Home / pies / We make delicious cream for eclairs at home. Recipe for eclairs with curd-blackberry cream in lime glaze How to make cream from cottage cheese for eclairs

We make delicious cream for eclairs at home. Recipe for eclairs with curd-blackberry cream in lime glaze How to make cream from cottage cheese for eclairs

Cooking time: 1 hour 30 minutes

Cost of 4 servings: 376 rubles

Cost of 1 portion: 94 rubles


For test:

Milk 125ml - 6 rubles

Water 125ml

Butter 100g - 67 rubles

Flour 160g - 6 rubles

5 eggs - 30 rubles

For filling:

Blackberry frozen 100g - 40 rubles

Cottage cheese 400g - 104 rubles

Cream 22% 100ml - 38 rubles

Powdered sugar 50g - 16 rubles

For glaze:

Lime 1pc - 22 rubles

Powdered sugar 200g - 47 rubles



  • Mix milk, water, butter, salt and sugar in a saucepan and put on heat. Bring to a boil and immediately remove from heat.
  • Pour all the flour into the hot mass at once and knead the dough until smooth.

Chef's tip:

Knead choux pastry best of all with a wooden spatula - this consistency requires delicacy.

  • Then continue to mix the dough with a mixer or whisk. Whisking constantly, gradually add the eggs, one at a time.

  • Transfer the finished dough into a confectionery cone or tight package, laying inside a confectionery nozzle with a wide opening. Shake off the bag so that the dough is tightly packed.
  • Let the dough rest for 15 minutes at room temperature.
  • Cut the parchment to the size of the baking sheet.

Chef's tip:

With a dark marker, draw 8 strips 12 cm long on a sheet of parchment at an equal distance from each other (about 5 cm) - this is the marking for future eclairs. Along the lines, it will be easier for you to make straight strips of dough. In addition, all eclairs will definitely turn out to be the same size and will not stick together. Then turn the paper over with the lines down so that the pattern does not come into contact with the dough.

  • When the dough is infused, cut off the tip of the cone / bag. Drop the dough along the markings by pressing on the cone / bag.

Chef's tip:

Try to extrude the dough in a straight line, slowly. Apply even pressure to the mass in the cone / bag so that each eclair is even and all the blanks are the same in width.

  • Send to the oven, preheated to 115 degrees, for 25 minutes.
  • The finished base of eclairs should be slightly cooled before adding cream or icing.


  • Defrost blackberries. Rub the berries through a fine sieve, pressing on them with a spoon.
  • Gradually pour cream into curd and mix thoroughly.
  • Add powdered sugar and grated blackberries. Mix again.

Note from the boss:

The cream should be medium in density: not liquid and not too thick. If the mass is too dense, pour in a little more cream.

  • Beat the cream with a mixer until smooth. It is necessary that the grains of cottage cheese are ground - so the filling will turn out to be more tender.
  • Put the cream in a new confectionery cone or a tight bag, laying a confectionery nozzle with a narrow tip inside. Such a nozzle will allow you to quickly and easily stuff eclairs. Shake off the bag so that the cream is tightly packed. Cut off the corner of the cone/bag.
  • Make holes in the eclairs in their entire length, piercing with a skewer or any other suitable stick.

  • Insert the tip of a pastry nozzle from a cone / cream bag into the hole of each eclair. Stuff the eclairs with cream by pressing on the confectionery cone / bag.


  • Grate lime zest on a fine grater.
  • Squeeze lime juice into a separate bowl.
  • Mix juice with powdered sugar until smooth.


  • Dip eclairs with cottage cheese and blackberry cream with the top side into the icing.
  • Sprinkle lime zest on top.

Enjoy your meal!

Calories: Not specified
Time for preparing: Not specified

Required products:

For test:

- butter - 50 gr.,
- water - 145 ml.,
- salt - a pinch,
- Wheat flour- 65 gr.,
- chicken eggs- 2-3 pcs.

For cream:

- cottage cheese - 150 gr.,
- sour cream (20-30%) - 150-180 gr.,
- sugar - 5-7 tablespoons,
- vanilla extract - to taste.

Recipe with photo step by step:

1. Put the butter in a saucepan. Add salt and water. Put on fire. Bring to a boil. Tip: Instead of butter, you can use good quality margarine.

2. When the mixture boils, add wheat flour.

3. Stir the mass with intensive movements until smooth. It should thicken and not contain flour lumps. Remove from fire.

4. Alternately introduce chicken eggs into the hot mass. Before this, it is advisable to shake the egg in a separate container. Do not add another egg if the previous one is not completely mixed into the main mass.

5. Perfect Dough for eclairs, it should drain from the spoon with a “ribbon”. It must keep its shape. Tip: If the dough is still too thick, add in small portions egg. Perhaps not a whole egg, it all depends on its size (quality).

6. Transfer the dough to a pastry bag with a regular (or notched) nozzle. Squeeze the eclair blanks onto a baking sheet lined with parchment. Leave some space between them as they will expand as they bake. It is worth remembering this when forming blanks: squeeze out "sausages" no more than 8-10 cm long.

7. Bake eclairs at a temperature of 1800C for about 20-25 minutes (until golden brown), placing in a preheated oven. The surface of the finished eclairs should be dry, and inside they should be hollow. Remove from the oven and let them cool directly on the baking sheet.

8. In the meantime, prepare the curd cream. It is prepared very easily and quickly, minimum quantity ingredients. So mix in a bowl soft curd, sour cream and sugar. Add vanilla extract.

9. Using a blender, beat the mass until smooth. Tip: for cream it is better to use soft cottage cheese, pasty. Instead of sour cream, you can use heavy cream if you wish.

10. Gently cut the cooled blanks on the side.

11. Transfer the curd cream to a pastry bag. Fill the eclairs with cream and cover with a “lid”. See how to cook.

12. Cover the surface of the cakes with melted chocolate or icing. Eclairs with curd cream are ready. You can invite your friends for tea.

Enjoy your meal!

Traditionally, eclairs are prepared with custard or. Such cakes are loved not only by children, but also by adults. But today we will tell you how to make an incredibly tasty and airy curd cream for eclairs.

Recipe for cottage cheese cream for eclairs


  • low-fat cottage cheese - 150 g;
  • - 100 ml;
  • butter - 70 g;
  • powdered sugar - 30 g.


All necessary products must be at room temperature. Put the cottage cheese in a bowl, pour in the powdered sugar and beat well with a blender until smooth. Then pour in drinking yogurt and mix. At the very end, add the softened butter and beat the mass again. We cover the finished cream with a lid on top and put it in the refrigerator for several hours. After hardening, carefully transfer the curd-yogurt cream into a pastry bag with a nozzle and fill all the eclairs with it.

How to make cottage cheese cream for eclairs?


  • low-fat cottage cheese - 200 g;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • cream - 200 ml;
  • vanilla sugar - to taste.


We take cottage cheese with a low fat content, put it in a bowl and pour the required amount of sugar. Thoroughly grind everything with a fork or chop with a blender until homogeneous mass. Then pour in the cream and pour out one bag of vanilla sugar. Mix everything thoroughly or, best of all, beat with a mixer. Then the finished cream for eclairs will turn out to be more tender and incredibly airy.

Curd cream for eclairs with yogurt


  • curd mass - 400 g;
  • yogurt with pieces of fruit - 300 ml.


We spread the cottage cheese in a deep bowl, beat with a blender and gradually pour the yogurt with pieces of fruit. Mix everything as it should and fill the eclairs with the resulting cream.

Curd cream for eclairs with sour cream



Pour gelatin with warm water, stir with a spoon and leave until completely dissolved. In a mixer bowl, beat cottage cheese with sour cream, throw sugar and vanilla to taste. After that, gently combine the gelatin mass with the curd and mix well. We remove the finished curd cream in the refrigerator and leave to harden for about an hour. You can add chopped fruit if you like.

The classic eclair is made from unsweetened dough and custard inside, until the middle of the 19th century, eclairs were filled with chocolate or coffee cream. Glaze is most often made chocolate, sometimes caramel.

Cooking choux pastry is very easy, we have already published a detailed recipe for choux pastry with all the nuances and features.

According to the complexity of preparation, eclairs are safely included in the category of light and tasty desserts.

So, for 20 eclairs 11-12 cm long you will need:

For the test

  • Milk - 125 g
  • Water - 125 g
  • Butter - 100 g
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Flour - 100 g
  • Eggs - 3-4 pcs.

curd filling

  • Curd cheese - 200-250 g
  • Milk - 200 g
  • Condensed milk - 2 tbsp.
  • Instant gelatin - 30 g
  • Powdered sugar - 3 tbsp
  • Vanillin - 1 tsp
  • Butter - 30 g

For topping

  • Melted chocolate - optional
  • Chocolate icing - optional

Cooking process

Choux pastry will turn out if you are attentive to details, and the taste of homemade choux pastry cannot be compared with the store.

Combine water, milk, salt and butter in a small bowl and bring to a boil. Enamelware is not suitable for brewing such a test. Stir the mixture from time to time so that the oil dissolves evenly.

When the mixture begins to boil, add the flour in one fell swoop and quickly knead the dough without removing it from the heat. The flour must boil. Knead until a homogeneous continuous lump of dough, which will easily lag behind the walls of the dish. The hand may hurt, but don't stop until you reach the desired consistency.

When the dough is kneaded, remove the bowl with the dough from the heat. Let the dough cool for a minute and start whisking in the eggs.

Eggs may need 3-4 pieces. You need to look at the consistency of the test. The finished custard dough should be sticky, shiny, fall off the tip of the spatula and form a hanging triangle, at the same time keep its shape well.

In order not to overdo it with eggs, the last 1-2 eggs can be lightly beaten with whisks (just combine until smooth) and added to the dough by a tablespoon.

Transfer the dough into a pastry bag and place on a baking sheet lined with parchment and lightly greased with vegetable oil.

To plant thin strips up to 10 cm at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other, the eclairs will increase significantly after baking.

With a wet fork, you can create an additional relief, at the same time align the “tails” after jigging.

Bake eclairs for the first 15 minutes at 200 degrees, during which time they will rise well, then another 15 minutes at 160 degrees.

Important! Do not open the oven during baking. Only after the entire baking time has elapsed, slightly open the door for a couple of seconds and release the steam. Let the eclairs stand for another 1 minute with the door closed, and then open the door again and leave in the oven for another 7-10 minutes.

Allow eclairs to cool completely before stuffing.

Preparation of curd cream for eclairs

For the cream, you need curd cheese like Philadelphia, Mascarpone. To curd cheese add 100 g of milk, condensed milk, vanillin, sugar, beat until smooth. The remaining milk is slightly heated and the gelatin is dissolved there. Combine gelatin with cheese mass, mix.

There are seven main eclair fillings, all the rest, starting with the conditional eighth, are delights. Here are the main ones in order of popularity:

Let's cook each, one by one.

Custard for eclairs - 2 options

Custard for custard is a classic of the genre. Cooked according to the rules, it has a silky texture and a discreet vanilla aroma. It cooks quickly, 20 minutes is enough, regardless of the recipe option that you choose, and there are several of them. Let's focus on two - classic and lightweight. Classical custard called patisser, he is also an English cream.

The main thing to remember is that milk cannot be boiled, everything is done over low heat.

How to cook patissier

  • For 200 ml of milk, take 2 yolks, 1 dessert spoon of fine confectionery sugar and 1/2 vanilla pod.

Cooking. We heat the milk together with the vanilla pod. Grind the yolks with sugar and start whisking with a whisk. Without stopping beating, pour in milk without a pod and put on a hot water bath. We do not stop beating, our task is to thicken the cream. Then transfer the container from the hot bath to the ice water bath to prevent the yolks from curdling.

Lightweight cooking method

  • For half a liter of milk, take 4 eggs, 150 g of fine-grained sugar, 2 tablespoons of flour and a bag of vanilla.

Mix the eggs and sugar with a mixer until the (not necessarily complete) sugar dissolves, the eggs approximately double in volume and the mass thickens. Add flour and mix. Pour in milk and mix again. put on very small fire. Stirring all the time, bring the cream to a boil and immediately remove from heat (do not boil!). At the end, already removed from the fire, add vanillin, mix. Cool and start filling the eclairs. .

Be sure to cover the finished cream with a towel, then it will not wind up.

Butter cream for eclairs

  • For 200 grams of butter, take 300 grams of condensed milk and vanilla, if desired.

Get the oil from the refrigerator, place in a deep bowl so that it softens on its own (do not drown!). Similarly, prepare condensed milk. Beat the butter with a mixer in a lush mass, gradually add condensed milk, do not stop beating. At the end, you can flavor with vanilla or sweeten with powdered sugar (if you like it very sweet). The cream is ready.

Sometimes novice cooks have a problem: the cream turns out to be grains. It's OK! Grains dissolve easily if you place the bowl in a water bath for 15 seconds in the microwave.

Another option for butter (butter) cream

  • Cream with egg: For 0.4 l of cream 300 g powdered sugar, 1 egg, 300 g butter.

Beat the egg with powdered sugar, heat the cream and combine with the egg mass. Warm up on fire so that the mass thickens. Beat the softened butter well with a mixer until whitening and combine with the creamy-egg mixture in parts.

Cream of proteins, or based on meringue

On the basis of the meringue, a lush dense cap of cream is obtained. This type of cream is sometimes referred to as " wet meringue”and is used for oiling cakes and stuffing cakes (except for custards, it is used in baskets and horns).

  • For 130 g of sugar we take 2 proteins and 40 ml of water.

Pour sugar with water, bring to a boil and cook until the so-called caramel threads- technologically it is 121 degrees Celsius. In parallel, beat the whites, and when soft peaks appear, start pouring the syrup in a thin stream. Continue beating until thick, elastic consistency, you can flavor at the end.

Curd cream for eclairs

  • For 200 g of fatty cottage cheese, we take 100 ml of heavy cream and 2/3 cup of powdered sugar. Designed for 12 eclairs.

Whip cream 33% until stiff foam, add half a serving of powdered sugar. Grind in a sieve or beat the cottage cheese with a blender so that there are no grains left in it. Mix with the other half of the powdered sugar. Mix cream and cottage cheese. Refrigerate for 1-2 hours. Using a pastry syringe, inject a portion of the cream into each eclair.

Cream based on mascarpone

For a stable result, pre-cool the container, whisks, cream, cheese.

  • For 200 g of Mascarpone we take 300 ml of heavy cream for whipping and 120 g of powdered sugar or fine confectionery sugar. It turns out a cream for 12-14 eclairs.

Whip the cream with powdered sugar and cheese separately. Both to the consistency of cream. Then, by folding with a silicone spatula, mix the cream into the Mascarpone. We act very carefully, as the mass can fall. Everything can be sent to the refrigerator.

Chocolate cream based on cocoa

  • For 200 g of butter 82%, take half a standard metal can condensed milk and 3 tablespoons topped with cocoa.

Naturally softened butter is combined with condensed milk - this is the basis of the cream. Beat until smooth elasticity, then add cocoa and mix. Aromatize at the very end, if desired. For example, cognac.

Chocolate based (Muslin)

  • For 200 g butter: 2 large eggs, 380 ml milk, 110 ml cream, 110 g powdered sugar, 30 g cornstarch, 120 g dark chocolate

Boil eggs, milk, sugar, starch to a dense consistency (“like fat sour cream”), add finely chopped chocolate and dissolve in a hot custard mass. Cool the cream and whip until glossy dense peaks. Whisk the cooled mixture together with the softened butter Finally fold in the whipped cream with a spatula.

Cream of condensed milk

Cream of condensed milk should be recognized as the simplest. He is popular in different options: with regular condensed milk and boiled, butter-based or sour cream.

  • The composition may be, for example, as follows: 300 g of condensed milk and 150 g of soft butter. Or 200 g of very fatty sour cream and 150 g of boiled condensed milk.

Beat them with a mixer until thick cream, flavor with vanilla, coffee extract, cognac if desired. Make eclairs.

Buttercream (with whipped cream)

  • The simplest whipped cream includes heavy cream, powdered sugar and vanilla.

For 0.5 l of heavy cream, take 70 g of powdered sugar and a bag (5 g) of vanilla sugar. Combine the products in one bowl, beat, starting at a low speed, gradually increasing the speed. Vanilla sugar Pour in at the very end, beat again a little so that the aroma and creamy mass are combined. The cream is not sweet!

pistachio cream

The bright emerald filling turns eclairs into luxurious cakes, especially if they are also watered. chocolate icing. Very effective and delicious!

  • Ingredients: 350 ml milk, 2 tbsp. l. cornstarch, 100 g sugar, 100 g peeled chopped pistachios, 100 g butter, 150 g heavy cream for whipping.

Mix a couple of tablespoons of milk with starch. Stir the rest of the milk with sugar, bring to a boil. In a thin stream, add the starch mass, stirring constantly. Bring the cream to the state of "puffing", turn off the fire. After complete cooling, beat the mass with softened butter, then mix with nuts. Separately, whip the cream, mix with the milk-starch mass.