Home / Recipes / Pickle with buckwheat. Pickle with buckwheat and pickles - choose your recipe

Pickle with buckwheat. Pickle with buckwheat and pickles - choose your recipe

We all know to eat the hot or the first one every day, as it is good for the stomach and intestines. Soups are a traditional, old dish, and each housewife prepares them for the family according to her usual recipes or according to the method taught by her grandmother or mother. But often traditional combinations are already boring, and you want something new, tasty and aromatic. We offer you just such a recipe and we advise you to cook pickle with buckwheat and pickles. Nobody will remain indifferent.

It is interesting! Rassolnik was prepared by our ancestors in Russia. They put all kinds of components in it - cabbage, watermelon pickle, roots, fish, kidneys, to get a unique combination of flavors.

Pickle with buckwheat and pickles - choose your recipe

Option one

Such a soup will turn out to be very rich, satisfying, men eat it with pleasure.

We need:

  • meat - take pork, preferably with a bone - ½ kg;
  • pickled cucumbers - 3 pieces of medium size, it is best to take sour vegetables;
  • one carrot;
  • bay leaf - 3 pieces;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • peppercorns - 4-5 pieces;
  • potatoes - 5 medium pieces;
  • bulb;
  • vegetable oil - we take traditional sunflower oil for frying;
  • greens;
  • buckwheat - unground 120 grams;
  • parsley - you need a root - 2 pieces.

Advice! If you want to add some of your ingredients or, for example, do not put the root, then prepare the soup the way you like. The main thing is that it is delicious for you and your family. You can replace pork with beef or chicken.

Cooking pickle.

We start with meat - wash it thoroughly, then cut off the veins, fat, and leave the bone. Cut immediately into pieces so as not to do it later and put in a saucepan. Now we cook the broth - pour water - 2.5 liters, put our parsley root, bay leaf and a couple of peppercorns. When the water boils, be sure to remove the foam so that our pickle is not cloudy and dark. Boil the meat over low heat until tender, usually about an hour in time.

Advice! To make the pickle taste more intense, you can fry the buckwheat before boiling. This is done in a frying pan without oil for 10 minutes.

When the meat is ready, take it out, filter the broth, remove all the ingredients. Remove the bone and put the pieces back. Now we sort out our buckwheat, removing all inclusions, wash it through a fine colander or sieve, wait for the water to drain. Wash the potatoes, peel them, wash them again, cut them into cubes or strips, put them on a plate. Chop washed onions, carrots.

Advice! If you are not very fond of boiled carrots, then it is better to grate them, if you want to feel the taste of the vegetable, then it is better to cut them into strips.

Fry vegetables in oil until golden brown, but so that they do not burn. You can also add a little ground pepper, a little salt here. Chop the cucumbers on a grater or cut into strips or cubes, put them in a plate and pour water here for 10 minutes, after which we remove the liquid. Well, it's time to cook our pickle with buckwheat and pickles.

We put the broth on medium heat, wait for it to boil. After that we pour our core, let it cook a little - about 3-5 minutes, after that we fill in the potatoes, cook for another 10 minutes. Next, we shift frying with onions and carrots, cucumbers from the pan, put another 2-3 peppercorns and 1-2 bay leaves. Try the broth to see if you need salt, as cucumbers can give you the flavor you want. Cook the soup for 5-7 minutes, turn it off, close the lid tightly and leave for 15 minutes more. Pour into plates, decorate with herbs and add sour cream if desired.

Option two

This recipe will be more dietary, as we will cook pickle with buckwheat and chicken breast. Delicious, light lunch for the whole family.

Advice! To make the taste even more intense and unusual, you can add a little brine to the broth at the very end. Moreover, it can be both cucumber and others.

We need:

  • unground - 120 grams;
  • chicken breast - 2 pieces;
  • one carrot and onion;
  • pickled cucumbers - again you need those that are more acidic - 2-3 pieces;
  • tomato paste or ketchup - a tablespoon;
  • potatoes - 4 medium pieces;
  • frying oil;
  • salt, spices - to taste;
  • greens;
  • pepper in a pot and bay leaf - 2-3 pieces each.

We cook pickle.
We start, of course, with the broth - wash the breast well, immediately cut it into pieces, so as not to do this with a hot product. Pour 2.5 liters with water and cook, removing the foam, after boiling for 10 minutes. You can boil the broth with spices, a pot of pepper, and bay leaves. Wash the potatoes, peel them, wash them again and chop them into strips. We pour the vegetable into our broth, when it boils again, add the cereal. Of course, it must first be thoroughly rinsed and all dirt removed. After boiling, cook the soup for about 20 minutes.

Important! Pickled cucumbers need to be taken sour and exactly pickled, not pickled. Great for barrel soup. You can put the roots, you can not. In this case, you can use not only parsley root.

While the broth is boiling, chop the cucumbers into cubes or grated. We make frying from onions and carrots, after having washed everything, peeled and cut. When the vegetables are browned in oil, pour the ketchup and put the cucumbers. We simmer all for about five minutes. We put everything in a saucepan, salt, pepper, put bay leaf and peppercorns. Cook until tender, pour into plates, put herbs and sour cream. Serve with fresh crispy bread.

For information! Buckwheat is a unique and very useful cereal, it is often considered natively Russian abroad, but it came to us from the Himalayas, where it is home. Groats do not contain gluten, but they contain a lot of minerals and vitamins.

You can prepare such a delicious pickle quickly and easily. The main thing is that the dish not only diversifies the table, but also fills the body with health.

All materials on the site are presented solely for informational purposes. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Difficult recipe for pickle with buckwheat step by step with a photo.

A simple recipe for pickle with buckwheat Russian cuisine with a photo and a step-by-step description of the preparation. Easy to prepare at home in up to 1 hour. Contains only 42 kilocalories.

  • National cuisine: Russian kitchen
  • Type of dish: First meal
  • Complexity of the recipe: Difficult recipe
  • Prep time: 20 minutes
  • Cooking time: up to 1 hour
  • Servings: 1 serving
  • Calorie count: 42 kilocalories

Ingredients for 1 serving

  • Chicken soup set 200 g.
  • Black peppercorns 5 g.
  • Garlic leaves 3 branches.
  • Green onion 4 sprigs
  • Potatoes 3 pcs.
  • Buckwheat 150 g.
  • Bay leaf 1 pc.
  • Water 3 l.
  • Pickled cucumbers 3 pcs.
  • Sunflower oil 50 ml.
  • Parsley 50 g.
  • Food salt 5 g.
  • Carrots 50 g.
  • Bulb onions 0.5 pcs.

Step by step

  1. Rassolnik is an old Russian soup, its classic recipe contains far from those components that are used by modern housewives. For example, I have repeatedly heard that pickle can be prepared not with pearl barley, but buckwheat. But I have not used buckwheat at all in the preparation of the first courses. Now I understand that I was worried in vain. The pickle turned out to be very tasty, fragrant, thick and satisfying, despite the fact that it was cooked on chicken meat. The cooking recipe is simple and will work even for a novice housewife.
  2. Initially, we will prepare all the components according to the list. Put the chicken set (or other parts) in a saucepan, fill it with cold water, put it on the stove over medium heat (electric oven mode 7). Cook for about 30 minutes.
  3. Peel the potatoes, cut them into strips (or cubes).
  4. Cooking vegetable frying. Pre-peel the carrots, rub on a medium grater. In my case, grated frozen carrots were used. Looks fresh when defrosted. Peel the onions, cut them into cubes.
  5. Put the pan on medium heat (mode 7), pour in the sunflower oil. Next, put carrots, then onions, fry for 5-7 minutes.
  6. While the chicken is boiling, a foam forms on the surface of the water, which must be removed either with a strainer or with a spoon, otherwise the broth will be cloudy.
  7. Put potatoes in the broth, cook for 15 minutes over medium heat (mode 7-8).
  8. Buckwheat needs to be sorted out, rinsed well. Next, put vegetable frying and buckwheat. Cook for another 10 minutes.
  9. While the soup is being cooked, you need to cut pickled cucumbers into cubes or strips (in their absence, pickled cucumbers are also suitable).
  10. Finely chop green onions, garlic leaves, parsley. Again, I was saved by frozen parsley, which, when defrosted, does not differ from fresh, unlike dried.
  11. When the water boils, add chopped cucumbers, chopped herbs, one bay leaf, a few black peppercorns to the broth, salt well. Wait until it boils and remove from heat.
  12. Pour into plates. Bon Appetit.

Step 1: prepare the meat.

We wash the pork under warm running water. Then we hold the meat with our hands over the sink to drain the water. Then we put it on a cutting board, use a kitchen knife to clean the pork pulp from fat and films. It is desirable that the meat has a small bone, because the soup should be rich. Then cut the pork into small portions and transfer to a free saucepan.

Step 2: prepare the meat broth.

Pour 2.5 liters of cold water into a saucepan with meat and set the container over medium heat. Bring the liquid to a boil, removing the foam formed from cooking the meat with a slotted spoon. We will collect the foam throughout the preparation of the broth. Then add the parsley root, as it will improve the taste and smell of the broth. We cover the container with a lid, reduce the heat to a minimum and cook the broth for 1-1.5 hours... Then, using a slotted spoon, we take out the meat from the broth and transfer it to a free plate. Use a kitchen knife to free the meat piece from the bone. Filter the liquid through a sieve into another pan, and discard the parsley root. Then we return the pork back to the broth.

Step 3: prepare the buckwheat.

Pour the buckwheat on a paper towel and distribute it evenly over the entire surface. We manually sort through buckwheat and put aside pebbles or dry grass that may be in the cereal. Then we rinse it well several times under running water. After that, pour the buckwheat with liquid into a sieve and let the water drain.

Transfer the groats to a free bowl.

Step 4: prepare the potatoes.

Peel potatoes with a kitchen knife and rinse well under warm running water. Then put it on a cutting board and cut the vegetable into medium-sized pieces. Then we transfer the pieces of root vegetable to a free plate.

Step 5: prepare the onion.

Use a kitchen knife to peel the onion and rinse it well under running water. Then we transfer to a cutting board and cut into small squares. Transfer the chopped onion to an empty bowl.

Step 6: prepare the carrots.

Peel the carrots with a kitchen knife, and then rinse them under running water. And on a coarse grater we rub the vegetable into a loose plate.

You can also slice the carrots into thin rectangles so that you can taste the vegetable in the soup itself.

Step 7: prepare vegetable frying.

Pour vegetable oil into the pan and set the container over medium heat. When the oil is well heated, we shift the chopped onions and carrots. Using a tablespoon, mix the two vegetable ingredients well together and simmer them, stirring constantly, until the carrots and onions are transparent and slightly soft. It is important not to overcook the vegetables. When the frying is ready, put it in a free bowl, pepper to taste and mix everything well again. There is no need to salt, as our dish will contain pickles.

Step 8: prepare the cucumbers.

We transfer the sour cucumbers to a cutting board and, without removing the skins from them, cut them into small cubes with the help of a kitchen knife, and then transfer them to a free bowl. Attention: at your request, the vegetable can be grated on a coarse grater or cut into strips or slices. It is important that the pieces are not too thick. Then put the chopped cucumbers into a free bowl and fill with water for 10-15 minutes. After this time, carefully drain the liquid from the container, and transfer the cucumbers to a free plate.

Step 9: prepare the pickle with buckwheat.

Place a saucepan with broth and chunks of meat over medium heat and bring to a boil. Then we make the fire less than average and add buckwheat to the container. Cook soup for 5 minutes over low heat under the lid. Then add the black peppercorns and bay leaf. Transfer the sliced ​​potatoes to the pan and cook the soup for more 15 minutes... Then add vegetable frying and sour cucumbers and mix everything well with a tablespoon until smooth. Let the pickle boil 5 minutes... After we turn off the heat and, without removing the lid from the container, let our dish brew about 20 minutes.

Step 10: serve pickle with buckwheat.

We pour the pickle with buckwheat into portioned plates and serve to the dining table. Top, if you wish, the soup can be garnished with chopped parsley, dill or chives. Together with him we serve crispy fresh bread. We put a bowl of sour cream on the table separately.
Enjoy your meal!

You can add a little cucumber pickle to the pickle for piquancy.

You need to cook pickle with cask salted cucumbers, and not with pickled cucumbers.

You can add a few slices of fresh lemon to the finished soup.

If you want to make a diet pickle, then instead of meat broth, you can use vegetable or mushroom broth.

You can cook pickle not only with pork, but also with beef or chicken, as well as with offal (kidneys, liver). A very tasty soup is made from beef brisket.

Instead of cucumber pickle, you can add watermelon, apple, pear or cherry pickle to the pickle.

In the preparation of pickle, you can use various roots. The more varied the roots, the more flavorful the soup becomes.