Home / Bakery / What can be baked from breeze dough. Shortcrust pastry for tart

What can be baked from breeze dough. Shortcrust pastry for tart

How to cook homemade pie chopped dough? Why pate breeze or chopped dough? In my opinion, this is the most universal dough... It can be used to prepare both sweet and non-sweet cakes, tarts and quiches.

Hello friends. How often do you make homemade minced or layered dough pies? Once a week, a month, or maybe just once a year? Or maybe you even cook them only from purchased dough?

Probably not often? And why? Perhaps because of fear - what if? Suddenly the dough won't work. Suddenly it will be too tough and so on, so on ...

Well, take a deep breath, grab your tablet or laptop, and sit back. Today we will walk you through the entire process of making a great minced dough pie, from start to finish, step by step.

Forget about perfectionism.

Well, let's start. And here's your very first tip - homemade pies don't have to be perfect! Yes Yes! Forget about perfection. Of course, we really want our cake to be beautiful. and tasty. But what if the crust breaks while we transfer it to the pie, or we haven't made enough dough to make nicely shaped edges? I'll tell you a secret…. Nothing fixable happened, all this is normal. We still have the pie, which is the most important thing.

Bake more often.

Another tip is that the more often you bake the cakes, the better they will be at your disposal. It's like learning to ride a bike. It takes a lot of time to develop a skill, but when you "You will go", you will never fall. You will become a real professional, and each subsequent cake of yours will be much better than the previous one.

What to use butter or lard?

This is actually a matter of personal preference. For sweet tarts, it is best to prepare the dough in butter. But butter is more difficult to work with. If you will be cooking a savory dish, it makes sense to put it in the dough pork fat or mix it with butter. In today's recipe, I only use butter.

The dough is prepared by rubbing butter into flour. First, you mix the dry ingredients, and then drive into them on the processor butter... The butter breaks down to about the size of a pea. The smaller the pieces of butter, the more tender dough You'll get.

You need to work with the dough carefully and very quickly. All ingredients and tools must be cold. Of course, this primarily concerns butter or lard. The melted butter will be absorbed by the flour and the crust will be tough. Just more often, after each step, put the container with the dough in the refrigerator and cool the cutting board and rolling pin.

How to get the perfect golden brown crust.

There are many ways to make the top crust look irresistible. I grease it with a simple glaze made from egg yolk diluted with warm water. And it literally starts to glow after baking. Someone smears the crust several times during baking, thereby enhancing the glazed sheen. Check out this post on how to get the perfect golden crust on your pie. In it I will tell you what shade and what kind of icing to expect on your cake. It is not difficult, but very beautiful.

See also:

Recipe - how to make homemade minced dough pie (Pathé breeze).

This recipe assumes you are using your own filling recipe. If you don't have it, here are the approximate proportions of sweet fillings - For 5-6 cups of chopped fruit, 3/4 to 1 cup granulated sugar, about 3 tablespoons of cornstarch and 1 lemon juice.

Makes 2 single or double 1 (9 inch) crust


  1. 225 grams of cold butter.
  2. 60 to 120 milliliters of ice water.
  3. 430 grams of flour.
  4. 9 grams of salt
  5. Pie filling.
  6. 1 egg yolk, beaten with 1 tablespoon of warm water.

Optional equipment:

  • Food processor.
  • Peeler.
  • Measuring spoons and cups.
  • Kitchen scales.
  • Rolling pin.
  • Pie pan.
  • Confectionery brush.

Cooking method:

  • Remove the butter from the refrigerator, unfold and cut into small cubes. Refrigerate again while you prepare the dry mixture.

Prepare ice water.

  • Fill a measuring cup with about 120 milliliters cold water, put a couple of ice cubes in it and put it in the freezer.

Combine salt, sugar and flour.

  • Pour the sifted flour and salt into the bowl of a food processor. Turn on the food processor several times in pulsation mode while stirring the ingredients.

Add half the butter to the flour and stir.

  • Put half the oil in the bowl of the food processor, cover and turn on several times. Until the butter in the mixture is about the size of a pea.

Stir in ice water and remaining butter into the dough.

  • Add the remaining oil and about 60 ml of water to the bowl of the food processor. Turn on the processor in pulsation mode several times, stirring the butter into the flour.

Check if the test is ready.

  • Take a small piece of dough in the palm of your hand and squeeze it. If the dough sticks together and is a little sticky to the touch, then it's done. If it is dry and falling apart, add a little more water.

Divide the dough into 2 pieces.

  • Transfer the dough to your work surface.
  • Divide it into two equal parts, from which quickly form thick discs with your hands. Wrap them in plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.
  • You can store them in the refrigerator for up to 4 days or frozen in the freezer for about 3 months (defrost overnight in the refrigerator before use).

Roll out the bottom crust of the minced dough.

  • Take one of the discs and place it on a cutting board lightly dusted with flour.
  • Lubricate the rolling pin with flour, and rolling from the middle outward, quickly roll out with a diameter of about 30-35 centimeters. It should be slightly larger than a baking dish.
  • If cracks form along the edges of the dough, pinch them with your fingers and roll again. If the dough starts to stick to the rolling pin or work surface, use a little more flour and a pastry scraper.

Transfer the finished crust to a baking dish.

  • Wind gently ready dough on a rolling pin greased with flour. Transfer it to the mold and unwind. Let it settle under its own weight. Trim the edges, leaving them protruding 5 centimeters above the shape.
  • Use the trimmings to patch cracks or breaks in the finished juices.

Refrigerate the dough pan before further use.

  • Place the bottom crust pan in the refrigerator and cool for 30 minutes.
  • Turn on the oven and preheat it to 220 ° C.

Prepare the filling and fill the pie.

  • Prepare the filling according to the instructions in your recipe.
  • Remove the bottom crust dish from the refrigerator and, after filling it with the filling, put it back in the refrigerator.

Pate Breeze or Chopped dough- This is perhaps the most versatile dough that can be used to make almost any baked goods: biscuits, pies (sweet and savory), American-style pastries and pies. The Pate Brize is the perfect base for filling with any filling, as this dough does not include any additional flavors.

Dough Pate Breeze (Chopped Dough) Recipe

The recipe is for just enough dough for one American-style pie base (i.e. open). If you want to make a classic, closed pie, you should double the amount of ingredients.


  • 1 1/4 cups flour top grade- for dough, plus a little for rolling
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon sugar (if you are making a dough for sweet pastries- increase the amount of sugar to 1 1/2 teaspoons)
  • 8 tablespoons (about 115-120 g) very cold butter, cut into small cubes
  • 3-4 tablespoons (about 40-60 ml) ice water


1. While you are contemplating how much dough you need for your baking, cut the butter into small cubes and put it in the refrigerator. The colder the butter is, the more flaky the dough will be. Chill the butter for at least 30 minutes, preferably 1 hour or overnight (I always keep diced butter in the fridge for the batter).

2. Place flour, salt and sugar in the bowl of a food processor and stir well. Add half the chopped butter, select the lowest speed or pulse setting on the food processor and stir gently (about 6-8 pulses). Then add the remaining half of the butter and stir the dough again (about 6-8 or more pulses). As a result, you should have a mixture with lumps no larger than a pea.

3. Add a couple of tablespoons of ice water (no ice!) And stir the dough a little again. Then continue to stir the dough (at the slowest speed or pulse), gradually adding a tablespoon of ice water until the dough starts to come together. Try to squeeze the lumps of dough - if they do not crumble and stick together - the dough is ready, if not, add a little water and stir again. Try to add as little water as possible. A large number of water can cause the dough to harden during baking.

4. Place the dough from the bowl of the food processor on a clean, flat surface. If you want the dough to come out more flaky, you can use the base of your hand to lightly knead the dough on the countertop, then collect it into a lump, and knead again. This is a French technique called "fraisage". Repeat these steps several times (4-6 will be enough) and your dough will be more flaky.

After that, form a lump of the dough, but do not use any effort: if you stir the dough too much, it will become tough when baking. The dough should be grainy, you should see small lumps of butter: it will melt when baked and separate the layers of the dough from each other, making it flaky.

Sprinkle flour on both sides of the dough, wrap in cling film and refrigerate for at least 1 hour. You can freeze ready-made dough (it can be stored for several months) - defrost it before use by transferring it from the freezer to the refrigerator overnight.

5. Before using, remove the dough from the refrigerator and let it sit for 5-10 minutes on a clean smooth surface sprinkled with flour. Then use a rolling pin to roll out the dough.

Pate Brize or Chopped dough.

Breeze (Pate Brisee) - the most versatile dough, it is used for both sweet and savory tarts, quiches, as well as American-style pies. Breeze is a very flaky, tender and delicate dough, and since there are no additional flavors in it, it is an excellent "second plan" for any filling.

For one open pie or a tart with a diameter of 20-22 cm

185 grams (320 ml or 1 1/3 cups) cake flour
or premium flour

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon sugar

115 grams of very cold butter
cut into small cubes

40-60 ml (2 1/2 -4 tablespoons) ice water
plus up to 20 ml ice water if needed

2 teaspoons lemon juice or apple cider
vinegar (optional)

For one closed cake with a diameter of 20-22 cm
320 grams (540 ml or 2 1/4 cups) cake flour or premium flour

3/4 teaspoon salt

3/4 teaspoon sugar

200 grams of very cold butter, cut into small cubes

75-100 ml (5-7 tablespoons) ice water, plus up to 20 ml ice water if needed

2 teaspoons lemon juice or apple cider vinegar (optional)

Get everything you need ready. Measure and refrigerate ingredients, free the surface on which you will work.

Method 1: Prepare the dough using a kitchen knife or a pastry blander.

Sift the flour, salt and sugar up onto a large board. Add diced butter. Chop the flour and butter with a kitchen knife or a special dough knife (it has up to 5 blades, which greatly speeds up the process) until the pieces of butter are the size of half a pea or lentil and there are no large fragments of butter left.

Make a hole in the center of the flour and start pouring in ice water. Pour in a tablespoon and stir gently, do not wrinkle too much (it is very convenient to knead Breeze, helping with a scraper or knife), work quickly. Watch the consistency of the dough, as soon as it starts to hold its shape and gather into a lump, if you squeeze it with your hand, stop adding water (the exact amount of water to add to the dough is your experience, remember that the dough should not be too soft, sticky and should not be too dry, falling apart).

Gather the dough into a ball, if necessary, divide it into parts (if you are preparing a portion of dough for closed pie, divide by 2/3 and 1/3), form a ball, flatten it slightly with your palm, wrap it in plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes, preferably 2-3 hours.

Method 2: preparation of the dough using a mixer, food processor or blender (If you are using a mixer or food processor, install the nozzle - a spatula, if a blender, then a knife, respectively).

Add lemon juice to the water or Apple vinegar and place in the freezer for 15 minutes.

Sift flour, salt and sugar into the bowl of a food processor or blender. Add the sliced ​​butter. Turn the food processor / mixer / blender to the slowest speed or pulse mode. As soon as the pieces of butter are the right size (about 3 mm), start adding the liquid (water or an egg with water) in a tablespoon. Stop the appliance as soon as the dough starts to gather together. Gather the dough with your hands into a lump, if necessary, divide it into parts (if you are preparing a portion of the dough for a closed pie, divide by 2/3 and 1/3), form a ball, slightly flatten it with your palm, wrap it in cling film and refrigerate at least for 30 minutes, preferably for 2-3 hours.

If you “feel” the dough well, you can cook it simply with your hands, without unnecessary tools. Work quickly, grinding the butter and flour to the desired consistency, then add liquid, etc.

The dough can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 7 days and in the freezer for up to 3 months.

Breeze (Pate Brisee) and basic shortcrust pastry (pâte à foncer) - universal types shortcrust pastry, from which a wide variety of pastries (both sweet and savory) are made. Breeze contains more oil in its composition, it is more fragile and crumbly. But if the tart or quiche needs to be made in advance, it is better to choose a basic shortbread dough. There are two ways to prepare such a dough: with cold butter (chopped with flour) or with slightly softened butter (kneaded with your fingers and then mixed with flour). I posted a recipe for cold shortcrust pastry. Although this method is lengthy, it is he who allows you to roll out the dough up to 1 mm thick. If the recipe requires a thickness of 3-5 mm, then you can prepare the dough as described below. Michel Roux recipe and technology.

Basic shortbread dough recipe.
INGREDIENTS for breeze dough (Pate Brisee):
250 g flour
150 g butter, cut into cubes and soften slightly
1 tsp fine salt
1 tsp sugar
1 egg
1 tablespoon cold milk
1. Sift flour with a slide onto a board.
2. Make a well in the center, put salt, sugar, butter and an egg there.

3. Rub everything together with your fingertips.

4. Gradually add flour until crumb is obtained.

5. Add milk, mix quickly until a lump is obtained.

6. In 4-5 receptions, quickly, crush the dough with movements from you. Let's roll it into a ball. We wrap it in foil, put it in the refrigerator for at least an hour. Breeze dough is stored in an airtight container for a week in the refrigerator or three months in the freezer.

Good afternoon, dear hostesses. To date, baking masters, including those of France, the "queen of desserts", have identified three recipes for making tender shortbread dough. Which shortcrust pastry recipe is better - Breeze, Sucre and Sable? Let's try it!

Breeze from French means - broken dough, which largely reflects its structure, which is divided into small, thin leaves. This happens because small pieces of butter interfere with the flour, and when baked, they begin to melt.

Thus, this process allows the steam to be released and the baked goods to be stratified. In the dough itself, small, almost imperceptible voids remain.

The traditional recipe for shortcrust pastry Breeze suggests using three main ingredients - oil, flour and water. Of course, as with any other option, sugar and salt are added.

The proportions are quite simple and the final result depends on them - 3: 2: 1.

There are other variations of cooking, when an egg is added, but in this case the kneading comes out less delicate and, frankly, spoils its French origin.

To make the Pate Brize, you will need 3: 2: 1 flour, cold butter, ice water. You also need sugar, salt and a spoonful of lemon juice. The cooking process is simple if you know the proportions.

  • First, you need to connect the water to lemon juice and put in the freezer for 15 minutes.
  • Secondly, sift the flour, add sugar and salt. Pour all loose ingredients on the table in a slide. Chop cold butter small cube and add to the rest of the components. Then, chop the flour and butter until the pieces of butter are tiny.
  • Thirdly, make a hole in the center and add water and juice from the freezer there. After that, form a lump out of it, wrap it in plastic wrap and put it in the cold for half an hour.

Recipe for shortcrust pastry Pate Sucre or sweet pastry

To prepare the second option, namely sweet, you will need large quantity Sahara. Also, the French distinguish two cooking methods:

  • The first is the identity of the recipe with Breeze, but only with an increase in the proportion of sugar. Second - all the ingredients are beaten and eggs are added.
  • The second method is more common among pastry chefs, so we will introduce you to it.

To make Sucre, you will need 250 grams of room temperature butter, 125 grams of powdered sugar, and 3 large eggs, also at room temperature.

In this option, a prerequisite for a successful result is the temperature regime. You will also need 05, kg wheat flour, salt and baking powder.

  • First, sift the flour with salt and baking powder.
  • Secondly, put the butter in the mixer bowl and add the powdered sugar, mix. After that, you need to increase the speed and beat the butter and powder until fluffy, creamy. Decrease the speed to introduce eggs.
  • Thirdly, place the bulk ingredients in the bowl and continue kneading the dough at a slow speed.
  • Fourthly, everything needs to be collected in a lump, wrapped in foil and put in the cold for half an hour.

Recipe for shortcrust pastry Pathé Sable or brittle dough

The last option from the French pastry chefs is the Pathé Sable. The kneading is soft, brittle and very crumbly. An important rule is the temperature regime, each ingredient should be at room temperature.

Therefore, cooks, before starting to prepare the dough, put the ingredients out of the refrigerator in an hour.

Another secret is that the mass must be well cooled before rolling!

It is worth noting that the Saber test is not easy to work with. It often breaks, crumbles, heats up very quickly and thereby sticks to hands and surfaces.

To make Sablé, you will need 150 grams of butter, 90 grams of powdered sugar, salt, 2 yolks and 250 grams of flour.

  • First, the flour must be sieved with icing sugar and salt. Put all this on the board. Make a depression in the center and put butter (at room temperature, pre-cut into small pieces) in it. Then add the yolks and mix well.
  • Secondly, gradually add flour to the mass. The mixture will begin to clump. You need to make several movements with the base of your palm, as if rubbing the dough on the table and collecting it back.
  • Thirdly, the batch must be divided into the required number of pieces into lumps, flattened and put in a cold place for one hour.

Classic shortbread dough recipe video

Read - a voluminous article with all kinds of strudel.

Happy baking everyone!