Home / Buns / How do persimmons ripen? Why does persimmon knit in the mouth? Causes

How do persimmons ripen? Why does persimmon knit in the mouth? Causes

Many are looking forward to the arrival of autumn to enjoy persimmons. Due to its unusual astringency, it is called the "plum of the gods", a wild date. The astringent, tart taste of the berry comes from tannin, which disappears as the fruit ripens. Tannin protects plants from being eaten by microorganisms and animals. But not everyone likes this astringency, and even if the fruit is unripe, then it happens that you can’t even take it in your mouth. So today I will reveal to you a few secrets on how to choose and how to store persimmons so that they ripen, but do not deteriorate.

It contains:

  • Magnesium
  • Fructose
  • vitamins
  • beta carotene

Iodine and magnesium improve the functioning of the thyroid gland and the nervous system. Fructose, in turn, increases human performance. Fruits have antiseptic properties, increase immunity, restore kidney function, and are a prophylactic against cancer.

How to choose persimmon

Ripening period different varieties starts from the end of September and lasts until the first frost, after which the berry only becomes tastier. When purchasing it in the market or in a store, you need to choose ripe fruits. This is not difficult.

The skin of ripe berries is thin and glossy, black or brown stripes can be seen on it, the pulp of most varieties is semi-liquid, jelly-like.

The only exception is Kinglet, which remains firm even when mature. Do not take fruits with cracks and black spots - they will not lie at all.


If the fruits are grown at home, then you need to know how to pick them from the tree. Picking berries is a very painstaking work. In no case should they be shaken from trees or knocked down. Persimmon has a short stem. You need to pick the fruit very carefully so as not to crush. With one hand you need to hold it from below, and with the other - unscrew the stem. No scratches should be allowed, because the persimmon will quickly deteriorate.



In the refrigerator, the optimum temperature is 0 ... +1 degrees and humidity is about 90%.

You can also store the fruits in the basement of the house or on the glazed loggia. However, it is necessary to provide persimmons with good ventilation and sufficient humidity. They keep it in baskets or boxes, previously sent with paper. Lay in 1, maximum 2 layers, covering with shavings, sawdust, straw. The bottom layer is laid with the stalk down, and the top, vice versa. The fruits will be tasty and ripe when they turn a dark orange color and become softer.

Ripe persimmons keep in the refrigerator for about four days.


Whole fruits are washed, dried, put in plastic bags and frozen. The persimmon should become very firm. Shelf life can be about six months. The berry does not lose its taste and retains useful vitamins.

Pieces can also be frozen. Wash the fruits, dry them, cut out the stalk, remove the seeds, cut into slices, pack in a plastic bag and put in the freezer. You can defrost such a product in cold water where the packages are placed.

You can freeze persimmon, pre-bay sugar syrup. Vitamins and trace elements of the berry will be preserved. The difference from other types of freezing is that persimmons must be taken in small sizes. Wash the fruits, dry them, place them in jars, pour over the cooled syrup, close and freeze in the chamber. From a low temperature, the liquid will turn into ice crumbs and the cans will not burst. You need to defrost such persimmons only at room temperature.


Unlike freezing, it is necessary to take the most firm fruits, and not ripe, pitted ones. The most suitable variety is Korolek. Washed and dried fruits must be peeled, cut into slices and put in the oven at a temperature of 40–45 degrees. It is necessary to ensure that the persimmon pieces do not darken, but are light. Sometimes you can see a white coating on the dried slices. This is from the large amount of sugar contained in the berry. Storage of such drying at home is more than three months.

You can also dry a whole persimmon. To do this, gently peel the skin from the fruit without removing the stalk. A thread loop is attached to the stalk, for which the persimmon is hung on a strong twine or fishing line so that the fruits do not touch each other. Dry persimmons in a well-ventilated area, without direct sunlight. To protect against insects, you can use gauze or mesh.

After drying for 3-5 days, the fruits can be removed for drying in the pantry, but until completely dry, they again should not come into contact with each other.

Persimmon jam is tasteless, because astringency is manifested in it.

Get rid of the astringent taste

There are several ways to get rid of tannins and speed up fruit ripening:

  1. Freezing from twelve to sixteen hours. Persimmon becomes juicy and sweet, but you need to eat it with a spoon, because it is very soft.
  2. Soaking the fruit in warm water for twelve hours, after making punctures with a knife on the persimmon. The water temperature should be 30-39 degrees. She will be ripe and sweet.
  3. Pricking persimmon fruits with a needle and soaking in vodka or cognac. The fruit will be sweet.
  4. V paper bag put three pieces of persimmon, two ripe bananas, two red apples. Close tightly. The fruit will release ethylene gas, which will ripen the persimmon. Apples can be replaced with red tomatoes. After a few days, the persimmon will be ripe and sweet.
  5. Another simple and fast way ripening persimmons at home - sprinkle the fruits with lemon, cherry plum. In the vicinity of these fruits, she will sing in 2-3 days.

Your brownie.

Persimmon is not only a source of useful vitamins and minerals, but also a good mood on gloomy autumn days. The bright suns of its fruits delight the eye against the background of a dull, colorless landscape.

This tropical fruit appears on our shelves in November-December, and so you want to enjoy its wonderful taste longer! Meanwhile, it is not difficult at all to preserve this “food of the gods” (this is how the Latin name of the fruit is translated) for a long time. You just need to know a few basic principles.

The right choice of fruit

As a rule, not quite ripe persimmons are brought to our northern regions, but its benefits and taste, including unpleasant viscosity, directly depend on the ripeness of the fruit. Therefore, the main task is to try to choose the very, very best specimens.

  • You need to start buying by inspecting the fruits. The most ripe persimmons have a thin, shiny skin and an absolutely dry stem, which speaks of their ripening not in a box, but on a native tree. Perhaps the presence of thin brown stripes on the surface of the fruit, which indicate its absolute maturity. But there should be no cracks and black spots.
  • The next selection criterion is the softness of the fruit. The stronger its surface will give in to compression, the riper the fruit.
  • Pay attention to the shape of the fruit. Round fruits are much tastier than their conical, flattened or cylindrical counterparts.
  • The color of persimmon, depending on the variety, can vary from almost carrot to dark brown, the main thing is its saturation. Unripe fruits are usually light orange.

Ways to store persimmons

Choosing the right fruit when buying is just the beginning. The main problem is to keep this yummy as long as possible. Persimmon can be stored in three types: fresh, frozen and dried (or dried).

  • Fresh fruits are perfectly stored at a temperature of about 0 ° C for about 2-3 months, depending on the humidity of the air, which should ideally be 90%. When storing fresh persimmons, good ventilation and careful handling are very important. For storage, undamaged dense specimens without spots and cracks are selected.

    If storage is carried out in boxes in the cellar or basement, then the layers of fruit must be shifted with sawdust or paper. Their proximity to apples or tomatoes has a beneficial effect on the preservation of fruits.

  • The easiest and most common way to preserve persimmon for a long time is to freeze it, best at a temperature of -18 ° C. In this form, the fruit can be stored for up to three months without compromising taste.

    Defrost fruits preferably at room temperature or, in extreme cases, in warm, but not hot, water. It is convenient to freeze persimmons that are already ready for use, that is, freed from the peel and seeds, divided into large slices or smaller pieces.

  • When dried, persimmon turns into gourmet delicacy, which is used instead of sweets. It is not recommended to cook compotes from it, because when cooked, dried fruit releases tannins and tannins - and your treat becomes tart in taste.

    It is possible to prepare dried sweetness only from dense ripe fruits in several ways. The most affordable is drying peeled and cut into small pieces of fruit in the oven at a temperature of 45 ° C, and they should not be allowed to darken. It is possible to dry these fruits whole in the shade in the open air or in a well-ventilated dark room, having previously cut the peel of the fruit and strung them on a string by the stalk. The process is completed in a month and a half, after which dried fruits can be stored in a dry and cool place for 1-2 years, depending on the degree of dehydration of the fruit.

If you bought unripe and astringent fruits, do not worry! To give persimmons a pleasant sweet taste, you just need to make a few simple manipulations with it, which will save the berries from astringency and help them fully ripen.

  • The easiest method to start the ripening process is to mix persimmons with any sour fruits like lemons, cherry plums or apples. Lying next to these fruits, the fruits will be ready to eat in three days.
  • Another elementary way to rid a persimmon of an astringent taste is to freeze it in any form: whole or in pieces.
  • Persimmon ripens well in close proximity (preferably in the same bag) with fruits that emit ethylene, such as bananas.
  • If you hold the fruits for a day in a container with warm (about 40 ° C) water, then after 24 hours you will get ripe sweet berries.

Choose any of the proposed ways of ripening and storing persimmons, and you will be provided with vitamins and other useful substances for the whole year until the next harvest.

We bought a healthy persimmon, but it is so tart that it is impossible to eat it? You can help the persimmon ripen very quickly, you just need to know a couple of tricks:

  1. The most famous way is to freeze.
  2. Keep a few hours in warm water.
  3. Put in a bag with apples or tomatoes.
  4. Prick in several places with a needle dipped in alcohol.
  5. Dry or wilt. However, if you soak dried persimmons, the astringent taste will return.

Everyone knows that sweet persimmon itself is very tasty, but not everyone has tried to cook anything from it.

Discover fruit in a new light!

Halloween Recipes

Benefits of water with lemon in the morning. Why you need to drink lemon water every morning and what is better to add to it: the opinion of scientists.

Today, not only nutritionists are promoting the use of water with lemon - many celebrities are also "hooked" on this healthy drink and talk about its healthy effects on the body. In recent years lemon water has become a fashion statement for many people. Let's find out what doctors and scientists have to say about this.

Boiled shrimp must be shiny, with a smooth surface, and firm. A mandatory feature of the quality of shrimp is a fresh smell and rich color, and the inside is white.

The tail of the boiled shrimp should be tightly pressed, and the shell should shine. If there is ice chips in the package with frozen shrimp, then the product was thawed.

The bag should not contain shrimp with blackened heads - such shrimp contain very little protein, and the meat is flabby.

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Persimmon is a bright representative of subtropical fruits in the literal and figurative sense. No wonder it is also called "orange sun", "heart apple tree". Its Latin name, diospyros kaki, means "food of the gods". Perhaps because it brings great benefits to the human body.

In the ranking of the most useful winter fruits, persimmon is among the undisputed leaders. It is by winter, with the onset of ripening time, that its biologically active substances gain maximum healing power. In November, December - the best source of vitamins and useful substances.

The fruits appear on the shelves of supermarkets and markets in late autumn, and they are harvested until frost. The excellent ability of plucked persimmon fruits to ripen allows you to harvest in the so-called. "removable maturity", providing good transportability. In order for such fruits to ripen, they are often placed together with bananas in cardboard boxes. Within a day, the fruits become bright orange.

Nevertheless, persimmon fruits are very often brought and put up for sale unripe. Since the taste and benefits of the fruit are directly dependent on ripeness, the main advice when buying is to strive to choose the most ripe fruits.

It will also be useful to separate the bunch and store the fruits separately.

The buyer needs to know that unripe fruits, as well as the fruits of some varieties of persimmon, have an unpleasant viscosity and astringency. The astringent taste is lost only after full ripening, when the pulp becomes jelly-like, mealy-pasty or even semi-liquid.

Pick a ripe persimmon by touch

Always start buying a persimmon by checking it by touch: the softer the fruit, the riper it is. The fruit is not allowed to be cracked. The presence of thin brown stripes is evidence that the persimmon has already crossed the line of maturity and cannot be unripe. But the presence of black dots will be a bad sign - it is likely that they plucked ahead of time. The skin should be shiny and thin, almost translucent, not thick. Determine the natural ripening of persimmons (on a tree) by the dryness of the stalk (tail). In a ripe fruit, the tail should be dry.

When choosing a persimmon, also pay attention to the shape: it can be cylindrical, conical, round and flat. It is believed that it is sweeter and tastier - round and rounded. The color of the fruit should be saturated. Do not choose light orange fruits - they are usually underripe.

One of the most popular and delicious varieties persimmons. "Chocolate Kinglet" can be distinguished by its almost dark brown coloration and darker streaks in the flesh. It is always with seeds - evidence that the pollination of the flower has occurred.

This is a hybrid of Japanese persimmon with an apple. The fruit contains less astringent acid than common persimmon, so its taste is very pleasant, reminiscent of quince, apple, and apricot. They eat its rather hard flesh, biting like an apple. It has a thin shiny skin. Seeds are missing.

According to the taste characteristics, persimmon varieties are divided into tart (they only have full ripening to ensure the disappearance of the astringent taste), intolerant (they have no astringent taste even in the unripe state), varying (their taste depends on the presence of seeds in the fruit: the unpollinated seedless fruits have pulp light orange and very astringent when unripe, while seed fruits have dark brown flesh with a sweet taste without astringency).

If you still bought an unripe tart persimmon, then use one of the methods suggested below for its ripening, which remove astringency to one degree or another:

- put a persimmon next to (preferably together in a bag) with fruits that emit ethylene (apples, bananas);

- keep the fruits in warm water (up to 40 degrees Celsius) during the day;

- fill the fruits with a 10% solution of lime for several days.

Choosing a persimmon is only half the battle. It is equally important to deliver and store the fruits properly, because they are very tender, especially if they are ripe.

Despite its softness and tenderness, persimmon, when properly stored, is stored quite well. In the refrigerator, the fruit can last 2-3 months. Optimal storage conditions: temperature 0-1 degrees Celsius, humidity - 90%.

If you store fruits indoors (cellar, pantry, loggia), then do not forget to ensure ventilation, do not allow dryness. It is advisable to place fruits in boxes in no more than 2 layers. Use shavings or other softening packing material. The fruits should be stacked cup down in the first layer, and in the second - up.

Persimmon can be stored dried, dried and frozen. When defrosting, the fruits must be placed in cold water.

Persimmon trees are tall, up to 10 m, have long growth and fruiting, live up to five thousand years.

The astringent, tart taste effect of persimmon is given by a substance - tannin, which disappears as the fruit ripens. Tannin plays an important role in protecting the plant from being eaten by various microorganisms and animals. So we, people, do not like tart fruit.

In this article, we looked at how to choose the right persimmon, how to save it correctly. Now, with this baggage of knowledge, you can safely go shopping in any supermarket or market and buy the most ripe and useful fruits for yourself and your family. Be happy and healthy!

How to make persimmon ripen

"Orange sun" or simply "heart apple tree" ─ that's what they gratefully called the delicious, exotic persimmon. And not in vain, because its taste and useful properties are unique and cannot be compared with any other fruit. From Latin, it even translates as "food of the gods"!

Surprisingly, this same fruit can bring a lot of discomfort if eaten unripe. The astringency of persimmon is so strong that it reduces the jaw and taste sensations are lost. For this reason, many, despite their great love for this fruit, do not dare to buy it, so as not to throw away money in vain, and with them this orange fruit. Fortunately for many, and unfortunately for those who were ignorant, persimmons can be “brought” to a mature state on their own, at home.

In an unripe state, these fruits end up on our shelves due to their easy transportability in this state. For this reason, they very often lie on the counter not in a soft state, ready to eat, but in a solid state, in need of ripening.

  1. In order for the fruit to ripen, it must be placed for a couple of days next to already ripe fruits, which will release the substance necessary for this ─ ethylene. These include bananas, apples or tomatoes. For greater effect, it is better to take overripe fruits. With this method, all useful substances are preserved.

What would you do to mature?

In the unripe state, these рукты get on our shelves because of the easy transportability in this state. For this reason, they very often lie on the counter not in a soft state, ready to eat, but in a solid state, in need of ripening.

The following will help you helpful tips, which will bring the persimmon to the desired state:

  1. In order for the fruit to ripen, it must be placed for a couple of days next to already ripe fruits, which will release the substance necessary for this ─ ethylene. These include P±P°PSP°PSC‹, apples or PїPsRјRöRґRsSЂS‹. For greater effect, it is better to take overripe fruits. With this method, all useful substances are preserved.
  2. Use a solution of lime, flooding the "orange sun" for a couple of days.
  3. For 24 hours, hold the fruits in warm water, but at a temperature not exceeding 40 ° C.
  4. Freeze for about one day (12-16 hours). After that, it will acquire softness and a sweet taste. The downside is that it will become very soft, so you have to eat it with a spoon.
  5. Pierce in several places with a needle dipped in alcohol (ethyl).
  6. Just put in a vase and wait for them to ripen. Of course, it will take time, but the method is very natural, preserving useful substances.

The main quality in this business is patience. It pays off in just a few hours. It is better to choose a method that helps to preserve valuable vitamins and trace elements of fruits.

How to choose?

How to approach the issue of choosing this exotic fruit so that later you don’t have to go to all sorts of tricks to speed up its ripening? Here are some tips to help you pay attention to the right signs:

  1. To the touch. Before you buy a persimmon, touch it without fear that the seller will express dissatisfaction. This fruit is tested exclusively in this way. Unless it will already be seen from it that it is soft, having a transparent, jelly-like constitution.
  2. Black stripes. This "drawing" indicates that the fruits have reached the "condition" and you can, without even touching them, determine their ripeness.
  3. Black spots. This "coloring" is a clear sign of too early harvest.
  4. Tail. Those who collect persimmons know that a dry tail means full ripeness.

If you do not have the time and desire to wait a long time for the fruits to bounce back at home, use these tips to enjoy their taste immediately after purchase.

Who among you did not wince from the astringent bitterness of an unripe persimmon? And how good and pleasant is the sweetness of the ripened fruit! Regardless of the variety of this fruit, persimmon is much tastier when it is fully ripe. Fortunately, this fruit does not need a ripening stage at harvest. If you have fruits that need to be brought to perfection, this can also be done indoors.

    First you need to feel the fruits and slightly squeeze them to determine maturity. Persimmon, which can already be eaten, should be soft. Pay attention to the size and color of the persimmon. The fruit, as a rule, is from 3 to 9 centimeters in diameter, its color is yellow-orange with a red tint. If you're unsure about the ripeness of a persimmon, try one persimmon.

    Place the persimmon in a dark bag along with the apple and banana. Apples and bananas release ethylene gas, which speeds up the ripening process. Keep fruits at room temperature.

    Wrap the bag and the persimmon will ripen in three or four days. After ripening, store persimmons in the refrigerator separately from other fruits. Within three days it must be eaten.

There are two more interesting ways to bring a persimmon to a state of ripeness:

    It is a known fact that frost helps persimmon ripen, because it is not in vain that they try to collect it in the first days of winter. Place fruit in the freezer for 24 hours. After defrosting, the tart taste will disappear, and the pulp will become soft and fleshy.

    You can, on the contrary, hold the fruits in warm water for 12-15 hours, about 40 degrees. This will also help the persimmon become sweet and juicy.

Persimmon contains many useful vitamins and minerals, such as iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium. It strengthens the walls of blood vessels and improves vision. It is advised to eat this fruit for weakened patients and all people during the outbreak of winter colds.

"Orange sun" or simply "heart apple tree" ─ that's what they gratefully called the delicious, exotic persimmon. And not in vain, because its taste and useful properties are unique and cannot be compared with any other fruit. From Latin, it even translates as "food of the gods"!

Surprisingly, this same fruit can bring a lot of discomfort if eaten unripe. The astringency of persimmon is so strong that it reduces the jaw and taste sensations are lost. For this reason, many, despite their great love for this fruit, do not dare to buy it, so as not to throw away money in vain, and with them this orange fruit. Fortunately for many, and unfortunately for those who were ignorant, persimmons can be “brought” to a mature state on their own, at home.

What would you do to mature?

In an unripe state, these fruits end up on our shelves due to their easy transportability in this state. For this reason, they very often lie on the counter not in a soft state, ready to eat, but in a solid state, in need of ripening.

The following useful tips will help you, which will bring the persimmon to the desired state:

  1. In order for the fruit to ripen, it must be placed for a couple of days next to already ripe fruits, which will release the substance necessary for this ─ ethylene. These include bananas, apples or tomatoes. For greater effect, it is better to take overripe fruits. With this method, all useful substances are preserved.
  2. Use a solution of lime, flooding the "orange sun" for a couple of days.
  3. For 24 hours, hold the fruits in warm water, but at a temperature not exceeding 40 ° C.
  4. Freeze for about one day (12-16 hours). After that, it will acquire softness and a sweet taste. The downside is that it will become very soft, so you have to eat it with a spoon.
  5. Pierce in several places with a needle dipped in alcohol (ethyl).
  6. Just put in a vase and wait for them to ripen. Of course, it will take time, but the method is very natural, preserving useful substances.

The main quality in this business is patience. It pays off in just a few hours. It is better to choose a method that helps to preserve valuable vitamins and trace elements of fruits.

How to choose?

How to properly approach the issue of choosing this exotic fruit, so that later you do not have to go to all sorts of tricks to speed up its ripening? Here are some tips to help you pay attention to the right signs:

  1. To the touch. Before you buy a persimmon, touch it without fear that the seller will express dissatisfaction. This fruit is tested exclusively in this way. Unless it will already be seen from it that it is soft, having a transparent, jelly-like constitution.
  2. Black stripes. This "drawing" indicates that the fruits have reached the "condition" and you can, without even touching them, determine their ripeness.
  3. Black spots. This "coloring" is a clear sign of too early harvest.
  4. Tail. Those who collect persimmons know that a dry tail means full ripeness.

If you do not have the time and desire to wait a long time for the fruits to bounce back at home, use these tips to enjoy their taste immediately after purchase.

With the onset of winter cold, such tasty, sweet and irreplaceable fruits as tangerines came to visit us again, like tangerines, which for many generations of people are associated exclusively with a wonderful holiday, and, of course, persimmon.

Let's get acquainted with this wonderful fruit now!

Not everyone knows that today there are more than 500 varieties of persimmon, which are native to tropical countries.

Persimmon (translated from Latin as “food of the gods”) is a tasty and no less nutritious fruit that came to us a long time ago from the territories of North America. Of course, for the first time, the Europeans who tried it were, to put it mildly, not delighted with it. This is due to the fact that unripe persimmon has a rather specific, astringent taste, due to the presence of special substances in it - tannins.

And only after some time had passed, the omniscient Indian leaders explained that the ripe persimmon fruit has completely different characteristics. taste properties, and that it is best to eat it after the first days of winter fly by on the calendar.

Persimmon: benefits and harms

Is it worth talking about today? useful properties this wonderful product! Certainly yes.

After all, persimmon contains in its composition a huge amount of useful and complete trace elements, with the help of which people solve their problems with the thyroid gland, defeat diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, varicose veins, diseases of the mucous membranes, anemia, and due to the high content of iodine, also prevent the development of oncological neoplasms in the body.

Persimmon perfectly improves immunity, due to the large amount of vitamins in it, such as B, PP, A, C, calcium, iron, manganese, potassium, magnesium, and antioxidants, and also strengthens the walls of blood vessels and improves vision. Doctors prescribe this wonderful and useful product people with a vital breakdown, as well as a prophylactic during colds.

Well, perhaps the most important thing that we wanted to talk about in this article is that with the help of persimmon, many girls can achieve successful weight loss. Indeed, due to the high percentage of glucose, pectins, and, of course, fructose, a person can satisfy severe hunger with the help of a couple of fruits. And despite the fact that this fruit is very sweet, the energy value Persimmon is only 60 calories per 100 grams.

Recently, the persimmon diet has been winning the hearts of our women more and more, due to its effectiveness and convenience. Many nutritionists advise eating persimmons daily, at least one at a time.

If you want to lose weight with the help of this wonderful fruit, you can safely use this diet, which will help you get rid of 3-4 kilograms in one week, subject to full compliance with the diet proposed by the nutritionist.

As for the harm of persimmon, it is unlikely that she has ever brought it to anyone. The most important thing in a person's life is to understand what can be used personally for him, and what is not worth it. So in this case, everything is the same.

For example, it is forbidden to use a persimmon diet for weight loss for people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, because taking a large amount of this fruit can disrupt the normal patency of the stomach, and, for example, in people suffering from diabetes This can raise blood sugar levels.

Glycemic index of persimmon

Yes, and finally. If your persimmon contains a large number of seeds, do not rush to throw them away, they are fraught with a lot of useful substances. My advice to you is to dry them well, then grind them in a coffee grinder and take instead coffee drink. They invigorate very well without any side effects, unlike coffee.

Eat healthy and always be beautiful!