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Simple and ingenious tricks for cleaning the house. Useful tricks for home

Many troubles around the house can be fixed very easily and quickly. The main thing is to apply the right methods. The article contains tips on the house, which in any case will help you sooner or later.

1. Odorless bag

Need to get rid of bad smells in your bag? Put an unused tea bag in it for one day.

2. Pipes without blockage

Use salt to clean sewer pipes. Pour it into the pipe and rinse with boiling water.

3. Traces of sunburn

Often artificial skin tanning is the cause of uneven skin lightening, that is, the presence of spots. To avoid this, you need to use baking soda, not a large number of which is applied to problem areas with a sponge.

4. Clean iron

The soot on the sole of the iron is easily removed with a mixture of ammonia and vinegar. Soak a soft cloth in the solution and wipe the iron.

5. Vegetable soup

in soups from fresh vegetables do not put spices - Bay leaf, black pepper and others. It is better to sprinkle the finished soup with herbs - it is healthier and tastier.

6. Hygiene in the kitchen

Be sure to treat wooden kitchen boards with a vinegar and water solution. It is necessary to cut products on a perfectly clean surface.

7. Salad with butter

Vegetable oil should be added to the salad only after salt, vinegar, and pepper have been added to it. Remember that salt cannot dissolve in oil.

8. Cold compote

To quickly cool hot compote, place the pan with it in a larger bowl with cold salted water.

9. Delicious buckwheat

To cook delicious buckwheat porridge, water should be twice as much as cereals. Cover the pot in which the porridge is cooked. Boil the porridge first strong fire, and then on the weak one.

10. Odorless fish

When cooking such types of fish as flounder and cod, an unpleasant specific smell is released, which can be eliminated by adding parsley root, celery to the dish. Onions added to the dish will be useful.

11. Flowers in the room

Wildflowers will last longer if you add a couple of drops of detergent to the vase. The main thing in this matter is not to overdo it, as the opposite effect is possible.

12. Cleaning to shine

In order to obtain a snow-white bath, it is necessary to prepare a special solution for cleaning it: soda ash (2 tablespoons) + baking soda (2 tablespoons). Next, rub your bath with this mixture. The bath must be damp. Wait 5 minutes (important - do not wash off the layer) and apply the following mixture: vinegar (50 g) + bleach (50 g). It remains to wait half an hour and wash off the layers.

13. Snow-white curtains

If the windows in your home are equipped with white synthetic curtains, then after washing during the drying process, exclude direct sunlight from entering.

14. Clean entrance hall

The floor of the hallway is characterized by rapid soiling. To eliminate this undesirable phenomenon, you need to get a stand for shoes. As a stand, a tray and a cork substrate are perfect. You can buy them at almost any building materials store.

15. Laundry bags

They are indispensable when washing delicate fabrics. However, you should not rush to buy them in the store, as they can be made with your own hands. For this purpose, a regular duvet cover is suitable.

16. Economical cooking

If you decide to treat your loved ones and relatives with small pasta, then do not strive to cook them until they are fully cooked. As soon as the water boils, throw pasta, stir, turn off the gas and be sure to cover with a lid. In 10 minutes they will be ready.

17. TV in place

Place your computer monitor and TV in evenly lit areas to optimize brightness and contrast adjustments to a lower level. At the same time, savings in electrical energy will be achieved - up to 5% monthly.

18. Air freshener

If you suddenly run out of perfume, then do not rush to throw out the bottle from them. Remove dispenser, pour into bottle plain water(for 1/2 the volume of the bottle) and release the wooden sticks there. They will absorb flavored moisture and distribute it throughout the home.

These helpful tips useful to every hostess when cooking various dishes.

If the soup is too salty, a piece of sugar is dipped into it on a spoon. As soon as the sugar begins to dissolve, the spoon is removed - the sugar absorbs the excess salt. You can also wrap some flour or rice in a rag and boil it in the soup. Flour and rice also absorb salt. You can put a raw whole potato in the soup, and take it out after a few minutes.

To prevent the cookies from burning, sprinkle some salt under the molds.

To avoid lumps, dilute the flour for pancakes and sauces in salted water.

To keep the cheese from drying out, wrap it in a clean cloth soaked in salt water.

The food that you are steaming will cook faster if you add salt to the water in which the pan is standing.

When cleaning slippery fish, dip your fingers into the salt - this will make your work easier.

To keep the salt dry, put some rice grains in it.

Started bottle with mineral water store best, well corked, upside down. Water will retain gas and freshness longer.

To prevent cabbage rolls from burning in the pan during stewing, put a lid of a smaller diameter than the pan with the handle up on the bottom of the pan. Lay on the lid cabbage leaves, and on them - cabbage rolls.

Grease the grater on which you are going to grate the cheese vegetable oil. From this, the cheese will not stick together, and the grater is easier to wash.

Poultry is plucked from top to bottom, and forest birds are plucked from bottom to top.

Not only a knife, but also a grater is suitable for removing fish scales.

It is much more convenient to remove the scales if you lower the fish under water. Then the scales do not scatter to the sides and do not stain anything around.

If during cooking several times add a little cold water, the fish will be tastier.

Soaking in vinegar, kvass, sour milk, cucumber, cabbage or beetroot brine is a reliable way to soften tough meat.

To get a beautiful toasted crust, you need the entire surface raw meat grease with vegetable oil.

If flat pieces of meat are rolled up, they will fry more evenly.

If the yolks whipped to prepare the dough are salted, then the finished products will acquire a pleasant yellow color.

Semolina will be tender and lump-free if you wash the grits in several waters. Milk will not "run away" if the edges of the pan are greased.

And to make the milk boil faster, you can put a little sugar in it.

Do you want to make raisin dough? Wash the raisins in hot water and then sprinkle with flour. Then the raisins are evenly distributed in the dough.

If yeast dough came up, and you don’t have time to cut it right away and put it to bake so that it doesn’t fit anymore, cover it with well-dampened paper, just shake it off the water first.

If you add a little milk to sour cream, it will not curdle in the gravy.

Proteins whip better if they are pre-cooled, and yolks are more quickly rubbed if they are heated. Rice will be white and crumbly if crystals are added to the water. citric acid.

The broth will be tastier if the meat is held in a hot oven before cooking.

To get a clear broth with dumplings, they need to be dipped in hot water for a few seconds to wash off the flour, and then transferred to a boiling broth.

Milk will not turn sour if you put a leaf of horseradish in it.

So that the peeled apples do not darken, you need to lower them into a lightly salted cold water.

To quickly whip foam or cream, add a pinch of salt to protein or cream.

The larger the vegetables are cut, the less nutrients they lose during cooking.

Beans will become tastier and more nutritious if the water is drained immediately after boiling, then pour cold water and add 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil to it.

Beets are cooked for a very long time - 3-3.5 hours. And you can cook it for only an hour, then remove from heat and put for 10 minutes under a stream of cold water. The candle will be ready.

So that the pieces of fish do not fall apart during frying, you need to salt them, roll in flour and let them lie down for 10-15 minutes, then put them in a frying pan in hot oil.

Put the frozen fish in a plastic bag, tie it up and put it in warm water. The fish will thaw faster than just at room temperature.

Boiled potatoes will turn out snow-white if you add a little to the water. lemon juice.

Onions will turn golden and tastier if you sprinkle them with powdered sugar when frying.

A piece of bread placed in a pot in which cabbage is boiled will absorb an unpleasant odor.

If the mayonnaise starts to sour, add a spoonful of cold water to it.

If the potatoes are cooked in their “uniform”, pierce the skin in several places - it will not crumble.

Fried potatoes will get spicy taste, if during cooking add 1 teaspoon of mustard to it.

Sprinkle chicken, duck, or turkey with salt water 10 minutes before the end of frying for a crispy crust on fried poultry.

For grinding boiled potatoes it is better to use not a meat grinder, but a hair sieve.

Unpleasant sensations are caused by an onion smell in the mouth. Drink some milk - it will disappear.

To soup with homemade noodles if it doesn’t turn out cloudy, dip the noodles for a minute in hot water and put it on a sieve, and then put it in the broth and cook until tender. The same advice can be given for rice soup: put the washed rice in boiling water for 3-5 minutes, put it on a sieve, and then pour it into the broth.

If you boil eggs over high heat, the protein becomes hard, and the yolk becomes softer. And if you cook over low heat, the yolk will become hard, and the protein will remain loose. Therefore, it is better to cook eggs on moderate heat.

To prevent the eggs from cracking during cooking, pour a little salt into the water or put them in a pot of cold water and boil over moderate heat.

If you need only protein, and the yolk needs to be stored for several days, you should pierce the egg with a needle from both sides - the protein will flow out, and the yolk will remain in the shell.

The acid dries out the layers of dough during baking, and the sour cream gives the products a delicate taste and makes the biscuits crispy.

If the cake is difficult to separate from the baking sheet, you need to hold the baking sheet over the steam or put it for a few seconds in cold water, poured into a shallow bowl.

If you cannot open glass jar with canned food, it is dipped for several minutes with a lid down in hot water, after which the jar opens easily.

If you are tormented by barley, take a spoon with a metal handle - and as soon as the eye starts to itch, slide along the edge of the eyelid 3 times back and forth.

If you cut your finger and you don't have hydrogen peroxide or other necessary means to stop the bleeding, sprinkle sugar on the wound, the bleeding will stop immediately.

Children often bump and fall. To reduce pain and bruising from a bruise, immediately apply a wet piece of newspaper crumpled in your fist to the bruise.

You can make an ointment for burns. Take a tin jar and melt an ordinary wax candle there, and add 2 tbsp. spoons sunflower oil. Cool and lubricate the burn.

So that the refrigerator door seal does not wear out and does not allow heat to pass through, it must be handled with care. Clean the rubber from time to time with warm soapy water. After that, wipe dry and sprinkle with talc or starch.

In order not to take soap with you on the road, you can prepare sheets of soap paper for one-time use in advance: soak porous wrapping paper with shampoo or liquid soap, dry, cut into small napkins.

Bad odors in your kitchen sink drain are easy to fix. At least once a week, flush the pipe with a boiling solution of 2 tbsp. tablespoons of soda ash per 1 liter of water.

Mildew odor can be removed from wooden utensils by washing them with vinegar and water and then with soap and water.

Do not pour out the water in which the jacket potatoes were boiled. It will wash glass, earthenware and earthenware well.

Do not throw away cleaning raw potatoes. Chop them finely, mix with hot water, vinegar and salt. Get an excellent tool for washing bottles, decanters.

A strong salt solution will help clean frozen window panes.

A dull knife is easier to sharpen if you hold the blade in a weak saline solution for half an hour.

The smell of oil paint, which is kept in the apartment after the repair, will quickly disappear if you put plates of salt in several places.

Car windows will not fog up if they are wiped with wet salt wrapped in gauze.

Do not throw away the water in which the vegetables have been boiled. Cool and pour indoor flowers with this decoction.

So that the edges of the carpet lying on the floor do not bend or fray, take BF-6 glue and glue a 20 mm wide braid around the entire perimeter on the back of the carpet. This simple operation will greatly extend the life of your carpet.

With the help of an old stocking, a loose screw can be strengthened. Stuff finely chopped pieces of nylon stocking tightly into the hole from the fallen screw. Heat a nail of a suitable diameter on fire and stick it deeply into the capron. You will get a hole with strong melted walls. Screw in the screw here. Such "stocking" plugs will never dry out and fall out.

To dry clothes in the bathroom, it is convenient to use plastic cords from unnecessary children's jump ropes. After a slight sag, the cord easily returns to its original position.

To remove gum from upholstered furniture and carpets, place ice on the area. The gum will freeze and crumble.

Rust from the stove will disappear if you wipe its surface with hot vegetable oil.

Wipe a new oilcloth with a mixture of vinegar and milk (in half), this will prevent it from cracking.

Before washing a knife after eating herring, onion or garlic, hold it over a hot burner and then wash it with cold water and soap.

The grater will become sharp again if you "rub" sandpaper on it.

The head of garlic glues glass and plastic well, you just need to anoint the parts with a crushed clove. The gluing area will remain transparent.

Unpleasant smell in the kitchen will disappear if you burn dry orange or lemon peel

With a cloth soaked in milk, you can remove fresh ink stains, clean the mirror, keys of musical instruments, picture frames.

Rusty stains from bathtubs and sinks can be removed with a 5% solution of oxalic acid, hydrogen peroxide with the addition of ammonia or hot vinegar, in which a little table salt is dissolved. Work with gloves!

If you want the ironed linen not to be shiny, add a little milk to the starch.

Clean dirt on jewelry with pearls, turquoise, malachite and amber with ethyl alcohol and soapy water (1:1). After that, wipe the amber dry with a flannel, and dry the rest of the stones with a soft cloth moistened with ethyl alcohol.

A gold ring can be restored to shine by soaking it in sugar water and then brushing it with lipstick.

Metal brooches and pendants often leave dark spots on clothes. To prevent this from happening, coat the back of them with colorless nail polish.

Silver items can be restored to their original luster by immersing them in water for 2-3 hours, in which chopped potatoes are placed. Then rinse them with clean water.

You can remove plaque from silver items by washing in warm soapy water and cleaning with a soft cloth dipped in a mixture of ammonia and tooth powder or chalk.

The crease on the trousers lasts longer if it is wiped from the inside with dry soap, then ironed.

To pick up trash from the floor without a dustpan, dampen the edge of the newspaper and stick it to the floor. After that, with a broom, you can sweep all the garbage on it.

If the ashtray is difficult to clean, rub it with salt and rinse with water.

To properly sew on a button, you need to insert a match between the button and the material, and after finishing work, get it out.

When ironing a tie, insert a piece of cardboard between its top and bottom layer, then the seams will not be imprinted.

If your shoes get wet during rain, stuff your shoes with newsprint and let them dry away from a heat source.
The scissors are dull - it is enough to cut the sandpaper with them.

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For many of us, cleaning is the most burdensome duty and a terrible punishment. Often, only at the moment when there is no clean space left in the house and the apartment begins to resemble a dinosaur battlefield, we doomedly proceed to restore order. In fact, cleaning is easy and fast if you know the basic secrets.

We are in website set out to make your life easier and put together some new tricks to help you get through your homework.

Cleaning the dirtiest items in the bathroom

An old bathroom curtain will look like it came from a store if all dirty areas and even places with yellowness and mold are washed with a solution consisting of equal parts hydrogen peroxide and water.

To clean your toothbrushes of germs, soak them for an hour in vinegar. Then wash well under running water.

We soak washcloths for an hour in hot water and vinegar in a 1: 1 ratio. Then rinse well with clean water and dry.

We wash the bath white

Hydrogen peroxide is good for limescale, yellow spots and gray surfaces. We spray it with a spray bottle on the surface of the bath, leave for half an hour and then rinse well with warm water.

You can easily clean the surface of the bath if you fill it with soda and pour vinegar after a few minutes. After that, you need to lightly brush the surface with a brush and rinse with warm water.

Unwanted yellowness effectively removes a solution of ordinary citric acid. We make the solution at the rate of: one sachet per glass of water. Apply this product with a sponge to the surface of the bath and leave for 20 minutes. Then wash off with warm water.

You can clean the bath to a shine and get rid of old plaque with a mixture of vinegar and salt. We mix the ingredients in a 1: 1 ratio and clean the bathroom to whiteness.

Dealing with a dirty toilet

The toilet will sparkle with cleanliness if you use mustard powder for cleaning with the addition of citric acid and cornstarch in equal parts.

To clean and refresh the toilet, you can make your own cleaning bombs. Just 1-2 bombs thrown into the toilet will give not only a hygienic effect, but also a pleasant smell.

You will need:

  • 1 glass of soda
  • 1/4 cup citric acid
  • 1/2 tsp vinegar
  • 1 st. l. 6% hydrogen peroxide solution
  • 15-20 drops of your favorite essential oil


Pour soda into a bowl, add citric acid. In the second bowl, mix the vinegar and peroxide and pour this liquid drop by drop into the dry mixture. Adding essential oil and form small balls with a spoon. Putting bombs on parchment paper and dry for at least 6 hours. We store the bombs in a closed glass jar.

We clean the seams between the tiles in the bathroom

With plain white paraffin candle you can get rid of mold, dark plaque and dirty deposits on the seams between the tiles. To do this, you need to run the dirty seam several times with the blunt end of the candle. This will clean and protect the seams from mold and dirt.

We pour baking soda into a bowl, take it with an unnecessary toothbrush dipped in water and clean the dirty places. After cleaning, rinse the surface with warm water. Seams are like new!

We mix warm water with hydrogen peroxide in proportions of 2: 1. With a brush or sponge, we clean the seams between the tiles with this solution, which then can not be washed off.

Washing tiles

We take 15 grams of citric acid and dilute it with a glass of warm water. We wash the tile with the resulting solution. Then rinse off with clean water.

If the tiled walls are too dirty, vinegar will help. Spray the surface with a spray bottle of vinegar, leave for 10 minutes and rinse with clean water. Then wipe the tiles with a soft microfiber cloth. This method will not only wash the tile, but also disinfect it.

Fixing the washing machine

We clean the washing machine once a quarter.

Ordinary citric acid will help clean the car from scale and water scale. Pour 60 grams of citric acid into the powder compartment. We start the machine full cycle washing at the highest temperature.

We are preparing a simple and effective tool that will put the washing machine in order.

You will need:

  • 2 cups of vinegar
  • ¼ cup baking soda
  • ¼ glass of water
  • sponge


In a bowl, mix water and soda. Pour this solution into the powder compartment. Pour the vinegar into the drum of the washing machine. We start the machine in the normal washing mode. After the cycle is completed, wipe all rubber gaskets and the door with a sponge. Dry the drum with the door open.

Perfectly wash the stove

We remove fat from the surface of the plate and from small parts with an ordinary eraser. This method is used by employees of professional cleaning services.

A greasy stove can be tidied up with lemon juice and lemon wedges. Squeeze out the juice, wipe the stove with lemon and leave for 15 minutes. Then wipe with a wet cloth.

Cleaning the oven

You can clean the oven from grease and soot with a glass of ammonia and a liter of water. Heat the oven to 150 degrees and turn off. We put a container with hot water on the lower grate, a container with ammonia on the upper one. Close the oven door and leave to cool until morning.

In the morning, add a few teaspoons of any detergent and half a cup of warm water to a container with ammonia. Wipe the oven with a sponge with the resulting solution and rinse it with water.

Castor oil will “pull out” everything harmful from the body! And why didn't I know about this before... Castor oil is a wonderful herbal powerful cleanser that people have been using for a long time. Castor oil contains many organic acids. Thanks to them, intestinal peristalsis is enhanced. Castor oil does not just irritate the mucous membrane, it causes the villi of the intestinal mucosa to make high-frequency vibrations (like grass in the wind). It is this action that produces increased blood flow and the removal of toxic metabolites and fluid from the blood into the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract. The best day for a castor attack on various wastes is Friday. In the evening, take 1-3 tbsp. l. castor oil, drink boiled water. Three spoons - for people with a large body weight, over 100 kg. The effect will be felt already in the morning. On Saturday morning, again take 1-2 tbsp. l. oil, but you can’t go far from home. Three hours later - a light breakfast. In the evening at 19 o'clock - one more dose so that the gastrointestinal tract responds well, and before going to bed have time to go to the toilet again. That is, take castor oil only three times. Sunday is a day of rest. You can no longer take castor oil, you can go for a walk, breathe deeply and slowly, think about the eternal, do good fitness, etc. Daily movement, walking, running (about 15 km or the equivalent of this) cleanse the psyche of overexertion, and castor oil frees the body. On Monday, after such a cleansing - with renewed vigor to work, travel, you can go about your business. It is good to carry out such cleansing activities for three weeks in a row. Who has started the body - you can conduct a course: 4-5 weeks. Together with the reception of castor oil, it is necessary to take a large amount mineral water, because with the release of the intestine, a lot of mineral salts leave. A procedure that removes toxins and extra pounds Of course, taking castor oil is a slight shock for the body, the body is “confused”: there is as much accumulated as there is to be removed. Therefore, you need to give the body time to adapt to the new state of the internal environment. The cleansing process has a beneficial effect on allergic and autoimmune diseases. In particular, asthma, rheumatism, polyarthritis and others. You can eat after taking castor oil in three hours. I recommend oatmeal on water or kefir with crackers and nothing more. In the evening it is good to drink tea with lemon. During cleansing, you generally need to take a lot of lemon. It will help the liver in neutralizing free radicals. Lemon can be taken in the form of a kind of lemonade. Take 1 liter of clean water, add finely chopped lemon (about half of the average), honey to taste, two sprigs of mint (chopped), sometimes fresh cucumber is added. Mix everything and put in the refrigerator or cellar. After carefully pour into another dish, if you want lemonade without thick. Sometimes it is advised to take castor oil along with lemon. When such an explosive mixture is formed, a mutual neutralization reaction occurs. I do not recommend. Attention! Castor oil is contraindicated for pregnant women and people with acute inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract, peptic ulcer stomach.

Domestic troubles often spoil the mood or unsettle. This collection contains the fastest and most effective ways to solve small problems - easily and simply. The tips that experienced housewives pass on from generation to generation are now open only to you.

1. Tragedy in pantyhose? emergency assistance they will be provided with nail polish, which, although it does not reanimate the damaged item, will give them time to reach the store and buy a new pair.

2. Strange as it may sound, red wine stains can be easily removed with its antipode - white wine.

3. When ironing, it is not always possible to smooth out small wrinkles, but if you use a hair iron, you can even smooth out a thing on yourself.

4. Water bags inserted into the shoes will help to stretch the new shoes, then the new pair should be removed overnight in the freezer.

5. By the way, in order to soften a jacket made of genuine leather a little, you need to wet it well and put it on.

6. Foundation stains on the collar can be removed with men's shaving foam.

7. Underarm Sweat Stains Are Easily Removed With Lemon Or Baking Soda

8. Lover Tip: Lipstick stains on shirts are easiest to remove with hairspray.

9. Worn suede can be slightly tanned with an ordinary stationery eraser.

10. It is quite possible to fix a screw that has flown out of the temple of glasses with transparent nail polish.

In the kitchen, we tend to spend a lot of personal time. So why not make our stay there more enjoyable and comfortable? We found in the open spaces of Aliexpress useful things for the kitchen which will definitely be of interest to everyone. And they all cost no more than 200 rubles, so in addition it will not be expensive for your budget.