Home / Khachapuri / Salted trout at home is very tasty. How to salt trout at home: recipes and tips

Salted trout at home is very tasty. How to salt trout at home: recipes and tips

Trout is one of the fish, the meat of which is very highly valued due to its properties. Despite the fact that this fish is a delicacy, many are ready to pay a considerable amount for it, just to please themselves and their families with its wonderful and unforgettable taste... And since you can often buy a product of dubious quality on store shelves, it will not be superfluous to find out how to salt trout tasty and fast at home.

Choosing a salted trout

Trout belongs to the salmon order. It lives both in the sea and in rivers and lakes.

Trout belongs to dietary products... It is good fried, baked and salted.

Today, trout can be purchased at any of the supermarkets. Fresh fish is best, but it comes at a price. If this is not possible, you can purchase chilled or frozen. However, it is worth considering that the first option is more suitable for salting, since taste qualities fish after thawing are significantly inferior to chilled.

Indicators that the fish is fresh are the transparency of the eyes, pale pink gills, a pleasant fishy smell and the absence of mucus on its integument. The fish meat should also have a light pink color with white veins, but in no case is it red or yellowish.

When buying a frozen carcass, it is quite difficult to be sure how fresh it is, because unscrupulous sellers can freeze it repeatedly. You should pay attention to whether there are spots or other defects on its scales.

Fish cutting

When choosing a whole fish carcass, you will have to make some effort to cut it up. First, you need to wash it thoroughly. In order to facilitate the cleansing process, it is necessary to hold it for some time under warm running water. Another secret is the mosquito net: it can be used to easily remove dirt on the surface of the fish. After the trout is cleaned, you can proceed directly to the process of cutting it:

The fish is now completely ready for salting. You can proceed directly to the process itself.

5 ways of salting

Salted trout is the most popular delicacy, which is especially common on the festive table. However, in order to salt trout at home, you must follow the correct technology, otherwise the taste of the fish will not match the expected result.

There are many ways and recipes for salting trout. It is worth considering the most common ones:

Dry salting method... Based on the name, we can conclude that liquid is not required in this case. This is enough quick way... It is suitable for salting coarsely chopped pieces. For one kg of fish you will need:

  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons of sea salt;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar;
  • 2 large bay leaves;
  • herbs and spices to taste.

Salt and sugar must be mixed, apply this composition evenly on the fillet, avoiding contact with the skin of the fish. It is not worth rubbing the mixture into the fillet too diligently, as it is very tender. Then spices are sprinkled on top. After that, fillets are placed in several rows in a dry (preferably enameled) dish. The first layer is put with the sandpaper down, the second - vice versa.

Placed for several hours under oppression at room temperature. After several hours, the oppression is removed, the fish is covered with a lid and placed in the refrigerator. Salting takes place for 3-4 days. The thicker the pieces, the longer they will take to salt. The layers should be swapped from time to time at intervals of about 12 hours.

Pickled salting... This is the traditional method of salting trout and requires:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 350 g of coarse salt;
  • spices to taste.

Add salt to the water and boil. When the salt has dissolved, add spices and remove from heat. Then the fish pieces are stacked in a container in layers, filling them with pre-chilled marinade. A press is placed on top and a container with fish is placed in the refrigerator. To get a slightly salty taste, you should leave the fish in the marinade for a day, and for a more salty one - for a longer period.

Salting steaks... If instead of a fish carcass you had to buy steaks, then you should figure out how to salt trout steaks at home. This requires:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 4 tbsp. tablespoons of salt;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vinegar;
  • spices to taste.

Salt and sugar are thrown into the water, then brought to a boil. The water needs to boil for some time. Then vinegar and spices are added there and removed from the stove, cooled and filtered. Clean and dry steaks, tightly packed in a suitable container, are poured ready-made brine... After that, it is covered with a lid and placed in a cold place for 1.5 - 2 days. In a day, the fish will be slightly salted and lightly salted.

Fast salting method... Trout can be served after 10 hours using this method. For him you should take:

  • 1 kg trout fillet;
  • 3 teaspoons of salt;
  • 100 ml of sunflower oil.

Cut the fillet into thin small pieces, put in a container, add some salt and mix thoroughly. Then it pours in vegetable oil and everything is mixed again. The dishes with the contents are placed in the refrigerator for 10 hours.

Trout with vodka... Another very interesting recipe ambassador for which you will need:

  • 1 kg of trout;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt;
  • 4 teaspoons of sugar;
  • 30 ml of vodka.

When cutting a trout, the head, tail and fins are removed. Then it is cut along the ridge into two equal parts, lightly rubbed with salt and sugar. Then a small amount of vodka should be applied to the fish pulp with a food brush. After that, the pieces are leaned against each other with the pulp and wrapped cling film... The fillet is placed in the refrigerator for 12 hours. During these 12 hours, the fish must be turned over to the opposite side several times, so both pieces will be salted equally and will have an amazing taste.

Little tricks

In order to properly salt trout and enjoy its unforgettable taste, you must adhere to some simple rules. Observing them, you can always count on the best result, but neglecting them can lead to the fact that the taste and consistency of the product will be spoiled. Here are some basic tips to follow:

Knowing all these nuances, you can easily cook delicious trout at home.

Nowadays, many housewives prefer to salt the fish with their own hands: it is convenient, safe, you can always choose fresh product and cook it to your liking. Having learned some subtleties and recipes delicious salting trout at home, you can safely proceed to the action and expect the best result, which will certainly delight the household and guests.

It is always better to salt trout at home than to buy a ready-made one. You will spend a little time on salting, but the result will be lightly salted fish without preservatives and impurities. And you can always be sure of the freshness of the fish, if you choose the right trout when buying:

  1. It is better to take whole fish or steaks if the carcass is large enough.
  2. Pay attention to the color of the meat. It should be soft pink. The bright color indicates that dyes have been added to the fish.
  3. There should be no foreign spots on the fish. They indicate re-freezing.

If you take a whole fish for salting trout at home, then it must be properly cut: first cut off the side fins with scissors, peel off the scales, cut off the head and tail. You do not need to remove the skin. You can remove the ribs and backbone before salting (for this, the fish is cut along the ridge) or after the fillet is salted.

For a successful salting, stick to the proportions indicated in the recipe and use coarse salt.

The fish is salted, as a rule, in glass or ceramic dishes so that the meat does not acquire a metallic taste.

Express recipe for salting trout

If you like lightly salted red fish, then you will love this recipe. You can quickly salt your trout at home and enjoy the finished fish in 3-4 hours. This recipe is ideal if you need to salt the trout for rolls.

Ingredients (for 1 steak):

  • trout steak;
  • 2 tablespoons of salt;
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar.


  1. If you salt more trout, then increase the amount of salt and sugar in accordance with the proportions.
  2. If you want to salt a whole fish, then it must be cut into steaks no more than 5 cm thick. In addition, each piece must be rolled separately in a mixture of sugar and salt.
  3. Mix salt and sugar.
  4. Dip the steak generously on all sides with the mixture. The salt should cover not only the skin, but also the places where the meat is cut and the costal cavity.
  5. Place the steak in a bowl. Press down with a jar of water.

Salted trout with dill and black pepper

Trout salted in this way can be immediately served to a festive or buffet table in slicing or to decorate tartlets with it. Pepper adds some spice and dill completes the flavor.


  • chilled trout;
  • 2 tablespoons of coarse salt;
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar;
  • 3 allspice peas;
  • a small bunch of fresh dill.


  1. Increase the amount of salt and sugar as needed, keeping all the proportions.
  2. Butcher the trout and chop into large pieces. The skin does not need to be removed.
  3. Chop the dill finely. Mix it with sugar, salt and pepper.
  4. Dip each steak on all sides in the mixture.
  5. Wrap each steak in food grade cellophane, place in a container, press down with a load and refrigerate.
  6. The fish is ready in 5-6 hours.

Salting trout in brine

In brine, the fish is salted a little longer, but it is salted better. The fillet is soft and tender. Before such salting, it is better to remove the seeds in advance, otherwise it will be more difficult to do it later.

Ingredients (for 1 liter of water):

  • trout;
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar;
  • 300 gr. coarse salt;
  • 3 pcs. allspice peas;
  • 2 bay leaves.


  1. Boil water in a saucepan.
  2. Add salt and sugar. Stir until completely dissolved.
  3. Add Bay leaf and pepper. Cook for 3 minutes.
  4. Remove the brine from the stove and let it cool.
  5. Sprinkle the bottom of the container in which you will salt the fish.
  6. If you are going to salt a whole fish, then cut it into pieces.
  7. Place the trout in a container, fill with brine. Press down with a load and send it to the refrigerator for a day.

Flavored salted trout

Cognac gives the trout a subtle tart flavor. It is successfully complemented with coriander. Such fish is served to festive table in the form of a separate cut, garnished with lemon.

  • ½ teaspoon ground coriander.
  • Preparation:

    1. Cut the fish into pieces, if required. Remove the skin, remove the seeds.
    2. Cut the fillets into small pieces.
    3. Stir sugar and salt in cognac, add coriander.
    4. Pour the resulting mixture over the pieces of fish. Press down with a load and refrigerate for a couple of days.

    You can deliciously salt trout yourself at home without any hassle. To do this, you can choose any convenient method - dry or in brine. The fish turns out to be delicious, and you can rest assured of its freshness.

    How to salt trout

    Any salted red fish - trout, salmon, pink salmon, red salmon - can become a tasty and healthy table decoration. But by combination delicate taste and valuable nutritional qualities, perhaps, trout can be ranked first among salmon.

    Beneficial features trout

    Trout is one of the most valuable commercial fish, rich primarily in fatty polyunsaturated acids. Due to this, it helps to reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood and is recommended for the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system, in addition, it stimulates the brain and strengthens the nervous system. Trout is rich in various vitamins and microelements. It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of trout for the human body, but it is equally important that it is very delicious fish... Of her, they are equally good. different dishes- steaks, barbecue, fish soup, pies, etc. The traditional favorite snack of Russians is light-salted trout. It should be noted that this is a rather expensive snack, but if you learn how to salt trout at home, you can save at least twice. In addition to "cost optimization", salting trout at home guarantees the quality of all the ingredients used and allows you not to worry about harmful preservatives and flavor enhancers that are necessarily present in purchased fish. And the taste home product will be definitely no worse than the purchased one.

    How to choose fish

    Salting trout at home starts with a selection of fresh or frozen fish. There is not much difference, but salted fish cooked from fresh frozen ends up being more tender. When choosing fish, you need to make sure of its proper quality. Fresh trout does not have a very pronounced odor. The flesh of fresh fish is quite elastic - when pressed, its shape is quickly restored, the skin should shine and be smooth, and the eyes should be transparent. Better to opt for a larger fish. Young trout (up to 5 kg in weight) have not yet had time to work up a lot of fat, their meat is not so tender and tasty.

    How to cut trout

    Before milling (cutting) a fish carcass, rinse it with cool water and wipe it with a napkin. First, the head with gills is cut off, then the fish is cut along the ridge into two halves, from which the bones of the spine and ribs are carefully removed. You can cut off a too fat belly and weld a wonderful ear on it, on the ridge and head.

    Red fish can be salted different ways: dry (cover the fish with salt) and wet (soak it in a salt solution). Salting trout at home dry is much easier and requires very little effort. It is almost impossible to oversalt the trout - the fish absorbs the required amount of salt in any case. Therefore, it is better to salt more than less. An important point- dishes in which the fish will be salted. It should be either enameled metal or plastic.

    Salting trout at home (recipe)

    This is the most popular and easiest way. Prepared fillet with skin should be sprinkled with salt (about 4 tablespoons per 1 kg of fish). Some people advise covering the whole fillet with salt. Then fold the two fish halves together (skin facing out), wrap in a clean cotton cloth, put in a convenient dish and close tightly with a lid. Keep the fish salted in this way in the refrigerator for 12-14 hours, then wipe off excess salt (do not rinse). Delicious fish ready!

    Delicious red fish is a welcome guest on any table for a festive occasion or without. Useful properties make it popular not only as a delicacy, but also as a source of irreplaceable substances for the body.

    To have fish on hand, they resort to salting. This is not difficult to do at home, following the recommendations: how to salt trout.


    • Popular classics.
    • Accelerated salting.
    • For those who love more tenderly.
    • Brine fish.
    • After freezing.
    • In Kamchatka.
    • Spicy.
    • Salted caviar.

    The choice of technique may depend on the plans: how much to salt the trout. There are ways that require a certain amount of time, there are express options.

    Popular classics

    To cook properly, you should read the recipe. Step by step description the classics are as follows:

    1. Cutting the carcass into loins:
    • The trout is thoroughly washed.
    • The fin parts, head, tail are cut off.
    • The fish is freed from the scales.
    • The part under the peritoneum is removed.
    • An incision is made in half, the bones of the spine and ribs are removed.

    2. Mixing salting components: 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar and salt per 1 kg of trout.

    3. Salting:

      • Excess moisture is removed from the fillet.
      • The bottom of the container is covered with a mixture of pickling components, on which one sirloin is laid out with the sandpaper to the bottom.
      • Put peppercorns and bay leaves on top. For 1 kg of raw materials - 6 peas, 2 leaves.
    • Next, the second sirloin is placed with the skin to the top, sprinkled on all sides with a mixture for salting

    4. The container with trout is covered, oppression is set for a couple of hours in order to salt in the resulting juice.

    5. After 120 minutes, the load is removed, the trout is closed hermetically, sent to the refrigerator for 48 hours.

    6. At the end of this period, you need to get the fish, drain the resulting brine from it, remove excess pickling components, wipe the fillet, and you're done.

    Tip: for salting, it is better to choose containers made of plastic or enamel. Pure metal will not work, metal can spoil the taste of the fish.

    Accelerated salting

    The basic components of such accelerated salting are very similar to the classical method, there are some differences that allow you to salt faster. There are 2 options for quick salting of trout:

    Delicate slightly salted version

    Lightly salted trout also has two common cooking options that are quick:

      1. Salt with the addition of vodka. Portion slices of rainbow trout fillet are sprinkled with a mixture of salt, dill and granulated sugar (to taste), poured with a small amount of vodka. The container is closed, the load is set for 60–120 minutes. Then the oppression is removed, the fish is sent to the refrigerator. Six hours later, a delicacy for gourmets and not only for them will be ready.
    1. Lemon trout. Large pieces trout are placed in a plastic container, on top of which are thinly cut slices of half a lemon. Salt and pepper are added, the main thing is not to overdo it. Everything is mixed, covered with a lid and put into the refrigerator overnight.

    Brine fish

    There are varieties of cooking brine fish. But one of the best is trout in brine with cognac. To do this, a solution of salt in cognac is made (for 250 g of fish - 1 tbsp. A spoonful of brandy + 1.5 tsp. Of salt). Uncut fish is rubbed with coriander and sugar (0.5 tsp + a pinch of spices) and put in brine for three days. To salt, it must be periodically turned over for uniformity of impregnation. Only at the end of the process is the removal of fish skin and bones.

    After freezing

    Some home cooks prefer to salt fish not only fresh. If it is pre-frozen, then after salting the meat will be more tender. The main thing is that they do not try to freeze it twice. Brown spots on the product are a sign of repeated freezing, and this is generally unacceptable. The defrosting process should take place in stages: at the bottom of the refrigerator, later on the kitchen table, without sudden exposure to water or microwave oven... Only after that is it worth salt with the chosen method.



    River fish can be successfully cooked using the spicy salting method. To do this, salt the whole trout sequentially as follows:

      1. Cut the prepared fish longitudinally along the back and from the belly to the tail.
      1. Make a batch of spices. Cloves, different types grind lightly pepper, add ginger root cut into slices, bay leaf broken in pieces. Mix all this thoroughly with granulated sugar and salt (1 tablespoon: 5.5 tablespoons for 7 carcasses).
      2. Smear each carcass from all sides with a mixture and pour it into the incisions.
      3. Fold to the bottom of a deep container, placing the carcasses one above the other.
      4. Cover the container with a plate and put under a press for a day.
      5. At night - in the refrigerator.
    1. It's worth trying for readiness by lunch the next day. It all depends on the cooling capacity and the size of the carcasses.

    Caviar product

    Trout caviar is a delicacy dish that is easy to cook on your own. Salting trout caviar at home is not difficult if you have quality ingredients. Salt both frozen and in fresh... The first one must first be defrosted. There are certain rules for this. According to them, defrost ½ day, keeping in the refrigerator, and after that finally at room atmosphere. When choosing a recipe to salt red caviar, you should pay attention to the fastest and most affordable:

      • The caviar is freed from the films using a whisk or a serpentine mixer nozzle at low speed and placed on the bottom of the sieve. Then it is washed with cold temperature water.
      • After that, it is gently mixed in a container with granulated sugar (25 g) and salt (50 g), leaving to soak for ten minutes.
      • With the help of gauze, the resulting brine is decanted.
    • The caviar is laid out in small glass jars with sealed lids. After placing it on the refrigerator shelf, after four hours, you can enjoy a lightly salted delicacy.

    Tip: for salting, sea trout species are recommended, which have a reddish tint of meat, since they are more fatty. If you need trout with a lower calorie content, then fish that lives in rivers is taken. She usually has white meat or a creamy shade. Salt is better to take sea or rock coarsely ground.

    Trout is tasty not only when salted, but it is also more pleasant to eat and easier to preserve in this way. Knowing how to salt trout at home, it is difficult to deny yourself the pleasure of preparing this delicacy for yourself, your loved ones and guests.

    trout salting workshop

    Master class: salting trout at home

    Who among us does not like to drink sweet tea, yes with lemon, and eat a sandwich with a red fish - fat, salty and incredibly tasty? The most delicious salted fish are trout and salmon, but they cost accordingly. A kilogram of salted fish will cost you 800 rubles, and raw fish is half the price. Therefore, it makes sense to salt the fish yourself at home. It's not difficult at all, and if you know a few tricks, you can pamper yourself with salted fish regularly.

    At cost: trout bought in a supermarket and salted at home is 3 times cheaper than purchased industrial salted trout !!!

    You will need:

    1. trout carcass - 2.5 kg;
    2. salt - 2 tbsp. spoons;
    3. sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons.

    If you have fish that is not gutted, then we will completely gut it and get rid of the head, rinse it. We sell fish already gutted and without a head - you don't have to choose.

    gutted trout

    Cut off piece by piece from the beginning and end of the fish, the fins and abdomen are the fattest part. It can also be salted, but this is for amateurs. All these "waste products" will go to great fish soup.

    cut off the extreme fattest parts

    we plaster into 2 parts

    It must also be removed by carefully cutting it off with a knife. The bones from the abdomen can be removed at this stage, but we salt with them, after the fish is ready, they can be easily removed by hand. If you don't want to wait, use tweezers and pull out all the bones.

    Those who like to gnaw bones can also salt the ridge, and then dry it and use it with beer.

    separating the ridge

    We do not remove the skin from the carcass - we will also remove it from already salted fish.

    Cooking a mixture of salt and sugar. Don't be afraid to oversalt the fish. Firstly, trout itself is quite fatty, and secondly, red fish tends to take just as much salt as it needs. That is, if the technology is not violated, then it is quite difficult to oversalt the fish.

    There are a lot of recipes for salting red fish. Someone uses salt and sugar in a 2 to 1 ratio, someone puts 1 teaspoon of sugar in general, but, in my opinion, our proportion is the best, and you can choose it individually according to your taste. You can also add pepper, bay leaf, lemon, ginger, other spices - we describe original recipe without spices, you can add them to your taste and mood.

    Rub the half-carcasses of fish with a mixture of salt and sugar.

    rub the half carcasses with a mixture of salt and sugar

    And we put the meat down in a container for salting: it can be an enamel bowl, or a glass bowl, or a plastic container. At this stage, many make a mistake - materials from the Internet only contribute to this - oppression is installed on the fish. Don't do this! This will make the fish meat tough. Oppression is absolutely unnecessary, even if the fish is not completely immersed in the brine, it will still be salted evenly.

    put the trout in a bowl

    We close the container with a transparent film, this will prevent the penetration of excess odors, and put it in the refrigerator. At a temperature of + 4 ° C, the fish is salted for 3 days. If it stays a little longer, it's not scary.

    cover with polyethylene

    After three days, we take the fish out of the refrigerator and cut it: remove the skin and bones. The skin is removed very easily - using a thin knife, we make an incision at the edge

    make an incision with a knife on the edge

    and we begin to pull the skin, helping with a knife.

    pulling the skin with a knife

    Bones can be easily removed directly by hand, or you can use tweezers.

    remove bones

    As a result, you will have two even pieces of fillet, which must be cut into thin plastics, put in jars and filled with vegetable oil.

    cut into thin plates

    At this stage, you can add spices, we usually make several different jars: one with pepper and bay leaves, one with lemon and another with onions. Store in the refrigerator for no more than a week - if you store it longer, the fish will become saltier and, in the end, may turn rancid; or you can freeze it.