Home / Recipes / How to quickly defrost fish at home. Ways to properly defrost fish - video

How to quickly defrost fish at home. Ways to properly defrost fish - video

How to properly defrost fish

First of all, let's remember good rule: fish, poultry, etc. always freeze quickly and defrost slowly (best in a natural way).

The main indicator of proper defrosting is as little liquid (muscle juice) released from the product as possible, since vitamins, proteins, and minerals useful for the body come out with the liquid. At the same time, they also suffer taste qualities cooked dishes, they lose their flavor and nutritional value. Therefore, the less juice is released, the better.

In order for the fish to be thawed correctly, remove it from the freezer and place it in a shallow container in the refrigerator on the lower shelf for thawing. The defrosting time will depend on the size of the fish. The main thing is to be patient and not force the process.

You can also defrost fish in the air, lightly covering the top of the product with cling film. This will reduce the evaporation of muscle juice. But we do not recommend defrosting at room temperature. in hot summer time, during this period there is a danger of rapid growth of bacteria.

The best way to defrost is to thaw on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. So the carcass will be less deformed and retain its maximum beneficial features.

How to quickly defrost fish

Defrost fish quickly or fish fillet can be done in several ways

1. This method is for those who do not have water meters. We wrap the frozen fish in several plastic bags, place the bundle in a deep container with cold water or just a sink. We turn on cold water and keep the product under the stream until it is completely defrosted. Defrosting in this way will take about 1.5 hours. No water penetration allowed!

2. This method will be useful for thrifty housewives... We wrap the fish in a plastic bag. To prevent water from getting inside, tie it tightly and place it in a deep bowl or sink filled with cold water. We change the water every 20-30 minutes until the product is completely defrosted. Depending on the weight of the fish, this will take 1 to 2 hours to defrost.

To speed up the defrosting process, we recommend sprinkling the fish with salt before placing it in the bag. Salt helps to melt ice in cold water.

The disadvantage of this method is that only the surface layer is defrosted. For the carcass to melt inside, you need to wait some more time.

In no case should you fill the carcass with warm water. This will completely ruin the product - the piece will lose its shape and destroy the fibers.

We do not recommend defrosting minced meat and fish fillets in water.

How not to defrost fish!

1. Do not defrost fish in hot or warm water, as they are lost with the released muscle juice. useful material... In addition, the fish absorbs a lot of water, its weight increases, and the fibers spread out.

2. Do not defrost fish in microwave oven.

The main disadvantage of this method is that, due to the small dimensions of the microwave oven, it is impossible to defrost the whole large fish, the structure of the fish meat deteriorates and the fibers spread out.

4. Minced fish and seafood should be defrosted in the same way as fish - in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf. But more often than not, seafood is cooked without defrosting.

5. Semi-finished fish products are prepared without defrosting.

6. Thawed fish should not be re-frozen. This will significantly reduce its nutritional value. We recommend that before freezing the product, divide it into portions, and defrost only the required amount for cooking.

7. Thawed fish should be cooked immediately before it loses its minerals and vitamins.

Prohibited defrosting techniques

1. replace cold water with warm and, moreover, hot

2. bend the carcass of fish from side to side

3. leave fish open, not covered with plastic

4. do not defrost fish in the microwave

5.use an oven, steamer or multicooker to defrost fish

Defrost the pieces with warm air (hairdryer, water bath)

You must admit that it is not difficult to properly defrost fish.

Now you know that the best and The right way defrosting fish - natural, on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. It is with this method that the most high quality product, and fish dishes are healthy and tasty. Mindfulness and slowness are the main helpers in defrosting fish.

Good luck!

In terms of taste and nutritional properties, frozen fish is practically in no way inferior to fresh fish. Moreover, it has one important advantage: it can be stored for a long time. The only difficulty in dealing with fish semi-finished products occurs when they need to be defrosted. However, if you know some tricks, you can easily and quickly defrost fish and prepare an appetizing and healthy dish from it.

In the microwave

The microwave oven is designed not only to reheat cooled food, but also to defrost food. Many modern models even have a special mode for defrosting fish. Take a large bowl, put the semi-finished product in it. Set the desired mode, time, if it is not automatically adjusted, and start the technique. Stop the microwave from time to time and turn over fish pieces or whole carcasses. This is necessary in order for the heating to be as uniform as possible.

The disadvantage of this method is the limitation in the amount of defrosting product. At a time, you can prepare for further work exactly as many fish as the unit contains. This is usually a very small volume, about 2 servings.

In a double boiler

You can defrost the carcass, fillets or pieces quite quickly in a double boiler (or in a slow cooker). Place the semi-finished product in kitchen utensils, turn on the desired mode. It usually takes about 20 minutes to defrost in this way. If you need to prepare not whole carcasses, but peeled fillets, then at the end of the procedure, start another program (in a multicooker - a stewing program) and wait until your dinner is cooked. Just remember to season with salt and pepper. Steamed fish is highly valued due to the fact that it retains all the beneficial properties, and the result is a hearty dietary dish.

In water

You can quickly defrost fish without a microwave, double boiler and other miracles of modern technology with the help of a good old proven helper - water. Wrap the pieces or carcass tightly in plastic bags or cling film... Fill half of your sink with cold water. Place the fish parcels there. Drain and fill up fresh water from time to time. Alternatively, you can turn on the tap at minimum head and let the stream flow until the product is completely thawed. Just keep in mind that this option is not very economical - a lot of water will be required. The fish will defrost for about an hour: more if there is a lot of product or the carcass is very large, and less if the semi-finished product is modest in size.

Try defrosting the fillets in a bowl of cold water. Wrap it in a bag and place it in a deep bowl so that it is completely submerged in the water. Refresh the liquid every half hour. Use only cool water - hot or warm water will not work. If you break this rule, the fish will quickly defrost on the outside and remain ice cold on the inside. Or, if you overexpose it, the top layer of meat will simply fall apart and lose its flavor.

Defrosting semi-finished products with salt water has proven itself very well. Dissolve regular table salt in clean water and place the carcass or pieces into the resulting liquid. Calculate the proportions as follows: 1 tbsp. l. salt and 1 liter of water per 1 kg of frozen product.


The original way is defrosting with a hairdryer. Place the fish in a bag without tying it. Set the styler to medium temperature. Direct a stream of warm air from a distance of about 20 cm into the bag with the semi-finished product. In half an hour, the carcass will be ready for further cooking.

Slow defrost

The most efficient and all-saving useful qualities The method is considered to be slow defrosting. Place fillets or chunks in a bowl and set aside at room temperature away from light and heat. On average, the process takes about 6 hours.

Defrost fish quickly at home without depriving it nutritional value it is possible, and it is quite simple to do it. Choose the method that suits you best and enjoy delicious and aromatic fish dishes.

Fish is a product with a delicate structure, it requires both correct preparation and correct defrosting. In most cases, when quickly defrosting fish, many resort to the most gross mistakes, as a result of which the finished a fish dish becomes far from ideal. Let's consider all the subtleties of the process.

How to quickly defrost fish under running water

Remove the fish from the freezer. Take a few heavy-duty plastic bags and wrap it in them. The wrapped fish should be placed in the sink. Don't worry, if you pack the fish well, it won't get dirty. You can use a small basin instead of a sink. Open the tap with cold water, make sure that the fish carcass is under running water until it is completely defrosted. After about an hour and a half, the fish will be ready to cut. Never use warm or hot water as the fish meat will become crumbly.

How to quickly defrost fish in a container of water

Fill a bowl or sink with cold water and place the wrapped fish in it. Drain and refill the container with fresh water twice in one hour. It is also forbidden to use warm water, after it many useful substances and vitamins disappear. Your dish will lose useful value, and its taste will be disturbed. If you need to quickly defrost minced meat or fish fillets, then this method will not work for you. Use the methods below to defrost fillets and minced meat.

How to quickly defrost fish in the microwave

Defrosting fish in the microwave is the most versatile method for all fish products. The only exception can be a very large carcass of fish, which will not fit there. Take frozen fish and place it in a microwave oven in a special dish. Turn on the defrost mode and wait for the fish to thaw. Check the condition of the food periodically, turn the fish over to speed up the defrosting process.

Use the following tips when defrosting fish:

  • Do not wait for the fish to completely melt, it is enough if the carcass bends and gives in to various manipulations for cooking. It is more convenient to cut and gut fish that has not thawed to the end.
  • If you have fish that does not need to be cut or peeled, some cooking methods do not require defrosting the fish, just lengthen the cooking time.
  • In no case freeze fish that has already been thawed, this will kill all the nutrients and energy value in it.

Now you are convinced that the fish is not only easy to cook, but also easy to defrost. Save time, follow the right advice and treat yourself to delicious fish dishes more often!

Fish is a rather valuable and nutritious product, rich in phosphorus, easily digestible proteins, iron, magnesium, iodine, zinc, vitamins A, B, E, D and K. Also, fish meat contains more than 75% water and 20% protein. Eating fish in the diet has a beneficial effect on the muscular system, bones, nails, hair, teeth, increases immunity, and is a storehouse of useful microelements.

Fresh fish is ideal for baking, boiling, frying or marinating. But it is not always possible to eat fresh fish, sometimes it needs to be frozen and cooked later. To prevent the loss of many of the beneficial properties of this product after freezing, the fish should be thawed correctly.

How to properly defrost fish

Fish meat is very sensitive, so proper defrosting will preserve its integrity and structure. It should be noted that proper defrosting of fish can take from 8 to 24 hours, depending on the size of the fish, the duration of its freezing, and the freezing temperature.

  1. Take the frozen fish out of the freezer and out of the package;
  2. Place the fish in a large pre-cooked container (depending on the size of the fish);
  3. Place the container with fish on the lower shelf of the refrigerating chamber (where the temperature is within 0- + 3 degrees);
  4. Leave the fish for 8-24 hours until it is almost completely defrosted;
  5. Butcher the unpeeled fish, chop and cook.

How to quickly defrost fish

Rapid defrosting of fish is not recommended for frequent use, since one way or another the product loses its useful qualities under the influence of defrosting accelerators. In the case where rapid defrosting cannot be avoided, the following methods should be used:

Using a microwave oven

This method is the fastest when defrosting fish, it takes 10-40 minutes (depending on the power of the microwave and the size of the fish).

Defrosting instructions:

  1. Remove the frozen fish from the bag and put it on a plate;
  2. Put a plate of fish in the microwave;
  3. Set the mode and time for defrosting the microwave (2-15 minutes);
  4. Turn the fish over and defrost again for the same period of time;
  5. Remove and rinse slightly in cold running water.

Using a steamer (multicooker)

The fastest, most rational and useful method if the frozen fish then needs to be boiled. Steamed fish does not come into contact with water, which means that everything useful is preserved intact.

Defrosting instructions:

  1. Unpack frozen fish;
  2. Prepare a double boiler (slow cooker) and put fish in it;
  3. Leave to defrost for a couple, on the lowest setting for 10-20 minutes;
  4. When the fish is almost thawed, turn on the normal mode and continue to steam.

With water

Although water is the native element of fish, it takes nutrients from its meat during defrosting. Hot water, increasing the volume of fish by 10-20%, violates its integrity and taste. Therefore, quick defrosting of fish should only be done in cold water.

Defrosting instructions:

  1. Take the fish out of the freezer;
  2. Prepare a solution of cold water and salt for 1 kg of fish 2 liters of water and 7-10 grams of salt.
  3. Put the fish in the solution for 1.5 - 4 hours.
  4. Then rinse and cook.

On air

A gentle way of defrosting, partially preserves useful substances. Duration of defrosting up to 15 hours at a temperature of 16-20 degrees.

Defrosting instructions:

  1. Get the fish out of the bag;
  2. Place the fish in a large container and leave at room temperature, covered with a damp cloth or napkin;
  3. Leave to defrost for 8-10 hours depending on the size of the fish.
  • The best and most useful freezing of fish is on ice. It does not allow the meat to freeze and retains its beneficial properties 100%.
  • Small fish it is better to cut after defrosting, and large - before.
  • For the cooked fish to be tender and soft after defrosting, it must be put in milk for 10-15 minutes.

The art of cooking does not tolerate monotony, so every housewife seeks to fill the family's usual diet with meat, vegetables and fish. From this list, it is the fish that requires the most thorough preparation, including defrosting. And in order for the future dish to turn out not only tasty, but also healthy, you should take this issue seriously.

High technology to help

You can quickly defrost fish in small carcasses, steaks or fillets in the microwave. To do this, use a special container in which to place the fish, which have been removed from the packaging. If the carcass is too large, try chopping it into suitable pieces.

Almost all microwave ovens have a separate defrost function, which is indicated by a snowflake pattern. Turn on the microwave to the desired mode and you can safely do other things, the stove will do everything by itself. All you have to do is turn the fish on a signal for a more even defrosting. This method will defrost the fish in 30-40 minutes.

To make it easier to butcher the fish, do not completely thaw the fish. This will make it easier to separate the fillets from the bones.

Water procedures

For those who do not have a microwave oven, defrosting fish in water may work. To do this, place the carcass in a plastic bag and tie it tightly. Place the bag in a bowl or large dish and fill it with cold water. This will thaw the fish for 1–2 hours. To speed up the process, you can periodically change the water in the basin, but you should not pour the carcass warm, and even more so hot water as this can disturb the tender texture of the meat.

You should also make sure that the water does not get directly on the fish, otherwise after cooking it may turn out tasteless. To speed up the process a little, you can sprinkle the fish with salt and only then pack it in a bag. Salt helps to melt ice at low temperatures, and therefore it is more advisable to use cold water for defrosting.

It is undesirable to re-freeze food, so thaw as much fish at a time as needed for one cooking