Home / Cookies / Puff pastry recipe for yeast-free baking bagels. How to make delicious bagels with jam

Puff pastry recipe for yeast-free baking bagels. How to make delicious bagels with jam

I love redcurrant berries for their usefulness, bright color, pleasant taste and aroma. They help decorate and harmoniously complement any pastry. Yesterday I cooked puff bagels with red currants for my home. The result exceeded all expectations, and the pan was empty in a couple of minutes. It’s good that the camera is at hand in the kitchen and the result, like the process, I managed to shoot to illustrate the recipe. I share a very simple and quick recipe baking in the oven with step by step photographs.

So we need:

- red currant - 75 grams;
- sugar - 1-2 tbsp. spoons;
- starch - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
puff pastry(finished) - 150 grams;
- powdered sugar - to taste;
- vegetable oil (refined) - for lubrication of the form;
- premium wheat flour - for powdering the table.

How to make puff pastry bagels with redcurrant

Sprinkle finished puff pastry wheat flour premium and put on the table. I take the bulk dough, which is sold in any store.

For the filling of bagels, we take red currants, starch and granulated sugar. Currants can be used fresh or frozen. I have the second option. You don't need to defrost it beforehand.

Mix berries with sugar and starch. The starch will allow the juice of the berries, which will be released during cooking, to remain inside the bagels.

Roll out the finished puff pastry into a thin round layer. Cut it as shown in the next photo.

This amount of dough will make eight small bagels. Put the stuffing on the wide end of the dough, 1-2 teaspoons each.

Roll up the bagels, starting from the wide end. Fix the thin tip of the bagels so that they do not turn around.

Line a baking sheet with baking parchment or foil. I have a foil that I smeared with odorless vegetable oil. Lay the rolls out on a baking sheet.

Send the puff pastries to the oven. Bake at 175 degrees for about 15-20 minutes. Baking times will vary depending on the size of the pastry and the features of your particular oven.

Bake them until light golden. Let the puff pastries cool down a bit before removing them from the pan. Then, you can transfer the pastries to a plate.

Sprinkle on top powdered sugar. snow covered air bagels with red currant will give pleasure.

Puff rolls from ready-made puff pastry with red currants simply melt in your mouth. Berries give a pleasant acidity and vitamins for the body. Baking turns out incredibly tasty, although it is easy and simple to cook according to my recipe. Cook with love and delight yourself and your family with delicious and healthy homemade cakes!

  • Products:
  • 900 g store-bought yeast puff pastry;
  • apricot jam or any other thick consistency (and if only liquid jam, add 1-2 tablespoons of starch to 0.5 liters of jam and heat slightly until thickened);
  • 1 egg for greasing bagels.

How to quickly and easily prepare confectionery treats for the family? The answer to this question will help you find a purchased puff yeast dough, which can be combined with all kinds of fillings. The filling is much faster to come up with than fiddling with the dough. And if you turn on your imagination and move the creative convolutions of the brain, then from the sheet dough you can come up with such wonderful cakes that everyone will be surprised! Well, if your own imagination does not want to work, then follow the master class from Natalie on cooking delicious bagels with jam:

1. Defrost sheet yeast puff pastry (purchased) at room temperature for an hour. Sprinkle the surface of the table with flour. Roll out part of the dough thinly and cut out a circle using a large plate.
2. Cut the circle into sectors with a sharp knife.
3. Put a thick jam with a teaspoon on the wide part of the piece and roll it up from the wide end to the narrow one. Proceed in this way with the entire test.

4. Cover the baking sheet with baking paper and spread the bagels on it. Beat the egg and use a brush to grease the surface of the bagels.
5. Bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes until a beautiful shiny blush appears. The bagels are perfectly removed from the paper, and all the jam that has leaked out is removed along with the paper, while the baking sheet remains perfectly clean, without soot. Baking parchment is an indispensable thing in the kitchen to help housewives.

To prepare these bagels, I used a 0.5 liter jar of apricot jam and 900 g of dough. Exit - a large tray with a slide of bagels. If you have small family, you can make bagels from half the dough, and use the other half another time or make pies with salty filling. The hot rolls are just amazing! I cooked from store-bought puff pastry for the first time and I really liked it: quick and tasty. It is very convenient if guests suddenly appeared or there is no time to fuss with kneading the dough.

Recipes for delicious pies

puff pastry rolls

2 hours

350 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

Such bagels are not uncommon on our table. They are sold in almost every store. But homemade cakes are much tastier and healthier than store-bought ones. I am happy when my children enjoy eating my bagels. I think this is the greatest happiness of any mother - to see how they gobble up your pastries with appetite.

Filled puff pastry rolls

Kitchen appliances: rolling pin, bowl, sieve, spoon and baking sheet.


The glass for flour has a capacity of 250 ml.

How to choose ingredients

  • In such recipes, margarine is mainly used, because it is much cheaper than butter. I am not a supporter of such savings - modern margarine consists of inedible ingredients. So if you're cooking for kids, buy a good one. butter. It consists of cream and has a short shelf life. If you see a yellow coating on the surface of the oil, be sure to cut it off. These are harmful carcinogens that were formed as a result of thermal exposure. That is, the oil was warm for some time.
  • For puff rolls, take the highest grade flour. Also pay attention to its packaging. It must be made from materials that allow air to pass through, otherwise the flour will have a damp, musty smell. The expiration date is also important for flour. An expired product does not spoil too obviously, but lumps can appear in it and pests can start. Also too fresh flour is not very suitable for baking. If it's less than a month old, don't buy it. Such a product should be infused for about two months. Then you will get the desired result in baking.
  • Jam choose according to your taste, no matter what fruit or berries it is made from. But it should be thick enough so that the filling does not leak out during baking.

Step by step recipe

  1. Pour 500 ml of water into a bowl.
  2. Add 0.5 tsp. salt and 3/4 tsp. vinegar. Stir.

  3. Now add 4 cups of sifted flour and knead the dough.

  4. Sprinkle 0.5 cups of flour on the work surface and place the dough on it. Knead the dough until it stops sticking to your hands. The dough should absorb these 0.5 cups of flour and turn out to be quite soft.

  5. Cover the dough with a bowl and leave for a while.

    Knead it occasionally to make it more elastic.
  6. Knead the dough into a ball, press it down a little and cut it in four places. It is shaped like a clover leaf.

  7. Pull back the edges and roll them out with a rolling pin. Then roll out the middle. Get an "envelope" for oil.
  8. Put 500 g of butter in the center of the "envelope". Spread it evenly throughout the middle of the dough.
  9. Gently fold the edges of the dough to make a square. The oil should be completely hidden by the dough. Otherwise, during rolling, part of the oil will squeeze out.
  10. Knead the dough with your hands to make a rectangle. Now roll it out with a rolling pin.
  11. Fold the dough in four and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
  12. After half an hour, take the dough out and gently roll it out to its original size.
  13. Fold the dough again, folding it 4 times. Put it in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
  14. Roll out again, fold into 4s and refrigerate for 10 minutes.
  15. Roll out the dough quite thinly, about 2-3 mm thick. Now you can cook from it.
  16. Cut the rolled out dough into small triangles.
  17. Place a spoonful of jam on the widest part of the triangle.

    Roll it up, starting at the wide end.

  18. Dip the bagel in sugar and place on a baking sheet.

    It can be covered parchment paper or lubricate with oil.
  19. Bake at 220 degrees until golden brown.

video recipe

Croissants. Puff pastry rolls. Bagels with jam. Croissants with jam. Croissants recipe

Airy and delicious croissants. Puff pastry rolls with jam. How to make unleavened puff pastry can be found here:

puff pastry

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  • Puff pastry rolls can be made with jam. In this case, do not forget about the golden rule, the jam should be quite thick.
  • Sugar for sprinkling bagels can be mixed with vanilla or cinnamon.
  • For flavor, you can add a little lemon zest to the filling. It goes very well with apricot or orange jam.
  • In the middle of each bagel, you can put a raisin or a piece of dried apricots.
  • How to decorate and what to serve

    Bagels can be sprinkled with cocoa powder. Sugar after baking remains in its original form. That is, it can be crunchy. Not everyone likes it, but sugar is necessary for sweetness, because we used unleavened dough. In this case, you can not dip the bagels in sugar. And after baking, while they are still hot, sprinkle with powdered sugar. She has delicate texture and enough sweetness. Such pastries will be beautiful and no less tasty than with ordinary sugar.
    Serve bagels as a dessert, with tea, cocoa, milk or coffee. It can be served not only with hot drinks. Compote, juice or fruit drink are also suitable. This is especially true for children's holidays.

    Recipe Options

    Without sweet pastries very difficult to do. I think that many housewives will agree with me. I would like to recommend a few simple recipes.

    • very fluffy and delicious.
    • Light and crispy are obtained.
    • The dough can be prepared on various dairy products. One option is a recipe.
    • Very delicate taste possess .

    To quickly prepare sweets for tea, use a selection of recipes for puff bagels: with marmalade, jam, sweets, cottage cheese, berries.

    Bagels stuffed with thick jam or jam - a great treat for the whole family. Everyone loves bagels - both adults and children, they are great for a cup of aromatic coffee in the morning, and in the evening, in the family circle, over tea, they will be very useful. Bagels with jam are prepared from yeast dough, shortbread, but the fastest and easiest way to make them is from puff pastry. I usually buy it in the store and cook all sorts of goodies from it, including these bagels from puff pastry with stuffing, see the recipe with a photo below.

    • 400 gr. puff yeast dough;
    • Cup jam or jam;
    • 2–3 tbsp flour for dusting;
    • 1 chicken yolk;
    • 2-4 tablespoons Sahara.

    Transfer the puff pastry from the freezer to the refrigerator in the evening and let it thaw gently. If there is no time to defrost, remove the dough from the freezer and spread it on a floured work surface. Sprinkle the top of the dough sheets lightly with flour and cover. cling film so that they don't get blown out. After about 1 - 1.5 hours, the dough will defrost and will be ready to work.

    On a work surface lightly dusted with flour, gently roll out the dough into a layer, the thickness of the rolled dough is about twice as thin as the thickness of the workpiece. Roll out the dough, moving in one direction so as not to disturb the layers. We cut the rolled dough into small triangles, the width of the base is about 10 cm, the height is 13-14, be guided by the size of your layer.

    We disassemble the triangles, separating them from each other.

    At the base of the triangle, put about 1-1.5 teaspoons of jam or jam.

    And we twist a neat tight bagel.

    We spread the bagels on a baking sheet covered with parchment (or silicone mat), seam side down.

    Cover the bagels with cling film and place in a warm place to proof for 30 minutes. Pour the egg yolk into a small bowl and beat lightly with a fork, add a couple of teaspoons of water and mix well. We heat the oven to 200 degrees C. Using a culinary brush, grease the surface of the bagels with yolk and sprinkle with sugar.

    Place the baking sheet with the bagels in the oven and bake for about 15 minutes, until nicely golden.

    If you want to bake bagels at a temperature of 180 degrees, it will take about 20 minutes. Ready bagels can be served immediately, warm.

    But when they're cold, they're just great!

    Recipe 2: Puff pastry bagels (step by step)

    I love redcurrant berries for their usefulness, bright color, pleasant taste and aroma. They help decorate and harmoniously complement any pastry. I propose to cook for homemade puff bagels with red currants. I share a very simple and quick recipe for baking in the oven with step-by-step photos taken.

    Puff rolls from ready-made puff pastry with red currants simply melt in your mouth. Berries give a pleasant acidity and vitamins for the body. Baking turns out incredibly tasty, although it is easy and simple to cook according to my recipe. Cook with love and delight yourself and your family with delicious and healthy homemade cakes!

    • red currant - 75 grams;
    • sugar - 1-2 tbsp. spoons;
    • starch - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
    • puff pastry (ready) - 150 grams;
    • powdered sugar - to taste;
    • vegetable oil (refined) - for lubrication of the form;
    • premium wheat flour - for powdering the table.

    Sprinkle the finished puff pastry with wheat flour of the highest grade and put on the table. I take the bulk dough, which is sold in any store.

    For the filling of bagels, we take red currants, starch and granulated sugar. Currants can be used fresh or frozen. I have the second option. You don't need to defrost it beforehand.

    Mix berries with sugar and starch. The starch will allow the juice of the berries, which will be released during cooking, to remain inside the bagels.

    Roll out the finished puff pastry into a thin round layer. Cut it as shown in the next photo.

    This amount of dough will make eight small bagels. Put the stuffing on the wide end of the dough, 1-2 teaspoons each.

    Roll up the bagels, starting from the wide end. Fix the thin tip of the bagels so that they do not turn around.

    Line a baking sheet with baking parchment or foil. I have a foil that I smeared with odorless vegetable oil. Lay the rolls out on a baking sheet.

    Send the puff pastries to the oven. Bake at 175 degrees for about 15-20 minutes. Baking times will vary depending on the size of the pastry and the features of your particular oven.

    Bake them until light golden. Let the puff pastries cool down a bit before removing them from the pan. Then, you can transfer the pastries to a plate.

    Sprinkle with powdered sugar on top. Snow-covered airy bagels with red currants will give you pleasure.

    Recipe 3, step by step: yeast puff bagels

    Ready-made puff pastry always comes to the rescue when we need to cook pastries quickly and tasty. I suggest making bagels from yeast puff pastry. For such bagels, you can use any filling - sweet or not. I recommend trying to make yeast puff pastry bagels stuffed with curd cheese Kiri. This cheese does not leak during baking, retains a wonderful cheese taste.

    • 450 g yeast puff pastry;
    • 200 g (2 packs) Kiri curd cheese;
    • 1 egg;
    • black sesame.

    Defrost the yeast puff pastry, divide into 2 parts.

    Roll out the dough thinly and cut out a circle. For this purpose, it is convenient to use a lid from a pan of a suitable diameter.

    Cut the cut circle into 8 sectors.

    Place 1/3 of a piece of Kiri cheese on the edge of each sector, then wrap each sector of yeast puff pastry in a bagel from the edge to the center.

    Cover a baking sheet with paper, put bagels on it.

    Stir the egg and brush the surface of the bagels with a brush. Sprinkle black sesame seeds on top.

    Bake bagels from yeast puff pastry in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 20-25 minutes until golden brown.

    Appetizing, delicious bagels are ready.

    Recipe 4, simple: puff bagels with jam

    When there is no time, but you want home baking, a wonderful puff pastry recipe will come to the rescue - quick bagels with jam.

    For the preparation of puff bagels, we recommend using plum jam as a filling, which, due to its density, aroma and pleasant sourness, is one of the best fillings for pies, pies and other pastries.

    The peculiarity of these puff pastry bagels is that the products are abundantly sprinkled with black sesame seeds, which gives the finished product an amazing taste and delicate nutty aroma, since black sesame seeds have a stronger and more stable aroma compared to white ones.

    Puff bagels with jam from ready-made puff pastry - plain, but very delicious pastries, which will be a worthy accompaniment to a cup of coffee or tea at any table.

    • puff pastry 400 g
    • plum jam 250 g
    • eggs 1 pc
    • black sesame 3 tbsp. spoons

    Defrost the finished puff pastry at room temperature, if necessary, roll it into a layer 3-4 mm thick.
    Cut the pastry sheet into triangles.

    Lubricate each triangle with plum marmalade and roll into a bagel, starting from the wide part.

    Form all the bagels, from this amount of ingredients you will get about 16 pieces.

    Lubricate the blanks with a beaten egg.

    Sprinkle each bagel generously with black sesame seeds. Put the resulting bagels on a baking sheet covered with baking paper.

    Send to a preheated oven to 200 degrees. Bake puff pastry bagels with jam for 15 minutes, until browned.

    Remove bagels with puff pastry jam from the oven, cool and serve warm with a cup of coffee or tea.

    Recipe 5: puff bagels with apples (with photo)

    Puff pastry rolls with apples. Fast way making dessert for tea. The filling can be varied at your discretion. Take some time and wonderful, fragrant bagels are ready.

    • Yeast-free puff pastry 300 gr
    • Apple 1 pc
    • Sugar 100 gr
    • Egg yolk 1 pc
    • Powdered sugar 1 tbsp

    Roll out the finished dough a little and cut into triangles.

    Wash the apple, remove the middle and cut into slices.

    Place an apple slice in each triangle and sprinkle with sugar.

    We roll into rolls.

    Brush the rolls with egg yolk and place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. We put the baking sheet in the oven for 15-20 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.

    We take out the finished bagels from the oven.

    Sprinkle the rolls with powdered sugar. Bon Appetit!

    Recipe 6: Bagels with puff pastry marmalade

    • 400 g flour
    • 200 g cold butter
    • 200 g cold sour cream 15 - 20%
    • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
    • a pinch of salt
    • 300 g sandwich marmalade with any flavor
    • 1 yolk + 1 tbsp. l. milk
    • brown or regular sugar for sprinkling

    First, prepare the dough for bagels with marmalade. To do this, sift the flour into a deep bowl, add sour cream and salt.

    Grate the butter on a coarse grater.

    Pour in vegetable oil and knead with a hook attachment to a dense dough.

    Divide the dough into 4 equal parts (200 g each) and roll them into balls.

    Roll each ball with a rolling pin on a floured surface into a circle with a diameter of 25 - 30 cm and cut it into 8 identical triangular segments. While working with one ball, the rest should be kept in the refrigerator so that the dough does not heat up.

    Place 2-3 small slices of marmalade on the base of each triangle. Roll up the tubes, starting at the base of the segment and moving towards the opposite sharp corner.

    Put bagels with marmalade on a baking sheet covered with parchment, at a small distance from each other. Lubricate them on top with yolk mixed with milk and sprinkle with sugar.

    You can use brown sugar instead of regular sugar to give baked goods a pleasant aroma and taste.

    This amount of ingredients makes 2 large baking sheets of 16 bagels each.

    Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C for 25-30 minutes until lightly browned.

    Delicate crispy crumbly bagels with marmalade from childhood are ready!

    Recipe 7: Puff Poppy Bagels (Step by Step Photo)

    Sweet puff pastry is very popular. We offer you a recipe for puff pastry bagels with poppy seed filling.

    • Puff pastry - from 500 grams of flour
    • Poppy - 250 grams
    • Sugar - 150 grams
    • Nuts, almonds, raisins of your choice - 100 grams
    • Egg - 1 piece
    • Powdered sugar for sprinkling

    16 servings

    30 minutes

    210 kcal

    5 /5 (1 )

    Any pastry made from puff pastry will never disappoint guests and loved ones, but it can be difficult to cook it. I will tell you how to easily cope with the situation when you have guests on your doorstep, and there is nothing in the house for tea. Some amazingly easy recipes that are very easy to prepare, but unusually delicious treats- mouth-watering bagels - will delight you with their ease and speed in implementation.

    Recipe for puff pastry bagels with jam

    Kitchenware: rolling pin, teaspoon, sharp ceramic knife, small bowl, whisk or regular fork, brush or gauze, large dish for ready-made pastries.


    Step by step cooking

    1. Sprinkle a flat surface generously with flour and spread the finished, pre-thawed puff pastry on it.

    2. We roll out the first sheet of dough into a thin layer, 2-3 mm thick, using a rolling pin.

    3. We divide the rolled layer crosswise, and after that we cut each square into two more equal halves diagonally. We should get 8 equal triangles. We do the same with the second sheet of dough.

    4. We put 10-12 g of jam on the wide part of the triangle and wrap the dough in a bagel.

    5. Put the formed product on a baking sheet, pre-lubricated with 10-12 ml of vegetable oil. In the same way, we sculpt the rest of the bagels and put them on a baking sheet.

    6. Whisk in a small bowl egg using a whisk or regular fork.

    7. Then generously grease the surface of the products with an egg mixture.

    8. We let the bagels brew a little, and in the meantime we preheat the oven to 200 degrees. We send the infused bagels to the oven and do other things for about 25 minutes, until the pastries are browned.

    9. We shift the finished pastries to a large dish and, if desired, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

    Video recipe for making puff bagels with jam

    The video below shows how to quickly and easily make homemade puff pastry bagels with jam, which can be safely replaced with any thick jam or fruit jam. The cooking process will be identical, and the taste and aroma of homemade cakes will not yield to the merits of a purchased delicacy.

    Recipe for puff pastry rolls with cottage cheese filling

    Cooking time: the total time will take 2:30-3 hours, with your participation - about half an hour.
    Calorie content (per 100 g): 253-258 kcal.
    Number of bagels: 16 pieces.
    Kitchenware: fine sieve, measuring utensils, a tablespoon, plastic wrap or a terry towel, a rolling pin, a ceramic knife, several bowls of different depths and sizes, baking paper, whisk, a large dish for ready-made bagels.


    Step by step cooking

    Let's prepare the dough

    1. Sift into a deep bowl 650-700 g of flour through a fine sieve.

    2. We add there 15-18 g of dry yeast, a pinch of salt, 30-45 g of sugar.

    3. After that, pour in the same 200-215 ml of yogurt, 50-55 ml sunflower oil and break two eggs.

    4. At the first stage, mix the ingredients with a spoon, and then continue kneading by hand until a non-sticky, homogeneous mass is obtained.

    5. Lightly coat the finished dough with 10 ml of sunflower oil so that it does not stick to the walls of the bowl during swelling. We cover the dough with a towel or plastic wrap and send it to a very warm place for an hour or two so that it fits properly.

    6. We knead the risen dough a little with our hands and form a sausage out of it, and after that we divide it into six equal parts.

    7. We take one piece of dough, make a cake out of it with our hands, and then roll it into a round layer 5 mm thick.

    8. Brush the surface of the cake generously with softened butter.

    9. We roll out the second piece of dough and spread it on top of the oiled cake, after which we also grease its surface with oil.

    10. We do the same action with the remaining cakes, laying them one on top of the other and lubricating with oil. However, do not oil the surface of the last tortilla!

    11. Sprinkle a flat surface with flour and put our stack of cakes on it, which we roll into one round thin layer using a rolling pin.

    12. We divide the resulting layer into four equal parts (crosswise) with a sharp knife, and after that we divide each part into four more equal triangles. In total, we should get 16 equal triangles.

    Sculpt and bake bagels

    Video recipe for puff pastry bagels with cottage cheese

    After watching the video below, self-baking curd bagels from puff pastry will not be difficult for you.

    • Instead of yogurt, you can use thick kefir or high-fat milk in the same proportion.
    • The dough during kneading will be very sticky to your hands, to facilitate this process, moisten your hands with a little water or vegetable oil from time to time. However, in no case do not add more flour than indicated in the recipe, otherwise airy puff bagels will not work and the pastries will become hard and unappetizing.
    • The cottage cheese for the filling must be dry, but if you have wet cottage cheese, put it in cheesecloth, then collect it in the form of a bag, which, in turn, hang over a bowl so that excess whey is glass.

    Recipe for puff pastry rolls with apples

    Cooking time: 30-45 minutes.
    Calorie content (per 100 g): 217-220 kcal.
    Number of bagels: 12 pieces.
    Kitchenware: microwave, sharp ceramic knife, cutting board, baking paper, rolling pin, whisk or fork, several bowls of various sizes, brush or cheesecloth, a large dish for ready-made pastries.


    Step by step cooking

    1. Wash the apple thoroughly, wipe it and divide it into halves, after which we remove the core, seeds and tail.

    2. Cut the apple into thin slices.

    3. Sprinkle a flat surface with a little flour and place a sheet of dough on it. Roll out the dough into a thin layer, 3-5 mm thick.

    4. Then we divide it into 12 equal triangles.

    5. In a separate bowl, mix 10-15 g of sugar and 10-15 g of cinnamon. Sprinkle each triangle of dough evenly with the cinnamon and sugar mixture.

    6. Melt 45-50 g of butter in the microwave.

    7. Dip the apple slice into the bowl of melted butter and spread over the widest part of the triangle.

    8. We wrap each piece of apple in the dough, forming a bagel.

    9. We spread the formed product on a baking sheet, previously covered with baking paper.

    10. Beat the egg with a whisk and grease the surface of the bagels with the resulting mixture so that the pastry acquires a golden hue.

    11. We send the products to the oven preheated to 180 degrees and go about our business for 25 minutes.

    12. We shift the finished bagels to a large dish and, if desired, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

    Video recipe for puff pastry with apples

    The above recipe is shown in the video below. You can view it to see how to properly prepare the filling and shape such a dessert.