Home / Khachapuri / What dishes can be prepared from persimmon. Recipe for persimmon jam in a slow cooker

What dishes can be prepared from persimmon. Recipe for persimmon jam in a slow cooker

What dishes can be prepared from persimmon? Has anyone asked this question. In this article, I will write for you best recipes for persimmon! Today we will talk about what kind of berry this "Persimmon" is and what dishes can be prepared from it. And indeed, I was not mistaken when I called persimmon a berry! It's not a fruit! Persimmon is a fleshy fruit that grows on shrubs or small trees of the Ebony family, in the subtropics or tropics.

Persimmon is an elongated fruit of bright orange color with light flesh, astringent in taste. Although for some reason it tastes like a pear to me. Now let's move on to the recipes.

Pannacotta with persimmon recipe:

  1. Take a ripe persimmon, peel and remove the seeds. Use a blender to turn it into a puree.
  2. Soak instant gelatin in warm water, stir well until completely dissolved.
  3. Heat cream with sugar, without boiling, remove from heat and add gelatin, mix. Cool down.
  4. Add puree to the cream and beat with a blender until smooth.
  5. Pour the mass into containers and put it in the refrigerator to harden for 5 hours. Before serving, grate dark chocolate on top and put a piece of persimmon and a mint leaf.


  • 50g sugar
  • 300ml cream
  • 10g gelatin
  • 50ml water
  • ripe persimmon - 1 pc.

  1. Beat sugar with eggs. Add softened butter, sour cream, cinnamon, cottage cheese. Stir.
  2. Put the mass in a ceramic mold, cover with foil. Bake in the oven for 25-35 minutes.
  3. Wash and cut the persimmon into small pieces. Decorate the finished casserole with persimmons.


  • 200g sour cream
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 tbsp butter
  • 2y. ground cinnamon
  • 50g sugar
  • 50g persimmon
  • 200g cottage cheese

  1. Wash the avocado, remove the pit, peel, cut into small pieces.
  2. Squeeze the juice from half a lime. Drizzle avocado with lime juice, season with salt and pepper.
  3. Also wash the persimmon, remove the peel, cut into slices, add to the avocado and sprinkle again with lime juice.
  4. Peel the daikon, cut it into thin strips with a vegetable peeler, add to the avocado and persimmon. Put down the salad.
  5. Now let's make the salad dressing. Peel the ginger, grate 1 tsp on a fine grater.
  6. Squeeze juice from the other half of the lime. Mix juice and rice vinegar with soy sauce. Add grated ginger and ginger jam. Mix everything well.
  7. Pour dressing over salad and sprinkle with sesame seeds.


For salad:

  • 1 avocado
  • 1 persimmon
  • ¼ daikon
  • 1 handful of corn lettuce
  • ½ lime
  • 1 tsp black sesame
  • 1 pinch ground black pepper
  • 1 pinch of sea salt

for refueling:

  • 30g ginger root
  • 2 tbsp soy sauce
  • 1 tbsp rice vinegar
  • 20g ginger jam
  • ½ lime


Dessert is the first answer to the question "What can be prepared from persimmon?". Let's prepare a dessert that everyone will like. This is Cheesecake.
Would need:

  • Persimmon - 2 large pieces;
  • Cottage cheese (9%) - half a kilo;
  • Butter cookies - 100 grams;
  • Cream (33%) - half a glass;
  • Eggs - 2 pieces;
  • Sugar - 2.5 cups;
  • Lemon juice - 2 tablespoons.

Prepare the form in which you will bake the cheesecake. Crush the cookies and mix them evenly with the butter. Place the mold in the refrigerator for 40 minutes.
Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 160 degrees. And prepare the next layer of Cheesecake. Mix cottage cheese, cream, eggs and lemon juice. Beat the mass, gradually adding 1.5 cups of sugar.
The resulting mixture must be laid out on a layer of cookies and bake 35 minutes.
Once the cheesecake is baked, let it cool. Then the dessert should stand in the cold for 3-4 hours.
Now for dessert, it remains to put the final touch. Approximately 30-40 minutes before full cooking dessert, boil the water with the remaining sugar. Cut the persimmon into slices and place in water. 5 minutes persimmon should boil. Let this syrup cool down.

Persimmon pie

What else can you cook with persimmon to pamper your family? cook homemade pie. He it turns out incredibly tasty, but a little unpresentable in appearance, therefore, it is best to cook it for a family afternoon snack or dinner.

  • Persimmon - 4-5 pieces;
  • Flour - half a glass;
  • Starch - 3 tablespoons;
  • Eggs - 2 pieces;
  • Baking powder - 2 teaspoons;
  • Sugar - 1/3 cup;
  • Salt - ¼ teaspoon;
  • Butter - 5 tablespoons;
  • Vegetable oil- 2 tablespoons (for greasing the mold);
  • Vanilla sugar - 5 grams (usually this is one bag).

Preheat oven to 200 degrees. Process the persimmon. Wash thoroughly and remove leaves. Peel the too tough skin, remove the seeds and scroll the pulp through a meat grinder.
Next, add sugar to the persimmon, vanilla sugar, baking powder, butter and eggs. Whisk all ingredients thoroughly. Then add flour, starch to the mass and mix the dough thoroughly.
Pour the dough into an oiled mold. And bake persimmon pie 20 minutes.
Important point! Do not immediately take out the baked pie.
It will turn out much more aromatic if it stands for 5 minutes and tramples in the oven. Before serving, the cake should be cut into portions. Dishes from persimmon for weight loss.

Persimmon or kinglet? What is better and more useful? It is simply impossible to answer these questions immediately and unambiguously.

Firstly, because the kinglet is a type of persimmon, and secondly, they have different taste qualities. In Russia, this delicious and useful fruit, whose homeland is China, is called persimmon or kinglet, in Europe - kaki (sharon or persimon).

Pilaf brocade-doshamya

Would need: 1.25 kg of lamb, 600 g of rice, 1 onion, 200 g of melted butter, 200 g of raisins, 300 g of apricots or persimmons, 200 g of chestnuts, saffron, cumin, cinnamon, salt to taste.

Clean the lamb brisket and fry in a whole piece. Then separate the bones, pepper, salt and stew until tender in a small amount of broth with the addition of browned onions, fruits, peeled boiled chestnuts and caraway seeds.
Cook pilaf separately from rice.

Serve on plates, laying rice in a heap, placing lamb, poached fruits, chestnuts and rice kazmach on top. Drizzle with oil and sprinkle with cinnamon.

Persimmon is also rich in vitamins. There is a lot of vitamin C in it, which helps the body cope with viruses, and vitamin P, which is also found in persimmons, helps fight fatigue, depression, is responsible for the health of the skin and hair, and reduces the fragility of blood vessels.

From autumn to late winter, we can create delicious and healthy desserts from persimmon, preparing jam, compotes, salads, etc.

Fruit salad with persimmon

Would need: 3 apples, 2 persimmons, 4 walnuts, 2 tbsp. spoons of kefir.

Cut the apples in half, remove the core, chop finely. Peel the persimmons for the salad and chop finely. Nuclei walnuts fry a little and chop finely. Combine all the products, mix and season the salad with kefir.

Persimmon fruits contain a lot of sugars, mainly glucose and fructose (15%), so persimmon is good for the health of the cardiovascular system. It nourishes the heart muscle and at the same time the level of glucose in the blood does not reach a peak.
But with diabetes, persimmon is not recommended.

Persimmon Sambuk

Would need: 700 g persimmon, 5 egg yolks, 1.5 tbsp. spoons of gelatin, sugar, lemon acid on the tip of a knife.

Soak gelatin in 0.5 cup cold water and let it swell. Then, without draining the water, bring to a boil, but do not boil. Cool down.

Rinse the persimmon well, remove the seeds and rub through a sieve. Add sugar to the resulting puree, egg whites, citric acid and beat the mass with a mixer until it doubles in volume. At the end of whipping, pour in the prepared gelatin in a thin stream.

Divide the sambuco into bowls and refrigerate.

Due to the fact that persimmon contains pectin, it is dietary product indicated for indigestion. It is used in folk medicine for stomach problems.

Persimmon is also used in. Persimmon pulp is mixed with cream cheese, orange juice, honey and a pinch of salt and - an unusual original salad dressing is obtained.

Persimmons are also used to make molasses, cider, beer and wine. And in Japan, immature astringent persimmons are used to make sake. Roasted seeds can be used as a coffee substitute.

Persimmon compote

This fragrant, delicious, refreshing drink perfectly quenches thirst, is easy to prepare, and will surely please your guests.

Would need: 6 persimmon fruits (it is better to take kinglets), 6 glasses of water, 250 g of sugar.

Proportions are free. In this recipe, 1 glass of water is taken for 1 fruit, if desired, the amount of water and sugar can be increased.

Wash persimmon, cut into slices. Pour in water and bring to a boil. Add sugar and cook for 5 minutes. Let the compote cool and serve.

Persimmon has a diuretic effect and tonic properties. Calms the nervous system, increases efficiency. It has a bactericidal effect against Escherichia and hay coli, Staphylococcus aureus.

Sweet persimmon fruits perfectly satisfy hunger, but at the same time contain very few calories, so nutritionists recommend including it in the diet for those who want to. But, as they say, everything is good in moderation. Therefore, the abuse of this such delicious product, like persimmon or kinglet, is fraught with the formation of stones in the gastrointestinal tract, which leads to the development of intestinal obstruction. The use of persimmon is also contraindicated in case of individual intolerance.

And we have another recipe for a delicious, healthy and beautiful treat for you.

Persimmon jam

Would need: 1 kg of persimmon, 800 g of sugar (if the persimmon is very sweet, then 600 g of sugar is enough), 2-3 cloves, 2 star anise, citric acid to taste.

Wash persimmon, dry. Clean and cut into small pieces. Sprinkle with sugar and leave for an hour so that the juice appears. Cook over medium heat for 40 minutes, add spices. Let stand 2 hours.

Cook the jam for another 10 minutes and put it hot in jars.

Persimmon jam is homogeneous, beautiful color. If you have persimmons of astringent varieties, then it is better to freeze it first in the refrigerator so that it loses its viscosity. If the persimmon is not juicy, then first boil the syrup from sugar and water. Cook persimmon jam carefully, over low heat, stirring often so that it does not burn and retains a beautiful color.

Pleasant troubles in the kitchen and excellent appetite for your eaters!

In autumn and winter, you want unusual and bright food. Persimmon is an excellent base and addition to main dishes, salads and desserts. Try to embody five unusual, bright and very useful in the kitchen.

Persimmon and avocado salad


  • Sweet persimmon (kinglet) - 1 pc.
  • Ripe avocado - 1 pc.
  • Tomato - 1 pc.
  • Spinach - 150 g
  • Balsamic vinegar - 25 ml
  • - 50 ml
  • Lemon / lime juice - 25 ml


  1. Pour boiling water over the persimmon and remove the skin, cut into slices; do the same with the tomato. Remove the pit from the avocado, peel and cut into 1x1 cm cubes, sprinkle with lemon/lime juice. Finely chop spinach, or leave whole leaves.
  2. Prepare dressing: combine vinegar, oil and salt.
  3. Mix all the components of the salad and pour over the dressing, leave to marinate for half an hour.
  4. If you don't tolerate vinegar well, you can substitute lemon or lime juice for it.

Duck with persimmon


  • duck carcass
  • One ripe large persimmon
  • Two bulbs
  • 20 g ginger root
  • two carnations
  • Two tablespoons of butter
  • A pinch of dry thyme
  • pinch of cinnamon
  • White dry wine- 100 ml
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon
  • Wine vinegar - 1 teaspoon
  • ground chili pepper
  • Salt to taste


  1. The duck will need to be marinated in advance.
  2. Prepare the marinade: peel and finely chop the onion and ginger, combine with cloves, thyme and red pepper, add wine and vinegar. Cut the duck and put in the marinade, mix well, refrigerate for 4-6 hours.
  3. When the duck is well marinated, it will need to be baked in the oven. To do this, prepare a baking sheet or form, lay parchment and grease it with oil, put duck pieces on top and bake at 190 ⁰С for 45 minutes. Leave the marinade for the next step.
  4. Cut the persimmon into slices. Heat up in a frying pan butter and put the persimmon slices there, fry for up to 5 minutes on both sides, sprinkling with red pepper and cinnamon. Put the finished persimmon on a dish.
  5. Strain the marinade and add to the saucepan where the persimmon was fried. Boil the marinade over low heat until it is reduced by half. Then add butter and salt here.
  6. Finally, put the duck, persimmon in a saucepan, and fry over moderate heat in the resulting sauce for 5 minutes.

baked persimmon


  • Persimmon - 6 pieces
  • Sour cream - 200 ml
  • one lemon
  • glass of sugar
  • Flour - 2 tablespoons
  • Two eggs
  • Vanilla stick or vanillin


  1. Prepare the lemon: peel the zest and squeeze the juice. Put the persimmon in a deep form, fill it with water so that it covers the fruits, pour half the sugar into it, add the zest and lemon juice, bring to a boil and remove from heat. Cover tightly and leave for half an hour.
  2. Remove the persimmon from the syrup, remove the skin and remove the seeds. Beat the eggs with the second part of the sugar, combine with sour cream and flour in homogeneous mass. Clean the cinnamon stick into the resulting sauce.
  3. Put the persimmon in a baking dish, pour over the sauce, bake at 180 ⁰С for 20 minutes.

Persimmon and smoked chicken salad


  • One ripe sweet persimmon
  • 100 grams smoked chicken breast
  • Soft goat cheese- 100 g
  • Sour cream - 2 tablespoons
  • Dijon mustard - 1 teaspoon
  • cores of two
  • Dill, parsley
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Salt to taste


  1. Prepare your dressing. Combine sour cream, mustard, salt, garlic, herbs, finely chopped nuts into a homogeneous mass.
  2. Pour boiling water over the persimmon and remove the skin, remove the seeds and cut into 2 cm cubes. chicken breast cut into strips, goat cheese crumble coarsely.
  3. Combine the main components with dressing, put on a plate in a slide.
  4. Garnish the dish with thin slices of persimmon and herbs.

persimmon jelly


  • 2 large ripe persimmons
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • Gelatin - 20 grams
  • 100 ml warm boiled water


  1. Prepare in advance the forms where you will lay out the finished jelly. Also put a pot of water on the fire in advance for a water bath.
  2. Dissolve gelatin in warm water.
  3. Pour boiling water over the persimmon, remove the skin and remove the seeds. Grind the persimmon pulp with a knife and mash with a fork in a saucepan. Add honey and gelatin to the persimmon, mix everything thoroughly.
  4. Place the saucepan on water bath(already boiling), and, stirring constantly, heat the mass for one minute.
  5. Put the finished jelly out of the mold, cool, refrigerate for two hours.

Is it easy to love persimmon? Yes and no! On the one hand, these bright orange fruits beckon with their glossy ripeness. On the other hand, there is always a risk that the wrong persimmon will knit in the mouth. Then don't expect any joy from her. But in ancient times, the sweetness of persimmon was compared with honey - is the secret of how to make persimmon non-astringent irretrievably lost? No, in our time, thanks to scientific and technical achievements, it is even easier to make non-astringent persimmons. Scientists have figured out why persimmon knits, and figured out how to deal with persimmon viscosity.

Persimmon appears on the shelves only with the onset of cold weather, so in our latitudes there are so many myths about it that do not always correspond to reality. But the southerners know how to make persimmon sweet, and their advice will be very useful to us. By and large, it’s better to immediately choose a sweet persimmon and not puzzle over how to get rid of the astringent taste. But if you happened to buy a persimmon, and it is impossible to feast on it, do not get upset ahead of time and do not rush to scold the seller. It is possible and necessary to make persimmon non-astringent at home, and we will now tell you exactly how to do it.

But the main value of persimmon and its characteristic feature lies in the high content of tannins - substances with powerful antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. The viscosity of persimmons is the “merit” of tannins, which give a tart taste not only to fruit pulp, but also to coffee beans, tea leaves, dark chocolate and many other plants (remember the aroma of eucalyptus, pomegranate peel and / or coniferous resin). But the astringency of tannins can be forgiven for their ability to fight tumors, suppress the development of pathogens, stop bleeding, act as an antidote and tone the human body.

What persimmon does not knit? How to choose the right sweet persimmon?
Just as not all yogurts are equally useful, not all persimmons knit in the mouth. In fact, there are so many varieties of persimmon that among this variety there are both tart and sweet persimmon varieties. Moreover: the same variety of persimmon can spoil astringent and honey berries. How is this possible? That's how:
So there are two ways to buy sweet, non-astringent persimmons. It is necessary to give preference to the large, fleshy and completely intolerant Sharon, which costs a little more than other varieties. Or wait until the inexpensive Caucasian persimmon ripens and loses its bitterness, that is, buy persimmon not earlier than December, and even better - after the New Year. But even in the middle of winter, choose only the ripest fruits, which are distinguished by the thinnest dark orange skin, jelly-like, pliable pulp and a completely dry, darkened stem without leaves.

What to do with astringent persimmon? How to make persimmon sweet
Persimmon is not a watermelon for you, it is impossible to try it before buying it. But you can get rid of the viscosity of persimmons even if the fruits brought home were unripe and impossible to take in your mouth. An astringent persimmon can become sweet without a trace of bitterness if you adopt simple chemistry applicable at home:
Do not be afraid to “overexpose” persimmons: even overripe berries are edible and relatively harmless compared to unripe astringent persimmons, because of the tough fibers and tannic effect, it is forbidden for people with a weak stomach and intestines, as well as those who have undergone surgical operations on the digestive organs.

What else to do with astringent persimmon? Persimmon processing methods
All of the previous recommendations were for fresh persimmons, and they make persimmons non-astringent for consumption raw, whole, or sliced. But in cooking, persimmon is valued and widely used due to its gelling pectins, appetizing color and sweet taste. Try to get rid of persimmon astringency in the following ways:

  1. Dried persimmon tastes like dates and does not knit at all in the mouth. You can dry persimmons outdoors, in the sun, or in an electric fruit dryer.
  2. Dried persimmon is devoid of astringent taste, it becomes sweeter than fresh fruits and is common in eastern countries along with candied fruit and other natural sweets.
  3. Persimmon pulp can be pitted and skinned and added to the dough for baking muffins, cheesecakes and / or pancakes. Heat treatment relieve persimmon from astringent taste, and ready meals will acquire a warm hue and a sweet aftertaste.
The sweetness of persimmon allows it to be used as a sweetener instead of sugar in desserts, puddings, fruit salads, jams and muesli. For the sake of this rich taste, it is worth trying and making the persimmon not astringent, but honey. It is no coincidence that the ancient Greeks called persimmon "the fiery food of the gods", and they knew a lot about gastronomic pleasures. Unfortunately, people suffering from diabetes. For those who have a weak stomach, it is also better not to take risks and give up persimmons. We advise everyone else not to miss the persimmon season and not be afraid to buy fruits of any variety, because now you know how to make any persimmon non-astringent.