Home / Dough / Job description of a sushi chef. What should a chef know? Is it hard to be a sushi chef?

Job description of a sushi chef. What should a chef know? Is it hard to be a sushi chef?

Job description

Sushi chef

General provisions.

1.2. Appointment to the position of a sushi chef and dismissal is carried out by order of the director of the enterprise with the obligatory conclusion of an agreement on individual liability and in compliance with the requirements of the Labor Code Russian Federation.

1.3. The sushi chef reports to the chef.

Qualification requirements and level of knowledge

A person with a professional education and at least 2 years of experience in the specialty is appointed to the position of a sushi chef.

The sushi chef must know:

2.1. Fundamentals of cooking technology.

2.2. Rules and norms of labor protection, internal regulations of the enterprise, industrial sanitation and fire safety.

2.3 Law of the Russian Federation. "Consumer Protection".

3.Job Responsibilities.

3.1.Checks the quality and compliance of the main products and their additional ingredients with the technological requirements for dishes.

3.2.Performs technological processes for the preparation and presentation of dishes according to the established menu, costing cards.

3.3.Produces the processing of fish and seafood and the preparation of semi-finished products from them for main courses, taking into account safety requirements food products and quality of finished semi-finished products.

3.4. Produces and portions semi-finished products from fish and seafood.

3.5. Produces sushi in compliance with technological requirements to the food and the quality of the finished product.

3.6. Serves and arranges sushi for serving in accordance with approved standards.

3.7. Prepares the necessary components and cooks rice.

3.8. Makes sauces according to the developed technology.

3.9. Provides prepared meals.

3.10. Carries out warehousing of semi-finished products according to the established storage locations.

3.11. Follows the procedure for waste disposal.

3.12. Adopts a flexible schedule in order to provide uninterrupted service to hotel guests.

3.13. If necessary, provides assistance to colleagues in the performance of duties.

3.14. Immediately inform the manager of any malfunctions in the operation of kitchen equipment.

3.15. Attends department meetings, takes part in training events.

3.16. Complies with internal labor regulations, safety and fire safety rules at his own workplace

3.17. Complies with sanitary and hygienic standards and requirements approved for public catering establishments.

3.18. Notifies seniors of observed violations of discipline, violations of the norms for laying raw materials.

3.19. Bears other obligations stipulated by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation..


4.1. Submit proposals to improve the work of the unit for consideration by the management.

4.2. Within the limits of his competence, inform his immediate supervisor of all shortcomings in the activities of the enterprise identified in the course of the performance of official duties.

4.3. Has other rights provided for by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

Position relationships.

The sushi chef interacts:

5.1. with employees of restaurants and bars - on issues related to the fulfillment of guest orders;

5.2. with the logistics service - on issues of product acceptance;

6. Responsibility.

The chef is responsible for:

6.1. improper performance or non-performance of their official

duties - within the limits determined by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.;

6.2. offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.;

6.3. material damage caused - within the limits, providing false information about the state of performance of production tasks;

6.4. incorrect behavior in relation to its employees, visitors, guests - within the limits determined by the relevant articles of the legislation of the Russian Federation.;

6.5. provision of unreliable information about the status of performance of production tasks;

6.6. non-fulfillment of orders, instructions and instructions of the director of the hotel complex;

6.7. failure to take measures to suppress the identified violations of safety regulations, fire and other rules that pose a threat to the normal safe operation of the hotel complex;

6.8.violation of the Internal Labor Regulations, fire safety and safety regulations established at the enterprise;

Having read the job responsibilities outlined above, I agree that my responsibilities will also include other tasks in order to meet the requirements of the hotel complex.


Human resources department inspector ______________________________________

FULL NAME. Position Acquaintance date Signature

At present, in Ukraine, and especially in the capital, there are many adherents of Japanese cuisine. Therefore, sushi bars and restaurants that specialize in Japanese dishes Oh. Employers of such establishments are very interested in professional sushi chefs. Of course, true sushi lovers will want to learn how to cook exotic dishes at home. Another popular option is to order home delivery of rolls. But sushi bars also attract visitors. By standards, service in these establishments is quite fast. If the dish is prepared by a professional sushi chef, then the order is on the client's table in 15-20 minutes. Enjoying the exotic taste, visitors often do not even think about the fact that real sushi professionals have been honing their skills for decades. The work of a sushi chef has certain specific features. Of course, not every chef who wants to work as a sushi chef has the opportunity to go to Japan to study with famous sushi chefs. But according to tradition, true sushi masters learn the secrets of cooking rice and fish dishes from their teachers during a long study and practice. The position of "sushi chef" in restaurants in Japan is honorable and at the same time very responsible. After all, only that sushi chef who has perfectly mastered the skills of cooking poisonous puffer fish can achieve such a title. The work of a sushi chef in Ukraine has a different specificity. Since puffer fish dishes are not in demand among visitors, a sushi chef can achieve the qualification of "sushi chef" by working in restaurant business at least ten years. The head chef of a Japanese restaurant has a huge responsibility. He must organize the work of sushi and ensure compliance with all the rules and regulations for the preparation of Japanese dishes. His responsibilities also include compiling menus, developing new dishes and designing them. appearance. The image of the restaurant depends on each dish prepared at the proper level. The work of a qualified sushi chef is paid enough high level, and the salary of an ordinary sushi chef directly depends on the popularity of the restaurant and the quality of its cuisine. You can take the first steps in making rolls at a 5-day course in the national network of sushi bars "SushiYa". Based on the results of theoretical and practical classes, the student receives a certificate of a roller player (sushi player). But this is only the beginning. A novice sushi chef must understand that the only way to become a cold shop chef is through hard work, listening to the advice of more experienced sushi chefs. The specifics of the work of a sushi-maker (roller) lies in the practical application of technologies for quick freezing and the peculiarities of cooking various types of fish. Rolls should be prepared in such a way that when mixing different ingredients, it emphasizes special taste dishes. Information source http://zaporozhye.hh.ua

Hello dear friends. Many of you love sushi and rolls. I will tell you a little about the work of a sushi chef. The job of a sushi chef You can’t call it easy, but it is very interesting. Today there are many vacancies for sushi chefs can be found on job sites this profession is relevant, because more and more Japanese cafes and restaurants are opening. A peculiar aura of Japanese culture and spirit. Sushi chef must know the technology of preparation, quality requirements, food storage conditions, methods of serving and decorating national dishes Japanese cuisine.

When you come to get a job in some institution - a sushi bar or cafe, most likely, you will first comprehend work in a hot shop. Rice cooking, preparation of blanks, salmon salting, cooking soy sauce cooking wasabi. And, of course, the preparation of sushi and rolls.

Making sushi and rolls

I'm laying it out in detail making sushi and rolls since i worked sushi chef not one year. I will describe some working moments as they are. We take rice specially designed for sushi (other rice will not work), for example "SHINAKI". We cook as follows - the ratio of water and rice is 1: 1. Rice is cooked in a special rice cooker. Rice should not be overcooked. We transfer the finished rice to hangiri (a wooden tub for rice in the form of a basin), pour over it with a special dressing for sushidze rice and mix. We interfere 5-7 times with an interval of 5-7 minutes. Dressing is prepared as follows: we take rice vinegar "Mitsukan" - 1.25 kg; add 1.0 kg of sugar and 0.1 kg of salt. Put on the stove and heat, stirring all the time. When the sugar and salt dissolve in the vinegar, the dressing is ready (do not bring to a boil). For 2.5 kg of dry rice we take 0.45 kg of dressing.

Next, we salt the salmon: salmon, cut into layers, fall asleep with salt. After 3-4 hours, we take a piece of material - a rag, moisten it in water and remove excess salt. Then we perform shock freezing. We cut the eel as follows: open the package, remove the unagi sauce, cut off the fins and cut the eel of the desired shape in the form of "caps" - for the Canada roll, or in the form of bars 15-20 cm long - for other rolls, for example, "Roll with eel".

We cut off the stalks of cucumbers and cut out the middle with seeds, and throw it away.

Cooking hot sauce spice - kimchi sauce 60% and 40% mayonnaise. Nori can be used - "Gold", "Yaki". Curd cheese "Hochland" is suitable. Wasabi is diluted from powder with water approximately 1: 1.

Sushi chef salary

As with any job, experience will come with time. So here - 2-4 months, and you will become a "full-fledged" sushi chef.

Concerning sushi chef salary(on the example of one of the cities of the Volga region in Russia): during the first 1.5-2 months you will receive 750 rubles a day. Then 1.5-2 months - 950 rubles, and only after that, having handed over all the layouts for all types of products, you will raise the rate to 1150 rubles per working day.

Sushi must do his job very quickly - this is required by all employers. Generally, sushi is, in fact, a cold shop chef who cooks rolls, sushi, salads, noodles and rice. If we compare the work with the employment of a simple cook, then, in my opinion, working as a sushi chef is much more pleasant.

Finally, I would like to offer you a recipe for the well-known Philadelphia Classic roll:

  1. Nori - 0.5 sheets;
  2. Rice p / f - 0.120 kg;
  3. Cream cheese curd "Hochland" - 0.060 kg;
  4. Salmon p / f - 0.060 kg

Yours sincerely, chefIgor G.

Craze Japanese cuisine came to large Russian cities in the 10s. A new industry of sushi deliveries appeared out of nowhere. And where there is rapid business growth, there is an increased demand for personnel.

Today Reconomica tell about the profession of a sushi chef. The student who searched and found will tell his story a good option first job. You will learn how much chefs are paid, how to get a job cooking sushi without work experience, how to learn how to make rolls beautifully and tasty, and what a chef needs for fast career growth.

How to find a normal job without work experience? First time mistakes

Hello. My name is Aidash, and today I would like to tell you about my experience in a sushi and rolls delivery company.

Where to get money for a student

Most of us, once in our lives were students, or are students at the moment. At one time, like almost any student, cut off from his parents and living in another city, I was faced with a lack of money.

There are always many reasons for the lack of money among students. This is the desire to stop sitting on the neck of their parents, to buy their own food and things, perhaps some need to pay for their studies, there are those who go to work to beautifully look after the girl they like.

Given that the student fraternity in 2017 is expected to reach 926 thousand first-year students in universities, and the usual academic scholarship remains in the region of 1,400 rubles, the number of people who need it will not decrease. Let's see how I personally got out of this situation.

Search for the first job. Don't fall for scammers

I had no work experience, I was a psychologist by education and could not apply this skill in a part-time job. The very first thing I did was to start looking for a job on various Internet sites. There were a lot of job advertisements, the most difficult thing is to understand.

Wherever I tried to go, I tried as a car wash (they pay too little for so many hours of work), came to interviews at various marketing companies, called ads that required pen assemblers.

The stupidest thing I did then was pay the employment agency.

There are now a huge number of such agencies across the country, and only a very small part of them are truly helping companies. The rest just take your money for a non-existent, but very alluring job, then they can offer a couple of vacancies for a utility room cleaner, and soon they will safely stop answering your calls.

Therefore, I urge you all to never take on any job for which you are asked to first contribute to something.

How to become a sushi chef with no experience

But at some point, I got lucky. On one of the trusted sites, according to reviews of other users, I came across a vacancy for a sushi chef. What intrigued me the most was the line that they can hire a person who has never cooked any rolls and sushi before.


For such people, a monthly training was offered - an internship followed by an exam. As I later found out, this is a fairly common practice in many sushi restaurants, sushi bars and sushi and roll deliveries around the country.

I called the number provided and they scheduled an interview. I’ll make a reservation right away that even then I knew roughly how to behave at an interview. I will not talk about all the rules, because a lot has already been said about them on the Internet.

I will only dwell on the fact that when applying for such a position, it is important to show the future employer (or a person from the personnel department) that even if you do not know how to cook rolls and sushi, then a true desire to learn how to do it burns in you.

They won't let you into the kitchen without a medical book

The cost of the medical book will be returned to you by the employer

It was necessary to pass tests, go through the necessary doctors and listen to lectures on the sanitary minimum. Since the book itself costs money, tests and doctors are paid for it, the student is faced with the question of how to actually do this. So many people at this very moment decide not to go any further. How to be, you ask? I will answer that in many companies one method is practiced.

You are undergoing a medical examination for their money(search with friends, ask your parents, borrow from friends, spend a scholarship), and then bring the finished book and all checks to the personnel department. Then they send the data to their accounting department and you get paid this money.

There is one nuance here. Most likely, you will have to work out a certain period for your personal medical book (usually six months), or if you leave earlier, you may be charged its cost. In general, we can say that this method is used by employers who are really interested in recruiting a good team.

Learn how to make sushi and rolls

The internship has begun. If a company has a special person who trains interns, then this is a very good company that is aimed at success. But quite often, some experienced sushi chef is assigned to the trainee.

The internship usually lasts a month and is paid less than already experienced chefs. While this period is going on, a person is taught the basics of concepts that are used in the art of making rolls and sushi, they are taught to distinguish between their types and names that are used in this particular company, their composition and methods of preparation. And of course, they hone the skill and speed of making rolls, since it depends on how much the cook, and the whole company, will earn.

I can say that at first, seemingly complex, gradually begins to become more and more simple and obvious. Now we will not dwell on exactly how to cook rolls correctly, since this is a subject for a separate article. I can only say that in the process of making them you acquire such a strong passion that you want to make them more and faster. And even after several years after leaving work with longing, you remember the time spent in the kitchen.


After the internship, there was an exam, which I passed quite successfully. It includes: a theoretical part (an exam for knowledge of job descriptions, names and composition of rolls that are used in delivery), a practical part (it was necessary to prepare rolls for a certain amount in some time).

Career growth as a chef in a sushi restaurant

After that, I changed my trainee T-shirt to the uniform of a sushi chef (the uniform, by the way, was given out). And now the most important thing. Due to the fact that such deliveries or restaurants are predominantly students, they have a rather high turnover of staff. Which allows us to say that they always have the opportunity for career growth, and quite fast. This is what we'll talk about next.

How and why I was promoted to Master of Teaching

I must say right away that I did not work as a simple sushi chef for a very long time. Only two months. But no, I didn't quit. After only two months on the job, I got my first promotion. I became a sushi trainer, the person who is responsible for training the trainees. Let's see how it happened.

Even during my internship, my sushi trainer told me that she got this position because she had the most beautiful, straight and graceful rolls.

The aesthetic side of rolls excites every customer, you can verify this by looking at various reviews on food delivery on the Internet. I took into account the information that came to me from the coach, and began to try to give my rolls the most aesthetic appearance.

The first rule of success as a sushi chef

This will be our first rule with you. In the kitchen, you need to listen carefully to what more experienced chefs tell you and advise you. No need to think that you already know everything, even though you have read a mountain of literature on this subject, or watched tons of educational videos. And after listening to the advice, you need to try to do it as close as possible. But it is necessary to focus not on all chefs, but on those who are really successful. On people in a higher position or on people whom everyone listens to, who earn more. Not every chef who has worked even a long time becomes a professional, so you should immediately learn to understand who can still give really good advice.

Now almost every food delivery or restaurant has customer feedback. It consists in the fact that people who ordered food leave reviews about it on the company's website or in in social networks. Reviews are both positive and negative.

Each review is analyzed by special people. They find out who prepared the order, find out the reason why it was poorly made, and make a decision. And it is clear that if a person is gaining a bunch of negative reviews for his orders, then he is unlikely to be offered a promotion.

When preparing rolls and sushi, you need to be very careful, not be distracted by conversations (and something is always said in the kitchen), always try to follow the exact recipe, because it is unlikely that the client will like to pay for a roll with eel if, for example, a cucumber was put instead of eel .

I received only positive feedback for two months about my orders, because I always tried to make them as if for myself. Work must always be done with integrity. That's when there will be progress.

So, soon I got an offer to take the position of a sushi coach in one of the shifts, since the previous one quit. The turnover is really high, especially in late spring and early summer, because students leave to take a session or graduate from their educational institutions.

Career hierarchy in a sushi restaurant

I started training interns and getting paid more than a simple sushi chef. I liked this quite a lot. I wanted to share my knowledge with inexperienced guys. Some have succeeded, some have not. It should be noted here that in the company where I worked, in the hierarchy of positions in the kitchen, this was the third most senior position. Next up are the sous chef and the chef.

Therefore, the sushi trainer monitors not only the trainees, but also has to look at other chefs, especially those who have recently passed the exam, which classifies this position as a leader. This, too, must be taken seriously. It is necessary to create a clear line between friendly relations and workers. If you are not taken seriously as a leader, then no one will listen to you in the end, which will lead to a deterioration in quality in production, and will also reduce your authority in the eyes of the employer.

How to become a sous chef

Now I will tell you the most interesting: how to rise to the position of sous-chef. Sometimes the sushi chef has to take the place of the sous chef for a short time for various reasons. And in such moments you need to be as efficient and collected as possible. This situation happened to me too, the sous chef suddenly became ill, and the rest of the shift I was in charge of the kitchen. I had to shout at the cooks if the orders did not have time on time, to prohibit something, to reprimand someone (again, to the question of friend - subordinate).

It so happened that at that time the director of the company came into the kitchen, who, apparently, was afraid that the process might go astray without a sous-chef. But when he came to the kitchen, he saw that I was in complete control of the situation. I do not allow the confusion of cooks, untimely return of orders, and also managed to monitor the quality and my interns. After that, he left without saying anything, and I calmly completed and passed my shift.

As it turned out, the sous chef quit the next day due to illness and writing thesis. I got a call on my day off and was invited to an interview in person with the director, who told me that he noticed managerial abilities in me and offered me the position of sous chef. I agreed.

What you need for fast career growth

What helped me quickly get a new position? I will answer that you should never be afraid to take responsibility for something if you want to develop and move on. Especially if it happens in front of the authorities. You must always show that you know what you are doing. That you have a clear plan and you follow it. That's when you will start to be noticed at work, that's when you will be pursued by promotions.

What does a sous chef do

Working as a sous chef requires great dedication, the ability to control and direct people, and be very attentive in taking orders and goods. You need to be able to train people and find contacts with them for more fruitful work.

Sushi chef salary

My interns, the people I trained myself as a sushi coach, whom I recruited, directed and supervised in my time as a sous chef, now also work in senior positions in delivery and sushi restaurants.

I, having received my diploma, went to work in my specialty, but I constantly remember how great and fun it was to work in the kitchen, which also resulted in a pretty good salary. This work is very useful in terms of self-development, because you can always apply the acquired skills in your own life. Everyday life to the envy of friends and colleagues. How I sometimes want to “twist” the rolls!

And in the end, I would like to tell you about the amount of earnings in all positions, because for sure this is what everyone is interested in. I worked a couple of years ago, salaries haven't risen much since then.

Interns have a fixed rate of 12 thousand rubles per month, which is already quite good for the regions. Sushi chefs are paid 60 rubles per hour and 3 percent of orders completed. The average sushi chef earns from 25,000 rubles to 28,000 rubles, it all depends on how many hours of work come in and how fast the cook was. Sushita always feeds its speed and quality. A sushi coach used to receive a fixed amount of 30,000 rubles, but if he went to work on a different shift, he could increase this amount. The sous-chef receives 35 thousand rubles, but can also go to work.

It's all on hand. For comparison, including tax, and only 32 thousand on hand. And very few people receive such a salary. Here you can, without work experience, get good money in a short time, while studying at a university at the same time. Perhaps free or discounted meals, depending on the company, this is also very important.

P.S. Since there are quite a few a large number of for people who would like to learn how to simply make rolls, there is always the opportunity to give private lessons. The main thing is desire!


What should a chef know and be able to do? Well, what a profession, cooking is so easy, we all cook, one way or another, and we are all a bit of a cook. On the one hand, yes.

But, nevertheless, a cook is a real profession and achieving mastery and recognition in it is sometimes as difficult as in any other profession. Yes, and it only seems at first glance that the cook should only be able to serve dinner to the table on time. In fact, the chef must be able to cook tasty, fast and, at the same time, economically. This is not possible for everyone. Good cook- a valuable shot and enjoys well-deserved popularity with superiors and clients.

What should a chef do?

First of all, he must love his job. For not everyone who can cook a dish in strict accordance with a recipe book can be called a good cook. It seems that everyone has the same reference book, but one cooks so that you lick your fingers, and the other ate and forgot. Success in this work depends, among other things, on the chef's attitude to his profession. No matter how trite it may sound, but the chef must be able to put his soul into his work and then everything will turn out perfectly and tasty.

This profession can be called creative, because chefs are not limited to existing recipes, but can create new ones, look for nuances in famous dishes, discover new things in familiar products. A good chef is an artist of taste, he creates by inspiration and makes unique things. Therefore, the question - what should a cook be able to do - although it can be decomposed into simple actions (and we will talk about them below), is still not limited to them, but implies something more - the ability to create.

What should a chef know?

A versatile cook at catering establishments prepares dishes, washes and cuts food, fries, boils and bakes them. He prepares soups, broths, sauces, salads, cold appetizers. The chef knows the rules of food storage, knows how to arrange dishes, combine tastes, make a menu. Also, the chef must be aware of the wishes of customers to the taste and quality of dishes and service. This is not the only thing a chef should be able to do. He also instructs waiters, controls the state of the kitchen, the quality of sanitization of all premises, the cleanliness of the appearance of his employees, as well as the compliance of the premises and clothing of employees with sanitary safety rules. A chef should not only know and feel how to combine products, but also be aware of fashion trends and trends in their field.

What should a chef also know? The content of currently valid collections of recipes, technological instructions, properties, types and culinary application used products and semi-finished products. He must know and be able to apply organoleptic methods for determining their good quality. Know the rules for preparing raw materials for heat treatment, the sequence of operations. The cook must be able to apply spices to improve or change palatability prepared meals. Must be able to use the products in a practical way, without waste. Also, a trained chef knows what requirements are imposed on the quality of products and semi-finished products, knows the rules for dividing dishes into portions and how to prepare them, as well as the conditions and terms of their storage in finished form. The cook must know how to keep records and reports, so he must know the rules for their compilation and maintenance. He knows how to use everything necessary equipment and equipment, knows its regulations, operation and safety rules. Also, one cannot avoid knowledge about such prosaic things as labor regulations, labor protection standards, SanPiN, rules for the rational organization of one's work.

What else should a chef know? He must be able to draw up the necessary applications for the receipt and purchase of products, receive them from storage places, and prepare his tools for the production process. Of course, the main thing that he must be able to do is cook. How simple meals, and dishes of medium complexity - salads from fresh, fried, boiled or stewed vegetables, with fish or meat, vinaigrettes, fish dishes, jelly, soups and broths, main courses of meat, fish, poultry, vegetables, seafood, sauces, sweet dishes, pastries and dough products (dumplings, dumplings, pies, dumplings, pies, noodles, etc.).

He must be able to cook and complex dishes that require more complex processing - jellied fish, meat, soups from fish and meat, game, including dietary ones, pickles, fish, meat, poultry dishes with various sauces, as well as stuffed ones, omelettes, puff and shortcrust pastry etc. The chef determines the required portion and knows how to prepare the dish for serving.

There are many things that a cook should know, be able to do and do. But the main thing that he should be able to do is to do his job tasty and beautiful. After all, the profession of a cook is designed to satisfy one of the most basic human needs. And it depends on the skill of the cook whether it will be done excellently and the person will leave the restaurant in high spirits or whether he will get indigestion or a spoiled evening.