Home / Bakery products / What to cook from a tomato for the winter. Small tomatoes for the winter

What to cook from a tomato for the winter. Small tomatoes for the winter

It is difficult to imagine a hostess who would give up the idea of ​​pickling tomatoes. Pickled tomatoes for the winter are one of the most delicious sunsets - along with pickles and lecho salad. How to pickle tomatoes - you will learn from our section, and perhaps you yourself will give a recipe for pickled tomatoes for the winter.

How to pickle tomatoes? First of all, you need to carefully select vegetables worthy of preservation. These should be strong tomatoes of approximately the same size - for a more uniform and successful preservation.

How to pickle tomatoes - whole or chopped - is up to the hostess, looking at the size of the vegetables. Large, of course, it is better to cut.

To avoid unpleasant consequences in the form of an "explosion" of cans, such common methods as pasteurization and sterilization are used. Also use multiple fills.

A variety of spices are suitable for tomatoes - bitter red pepper, dill and parsley, cherry and currant leaves, as well as tarragon, bay leaf and black peppercorns.

Recipe for pickled tomatoes for the winter

The recipe for pickled tomatoes for the winter is up to you. There are recipes for harvesting spicy and spicy tomatoes, monozakat tomatoes and in the composition. There are very simple recipes for pickled tomatoes, and there are those with a “twist” that require a little more effort and attention.

The easiest recipe for pickled tomatoes like this for the winter. Tomatoes are washed and pricked near the stalk (for example, with a toothpick so that the fruits crack from boiled water). The jars are sterilized, the necessary spices, herbs are laid out on the bottom, tomatoes are placed on top and poured with boiling water. Banks are covered with lids and left for a third of an hour. Drain the water, add sugar and salt, bring to a boil. A tablespoon of essence is added to each jar, boiling marinade is poured in and rolled up. Then they act traditionally - turning over the cans, wrapping and cold cooling.

Tomatoes are stored in a cool place, and in winter they are served with meat, potatoes, various dishes and side dishes as a snack.

Tomato for the winter is a versatile preparation that is suitable for a large number of dishes. it acquires a completely different taste if you use homemade tomato instead of tomato paste in the frying. Cook or, fill with tomato and that's it! No additional spices or magical ingredients are needed anymore.

The recipe is very simple, what I like is that there are no exact proportions. Add salt and sugar to your taste. And most importantly, no vinegar!

How to close a tomato for the winter

  • Tomatoes
  • Sugar
  • Spices as desired

We take ripe tomatoes, unripe ones will not work here. Quantity as they say everything "by eye". Do you have 5 or 10 kg of tomatoes, it doesn't matter.

We wash the tomatoes well, if there are spoiled places somewhere, cut them off, and also remove the stalk. Pass through a meat grinder or blender, pour everything into a large saucepan and put on the stove.

Cook for 20 minutes, periodically removing the foam. Add salt and sugar 5 minutes before the end. I do not add spices, and without them a delicious tomato is obtained.

We will sterilize the jars with steam, 10 minutes will be enough for a liter, 15 minutes for a three-liter. Cover the lids with boiling water.

Pour the tomato into jars and roll up. We turn the jars over and cover with a blanket. Let them stand until they cool down. Well, after that, we put it in the pantry.

Some helpful tips. If you are not satisfied with the density of the tomato after 20 minutes of cooking, then increase the time. Instead of 20 minutes, 30 or 40.

Another way. Remove the tomato from the heat and let it stand, carefully remove the liquid and boil for another 10 minutes.

There is nothing difficult in cooking homemade tomato, but it will help out more than once in the winter. Yes, and the dishes are much tastier and richer.

Pickled tomatoes are a frequent treat at the Russian table, especially in winter. In the cold season, you really want to get a piece of the already gone summer. It is enough just to open a jar of canned tomatoes, which will undoubtedly decorate your table and complement the main dishes. The article describes several simple and complex recipes for rolling tomatoes sweet, sweet and sour - for every taste, which even gourmets will like.

General principles for pickling tomatoes for the winter

Recipes for winter sunsets are diverse. What hostesses do not put in the marinade: honey, garlic, lemon, pepper, currants, cherries. But still there are certain rules, not following which you can get a lot of trouble, such as: bursting cans, “flying” blanks, bitter aftertaste. Let's see how to avoid them.

  • To start sterilize jars. To do this, wash them with detergent or soda, rinse thoroughly and boil in water. You can just pour boiling water over it. The jars should then dry completely. Only then start preparing.
  • Pour hot brine into warm jars so they don't crack.
  • As for tomatoes, they must be carefully selected, exclude rotten and spoiled tomatoes, tear off the stalks. Ripe and unripe fruits should not be marinated together. Slightly unripe tomatoes are most suitable for pickling.
  • If you want the tomatoes to be equally saturated with brine, put in one jar fruits of the same size and variety.
  • Pierce the place where the stem was. This will help the skin of the tomato not burst upon contact with boiling water. For greater confidence, you can chop the fruit in several places.
  • If the recipe uses bay leaf, it is better not to leave it in a jar. Lying in brine, he begins to taste bitter.

Knowing these subtleties and secrets, you can confidently start clogging sweet tomatoes for the winter.

Sweet Canned Tomato Recipes

Pickled sweet tomatoes can be prepared in many ways. To give a sweet taste, sugar or honey is usually added to the marinade. Here are a few different recipes for canning tomatoes for the winter, among which everyone can choose the most suitable one for themselves. And you can use a couple of recipes and roll up jars for each. So you choose your favourite.

Grandma's Easy Canned Tomato Recipe

This recipe does not require a lot of ingredients and is easy to prepare. But this does not mean that the taste of tomatoes in this case will suffer. In addition, fruits preserved in this way are stored for a long time.

Ingredients in the calculation per 1 liter of water:

  • tomatoes;
  • sugar (2 tablespoons);
  • bell pepper;
  • salt (1 tablespoon);
  • vinegar (1 tablespoon).

How to cook: arrange the tomatoes in jars, add bell peppers, cut into four parts (do not forget to remove the seeds from the peppers). Pour hot water over vegetables and leave for 20 minutes. Drain the water and boil the marinade (you can directly from the same water): put sugar, salt, vinegar in the indicated proportions. Pour brine over vegetables, seal tightly and leave to cool under a blanket. After a few days, the jars can be opened and put away for storage.

Recipe for pickled tomatoes for the winter with honey


  • 5 kg of tomatoes;
  • 500 g of honey;
  • garlic;
  • 150 g of salt;
  • seasonings: cloves, allspice peas;
  • currant or cherry leaves;
  • 150 g of vinegar;
  • bunch of dill.

Preparation: finely chop the dill, peel the garlic and cut into slices. Put greens, leaves in a jar, add seasonings and garlic, then fill the container with tomatoes. Boil the brine: boil 7.5 liters of water, put cloves, honey, vinegar, salt there. Boil 3 minutes. Pour marinade over future preparations, let them stand until cool. Drain the marinade into the pan and boil it again, pour over the tomatoes again. Seal the jars and, after cooling, take them to a cool place.

Royal tomatoes for the winter, a sweet recipe


  • tomatoes;
  • carnation;
  • salt;
  • vinegar;
  • hot peppers;
  • sugar;
  • dill umbrellas;
  • allspice peas;
  • bell pepper;
  • garlic.

Preparation: put dill, two rings of hot pepper, one quarter of bell pepper, peppercorns on the bottom of each jar and fill the container with tomatoes. Pour boiling water over the jars and let them brew for about 5 minutes. Drain the cooled liquid, add garlic cloves, salt (1 tablespoon), sugar (1 cup), vinegar or acetic acid (1 tablespoon) to each jar. Pour boiling water over the contents of the container, roll up and remove until cool.

Sweet and sour tomato recipe for the winter

  • slightly unripe medium-sized tomatoes;
  • 1 st. l. table salt;
  • 1 tsp table vinegar;
  • allspice black peas;
  • 3 art. l. granulated sugar;
  • 3 leaves of lavrushka;
  • dill umbrellas.

How to cook: Arrange dill in liter jars over an umbrella, fill the container with tomatoes. Then prepare the brine. Put salt, bay leaf, sugar into the water, boil. Add allspice to taste. Let the brine boil for 1-2 minutes. Then remove the lavrushka and pour the future blanks with brine. Let the tomatoes stand for 6-8 minutes, then drain the brine back into the pot. After adding vinegar, wait for the brine to boil and repeat the procedure. Close the lids of the jars and put them under the covers. Delicious preparation for the winter is ready!

Recipe for sweet tomatoes for the winter with oak leaves

Ingredients per 1 liter of water:

  • medium sized tomatoes;
  • dill umbrellas;
  • oak and currant leaves;
  • peppercorns;
  • citric acid (a pinch);
  • sugar (7–8 tablespoons);
  • table salt (1 tbsp. l.);
  • garlic cloves (about 1-2 cloves per jar).

How to cook: put leaves, garlic, dill and pepper on the bottom of the jar. Fill jars with tomatoes, you can put more leaves on top. Pour boiling water into jars and leave for 5-8 minutes. In the meantime, you can cook the marinade. The marinade volume is calculated as follows: the volume of containers used is divided in half. Boil the required amount of water, put sugar and salt. Drain the tomatoes and refill with brine.

Sweet canned tomatoes with cinnamon

Tomatoes canned according to this recipe will slightly sharp. And cinnamon will give the taste unusual notes.

Ingredients per 1 liter of water:

  • fruits of small tomatoes;
  • salt (2 tablespoons);
  • granulated sugar (6 tablespoons);
  • nine percent vinegar (1 tablespoon);
  • parsley;
  • cinnamon (1 cm);
  • chili pepper (1 pc.).

Preparation: arrange parsley sprigs, cinnamon, chili peppers in jars. Fill jars with vegetables and pour hot water over them. Leave them for 5 minutes. Throw sugar and salt into boiling water. Marinade should be boiled for 2 minutes. Drain the water from the tomatoes, then pour a spoonful of vinegar into each jar and fill each with hot marinade. Seal the container immediately, invert and let cool.

Recipe for sweet pickled tomatoes with honey and onions

Ingredients for 1 liter of water:

  • plum tomatoes;
  • onions (1 pc.);
  • honey (50 g);
  • salt (30 g);
  • apple cider vinegar (30 g).

Preparation: a very simple recipe with a minimum of components. Cut white onion into rings. Fill jars with tomatoes, sprinkled with onions, to the top. Boil the marinade: add salt, vinegar and granulated sugar to boiling water. Pour the fruits with hot marinade and roll up the jars with tomatoes.

Canned sweet tomatoes will definitely delight your family at dinner in the winter. Now you know how to cook them, and from the many recipes offered, you will definitely choose the one that suits your personal taste.

Small pickled tomatoes are a very beautiful preparation for the winter. Another advantage is that small jars can be used to preserve small tomatoes. Salads and sandwiches are decorated with small tomatoes. Bulgarian pepper and mustard seeds will add flavor to our winter harvest, with a detailed step-by-step recipe, you can easily prepare this preservation.

TIME: 60 min.


Servings: 6


  • small tomatoes - 900 g;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs.;
  • sweet pepper - 1/2 pc.;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l. (without a slide);
  • peppercorns - 9 pcs.;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l. (without slide);
  • vinegar 9% - 3 tsp;
  • mustard seeds - 1.5 tsp;
  • parsley - to taste.

Servings: 3 pint jars.


Canning jars should be washed with baking soda. After rinsing the jars with clean water, they must be sterilized. I sterilize over steam, and boil the lids with which I will seal the preservation for several minutes in water.

On each tomato, several punctures should be made with a wooden skewer in the hardest place, near the stem.

At the bottom of the jar I put peeled and chopped garlic. One large clove of garlic is enough for three half-liter jars.

I wash the sweet bell pepper, cut it in half, cut it out and discard the seeds.

I put prepared small tomatoes up to half the jar. I put sliced ​​\u200b\u200bpieces of sweet pepper, parsley sprigs, bay leaf on tomatoes.

I report the tomatoes to the top of the cans. I spread slices of pepper and parsley sprigs on top of the tomatoes so that a stream of hot marinade does not fall on the tomatoes when pouring jars. When pouring boiling water directly on tomatoes, the skins of the tomatoes may burst. Now I measure out how much water I need for the marinade. I pour clean water into jars with tomatoes, and then pour it into a saucepan. I add 50 ml of water in a saucepan to the water poured from the cans of tomatoes. I put a pot of water on the fire, and then bring the water to a boil. Then I pour tomatoes in jars with this boiled hot water, cover the jars with lids. Covering the jars with a towel, leave for 10 minutes with hot water. After I pour the water from the jars back into the saucepan, add 50 ml of water (for evaporation during the boil), bring everything to a boil again. When the water in the pan boils for a couple of minutes, I pour it back into jars with tomatoes for 15 minutes. Also, as for the first time, I cover the jars with lids and a towel.

For the third filling, I prepare the marinade. This time, pouring water from jars of tomatoes into a saucepan, add granulated sugar and salt according to the recipe and 50 ml of water to the water.

I pour vinegar into jars at the rate of 2 tbsp. spoons of 9% vinegar for each three-liter jar. Thus, I pour one teaspoon of vinegar into each half-liter jar. Then I pour 1/2 tsp into each jar. mustard seeds.

When the marinade boils for 2-3 minutes, pour the hot marinade into jars with tomatoes, hermetically cork. I turn the rolled up jars of tomatoes over and put them on their necks, wrap them with a blanket for the night.

Canned small tomatoes closed in this way are stored at normal room temperature.

This year, my tomatoes are not ugly ah

They got baked in the sun, then they cracked, then they rotted And only one variety is beautiful, dense, one in one tomatoes Only small ones, a little more than cherry tomatoes.
So I began to puzzle over how to use it
Found a few recipes on the internet. But maybe someone has a proven recipe for homemade small tomatoes. Share pliiiiz.

small pickled tomatoes

15 small firm tomatoes,
1.5 liters of water,
4 tbsp. l. Sahara,
2.5 st. l salt,
6 black peppercorns,
5 sheets of blackcurrant,
5 cherry leaves
5 bay leaves,
1 bunch of dill florets,
1 st. l. vinegar,
3 sheets of horseradish

Rinse the tomatoes thoroughly and dry them on a paper towel. At the bottom of a pre-washed and dried jar, put horseradish leaves, half of all greens and 8 cloves of garlic. Pack the tomatoes in tightly, being careful not to squeeze them. Prepare the marinade. Boil water, add salt, sugar, bay leaf and black peppercorns to it. Pour the tomatoes with the resulting marinade, cover with a sterile lid and let stand for 10 minutes. Then pour the marinade back into the pan and boil again. Pour the marinade over the tomatoes again and add the vinegar. Roll up the jars with sterile lids, turn upside down and put in a dark place for a day.

Recipe for pickling small tomatoes
without the use of vinegar, which not only spoils the aroma and taste of tomatoes, but is also harmful to our stomach. In order to stop the fermentation process, alcohol or vodka is used.

1. Select ripe and firm, small tomatoes of two colors - red and yellow. Wash fruits well. Take horseradish and garlic, peel them. Divide the garlic into cloves.

2. Sterilize jars and lids as you normally would. Fill the containers with tomatoes, add horseradish and garlic to each jar.

3. The brine is prepared according to this recipe: 1.5 liters of water you need to take 2 tablespoons of salt, 5 tablespoons of sugar and boil. This amount of brine is enough to pickle about three liter cans of tomatoes.

4. Pour jars of vegetables up to their shoulders with hot brine.

5. Add 1 tablespoon of vodka or 1 dessert spoon of alcohol to each jar.

6. Roll up the jars with metal lids or screw them on.

7. Turn over hot jars and cover with a warm blanket until they cool.

Tomatoes are small, sweet, and ask in the mouth. Jars of canned small tomatoes keep well indoors.

sweet and spicy tomatoes

Not a 3 liter jar:
small ripe tomatoes, 2 onions, 4 cloves of garlic,

3 small sweet peppers

1 hot pepper
1.5 liters of water, but 2 tbsp. l. 9% vinegar and salt,

4 tbsp. l. Sahara,

3 bay leaves. 7-8 black peppercorns.

Wash and dry all vegetables.
At the bottom of each jar, put the whole pepper, with stalks and seeds, onions, garlic and tomatoes. Pour boiling water over each jar, let stand for 5-7 minutes, drain the water, bring to a boil, add all the ingredients except vinegar, and boil for 5 minutes.
Pour in the vinegar, remove from heat, pour over the tomatoes and roll up.
Cool "under a fur coat" upside down.

Tomatoes in jelly

Tomatoes (about 2 kg), 3 onions, 9 bay leaves, 20 black peppercorns. 3 small heads of garlic, 3 small branches of dill with umbrellas;
for pouring
3.5 + 1 tbsp. water, 2 tbsp. l. with a slide of gelatin. 2 tbsp. with a slide of sugar, 1.5 tbsp. l. without a pile of salt.

1 st. Boil water and cool to room temperature, pour gelatin and leave for an hour to swell. In 3 800-gram carefully washed jars, spread the spices, greens equally and on them - in dense rows of tomatoes. Sterilize the lids. Put the gelatin on the fire and warm it up, stirring all the time and not bringing to a boil until the gelatin dissolves. Strain the resulting solution through a cloth or gauze folded in several layers.
3.5 st. Boil water, salt and sugar.
Pour the gelatin mass into the filling, bring to a boil again and pour over the tomatoes. Cover jars with lids and roll up immediately. Turn over, wrap and let cool.


Almost every housewife tries to preserve tomatoes for the winter. This is understandable. What is a table without this appetizing appetizer?
To make the preparation tasty, you need, firstly, medium-sized hard tomatoes, and secondly, high-quality brine. For its preparation, various spices are used, which give the tomatoes an aroma and an unusual taste. The main spice is salt, which determines the duration of storage and the taste of preservation.
Ordinary rock salt, although popular, has its drawbacks: it contains pebbles, dirt, which have a bad effect on the preservation of conservation, in addition, it is contraindicated in hypertensive patients, as it retains fluid in the body, and also does not guarantee tasty and beautiful preparations.
Better to use sea salt. There is no insoluble sediment in it, which allows you to store the workpieces longer. It contains more than 40 micro and macro elements, which, when in contact with tomatoes, help to keep the skin intact and the taste of tomatoes rich.
In addition, you should not be afraid of oversalting with sea salt: vegetables will take as much salt as needed, tomatoes will acquire a piquant taste, and pickles and preserves with sea salt will not retain fluid in the body. Delicious preparations for you!


This is a way to preserve food products without significantly changing their taste and color.
Sterilization of canned food in glass containers, followed by immediate corking with tin lids, is very convenient at home. It provides the necessary tightness and long-term storage of canned products. At home, canned food is sterilized mainly at the boiling point of water.

Vegetable marinades can be sterilized at a water temperature of 85°C. In this case, they need to be kept in the sterilizer 2 or even 3 times longer than if the water temperature were 100 °C.
Sterilization is carried out in a special sterilizer or in a large saucepan, on the bottom of which wooden silt and a metal grate are first placed to avoid cracking the jars during sudden temperature changes.
Water is poured into the pan so much that it covers the shoulders of the jar, i.e., 1.5-2 cm below the top of the neck of the container.
The temperature of the water before immersing the cans ranges from 30-70 °C and depends on the temperature of the canned food - the higher the temperature of the canned food, the higher the temperature of the water in the sterilizer should be.
The sterilizer with the jars placed in it is put on a strong fire, covered with a lid and the water is brought to a boil. Boiling water during sterilization should not be violent [the fire should be reduced enough to just maintain boiling], the sterilization time is counted from the moment boiling begins.
The first stage of sterilization [bringing the water to a boil] should be as short as possible in order to reduce the cooking time of the product and avoid overcooking the canned food. So, the time for heating water to a boil during sterilization of half-liter and liter jars is 1 5 minutes, three-liter jars - 20 minutes.
The duration of the second stage of sterilization depends on the acidity and consistency of the product - liquid products are sterilized for 10-15 minutes, and thick products for 2 hours or more.
It takes less time to sterilize acidic products, since the acidic environment does not encourage the development of bacteria.
The size of the container is also important - the larger it is, the longer the sterilization takes,
At the end of sterilization, the jars are carefully removed from the pan with special tongs, immediately rolled up and the tightness of the corking is checked. The sealed jars are placed upside down on a dry towel for air cooling.