Home / Cakes / Fluffy omelet with sour cream. Omelet with sour cream in a pan

Fluffy omelet with sour cream. Omelet with sour cream in a pan

They say that an omelet is a dish for the lazy. Maybe this is so. 😉 Cooking an omelet is really easy. The main thing is to find and learn how to cook simple and the right recipe from eggs and your dish will always turn out unusually lush and airy.


1.5 st. spoons of sour cream;

salt pepper;

50 gr. hard cheese;

vegetable oil.

How to make an omelette with sour cream in a pan

Eggs should be freed from the shell and placed in a bowl for whisking.

Add salt with sour cream to them and beat. If you need to make an omelet quickly, then you can not get the mixer. Beat with a fork, add sour cream. We bring to homogeneity. Optionally, you can add your favorite natural seasonings (not powdered) and a little greens.

We heat up the oil.

Pour the eggs into the pan

cover with a lid. The omelet grows before our eyes.

In this photo you can see what a grown omelette looks like without a lid before turning over.

Turn over carefully. If the serving is larger or a large pan, it is better to create quarters and turn them over individually. But we turn the omelet on three eggs whole.

Grate the cheese and cover the center of the omelet with it. To cover with a lid.

A couple of minutes and the serving dish is fragrant with a pleasant aroma!


One of the mistakes is adding soda when trying to “raise” the omelet higher. Soda will give an unpleasant blue tint, and there is not much expected result. The omelette is perfectly prepared without soda and it turns out lush, juicy and airy in a beautiful yellow color. And in the tomato season will be great option seat the omelet on the "fur coat" of tomatoes.

For greater calorie content and satiety, add cubes of sausage or meat. Cooking recipes are varied and tasty, but at the heart of all is a delicious classic omelet.

I suggest you cook in a pan very delicious omelette on sour cream, which is perfect for quick breakfast. This omelet recipe is my favorite, I cook it most often. For this dish, it is important to observe the proportions of eggs and sour cream, namely, take 1 tablespoon of sour cream for one egg. You can use any sour cream, the fatter the sour cream, the more high-calorie your omelet will be.


To cook an omelet on sour cream in a pan, we need:

eggs - 2 pcs.;

salt, pepper - to taste;

sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.;

butter - 15-20 g;

hard cheese - 20 g;

dill - to taste.

Cooking steps

Beat the eggs with a whisk, add sour cream and then stir again.

Put the pan on the fire, add a piece of butter and melt. At this stage, if desired, you can add onions, mushrooms, carrots and lightly fry. I didn't add it this time.

Pour the omelet mixture into the skillet.

Top with grated cheese and chopped dill.

Cover the pan with a lid and cook the omelette over low heat for 5 minutes. Then turn off the fire and leave the omelette to "walk" for another 5 minutes.

Fold the sour cream omelette in half and transfer from the pan to a plate. Supplement fresh vegetables and greenery.

Enjoy your meal!

Omelet is a dish that can be cooked in different ways. It can be sweet and salty. AT the best restaurants it is cooked with cheese and ham, herbs, broccoli and other ingredients. Each housewife can make an omelet on her own if she knows the recipe.

cooking secrets

Below are the main nuances that must be considered in the process of preparing this egg dish:

  • to make the omelet airy, it is necessary to add water or milk to it;
  • the taste of the finished dish depends on the quality and freshness of eggs and other ingredients;
  • better use butter, not vegetable;
  • the tastiest omelet is obtained in the oven or slow cooker;
  • Do not use cast iron cookware, as the eggs react with this metal and turn green.


In the cook's book, you can find a huge number of options on how to quickly and tasty cook a tender omelet. It is popular not only as a hearty breakfast, but also as a wonderful dessert if prepared with berries or cottage cheese.

With strawberry

Children really like sweet omelet, especially if it is cooked with strawberries and sour cream. For the dish you will need:

  • 2 tablespoons of cream;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 2 tablespoons of butter;
  • 50 grams of sour cream;
  • 200 grams of fresh strawberries, chopped, frozen can be used;
  • powdered sugar for decoration.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • add cream and salt to the eggs and beat the mass with a blender for 30 seconds;
  • heat the oil in a frying pan until it sizzles;
  • pour eggs, stir with a fork;
  • put sour cream and strawberries on a cooked, but still soft omelet on top;
  • cover with a lid and bring to readiness.

You can make this dish in the oven, where it will turn out tastier. Sprinkle the omelet with powdered sugar before serving.

Serve immediately while hot.

With cheese and sour cream

If a sweet omelet does not appeal, you can make it with cheese. This is a great breakfast that will give you a feeling of satiety for a long time. It will require:

  • 3 eggs;
  • 20 grams of sour cream;
  • 30 grams of grated hard cheese;
  • one stalk of fresh green onions (chopped);
  • sprig of fresh dill (similar to onions);
  • 10 grams of butter;
  • salt to taste.

To make the omelet the way it should be, it is worth acting in stages:

  • break the eggs into a bowl, add sour cream and salt to taste;
  • beat the mixture well until a homogeneous mass is obtained;
  • chop finely green onions and dill;
  • put greens in egg mixture and mix;
  • preheat the oven to 200 C;
  • grease the baking dish with soft butter;
  • poured into the shape of an egg and put it in the oven;
  • bake for 15-20 minutes, 5 minutes before readiness, grated cheese is poured on top.

In such an omelet, you can wrap any filling, for example, fresh tomatoes with garlic and mayonnaise, meat or even fish.

With fish caviar

The combination of fish, eggs and greens is excellent in any performance. So classic french omelette with sour cream, green onions and red caviar will be a real masterpiece for breakfast. For cooking you will need the following ingredients:

  • 3 tablespoons of red caviar;
  • 2 tablespoons of sour cream;
  • some green onions;
  • 2 eggs;
  • a pinch of salt and freshly ground pepper;
  • 1 tablespoon butter.

The cooking process is very simple and looks like this:

  • in a small bowl, beat the eggs until foamy, add sour cream, season with salt and pepper and beat again;
  • melt the butter in a small frying pan and heat until the foam subsides;
  • pour the egg mixture and cover with a lid;
  • after 10 minutes, when the edges are already well cooked, and the center remains soft, lay out red caviar, greens and cover again;
  • the fire is turned off, and the omelet is left for about 15 minutes more so that it reaches.


Can be cooked at home amazing dish, rich palatability. It uses many ingredients, but this makes the omelet only more fragrant and satisfying. You will need to prepare:

  • 2-3 boiled potatoes;
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil;
  • 1 teaspoon of butter;
  • salt and freshly ground pepper to taste;
  • 5 eggs;
  • 2 slices smoked bacon;
  • 1 small fresh chili (de-seeded and chopped)
  • 1 head onion(cut into small pieces);
  • 1 small garlic clove (similar to onions)
  • 30 grams of sour cream.

Potatoes will need to be grated on a coarse grater. Then they put a large frying pan on the stove, pour olive oil, spread bacon, chili, onion, potatoes and garlic. Mix everything well, add salt and pepper to taste. Reduce heat and cover with a lid.

When the potatoes are sufficiently fried, spread the mixture on a sieve or paper towel to remove excess oil.

At this time, you can do the eggs, they will need to be beaten well with sour cream, add to them vegetable mix and mix. Heat a clean skillet for strong fire, spread the butter and when the foam ceases to form, pour the egg mixture.

The dish is cooked with the lid closed for about 25 minutes, the fire should be minimal so that the omelette does not burn from below.

See the recipe for sour cream omelet below.

If fried eggs for breakfast, lunch and dinner in the form of fried eggs you are fed up, and cooking complex dishes if you don't want it, there is a way out! Let's make an omelette with sour cream - simple, quick and very tasty. And ours will help you step by step recipes with photo.

The recipe for sour cream omelette is quite simple, but there are some nuances in cooking.

cooking secrets

  • Omelet with sour cream is quite dense. But if you want to get even more dense, then cook an omelette with sour cream and flour.
  • The fatter the sour cream, the richer the omelette. Therefore, if you are not afraid of calories, choose it with a high percentage of fat.
  • Cooking time. Cooking an omelet on sour cream takes only 10 minutes.
  • If you don't like sour cream, you can use cream. They are thicker than milk and the dish will be more airy and tender.

Easy omelette recipes with sour cream

With greenery

It's lightweight and useful option dishes. Greens can be added one type or several.

You will need:

  • flour - 1 tablespoon;
  • sour cream - 40 g;
  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • herbs, salt, pepper.


  1. Mix eggs well, add salt and pepper.
  2. Gradually add sour cream and then flour.
  3. Chop the greens and mix into the egg mass.
  4. Fry the omelette with sour cream in a pan for 10 minutes.

Greens can not be mixed into the mixture. When the eggs begin to set, pour it on top and add a little sour cream. Fold the omelette in half and heat for another 3 minutes.

With cheese

Another easy recipe- Omelet with sour cream and cheese. The dish with it will be tasty and spicy.

You will need:

  • flour - 1 tablespoon;
  • sour cream - 40 ml;
  • cheese - 30 g;
  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • parsley, dill, salt and oil.


  1. Chop greens.
  2. Grate the cheese.
  3. Beat eggs with sour cream and flour, salt.
  4. Stir in herbs and cheese.
  5. Bake in the oven for 15 minutes.

In a slow cooker

You can cook an omelette in a slow cooker. This version of the dish is very useful, because the preparation does not require a drop of oil.

You will need:

  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • sour cream - 100 ml;
  • salt, herbs.


  1. Beat eggs well with salt, gradually add sour cream. Whisk again.
  2. Add chopped greens to the egg-sour cream mass.
  3. Pour into a bowl and cook in the "Baking" mode for 15 minutes.

With cream

If there is no sour cream in the refrigerator, you can make an omelette with cream.

You will need:

  • eggs - 4 pieces;
  • cream - 100 ml;
  • salt, oil and pepper.


  1. Whip eggs with cream. Cream is better to use 10% fat.
  2. Fry the omelet until thick under the lid.
  3. When serving, sprinkle with any herbs.

This is a simple cream omelet recipe. But you can diversify it by adding various vegetables, meat products or seafood.


For a change, you can cook scrambled eggs with sour cream.

You will need:

  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • greens, salt;
  • sour cream - 3 tablespoons.


  1. Put the sour cream in the pan, and wait until it boils.
  2. Whisk eggs into sour cream. Do this carefully without damaging the yolk.
  3. Salt and close the lid.
  4. Cut up the greens.
  5. If you like runny yolk, wait 2 minutes and it's ready.
  6. Prefer to get a hard yolk, wait 4 minutes.
  7. Sprinkle with herbs when serving.

Complex omelet recipes

With tomatoes

Omelet with tomatoes will be juicy and beautiful.

You will need:

  • sour cream - 30 ml;
  • tomato - 2 pieces;
  • flour - 1 tablespoon;
  • soft cheese - 30 g;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • eggs - 2 pieces;
  • green onions, salt and pepper.



Instead of sausage, you can take any meat, sausages, seafood.

You will need:

  • eggs - 2 pieces;
  • sour cream - 40 ml;
  • sausage - 50 g;
  • grainy mustard - 2 teaspoons;
  • pepper, oil and salt.


  1. Cut the sausage into thin slices.
  2. Beat the eggs with a portion of sour cream, add pepper and salt.
  3. Pour the mixture into the skillet.
  4. When the surface grabs, spread the second part of sour cream and mustard. Put the sausage on one half and close the second.

This dish is suitable not only for breakfast, but also for dinner.

With chicken liver

This omelet is perfect for both adults and children. The liver contains many minerals and vitamins, including folic acid, which is essential for children and pregnant women. This product has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland and brain, supports vision, prevents atherosclerosis and osteoporosis.

You will need:

  • eggs - 2 pieces;
  • carrots - 1 piece;
  • liver - 500 g;
  • flour - 2 tablespoons;
  • sour cream - 200 ml;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • salt and herbs.


  1. Cut the onion and carrot into cubes.
  2. Roast vegetables.
  3. Cut the liver into small pieces and add to the vegetables. Fry until it's ready.
  4. Beat the eggs with the gradual addition of flour and sour cream. Salt.
  5. Grind the greens, mix into the mixture.
  6. Arrange the vegetables with the liver in a baking dish.
  7. Top with egg mixture.
  8. Bake for 25 minutes at a low temperature.

Omelette "Traffic Light"

This is a bright omelet made from sour cream and eggs. It has a green color - green onions, red - ketchup, yellow - the omelette itself.

You will need:

  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • sour cream - 2 tablespoons;
  • mushrooms - 3 pieces;
  • green onions - a few feathers;
  • cheese - 50 g;
  • flour - 1 tablespoon;
  • ketchup - 3 tablespoons;
  • pepper, salt, oil.


  1. Slice the mushrooms and fry.
  2. Mix egg, flour, sour cream. Pepper and salt. Whisk well.
  3. Finely chop the green onion and add to the mixture.
  4. Pour everything into the pan and sprinkle with grated cheese.
  5. When the dish is ready, put it on a plate and pour over the ketchup.

Ketchup can be replaced with tomato paste.

With vegetables and bacon

This omelette is best cooked in summer and autumn, when there are many different vegetables.

You will need:

  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • sour cream - 4 tablespoons;
  • zucchini - 1 piece;
  • bacon - 60 g;
  • cheese - 40 g;
  • tomato - 2 pieces;
  • herbs, oil, salt.


  1. Cut the zucchini into small pieces and fry.
  2. Cut the tomatoes into slices and add to the pan.
  3. Cut the bacon into cubes and fry with vegetables for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.
  5. Beat eggs with sour cream, salt. Add cheese and stir well.
  6. Pour the mixture over the vegetables and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Omelette with sour cream - delicious and lush. You can cook it classic recipe or diversify by adding different ingredients to taste. Enjoy your meal!

The French invented the omelet many years ago. Many years have passed since then. During this time, hundreds of different ways its preparation. Some are sure that it is best to make an omelet with sour cream. However, this method also has many different options. Let's take a look at some of them as an example.

Lush and gentle

To cook the most common omelet with sour cream, you do not have to be a great cook. The first step is to collect everything on the desktop necessary products. For 3 eggs, you need a pinch of salt, 75 grams of sour cream and a little vegetable oil.

The technology for preparing this dish is simple:

  1. Collect all ingredients in a deep bowl.
  2. Gently stir them with a whisk so that the products turn into a continuous homogeneous mass.
  3. Put the pan on the fire and pour some oil into it.
  4. Pour the contents of the bowl onto it and set the flame to medium size. It is necessary to wait until the mass from above is compacted.
  5. Gently turn the layer over with a spatula or a culinary knife so that the second side can also be baked. This is best done under a closed lid.

After that, the omelet with sour cream can be transferred to a plate and eat with pleasure. This dish is already perfect in itself, so it does not require any additions in the form of sauces or gravy.

The scent of greenery

In the summer, when a lot of fresh herbs appear in stores, it is foolish not to use them for cooking. Good housewives carefully add it to many dishes. Omelet with sour cream is also no exception. It only benefits in taste from such additives. For such an omelet you will need:

3-4 bunches of fresh green dill, one and a half tablespoons of sour cream, 2 eggs, 50 milliliters of milk and a little salt.

In this case, the cooking method will be slightly different:

  1. First, as usual, you need to mix the ingredients and beat them into a fluffy homogeneous foam. For those who do not know how to work with a whisk, you can suggest using a mixer. This will be even faster.
  2. Greens should be finely chopped with a special hatchet or an ordinary knife.
  3. Next, you need to decide on the dishes. You don't need a frying pan to bake. As the main tool, you can use a slow cooker, double boiler or convection oven. The difference will be only in the duration of baking. In the first case, it will take half an hour, in the second - 20 minutes, and in the third - 15 minutes.
  4. Fill the bottom of the selected container first with greens, and then with the prepared mixture and set the baking program.

The finished product is best eaten warm to preserve the natural flavor.

Vegetable feast of taste

Each hostess herself chooses how it is better for her to cook an omelette with sour cream. The recipe in the summer can also be supplemented with vegetables. This will make the dish look a bit like an Italian frittata. You will need the following set of products: for 2 raw eggs 50 grams of cheese, salt, 2 tablespoons of sour cream, ½ small zucchini (zucchini), a pinch of ground black pepper, 2 tomatoes, 50 grams of bacon and a spoonful of vegetable oil.

You need to prepare as follows:

  1. First, wash the vegetables and then cut them: the zucchini into thin strips, and the tomatoes into slices.
  2. Chop the bacon into cubes.
  3. Put the prepared products in a pan and fry for 15 minutes with the addition of oil.
  4. To prepare the filling, beat the eggs with sour cream, adding salt, pepper and grated cheese.
  5. Add the resulting mixture to the vegetables. Roasting is best done on a very small fire. So the mass can warm up well and not burn.

Already in 10 minutes fragrant omelette will be completely ready. Even outwardly, it already causes appetite.

Complete dish

If you slightly change the set of components, then an omelet with sour cream in a pan can become a full dinner or a fairly hearty breakfast. To do this, it will be enough just to add to it meat ingredient. Moreover, this will not affect the quality of the egg mass itself.

To work in this case, you will need: 6 eggs, 200 grams of boiled sausage, a little salt and 150 grams of sour cream.

The cooking technique should be as follows:

  1. First you need to beat the eggs with salt with a whisk with sour cream.
  2. Cut the sausage randomly into pieces.
  3. Fry it in a frying pan with oil.
  4. Pour in the egg mixture and immediately reduce the heat. Under a closed lid, the dish will cook for about 20 minutes.

After baking, the mass remains tender, but dense enough to be cut with a knife. The calorie content of such a breakfast is quite high, so it will not only be a great start to the day, but also an excellent accumulator of vitality until lunchtime.