Home / Pies / Cucumbers with onions are the most delicious for the winter. Pickled cucumbers with onions in oil

Cucumbers with onions are the most delicious for the winter. Pickled cucumbers with onions in oil

Onions are the king of vegetables. It perfectly sets off the taste of any dish. When harvesting, it becomes just a godsend: phytoncides in its composition are the reason not only for the incomparable specific smell. They have bactericidal properties, acting as natural preservatives and extending shelf life. Pickled onions are devoid of their natural bitterness, but retain their aroma perfectly.

Of course, cutting vegetables will take time. But in winter, all that remains is to fill the salad with fragrant sunflower oil, add sweet for contrast boiled beets and serve with steaming boiled potatoes.


For two cans of 0.5 l each:

  • cucumbers
  • onion - 1 pc. (large)
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.
  • vinegar (9%) - 1 dessert spoon each
  • dill umbrella - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 1 tooth each.
  • allspice peas - 3 pcs.
  • Bay leaf- 2 pcs.
  • horseradish leaf


1. Cut the cucumbers into slices and cut the onions into half rings.

2. Sterilize half-liter jars in advance and put in them a piece of horseradish, allspice, chopped garlic, dill.

3. Put part of the onion.

4. And alternate onions with cucumbers.

5. Fill with boiling water. We cover with lids and let the jars with the future preparation brew for about 15–20 minutes.

6. During this time, the contents of the jar will warm up thoroughly. We pour the water into a saucepan and boil it again, then fill it again. This time, 15 minutes is enough to warm up.

7. For the third time, before boiling water from jars, you need to pour granulated sugar and salt for two jars into a saucepan at once. You can also put a bay leaf there. Although it can be put directly into jars. In general, as it is convenient for you.

8. Pour the liquid out of the container and boil. We get a pickle for cucumbers.

9. Before pouring boiling brine, you need to pour vinegar into each jar.

10. Then pour in the brine and roll up the cans.

11. Turn our pickles and onions upside down and wrap them in a blanket. Then, after cooling down, they can be stored in a dark, cool place.

Now, at any time in the fall, winter or spring, you can open a jar of your favorite blank and immediately make a real winter salad- put the cucumbers in a salad bowl along with the onions, add fresh onions and pour over with vegetable oil.

Better yet, add boiled beets or potatoes to this base. These salads are indispensable in the cold season, especially when combined with fresh onions.

We wish you successful blanks. And let each jar of pickles be sure to be preserved until the right moment!

Note to the hostess

1. The hostess, who previously canned whole cucumbers, probably noticed how long color metamorphoses last: for five days the skin of vegetables retains a bright green hue, like fresh ones, then begins to darken. Cucumber slices in a sealed can lose their original colors much faster. This is a normal process: the liquid is absorbed faster into the pieces than into large fruits.

2. Culinary activities involving working with glass containers and boiling water are quite dangerous. It is better to cover the tabletop with a dense cloth that does not slip on the plastic coating, and put cork or wooden planks under the cans. If the container suddenly breaks, a cloth napkin will slightly delay the flow. hot water, not allowing it to rush at lightning speed to the feet of a person. It is impossible to stand close to the table, and even more so to lean on it with your stomach, in any case!

3. It is no coincidence that the recipe mentions the impeccable compatibility of this preservation with beets. Delicate salty cucumbers are in harmony with all sweetish products: boiled carrots, baked pumpkin, Jerusalem artichoke.

4. Both onions and cucumber slices from such a winter preparation can become successful components of hodgepodge and pickle pickles, and can also be used instead of olives in pizza.

Cucumbers with onions for the winter are great alternative habitual winter preparations... Read our selection of recipes and start culinary experiments.

Cucumbers with onions for the winter: recipes

Recipe number 1.

Chop 4 kg of cucumbers and 1.5 kg of onion, chop 300 g of dill. Stir the resulting mass thoroughly, put it in a saucepan with water, add 320 g of sunflower oil, 255 g of acetic acid, 4 tbsp. tablespoons of salt, 3 tbsp. tablespoons of granulated sugar. Boil the salad for 15-20 minutes. The boil time will depend on the strength of the fire you are cooking on. Sterilize jars, pack.

Recipe number 2.

Take 4 kg of fresh cucumbers, chop them into circles. 1 kg of onions, cut into medium or small cubes... Combine vegetables, cover with water, add 220 g of sunflower oil, 220 g of sugar. Put five aspirin tablets, mash well, add to the saucepan. Leave the mass for 4 hours. Sterilize the jars, lay them out.

Salad "Nezhinsky".

Take 1.5 kg of cucumbers, wash, chop in circles. Chop 820 g of onions. Rinse the herbs thoroughly. Choose dill the best. It does not need to be cut very coarsely. Sterilize the containers, put a few peas of allspice in them ,? Art. a spoonful of salt, the same amount of sugar, a few lavrushki, vegetables, pour boiling water. Pour the jars so that the vegetables are not completely filled. Cover with lids, put on sterilization for 10-12 minutes. Close it all up.

Recipe for cucumbers with onions for the winter

Wash 1.2 cucumbers well, cut into slices. Chop 755 g of onions into small pieces. Chop 50 g of dill. Heat 35 ml of vegetable oil in a frying pan, let cool. Fold vegetables, herbs, black peppercorns into a half-liter container, salt, add a couple of teaspoons of sugar, add 2 tbsp. l. acetic acid, lavrushka, completely pour boiling water. The container should be filled with liquid to the very sides. Cover with lids, wait 15 minutes. Sterilize for another 15 minutes, seal.

Please your family and.

Cucumbers with onions for the winter: a recipe with a photo

It is better to take dill or parsley from herbs for cooking. Rinse 2 kg of cucumber fruits, cut into rings, 320 g of onions - into rings. Transfer the vegetables to a saucepan, add 5 tbsp. l. vinegar, 10 tbsp. spoons of sunflower oil, two tablespoons of granulated sugar and salt. Stir all this thoroughly, leave for 4 hours to infuse. Put on a low heat, boil, boil for 4-5 minutes. Spread the salad over the jars, roll up.

How to cook cucumbers with onions for the winter

Thoroughly wash 420 g of cucumber fruits, peel them, cut into 1 cm thick slices. Peel a couple of garlic teeth, wash, cut into several slices. Peel 50 g of onion, rinse, chop. Take one bunch of parsley and dill, rinse well, peel, cut. The slicing may not be very fine. Put all the ingredients in an enamel pot. Sprinkle on top acetic acid, sprinkle with salt. Prepare the container, put red pepper on the bottom, add a few spoons of sunflower oil, fill with the blank. Sterilize the blanks.

Do and.

Cucumbers with onions for the winter: how to cook

Free the cabbage head from the upper leaves, cut into four pieces, while separating the stump. Chop the cabbage into thin slices. Wash 200 g of pickled cucumbers, cut lengthwise, finely chop. Combine vegetables, stir thoroughly with each other, arrange in prepared jars. Prepare the brine - you will pour the snack with it. For a liter of water, prepare 60 g of salt and 40 g of sugar. Pour the brine over the vegetables. Prepare a large bowl or saucepan, place over low heat, put jars, cover with lids. Soak in water for 10-15 minutes. Seal containers and let it brew.

How do you like it? The taste will certainly amaze you.

Cucumbers with onions for the winter

Rinse 2 kg of onions and cucumbers each, peel, cut into pieces, cut the onion into half rings. Choose the option that suits you best. Add 3 tbsp to vegetables. tablespoons of sugar and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt, leave to infuse, so that the slicing gives juice. For this process, 15-20 minutes will be enough. Put the saucepan on low heat, wait until it all boils. Stir the snack all the time so it doesn't burn. Add black peppercorns. After twenty minutes, add 100 g of vinegar and 100 g of vegetable oil. After boiling, pack the salad.

And here are some more interesting and very tasty recipes:

Recipe number 1.

Chop 1 kilogram of cucumbers into circles, and four onions into rings. Fill all this with brine. Prepare it from 4 teaspoons of sugar, 3 tsp. salt, 4 tbsp. spoons of sunflower oil, a teaspoon of black pepper, 3 tbsp. tablespoons of vinegar. Leave the vegetables in the brine for a couple of hours, stir, and place in jars. Cover the jars loosely, sterilize for ten minutes, seal.

Recipe number 2.

Chop 4 kg of washed cucumbers into slices, 1 kg of onions into thin rings. In a large bowl, combine the chopped vegetables, add a glass of sugar, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt, ground black pepper, 175 ml of vinegar. Add a glass of vegetable oil, stir, leave for a couple of hours to let the vegetables brew properly. Rinse the jars, sterilize in the oven. Boil metal lids. Add 2 allspice peas, lavrushka to each. Stir the salad with a wooden spoon. Roll up.

Recipe number 3.

Wash 4 kg of cucumber fruits under running water, soak them for several hours. Use a knife to cut off the stalk area. Cut two carrots into strips. Cut the onion into rings. Sterilize the containers with boiling water, tamp the vegetables, distribute the dill evenly among them. Prepare the marinade: Boil the salted water with the addition of 7 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar. Turn off heat, add 220 ml of vinegar. Let stand for a couple of minutes, stir, and immediately put the marinade in a jar. Twist the blanks, put them under the blanket.

Very tasty and. It is a great addition to any meal.

Option with carrots and bell peppers.

Peel 1 kg of cucumber fruits, grate 320 g of carrots, chop a couple of peppers and 220 g of onion. Mix the prepared vegetables, fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. Twist 520 g of tomatoes in a meat grinder, combine with other vegetables, salt and pepper. Simmer the mass for forty minutes over low heat. Spread the prepared mass into previously prepared containers, tighten them with metal lids.

The Winter King.

Wash 5 kg of cucumber fruits, cut lengthwise. Chop each half into thin slices across. Chop 320 g of dill, chop 1 kg of onions into thin half rings. Mix all this, leave for thirty minutes, until the vegetables give juice. Pour 2 tbsp into a large bowl. tablespoons of salt, black pepper, 4 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar, pour 100 ml of vinegar. Add the rest of the infused cucumbers, stir well. Boil over low heat with gentle stirring. As soon as the fruits slightly change their color, remove from heat, spread out, fill completely with appetizer. Make sure the vegetables cover the marinade completely. The workpiece does not require sterilization.

"Raw" cucumber salad.

Rinse 3 kg cucumbers, chop into slices. Chop 200 g of onion into thin strips. Pass 255 g of garlic through a press. Mix everything, season with salt, black pepper, sugar, herbs and 155 ml of vinegar. Place in a cool place, leave for 10 hours, put in sterilized containers. Tighten the containers with screw or nylon caps. Top up with sunflower oil for better preservation.

Hot pepper option.

Wash strong, slightly overripe cucumbers, cut the peel from them, cut into slices. Put in a container, transfer with dill, onion rings, garlic cloves. Add some pods hot pepper... Prepare the filling with 20 g of salt, 25 g of granulated sugar and 1/3 liter of vinegar.

Physalis variant.

Pour boiling water over 1 kg of physalis, wipe with a cloth. Wash 500 g of carrots and 1 kg of cucumbers, cut into rings. Chop 320 g of garlic into small wedges. Combine everything, add 40 g of salt, black peppercorns, 120 g of sugar. As soon as the juice starts to stand out, boil for 10 minutes, pour into sterile containers, roll up, turn upside down.

Recipe with garlic and herbs.

Take 400 g of cucumber fruits, wash, remove the sepals and stalk, cut into circles. Peel two cloves of garlic, rinse, cut into several pieces. Peel 40g onions... Sort out half of the dill and parsley, wash, cut into several pieces. Put vegetables and herbs in an enamel bowl, add salt, add 20 g of vinegar, stir well. Put hot pepper on the bottom of the container, pour sunflower oil. Cover the filled jars with lids, sterilize.

First of all, we try to capture pretty mini cucumbers on the market, but we often neglect our own home-grown overgrown ones, motivated by the fact that it is impossible to twist them deliciously and beautifully. But no, you can create a million ideas on how to prepare large cucumbers for the winter. But perhaps the most delicious salad from cut cucumbers presented below.


Large cucumbers(overgrown) - 2 kg

Onion- 200 grams

Dill- small bundle

Vegetable oil- 12 tbsp

Vinegar 9%- 9 tbsp

Sugar- 3 tablespoons

Salt- 1.5 tbsp

Sliced ​​pickled cucumbers for the winter

1. Wash large cucumbers, cut off the stalks.

... Cut the cucumbers into large circles (0.5-0.7 cm). Peel the onion and cut into rings.

... Wash the dill and chop finely. Put cucumbers, onions and dill in a bowl. Add vegetable oil, vinegar, salt, sugar.

Mix gently.

Leave on for 5 hours.

4 ... Then transfer the whole mass to a saucepan and put on medium heat. Stirring occasionally, you need to heat the cucumbers until they change color (in the photo, the cucumbers are just starting to change color). Place immediately in sterilized jars and roll up. Do not be alarmed that there is not enough liquid (cucumber marinade) to cover the cucumbers completely, as it should be. Put jars of cucumbers down with lids "under a fur coat" until they cool completely.

This sliced ​​cucumber salad keeps well throughout the winter, both in the refrigerator and in the cellar.

Delicious sliced ​​cucumber salad ready

Bon Appetit!

Chopped cucumbers for the winter recipes

Chopped cucumber salad for the winter


  • Garlic - 2 heads.
  • I will bite - a glass.
  • Sugar is a glass.
  • Salt - half a glass.
  • Sunflower oil - glass.
  • Pepper, ground allspice - 2 tablespoons.


Cut the cucumbers into 4 pieces and cut them in half. Peel the garlic and pass through a press, add to the cucumbers. Salt and add sugar, then sprinkle with black pepper and vinegar. Now pour the whole mixture abundantly with sunflower oil and stir, leave for 4 hours until there is enough juice.

We sterilize the jars and apply cucumbers.

Sliced ​​cucumbers "like from a barrel"


  • Cucumbers - 4 kilograms (we will use 3 liter cans).
  • Dry mustard - 150 grams.
  • Salt - 150 grams (for 150 milliliters of water).
  • Dill.
  • Cherry leaves.
  • Horseradish.
  • Pepper "peas".
  • Peeled garlic.


We wash and sterilize the jars. Put cherry leaves, horseradish, pepper, a few peas, peeled garlic cloves and dill in a container. We also lay well-washed overgrown cucumbers.

Dissolve salt in water, pour salted water into jars of cucumbers, and pour dry mustard on top. Cover the jars with gauze and leave in a dark place until the cucumbers are fermented. Then we roll up the lids and you can hide it in the cellar.

Sliced ​​cucumber snack salad


  • Large cucumbers - 4 kilograms.
  • Onions - 4 pieces, medium size.
  • Carrots - half a kilogram.
  • Vinegar (9%) - 200 grams.
  • Sunflower oil - 200 grams.
  • Sugar - 100 grams.
  • Salt - 2 tablespoons.
  • Parsley and dill.
  • Hot red pepper - half a piece for a 3 liter can (a little less per liter).


Wash the cucumbers, peel the carrots and onions. Now you need to cut the cucumbers into circles, in the same way we will cut the onion with carrots, hot pepper. Put everything in a large bowl, sprinkle with salt and sugar, add dill and parsley, pour vinegar and sunflower oil. Stir and let stand for a few hours. Then put the snack in the tubs, sterilize and roll up the lids.



Cucumbers with onions and butter for the winter- a very tasty vegetable salad, which deserves to be used for such wonderful vegetables as cucumbers. Surely, many hostesses are already pretty tired of the usual canning of cucumbers and sometimes they want to try to cook something new and original for the winter. So, this recipe's cucumber and onion salad is just perfect for such an occasion. The most time consuming preparation of such vegetable salad- This is the preparation of vegetables and the subsequent sterilization of the workpieces. Everything else does not cause any discomfort and severity.

Sterilization of vegetable salad is most important in this case. These ordinary barrel cucumbers are not sterilized, they are simply placed in jars and rolled up. In the case of the onion we offer cucumber salad, everything is somewhat different. If you do not subject it to prolonged sterilization, the cucumber stock with onions will be put at risk to ferment and subsequently explode. So it is better to approach the canning of such salads more responsibly than to get upset again later.

To properly prepare cucumbers for the winter, pickled with vegetable oil and onions, you must first read the following step by step instructions with photo. Having studied it carefully, you will already have an idea of ​​how you still need to cook such mouth-watering snack from cucumbers at home.

So let's get down to cooking!



    To make the process of preparing cucumber salad for the winter easier and faster, we will prepare the ingredients specified in this recipe in advance.

    Rinse the cucumbers, dry them with a towel and chop them into thin rings. By the way, in this case, cucumbers can be used even the largest, which are not at all suitable for making fresh salads.

    Put the sliced ​​cucumber circles in a deep saucepan. A small capacity will not work in this case, because enough is released from the cucumbers during pickling. a large number of own juice.

    Remove the onion from the husk and cut into thin half rings. Also, onion vegetable can be chopped and rings.

    Transfer the chopped onion half rings or rings to chopped cucumbers.

    Sprinkle the combined vegetables with salt and granulated sugar.

    Following the sugar and salt, we will send two types of ground pepper to the vegetables. Their number, if desired, can be reduced or increased..

    Fill all the ingredients combined in the container with vegetable oil. Before pouring, it must be in a cold state. In this recipe for cooking cucumber snack refined vegetable oil is used with onions. However, you can use unrefined for this purpose. Such oil will only improve the taste and aroma of the workpiece.

    After that, pour the required amount of vinegar into an almost finished piece of cucumbers.

    Gently mix all the components and leave to infuse for two hours. During this time, a large amount of juice should form, which will subsequently be used as a marinade for vegetables.

    After two hours, we put the vegetables soaked in spices in sterile jars and fill them with the remaining juice on top. When putting vegetables in a jar, they should be tamped well. In the event that the filling obtained from vegetables and spices was not enough to completely fill the jars, then it should be cooked separately. In one liter of cold water, it is necessary to dilute one tablespoon of salt and one tablespoon of granulated sugar, after which this sweet-salty liquid must be boiled and poured into jars.

    Cover the filled jars with lids and boil them in a cast-iron or enamel container for fifteen minutes. Thus, we will achieve complete sterility of the workpieces, after which we will be sure of their long shelf life.

    Roll up the sterilized jars with cucumber salad and cover it with a blanket until it cools.

    Delicious cucumbers with onions are ready for the winter. Be sure to try them first in winter.

    Bon Appetit!

Today we will learn to cook sliced ​​cucumbers for the winter. When the fruits of such a well-known vegetable grow in our summer cottage, immediately there is concern about its preservation for the winter.

What could be simpler, cut the fruits across or in general into slices and load with aromatic spices to banks. If the skin of the vegetable is tough, you can cut it off. The tasty brine will saturate the plant cells, as a result, the ready-made snack is already on the table.

When filling glass jars it is imperative to observe the weight ratio between filling and vegetables. Store properly in a dry and dark place.

Cucumbers for the winter in slices in tomato marinade

find out delicious recipe from wonderful cucumber slices that will not leave you indifferent.

Required products:

  • Cucumbers - 2.5 kg
  • Tomatoes - 1.3 kg
  • Sweet bell pepper - 3 pcs.
  • Sugar - 110 g
  • The oil grows. - 100 g
  • Salt - 1.5 tbsp spoons
  • Vinegar 8% - 80 ml
  • Bulb onions 4-5 pcs.
  • Outlet = 8 cans of 0.5 liters.


1. Twist prepared tomatoes and peppers in a meat grinder.

2. Put the onion cut into small cubes in a large bowl with oil heated there. Fry the onions for 3-5 minutes.

3. Cut off the tips of fresh fruits and prepare cut cucumbers, cutting each into 4 slices.

4. Add the skipped tomatoes and peppers to the fried onions. Mix everything and boil for 15 minutes.

5. Then add salt, sugar, vinegar and boil, stirring occasionally, for 5 minutes.

6. To the tomato marinade we send the cucumbers cut into slices.

7. Boil the cucumbers until they change their color.

8. The cucumber slices have changed their color, so it's time to put them in sterilized jars. The preparation for the winter in jars is ready.

Sliced ​​cucumbers in garlic sauce

The slices are spicy and very tasty. Try to cook, you will like it.


  • Cucumbers - 4 kg
  • Sugar - 1 glass
  • Vinegar 9% - 200 ml
  • Sunflower oil - 150 ml
  • Chopped garlic - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Ground black pepper - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Output - 4 liter cans

Cooking method:

1. Cut off the ends of the washed fruits on both sides. Cut the body of the fruit lengthwise into 4 parts.

2. Add to finely chopped garlic: ground black pepper, salt, sugar, vinegar. vegetable oil.

3. Mix everything, the result is a garlic sauce.

4. Pour the garlic sauce over the wedges in a saucepan.

5. Hand-stir the sliced ​​cucumbers with garlic sauce... Leave the fruits to marinate for 3 hours, stirring every 20 minutes.

6. Now you need to put the slices in sterile jars as tightly as possible. Add the remaining brine to the jars.

7. At the bottom of the pan, put a towel and put the jars, covered with lids. Pour cold water so that it covers 2/3 of the cans.

8. Put the pot with the jars on the fire. Bring water in a saucepan to a boil and simmer for exactly 10 minutes. If you have half-liter cans, then you only need to boil for 5 minutes.

9. Turn off the fire, take out the cans and roll up the lids.

Video on how to cook cucumbers for the winter in mustard sauce

Watch a video on making sliced ​​fruit for the winter.

Plain mustard dissolved in cucumber juice together with black pepper gives an original taste.

Cucumbers in slices with onions for the winter without sterilization

The recipe can be safely called a salad for the winter and eaten with main courses as an additional side dish.

We need:

  • Cucumbers - 2 kg
  • Onions - 200 g
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Vegetable oil - 12 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt - 1.5 tbsp spoons
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Vinegar 9% - 12 tbsp spoons
  • Output - 2 liter cans


1. Prepare sliced ​​cucumbers with a knife. If you have large diameter fruits, then cut the circle into two halves. There is always a way out.

2. Cut the onion into half rings.

3. To the cucumbers laid out in a bowl, add: onion, finely chopped garlic, salt, sugar, vegetable oil, vinegar.

4. All the resulting fragrant mass must now be mixed with your hands. We leave the contents of the basin for 3 hours at room temperature, so that the cucumbers let the juice flow.

5. We put the bowl on fire and, stirring, warm up. When the marinade boils, reduce the heat and, stirring occasionally, boil the mass for 10-15 minutes. Pay attention - the circles have changed their color.

6. Turn off the heat and start putting the sliced ​​cucumbers into sterile jars. For convenience, we put the jar on a plate.

7. Slightly squeeze the circles with a spoon so that they fit more tightly to each other. Top up with marinade, close the lid and roll up.

Recipe for cucumbers for the winter with scented oil - video

Watch a video on how to cook sliced ​​cucumbers with onions and fragrant oil for the winter. It turns out very tasty when the fruits are with pimples.

At home, doing preparations for the winter is the responsibility of every housewife. The result is tasty food for winter lunches and dinners.