Home / Biscuit / How easy it is to separate cabbage leaves of stuffed cabbage. Cabbage for cabbage rolls in the microwave for softening

How easy it is to separate cabbage leaves of stuffed cabbage. Cabbage for cabbage rolls in the microwave for softening

Cabbage for stuffed cabbage. How to properly prepare the leaves so that the cabbage rolls are tasty, juicy and moderately soft, and the cabbage does not turn out tough. In this article, you will learn all the methods of preparing cabbage for making the most delicious cabbage rolls.

1st way

Take a medium-sized head of cabbage about 1-1.5 kg. , wash it, remove the bad leaves and wrap in cling film in a few words.

Put the cabbage on the stalk in the microwave, turn it on for 10-12 minutes at medium power. The cabbage should fog up inside. Let it cool down. Now cut out the stump and start removing the leaves. Take the leaves down, they should come off very easily and are intact.

2nd way

Also in the microwave, but cabbage is cooked there a little differently. Just wash the cabbage and put it on a plate, send it to the microwave.

Turn it on at medium power, 5-7 minutes will be enough. Now remove the top soft leaves, microwave the cabbage again for a couple of minutes, remove the leaves. Do this until all the leaves are removed.

3rd way

Cut the stalk of the cabbage. and pour boiling water over it, add a pinch citric acid or 0.5 tsp. vinegar (this will help keep the leaves firm enough to prevent tearing during cooking).

Boil the cabbage for 1 minute. Then take it out and let cool. Only then take apart the leaves.

4th method

Pour water into a saucepan, let it boil, and put a whole head of cabbage into boiling water, after a couple of minutes, take out and carefully remove a couple of leaves, which can be easily removed, put the head of cabbage in the water again, and also separate the cabbage leaves. Repeat this procedure until you have removed all the leaves.

5th method. Double boiler.

The principle is the same as with a saucepan. We put the cabbage in a double boiler for a couple of minutes, take out the leaves, and send it back to the double boiler.

6th method. Freezing.

Just put the cabbage in the freezer for 12 hours. Then we take it out, defrost it. And the leaves easily move away from the cabbage.

I tried all 6 methods, I liked all of them incredibly, to be honest, I used to separate raw cabbage leaves. If you know other ways, please share with us. Thank you!

In a house where there are many different kitchen appliances, cooking becomes a pleasure. If you show your imagination, then some devices can be found not quite standard use. For example, not everyone knows for stuffed cabbage in the microwave. It turns out that this is not at all difficult to do.

Waiting minutes

Before starting to cook cabbage rolls, each hostess first of all goes to the store or to the market. The choice of products must be treated very carefully, because they will mainly affect the result. Among the general list, special attention is paid to cabbage. First, you need to remember two conditions:

  1. Do not take a head of cabbage for round cabbage rolls. The leaves in it are powerful and tough. It is better to take one that is slightly flattened and looks like a pill. Such cabbage leaves will be thin and long enough.
  2. The head of cabbage should be free of damage: mechanical in the form of cracks and diseases in the form of black dots inside.

Now the hostess is faced with the task of preparing him for work. It is necessary to make the leaves become soft and pliable. Few people know how to cook cabbage for cabbage rolls in the microwave.

There is no secret here. This is done as follows:

  1. A head of cabbage weighing 2 kilograms must be put into the oven and the door closed.
  2. Set the timer for 10 minutes, and it is better to choose the maximum power (900 watts).
  3. After the call, take out the product and immediately put it under running cold water.
  4. After that, it must be wrung out with your hands. If it is not yet quite soft, then the procedure can be repeated (2-3 minutes).

This is the easiest way to cook cabbage for cabbage rolls in the microwave. Minimum labor costs in a short time.

Slowly and surely

Those who are not used to hoping at random can use another option. There is another way that will teach you how to cook cabbage for cabbage rolls in the microwave. It is, in principle, similar to the previous one. True, there are some clarifications:

  1. First, the head of cabbage must be turned upside down and four deep cuts made around it with a sharp knife.
  2. Put the cabbage in the oven for 10 minutes.
  3. Take out the vegetable and carefully separate a few of the top leaves. You need to remove only those leaves that themselves lag behind.
  4. Once again make cuts around the base and send the product back to the microwave, but for 5 minutes, no more. This should be done until the last leaf is removed.
  5. Collect the separated foods and put them back in the oven for 4-5 minutes. After that, they will become generally transparent. It will be easy and simple to wrap minced meat in them. Soft thin leaves retain their plasticity, and the filling will never fall out of them.

This option is longer, but reliable.

Hot water effect

But the microwave is not the only option on how to remove the leaves from cabbage for stuffed cabbage. After all, this dish was prepared long before the cunning machine was invented. And the hostesses found another way out of this situation. It is understood that the product softens at elevated temperatures. How to create such conditions? The easiest way is to use boiling water. This was the secret of our grandmothers.

Everything was done like this:

  1. First, you need to cut the stump with a sharp knife.
  2. At this time, boil water in a large saucepan.
  3. Dip the prepared product into it and wait 7-10 minutes.
  4. Remove the head of cabbage, place it on a plate and carefully separate the top leaves.
  5. Make cuts again, but deeper, and repeat the procedure.

Each time the head of cabbage will become smaller and smaller. At the last stage, the process can be considered complete. Too much large chunks can be halved and thick stems can be simply cut out. This method of removing leaves from cabbage for stuffed cabbage is good because it does not require re-processing of the leaves. But it also has disadvantages. The hostess has to constantly deal with boiling liquid and hot product, and this is not at all safe.

Cooking a dish

Having mastered the technique of processing cabbage, you can take on the dish itself. How to cook will explain step by step how it can be done.

First of all, you need to collect everything on the table necessary products: a kilogram of meat, 2 heads of fresh cabbage, an onion, a glass of rice, 1 carrot, 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 500 grams of tomato, a bunch of parsley, pepper, salt and any spices.

To make stuffed cabbage, the recipe (step by step) includes the following steps:

  1. Pour boiling water over the rice and leave for half an hour.
  2. Any of the methods chosen to divide the head of cabbage into leaves.
  3. Lightly fry the chopped onion in a skillet. A little later add grated carrots, tomato, salt and pepper. The mixture should boil well.
  4. Grind the meat with a hand blender. You can also use a meat grinder, but then it is better to scroll the mass twice.
  5. Strain the rice and add to the meat along with the stewed vegetables. Mix the products well. This will be the filling.
  6. Put a little minced meat on each cabbage leaf, and then, wrap the edges, squeeze tightly and form a cabbage roll.
  7. Place the semi-finished products in a roaster or on a pallet, placing them with a seam downwards. After that, pour the tomato, diluted with water, sprinkle with chopped herbs and put in the oven.

After a couple of hours, tender and fragrant cabbage rolls will be ready.

Simplified version

For those who do not want to waste time and tinker with leaves, there is another way. They can be prepared with fresh cabbage.

Moreover, they turn out to be no worse than usual. For work you will need: 400 grams of minced meat and a head of cabbage of about the same mass, a glass of rice, carrots, an egg, 2 onions and a tablespoon of tomato paste.

The cooking method is not at all complicated:

  1. First, the cabbage must be arbitrarily cut with a knife, pour over hot water and leave for 5-7 minutes so that all the bitterness goes away from it.
  2. During this time, boil the rice. The water must be salted.
  3. Combine minced meat with half prepared cabbage and rice. Then add one chopped onion, egg and spices. Stir the products.
  4. Blind cutlets from the resulting mass and place them on a tray, previously lined with the remains of cabbage.
  5. Fry the remaining onions with carrots and put on top.
  6. Pour everything with a glass of water and put in the oven. Everything will be ready in an hour.

Those who do not want to suffer with cutlets can take meat instead of minced meat and simply cut it into small pieces.

Cold treatment

It turns out that elevated temperature is not the only way you can change the state of a product. The same results can be achieved with the opposite action. This means that cabbage leaves for stuffed cabbage need to be strongly cooled. An ordinary refrigerator can easily cope with this problem.

You just need to put the head of cabbage in the freezer for 10-12 hours in advance, and then take it out and defrost it in natural conditions. Surprisingly, in this case, the cabbage becomes simply unrecognizable: soft, tender and very plastic. You can wrap anything in it. It is very convenient and completely safe. But this method also has its own catch. Cabbage leaves processed in this way will subsequently be unsuitable for other dishes. Only cabbage rolls can be made of them, so you will have to make so much filling to use up the entire head of cabbage. They also cannot be stored. Even in the refrigerator, this product will spoil very quickly.

Technical capabilities

It is not at all necessary to pre-process cabbage rolls in the microwave. There are many other appliances in the kitchen, which are also always at hand. Take a double boiler, for example.

Everyone knows its ability to accelerate many dishes. This can also be used on preparatory stage... The procedure is very similar to the option with boiling water in a saucepan. But everything is done much faster. After all, time is an expensive pleasure, and they do not need to be wasted. The sequence of actions remains the same. You just need to put the head of cabbage in a double boiler for a couple of minutes. After that, get it out and carefully cut off the top leaves. Then the procedure is repeated until a bare stump remains in the hands of the hostess. After that, it remains only to carefully review the prepared product. On some leaves, you can cut off the thickening on the stem. If the veins are too large, then it is better to completely remove them with a sharp knife.

Cabbage rolls are a very tasty and interesting dish that all family members will surely enjoy. The process of cooking cabbage rolls could be called simple if it were not for the preparation of cabbage. Novice housewives sometimes cope with this task only after several attempts, so everyone is interested in how to cook cabbage for cabbage rolls?

Cooking options for cabbage

In order to cook delicious and tender cabbage rolls, you must first of all cope with cabbage. There are several options to remove leaves:

  • - boil in water;
  • - to freeze;
  • - bake in the microwave.

Such cooking methods are very popular, but each of them has its own characteristics and disadvantages. Most often, people are faced with the problem of uneven cooking of cabbage leaves.

You can cook cabbage with and without a head of cabbage, but then you need to insert a fork into the center so that it is more convenient to remove the vegetable from the water. The microwave option is only suitable for small to medium sized cabbage, as too large may simply not fit.

Boiled cabbage

To prepare leaves for stuffed cabbage, you can use one of the oldest and proven methods that people used many years ago. To do this, you must first prepare:

  • - a large saucepan;
  • - 4 liters of water;
  • - a tablespoon of salt;
  • - cabbage.

How to cook cabbage for stuffed cabbage? This question is of interest to many, but the process of separating cabbage leaves is quite simple and for this you should follow these steps:

  1. Peel the cabbage, remove the damaged leaves and make several small cuts near the head of cabbage so that the bases of the leaves can be easily separated from the head. After that, you need to insert a knife or fork into the center of the head of cabbage so that the process of removing the vegetable from the water causes as little difficulty as possible.
  2. Put a saucepan with water on the fire and bring to a boil, add salt and only then put the cabbage in it.
  3. Boil the cabbage for a few minutes. How much to cook cabbage for stuffed cabbage? It will take about 5-10 minutes to prepare the top leaves, but inside, they may not be quite the same as needed, so after the first layers are removed, the vegetable should be placed back for another couple of minutes.
  4. Leaves must be removed from cabbage until they are of the correct size, since too small leaves are not suitable for making stuffed cabbage.
  5. After all the leaves are removed, they need to be cooled to make it easier to wrap the filling in them.

This option for cooking cabbage leaves takes a decent amount of time, but they do not stop using it today. If your home has modern appliances such as a microwave, cabbage leaves can be made a little faster and easier.

Cabbage in the microwave

Cooking stuffed cabbage, today, scares off many women with its complexity. But it turns out that the leaves are for this delicious and interesting dish can be prepared very quickly and with a minimum of nerves, effort and time.

Before you put the cabbage in the microwave, you should first of all choose the right option. Cabbage should not be too small or very large - it is best to choose a medium-sized vegetable and not round, but a little flattened. Cabbage, which looks a bit like a pill, has rather large leaves that are ideal for making stuffed cabbage. Microwave cabbage for cabbage rolls is prepared in several stages:

  1. The cabbage should be peeled, the upper layers unsuitable for making stuffed cabbage and damaged areas should be removed so that there are no black dots in the leaves.
  2. Cabbage weighing up to two kilograms is placed on a plate and placed in microwave oven for 10-13 minutes at 900W.
  3. As soon as the microwave turns off, you need to carefully remove the plate of cabbage and cool it with running, cold water.
  4. Put the cabbage stump down and carefully disassemble the leaves, expanding them like a rose.
  5. When all the leaves are separated from the stump, turn the cabbage over and separate the leaves with a knife, carefully trimming them.
  6. When all the leaves are removed, thick veins-stems must be carefully cut off of them so that the stuffed cabbage rolls turn out to be tender and tasty, and it is easier to roll them.

The advantage of this method of preparing leaves for cabbage rolls is that it takes a rather short amount of time. The leaves are separated very easily and simply, and at the same time, there are practically no damaged and defective leaves.


This method of preparing cabbage for stuffed cabbage, at first glance, seems a little unusual, but as it turns out, it is quite effective, although it has its drawbacks. In order to cook cabbage in this way, you must:

  1. Prepare the cabbage: remove the top layers that are not suitable for making cabbage rolls, remove areas with dark dots and damaged leaves.
  2. Place the cabbage in a tight, plastic bag and place it in the freezer overnight.
  3. In the morning, you need to get the cabbage and put it to defrost at room temperature.
  4. When the cabbage is thawed, it will be very soft, so there will be no problems with the separation of leaves from the stalk.

This option for preparing leaves for stuffed cabbage takes a very long time and if it is not there, then it is a little problematic. If the preparation of cabbage rolls is planned for the next day, it can be successfully used, but it should be borne in mind that all the leaves will need to be used immediately.

Each of the methods of cooking cabbage leaves has its own advantages and disadvantages, so each housewife needs to try all these options and choose the one that she likes best. Using these options for cooking cabbage for cabbage rolls, you can more often enjoy the whole family with them. delicate taste and exquisite aroma.


And you can't remove the leaves from raw cabbage. They will break.

And in the recipes: Boil in boiling salted water, cut out a stump, and beat off thick stems ... Passion!

I will allow myself to suggest a completely non-tiring replacement for this procedure. Just microwave the cabbage. And then the cabbage will turn into such a heap of flexible and soft leaves, from which it is a pleasure to make stuffed cabbage.

Let's start by choosing a cabbage on the market. It is best to take cabbage not round, but flattened. It looks like a large pill. These cabbage usually have very large and thin leaves. Round crunchy cabbage is more suitable for pickling. And of course, the leaves should be intact, and under the leaves there should not be a scattering of dark spots - traces of being eaten by pests.

We remove a couple of upper leaves from it. They are not needed.

Place the cabbage in the microwave. We set the power to 900W. The timer is for 10-12 minutes (this is for a kaputa weighing 1.5-2 kg).

As soon as the microwave signals readiness. Remove the cabbage and place it under cold running water. Most likely she is already ready. Squeeze it. It should become somewhat soft. If in doubt, microwave it for another 2-4 minutes. And again under a stream of cold water.

We put the cabbage stump down and begin to unfold the leaves, revealing the cabbage like a rose. They turn away very easily, because they have become soft and flexible. In the first photo, you can see the end of this process. The cabbage has evolved into a large soft rose with a small ball of small leaves in the center.

Now we turn the cabbage stump down. We take a knife and begin to cut the leaves at the stump, putting the cut off to the side.

There will be no marriage in the form of torn leaves. Because, in spite of their softness and thinness, the leaves are durable and do not tear. Unlike loose boiled ones.

With a knife, cut off the protruding thick stems-veins from each leaf. They also cut perfectly easily.

And our leaves are ready.

Wrapping minced meat in such leaves is the most pleasant process. Stuffed cabbage rolls are neat, tight, dense. A lovely sight!


How to make cabbage for stuffed cabbage soft

Boiled cabbage

Cabbage in the microwave


How to make cabbage soft for stuffed cabbage

Cabbage rolls are a very tasty and interesting dish that all family members will surely enjoy. The process of cooking cabbage rolls could be called simple if it were not for the preparation of cabbage. Novice housewives sometimes cope with this task only after several attempts, so everyone is interested in how to cook cabbage for cabbage rolls?

Cooking options for cabbage

In order to cook delicious and tender cabbage rolls, you must first of all cope with cabbage. There are several options to remove leaves:

Such cooking methods are very popular, but each of them has its own characteristics and disadvantages. Most often, people are faced with the problem of uneven cooking of cabbage leaves.

You can cook cabbage with and without a head of cabbage, but then you need to insert a fork into the center so that it is more convenient to remove the vegetable from the water. The microwave option is only suitable for small to medium sized cabbage, as too large may simply not fit.

Boiled cabbage

To prepare leaves for stuffed cabbage, you can use one of the oldest and proven methods that people used many years ago. To do this, you must first prepare:

How to cook cabbage for stuffed cabbage? This question is of interest to many, but the process of separating cabbage leaves is quite simple and for this you should follow these steps:

  1. Peel the cabbage, remove the damaged leaves and make several small cuts near the head of cabbage so that the bases of the leaves can be easily separated from the head. After that, you need to insert a knife or fork into the center of the head of cabbage so that the process of removing the vegetable from the water causes as little difficulty as possible.
  2. Put a saucepan with water on the fire and bring to a boil, add salt and only then put the cabbage in it.
  3. Boil the cabbage for a few minutes. How much to cook cabbage for stuffed cabbage? It will take about 5-10 minutes to prepare the top leaves, but inside, they may not be quite the same as needed, so after the first layers are removed, the vegetable should be placed back for another couple of minutes.
  4. Leaves must be removed from cabbage until they are of the correct size, since too small leaves are not suitable for making stuffed cabbage.
  5. After all the leaves are removed, they need to be cooled to make it easier to wrap the filling in them.

This option for cooking cabbage leaves takes a decent amount of time, but they do not stop using it today. If your home has modern appliances such as a microwave, cabbage leaves can be made a little faster and easier.

Cabbage in the microwave

Cooking stuffed cabbage, today, scares off many women with its complexity. But it turns out that the leaves for this tasty and interesting dish can be prepared very quickly and with a minimum of nerves, effort and time.

Before you put the cabbage in the microwave, you should first of all choose the right option. Cabbage should not be too small or very large - it is best to choose a medium-sized vegetable and not round, but a little flattened. Cabbage, which looks a bit like a pill, has rather large leaves that are ideal for making stuffed cabbage. Microwave cabbage for cabbage rolls is prepared in several stages:

  1. The cabbage should be peeled, the upper layers unsuitable for making stuffed cabbage and damaged areas should be removed so that there are no black dots in the leaves.
  2. Cabbage weighing up to two kilograms is placed on a plate and placed in a microwave oven for 10-13 minutes at 900W.
  3. As soon as the microwave turns off, you need to carefully remove the plate of cabbage and cool it with running, cold water.
  4. Put the cabbage stump down and carefully disassemble the leaves, expanding them like a rose.
  5. When all the leaves are separated from the stump, turn the cabbage over and separate the leaves with a knife, carefully trimming them.
  6. When all the leaves are removed, thick veins-stems must be carefully cut off of them so that the stuffed cabbage rolls turn out to be tender and tasty, and it is easier to roll them.

The advantage of this method of preparing leaves for cabbage rolls is that it takes a rather short amount of time. The leaves are separated very easily and simply, and at the same time, there are practically no damaged and defective leaves.

This method of preparing cabbage for stuffed cabbage, at first glance, seems a little unusual, but as it turns out, it is quite effective, although it has its drawbacks. In order to cook cabbage in this way, you must:

  1. Prepare the cabbage: remove the top layers that are not suitable for making cabbage rolls, remove areas with dark dots and damaged leaves.
  2. Place the cabbage in a tight, plastic bag and place it in the freezer overnight.
  3. In the morning, you need to get the cabbage and put it to defrost at room temperature.
  4. When the cabbage is thawed, it will be very soft, so there will be no problems with the separation of leaves from the stalk.

This option for preparing leaves for stuffed cabbage takes a very long time and if it is not there, then it is a little problematic. If the preparation of cabbage rolls is planned for the next day, it can be successfully used, but it should be borne in mind that all the leaves will need to be used immediately.

Each of the methods of cooking cabbage leaves has its own advantages and disadvantages, so each housewife needs to try all these options and choose the one that she likes best. Using these options for cooking cabbage for stuffed cabbage, you can more often enjoy the whole family with their delicate taste and exquisite aroma.


How to make cabbage leaves for stuffed cabbage soft

Cabbage rolls are a very tasty and interesting dish that all family members will surely enjoy. The process of cooking cabbage rolls could be called simple if it were not for the preparation of cabbage. Novice housewives sometimes cope with this task only after several attempts, so everyone is interested in how to cook cabbage for cabbage rolls?

Cooking options for cabbage

In order to cook delicious and tender cabbage rolls, you must first of all cope with cabbage. There are several options to remove leaves:

Such cooking methods are very popular, but each of them has its own characteristics and disadvantages. Most often, people are faced with the problem of uneven cooking of cabbage leaves.

You can cook cabbage with and without a head of cabbage, but then you need to insert a fork into the center so that it is more convenient to remove the vegetable from the water. The microwave option is only suitable for small to medium sized cabbage, as too large may simply not fit.

Boiled cabbage

To prepare leaves for stuffed cabbage, you can use one of the oldest and proven methods that people used many years ago. To do this, you must first prepare:

How to cook cabbage for stuffed cabbage? This question is of interest to many, but the process of separating cabbage leaves is quite simple and for this you should follow these steps:

  1. Peel the cabbage, remove the damaged leaves and make several small cuts near the head of cabbage so that the bases of the leaves can be easily separated from the head. After that, you need to insert a knife or fork into the center of the head of cabbage so that the process of removing the vegetable from the water causes as little difficulty as possible.
  2. Put a saucepan with water on the fire and bring to a boil, add salt and only then put the cabbage in it.
  3. Boil the cabbage for a few minutes. How much to cook cabbage for stuffed cabbage? It will take about 5-10 minutes to prepare the top leaves, but inside, they may not be quite the same as needed, so after the first layers are removed, the vegetable should be placed back for another couple of minutes.
  4. Leaves must be removed from cabbage until they are of the correct size, since too small leaves are not suitable for making stuffed cabbage.
  5. After all the leaves are removed, they need to be cooled to make it easier to wrap the filling in them.

This option for cooking cabbage leaves takes a decent amount of time, but they do not stop using it today. If your home has modern appliances such as a microwave, cabbage leaves can be made a little faster and easier.

Cabbage in the microwave

Cooking stuffed cabbage, today, scares off many women with its complexity. But it turns out that the leaves for this tasty and interesting dish can be prepared very quickly and with a minimum of nerves, effort and time.

Before you put the cabbage in the microwave, you should first of all choose the right option. Cabbage should not be too small or very large - it is best to choose a medium-sized vegetable and not round, but a little flattened. Cabbage, which looks a bit like a pill, has rather large leaves that are ideal for making stuffed cabbage. Microwave cabbage for cabbage rolls is prepared in several stages:

  1. The cabbage should be peeled, the upper layers unsuitable for making stuffed cabbage and damaged areas should be removed so that there are no black dots in the leaves.
  2. Cabbage weighing up to two kilograms is placed on a plate and placed in a microwave oven for 10-13 minutes at 900W.
  3. As soon as the microwave turns off, you need to carefully remove the plate of cabbage and cool it with running, cold water.
  4. Put the cabbage stump down and carefully disassemble the leaves, expanding them like a rose.
  5. When all the leaves are separated from the stump, turn the cabbage over and separate the leaves with a knife, carefully trimming them.
  6. When all the leaves are removed, thick veins-stems must be carefully cut off of them so that the stuffed cabbage rolls turn out to be tender and tasty, and it is easier to roll them.

The advantage of this method of preparing leaves for cabbage rolls is that it takes a rather short amount of time. The leaves are separated very easily and simply, and at the same time, there are practically no damaged and defective leaves.

This method of preparing cabbage for stuffed cabbage, at first glance, seems a little unusual, but as it turns out, it is quite effective, although it has its drawbacks. In order to cook cabbage in this way, you must:

  1. Prepare the cabbage: remove the top layers that are not suitable for making cabbage rolls, remove areas with dark dots and damaged leaves.
  2. Place the cabbage in a tight, plastic bag and place it in the freezer overnight.
  3. In the morning, you need to get the cabbage and put it to defrost at room temperature.
  4. When the cabbage is thawed, it will be very soft, so there will be no problems with the separation of leaves from the stalk.

This option for preparing leaves for stuffed cabbage takes a very long time and if it is not there, then it is a little problematic. If the preparation of cabbage rolls is planned for the next day, it can be successfully used, but it should be borne in mind that all the leaves will need to be used immediately.

Each of the methods of cooking cabbage leaves has its own advantages and disadvantages, so each housewife needs to try all these options and choose the one that she likes best. Using these options for cooking cabbage for stuffed cabbage, you can more often enjoy the whole family with their delicate taste and exquisite aroma.


How to soften cabbage for stuffed cabbage

In a home full of different kitchen appliances, cooking becomes a pleasure. If you show your imagination, then some devices can be found not quite standard use. For example, not everyone knows for stuffed cabbage in the microwave. It turns out that this is not at all difficult to do.

Waiting minutes

Before starting to cook cabbage rolls, each hostess first of all goes to the store or to the market. The choice of products must be treated very carefully, because they will mainly affect the result. Among the general list, special attention is paid to cabbage. First, you need to remember two conditions:

  1. Do not take a head of cabbage for round cabbage rolls. The leaves in it are powerful and tough. It is better to take one that is slightly flattened and looks like a pill. Such cabbage leaves will be thin and long enough.
  2. The head of cabbage should be free of damage: mechanical in the form of cracks and diseases in the form of black dots inside.

Now the hostess is faced with the task of preparing him for work. It is necessary to make the leaves become soft and pliable. Few people know how to cook

There is no secret here. This is done as follows:

  1. A head of cabbage weighing 2 kilograms must be put into the oven and the door closed.
  2. Set the timer for 10 minutes, and it is better to choose the maximum power (900 watts).
  3. After the call, take out the product and immediately put it under running cold water.
  4. After that, it must be wrung out with your hands. If it is not yet quite soft, then the procedure can be repeated (2-3 minutes).

This is the easiest way to cook cabbage for cabbage rolls in the microwave. Minimum labor costs in a short time.

Slowly and surely

Those who are not used to hoping at random can use another option. There is another way that will teach you how to cook cabbage for cabbage rolls in the microwave. It is, in principle, similar to the previous one. True, there are some clarifications:

  1. First, the head of cabbage must be turned upside down and four deep cuts made around it with a sharp knife.
  2. Put the cabbage in the oven for 10 minutes.
  3. Take out the vegetable and carefully separate a few of the top leaves. You need to remove only those leaves that themselves lag behind.
  4. Once again make cuts around the base and send the product back to the microwave, but for 5 minutes, no more. This should be done until the last leaf is removed.
  5. Collect the separated foods and put them back in the oven for 4-5 minutes. After that, they will become generally transparent. It will be easy and simple to wrap minced meat in them. Soft thin leaves retain their plasticity, and the filling will never fall out of them.

This option is longer, but reliable.

Hot water effect

But the microwave is not the only option on how to remove the leaves from cabbage for stuffed cabbage. After all, this dish was prepared long before the cunning machine was invented. And the hostesses found another way out of this situation. It is understood that the product softens at elevated temperatures. How to create such conditions? The easiest way is to use boiling water. This was the secret of our grandmothers.

Everything was done like this:

  1. First, you need to cut the stump with a sharp knife.
  2. At this time, boil water in a large saucepan.
  3. Dip the prepared product into it and wait 7-10 minutes.
  4. Remove the head of cabbage, place it on a plate and carefully separate the top leaves.
  5. Make cuts again, but deeper, and repeat the procedure.

Each time the head of cabbage will become smaller and smaller. At the last stage, the process can be considered complete. Pieces that are too large can be halved and thick stems can be simply cut out. This method of removing leaves from cabbage for stuffed cabbage is good because it does not require re-processing of the leaves. But it also has disadvantages. The hostess has to constantly deal with boiling liquid and hot product, and this is not at all safe.

Cooking a dish

Having mastered the technique of processing cabbage, you can take on the dish itself. How to cook will explain step by step how it can be done.

First of all, you need to collect all the necessary products on the table: a kilogram of meat, 2 heads of fresh cabbage, an onion, a glass of rice, 1 carrot, 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 500 grams of tomato, a bunch of parsley, pepper, salt and any spices.

To make stuffed cabbage, the recipe (step by step) includes the following steps:

  1. Pour boiling water over the rice and leave for half an hour.
  2. Any of the methods chosen to divide the head of cabbage into leaves.
  3. Lightly fry the chopped onion in a skillet. A little later add grated carrots, tomato, salt and pepper. The mixture should boil well.
  4. Grind the meat with a hand blender. You can also use a meat grinder, but then it is better to scroll the mass twice.
  5. Strain the rice and add to the meat along with the stewed vegetables. Mix the products well. This will be the filling.
  6. Put a little minced meat on each cabbage leaf, and then, wrap the edges, squeeze tightly and form a cabbage roll.
  7. Place the semi-finished products in a roaster or on a pallet, placing them with a seam downwards. After that, pour the tomato, diluted with water, sprinkle with chopped herbs and put in the oven.

After a couple of hours, tender and fragrant cabbage rolls will be ready.

Simplified version

For those who do not want to waste time and tinker with leaves, there is another way. They can be prepared with fresh cabbage.

Moreover, they turn out to be no worse than usual. For work you will need: 400 grams of minced meat and a head of cabbage of about the same mass, a glass of rice, carrots, an egg, 2 onions and a tablespoon of tomato paste.

The cooking method is not at all complicated:

  1. First, the cabbage must be arbitrarily cut with a knife, poured over with hot water and left for 5-7 minutes to remove all the bitterness from it.
  2. During this time, boil the rice. The water must be salted.
  3. Combine minced meat with half prepared cabbage and rice. Then add one chopped onion, egg and spices. Stir the products.
  4. Blind cutlets from the resulting mass and place them on a tray, previously lined with the remains of cabbage.
  5. Fry the remaining onions with carrots and put on top.
  6. Pour everything with a glass of water and put in the oven. Everything will be ready in an hour.

Those who do not want to suffer with cutlets can take meat instead of minced meat and simply cut it into small pieces.

Cold treatment

It turns out that elevated temperatures are not the only way you can change the state of a food. The same results can be achieved with the opposite action. This means that cabbage leaves for stuffed cabbage need to be strongly cooled. An ordinary refrigerator can easily cope with this problem.

You just need to put the head of cabbage in the freezer for 10-12 hours in advance, and then take it out and defrost it in natural conditions. Surprisingly, in this case, the cabbage becomes simply unrecognizable: soft, tender and very plastic. You can wrap anything in it. It is very convenient and completely safe. But this method also has its own catch. Cabbage leaves processed in this way will subsequently be unsuitable for other dishes. Only cabbage rolls can be made of them, so you will have to make so much filling to use up the entire head of cabbage. They also cannot be stored. Even in the refrigerator, this product will spoil very quickly.

Technical capabilities

It is not at all necessary to pre-process cabbage rolls in the microwave. There are many other appliances in the kitchen, which are also always at hand. Take a double boiler, for example.

Everyone knows its ability to accelerate many meals. This can be used at the preparatory stage as well. The procedure is very similar to the option with boiling water in a saucepan. But everything is done much faster. After all, time is an expensive pleasure, and they do not need to be wasted. The sequence of actions remains the same. You just need to put the head of cabbage in a double boiler for a couple of minutes. After that, get it out and carefully cut off the top leaves. Then the procedure is repeated until a bare stump remains in the hands of the hostess. After that, it remains only to carefully review the prepared product. On some leaves, you can cut off the thickening on the stem. If the veins are too large, then it is better to completely remove them with a sharp knife.

how to separate cabbage leaves for stuffed cabbage in the microwave how to soften cabbage for stuffed cabbage in the microwave Rabbit recipe for soft and juicy meat

  • How to prepare cabbage leaves for stuffed cabbage?

      In order for the minced meat to be easily wrapped in cabbage leaves, they must be doused with boiling water or boiled a little. For stuffed cabbage, take a small dense head of cabbage, you can put it whole in a saucepan and boil for a little, about 10 minutes, then cool and disassemble into separate leaves. You can remove the leaves from a whole head of cabbage, carefully cutting them at the stump and then pour boiling water, close the lid, leave for ten minutes. Thick veins should be cut with a knife. To prevent cabbage rolls from falling apart during cooking, they can be tied with a thread of their cotton, then the threads can be removed. The most delicious and tender cabbage rolls are obtained if instead of white cabbage for their preparation, take the Savoyard.

      We always use only this way:

      Put a whole head of cabbage in a large saucepan, pour it cold water and add a tablespoon of vinegar, about 7-9%, then on the stove and cook with a low boil for about 30 minutes. Next, cool the head of cabbage and disassemble it into leaves.

      Cabbage rolls are cooked for about 45-60 minutes ...

      Cabbage leaves for cabbage rolls can be prepared in several ways.

      By cooking. In a three-liter saucepan, take one and a half liters of water and bring it to a boil. Put the cabbage in boiling water for five to six minutes, then take it out, remove the three or four top leaves and put it back in the boiling liquid. Repeat this process until all the leaves have been removed.

      You can dip a head of cabbage in boiling water and, covered with a lid, cook for about ten minutes over low heat. Then carefully take it out and, letting it cool down, disassemble it into leaves.

      You can, having disassembled a head of cabbage, dip the leaves in three or four pieces in boiling water for five minutes.

      You can prepare the leaves using the oven. Cutting the cabbage head into leaves, wrap each of them in foil. Preheat the oven to 170-180 degrees and, putting the wrapped leaves on a dry baking sheet, hold them there for about seven minutes.

      You can also microwave the leaves. Putting a head of cabbage in a glass bowl, put it in the microwave, at a power of 800-900 W, for five to six minutes. After that, immediately cool it under running cold water, remove three or four leaves and repeat the procedure again until you take apart the head of cabbage.

      You can also prepare cabbage leaves in the freezer. To do this, put the head of cabbage in a plastic bag, release excess air and put it in the freezer for a day. Then, without taking it out of the bag, defrost and disassemble into separate leaves.

      And I do this: I take a head of cabbage and cut it out from him core and I dip the head of cabbage into boiling water, after three to five minutes I remove the first already soft leaves with a fork, then after the same time all the next ones and so on until the head of cabbage ends. The leaves are soft and cooking cabbage rolls takes from 45 minutes to one hour.

      To leaves for stuffed cabbage were easy to remove and use for wrapping, take a medium-sized head of cabbage. Place it in a saucepan and cover with warm water to the brim. Bring the water to a boil and boil the head for 10-15 minutes. Carefully remove the cabbage and cool under running cold water. Now take it apart into leaves, they can be removed quite easily. After that, wrap the filling in leaves and fold them into envelopes. Cover with water and salt to taste. Cook cabbage rolls for 40-45 minutes over medium heat. To prevent them from accidentally burning, cover the bottom of the pan with the remains of cabbage leaves.

      I prepare, boil the leaves in boiling water and hammer all the thick stems with a hammer, then wrap the minced meat in the leaves. I don't boil stuffed cabbage, but a carcass, in a cast-iron pan we have medium heat with carrots and onions and a little vegetable oil without smell. Usually after boiling, stew for 30-35 minutes and ready.

      Take medium-sized cabbage forks and dipped in boiling water for a few minutes from 10 to 15. Previously, you can cut a stump from a fork, then all the cabbage leaves will boil faster and better.

      After scalding the cabbage with boiling water, the forks are disassembled into separate sheets, the thick parts of the veins are cut or beaten off so that the sheets are thinner and more elastic and roll well when the stuffed cabbage rolls themselves are formed.

      I also dip the head of cabbage in boiling water, keep it there for a few minutes, and then disassemble it into leaves. In principle, almost everything is the same as everything, but before I do this, I cut out a cabbage stump. It turns out such a dimpled cabbage ball. Then, after boiling, the cabbage is easier to disassemble into leaves, since their base becomes much softer.

      Usually everyone does this, they just scald the forks with boiling water and boil it a little, but just recently I read this interesting method, it turns out that cabbage leaves can be cooked using a microwave. We put the forks in the microwave and put on the heating mode for 8-10 minutes. The leaves unfold very well after this treatment.