Home / Pancakes, fritters / Bread in a slow cooker on whey. Mannik on whey in a slow cooker

Bread in a slow cooker on whey. Mannik on whey in a slow cooker

1.5 cups whole grain flour;
1.5 cups rye flour;
1.5 st. spoons of wheat, oat or rye bran;
0.5 teaspoons of coarse salt;
0.5 teaspoon of baking soda;
1.5 cups of whey;
filler (spices, herbs) optional;
semolina or crackers for sprinkling the multicooker bowl

How to cook unleavened bread on serum:

Let's start cooking. Sift two types of flour through a sieve into a large cup, mix and add bran. Here you can experiment by changing the proportions of flour, or add other types of flour (corn, rice, buckwheat). Here we pour salt and soda. Thoroughly mix our dry mixture. You can add any filler according to your taste: cumin, coriander, flax seeds, peeled sunflower seeds, dried dill.

Heat the whey slightly in the microwave, 30 seconds will be enough. Then, with constant stirring, gradually pour it into our dry mixture.

Sprinkle the table with flour and lay out the resulting mass. To prevent the dough from sticking to your fingers, sprinkle the top of the dough with flour. Now we calmly form a ball out of it.

Grease the multicooker bowl with a small piece butter, sprinkle with breadcrumbs or semolina. We spread the ball of dough in the center of the multicooker bowl, it is not necessary to crush it. You can sprinkle seeds or other toppings on top.

On the multicooker panel, set the “baking” program, set the cooking time to 30 minutes. At the end of the time, you will see that the bread has increased in volume several times. It remains to turn it over with a plastic bowl for steaming to another barrel. We set the “baking” program again for 30 minutes. For baking bread I use a Redmond RMC-M12 multicooker with a power of 500 watts.

Just do not rush to pull out the bread immediately after the multicooker signal for cooking, let the bread sweat for another 15 minutes.

By weight, our bread roll is a little more than 600 grams. You can serve it with any dish, just like regular store-bought bread.

Bon Appetit!!!

Multicooker Redmond RMC-M12. Power 500 W.

Sincerely, Kulakova Lyudmila.

I suggest you cook enough unusual dessert with which you can please not only relatives, but also surprise guests. A multicooker will help you. You should spend a little time preparing all the ingredients, and then she will do everything herself. You will get air and gentle mannik, which will amaze with its aroma and taste.


  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 1 glass of semolina;
  • 1 glass of whey;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 glass of flour;
  • 100g butter;
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder;
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar.

Recipe for cooking

  • In a small container, mix well the ingredients such as whey and semolina. Let this mass stand on the table for about 1 hour.

  • Take the butter out of the refrigerator and let it warm up to room temperature. When 1 hour has passed, add oil to a container with whey and semolina and pour sugar.

  • Beat it all together with a mixer until all the grains disappear.

  • Then we break the eggs there, pour in the flour, and also add a little baking powder and, of course, vanilla sugar. We don't stop beating. Your dough should be homogeneous.

  • Open the multicooker, grease the bottom with a small amount of butter and pour the prepared dough inside.

  • We set the “Baking” mode, the cooking time is 1 hour.

  • This time will be enough.

  • The signal will inform you about the end of the mode. Open the lid of the multicooker, carefully remove the manna from there. We leave it, it should cool down a bit.

  • Cut into portions, beautifully laid out on plates. We put it on the table and enjoy. If possible and desire, you can cook for your dessert hot drink. Bon appetit everyone!

The presence in our everyday life of a multicooker and other devices greatly facilitates the life of the hostess. Along with the instructions for the purchased machine, you will find detailed illustrated recipes on how and what to cook. The list will definitely include step by step recipe for baking bread.

Most delicious recipe bread is obtained on whey. Experienced housewives know that in this way the pastry turns out more tender and softer than on kefir or milk. However, making bread is not as easy as it might seem. Much depends on the choice of flour, yeast, baking method. Which recipe to learn - the choice is yours.

We bake in a multicooker

Whey bread in a slow cooker is excellent.

Here is the cooking method and a set of necessary products:

  • 260 ml of serum;
  • sugar, salt to taste;
  • flour 600 g;
  • butter 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • dry yeast 2 tsp.

Serum should be warm. In it we dissolve salt, sugar and butter to taste. Sift the flour twice and add the granulated yeast. This is a special dry yeast for baking purposes. The dough is kneaded and left warm for about an hour. Knead the risen dough several times, and then transfer it to baking paper in a slow cooker, after sprinkling the bottom with flour. Warm up 15-20 min.

Reheating is a kind of preparation of the dough for baking. As soon as it rises and levels out, you can turn on the baking mode for an hour. Bake the other side for half an hour.

Be sure to let it cool with the lid open.

We bake in a bread machine

Many housewives prefer to bake bread in a bread machine. It turns out softer, does not get stale for a long time and does not burn.

And here is the recipe for delicious whey bread in a bread machine:

  • warm the serum - 250 ml;
  • we put the ingredients in the bread machine according to the instructions - first dry: two tbsp. spoons of cream, a tablespoon of sugar, a teaspoon of salt, a teaspoon of dry yeast, then liquid: a tablespoon of vegetable oil, whey;
  • the mode that will need to be called either "French" or "Regular". Choose the size - "m", the color of the crust - "medium";
  • the finished bread must be allowed to cool.

It was the recipe white bread, but you can also cook rye. But it is worth noting that cooking rye bread on whey in a bread machine - it's not an easy task.

We bake in the oven

Cooking in the oven is a great pleasure for many housewives and owners. Modern kitchen appliances are not in every home, but the oven is.

Therefore, we take whey and cook bread on it in the oven.

  1. Dissolve sugar and dry yeast in warm whey - 300 ml.
  2. Dilute two tablespoons of sour cream in the rest of the whey.
  3. Pour the sifted flour into the whey, pour the yeast solution. We start kneading the dough.
  4. Add salt and sugar to taste, make the shape of a ball of dough and leave it to approach for an hour and a half.
  5. Once the dough has risen, it will be soft, fluffy and large. You need to smooth it to a rectangular shape and blind puff pastry in three layers.
  6. Put the workpiece on a baking sheet sprinkled with flour, cover with a napkin and leave to stand for a little more, about half an hour.
  7. Preheat the oven to 250 g, grease the tops with whey and bake for about 40 minutes.

Dough without yeast

There are people who assume that yeast is injurious to health and regard it as an extra food ingredient. Is it possible to make bread using whey but without yeast?

Of course!

  1. For sourdough, instead of yeast, we will use sour cream, a teaspoon. Let whey and sour cream wander together for about 12 hours.
  2. Flour, 600g, is mixed with half a glass of bran and kneaded with the finished sourdough. This will be the dough. Don't forget about salt and sugar.
  3. Next, we identically sculpt a bun from the dough, leave it to brew. Just don't run away.
  4. Do not forget to grease the form with butter and flour.

As we can see, the procedure for baking bread is very similar for all recipes. The main thing is the choice quality products and their combination. Listed here classic options making bread, but there are a lot of them. Start simple and then gradually improve your culinary skills.

Bread... Without it, many cannot imagine a single meal. Of course, there is no lack of bread in modern supermarkets, but it is homebaked bread the most delicious, lush and fragrant. And if once bread was baked in a Russian oven, today you can use convenient household appliances, for example, a slow cooker, which will be an excellent choice. In a slow cooker, you can easily cook any dish, and baking in this case is no exception. And, given that absolutely any recipe for cooking can be adapted to a slow cooker, baking bread is also not difficult.

Bread in a slow cooker: cooking features.

To make the dough rise well, you can also use a slow cooker. In the "Heating" mode, the dough rises quite well and quickly. But there are some nuances here. When you turn on this mode, you should take into account the power of your model of equipment. The more powerful the model, the less time the heating mode should be turned on. Otherwise, the dough will not rise, but will begin to bake.

For baking bread, the "Baking" mode is perfect. 60 minutes of cooking will be enough for the bread to be completely ready to eat. Again, it is worth mentioning that in a slow cooker the top crust of bread is not baked, that is, it does not acquire a blush. That is why many cooks recommend turning the finished bun upside down with the bottom crust before finally removing the bread from the multicooker so that the top crust is fried and not pale. To do this, it will be enough to extend the "Baking" mode for 15-20 minutes.

Bread in a slow cooker: varieties of pastries.

With the help of a slow cooker, you can cook any kind of bread using different ingredients - rye, wheat, bran, sesame or sunflower seeds. Whatever bread recipe you choose, you can always change it for cooking in a universal kitchen appliances- multicooker. And on our website you can find numerous recipes for making lush homemade bread.

I bring to your attention yeast wheat bread on whey in a slow cooker. We will cook it fast way- without steam. I have tried different ways. Whey can be replaced with water, a mixture of water and milk 50x50 or pure milk. Every time you get something new delicious bread. But it is the whey-based bread that I like the most. You may need a little more or less depending on the quality of the flour.

Prepare the necessary products.

Sift flour.

Pour dry yeast into the flour and mix thoroughly.

Warm up the whey. It should be warm, around 40°C. Dissolve sugar and salt in whey. Pour vegetable oil into it.

Mix dry and liquid ingredients. Knead the dough. It shouldn't stick to your hands.

Transfer the dough to a deep bowl, cover the dough with a cloth and leave to rise for 1 hour.

An hour's dough will do.

Punch it down and transfer to a greased vegetable oil multicooker bowl. Smooth it out well with your hands. Turn on the Yoghurt program and leave the dough to rise for another 40 minutes.

Then turn on the "Baking" program and bake for about 70-80 minutes.

Cover the multicooker bowl with a dish or large plate. Take out the bread. Turn it over and put it in the multicooker bowl with the white side on the bottom of the multicooker. Turn on the baking mode again and bake for another 20 minutes.

Take out the finished bread. Cover with a towel and leave to cool for 1-2 hours.

Delicious whey bread is ready.

Here is how it turned out in the cut.

Bon Appetit!