should be given to caviar stored in glass jar(this way you can carefully examine each egg).
  5. When turning the can, there should be no gurgling or other extraneous sounds.
  6. Also, when turning over, the eggs should not quickly drain along the edges. A few grains at most will fall on the lid.
  7. The numbers on the container should be convex, not depressed.

Do not store caviar in a tin can for a long time. Metal oxidation is a fast and destructive process for red caviar. The best option- use all content in one go. Therefore, before the holidays, you should count your strength.

Mistresses on a note

Traditional sandwiches with red caviar, decorated with fresh herbs, are, of course, incredibly tasty and delicious. But after all in holidays you can pamper your guests with more original masterpieces culinary arts, which will certainly be remembered by all those gathered at the festive table.

Even ordinary snacks can be served in a very unusual way. To do this, you need to bake several thin pancakes, cut them in two, wrap them in a bag and put a teaspoon of red seeds in it. To prevent the pancake from falling apart, you can fasten its ends with a decorative skewer.

To create another original and delicious masterpiece from red caviar, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Philadelphia cheese - 250 grams.
  • Lightly salted trout or salmon - 300 grams.
  • Strawberry jam - 65 grams.
  • Biscofrisa cookies - 200 grams.
  • Directly the red caviar itself - one jar (50 grams) is enough.

A thin layer should be applied to each cookie strawberry jam... Then cover with a small layer of cheese and put in a thin slice of red fish. Decorate the appetizer with red caviar and a small sprig of parsley. Such a dish will become a bright accent of any festive event, and the hostess will not even notice how cookies with red caviar disappear from all plates. Knowing how to distinguish red caviar from fake, you can pamper yourself and your loved ones with unique dishes that differ useful properties.

Black caviar - expensive and very useful product... It is rich in vitamins, micro and macronutrients. However, this can only be said about real caviar. The fakes, which have now flooded store shelves, do not have any useful properties, rather, on the contrary, they can harm the human body. How to distinguish real caviar?

Differences between real black caviar and fake

There are several ways to recognize a fake, consider the most effective of them:

  • There can be no plaque on real caviar, most often there is on a fake.
  • Real black caviar has little or no fishy odor. Counterfeit products in most cases undergo aromatization, therefore such pseudo-caviar has a sharp fishy aroma.
  • In addition, real caviar bursts easily in the mouth. The counterfeit has a jelly-like structure; due to the absence of any shell, it cannot burst.
  • When the can is tilted, its contents should not float along the bottom and walls. Quality product does not have a large number liquids.
  • Also, there should be no dry lumps and sticking of caviar in the jar. If the contents lie in a dense lump, this indicates either a fake or poor-quality processing. Real quality black caviar should be crumbly.
  • If you throw a few real eggs into boiling water, they will not dissolve, a fake - on the contrary, can completely dissolve.
  • Thrown into cold water fake black caviar in most cases will color the liquid gray, as it contains artificial colors. This product does not stain water.

In addition, the consumer should be alerted by the too low price of caviar. A quality natural product cannot be cheap. Most often, a low price indicates a fake or illegal product, the shelf life of which is very doubtful, as well as its origin.

When buying, it is worth considering the type of fish, the caviar of which is sold on the counter. Catching beluga is prohibited, so its caviar is either counterfeit or illegal products that do not have any documents and cannot be presented on the shelves.

Real factory products are not packaged in plastic. The packaging should be metal or glass, and the lid should be tin. The packaging indicates the manufacturer's plant, which should be located close to the region of production. A plant located at a great distance should raise doubts about the quality of its products.

Where can you buy caviar

Buy black caviar only in a traditional store or online store. For example, here http://lakomkam.com/catalog/chernaya_ikra/, where all information and documents are provided.

At the bazaar, the product may be a little cheaper, while the seller will most likely not be able to provide all the necessary documents. It is not recommended to buy such a product in crossings, small kiosks and other street points.

In case of any doubts, the buyer has the right to demand a product certificate from the seller.

A caviar sandwich is an integral tradition of family feasts on holidays, preserved from Soviet times. Sometimes you just want to pamper yourself with a fish delicacy, especially since caviar is very useful for health. The caviar of salmon fish - pink salmon, chum salmon, sockeye salmon, coho salmon, salmon, trout - is a source of lecithin and protein, enriches the diet with vitamins A and D. Sturgeon caviar is provided by beluga, thorn, stellate sturgeon, sturgeon. Black caviar rich in amino acids, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron, as well as vitamins. But fake caviar can lead to poisoning or be toxic to the body due to excess doses of preservatives and salt. How to distinguish real caviar from fake?

Artificial delicacy

Few people know that the first synthetic caviar is the development of a Soviet scientific institute led by Academician Nesmeyanov. In the 60s, artificial "black" caviar based on protein was produced chicken eggs to make the delicacy accessible to the common Soviet person. The novelty immediately became overgrown with myths and legends: there were rumors that "caviar" was made from oil and fish eyes. Further, the technology was improved, and synthetic caviar was made from gelatin, dye, salt and fish oil. Nowadays, seaweed-based surrogate caviar has appeared, which is even considered useful, since it contains a lot of iodine. Unscrupulous sellers and manufacturers can mislead the buyer by selling synthetic caviar under the guise of real caviar. How to identify fake caviar? Simple scientific experience will help us.

  • If you throw a few eggs of a surrogate product into a glass of hot water, they will dissolve, and the water may turn orange or pink.
  • If you make this experiment with real eggs, they will cook, and the eggs will acquire the consistency and color of boiled protein. The color of the water will remain unchanged.
  • If you press on an artificial egg, it will not burst, but will be smeared on your fingers.
  • Eggs of a natural product burst under pressure, and liquid flows out of them.

How to distinguish red caviar from a fake?

  • If the caviar is bitter or too salty, and the shell of the eggs is broken, and there is a lot of "jus" in the jar (no more than 10% of the so-called "juice" is permissible) - this product cannot be called high-quality. Most likely, the buyer is faced with overripe or unripe caviar.
  • It is preferable to buy caviar during the harvesting season: for caviar, the period July-August is considered the most favorable. If the buyer sees other months as the production date on a jar of caviar, then the quality of the caviar will suffer. Caviar can be thawed or salted.
  • A fake red caviar in a tin can will give itself away with indented production date digits. Slide your finger over the inscription, you should feel the convex numbers - in this case, the caviar is real.
  • It is better to buy caviar in glass jars, such a container is neutral for the product, in contrast to tin packaging. The delicacy by weight has a big advantage - it can be tasted, but also a big drawback - it is more often than others a fake of red caviar.
  • A careful reading of the information on the jar can help to distinguish red caviar from a fake. The composition according to GOST should be as follows: caviar, salt, vegetable oil, glycerin, preservative E211 (sodium benzoate) and E200 (sorbic acid). The preservative urotropin is prohibited for use in the manufacture of caviar.

How to identify a fake black caviar?

Underground manufacturers of fake black caviar use a simple method: pike caviar is tinted with black food coloring and are offered on the market under the guise of elite beluga or sturgeon caviar. It makes little sense to focus on the price of a delicacy. Fraudsters will convince that the product is of high quality and premium quality, therefore it is expensive. The buyer should take a closer look at the eggs: sturgeon caviar has eggs of different sizes, while the pike is perfect in appearance, differs in eggs, as they say, one to the other. It will not be superfluous to note that 90% of the retail market for black caviar is poached.

"And the net came with only the ooze of the sea ..."

This is exactly the feeling that comes to customers in the departments selling sturgeon and salmon caviar. The delicacy has a high price, and it is bought, most often, on a special occasion. The frustration of buying fake caviar can ruin your holiday.

So I want to talk to a goldfish at this moment, so that she can help and advise how to distinguish fake caviar. “Soon, only a fairy tale will tell,” you thought ... But no, the market has already presented products that are better than goldfish, will tell the whole truth about the quality of caviar. The modern anti-counterfeiting technology is the DAT brand control system. The company "Putina" already guarantees the quality of the product, because the buyer can easily check salmon caviar of this brand by a unique code. How? Read about it on the DAT brand control system website.

If you want your favorite caviar brand to have excellent anti-counterfeiting protection on cans, write a letter of proposal to the manufacturer about it. And good luck with your "catch"!