Home / Dough / Guangzhou cuisine: daily divine meals. Guangzhou restaurants Does Guangzhou have a specialty dumplings restaurant

Guangzhou cuisine: daily divine meals. Guangzhou restaurants Does Guangzhou have a specialty dumplings restaurant

"Food in Guangzhou" is not just empty words. Guangzhou is always the nation's premier food and has a large number of There are many experienced old and new boutiques with a history of hundreds of years without decay, traditional and innovative dishes, snacks, food with famous flavors. Tea and soup are also specialties in Guangzhou, which has become a unique local culture.

Guangzhou dishes

Guangzhou cuisine is the main organ and representative of Cantonese cuisine. Cantonese cooking methods are twenty-one kinds, a lot, especially how to fry, stew, steam, boil and so on, pay attention to the fire mode, color, smell, taste and shape of the dishes are very important. The taste is clean, fresh and delicate, Guangzhou cuisine draws attention to crisp and not light, fresh and impressive taste, delicate but not greasy. Guangzhou cuisine is seasonal, tends to light in summer, and is biased towards rich taste in winter and spring.

Delicious and authentic restaurants are usually found in the old city (Yuexiu District, Liwan District, Dongshan District). Panfu Street, Southwest Street, Huifu Street, etc. regarded as a "food street", restaurants large and small are lined up all the way.

Several restaurants are very well known among the locals, and there are many branch restaurants, its specialty is especially well known, such as: Guangzhou Restaurant known as "The First Restaurant in Guangzhou" is an old and famous restaurant, its specialty is Full Manchu banquet (banquet) table; The restaurant around the Pan River, known as the "First Restaurant in the South District", has eight courses and eight famous dishes... The most famous are the Banquet (banquet) table for desserts and the Banquet (banquet) table in Western style, can be booked in advance; North Restaurant, South Restaurant, two restaurants among four garden-style restaurants in Guangzhou, under the banner of fruits and vegetables; The Big Three restaurant in Guangzhou and even Southeast Asia uses its reputation and most famous dish - Great Shark Fins Stew; TaoTao Zhu in the Guangxi dynasty opened and entertained too many famous and educated (cultured) people, nowadays retains the traditional storyteller, a signature dish like chicken with fried onions and ginger; Other famous restaurants seafood products include Tongtian Seafood Restaurant, Lucky House Restaurant, Huian Restaurant, etc. but Lianxian Restaurant famous for lotus paste is also worth a visit.

Light Food - Guangzhou

Guangzhou snacks are famous everywhere, and are divided into seven categories: class-butter (fried foods), pancakes, salty pancakes, crunchy, etc. class-porridge, there is Tingcen porridge, "Wu Zhang Ji" porridge, Yaocun with two-lobed ginkg porridge; Vermicelli and noodles, there are Round ears with noodles ("Europe in mind" as representative), Shahe vermicelli (fried or with soup can be made), Chong Chi vermicelli, Guilin rice noodles, Seto powder; baking class, carrot cake; dessert, London pie, etc. Dessert, Assorted Red Beans, Green Beans, Wheat and rice porrige, rice pudding, sesame paste, almond dough, dumplings, etc. especially Shuangpinae and Milk with ginger make up the most famous hit; Tsongqin, Sweet and savory dumplings; Omnivorous, including fried snails, red pig soup, bone soup, hot and sour vegetables, and so on. On Peking Street, there is a famous offal shop, juice shop, and there is also a restaurant for supplying porridge, pasta, noodles, tea and other snacks.

Shanxiajiu Food Street and Southwest also have snacks and drinks in the style of old Guangzhou, Shuangpinae from Nansin, Beef mixture on the street, Round ears with noodles, "Wu Zhang Ji" Porridge are very famous, usually a small store is full of people, it is difficult to find places but it doesn't matter, because there are many shops here, went one after the other and each has a different flavor. There is one noodles restaurant on Baohuai Street that makes Pig's Leg Noodles and Beef Tenderloin Noodles very good.

Guangzhou soup

Guangzhou people love soup, as is known, Guangzhou people are at home or in a restaurant, the first consideration is not about dishes, but about the choice of soups. On holiday, soup always plays a leading role. Guangzhou soup has already become one strong local culture characteristic, even without expensive materials, just cook it for a few hours, enough to allow the soup to become thick, fragrant fresh alcohol. "The sky and the first soup" Mingzao "Dove with a swallow", Old soup is especially famous.

Guangzhou food places

Guangzhou Shangxiajiu (Lebanon District), works mostly fried rice: Fried Pancakes, Salted Pancakes, Crispy, Neil Biscuits, Crisp Turn, Big Nice Fried Cream and so on.

Guangzhou West Ho Erma Street (Yuexiu District), mainly porridge breeds: Tidin porridge, Tintsen porridge, Old porridge, Porridge with beef, Porridge with pork liver, Soup with fish head, Soup with a snake, Porridge with canned (in lime) eggs, low fat (lean) meat, Yuba Ginkgo noodle soup: Round ears, Shahe, Heifin, Guilin rice noodles, Noodles and so on.

Guangzhou Di Street (Yuexiu District), mainly sell desserts: biscuit, chestnut cake, carrot cake, taro cake.

Beijing Street, Guangzhou (Yueshu District), in the main they sell desserts: Shuangpinae and Milk with ginger, sesame paste, peanut paste, Red bean paste, Guligao, Silver tree mushroom with lollipop, Lotus seeds and lily with lollipop and so on.

Guangzhou Guanganda Street (Yueshu District), mainly sell triangular pies: Tiashui triangular pies, Triangular pies with salted meat, Triangle Ham Patties, Guocen Triangle Patties and so on.

Guangzhou Huiden Street (Haicun District), mainly sell meat mixes: Beef mixes, Dog meat, Fried live bearers, Red pig soup, Meat skewers, Quan Horse Hoof, Quan pineapple.

(廣州) is a large industrial city on the banks of the Pearl River with a population of 13 million. The city was traditionally known in the West as Canton during the period of foreign occupation and still has a strong diaspora. The city is the center of South Chinese culture and a major export center. Guangzhou China is bounded by Baiyun Mountain in the north, plain and Pearl River in the south. It is the capital of Guangdong province, as well as the largest commercial, industrial, transport and economic center of all of southern China. Founded in the 3rd century BC and famous for its port, Guangzhou China has long attracted foreigners. Here was the main staging post of the well-known Silk Road. Ships took goods from China to Guangzhou. The remains of the Qin and Han dynasty shipyards have survived to this day.

Now Guangzhou China Is the fourth largest city in China after Shanghai, Beijing and Tianjin and quite a modern city. It is one of 24 historic cities Of China with over 2000 years of history. Also close to Guangzhou are located and making it very convenient for travel.

Every year from the second half of April to the first week of May and from the second half of October to the first week of November, Guangzhou China hosts import and export exhibitions. For travelers, I would advise avoiding these periods as hotels are overcrowded and overpriced during this time. Transportation prices are also going up.

Guangzhou China has a free monthly English-language magazine that covers the latest events and activities in the city. A very useful thing for independent tourists. The magazine can be picked up free of charge at many tourist destinations in Guangzhou China, such as Starbucks. It is a really valuable and free resource to get to know the city and places to go in Guangzhou China. If you don't find the magazine, read , where I write about travel to Asia and beyond.

Districts of Guangzhou, China

Guangzhou City China has a well-developed metro network that connects cities and city districts.

Guangzhou districts:

  • Yuexiu (越秀)
  • Liwan (荔湾) - there are many tourist attractions and shopping centers... Also here is the Shamian Island.
  • Haizhu (海 珠) is a fast-growing area with many high-rise residential buildings. In the center of Haizhu Square, there is a very large market that sells goods for export.
  • Tianhe (天河) - The area was founded in 1980 and became known as the new city center. Most of the schools and universities are located here, as well as a science park. The area is characterized by modern skyscrapers and the Central Sports Stadium. There are many shopping opportunities here, including the popular Tee Shopping Center. The shopping center in Guangzhou Tianhe District - Citic Plaza is currently the eighth tallest building in the world. Also located here is the Guangzhou East Railway Station (from where there are direct trains to ).
  • Baiyun (白云) - the international airport is located here.
  • Huangpu (黄埔)
  • Huadu (花都)
  • Panyu (番禺) is located on the outskirts of Guangzhou. There is a water park here.
  • Nansha (南沙)
  • Logan (萝岗 区)
  • Zengcheng (增城)
  • Tsonghua (从 化)

The first thing that catches your eye is that the city is very clean and surrounded by greenery.

Today, hundreds of thousands of trade ties are intertwined, and a huge number of transactions are concluded. There are more than 100 wholesale markets, tens of thousands of industries are concentrated.

Weather in Guangzhou

The rainy season is from April to June. August, September are the hottest months with a high probability of typhoons. For tourists, the season starts in October and ends in December.

It is possible to buy a tour, but I advise you to make an independent trip to Guangzhou. The very first step is to buy cheap tickets to Guangzhou. What to do next is very simple.

Guangzhou Airport China- the first airport that we met, where lighters are taken from hand luggage, among other things prohibited. But at the exit from Guangzhou airport smart-ass Chinese are already waiting for you, who immediately offer you a lighter, no matter whether you need it or not, for 1-5 yuan.

By the way, have you seen Chinese kids? There are a lot of them here) They do not wear diapers, they are wearing Chinese pants with a hole!

If you want to get into Guangzhou from China then you can easily get there by bus or train.

Transportation in Guangzhou, China

For 0.2-0.4 $ you can rideon one of 410 bus routes. Plus, there are 40 night routes in Guangzhou, operating until 6 am. The most popular transport in a large metropolis is the metro, which has 9 lines. Lines 1 and 2 go through the city center, line 3 goes from Guangzhou Baiyun Airport. For $ 0.3 you can also take a river tram ride on one of 6 routes.

Hotels in Guangzhou

This is where the really big deal is in the selection of hotels and inns in Guangzhou. During the exhibitions, a million tourists come to the city, and they all need to stay somewhere. Therefore, the hotel industry is developing rapidly here. In addition, due to the great competition, prices for hotel accommodation in Guangzhou are not too high. However, in the city, there are periods when there are no exhibitions (hotel prices are minimal) and when international exhibitions are held (prices are increasing). But choose the best option always possible.

Guangzhou Food, China

Guangzhou China is the birthplace of Cantonese cuisine, the style of which has spread widely throughout the world. Most Western cuisines have adopted chinese recipes, familiar to them as “ Chinese food". However, keep in mind that many foods that Westerners find unpleasant (eg dog, snake, etc.) are used as food in China.

V Chinayou can find a variety of cuisine, and for gourmets, this is a paradise. Restaurants, cafes, bars in Guangzhou are literally at every step with delicious, exotic, hearty food.Food in Guangzhouwill be of interest to literally every tourist, because you will not try such exoticism in combination with familiar things anywhere else. In 2019, the yuan exchange rate is certainly not the lowest, but it is still worth trying food in Guangzhou 2019.

Guangzhou food unpredictable. If you are not afraid, then you can try something unusual. The menu in Guangzhou is sometimes translated very funny when you see "fried Basil", "eggplant with a cardboard box" or "shit on the board." Below is a photo of the menu in the restaurant, admire it. 🙂

Attractions Guangzhou China, what to see in Guangzhou 2019

Guangzhou attractions amaze even the most sophisticated tourists. Guangzhou tourist map in Russian.

I have selected 10 interesting places for you, which in no case should be ignored if you are lucky enough to visit Guangzhou in China:

  • Temple of the Six Banyan Trees
  • Skyscraper "Golden Donut"
  • TV tower
  • Bridge Liede
  • Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hall
  • Opera theatre
  • Pearl river
  • Pedestrian street Beijing Road
  • International financial center
  • Guangxiaos Temple

You can read more about Guangzhou attractions in the article Below is a short story about some of the sights of the city of Guangzhou, China.

Temples in Guangzhou China

  • Temple of Six Banyan Trees
  • Haitun Temple

Shamian Island (沙 面 岛) retains the unique look of colonial China. It features old European style buildings.

in Yuexiu Park is the symbol of the city. This statue is depicted everywhere in Guangzhou: on billboards, advertisements and emblems. If you find yourself in the north of the city be sure to visit Yuexiu Park.
  • Yuexiu Park Address : Jiefang Bei Road Subway Station: Yuexiu Park
  • Opening hours: 08:00 - 18:00

Of course, parks and squares are the center of attraction for tourists. A park Yuexiu is a famous landmark of Guangzhou, which is visited annually by over 10 million people. The area of ​​the park is truly impressive - 860,000 m2, and the beauty is forever engraved in memory. There are many historical monuments in the park, such as the Sun Yat-sen Monument, the Ming Dynasty City Wall, and the Zhenhai Tower. 12 months of the year, the park is surrounded by greenery. Guangzhou is so popular Exhibitions that they are held even in the park, spring here there is a big fair and an exhibition of chrysanthemums in the fall. In the main Guangzhou Park there is a gym, a huge sports stadium, a swimming pool and a boat dock.

Famous the statue of the five goats in Guangzhoulocated in this park. For locals, the word "goat" is associated with luck, not what you might think.There is an orchid garden next to the park.

Dongshan Park

Coming to the park, one is surprised by the number of people who walk, as well as elderly people who go in for sports or dance in the open air. In nThe Dongshan Arch has a large lake in the center, where it is pleasant to take a break from the stuffy city.

Mount Baiyun in Guangzhou China

Baiyun Mountain (白云 山) overlooks the city. Nice place to visit.

Guangzhou Zoo China

Another attraction of Guangzhou is the zoo. It is the largest zoo in all of southern China.

Famous for its festivals Guangzhou exhibitions , to see which people come from all over the world. This is, first of all, the Festival of Flowers and the Festival of National Cuisine.

- the highest in the world (610 meters). It receives 10 thousand tourists every day.

  • Address Guangzhou TV Tower: Xingang Zhongyifan Road, Haizhu district
  • Subway station: Chigang Pagoda
  • Opening hours: 09:00 - 22:00

Also in the city there isChimelong Water ParkIs the largest water park in Asia.

There are a lot of shops in Guangzhou.Starting from modern shopping centers and ending with all kinds of markets. By the way, it is customary to bargain in the market and in small shops.

  • Shops on the pedestrian street Beijing street("Lu") - Tall Chinese street shops of western brands and small local shops are lined up here.
  • Shops on the street Shangxia Jiu("Lou") is a pedestrianized street with many shops.
  • Haizhu Square (Haizhu)("Silk market") - there is a very large market where export goods are sold. Great place to buy gifts and souvenirs in Guangzhou cheap. Bargaining here is discouraged if you buy in bulk.

Guangzhou is famous for its Cantonese cuisine. There are restaurants for every taste, and there are also very exotic for Europeans.On Shamen Island, in the center of Guangzhou - Liqin Restaurant. You will also see its landmark from afar - a powerfula tree growing through its roof. And near the embankment, if you cross the Pearl River - the eight-story Datong restaurant -coolness from the river and wonderful views. The four-storey Guangzhou restaurant is surrounded by greenery of shrubs and colors of flowers.

V you can taste exotic shark soup, crab dishes, in general, a lot fish dishes... This is one of the most famousrestaurants. Unusual and delicious meals The North Garden restaurant is famous for poultry. For example, stewed duck legs withoyster sauce. And if you want to eat something completely unusual, you should visit two large and famous in Guangzhou (and not only init!) restaurant "Wild animals" on Peking street. There you will be offered dishes from bears and other wild animals, as well as fromdogs and cats, and even snakes. As for the latter, there is also a special restaurant Snake with a showcase of creeping future dishes. Can youchoose "favorite". It is located in the same area. And very exotic dishes will be offered to you by the trays of the evening Guangzhou.

We will not list: look at the photos. But these stalls sell not only "delicacies" that are not easily edible for Europeans, but also a real gourmand - strawberries in caramel, strung on a stick, like a shish kebab. Sweet tooth! This is for you! In the northBeijing Street Taipin (World) Old Restaurant - the first restaurant in Guangzhou European cuisine... We missed Russian cuisinewhile shopping - there is also a Russian restaurant in the Chinese city. Look for "Arbat" in a new, rapidly developing area - 天河 区address: 广州 市, 珠江 新城 兴盛 路 17 号 首层 G6 铺 俄罗斯 欧洲 美食 餐厅 (猎德 地铁 站 D 出口). And if you don't eat meat, there is also a vegetarian restaurant CaigenxiangVegetarian. And all over Guangzhou there are the familiar McDonald's, KFC logos. There you will always have a snack, however, with Chinese accent.

On the highest (yet!) Highest building in Guangzhou, on the 72nd floor, there is a cafe and a buffet. You can combine food with sightseeing in Guangzhou"Downright".

If restaurants have, apart from à la carte dishes, and "Buffet" - for a fixed fee with unlimited access to the table - without a drop If you have any doubts, choose a buffet - you will not regret it.

The hallmark of Cantonese cuisine is pork in sweet and sour sauce... Very tasty! Where you see - try it!

Each city is divided into two parts: tourist and non-tourist. Tourist is what tourists come for. These can be architectural objects, some cultural things, exhibitions, museums and everything else. Non-tourist is what is usually hidden from the eyes of an ordinary tourist who follows the guide everywhere and listens to him. But as soon as he turns from the central, sleek street into the gateway, a completely different picture appears to his eyes. Walking in different cities, you can often witness how the same city can look completely different. "Each artist sees in his own way" is a well-known axiom that plays an important role in this issue. Someone in the slums and ugliness sees only something terrible and annoying, while someone, on the contrary, sees something special and unusual.

In any case, I saw enough of various things in Guangzhou, walking through the sleeping and some wild neighborhoods, but I can say one thing - I felt much safer there than in Biryulyovo at the same time. Since there are many photos of such places, I decided to make several posts. Happy viewing!

1. A typical backyard. The most striking thing is that he was located directly outside the gates of the temple complex, about which he wrote in the previous post.

2. Typical alleys in our understanding in Guangzhou. Everything happens in them: children play, and bicycles are repaired, and as you can see in the photo, things are dried.


4. Cheerful mailboxes. There are no such people in Russia. Because, as the Russian post wrote, "The letter must be long-awaited." Before entering the staircase.

5. Curly wrote about the wires. The situation here is terrible with them - it is completely unclear to understand where which cable goes without 100 grams. Another thing that surprised me was that the transformers are open right on the street.

6. Typical local side street, but very cozy. In general, I noticed that the Chinese are completely on the drum for how something looks around them. They can both eat and sleep, as well as relieve themselves directly in almost the same place. Correct if I'm wrong.

7. One of the Guangzhou markets. I did not see any difference with ours, except that the currency was not rubles, but the yuan, and everything was written in hieroglyphs. The only thing that is different is the wider range of different fruits and vegetables that you cannot find in Russia, or you can find them, but at insanely high prices.

8. Asians, and in particular the Chinese, are some of the most gambling in the world. The number of such tables with games is simply amazing. In Russia, something similar happened in the 90s, but with confidantes. This is a common thing here. I immediately remembered a shot from the film "Express Delivery".


10. This altar, a monument of glory, was spotted on one of the streets of bustling Guangzhou. Everyone gathered here: Vladimir Ilyich, Iosif Vissarionovich, and Mao Zedun, and Karl Marx. Who is on the left in the shadows, I still do not understand ... It is strange that Kim Il Sung is not there.

11. I understand that I may already be tired of the same courtyards, but for some reason it seems to me that for all their ugliness there is something in them ..

12. And this, what do you think? This is the making of a cocktail B-52 of cane juice. The production is simply outrageous: you take a cane stalk, put it in such a meat grinder and at the exit we get a funky juice of a dark greenish hue. It tastes very sweet despite the fact that nothing but cane has been used! I recommend it for your reference.

13. And this is behind the counter. The picture is depressing to say the least ...

14. Street food in Guangzhou is incredible. This is not whitewash with pasties on the square of three stations. For all the unsightly and unsanitary conditions, food in such places is in great demand. In the kitchens, often organized directly on the street, there is a cafe with tables. People come after a hard day's work to taste meatballs or something else. I never tried Chinese street food, but I really wanted to. I also noticed that there are a lot of McDucks in Guangzhou. If I didn’t know that McDuck's country of origin is the United States, I would have thought it was China. There is a lot of it there.

15. Both the kitchen and the cafe rolled into one. Everything looks very appetizing.

16. Cooking. View from above.

17. Moscow homeless people spoil the view of the city and dishonor the capital? Welcome to Guangzhou! It is at the crossroads of one of the busiest and most touristy streets - Beijing Street.

For Guangzhou, it is quite an ordinary picture. Especially in poorer neighborhoods.

18. I am quite used to such pictures on the third day of my stay.


20. The contrasts are striking: on the one hand there is a pile of rubbish, on the other - expensive cars costing more than one thousand dollars. This is the whole of China.

21. In such places, parcels are collected and sent to all ends.

22. This, as it might seem, is an organized area with tents, chairs and various food items, but this is only at first glance. In fact, this is an ordinary piece of a pedestrian street. And after 18:00 it becomes a kind of square with cafes and other entertainments, where the working Chinese people have a rest after a hard day's work. Tables, chairs and the like of barbecues are brought in literally in seconds and the street turns into a spontaneous square. It is interesting to observe all this from the sidelines. There are so many people already half an hour or an hour after the opening that it is difficult to walk between tables and chairs, since they are placed in a chaotic order.

23. Some kind of meat is cooked. Directly over an open fire. I have never seen such a thing.

24. Someone is eating in the square, and someone is serenely sitting in an armchair in the alley.

25. A few more local contrasts.


27. Approximately all cafes in Guangzhou, more precisely in the sleeping quarters, look like this. It is not customary to eat at home here. That is why people dump outside and eat outside after work. We lived in a hotel where you can live. There is a large refrigerator, a microwave oven, but there is no ordinary stove. Electric or gas. They said that eating on the street in such a cafe is cheaper than cooking at home.

28. Evening haircut on the streets of Guangzhou. This is quite normal here.

29. Local gopota. As I already wrote, in such places I felt more secure than at the same time in Moscow.

30. And again cooking, and again on the street.

I liked the non-touristy Guangzhou. This is a kind of place. In Russia, everything is somehow different than here. Huge skyscrapers coexist with slums, where from day to day its own life flows, unlike anything else. In the near future I will make a few more similar posts about the non-tourist side of the city in southern China.

The cost of food in Guangzhou is not high. While resting in this city, you can have a great meal and spend rich leisure time with minimal financial investments. Even though food in China is cheap, that doesn't mean you can buy it for next to nothing. Chinese prices have a lot in common with ours, and in some cases may be slightly higher. Let's try to figure out how much food costs in Guangzhou.

Food cost in Guangzhou

Many people think that the prices in the south of China are very low. In fact, the cost of food in Guangzhou is slightly higher than in Beijing. Walking through the hypermarkets and markets, it is quite easy to notice this. In restaurants and cafes, the cost of food is practically the same as in the capital.

Lunch at inexpensive cafe costs around $ 5. To have a delicious dinner, you will need to pay $ 15. In this case, you can count on alcohol. This cost cannot be called high, if only because the portions in China are very large.

You can save money by buying food in the markets. Its cost may be slightly lower than in stores. Not knowing the approximate cost of products and the language, it is better to give preference to stores where a fixed price for products is set.

The cost of drinks in Guangzhou

  • Mineral water - $ 0.5;
  • Drinking water - $ 0.3;
  • Juice - $ 2.5;
  • Carbonated drink - $ 2;
  • Milk - $ 2;
  • Drinking yogurt - $ 2;
  • Beer - from $ 0.5;
  • Wine - from $ 3.

There are a lot of inexpensive alcoholic drinks in Guangzhou. In almost every store you can buy inexpensive wine, whiskey and beer. The quality of these products cannot be called very good, but it is no worse than what is sold here for a little more cost.

Fruits and vegetables

  • Potatoes - from $ 0.5;
  • Tomatoes - $ 1.5;
  • Cucumbers - $ 1.2;
  • Cabbage - $ 1.5;
  • Apples - from $ 1.5;
  • Grapes - $ 4.5;
  • Peaches - $ 3;
  • Bananas - $ 2;
  • Cherries - from $ 19.

Food prices in Guangzhou in 2017 depend on the distance of shops from the city center. In places where tourists are concentrated, food is more expensive. The cheapest fruits and vegetables are in the markets. In supermarkets, the cost is acceptable, at least slightly higher than ours. The cost of fruits and vegetables often depends on the season. Imported vegetables and fruits can cost more than ours.

If we consider the cost of meat products, then their quality will play a decisive role. In China, you can find very cheap chicken - about $ 2.5, only now it does not differ good taste. Quality product has a cost of more than $ 5. The same can be said for lamb and pork.

The cheapest food in China is fast food. Its cost matches ours. Although in small cafes you can eat deliciously for around $ 5. If you cook on your own, you can get away with $ 200 a month, and in some cases even less.

Holidays in Guangzhou can be called budget option, which will allow you to get a lot of positive impressions. There is a wide range of products and entertainment for people with a wide range of incomes.