Home / Buns / Cooking sausage at home. Homemade sausage - lick your fingers

Cooking sausage at home. Homemade sausage - lick your fingers

When I was little, for significant holidays, my grandmother in the village used to heat up a wood-burning stove and cook homemade pork sausage. Pigs in household were always grown, and the sausage was very often - tasty, aromatic. Excellent homemade meat appetizer.

At one time, the hardest part of making homemade sausage was finding the casing. However, now it is sold canned or frozen in large supermarkets. In addition, you can negotiate with the merchants at the local bazaar, they will gladly bring you what you need for your money.

Gathered to cook sausage for grandma's recipe... There was a time when status was measured by the presence of sausage on the table. But, as it turned out, happiness lies not in the sausage, but in its quality. And homemade sausage is quality! Natural shell, natural pork meat and, spices and inspiration, it's natural too.

In the Bulgarian villages, a delicious homemade sausage is prepared - "nadinitsa", a hand-made fried sausage in which minced meat is mixed with traditional Bulgarian spices - fenugreek.

A similar Georgian sausage - kupaty, is prepared from small intestines stuffed with minced pork and beef, with the addition of finely chopped onions, garlic, pomegranate seeds, salt, pepper and suneli hops. Kupaty is fried on coals in a whole shell. Homemade sausage it is prepared wherever pigs, cows, sheep and even chickens are bred. If there is meat on the farm, then the owners are preparing the sausage, and if there is poultry meat, it turns out delicious. By and large, a simple technology - a shell of cleansed intestines, chopped meat with spices and heat treatment.

The homemade sausage you were looking for!

Ingredients (3 kg sausage)

  • Pork (neck, shoulder blade, back) 2-2.5 kg
  • Spinal fat 500-700 g
  • Garlic 1 head
  • Pork small intestines 5 m
  • Cognac or brandy optional
  • Salt, ground black pepper, dry herbs (basil, thyme, oregano), ground coriander taste
  1. You need to understand that homemade sausage is very satisfying and tasty dish... The sausage is well stored, especially if the ready-made sausage cooked at home is placed in a ceramic pot and filled with melted lard.
  2. In any case, the sausage for the holiday should be prepared the day before, and the final heat treatment should be performed immediately before the feast. Then the sausage will be the most delicious. Although, I have not yet seen a person who will refuse a sandwich with cold sausage or warmed up.

    Sausage spices: salt, oregano, thyme, pepper, basil, coriander

  3. Pork small intestines, no matter where you bought them, must be thawed in the air and rinsed very thoroughly. Turn the intestines inside out and rinse again. It will not be superfluous to scrape out the intestines with the back of the knife, remove mucus from the intestines.

    Pork small intestines - natural shell

  4. Pork can be used from any part of the carcass. Considering that the sausage is made with the addition of lard, the fat content of the meat does not matter. Neck, shoulder blade, back part are perfect. Thoroughly clean the meat of bones and cartilage - they should not be allowed to enter the product.

    Pork meat can be used from any part of the carcass: neck, shoulder blade, back

  5. Homemade sausage, in principle, can be prepared from minced meat minced with a meat grinder. But my grandmother always cut meat and bacon with a knife. The size of the slices is like a medium-sized cherry. This, of course, is a somewhat laborious process, but in this case the sausage turns out to be especially tasty.

    Lard, preferably not salted and not frozen

  6. Spine fat, preferably not salted and not frozen, free from the skin. Cut off a piece of lard weighing about 100 g and set aside for now. Cut the remaining bacon into slices half as small as the meat. The ratio of meat to lard should be about 1: 6 - this is very approximate. It is worth considering that if pork is used with large quantity fat, it is worth reducing the amount of added fat.

    Chop meat and lard

  7. In a large bowl, combine chopped meat and lard. Salt and pepper - you can even a little more than it's worth. Add dry aromatic herbs: basil, oregano and thyme. Add ground coriander to taste. Stir the meat very thoroughly so that all the spices are evenly distributed. By the way, Bay leaf I am not adding.

    In a large bowl, combine chopped meat and lard

  8. Peel the head of garlic and chop the cloves very finely with a knife, as small as possible. You can use a kitchen appliance to chop the garlic or a grater, but in this case there will be a lot of garlic juice, I don't like that. Add chopped garlic to minced meat and stir. Next, I add to the minced meat a little good brandy- 2-5 tbsp. l. This is optional. Try it, but you don't need to add a surrogate or bad-smelling alcohol, this will affect both the aroma of the homemade sausage and the taste. If you are not sure, it is better to skip this point. At the very end, you need to mix the minced meat very thoroughly.

    Add spices and garlic to the meat

  9. Then comes the turn of the most important process - the sausage starts. The prepared casing will start with minced meat.

    Minced meat ready for filling

  10. If in the home auger meat grinder there is a special nozzle for the filling - in the form of a plastic tube, the process is greatly simplified. Everything is simple there. The cruciform knife and grate are removed from the meat grinder, and a nozzle is inserted instead. The intestine-shell is pulled over the nozzle, and the tip of the intestine is tied on a knot or tied with cotton thread. It is important that the thread should be free of synthetic fibers, they will instantly burn when frying.
  11. Minced meat is started in a meat grinder, as in cooking. The casing fills automatically and shrinks as it fills from the nozzle.

    Casing on a special nozzle, ready for filling

  12. Attention: do not fill very tightly. When squeezed, the casing should be easily pressed. If the shell is tightly filled, it is guaranteed to burst when boiling or frying.

    Stuff the shell with minced meat

  13. Make sure that there are no holes in the shell. If you find a hole, it is imperative to cut the shell in this place and tie it with a thread. The end result is not a whole long sausage, but two or more sausages that can be linked together in a chain.

    Stuffed sausage with tied ends

  14. This completes the preliminary stage of cooking. Homemade sausage is filled with minced meat and must be refrigerated overnight. Minced meat should mature for at least 4-5 hours.

    Tie the sausage with thread and refrigerate

  15. Immediately before boiling, it is necessary to carefully inspect the casing again, to identify and bandage tears and noticeable holes. After that, it is worth rolling the sausages into spirals (rings) and tying them with cotton thread. So it is more convenient to cook and fry the sausage.
  16. Further, an important point: the sausage casing must be pierced in many places. It is convenient to do this with a toothpick or a large needle. Prick the casing on both sides with an interval of 4-5 cm. If voids filled with air are visible under the casing, they must be pierced. Remember in Hasek - Baloun could not drive away from himself that unforgettable vivid picture of how he pierced the "tlachenka" so that air would come out of it: otherwise it would burst during cooking.

    The sausage casing must be pierced in many places.

  17. In enough a large pot, a frying pan or cauldron pour 15 cm of water. Put a sausage ring in a saucepan so that it is immersed in water and bring the water to a boil. Cook from the beginning of boiling water - 4-5 minutes. If everything is done correctly, the sausage will not burst.

    Boil the sausage from the beginning of boiling water - 4-5 minutes

  18. Cook all the sausages prepared the day before in turn. After cooking, remove the sausages from the boiling water, put them on plates and let cool.

    After cooking, remove the sausages from the boiling water, put them on plates and let cool.

  19. The lard set aside the day before, those same 100 grams, must be cut into cubes and melted in a frying pan until the state of dry cracklings. Eat greaves immediately! Drain the fat into a ceramic dish and cool to room temperature.

If you have never cooked sausage at home, Elena Skripko's book "World Sausage" will simply force you to buy suitable meat and sausage casing and get down to business: the process of making homemade sausage is described so simply and easily. Photos simply do not let go of themselves! Today we will tell you how to make pork sausage according to an old Ukrainian recipe with garlic and prunes.

Old Ukrainian recipe homemade sausage is absolutely simple. It does not include complex and unfamiliar ingredients, everything is clear here, and most importantly, it is close to us. By the way, Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol was very well versed in the intricacies Ukrainian cuisine, and this famous Ukrainian sausage, which will be discussed, is present in almost every of his works.

For 8-10 servings:

  • pork (lean) 2 kg
  • lard or pork belly 500 g
  • garlic 2 heads
  • bay leaf 3 pcs.
  • salt 25 g
  • pork belly (caliber 38/40)

Sausage casing can be any - collagen, natural or polyamide. For homemade sausages, it is still more convenient to use a natural casing - a casings. The easiest way to order a salted worm is in online stores - it is already peeled, and there is no hassle with it. The only thing you need is to soak it for 20 minutes in warm water and rinse it from the outside and inside of the salt.

If the recipe does not specify the caliber of the caliber, then you can take any. Whether your sausage is thicker or thinner is up to you. You can stuff the casing manually, through a meat grinder using a sausage or sausage attachment

  1. Pour black pepper into a mortar, break a bay leaf with your hands. Add garlic, peeled and diced. Add salt. Pound everything in a mortar until gruel. (Of course, you can grind everything in a blender, which will be more convenient, but if you want to get the taste of real Ukrainian grilled sausage then use a mortar.)

  1. Cut the pork into 1 x 1 cm cubes. This is a very important point. The meat must be chopped by hand. Add 1 x 1 cm diced bacon or underwings. If you have fatty pork, then no additional lard should be added, and this step can be omitted.

The knife should be sharp, and the meat and lard should be cold. Cold - important condition... Fat should not melt, even if it is simply heated by hand. The fats melted during the grinding process will subsequently prevent the minced meat from absorbing liquid, which must be added to it. And liquid is necessary for juiciness.

  1. Rinse and soak the pork belly in warm water for 20 minutes.

  1. Add the prepared garlic dressing to the meat.
  2. Stir the meat well with salt and spices for 5-10 minutes. The minced meat should thicken.

The better the minced meat is mixed, the better the sausage you get. The minced meat is kneaded by hand, in a blender or in a cutter. As a result of active kneading, the minced meat absorbs all the liquid and becomes more juicy. Well-mixed minced meat stretches with strings.

  1. Stuff the minced meat into the womb, forming rings for 2-3 turns. Tie the rings with twine crosswise, passing the twine through each ring.

  1. Place the sausage on a baking sheet. Bake in the oven without pre-blanching for 25-40 minutes at 150 ° C. Pierce the casing in several places so that the fat evenly saturates the entire surface of the sausage.

In Ukrainian villages, such sausage is still stored in jars, filled with lard. If you decide to cook such a sausage for future use, then keep it in the oven for a little longer - a little over an hour. This is necessary in order to evaporate all moisture and exclude the possibility of bacterial spoilage.

The duet of pork and prunes is always a fireworks of taste. The sweet and sour plum permeates the meat and gives it a unique flavor. But that's not all. Everyone knows that meat dishes, especially fatty ones, are quite high in calories. Any nutritionist will tell you: to reduce them energy value and at the same time improve absorption, it is best to combine meat with plant-based non-starchy foods, for example, stew or bake with vegetables or fruits. Thus, meat with prunes is not only tasty, but also healthy, since these two products perfectly complement each other.

For 6-7 servings:

  • pork (fat) 1.5 kg
  • 1 head garlic
  • pitted prunes 150 g
  • dried cranberries 70 g
  • ground black pepper 1 1/2 tsp
  • cold water ⅔ glass
  • dried basil 2 tbsp spoons
  • 1 1/2 tsp salt
  • pork belly

For the preparation of sausage with prunes, you can use any meat - pork, beef, lamb. Choose prunes sour with a rich aroma. Smoky prunes will also work well with pork. You can add other dried fruits, for example, like mine - cranberries.

  1. Wash prunes and cranberries. Cut the prunes into small pieces.
  2. Cut the pork into 1.5 x 1.5 cm cubes.
  3. Combine prepared meat and dried fruits in a deep bowl.

  1. Stuff the mincemeat, scrolling the sausages every 10-15 cm. Stuff the groove loosely, otherwise the prunes swollen during the cooking process may tear it.

  1. Gently pierce the sausage with a needle, place on a baking sheet and bake in the oven for 30 minutes on one side at 160-180 ° C. Then gently turn over and bake for another 25 minutes.

When you don't want to cook, if you need to have a quick bite to eat or make slices on the table for guests - of course, sausage will help out. Favorite meat product. She is a theme for folklore, anecdotes, songs. Let us recall at least the famous "Two pieces of sausage ...", which reflected the entire Russian reality of the dashing 90s.

Sausage is an international product, each nation has its own cooking traditions, all are good in their own way. Unites culinary specialties only one ingredient is minced meat. But what it is made of - horse meat, pork, beef or chicken, it's a matter of taste.

The semi-finished product was originally conceived as a way to preserve the freshness of meat. Meat in the heat spoils quickly, even in antiquity, during military campaigns, and it was thought up to dry or cook in another way, so that the warriors could eat for a long time.

In the Caucasus, Central Asia, even today, whole meat cuts in the form of basturma and kazy are canned. Finns bake their sausages on hot sauna stoves. Refined Frenchmen add cognac, apples, tripe to meat sticks.

Today, making sausage is not a way to preserve fillets. This is a whole world of flavors, culinary pursuits and delicacies. Sausage is boiled, fried, smoked, dried, whatever they do, in order to please lovers.

For some reason, it is customary for Russian housewives to buy sausage in a store. But today this is not the best quality product. Nutritionists are sounding the alarm, but it is impossible to refuse a couple of pieces with a loaf. At home, you can make a natural, healthy and delicious sausage... Many are afraid of difficulties, they say, messing around for a long time. In fact, there is an extremely simple recipes that will surprise even gourmets.

Here are some tips on how to make homemade sausage. For these purposes, any minced meat is suitable. If you want - twist, you want - chop the tenderloin. Those who love chunks can prepare a semblance of Ukrainian sausages - a mixture of meat with small cubes of bacon. When frying, they are melted and juiced.

Offal is a separate sausage topic. Livernaya is a very popular variety in Russia. It is even easier to make such a sausage at home. And quite economically.

Cereals are often added to homemade sausages. For example, buckwheat. It turns out satisfying, interesting in taste and not at all expensive.

Any sausage needs a shell, otherwise we will give it a shape. Ideally - natural, that is, the intestines of the animal. If you don't have one at hand, we take cling film or foil.

Preparing the gut is really troublesome. The size is needed at least a meter. We wash, clean, soak for at least 12 hours, scrape to bring it to perfect cleanliness. An unpleasant procedure, but the product is natural!

Doctor's sausage at home

  • Beef pulp
  • Lean pork pulp
  • A glass of milk
  • Pinch of sugar
  • Cardamom, salt and black pepper

We pass the prepared meat several times through a meat grinder. This is necessary so that the minced meat is perfectly chopped. Pour in all the spices at once.

We dilute with milk, knead, driving in an egg. And again, grind the entire composition with a blender until a viscous mass. Minced meat turns out to be pale, not very appetizing. A few drops of cognac or vodka will help make it brighter. We put the mass in the refrigerator to cool.

We use the shell that is in the house. If you managed to find a natural one, we fill it. We tie one edge to the funnel, the other we tie tightly so that the minced meat does not fall out. And through a funnel, in small portions, we introduce the meat mass into the intestine until it is completely filled. Or take a meat grinder with a special attachment for filling the shell.

Easier, of course, is to take a roasting sleeve and stuff it.

The "Doctor's" stick remains to be boiled. We take a large saucepan. But cooks do not recommend bringing water to a boil. Cook "doctor's" sausage at home for about an hour in a gentle mode.

We take out and in cold water... After that, the sausage should cool in the refrigerator.

Raw smoked sausage at home

An expensive treat to eat every day. Smoked sausages at home will be cheaper. In addition, only a true craftswoman will be able to make a truly high-quality dish.


  • Kilogram of beef or veal
  • Kilogram of pork
  • 4 onions
  • Spoon of nitrite salt
  • A few cloves of garlic
  • Natural casing (cleaned intestines)


V common mince twist the meat onion... We crush the garlic here. Nitrite salt is needed for more long-term storage our sausages. During the day, the minced meat is soaked in a cold place.

It remains to fill the intestines with a mixture in the form of dense sausages. And place in a smokehouse. Processed smoked sausage cold smoking method, this allows it to retain all the nutrients.

The process itself is long, in several stages. But the result is worth it.

Dried sausage at home

Required Ingredients:

  • 500 grams of beef
  • Pork with fat - 1.5 kilograms
  • Lard - 700 grams
  • Salt and sugar (a little more second)
  • Provencal herbs, ground nutmeg, coriander, pepper
  • Cognac - 70 grams

Cooking method:

If you think this is difficult, you are not mistaken. Even experienced chefs follow the recipe. First, we "bring to mind" all the spices, rubbing in a mortar. We rub clean dried meat with spices, salt, pour it with a noble alcoholic drink and send it to marinate for the whole day.

Grind the soaked pieces in a large meat grinder. Lard, pre-salted, manually cut into small pieces. These are the familiar pieces of bacon in a sausage stick.

We stuff the intestine with our minced meat. Several sausage rolls should come out of the indicated amount of products. In several places, you need to make inconspicuous holes so that excess air comes out from under the film. In this form dry-cured sausage dries up for 5 days, in a dry place at room temperature.

How to make chicken sausage at home

  • Kilogram of chicken fillet
  • Lard - 300 grams
  • Pork intestines - about 3 meters
  • A glass of cream
  • Salt, garlic, pepper, bay leaf

For sausages, parts of the carcass are suitable, where there is a lot of meat - thighs, fillets, chicken legs.

You can chop the pulp, as you like, into cubes or chop it in a meat grinder. Twisted bacon will give dryish chicken meat juiciness.

We combine all spices, crushed lavrushka and cream into our meat mass. Knead until a single consistency. The mixture should be infused in the cold.

The minced chicken is a little thin in appearance. If it turns out to be dense, then you can always dilute it with milk or broth.

We stuff the shell by hand or in a meat grinder with a nozzle. Pierce in several places to cook the sausages better. Cook for 20 minutes, no more. And to make the meat more aromatic, fry until golden brown.

Homemade chicken sausage with gelatin recipe

Easier to make than pork sausage. Actually, there are two main ingredients in the composition - chicken fillet and gelatin. The rest is at your discretion. Usually pepper, salt, garlic are added.

The very process of creating a delicacy is interesting. Rub the grains of gelatin, 40 grams, into the fillet cut into pieces. All this, of course, is in seasonings. Leave to soak and let the gelatin swell.

This time we take cling film and form the made minced meat in it, twisting it. Cook chicken sausage in this form at home for a little over an hour. And then we leave to cool until the gelatin becomes dense. Such an appetizer is more original than jellied meat and brawn!

How to make homemade sausage without guts

Pork intestines are easy to replace cling film, foil or baking sleeve. And it is much easier to make sticks and karalki in an artificial shell.

What we need:

  • Pork and chicken fillets, 1.5 kg
  • Lard - 250 g
  • 4 eggs
  • Salt and starch
  • Garlic, spices

To the twisted minced meat from meat products, add all the other ingredients in turn. Eggs hold our piece together. Starch serves the same function.

On a piece of foil, put all the minced meat in an oblong shape. Close tightly on all sides. Homemade sausage without guts will cook in the oven for about an hour. It can be served in an original way by cutting it like a roll into circles. And by the way, they freeze perfectly.

Hepatic sausage at home

Liver sausage is also called liver sausage. And you can diversify its composition with anything - spices, cereals, vegetables.

What you need:

  • 500 grams of the liver you love
  • 300 grams of lard
  • 100 grams of milk
  • 3 onions
  • 3 eggs
  • A pinch of semolina

How to cook sausage:

We cut part of the fat, as pieces of bacon, the rest - we twist together with the liver.

Saute the onion and put the aromatic additive in the minced meat.

Mix the rest of the ingredients in a common bowl and combine with the liver blank.

We stuff the mixture with white splashes into the guts and bake the already formed sausages. The cooking time for liver sausage at home is less than with meat - about 40 minutes.

Agree, any of the recipes is a table decoration. And there is no need to puzzle over how to surprise the guests. Time, of course, spend, but the status of a skillful housewife is guaranteed to you.

We used to think that sausage is, to put it mildly, not too much useful product... However, this prejudice is due to unscrupulous manufacturers, whose sausages are mainly composed of soy, preservatives and synthetic additives for taste and smell. At the same time, high-quality, tasty and healthy sausage from natural meat you can do it yourself at home.

In this article, you will find several recipes that will allow you to make delicious homemade sausage. Whatever recipe you choose, you need to follow these tips:

  • It is worthwhile to take a responsible approach to the choice of meat: the taste of your sausage will depend on its freshness and quality.
  • The more fat, the juicier your sausage will be. Even while making beef sausage it is worth adding a little pork and lard.
  • The best sausages come from the neck pulp.
  • The sausages should be pierced with a thin needle every 5 cm so that they do not burst during cooking.
  • It is better to use freshly ground spices - they will give the dish a unique taste and aroma.

Why is it better to cook the sausage yourself?

First of all, the quality of the sausage sold in stores is highly questionable. In pursuit of more profit, manufacturers replace high-quality fresh meat with cheaper ones, and also dilute it with soy. In addition, artificial preservatives, colors and flavor adjusters added to make the sausage last longer, and to look and taste like real meat, negatively affect the functioning of the digestive system.

It is also worth bearing in mind the prices. Sausage in stores, despite the fact that it is not very high quality, is also quite expensive. At home, you can not only be confident in the quality of all the ingredients, but also make sausage much cheaper.

Finally, the very process of culinary creativity cannot but rejoice. Cooking your own sausage is an opportunity to give it exactly the taste and aroma that you like. Or maybe you can come up with a unique signature recipe.

The recipe for Ukrainian homemade pork sausage in the gut

The taste of Ukrainian sausage is familiar to many of us from childhood, but now find quality product in stores it can be difficult. Therefore, it is worth trying to make Ukrainian sausage at home with your own hands, following step by step instructions... For manufacturing you will need:

  • 700 g pork
  • 150 g lard
  • 700 g intestine
  • two onions
  • three cloves of garlic
  • 50 g brandy
  • salt, bay leaf, nutmeg and cumin to taste

How to make sausage:

  1. First, flush your colon thoroughly. Cleanse them of all unnecessary things. Make a water solution by adding a spoonful of salt and a spoonful of baking soda to warm water. Put the intestines in this solution and leave them for an hour. Then flush the colon again. There should be no grease or film left on them.
  2. Gently turn the intestines inside out. This will be easy to do under running water.
  3. Put the intestines back into the salt and baking soda solution. Now you can get down to the meat filling.
  4. Take half the bacon, half the meat, and the onion. Grind it all in a meat grinder.
  5. Cut the other half of the meat and bacon by hand with a knife into small pieces.
  6. Fry all the minced meat.
  7. Chop the garlic in a crusher or with a knife. Add it to the minced meat. Also add spices to taste.
  8. Pour the cognac into the meat. Leave your minced meat for half an hour so that all the ingredients have time to mix.
  9. Now you can put the minced meat in the guts. It is best to use a funnel for this. Divide the intestines into small sections and bandage. Lay out the headlights so that it fills the entire space and there is no air inside. At the end, leave ten centimeters of the intestine without minced meat so that it is convenient to make a knot.
  10. Pierce the sausage every five centimeters to prevent it from bursting during cooking.
  11. Roll the sausage in a circle and tie it with threads.
  12. Send the sausage to the preheated oven for an hour. Turn it over several times during cooking until it is browned on both sides.

Homemade pork and beef sausage recipe

If you're looking for variety, you can make grilled sausages using a mixture of beef and pork.

Fried pork and beef sausage

The recipe is almost the same as the one you used to make pork sausage. Unless the beef needs to be washed more thoroughly, and also make sure that you add enough lard, otherwise the sausage will not be juicy and tasty enough.

What ingredients are needed:

  • 500 g of beef
  • 300 g pork
  • 300 g lard
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • Ground pepper, ginger, nutmeg
  • Salt to taste
  • Intestines

How to cook sausage:

  1. Prepare the bowels in the same way as in the previous recipe.
  2. Check the beef for bone fragments, remove them. Rinse the meat and soak for half an hour.
  3. Blot the meat with paper towels, removing excess water. Pass through a meat grinder.
  4. Mix all the spices. Pour them into the minced meat and mix everything thoroughly. Add finely chopped garlic in the same way.
  5. Remember the mince with your hands. Leave it to brew.
  6. Transfer the minced meat to the intestine. As with the previous recipe, it is important not to leave air, but also not to stretch the shell too much.
  7. Leave the sausages in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours. After that, you can fry them.

Homemade beef and pork sausage with cheese recipe

Not a single one is complete without salami festive table... In addition, this sausage can be stored for a long time even outside the refrigerator, which makes it a versatile dish that is usually taken with them on the road. Salami in cheese - tasty treat, which can also be made useful if you cook it yourself.

To make a salami in cheese sausage, you will need the following ingredients:

  • A pound of pork
  • A pound of beef
  • A pound of bacon
  • 3 g food grade sodium nitrate
  • 5 g sugar
  • 5 g pepper
  • 50 g brandy
  • 250 g of any hard cheese
  • 200 g salt
  • Intestines or food sheaths made of collagen

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse and prepare the intestines.
  2. Prepare the meat for fermentation. Cut it into thin slices along with lard, cover with salt and add sodium nitrate. Stir it all together so that each piece of meat and bacon is evenly covered with salt on all sides. Store this meat in a cool place for a week. The temperature should be up to 4 degrees Celsius - a refrigerator will suit you.
  3. After a week, you can start cooking the minced meat itself. Ideally, the meat should be chopped into small pieces with a knife, but this can be time-consuming. If you want an easier way, simply rotate the meat in a meat grinder.
  4. Add seasoning to the minced meat, remember it with your hands so that the lump becomes dense. Now leave the minced meat in a cool place overnight.
  5. Fill the intestines with minced meat.
  6. Hang prepared sausages upright in a cool place. Leave them on for three days.
  7. Melt the cheese and spread over the sausages. Grate some of the cheese on a fine grater and roll the sausage in it.
  8. Leave the sausage in a dark place for a couple of weeks. Your salami and cheese are now ready.

Homemade liver sausage

This option is homemade sausage made from offal and frozen broth. if you love liver sausage, it can also be prepared at home.

What you need:

  • 1 kg lung
  • 1 kg heart
  • 300 g liver
  • 150 g lard
  • 0.5 l broth
  • 2 onions
  • 4 eggs
  • Ground spices, garlic and salt to taste
  • Intestines

Cooking method:

  1. Boil lung and heart in separate saucepans. This will take about an hour.
  2. Chop the onion, lard and liver finely. Fry it all in a skillet until tender.
  3. Use a meat grinder to mince the prepared liver, onion, lard, and heart.
  4. Crush the garlic or chop it finely and add to the minced meat, mixing everything thoroughly.
  5. Add spices and stir again. The minced meat should be homogeneous.
  6. Re-run the resulting minced meat through the processor so that it becomes soft and tender - almost acquiring the consistency of a pate.
  7. Add eggs to the minced meat. Start pouring out the broth little by little, stirring thoroughly.
  8. Fill the intestines with minced meat, pierce them and leave to stand for a while. Then the sausages can be cooked - fried or boiled.

How to cook a sausage without guts?

Many people prefer to cook sausage in the guts - this is a natural casing that you can eat. In addition, it is best suited for the formation of beautiful, even sausages. However, some people don't like guts. In addition, preparing them takes a lot of time and effort - they have to be cleaned, rinsed and soaked several times. Moreover, they are often difficult to find in regular stores.

  • In some stores, you can find special latex casings made from edible collagen, artificially made for making homemade sausages. They don't need to be soaked or rinsed - just take them out and use them to spread the minced meat. But they are often difficult to find and expensive.
  • If you don't want to make sausage in the guts, you can replace them with cling film, foil, or baking paper.
  • Any shell will do that will give your minced meat an elongated shape. If you use such options, try to tamp the minced meat especially carefully: the size of the intestines is limited, and the minced meat in them will fit tightly by itself, which cannot be said about the shell made of film or foil.

Based on the recipes mentioned above, you can experiment and create your own way of making sausage - perhaps homemade sausage will become your signature dish.

Video: Homemade sausage recipe

There is nothing difficult in making homemade pork sausage. The difficulty many people get when they see the "gut" ingredient. Maybe you just didn't ask yourself a search? You can ask around at the bazaar, search in large supermarkets or the Internet. I live in Lithuania, so I can only speak for myself. I buy in almost any store, salted, in packages of 5 meters. They perfectly tolerate freezing: if you haven't used everything, then you base it in the freezer.

Rinse the intestines thoroughly from salt in several waters. I pour water inside, thereby not only rinsing, but also checking the quality, whether there are large gaps.

Meat. I have a scapula without bone and skin. Pretty lean meat. When cutting into pieces, I try to cut at least part of the veins. This time I cut out about 200 grams. So pure meat is 3.8 kilograms.
Cut the bacon too.

For twisting, take a lattice with large holes. If the holes are small, then the sausage will look more like sausages (I don't like that).

Peel the garlic and use a garlic press to chop. Not? Grind with a knife.

Add all the seasonings to the twisted meat and pour in vodka. I always pour the last one, like my mother and grandmother. The question arises: is it required? No. But as my mother said, she will add taste and slightly disinfect, and somewhere even a preservative, and you cannot spoil sausage with vodka (laughing)). In general, don't be afraid and add.

Everything is good, mix thoroughly and put in the refrigerator for 40-1 hours.

Hope you have a sausage pipe. If I twisted the meat in an electric meat grinder, then I always take a manual one for filling.

Remove the knives, remove the mesh and insert the tube.
Rotate the meat a little until it pops out of the tube by about a centimeter. This will make it easier to pull the bowel over the tube. Tie the tip with a thread.

Well, not the easiest thing to do, but quite pleasant: product yield. Why is it difficult? Guts sometimes burst, and if you make sausages alone, then there is no one to monitor their fullness. For example, I do them with my mother: I twist, and my mother holds and twists a couple of times around its axis, when the sausage reaches the desired length. We twist one to the left, the next to the right. We make a couple more, and the rest are portioned.

Try to twist and put the minced meat in the meat grinder so that air does not get into the sausage, if possible.
If the sausage is longer and goes for drying, then the ends must be tied with a thread. I make 6 sausages per serving and bandage only the first and the last, the rest, as I said, are simply twisted.

After the sausages are ready, be sure to hang them up to dry slightly - for 5-8 hours (more often at night).
If we leave the sausage to dry, then after 6-7 days we eat it (then store it in the refrigerator).
When drying, sausages should never come into contact with each other. Dry in a dry place in dry weather. If you just hang in the kitchen, and outside the window there is constant rain, then the sausage may start to deteriorate - the humid weather will not allow it to dry normally.

I just freeze in bags.

If you cook, then in a small amount of water, about 10-15 minutes (depending on the thickness), and then let it lie in the water for a couple more minutes, recover. Try it, you may need to add a pinch of salt to the water.

Bake - I never bake it, I like it boiled: juicy, rich in tastes and smells.

If you dry homemade pork sausage for three days, and then boil it, it will be great for stew sauerkraut... If you want ruddy, then you do not need to bake it for half an hour in the oven, it will lose its juiciness. Better just fry in a pan: a couple of minutes for high fire until ruddy.
Bon Appetit!