Home / Pies / Napoleon cake with apple custard. Recipe: Cake "Napoleon without whims" - with an apple layer Napoleon cake with applesauce and cream

Napoleon cake with apple custard. Recipe: Cake "Napoleon without whims" - with an apple layer Napoleon cake with applesauce and cream

Napoleon cake with apple layer

Napoleon's recipe has been known since 1850. Of course, from those distant times, classic recipe Napoleon cake has undergone some changes, in addition, a huge number of variations appeared on this theme, Napoleon cake with fruit layers, Napoleon cake from shortcrust pastry etc. We offer you a recipe for Napoleon cake from the floor puff pastry on sour cream and with an apple layer.


  • Flour - 250 grams
  • Butter or margarine - 225 grams
  • Sour cream - 100 grams
  • Egg - 1 piece
  • Egg yolk - 2 pieces
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Milk - 0.5 liters
  • Sugar - 200 grams
  • Eggs - 2 pieces
  • Flour - 2 tablespoons
  • Butter - 200 grams
  • Sour apples - 1 kilogram
  • Sugar - 100 grams
  • Water - 100 milliliters

A step-by-step recipe for making Napoleon Cake with an apple layer:

First of all, let's prepare the floor puff pastry on sour cream. Put 100 grams of sour cream, one egg, 2 yolks, a pinch of salt in a bowl, mix well and set aside.

On a coarse grater, rub 225 grams of well-chilled butter or margarine, all the time, sprinkling the grated butter with flour. In total, we need 250 grams of flour. Mix flour with grated butter. In no case do we grind.

Add the egg-sour cream mixture to the grated butter and quickly knead the puff pastry. We collect the dough in a ball, put it in a cellophane bag and send it to the refrigerator for 12 hours, you can - for a day.

Let's prepare an apple layer. One kilogram sour apples wash, peel and core. Cut into small pieces, put in a saucepan, add 100 grams of sugar, 100 milliliters of water and cover with a lid.

We put on fire, bring to a boil and cook over low heat until apples are cooked. We evaporate excess moisture. Make applesauce and refrigerate.

Let's make a custard. Break 2 eggs into a bowl, add a little milk from the prepared 500 milliliters, add 2 tablespoons of flour and mix with a mixer or manually until obtained homogeneous mass, do not beat.

Pour the remaining milk into the moistened cold water saucepan, add 200 grams of sugar, mix, bring to a boil. Add 150 milliliters of hot milk with sugar to the mixture of eggs and flour, mix again with a mixer, without beating, and return in one motion to the pan with hot milk.

Cook the custard until the first rolls appear (do not boil) on small fire stirring constantly. Ready cream can be mixed again with a mixer so that it is homogeneous. Let it cool in the refrigerator.

WITH custard you can make puff pastry rolls, Swan custard cakes, Clown cake and many others delicious desserts... You can find recipes for cakes and custards in the Cakes and Pastries section of our website http://www.videoculinary.ru.

The dough is kept in the refrigerator, you can start baking the cakes. Divide the prepared dough into 5 equal parts. Roll each part into a layer 2 millimeters thick.

We spread it on a baking sheet slightly moistened with water, make punctures with a knife and bake in an oven preheated to 220-230 degrees Celsius, for 5-6 minutes. The cake should be well browned.

Put the finished cake on a wooden board. Using a plate or a bottom of a detachable form, cut out a circle with a diameter of 24-25 centimeters and let it cool. Grind the cuttings. Add two tablespoons of powdered sugar to them and mix.

Put 200 grams of soft butter and 10 grams in a mixer bowl vanilla sugar, beat the butter into a white fluffy mass and, without stopping whipping, gradually add the chilled custard.

Let's start assembling the cake. Lubricate the plate on which we will collect the cake with cream. We put the cake on it, spread and level the 5th part of the cream on the cake, another cake on top, cream on it.

Lubricate the third cake with a thin layer of cream, evenly distribute the applesauce on it. Cover the applesauce with a thin layer of cream, put the 4th cake on it, cover with the 5th part of the cream, put the 5th cake on top, press down slightly and coat the whole cake with the remaining cream.

Sprinkle the sides and top of the cake with prepared crumbs, sprinkle the top of the cake icing sugar... You can decorate the cake with berries or cream flowers.

Napoleon cake from semi-puff sour cream dough with an apple layer is ready. We put it in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours so that the cakes are soaked in cream. On our website http://www.videoculinary.ru in the Cakes and Pastries section you will also find a classic recipe for Napoleon cake made from instant puff pastry.

We cut the finished Napoleon cake with a knife - a file, while not pressing on the cake. Serve Napoleon Cake from semi-puff sour cream dough with an apple layer to festive table for tea or coffee.

Without defrosting, place the sheets of dough on a baking sheet lined with parchment at some distance from each other and place in a cold oven. Set the temperature to 190 ° C and turn on the oven. Bake the dough until it rises very strongly and turns golden brown, about 20 minutes. Cool slightly and sort the dough into as much as possible large quantity layers. Spread the layers separately to dry (on wire racks or parchment) for 6-8 hours.

For the lemon filling, remove the zest with a fine grater, mix with 1 tbsp. l. sugar, cover and set aside. Cut the apples lengthwise into quarters and peel them; cut into very thin wedges, place in a jam bowl or heavy-bottomed saucepan. Water lemon juice, cover with sugar, put 2 cinnamon sticks, mix gently and leave at room temperature for 6-8 hours.

Place the bowl of apples on low heat, bring to a boil, stirring gently from time to time. Remove the foam, if any, pour in the calvados and cook until the apples are transparent, 30 minutes. Let cool completely, at least 2 hours.

Use a slotted spoon to remove the apples from the syrup into a bowl. Put the syrup on strong fire and evaporate by half. Cool again. Heat the remaining cinnamon stick over the fire, holding it with tongs, and crush it in a mortar as fine as possible.

Find the bottom one among the layers of dough and brush it with apple cider syrup. Arrange the apples so that they cover the crust in a thin, even layer. Lay the next layer of dough on top, sprinkle it with syrup on top and lay out the apples. Sprinkle with cinnamon. Repeat with the remaining cakes and apples, sprinkling with cinnamon through a layer. Do not grease the last layer with anything. Place a not very heavy press on the assembled cake and leave for 30 minutes.

Sift flour. Cold butter grate and rub together with flour into butter crumbs. Pour in cold milk and knead the dough in several passes (you do not need to knead it too much). Wrap the dough with cling film and refrigerate for half an hour

Divide the milk for the cream into two parts: add sugar in one half and put on fire, add eggs and flour in the other half and stir until smooth. As soon as the milk with sugar boils, carefully pour the second part of the milk (with eggs and flour) into it. And continue to cook the cream, stirring with a whisk. As soon as the cream begins to thicken, remove from heat, cover with cling film (so as not to wind up) and cool to room temperature

Grate apples on a coarse grater, add butter, sugar and cinnamon. Simmer them over medium heat until soft and let cool as well.

Remove the dough from the refrigerator and divide into 4 portions. Roll each part thinly on baking paper and place in the oven, preheated to 180 C, for 5 minutes. Cut the finished cakes to the desired shape immediately after removing from the oven

When all the ingredients have cooled, collect the cake. To do this, lay out the crust, brush it with cooled custard and garnish with apples in random order. Cover with the next crust and repeat the procedure. Do not grease the last cake first: leave the cake for half an hour at room temperature under a press (therefore, the top of the cake is not greased in advance).

Lubricate the topmost crust and sides with the remaining cream. You can also sprinkle a thin layer of cinnamon on the cake. After that, send the cake to the refrigerator and let it sit in the refrigerator for at least 2-3 hours (it is best to leave the cake in the refrigerator overnight). Then cut into portions and serve. Enjoy your tea!

Hello dear readers! Homemade "Napoleon" has become a symbol of the whole Epoch - on almost every New Year's and "birthday" table in Soviet times on the place of honor flaunted this delicious cake- the pride of the hostess. Surprisingly, few people know about the apple Napoleon. And yet this is an absolutely amazing "brother" to all the well-known classic cake very popular with my St. Petersburg aunts. The apple filling makes its taste even more refined, delicate, noble and magical!

Apple Napoleon according to the recipe of St. Petersburg aunts

Ingredients for dough # 1

  • 200 ml of mineral water (Borjomi, Luzhanskaya and other sodium bicarbonate).
  • 3 eggs.
  • 480-500 g flour.
  • A third teaspoon of salt.

Ingredients for dough # 2

  • 500 g of good quality oil.
  • 130-140 g flour.

Ingredients for the custard

  • 1000 ml of boiled milk.
  • 160 g flour.
  • 150 g sugar.
  • 3-4 yolks.
  • 200 g of good butter.
  • 10-15 g vanilla sugar.

Apple filling

  • 3-4 large non-starchy apples.

Puff pastry preparation technology

  1. Beat eggs.
  2. Add mineral water, stir well.
  3. Add flour and salt to the resulting egg-water mass, knead the dough. The dough should not be sticky. we wrap it in plastic wrap or put it in a plastic bag, put it aside for a while.
  4. Chop the butter with a sharp knife.
  5. Add flour to it and chop together.
  6. Quickly, so that the butter does not melt, knead the dough.
  7. Divide dough number 1 and dough number 2 each into six parts.
  8. We take one of the parts of the first dough, roll it out.
  9. We put one part of the second dough on it, spread it.
  10. We fold first in the middle "towards ourselves".
  11. Then to the opposite edge "away from you."
  12. Left to middle.
  13. On right. It turns out that we have folded the blank into an envelope.
  14. We put the workpiece in a plastic bag and send it to cool in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.
  15. We do the same with other pairs of dough.
  16. We take out the first envelope from the refrigerator, roll it into a rectangular layer, fold it in an envelope and put it back in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.
  17. We do the same with other parts.
  18. After 15 minutes, we repeat the process of rolling, folding and cooling for the third time.
  19. We heat the oven to 230-250 ° С, put a baking sheet in it so that it heats up.
  20. We take out the envelopes folded for cooling in turn from the refrigerator, roll them into a thin sheet.
  21. We transfer to the back of the baking sheet - this will make it easier to throw off the baked sheets on the table.
  22. We pierce the dough in several places so that it does not bubble during baking.
  23. We send to the oven for 7-9 minutes (the time depends entirely on your oven.
  24. Cut the cooled cakes in the form of a circle or even rectangle. We will need pruning for sprinkling.
  25. Add up ready-made cakes stack.

With experience, you will learn how to roll out the next layer by the time the previous one is pulled out of the oven. It is best not to stack the cakes one on top of the other, but to lay them separately on a flat surface of the table. so they do not deform and the cake will turn out smooth.

How to make custard

During the long cooking of the flour mass, I turn on some good audiobook so that the process does not seem boring.

Avoid burning the mass. Otherwise, do not rip off the burnt mass with a spatula - burnt pieces will spoil the taste and appearance ready-made cream.

How to make apple filling

  1. Wash the apples, peel, remove the seed nest, grate on a coarse grater.
  2. Put in a saucepan, add sugar to taste. If the apples are sweet, then you do not need to add.
  3. Cook over low heat until the liquid is almost completely evaporated, cool.

Assembling the apple Napoleon cake

To prevent the cake from fidgeting on the platter, brush the platter with a little custard before placing the first crust.

Not all today! Enjoy your work and delicious tea!

Good morning readers! Today I wanted to write a recipe for everyone's favorite, classic Napoleon cake with a twist of semi-layered dough on sour cream, with an apple layer.
Usually I make the dough overnight, and bake the next day, but first things first:
1. Prepare a semi-layered dough on sour cream: in a bowl, mix sour cream, 1 egg and two yolks, add a pinch of salt

2. Stir with a spatula until smooth

3. Prepare flour and cold, you can even freeze a little butter, you can also margarine, so it will be easier to grate

4. Pour the flour on the table, grate the butter, sprinkle it with flour, but in no case should you grind it!

5. Next, pour the egg-sour cream mixture into flour and butter and quickly knead the dough
6. Put the dough into a bag or wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for 12 hours, you can overnight
7. We bake the cakes in a preheated oven, 5-7 minutes

8. Prepare the custard
Break 2 eggs into a bowl, add 2 tablespoons of flour, a little milk from the prepared 500 ml

Stir with a whisk until smooth so that there are no lumps
Next, pour milk into the pan, add 180 grams of sugar and put on the fire, stirring, heat until boiling, select about 120 ml of hot milk with sugar, add to the egg-flour mixture, mix well and return the mixture to the pan with milk in one motion, cook , stirring all the time, over low heat until thickened, do not boil

The custard is ready, cool it down, and proceed to preparing the apple layer. To do this, wash, peel and peel the apples, cut into cubes and cook until soft with 50 grams of sugar and a little water, then puree the apples with a blender

Let's move on to making a cream for assembling a cake.

Butter, preferably 82.5% fat, beat at room temperature into a white fluffy mass, add chilled custard cream little by little

Finally, assembling the cake
On the dish on which we will collect the cake we put a drop of cream, on top of the first cake, due to the cream, it will not ride on the plate and will work more conveniently
Gently coat the cakes with cream, on some, apply applesauce on top of the cream, coat the cake with cream