Home / Pies / Amanita mushrooms from eggs and tomato appetizer. Mushrooms from eggs and cherry tomatoes

Amanita mushrooms from eggs and tomato appetizer. Mushrooms from eggs and cherry tomatoes

Very often the fly agaric appetizer is made entirely of eggs, stuffing them with various fillings, but in this recipe the fly agaric leg itself consists of a mixture of ham, eggs and cheese seasoned with mayonnaise - which is much tastier. You can simply spread this mixture on toast or chips and it will already be quite tasty! It is best used - it is much more useful than the store ... So feel free to cook this amazing appetizer and serve any festive table, including Easter, there are enough ingredients for 30 fly agarics! "


Main Ingredient:


Cooking a dish according to the recipe "Fly agaric appetizer for the festive table":

Prepare food: grate pre-boiled eggs on a fine grater, cut the ham into 0.5 cm cubes and grate the cheese on a fine grater.

In a bowl, combine all chopped and shabby foods, salt and season with mayonnaise. Cut the cherry tomatoes in half, and cut the cucumber into slices about 0.5 cm thick - these will be the bottoms of the fly agarics. Serving - Put greens on a dish, spread cucumber circles and put a "ball" of egg-cheese-ham mixture on each circle to make legs like mushrooms. Cover the legs with halved cherry tomato caps, decorate the fly agaric cap with mayonnaise dots using a toothpick. Our "Fly agaric" appetizer is ready for the festive table!

Especially for festive feast we propose to see

Greetings, dear visitors to my page! Today we will prepare a wonderful, very beautiful, tasty and edible, with an inedible name, "Fly agaric" appetizer. She will decorate any festive table, especially New Year's.

Of course, it is unlikely to do without Olivier, vinaigrette or "Lady" salad, but these mushrooms will not leave anyone indifferent. They are prepared very simply, you do not need to bake anything, except that you need to boil a hard-boiled egg. It remains only to fold, like a constructor, or to pile a sculpture from ingredients.

By the way, I want to add, my wife Oksana and I decided to supplement our video recipes that are present under each article with step-by-step photos.

Also, the previous articles will be supplemented with photographs over time. We hope that our readers will like this solution. We would be very grateful if you express your opinion in the comments below.

Now, let's get back to our hearty and mouth-watering mushrooms.

  • 2 - 3 eggs
  • 70 gr. cheese
  • 70gr. any ham or sausage
  • 1 large cucumber
  • 10 - 15 pcs. cherry tomatoes
  • 3 - 4 tablespoons of mayonnaise
  • fresh lettuce leaves for decoration
  • 1 - 2 garlic cloves optional
  • Previously, you need to boil an egg, in the amount of three pieces hard boiled

In a large, deep dish, rub the ham on a fine grater, or boiled sausage- to your taste.

Rub the egg into the same dish - all three pieces.

And cheese, all on a fine grater, and in one bowl.

Add mayonnaise - 3 tablespoons.

For garlic lovers - add garlic, a couple of cloves, through a garlic press. We do not show, because we do not add, otherwise our kids will not eat.

Mix everything well, and put it aside for now.

Cut the tomatoes in half, these halves will become fly agaric caps.

Cut the cucumber either into slices, about 0.5 cm thick.

Or with a knife from a set of carving knives, with which French fries are usually cut, then it turns out more elegant, but if there is no such knife, it will still turn out awesomely beautiful.

Place greens or lettuce leaves on the bottom of a large dish. We have Frillis salad in this recipe, but this is not critical - you can use any other salad, or simple Peking cabbage.

Lay out cucumber circles on top, they will be the basis on which our fly agarics will stand.

On top of the cucumbers, you need to pile a stump - a fly agaric leg. This can be done either with a teaspoon, placing the filling so that a stump is obtained. Or any suitable straw from food utensils. We use a spout from a pastry bag with which. cream paint patterns on the cakes.

It should look like this.

Cover each stump with half a cherry tomato.

We add dots with the help of any suitable tool - matches or toothpicks, after which, with a clear conscience, these mushrooms will turn into edible, harmless and useful fly agaric. And you can safely serve it to the festive table.

It is advisable to make such an appetizer before serving, otherwise, tomatoes and cucumbers can give juice. And greens, it is tastier to use crisp and ringing.

Here is such a simple and recipe, from relatively inexpensive ingredients, you can prepare for any holiday. We will most likely cook it for New Year... I want to note right away that it is better to cook more mushrooms, because they are eaten very quickly, as their direct purpose - snacks. Just fireworks of taste!

I would be grateful to you friends if you add your comments and improvements to the recipe in the comments. Healthy criticism is also welcome! And if you really liked everything - shake the buttons, share with your friends. Until next recipes!

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Do you want to create a summer atmosphere on your desk, regardless of the season? Then prepare this stunningly beautiful and original appetizer... It is prepared simply and quickly, especially since here, as always, I will give you step by step recipe... Such a snack can decorate any table, creating a real festive mood for everyone behind it. It can be cooked in a smaller size. How? Just taking instead of chicken - quail eggs, and instead of large tomatoes - cherry tomatoes.

Ingredients needed:

  • Chicken eggs
  • Fresh tomatoes
  • White cabbage
  • Green lettuce leaves
  • Mayonnaise - for decoration
  • Olive or sunflower oil.


  1. Boil the eggs hard-boiled, and then cool and peel them. Then cut off the tip of each boiled egg slightly so that your future mushrooms are stable on the surface.
  2. Cabbage and green salad chop finely. Next, mix them together and season with vegetable oil.
  3. Cut the washed tomatoes into halves. Then, from the side of the pulp in each of these halves, make a notch so that they can be put on the top. chicken eggs.
  4. Decorate the top of the tomatoes with mayonnaise, making dots on them, like on fly agarics (see photo above).
  5. Now place the cooked egg fly agarics on the previously made salad of chopped cabbage and green salad.
  6. I will add that you can use for this dish stuffed eggs... To do this, do the same thing, only at the beginning, cutting off the tip of the eggs, carefully remove the yolk from them. Then mash this yolk with a fork and mix with half a jar canned fish In oil. Themselves canned food, too, before this should be kneaded with a fork. Then stuff the eggs with this filling.

Egg and tomato mushrooms are original recipe festive snacks in the form of fly agaric. The idea is perfect for setting the table for children's holiday or any other special occasion. How to make mushrooms from eggs and tomatoes? We will talk about this in our article.

Classic appetizer recipe

Beautiful edible mushrooms can be served as an independent snack or used to decorate various salads and main courses. They are prepared from eggs and tomatoes simply and quickly.

  • eggs - 6 pcs.;
  • tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • garlic - 1 tooth;
  • greens - a bunch;
  • lettuce leaves - 3 pcs.

Practical part

You should start preparing your snack by preparing the eggs. They need to be boiled, peeled, and then carefully cut off the top of the protein - without touching the egg yolk.

Wash the tomatoes, divide into two equal parts. Remove the pulp and make indentations in them. Then cover the eggs with the resulting caps.

Egg and tomato mushrooms are usually served on lettuce with dill. Decorating each hat with mayonnaise dots - imitating the coloring of the fly agaric.

Mushrooms from eggs and cherry tomatoes

Cooked little fly agarics can serve as an adornment for any festive table and cheer up households and all guests who come. The appetizer is easy to prepare, but it turns out to be very tasty.

For cooking, you will need the following products:

  • quail eggs - 10 pcs.;
  • cherry tomatoes - 5 pcs.;
  • lettuce leaves - 5 pcs.;
  • skewers - 10 pcs.

Cooking should start with boiling and peeling eggs. Then each tomato must be washed, cut into two equal parts and the pulp and seeds removed. To make the sauce, mix mayonnaise with salt and curry. Then fill the caps of the fly agarics with the resulting dressing.

Now you can start decorating the snack: on each skewer you need to put on an egg (fly agaric leg) and a tomato (hat). If desired, the mushroom cap can be decorated with mayonnaise dots. On the festive table, the appetizer is served on lettuce leaves.

Mushrooms with pink salmon

The snack option from eggs with tomatoes and pink salmon is popular not only for children, but also for adults. Such a treat is prepared quickly and easily using the ingredients that every housewife has in stock.

The following components will come in handy:

  • tomatoes - 5 pcs.;
  • quail eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • dill - a bunch;
  • chips - 5 pcs.;
  • cheese - 5 tsp;
  • canned food - 50 g.

Cooking should start with the preparation of canned food. For this, pieces of pink salmon should be laid out on a saucer, and mash with a fork until homogeneous mass... Quail eggs must be boiled and peeled. Then from each of them you need to cut off the lower part and carefully get the yolk. Put canned food into the cut halves.

Prepare tomatoes for the mushroom cap. They must be washed and peeled from the stalks. Then cut off the top and remove the seeds from it. This will be our hat.

These mushrooms are served on top of the chips. For this curd cheese should be carefully placed on top of each crisp slice. Then in the center, decorate with a small sprig of dill and put stuffed quail eggs with hats on top.

Cheese and onion appetizer

This version of egg and tomato mushrooms is more suitable for an adult menu. Instead of quail eggs, you can use chicken eggs, and use as a dressing homemade mayonnaise... Chopped dill is added to the filling if desired.

For cooking, you need the following components:

  • eggs - 10 pcs.;
  • tomatoes - 5 pcs.;
  • cheese - 40 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.

Cooking snacks should start with boiling and peeling eggs. Then you need to remove the top from each egg and take out the yolk.

Peel the onion and chop finely. Then fry it in a pan until tender. Grind the cheese and yolk with a grater. Mix prepared ingredients in a separate container. Then stuff the eggs with them.

Wash the tomatoes, cut into halves and remove the pulp. Decorate each "mushroom leg" with a tomato hat.

photo blogs.mail.ru

This dish always brings a smile and will surely decorate your festive table. And it is very simple to make it from eggs and tomato.

Hard-boiled eggs, peel. Cut off the tips for stability. Place half a tomato on top and garnish with drops of sour cream or mayonnaise. Amanita mushrooms look most beautiful on a dish with lettuce leaves.

Since children eat in small portions, it is better to use quail eggs and small tomatoes (cherry) instead of regular eggs and tomatoes.

You can make our "mushrooms" with filling

photo golands2009.ya.ru

It can be different for your taste.

Filling options:

Option 1

Mix the yolk with mayonnaise, garlic and grated cheese.


For 6 chicken egg yolks 100 g processed cheese, 60 g carrots on a coarse grater, 60 g mayonnaise, parsley, salt. Grind the yolks with melted cheese, then add the rest of the products. Mix everything thoroughly.


For 6 yolks, 100 g of butter, 4 tbsp. tablespoons of sour cream, 250 g of cheese, salt. Grind the yolks with butter, add grated cheese. Gradually add sour cream to the resulting mass, grind until a fluffy mass is obtained. Salt to taste.


Mix the chopped yolk thoroughly with 1 teaspoon of oil and the same amount of mayonnaise, 1 tablespoon of canned salmon or finely chopped red fish.

Option 5

Yolk, sprat pate with mayonnaise

Option 6

A mixture of finely chopped pickled mushrooms, pounded yolks, grated cheese and mayonnaise.

Another option "Mukhomorov with cottage cheese"

We will need:
20 quail eggs
10 large cherry tomatoes
50 g cottage cheese
1 tbsp. l. mayonnaise (or sour cream)
salt to taste
lettuce leaves
chives for serving

Etc and cooking:
Boil quail eggs hard-boiled, 5 minutes. Put in cold water, carefully peel from the shell. Cut off the tops so that the eggs can hold firmly on the plate. Chop the cuttings. Cut the cherry tomatoes in half, take out the seeds with a small spoon.

Make cuts in the peel with the tip of a very sharp knife and insert scraps of egg whites there to make the caps of future fly agarics. Mix the cottage cheese thoroughly with salt and mayonnaise and attach the caps to the egg legs with it. Place fly agarics on a "clearing" - a platter lined with green leaves and chives.