Home / Dumplings / French sweets: how to make macaroni cakes. French macaroni dessert recipes Macaroni cake recipe at home

French sweets: how to make macaroni cakes. French macaroni dessert recipes Macaroni cake recipe at home

Macaroni - delicate meringue cookies of a small size, round in shape, usually no more than 3-5 centimeters in diameter. The bizet cookie recipe is based on white almond flour. There are a lot of flavors and fillings of bizet pasta: creams, jams based on vanilla, chocolate, coffee, pistachios, raspberries, currants, coconut, mint, licorice root, cherry, lemon, etc. everything depends only on your preferences, and the masters of preparing such an exquisite dessert will try to please all your tastes. Although if you have the time, you can easily cook it yourself, because the recipe for this dessert is very simple and all products are available on the market.

09/08/2014 at 16.38 h.

Macaroni (macaroni, macaroni) - delicate meringue cookies of a small size, round in shape, usually no more than 3-5 centimeters in diameter. The bizet cookie recipe is based on white almond flour. There is a great variety of pasta bizet flavors and fillings: creams, jams based on vanilla, chocolate, coffee, pistachios, raspberries, currants, coconut, mint, licorice root, cherry, lemon, etc. It can be fruity, nutty, or chocolate cream....

Historical remark.

Very controversial, but you can still take this version on faith, since you understand a lot of them. Allegedly, pasta cookies appeared in the Middle Ages somewhere in Italy, and later, during the Renaissance, they were allegedly brought to France. And here the disagreements were whether it was brought by pirates who, as it is clear, were greedy not only for gold but also for spices and sweets, and as support or maintenance in monasteries, nuns began to cook it and sell it to the local population. Although this version does not fit with the statement that this macaroni dessert was very popular at the royal court, but as it should be, it was available only to kings and queens. And to the common people, this dessert was simply unavailable. Which, in principle, is more believable. At the beginning of the 20th century, allegedly Pierre Defontaine - the grandson of the founder of the House of Ladure’e Louis Ernest Lyadure - invented a method of gluing two bizet together with the help of filling. Currently, these cookies are popular and loved not only in France, but also in Canada, the USA, and Japan. Each country has its own vision of these sweets, which differ in a variety of tastes.

Remark or digression.

There is a dessert culinary creation of the same name - macaroon. The origin and ancestor of these desserts is common, however, the recipe for cooking is different, the latter is prepared from coconut flakes it is an American traditional treat.

Perhaps, it is no longer so important where these wonderful cakes came from, because as a dessert you can cook them yourself at home. At the same time, you will delight yourself, your friends and people close to you. interesting recipe dessert Macaroni.

We will describe in detail below how to make Macaroni cake (recipe with photo).

The cooking process is simple. There is different ways cooking. We offer you one of them.

You will need the following ingredients for the recipe:

--- 60 g sugar,
--160 g crude protein,
--300 g icing sugar,
--190 g almond powder, and food colorings and a variety of filling.


So, let's begin! First of all, you need to mix the icing sugar with almond, and then sift through a sieve. Add some of the protein and mix well. Next, take the remaining protein, add sugar and beat thoroughly. The result should be a not very thick creamy foam. After that add the prepared almond mass and whisk everything together. To add color to the dessert, at this stage it is necessary to add food coloring, or more natural dyes, such as cocoa, coffee ...

Pasta dessert cakes should be the same size. How to achieve this you can decide for yourself, using any method convenient for you. For example, you can draw circles of the same diameter on baking paper. We dose the protein-almond mass from the pastry bag. The halves of the cakes must be baked at 170 degrees for 10-12 minutes. Remember! Do not open the oven while baking cakes !!! Wait for the halves to cool. After that, we proceed to connect them, for this you will need the filling you have chosen in advance.

The filling can be anything you like. It all depends on your taste preferences. Try making the filling yourself.

For example, if you love coffee filling, it can be obtained by mixing 75 g of heavy cream with 1 tbsp instant coffee, all this must be brought to a boil and add 15 g of liquor and 200 g of marzipan. Beat everything thoroughly.

Try to do pistachio filling... To do this, take 30 g of pistachio paste, 80 ml of cream, bring to a boil and stir with 200 g of marzipan.

Lemon filling can be prepared from 150 g sugar, 100 ml lemon juice, 2 eggs and 0.5 tsp starch. We bring everything to a boil, cool and add 200 g of butter.

Homemade cakes - recipes

Although "Macaroni" has long been considered a dessert of aristocrats, their recipe is available to any housewife. Today we are preparing macarons according to the recipe with a photo step by step

1 h

320 kcal

4.33/5 (27)

Macaroni cake: why this recipe?

Macaroni can be seen more and more often in various cafes, sometimes even in McDonald's. Many attribute them to Italian or French cuisine, this gives the impression that they are very difficult to cook. However, now we will dispel this long-standing myth - these cookies can be easily baked at home, and the result will be as if you were cooking real chef... I want to warn you right away that almond flour Is a key ingredient in the recipe. Therefore, we either grind the nuts ourselves, or buy flour in the store. Without almond flour cook pasta by original recipe impossible.

So, we need:


As a cream I decided to try praline, for it you need:

  • 250 g heavy cream (35%)
  • 120 gr. milk and dark chocolate

How to make macarons at home - a simple recipe

By the way, if you have the opportunity, we leave it overnight. Then the pasta will taste very delicate.

A Few Secrets for Making Real Macaroni

As a nice bonus, I'll add a few tips to help you achieve the perfect result with minimal effort:

  • If you don't have a scale, you can add almond flour to a measuring cup. I didn't have it either, so my friend specially measured it, at 45 grams. it turned out almost 100 ml. volume.
  • Better separate the protein the day before and remove from the refrigerator an hour before cooking. This will add airiness to the cakes.
  • When kneading dough, it is important to achieve correct consistency... It is best to tape the mixture into the cup from the spatula. Or you can scoop up a teaspoon of dough and shake it off on a saucer. If everything is correct, the tail remaining on top of the drop will fall off, but the drop itself should not spread.
  • To make the halves come out the same size, I traced the circles on the stencil with a pencil on the back of the parchment. It's much easier this way, and the cakes will turn out like a selection.

Macaroni can be made not only delicious, but also beautiful, especially if you cook a lot and add different food colors. You can serve it in a bright vase for tea or coffee. Due to its colorfulness, this dessert is perfect for holidays, especially for a child's birthday. Be sure that little sweet tooth will not be torn from such a treat.

So, in order to create these capricious things in your kitchen you will need: a kitchen scale, since accuracy is very important in the recipe, a culinary thermometer (you can do without it if you have already done the "soft ball" test, but I do not recommend it) and almond flour , which you can still cook yourself (and Kamelena tells how), but I did not risk it and bought a ready-made one. You will also need good quality baking paper or a special pasta mat. I saw one on sale, it has round notches, only it costs like five ordinary silicone rugs. Therefore, I used coated parchment, on the back of which I painted circles with a diameter of 3 cm at a distance from each other. But you should not use ordinary household silicone rugs! As a rule, they are too thick and prevent the mixture from heating up quickly, and then cooling for a long time, as a result of which there are problems with the temperature regime, and, as a result, an unsuccessful result.
Egg whites, sort of, should be aged and at room temperature. I used the proteins that I had left after cooking and, for two months now, were hanging out in the freezer :)) But, it turned out that the first Italian meringue came out liquid, not dense, and I began to cook another one. There are only a few old room temperature proteins left and I added half of the protein fresh eggs straight from the refrigerator. So, the second meringue came out perfect! So now I'm wondering if it really matters: aged proteins or fresh ones, and should they be at room temperature or cold?
Surely many have seen Macarons of all colors of the rainbow and with a variety of fillings. I cooked classic version, without dyes, interlaying with chocolate ganache ( thick jam or I simply didn't have a cream, and children love chocolate more).

Here is a small set of products from which I made 17 cakes with a diameter of about 4 cm.

Weigh exactly 100 grams of almond flour and powdered sugar on a scale in one container. Sift this mixture through a fine strainer three times. I simply rubbed all the large grains of almond flour with a spoon through a strainer. I practically did not have any waste, but it is imperative to carry out a control weighing and add the missing grams of already sifted almond flour, so that again there was exactly 200 g of dry mixture. Add 37 g of protein and leave as it is, do not stir!

Cooking Italian meringue: Pour 27 ml of water into a small container (not to be confused with grams!), add 100 g of sugar. Prepare the mixer and pour 37 grams of protein into the beating bowl.
Future sugar syrup put on medium heat and bring to a boil, do not stir diligently, just stir slightly with a thermometer. When the temperature reaches 90 s, begin to beat the whites at the HIGH speed of the mixer. As soon as the syrup has boiled, reduce the heat to a minimum and cook the syrup for 110 s, approximately 5-7 minutes. If you do without a thermometer, you need to drop boiling syrup into a spoon. cold water, after this time, and with your fingers collect a drop in a soft ball, if it works out - the syrup is ready!

While the syrup was simmering, the whites whipped into a strong foam.

Brought to the desired condition and temperature, remove the syrup from the heat and immediately start pouring in a thin stream to the whites, without stopping whipping. You need to pour in the middle, between the walls of the bowl and the rims !!!

When all the syrup is already in the proteins, continue beating until the mass cools down to 35-40 s, this is a few more minutes.
The Italian meringue should become smooth, shiny and keep its shape well: there are clear marks from the corollas and, when turned over, the mass does not flow. As soon as this happens, stop whipping, otherwise the mixture can be over-whipped!

Returning to the almond base - using a spatula, mix the dry part with the egg whites until smooth, but without much zeal.
Next is an important stage - pasta, i.e. final kneading dough for pasta cakes, as a result of which it is necessary to achieve the correct consistency of the dough. Transfer the Italian meringue to the almond base into a bowl and stir in with a spatula clockwise, turning the bowl in the opposite direction. It took me about 40 movements with a spatula to make the dough smooth, uniform and flow down from the spatula with a wide ribbon! If you stir the dough, then future Pasta may crack during baking and their surface will not be smooth! And if you beat it, then the dough will become liquid and the cakes will not rise, and the skirt will not form!

We put the pasta in a pastry bag without a nozzle. We twist the bag from the wide side. On a baking sheet (you may need another one, I did not fit several cakes), covered with parchment, we begin to deposit future cakes. You need to do this: hold the culinary bag strictly vertically above the paper, squeeze out the dough (remember that it will still spread) right into the center of an imaginary or drawn circle (do not forget to leave a distance between them), and at the end, with a sharp but neat movement, remove the nose of the bag to the side ... If the humps stick out, place a towel under the baking sheet and gently knock on the table.

Leave the workpieces to dry at room temperature for 30-60 minutes, until a dense crust forms. Only in the presence of this very crust can you expect a recognizable skirt, which distinguishes Macaron from other cakes. After 40 minutes, when I touched it with my finger, the surface ceased to be sticky.

Bake Pasta at a temperature of 140-150 c (I baked at 140, since the oven heats well) for 14-17 minutes on the middle oven level! Five minutes later I saw the long-awaited skirts! But she opened the door only at 14 minutes, to check if the cakes were ready: the crust should become dense, and the bottom, if pried with a knife, easily leaves the paper. I baked the cakes for 16 minutes. The second smaller batch followed.
Ready-made Macarons must be immediately carefully (I pried with a knife) removed from the baking sheet so that they do not dry out. The bottom should remain light!

Prepare the ganache: cut the butter into pieces, break the chocolate into cubes. Put everything in a bowl and heat in a water bath (the container does not touch the bottom of the water) or in the microwave until the ingredients begin to melt, stirring occasionally, until a smooth homogeneous mass... Cool the finished ganache until slightly warm.

We are looking for a pair of suitable size for the halves of almond blanks, lay them next to each other, turning them upside down with their skirt. We spread about a teaspoon of ganache on one half (you can put it out of a culinary bag), you will understand the exact amount in the process, the thickness of the layer is 2-4 mm. You can immediately spread the ganache into half of all the cakes, and not do one at a time (which I did later).

Connect the halves by lightly pressing them together.

Thus, we collect all the Macaroni cakes.
It is recommended to serve them after a day of exposure. After all, it is then that all the tastes of the constituent cakes come together, forming a harmonious union and completeness ...
But, with my willpower, or rather with its absence, at the sight of such a dessert, after finishing the fifth, freshly made Macaroni, I nevertheless said to myself: "Stop! The rest is for tomorrow! Otherwise, I will never experience true pleasure." .. "
I kept them in a closed tin box. I know that it is advised to store the Pasta in the refrigerator, and you need to take it out shortly before serving. Immediately after the refrigerator, the Pasta was very dense, I was really upset that I spoiled them, but after being warm, they again became with a soft center. But, nevertheless, I took the cakes out of the refrigerator and left them in a closed box at room temperature.

And, after a night of standing, the cakes were really amazing !!! Take a chance and I hope you will not regret it!

Macaron is a favorite dessert of French monarchs from time immemorial. The recipe was brought to France by the Italian princess Catherine de 'Medici, who married Henry II - the king of the future republic. Believe it or not, back in the 16th century, pasta was a simple cookie made from almond flour, egg whites and sugar. No exotic flavors and rainbow colors, no cream filling, just dough.

The second layer of pasta was acquired at the beginning of the 20th century. Pierre Defontaine, the grandson of Louis Ernest Ladure (owner of Paris's first tea shop Laduree), decided to glue the two halves of a cookie together using a sweet chocolate mass known in French cuisine as ganache. Thus, the pasta acquired the two-story look familiar to us.

By the way, you still need to pronounce "macaron", as required by the French transcription. Macaroon (macaroon) is a completely different cookie, which in 90% of cases is made from egg whites and coconut.

As history shows, pasta has always been the lot of wealthy people. Therefore, now these cookies are associated more with the Queen of Manhattan, Blair Waldorf from the TV series "Gossip Girl", eating a ton of pasta in her own bathroom, than with a housewife baking an elite dessert in her own kitchen. Nevertheless, with the onset of the crisis, it will be useful to master the recipe for airy cookies to surprise loved ones.



Before making Maison Ladurée macaroni, you should master the following in-depth step by step instructions those who have already done this before you and know all the pitfalls of a complex process. In addition, you need to know a few simple secrets cooking: even if they seem insignificant, but experienced people say that it is necessary to follow them in order to achieve the perfect result.

    "Aging" eggs. Most agree that eggs should be at room temperature. It is best to get them out of the refrigerator 12 hours before cooking, but you can also take them 2-4 hours before cooking.

    Sift flour 3 times. Exactly 3. The number of sifting was derived experimentally by the chefs of the Parisian culinary school Cook'n with class. And the first time you do it just to get rid of the lumps, the second time you consolidate the result, and the third time you sift the flour together with powdered sugar. The procedure will make the dough glossy.

    Drying the dough before baking. Do not try to immediately shove a baking sheet with "lids" pasta in the oven. Leave them to lie on the table for 20-30 minutes.

    Air circulation during baking. The desired mode is ensured by the correct positioning of the cookies on the baking sheet (checkerboard pattern) and a slightly open oven in the process (so that excess moisture goes away).

    Proportions are important. In the case of pasta, making the dough by eye will not work. Therefore, the kitchen scale is your faithful assistant during the preparation of dessert.

Classic pasta recipe



  • almond flour - 150 gr,
  • icing sugar - 150 gr,
  • sugar - 150 gr,
  • water - 50 gr,
  • protein - 50 + 50 gr (about 3 eggs),
  • dye (preferably gel).


    Cooking flour, namely: sift it as expected - 3 times. Add the icing sugar, mix well with a whisk and sift again.

    Separate the whites from the yolks. Make sure that not a single gram of fat, water or yolk gets into this mass. It is important! We divide the protein into 2 parts - 50 grams each.

    Prepare your work area for kneading dough. Transfer 50 grams of protein to a large bowl. Put a saucepan with sugar and water on the stove, next to it - a cup with proteins, a spare glass of water, a mixer and a thermometer.
    *Attention! A thermometer is essential to keep track of the temperature of the syrup. Degrees more or less - and the whole idea will fail!

    Next, we will perform several actions at the same time. Turn on the stove and begin to cook the syrup, stirring with a thermometer. Keep it in the middle of the mixture to keep the temperature as accurate as possible. Pay close attention to heating. As soon as the thermometer reads 95 degrees, start whipping the whites at full power of the mixer. When the syrup heats up to 110⁰, remove it from the stove and start slowly pouring into the whites.

    The whipped egg whites should be almost firm and should not leak or drip when the bowl is turned over. If the syrup has already warmed up to 110 degrees, and the proteins are not whipped to the desired state, you can cool the syrup with water and wait for the desired temperature again. Pouring in the syrup, continue to beat the mixture with a mixer.
    *Attention! The mixture should be dense and very strong. She should not have any fluid qualities. During the whipping process, the mixture will cool. Add another 50 grams of protein, and on top - ready-made flour and powder.

    We begin to stir the dough with a spatula and continue the procedure until the desired texture is obtained. The dough should run off the walls of the spatula and not fall in lumps. Cover the baking sheet with parchment for baking.

    Pour the dough into a pastry bag and begin to gently shape the pasta caps. Try to arrange them in a checkerboard pattern. Don't forget about drying! Place the baking sheet in an oven heated to 140 degrees Celsius.

    The baking time is 10-20 minutes. Do not be discouraged if your "hats" begin to crack, crumble or "rise". Even the great Ladura would hardly have been able to make perfect pasta the first time.

    If everything worked out, then your pasta will have "skirts". This will happen in 3-4 minutes. After 10 minutes, you can try to pry them with a knife. If the cookie comes off the parchment easily, then the pasta is ready. The lid over the "skirt" should be rigid.

    Prepare the filling yourself to your taste - it can be custard or ganache. It is important to remember that if the filling is liquid, it will absorb into the dough faster and soften it more quickly. Therefore, such a filling can be used to fill cookies just before serving.

    Ganache can be applied immediately after the oven and left in the refrigerator until consumed.

On the eve of the long winter holidays, our site wants to introduce you to incredibly delicious and delicious French pasta. No, this is not at all the pasta that we are all so used to. French pasta- these are light, delicate and bright-looking cakes, which consist of two macaroons and a creamy layer. In recent years, these cakes have become widely popular not only throughout Europe, but also far beyond its borders. There are pasta of all kinds of colors and flavor combinations, but today we want to present you classic vanilla pasta, the recipe with a photo is presented step by step below. Everyone will love these cakes!

The recipe for pasta at home is not complicated, but in the whole process there are many nuances and subtleties, which is why not everyone cooks pasta the first time. But, the more practice, the better the result will be. So, stock up on good mood and patience and get started!

For a homemade pasta recipe you will need:

  • almond flour (sifted) - 143 g
  • icing sugar (sifted) - 143 g
  • water - 37 g
  • sugar - 143 g
  • egg whites (aged) - 47 g
  • lemon juice- 0.5 tsp
  • white chocolate - 80 g
  • cream (from 33% fat) - 70 g
  • vanilla sugar- 1 tsp

Before we start making pasta cakes, let's take a closer look at some of the ingredients for the recipe.

Egg whites. If you follow the classics, then the proteins should be "aged". In order to "age" them, we carefully separate the eggs the night before (the yolk should not get into the whites). We do not need the yolks, so they can be used immediately for other purposes, but cover the container with proteins with a film and leave them on the desktop overnight. Also, proteins can be "aged" in the refrigerator, simply by leaving them in a tightly closed container for 5-6 days, but before cooking they must be taken out of the refrigerator in advance so that they have time to warm up. What is the difference between fresh and aged proteins? The difference in their structure, the "aged" proteins are more liquid and when whipped, they give a more voluminous and persistent foam.

Almond flour. The success of making pasta cakes also depends on its quality. You can either buy such flour ready-made or prepare it yourself (how exactly to do this, read our recipe "Almond flour at home"). It is very important that the flour is finely ground and well dried.

Powdered sugar. It is advisable to use powdered sugar without adding starch. Since starch absorbs moisture and the finished cookie becomes a little like meringue, but this note in taste is quite small, therefore, if you cannot find pure powder, then you can use it with the addition of starch. The most important thing is that the powder should be fresh, without small hard lumps.

In addition to the right ingredients, precision is also essential for making pasta cakes. Therefore, all ingredients must be weighed on an electronic scale, since even a few extra grams can disrupt the consistency of the dough. In addition to a scale, it is very important to use a pastry thermometer to determine the temperature of the syrup.

Now let's get started!

Macarons - recipe with photo step by step:

First, sift the almond flour and icing sugar. Sift the flour through a fine sieve, remove large pieces that remain in the sieve. After that, we measure out 143 g of flour. We also sift the powdered sugar and, if there is, remove the hard lumps of powder. And also on the scales we measure out 143 g of powder. Combine the sifted ingredients in a bowl and sift them together 2-3 times so that the mixture is homogeneous.

Pour 47 g of egg white to the resulting mixture.

And stir with a spatula or a regular spoon until a homogeneous and thick mass is obtained. We put the bowl aside.

Let's prepare the meringue. We take a deep saucepan, pour water into it and pour all the sugar.

We put the saucepan on the fire and gently stir the mixture with a spatula to dissolve the sugar. As soon as the syrup starts to boil, we stop stirring it so as not to provoke the crystallization process, and cook it to a temperature of 116-118 C.

When the temperature of the syrup reaches 110 C, pour the proteins into a clean and dry bowl and beat until soft peaks.

As soon as the syrup reaches the desired temperature, remove the saucepan from the heat and pour the syrup into the egg whites in a thin stream. At the same time, we do not stop whipping the proteins thoroughly with a mixer. Beat the mixture until a dense glossy meringue is obtained.

Add lemon juice and continue whisking the meringue for another 1 minute.

Mix the finished meringue in several steps into a pre-prepared mixture of almond flour, powdered sugar and egg white.

Mix the mass gently, moving clockwise, achieving complete homogeneity of the dough. Ready dough for cakes, the pasta should drain off the spatula with a wide thick ribbon. At this stage of the recipe, it is extremely important to achieve the correct consistency, since if the dough is poorly kneaded, then tails will remain on the surface of the pasta, and if the dough is mixed, it will become too liquid and the pasta will spread on the baking sheet and turn into flat cakes.

Place a wide (10-12 mm) round nozzle in a pastry bag and fill it with dough.

Cover the baking sheet with high-quality baking paper and staggered into neat circles with a diameter of 3-4 cm. In order to deposit pasta, it is more convenient to make a stencil. So, on one sheet of parchment with a dark felt-tip pen or pen, draw circles with a diameter of 3-4 cm (for this you can use a suitable-sized round cookie cutter) and put this stencil under a sheet of parchment on which we place the cookies. If there are small tails left on the surface of the pasta that do not diverge on their own, then gently tap on the bottom of the baking sheet with your palm until the surface becomes even, just don't be too zealous, otherwise the shape of the circles may deform.

We leave the deposited cookies on the desktop for 15-30 minutes or even for 1 hour (for example, if you have high humidity in the kitchen). We need to wait until their surface winds up and a dense crust forms, it is thanks to this crust that the surface of the pasta will not crack during baking, but form from below distinctive feature pasta cakes - "skirt". To check if a crust has formed, we gently touch the surface of the circles, if nothing sticks to the finger, then they are ready for baking.

Preheat the oven to 150-160 C and bake (one baking sheet at a time) pasta for 12-14 minutes. Since everyone has very different ovens, then when baking pasta, you need to adjust to your own, trying different temperatures and different modes. To find out if the pasta is ready, it will be enough to touch them, if the cookie cap does not move, but the "skirt" is tight and the cookies easily come off the paper (provided that the paper is of good quality) - it is ready.

We immediately remove the finished cookies together with the paper from the baking sheet and leave it to cool completely.

Let's prepare a cream for French pasta. Add vanilla sugar to heavy cream, mix and heat them on the stove or in the microwave until the first signs of boiling.

Break the white chocolate into small pieces and fill it with hot cream.

Leave for 1 minute to warm the chocolate, and then stir until completely homogeneous.

Cover the resulting chocolate vanilla cream with a film in contact with the surface and send it to the refrigerator for 2 hours.

Transfer the cooled cream to a deep whipping bowl.

Beat the chocolate cream with a mixer until fluffy. We transfer the resulting chocolate vanilla cream into a pastry bag with a round nozzle with a diameter of 5 mm.

Divide the cooled cookies in pairs.

Put a serving of chocolate on one half vanilla cream as shown in the photo.

Cover with a second macaroon and press down slightly to distribute the cream evenly.

We transfer the finished pasta cakes into an airtight container and send them to the refrigerator for 24 hours. They must "mature". During this time, the bottom of the cookies will soften slightly, so that the cakes will turn out to be tender, and they will have a light crispy crust on top.

Well, that's all, our French macarons are ready at home! We hope that our step by step recipe from the photo was useful to you.

We pour a cup of aromatic coffee and enjoy the incredibly tender and delicious dessert!