Home / Patties / Fried pies with rice and canned fish. Recipe: Canned Rice and Fish Pies - with Canned Pink Salmon, Fried Onions and Dill Sardine and Rice Pie Dough

Fried pies with rice and canned fish. Recipe: Canned Rice and Fish Pies - with Canned Pink Salmon, Fried Onions and Dill Sardine and Rice Pie Dough

Pies fried with rice and canned fish. The recipe for these pies is quite simple and relatively cheap. But at the same time, pies are very tasty, especially when piping hot.

For the test we need: 0.5 liters of warm boiled water (milk or whey), 1 tablespoon a spoonful of sugar, 1 teaspoon salt, 4 tablespoons vegetable oil (melted margarine, butter or fat), 1 packet instant yeast (10-11 grams), 5-6 cups sifted wheat flour, if desired, you can add 2-3 eggs.

For the filling: 1 jar (245 grams) of canned natural pink salmon (you can replace pink salmon with absolutely any canned fish according to your taste), 1 medium onion, 200 grams of rice, vegetable or butter(fat) for frying onions.

For frying pies: vegetable oil or fat. Please note that according to this recipe, approximately 30 pies are obtained (although not very large). Therefore, if you do not have a very large family, or you are not expecting guests, reduce the amount of all products by the same amount.

Let's start by preparing the dough. Pour warm boiled water into the bowl in which we will knead, and in which the dough will be nurtured in the future (this can be a large bowl, as in my case, or maybe a saucepan with a lid - which is more preferable) pour warm boiled water (dough for fried pies, especially not with sweet stuffing, I always make it with water, not with milk, with vegetable oil and without eggs) and add instant yeast to the water.

Then add salt, sugar and vegetable oil there.

Add a couple cups of flour and mix well.

In the resulting batter Gradually add the flour and knead the dough with your hands. We add enough flour so that the dough turns out thick enough, almost like dumpling dough. We cover the dough with a towel, and even better with a lid, and put it in a warm place to take care of. It’s not worth heating it too zealously, so as not to weld it, and while we are doing the filling, the dough will have time to come out anyway.

Boil rice until fully cooked.

Onion finely cut

and fry it in a small amount of oil or fat.

Drain the juice or oil from canned food, knead the fish with a fork. Add fish and onion to rice

mix, add salt if necessary, pepper if desired.

Everything, the filling is ready. As soon as the dough rises (i.e. approximately doubles in volume),

we crush it, i.e. knead again

and again put in a warm place. As soon as the dough rises for the second time,

we grease our hands with vegetable oil or fat and begin to cut the dough. We tear off or cut off small pieces from the dough and roll out small balls from them (in rolled form, the diameter of the balls should be about 4 cm). We put the balls on a baking sheet or table, previously greased with oil or fat. In general, if we are going to fry the dough, and not bake it, we should not use flour when cutting the dough. That is, both hands, and a rolling pin, and surfaces on which we will roll out the dough, and on which we will lay pies, must be greased with oil, and not sprinkled with flour. The fact is that when frying, the flour begins to burn slightly, the oil in the pan begins to smoke and ceases to be transparent, and a black coating may form on the surface of the pies. After all the dough is rolled into balls, let the dough stand for 10-15 minutes. After that, we start with the balls that were rolled first. We roll each ball with a rolling pin into a cake, in the middle of which we put about a tablespoon of the filling.

We blind the edges of the circle.

Then, at the place where the edges are fastened, we pass a second time, while bending the corners inward and more carefully fastening the dough so that when frying, the pies do not fall apart.

Ready pies Place seam side down on a greased baking sheet. As soon as all the pies are ready, pour enough a large number of oil or fat (the oil should cover the pies by more than half the thickness). Put the pan on medium fire(You should never fry the pies at the highest temperature - the outside of the pies will start to burn, but the inside will not have time to fry). As soon as the oil heats up well - this can be checked by throwing a small piece of dough into the pan, carefully place the pies in the pan so that there is free space between them. As soon as the pies begin to fry from the bottom,

turn the pies over (it is very convenient to do this with two wooden spatulas),

and let it cook on the other side. After that, remove the pies from the pan. You can remove excess oil on a paper towel. And without letting the pies cool down, serve them to the table.

And there they, hot ones, can be eaten with tea, and with coffee, and with milk, and with compote - in short, as you like.

Good appetite!

Pies with canned fish and rice, baked in parchment, are shaped like pretty sticks. When ready, they have a beautiful crispy crust on the outside and are very tender filling inside.

Yeast dough for fish patties can be kneaded on any liquid base. By the way, you can also take any flour for it (wheat of the first or premium, rye or whole grain). As a filling, it is not necessary to use canned fish with rice. You can cook pies with meat, mushrooms, eggs and herbs, fruits, jam and jam.

Ingredients for yeast dough (per 1.2 kg of finished product):

  • 125 g of natural yogurt;
  • 80 ml of water;
  • 7-8 g dry baker's yeast;
  • 12 g brown sugar;
  • 7 g of table salt;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 30-40 g of vegetable oil;
  • 40 g of semolina;
  • 350 g wheat flour.
  • 1/2 cup rice;
  • small bulb;
  • a can of natural canned fish "Saira";
  • spices - to taste;
  • vegetable oil.

When preparing the dough, yogurt can be replaced with sour cream or mayonnaise, kefir or milk, and semolina, if desired, can be completely excluded from the recipe. If you prefer fresh yeast, take 3 times more than dry yeast. Cane sugar is easily replaced with white or honey. Instead of vegetable oil, feel free to use butter, lard or margarine. To prepare the filling, it is not necessary to use canned food from natural saury. In this case, canned food in oil (saury, herring, sardine, etc.) is also suitable. Rice can also be used as a round-grain or long-grain rice.

Yield: 11 pies.

Cooking time is about 2 hours.

How to cook pies with fish and rice from yeast dough in the oven

In slightly warm water, mix the yeast well with granulated sugar and leave it alone. Whisk the egg with salt, then mix with yogurt and butter.

As soon as the yeast mixture begins to ferment (bubble), combine it with the egg-yogurt mass and semolina. Then, gradually adding flour, knead a soft, but not too sticky dough. Place it in an oiled bowl, cover with a lid or towel and place in a warm place to rise.

Drain the brine from the canned fish into a separate container (it may come in handy). Remove the back bone from each piece of fish.

Saute finely chopped onions in oil until translucent. Boil the rice and dry it with a sieve. Combine rice with onion, season with spices and mix well. And so that the filling in the pies is not dry, add a little canned fish pickle (or melted butter) to the rice mass. Mash the fish pieces with a fork.

Forming and baking pies

Divide the re-raised dough into segments, roll them into balls and knead with your hands or roll them into cakes with a rolling pin.

Put some rice (about a tablespoon) in the center of each cake, and put some fish on top. If you like, mix rice with fish into a single mass.

Bring and pinch the edges of the tortilla to cover the filling, then roll the pastry across the table to form a stick.

For ten minutes for proofing, leave the formed blanks of pies directly on the table, covered with a towel. In the meantime, turn on the oven so that it has time to warm up properly. Cut out 15x25 cm rectangles of parchment and grease them with oil.

Wrap each blank in pieces of parchment, but only very loosely, then fold on a baking sheet (there is no need to cover it with anything), but not close to each other. Wait 10 minutes for them to spread even better before putting them in the oven.

Bake pies at t = 200 ° C for about half an hour, until they are browned. Remove the tray with ready-made pastries from the oven and, having freed the pies from the “paper confinement”, immediately serve to the table.

Recipe: Rice and Fish Cakes - Oven Rice and Fish Cakes

Now I will talk about pies with rice and canned food.

Mash saury with a fork in a bowl.

Chop the onion and fry in a frying pan.

Boil rice in lightly salted water.

Then mix everything in a cup: saury, rice and onion.

Salt to taste.

This is the stuffing for pies I got.

Divide the dough into several parts for pies, I got 16 pies at the exit.

Roll out each piece of dough and put the filling on it.

Seal the pie and seam down on a baking sheet.

In my oven, I usually bake these pies for 20 minutes.

Recipe for pies with fish or canned fish and rice

Photo: globalist.org.ua

In this recipe, we will talk about cooking delicious pies with fish and rice. They can be made with any fish, or with canned fish to your taste, which is very convenient.

Fish and rice is a great combination that tastes even better in homemade pies. If you suddenly want to pamper yourself and your loved ones with pies, then this filling option will be an excellent solution, especially since if you take canned fish for the filling, you can also significantly reduce the cooking time.

These pies are prepared very simply from yeast dough, they turn out fragrant, tasty, very appetizing. In addition, they are lighter in comparison, for example, with pies stuffed with meat and rice. So if you want fried pies, it is better to choose such a lighter filling, or you can bake them in the oven, which will make the dish completely low-calorie.

Recipe for pies with fish or canned fish and rice

Photo: foto.mail.ru Ingredients:

For test:
450g wheat flour
50g butter
8g dry yeast
2 eggs
1-2 tablespoons Sahara
sour cream for pies
For filling:
1-2 bulbs
1 jar canned fish(pink salmon / mackerel, etc.) or fresh fish
½ cup dry rice

Cooking method:

How to cook pies with fish and rice. Boil rice until tender in the usual way- it should be crumbly. Fry chopped onion in butter or vegetable oil. Together with the liquid, mash the fish and mix with rice. Pour yeast ½ cup warm water, add 1 tsp. sugar and 1 tbsp. flour, mix, leave for 10-15 minutes - the “cap” should rise, i.e. dough. Pour the remaining sugar and salt into the risen dough, add eggs shaken with a fork, put softened butter, add sifted flour, knead the dough. The dough will turn out sticky, cover it with a towel and leave it warm for 1 hour. The dough should rise to double or more. Pinch off pieces of equal size from the risen dough in a bowl, roll each one, sprinkling with flour or helping yourself with vegetable oil (so that the dough does not stick when rolling, powder the surface, rolling pin and hands with flour or grease with butter), form a pie, laying out the filling and pinching the edges, ready pies Place seam side down on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Coat the pies with sour cream, bake in an oven heated to 200 degrees for about 20 minutes.

You can make such pies in the shape of fish: you just need to attach a “tail” from a small piece of dough to the usual oval of a pie, make “scales” by pinching the dough with scissors, and make eyes from black peppercorns. You can add chopped greens to the filling, and if you don’t want to spend time preparing it, replace the dough with purchased ones, including puff pastry.

Video recipe for pies with rice and fish

Pies with rice and canned food

Pies with rice and canned food.

Recipe delicious toppings and pie dough.


For the test

  • 1 kg wheat flour
  • 500 ml water
  • 25 gr fresh yeast
  • 80 gr salt
  • 300 gr granulated sugar
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil.

For filling

  • 700 gr rice
  • 1 can of canned fish in oil
  • 3 heads of onions.

Cooking method

    • Dilute the yeast with warm water, add granulated sugar, salt, vegetable oil, mix and add wheat flour.
    • Knead the dough.
    • Put the dough in a warm place to rise.
    • Rinse the rice well and boil until half cooked, rinse it again.
    • Peel the onion, chop and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown.
    • Remove bones from canned food, combine with rice and fried onions, mix well.
    • Cut the dough into pieces, roll them into balls and leave in a warm place for 15 minutes.
    • Then roll out each ball of dough, put the prepared stuffing on it, connect the edges.
    • Put pies with rice and canned food on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil.
    • Bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees until golden brown.

Pies with rice and canned food

Homemade pies are always delicious and satisfying pastries that can be made both sweet and savory. For example, the filling can be varied with canned fish, rice and eggs. Thanks to these ingredients, the pies are very satisfying.

Pies with canned fish and rice

Required products:

  • Butter - 150 grams.
  • Flour - 5 glasses.
  • Fresh yeast - 50 grams.
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon.
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon.
  • Milk - 2 cups.
  • Eggs - 2 pieces.
  • Canned pollock - 300 grams.
  • Rice - 300 grams.
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons.
  • Onions - 2 heads.
  • How to cook canned fish pies

    You will be interested:

    Such homemade pies are lush, ruddy and very appetizing. Their preparation must begin with a test. To do this, you need to measure the amount of ingredients indicated in the recipe and let the products stand in a warm room for about an hour. Then you need to take a pan and heat milk in it. Then pour one glass into two cups, and leave the rest in the pan. Dissolve yeast in one of them, and salt in the other. It is important not to overheat the milk, it should be slightly warm.

    Then, to prepare pies with canned fish and rice, you need to cut one hundred grams of butter into pieces and lower it into a saucepan with milk. Pour in the sugar as well. Place on the most small fire and stir until dissolved. Then slowly pour half a glass of wheat flour into an almost hot mass and mix. Ready tea leaves are similar in density to sour cream. When it becomes warm, add all the remaining flour and mix the mass a little. Next, pour the blossoming yeast and dissolved salt from two cups. Now you need to knead quite intensively not a steep dough, which will slightly stick to your hands. But the pies prepared from it with canned fish and rice will be very magnificent.

    Let's cook delicious pies with rice and canned fish, the aroma and taste of which are simply crazy! The recipe for these pies is quite simple and relatively cheap. But at the same time, the pies are very tasty, especially when piping hot.

    Everyone, without exception, probably loves pies, but when it comes to choosing the filling, everyone has their own preferences. Someone likes meat, some mushrooms or vegetables, many choose sweet fillings with fruits or jam, but I want to tell you how to cook pies with rice and fish. In our family, this is the most favorite option, which is why we cook them most often and in large quantities. For example, in this list, the ingredients are designed for about 30 small pies, so you have to call big company to eat them all. Anyway, with this recipe for making pies with rice and fish, it will not be difficult for you to make hearty lunch or dinner for you and your friends, trust me.

    For the test we need:
    0.5 liters of warm boiled water (milk or whey),
    1 tablespoon sugar
    1 teaspoon salt
    4 tablespoons vegetable oil (melted margarine, butter, or fat)
    1 sachet of fast acting yeast (10-11 grams)
    5-6 cups sifted wheat flour
    Optionally, you can add 2-3 eggs.

    For filling:
    1 jar (245 grams) of canned pink salmon natural (you can replace pink salmon with absolutely any canned fish according to your taste),
    1 medium onion
    200 grams of rice, vegetable or butter (fat) for frying onions.

    For frying pies: vegetable oil or fat.

    Please note that according to this recipe, approximately 30 pies are obtained (although not very large). Therefore, if you do not have a very large family, or you are not expecting guests, reduce the amount of all products by the same amount.

    Let's start by preparing the dough. Pour warm boiled water into the bowl in which we will knead, and in which the dough will be nurtured in the future (this can be a large bowl, as in my case, or maybe a saucepan with a lid - which is more preferable) pour warm boiled water (dough for fried pies, especially not with a sweet filling, I always make water, not milk, vegetable oil and no eggs) and add high-speed yeast to the water.

    Then add salt, sugar and vegetable oil there.

    Add a couple cups of flour and mix well.

    Gradually add flour to the resulting batter, and knead the dough with your hands. Add enough flour to make the dough thick enough, almost like dumplings dough. We cover the dough with a towel, and even better with a lid, and put it in a warm place to take care of. It’s not worth heating it too zealously, so as not to weld it, and while we are doing the filling, the dough will have time to come out anyway.

    Boil rice until fully cooked.

    Finely chopped onion

    and fry it in a small amount of oil or fat.

    Drain the juice or oil from canned food, knead the fish with a fork. Add fish and onion to rice

    mix, add salt if necessary, pepper if desired.

    Everything, the filling is ready. As soon as the dough rises (i.e. approximately doubles in volume),

    we crush it, i.e. knead again

    and again put in a warm place. As soon as the dough rises for the second time,

    we grease our hands with vegetable oil or fat and begin to cut the dough. We tear off or cut off small pieces from the dough and roll out small balls from them (in rolled form, the diameter of the balls should be about 4 cm). We put the balls on a baking sheet or table, previously greased with oil or fat. In general, if we are going to fry the dough, and not bake it, we should not use flour when cutting the dough. That is, both the hands, and the rolling pin, and the surfaces on which we will roll out the dough, and on which we will lay the pies, must be greased with oil, and not sprinkled with flour. The fact is that when frying, the flour begins to burn slightly, the oil in the pan begins to smoke and ceases to be transparent, and a black coating may form on the surface of the pies. After all the dough is rolled into balls, let the dough stand for 10-15 minutes. After that, we start with the balls that were rolled first. We roll each ball with a rolling pin into a cake, in the middle of which we put about a tablespoon of the filling.

    We blind the edges of the circle.

    Then, at the place where the edges are fastened, we pass a second time, while bending the corners inward and more carefully fastening the dough so that when frying, the pies do not fall apart.

    Lay the finished pies seam side down on a pre-greased baking sheet. As soon as all the pies are ready, pour a sufficiently large amount of oil or fat into a frying pan with high sides (the oil should cover the pies by more than half the thickness). We put the pan on medium heat (you should never fry the pies at the highest temperature - the pies will start to burn on the outside, but they will not have time to fry inside). As soon as the oil heats up well - this can be checked by throwing a small piece of dough into the pan, carefully place the pies in the pan so that there is free space between them. As soon as the pies begin to fry from the bottom,

    turn the pies over (it is very convenient to do this with two wooden spatulas),

    and let it cook on the other side. After that, remove the pies from the pan. You can remove excess oil on a paper towel. And without letting the pies cool down, serve them to the table.

    And there they, hot ones, can be eaten with tea, and with coffee, and with milk, and with compote - in short, as you like.

    During a non-strict fast, believers can afford meatless pies on the yeast dough stuffed with rice and canned fish, as the product does not contain any meat, eggs or dairy products. Such pies can be baked in the oven, or you can fry in a pan. I prefer lean fried rice pies. On non-fish days, I just make a boiled rice filling with green onion. But lean pies in the oven from this test come out well.
    This pastry is good the next day, the main thing is to store it in a bag, since such a dough quickly becomes stale in the air.

    For test:

    1. Fresh yeast - 15 grams
    2. Water - 2 glasses
    3. Sugar - 1 tablespoon
    4. Salt - to taste, about ½ tablespoon
    5. Vegetable oil - 1/3 cup
    6. Flour - 4 cups with a slide

    For filling:

    1. Rice - 1 cup
    2. Canned fish in oil or own juice- 1 tin or green onion

    Cooking method:

    • Dilute yeast in warm water. Add salt, sugar and butter.

    • Let's add flour. The dough should come together and come off your hands, but be tender and soft. If necessary, you can add a little more flour, but do not overdo it, otherwise the pies will not turn out fluffy. Cover with a towel and let the dough rise in a warm place. After half an hour or an hour, the dough will increase in size. Punch it down and get to the stuffing.

    • Let's boil the rice. Mash the canned fish with a fork. Combine fish and rice. The oil in which there were canned food can not be poured out, but added to the filling for juiciness. On the days when you can’t eat fish, I make the filling for lean pies from green onions and rice. Just add finely chopped onion to the rice.
    • By the time the filling for the pies is ready, the dough will rise a second time. And, then, it's time to put a deep frying pan or stewpan over medium heat and pour vegetable oil (it should cover the bottom by about two fingers). Or turn the oven on 180 degrees if you are baking meatless pies. We make pies. Sprinkle the table with flour. We tear off a small piece of dough and roll out a circle with a rolling pin on the table with a palm.

    • We spread a little filling on the cake, connect the edges, pressing firmly with the index and thumb.
    • And then we make tucks opposite to the main seam so that the pie does not disperse during frying.
    • If you want to fried pies. Place the patties in the hot oil, seam side down. Fry until golden brown, flip over. As soon as the second barrel is reddened, we take it out of the pan.

    • If you want lean pies with rice and canned food in the oven, brush with a beaten egg and bake for 50 minutes in a preheated oven.

    • Let cool for five minutes and serve.