Home / Biscuits / Tiramisu cake at home. The best tiramisu recipes

Tiramisu cake at home. The best tiramisu recipes

The history of the origin of the world famous Italian dessert is shrouded in secrets and myths. True, many confectioners believe that all mythology is needed only to emphasize the uniqueness of such a dessert. Indeed, "Tiramisu" is a cake that is difficult to compare with other desserts. Its taste makes you look at the world with different eyes. Even a tiny piece is able to cope with any depression and give a real romantic mood.

“Tiramisu” is an Italian masterpiece adored by many, which combines the pleasant aftertaste of coffee and almonds, as well as an airy cream.

The basis of the exquisite dessert is Savoyardi biscuits and Mascarpone cheese.


Two eggs;
120 g "Savoyardi";
a cup of black coffee;
240 g "Mascarpone";
four tablespoons of powdered sugar;
a spoonful of Amaretto liqueur;

Cooking method:

1. Let's start preparing "Tiramisu" with coffee. To do this, you need to brew "espresso", that is, strong coffee. Take a Turk, a cup of water and two tablespoons of ground coffee, brew a drink and cool.
2. The queue for eggs, which must be fresh. Before separating the eggs into their constituents, they must be rinsed well. Foam the proteins in a clean dish until they become dense foam with the addition of two tablespoons of sweet powder. Pour the remaining powder into the yolks and beat well until smooth.
3. Now mix the sweet yolks with the cheese and carefully add the protein mass. Stir very carefully to make the cream airy.
4. Pour liqueur into the coffee, which will give the dessert an almond flavor.

If you do not want to use alcohol, then it can be replaced with almond essence.

5. We pass to the most important thing - we form the cake. To do this, take a bowl or other transparent form. We dip the cookies into a coffee drink and put them in the bowls in layers, while each layer is soaked in a creamy mass. Sprinkle the dessert with cocoa and send it to the refrigerator so that the "Tiramisu" is well saturated.

Cookies without baking

Tiramisu stands out among other desserts not only for its amazing taste, but also for the fact that it does not require baking. We just buy ready-made cookies and start creating an Italian masterpiece.


230 g "Mascarpone";
180 g "Savoyardi" (shortbread cookies);
a cup of black coffee;
60 g granulated sugar;

Cooking method:

1. Finding high-quality Mascarpone cheese is quite difficult, so many housewives buy low-fat cottage cheese, sour cream and vanillin for making cream. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed with a blender until a delicate texture is formed.
2. Put the cookies in a coffee drink for a few seconds and lay them out in layers on a plate. We coat each layer with cream.
3. Decorate the last creamy layer with cocoa and send the dessert to the refrigerator for two hours.

Mousse dessert

Mousse "Tiramisu" is the most delicate dessert that will be appreciated even by the most fastidious gourmets. As for the classic recipe, we need strong coffee, liqueur for aroma, and of course the most delicate Mascarpone cheese.


Ready biscuit cake;
two cups of coffee drink;
four eggs plus two yolks;
160 g sweet powder;
70 g regular sugar;
320 ml cream;
480 g "Mascarpone";
70 ml of Baileys cream liqueur.

Cooking method:

1. Beat two yolks with regular sugar until fluffy white foam.
2. Put the cream on the stove. As soon as they warm up well, pour in sweet yolks, a coffee drink and a spoonful of alcohol. Heat the ingredients over low heat until the mass thickens.
3. Add gelatin to hot coffee cream for "Tiramisu", pour the resulting composition into a silicone mold and let the mousse harden.
4. Now we prepare another white cream from eggs, sweet powder, cheese and liqueur. We also add gelatin to the resulting mass and wait for solidification.
5. On the finished, soaked coffee, sponge cake, spread a white layer of cream, then coffee mousse and white again. Dessert can be sprinkled with cocoa or chocolate icing.

Pancake cake "Tiramisu"

Pancake "Tiramisu" combines Russian and Italian cuisine. Such a dessert will surely please not only our compatriots, but also Italian guests. You will learn how to make "Tiramisu" from Russian pancakes right now.


480 g "Mascarpone";
300 g flour;
ten eggs;
130 ml of Baileys liqueur;
170 g butter;
280 g white sugar;
4 tbsp. milk.

Cooking method:

1. First of all, prepare the pancakes. We knead the dough from half the eggs, sugar and liquor, as well as milk, butter and flour. The dough should rest for several hours.
2. We bake pancakes in the usual way.
3. Beat the remaining eggs and sweet sand, but separately whites and yolks. Then we combine the two masses, add cheese and liquor.
4. Now everything is simple - put the pancakes on a dish, while each coat is coated with cream. Decorate the finished pancake cake with cocoa powder.

How to cook without eggs

Tiramisu can be prepared without the participation of eggs, instead of them we will use heavy cream.

The dessert will turn out to be just as tasty and tender, however, it will significantly add calories.


280 g of Savoyardi cookies;
a cup of coffee;
30 ml cream liqueur;
five tablespoons of sweet powder;
a cup of cream (30%);
480 g "Mascarpone";

Cooking method:

1. For the cream, mix the cream, powder and cheese.
2. Pour the liqueur into the coffee and dip the cookies in the aromatic drink. We lay out the blanks in layers, alternating with a cream layer.
3. Sprinkle the collected dessert with cocoa and give it time to soak.

Biscuit based

Traditional "Tiramisu" is prepared only with "Savoyardi". However, it is not always possible to find it in our stores. Sponge cake cannot be considered a substitute for Italian biscuits, but such a cake still comes out delicious.

With the help of biscuit cakes, you can prepare a festive dessert. It is convenient to use chocolate crumbs as a decoration or use a pastry bag to transform the cake with original patterns made of chocolate cream.


Two cups of cream;
by ½ st. powder, sugar and flour;
20 g of starch and oil;
four eggs;
480 g "Mascarpone";
130 ml of coffee;
80 ml of Baileys liqueur;

Cooking method:

1. For biscuit dough, beat eggs with sugar, then add butter, flour and starch. Beat everything well again until smooth.
2. From the resulting dough, bake a biscuit. We cool it down, cut it into two halves lengthwise and soak each cake with a coffee drink with the addition of aromatic liqueur.
3. Whip cream with powder and mix with cheese. We coat the cakes with the resulting cream. We decorate the dessert at our discretion.

Tiramisu cake with cottage cheese

Italian confectioners insist that real "Tiramisu" can only be made from "Mascarpone" and cannot be replaced by any other analogs. But high-quality homemade cottage cheese and the right approach to cooking will allow you to create such a dessert, the taste of which is in no way inferior to "Tiramisu" with Italian cheese.


Four eggs;
half a cup of liquor;
140 g of sweet powder;
a pound of cottage cheese;
60 g sour cream and yogurt (natural);
220 ml of coffee;
280 g "Savoyardi";

Cooking method:

1. Beat the cottage cheese with a blender with sour cream and yogurt. The mass should be tender, smooth, without lumps.
2. Divide the eggs into whites and yolks, beat each component of the egg with powdered sugar.
3. Combine the protein and yolk mass, add curd cream.
4. In the form we put in layers "Savoyardi" soaked in aromatic coffee, together with cream. Sprinkle the last creamy layer with cocoa.

With cream

"Tiramisu" has received recognition all over the world, so it is not surprising that different variations of its preparation have appeared. So, in the recipe, cream appeared, the taste of which does not spoil the dessert, but, on the contrary, gives it a delicate creamy taste.


Three yolks;
320 g of Italian cheese;
220 ml cream;
35 g vanilla caster sugar;
220 g "Savoyardi";
70 g regular sugar;
50 ml rum;
60 g of ground coffee;

Cooking method:

1. We make a strong drink from ground coffee, cool it and mix it with rum.
2. Next, beat the yolks with sugar and add the cheese to the resulting mass.
3. Shake the cream together with the powder, combine with the cheese mass and knead until creamy.
4. Close the bottom of the mold with a layer of cream, distribute the cookies soaked in aromatic coffee on top, then a layer of cream follows again. So we continue to shape the dessert until we run out of products. The last should be the creamy layer. Sprinkle it with cocoa.
5. Ready "Tiramisu" with "Mascarpone" serve chilled.

Tiramisu cake from Julia Vysotskaya

The famous TV star of the culinary program Yulia Vysotskaya could not ignore such a famous Italian dessert. According to her recipe, "Tiramisu" turns out to be tender, tasty and cooks very quickly.


380 g "Mascarpone";
five eggs;
half a glass of powdered sugar;
two spoons of any brandy;
three spoons of coffee;
a glass of warm water;
packaging of Savoyardi cookies;

Cooking method:

1. It is Italian cheese that gives tenderness and airiness to the dessert, but before adding it to the cream, it is necessary to separately beat the chilled whites, as well as the yolks with powdered sugar. Combine the two resulting fluffy masses and stir in the cheese. You should get a thick, but fluffy cream.
2. For impregnation, it is necessary to brew a strong drink from water and ground coffee beans. Cognac should be added to the cooled coffee.
3. Cookies are soaked in aromatic coffee, laid out in layers in a bowl, alternating with a delicate cream. The last creamy layer is sprinkled with cocoa. You can also add chopped chocolate.
4. The formed dessert is kept in the refrigerator so that the cookies absorb the aromas of coffee and the tenderness of the cream well.
In the preparation of the real Tiramisu, Italian cookies are used, but those Savoyardi that are sold in our stores are not only expensive, but also did not lie next to real products from Italy. Therefore, it is best to find a recipe for making homemade shortbread cookies for Tiramisu, especially since it is not at all difficult to prepare it.

If you ask people from different countries: "Which one do you know?", For sure, most of them will answer: "Tiramisu!" Thanks to the simplicity of the recipe and the extraordinary taste, it has become a bestseller among sweet dishes. There are so many options for it that a few years ago a hobby arose: it is imperative to order tiramisu in various restaurants in order to replenish the taste box with new sensations. In Italy, they say that all families of the republic have their own kind of dessert. Moreover, everyone believes that the recipe is the best.

The history of tiramisu is relatively short-lived. It is so good that several regions of Italy fought for the right to bear the proud title of "Homeland of Tiramisu": (Toscana), (Piemonte) and (Veneto). But the last area won with a huge advantage.

Many historians are inclined to believe that his recipe was invented in the 60s at the Alle Beccherie restaurant in Treviso. Chef Roberto Linguanotto, nicknamed Loli, who has worked as a pastry chef in Germany for a long time, has combined recipes for Bavarian sweets with the Italian tradition of giving children whipped yolk with sugar for general strengthening. And so a new dessert was born. After some time, Loli went to Bavaria again, but love for his homeland made him come back.

Colleagues ironically reproached Roberto who came to Italy: “Why did you invent tiramisu? Now we have to work hard, because customers don't ask for anything but this dessert! "

For the first time the word "Tiramisu" appeared on the pages of Sabatini Coletti's dictionary in 1980. It literally translates as "pull me up" (Italian version of the phrase "cheer me up"). People with a violent imagination suggest that the dessert got such a name due to the fact that it can act as an aphrodisiac (increase sex drive). In fact the name of the dish is associated with its high nutritional value.

In 2006, tiramisu was chosen as the “representative” of Italy in the ranks of the “Sweet Europe” dishes (a list of desserts from different countries of the European Union). On January 17, 2013, it was recognized as the official dish of the International Day of Italian Cuisine.

Assumptions and their refutations

One of the assumptions is that tiramisu was born in (Siena). It is said to have been prepared for the first time on the occasion of a visit and called "the duke's soup."

But if the use of such a dessert component as coffee can still be confirmed (although, at that time it was consumed only as a drink), then mascarpone, originally from (Lombardia), and ladies' fingers (cookies from the French Savoie (Savoie) were hardly used Tuscan pastry chefs of the 17th and 18th centuries Plus, soft cheese quickly rancid and could not have been shipped from Lombardy to Tuscany soon.In addition, the use of raw eggs in dessert is unlikely.Lack of storage methods increased the risk of salmonellosis.

“Soup for the Duke” is not mentioned in a classic cookbook like Pellegrino Artusi's La Scienza in cucina e l'arte di mangiar bene (La Scienza in cucina e l'arte di mangiar bene).

Another version says that tiramisu was created in (Torino) to support Count Cavour in his attempts to unite Italy. Firstly, the middle of the 19th century did not shine with the presence of refrigerators, which excludes the possibility of storing the product. Secondly, there is no documentary evidence of this theory.

Italian chef Carminantonio Giannacone, now based in the United States, claims in a 2007 Washington Post article that he invented the famous dessert while in Trevisio. Such a selfish claim had no evidence and was quickly refuted.
There are many more Italian establishments trying to take over the authorship of the tiramisu recipe, but none of them have firm ground.

  • Want to learn how to make real tiramisu? We advise you to visit a professional pastry chef.

Recipe at home

Today, there are many variations of tiramisu. But in order to create your own unique dessert, you need to know the basis - the classic recipe.

For the original tiramisu, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 500 g "Mascarpone";
  • 250 g of Ladies Fingers cookies;
  • 80 g sugar;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 1 cup of coffee
  • Unsweetened cocoa powder for sprinkling (to taste).

The cooking equipment is quite simple: a mixer, a coffee cup and a tiramisu dish.

As a result, you get almost 1 kg of cake, which can feed 6 people.


So, let's start sculpting tiramisu:

  • Prepare strong coffee and cool to room temperature;
  • Beat the egg yolks and sugar until smooth (the mixture should lighten);
  • Mix the mascarpone, which until this moment was in the refrigerator (!), With the egg-sugar mass and send it back to the refrigerator until requested;
  • Dip your fingers one by one into the coffee. The liquid should not leak from the biscuits. It only needs to be soaked a little;
  • Take a mold and lay out alternately a layer of cookies, a layer of mascarpone until the ingredients run out. The last must be a cream;
  • Sprinkle the resulting cake with cocoa and refrigerate for at least 2 hours. The ideal option is to stand it overnight.

The calorie content of the prepared dessert per 100 g will be 384 kcal consisting of:

  • Protein 8 g;
  • Fat 28 g;
  • Carbohydrates 25 g.

If you decide to divide tiramisu for 6 people, then you need to come to terms with the fact that your portion (157 g) will contain about 600 kcal. But, believe me, this is such a trifle compared to his divine taste.

Choose the optimal tested recipes for tiramisu with mascarpone on the interesting online website. Try variations of creams based on eggs, cream, sour cream and cottage cheese. Enjoy the variety of savoyardi flavors with various liqueurs, brandy, cognac. Give uniqueness to the palette of flavors with nuts, cinnamon, berries. Get real pleasure from the famous delicacy!

The composition of the correct Italian tiramisu includes two essential components - savoyardi biscuit porous cookies and delicate, inimitable mascarpone cheese. In the absence of mascarpone, it is allowed to replace it with fatty and very fresh cottage cheese or such types of cheese as "Buko", "Philadelphia".

The five most commonly used ingredients in mascarpone tiramisu recipes are:

Interesting recipe:
1. Prepare unsweetened coffee in advance. Cool, pour in liqueur (brandy or cognac)
2. On a steam bath, beat the yolks with a half of powdered sugar with a mixer.
3. Allow to cool, gently add mascarpone portions, stirring until smooth.
4. Whisk the whites with the rest of the powdered sugar until steep, stable peaks.
5. Mix both creamy parts.
6. Dip Savoyardi in liqueur-coffee impregnation, put in a layer in a sufficiently deep mold.
7. Cover with cream, again moistened biscuits, then cream. You can collect such and 3, and 4 layers, but the final must certainly be the cream.
8. Sprinkle the collected tiramisu with cocoa. Leave in the refrigerator for 3-5 hours.

The five fastest recipes for tiramisu with mascarpone:

Helpful hints:
... Instead of cocoa, tiramisu can be sprinkled with coffee, grated chocolate, decorated with nuts and fruits.
... To cut an Italian dessert beautifully, you need to moisten a knife with water. The filling does not stick to the wet blade.
... If tiramisu is intended for children, then instead of alcohol impregnation, wet the savoyardi in a milkshake, sweet juice or liquid chocolate.

Tiramisu is a fairly popular dessert served in almost every restaurant. It contains soft biscuits as well as a coffee impregnation and a delicate cheese-based cream.

It may seem to many that the recipe for making such a delicacy is too complicated, but this is not so, because you can easily cook tiramisu according to the classic recipe at home, and the delicacy will turn out no worse than in a restaurant. We will provide a basic recipe with step-by-step photos to make it easier to prepare the dessert.

Classic version

This amount of ingredients is enough for ten servings of a sweet treat. Making dessert is easy, especially if you follow the step-by-step recipe with the photo exactly.


  • cream cheese - 520 grams;
  • espresso or boiled coffee - 460 ml;
  • ladies' fingers cookies - 270 grams;
  • granulated sugar - 6 tablespoons;
  • cocoa powder - 4 tablespoons;
  • quality cognac - 2 spoons;
  • chicken eggs - 6 pieces.

Cooking process:

  • First you need to cook a strong one. To do this, the grains are crushed in a coffee grinder, the required amount is placed in a Turk and filled with water. The drink is cooked over low heat, it is important not to bring the coffee to a boil. As soon as foam forms on the surface, you can remove the drink from the heat.

  • It is possible to simply prepare a drink in the coffee maker.
  • As soon as the espresso has cooled, the required amount is added to it, you can replace the cognac with liqueur. If the dessert is intended for children, then cognac is completely excluded from the recipe.

  • The dessert will turn out to be delicious and non-alcoholic additives. If you have almond syrup at home, you can add it to your coffee.
  • Now they are preparing clean containers, it is very important that they are dry. The eggs are washed, since the cream is prepared with raw eggs, they must be very fresh.

  • Now the yolks are separated from the whites and transferred to separate containers. When separating proteins, you should watch that not a single drop of yolk gets into the protein mass, otherwise the proteins will not whip into a strong foam.

  • Sugar is added to the yolks and everything is beaten with a mixer at maximum speed, as soon as the yolks become light and foam is obtained, you can stop the beating process. There should be no grains in the mixture. You can replace granulated sugar with powdered sugar.

  • The required amount of Mascarpone cheese is added to the mass of whipped yolks, it is better to choose the highest quality product in order to get a delicious dessert. The mass is stirred with a spatula from bottom to top so that the cream remains fluffy.

  • The whites are whipped into a fluffy mass, first the whipping process begins at a low speed, gradually increasing the speed of the mixer. As a result, you should get an airy, but very thick mass.
  • The finished proteins are transferred to the yolks with cheese, after which everything is gently mixed. Use a silicone spatula for mixing. It is strictly forbidden to use the mixer at this stage.

  • When the cream is ready, you can start assembling, for this you should prepare small molds or bowls in advance. When the dessert is served to guests, it is recommended to use transparent bowls, so the dessert will attract attention not only by its taste, but also by its appearance.

  • They start assembling the classic tiramisu recipe at home. To do this, each cookie is dipped in prepared coffee, while there is no need to completely dip the cookies into the drink, only half is enough. If the stick is too long, it may break.

  • First, the first layer of cookies is laid out according to a step-by-step recipe with a photo, 1-2 sticks of cookies are enough for the first layer.

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  • Next, a layer of cream is laid and laid out again. Cover everything on top with a layer of cream and cover the dessert with cling film. In this form, the dessert is removed to the refrigerator chamber for impregnation.
  • If possible, the dessert is kept in the cold for at least twelve hours.

Before serving the dessert, remove the cling film, and then sprinkle the top of the cream with cocoa powder. To ensure that the cocoa is well distributed on the surface, it is recommended to use a sieve.

With cherry

This is another fairly simple recipe for making classic tiramisu at home; fresh cherries or sweet cherries will be used here as an additive. If there is no such berry at home, you can replace it with strawberries or fresh raspberries.


  • fresh sweet cherries - 370 grams;
  • soft cream cheese - 260 grams;
  • Savoyardi cookies - 260 grams;
  • fat cream from 33% - 290 ml;
  • coffee liqueur - 4 tablespoons;
  • powdered sugar - 4 tablespoons;
  • brewed espresso - 1 cup;
  • vanillin - a pinch;
  • dark chocolate - 65 grams.

Cooking process:

  1. If you follow the step-by-step recipe with a photo, then first you should take soft cheese and mix it with whipped cream, add a quarter of liqueur and powdered sugar there.
  2. The remaining three tablespoons of liquor are added to the finished boiled espresso; this amount of alcohol is taken for 200 ml of coffee.
  3. Now a bowl is taken, in which a layer of cheese cream is first laid, you can use a large form, and then cut the dessert into portioned cakes.
  4. Cookies with one side are dipped into the prepared coffee, after which they are placed on the cream with the dry side, it is important to lay the cookies in a fairly dense layer.
  5. Then you can lay out the layers in order. After the cookies, there is a layer of fresh cherries that have been previously pitted. From above everything is covered with a layer of cream, and the layer of cookies, cherries and cream is repeated.
  6. When the dessert is collected, sprinkle it with grated chocolate, you can replace the bitter one with regular cocoa. Leave the tiramisu for one night in the refrigerator, and then serve it to the table.

Tiramisu without eggs

If the house does not have the number of eggs that is necessary to prepare tiramisu according to the classic recipe, then at home you can make a dessert without eggs. Many pastry chefs use just such a recipe for making a dessert, while the absence of eggs does not affect the taste.


  • heavy cream from 30% - 125 ml;
  • mascarpone cheese - 270 grams;
  • strong black coffee - 190 ml;
  • quality condensed milk - 65 grams;
  • homemade cookies or Savoyardi - 17 pieces;
  • dark chocolate without sugar - 65 grams.

Cooking process:

  1. Fatty cream is poured into a large container and then whipped until thick, the required amount of condensed milk and cheese is poured there, everything is mixed with a fork until smooth. The ingredients are additionally beaten with a mixer for ten minutes.
  2. Next, coffee is brewed and allowed to cool for a few minutes, it is necessary that the drink turns out to be no more than 35 degrees.
  3. Now cookies are dipped in coffee, this must be done quickly, without overexposing the base of the dessert in the drink, otherwise the cookies will get very wet.
  4. Cookies are laid out in the first layer in a prepared form, after which everything is greased with a layer of cream, then the cookies are laid out again and covered with a dense layer of creamy mass. The process is repeated until the cookies and cream are finished.
  5. Sprinkle the finished delicacy through a sieve with a layer of cocoa, you can replace cocoa with grated chocolate.

The cake is sent to the refrigerator chamber for five hours, during which time the cookies are soaked. You can garnish the treat with a sprig of mint when serving.

If the hostess prepares tiramisu according to a step-by-step recipe with a photo, she should still take into account several important points, without which the dessert will not turn out so tasty:

  1. The dessert should be kept in the refrigerator for at least four hours, it is even better to leave the tiramisu in the cold overnight so that the delicacy is soaked. This should be taken into account when preparing a cake for a celebration.
  2. It is not at all necessary to prepare a dessert with thick cream; it is not always possible to make a base of cheese of the required consistency. In this case, the dessert is made out in molds or bowls.
  3. You can use it with a dessert spoon or fork.
  4. After the dessert has hardened enough, it must be cut into portions. Since the delicacy is very delicate and soft, the knife can damage it, therefore, before each cut, you should moisten the blade with water.

As a basis, you can not buy ready-made cookies, but cook them yourself.

If it is not possible to purchase Mascarpone cheese, the chefs recommend choosing a good soft cottage cheese for dessert, as a result, the cake will taste no worse. Various types of berries are used as additives, they can be fresh or frozen.

The most delicate Italian dessert Tiramisu can be prepared at home: with mascarpone cheese, cream and cocoa!

  • Cocoa powder 6 tsp
  • Cognac 2 tbsp. l.
  • Espresso coffee 250 ml
  • Savoyardi biscuits 250 g
  • Powdered sugar 0.5 tbsp.
  • Mascarpone cheese 400 g
  • Black chocolate 50 g
  • Chicken eggs 5 pcs.

Recipe 2: homemade tiramisu with mascarpone (with photo)

  • Mascarpone 500 grams
  • Egg 4 pieces
  • Sugar 100 grams
  • Savoyardi 30 pcs (cookies)
  • Coffee 350 ml strong coffee
  • Cocoa for sprinkling

Make good, strong coffee. Then you need to cool it completely to room temperature.

Then cover the cookies with all the remaining cream and put them in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning we take out the tiramisu and sprinkle with cocoa. All is ready.

Recipe 3: tiramisu + with mascarpone and vanilla cookies

  • Cream cheese / mascarpone 250 g
  • Granulated sugar ½ Glass
  • Fat cream 1 Glass
  • Strong coffee 2 Glass
  • Rum 1 tablespoon
  • Vanilla biscuits 12 pcs.
  • Cocoa powder ½ Glass

Put the cream cheese or mascarpone in a bowl, add 3 tablespoons of sugar. Mix until smooth.

Put the cream in another container, pour the remaining sugar, beat well. Transfer to a container with cheese.

Brew strong coffee. Pour the hot drink into a bowl, add rum to it, mix. Break the cookies. Put in a container with coffee.

Hold for 10 sec. and immediately put in the bowls.

Grease the cookie layer well with butter. Put the second layer of cookies on top and grease with cream also liberally. Fill the bowls to the brim, alternating layers.

Grease the last layer of cookies with cream, sprinkle with cocoa powder. The finished dessert must be chilled for 8 hours. Then you can serve. Bon Appetit!

Recipe 4: tiramisu at home with mascorpone

  • Yolks - 4 pcs
  • Sugar - 4 tbsp
  • Mascarpone cheese - 250 g
  • Cream 33% - 500 ml
  • Savoyardi cookies - 300 g
  • Coffee - 200 ml
  • Cocoa powder - 10 g

We take yolks and 3 tablespoons of sugar.

Beat for 3-5 minutes until a light color is achieved (like butter).

Add the Mascarpone cheese.

Beat for 3-5 minutes until the consistency of thick sour cream.

We take the cream and the remaining sugar. Beat for 3-5 minutes until the cream retains its shape and does not spread.

Combine whipped cream and yolks with Mascarpone. Beat for 1-2 minutes - the cream is ready. The whipping time depends on the power of the blender and the temperature of the food. Chilled food in chilled dishes will break through faster than the same food that has reached room temperature.

We take a mold and grease the bottom with a small amount of cream. We spread a layer of Savoyardi, after dipping each cookie in coffee. You need to immerse half of the cookies in the coffee for a second. The coffee must be cold.

Cover with a layer of cream.

We spread the next layer of cookies and then the cream. The number of layers depends on the size of the mold - there can be 2 or 3 layers.

We keep Tiramisu in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours until fully cooked. Put a soft dessert in a bowl (or other form) and spread the cream on the surface with a spoon.

Sprinkle with cocoa powder, carefully tilting the dish with the dessert in different directions, distribute the cocoa.

Recipe 5: tiramisu with savoyardi, cognac and mascarpone cheese

  • sugar - 170 g (¾ glass)
  • cognac - 3 tbsp. l.
  • dark chocolate - 80 g
  • strong coffee - 250 ml
  • mascarpone cheese - 300 g
  • eggs - 5 pcs.
  • Savoyardi cookies - 36 pcs.

Separate the yolks from the whites. Grind the yolks thoroughly with half the sugar. This can be done using a mixer. The sugar grains should not be felt.

Add mascarpone to the yolk mixture, mix.

Beat the whites until large bubbles appear. While continuing to beat, gradually add the other half of the sugar. Beat the whites into a dense foam and gently, in parts, stir in the cheese-yolk mixture.

Mix coffee with cognac. Dip the cookies in coffee and put them in a rectangular shape so that the bottom is completely covered.

Put half of the prepared cream on top. Flatten the surface. Put the second layer of cookies soaked in coffee, spread the remaining cream over it. Cover the dish with cling film and refrigerate for 8-10 hours.

Before serving, grate the chocolate on a fine grater and sprinkle the tiramisu on top. You can also sprinkle with cocoa powder sifted through a strainer.

Recipe 6: tiramisu with cream and mascarpone without eggs

  • Cream (33% fat) 150-200 ml.
  • Cheese "Mascarpone" 500 g
  • Powdered sugar 100 g
  • Cookies "Savoyardi" (ladies' fingers cookies) 16-18 pcs.
  • Coffee (natural freshly brewed) 180-200 ml.
  • Liqueur Amaretto (cognac, or other alcoholic alcohol) 1-2 tbsp. l.

Chilled cream 30-33% fat, pour into a pre-cooled dish. Gradually adding the icing sugar, beat the cream.

Whip the cream until soft peaks.

Add the Mascarpone cheese to the whipped cream in small portions (1-2 tablespoons each) and carefully mix the cheese into the whipped cream. Carefully stir in the cheese from top to bottom.

Knead the cream and Mascarpone cheese until smooth.

Brew coffee in advance and cool. Coffee must be freshly brewed and always natural. If desired, add Amaretto liqueur or other alcohol to the cooled coffee. Dip the Savoyardi cookies one at a time.

Dip the cookies on both sides in coffee. The cookies must be dipped very quickly, otherwise they will soak very quickly.

Put a layer of biscuit sticks bought out in coffee on the bottom of the form. If you are preparing tiramisu in a glass or bowl, then it is better to first put a layer of cream on the bottom. This time I was making a double portion of tiramisu, so I used more ingredients.

Put half of the cream on a layer of Savoyardi cookies and distribute it evenly.

Put another layer of cookies dipped in coffee on top.

Spread the remaining half of the cream evenly over the entire surface of the cookie.

Here is a side view of our dessert.

Sprinkle tiramisu with cocoa or grated chocolate on top. We send the dessert to the refrigerator for at least 4 hours.

Bon Appetit!

Recipe 7: tiramisu with mascarpone cheese (with a photo step by step)

  • Mascarpone - 500 Grams
  • Cookies "Savoyardi" - 250 grams
  • Eggs - 6 Pieces (always fresh)
  • Cognac - 30-50 Milliliters (optional)
  • Sugar - 150 Grams
  • Strong Epresso - 200 Milliliters
  • Cocoa - 1-2 Art. spoons

Take eggs, separate into yolks from whites. Place the whites in a deep large bowl and refrigerate, then beat with a mixer until firm peaks. Now you can put them in the refrigerator and proceed to the next step.

Add sugar to the yolks, beat everything until the latter is completely dissolved. At the same time, the sugar-yolk mass should lighten noticeably and become thicker.

Now gradually add mascarpone to the whipped mixture of yolks and sugar, continuing to beat the cream at low speed until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Make coffee (if you have finely ground natural coffee, you can just pour boiling water over it). Cool it to room temperature and mix with cognac. Now prepare the dishes in which you will lay out the tiramisu.

You can use one large dish or different bowls, low wide glasses or martini glasses. This will give you neat and beautiful portions that can be served quickly without any fuss or additional preparation. Next, quickly dip the cookies into the resulting coffee-cognac impregnation, put them on the bottom of the container, forming the first layer.

Make the final layer of cream, close the tiramisu tins with cling film and send to the refrigerator to infuse for 8-10 hours. During this time, it will evenly soak and harden.

Sprinkle the finished dessert generously with cocoa or finely grated chocolate, decorate to your taste. Bon Appetit!

Recipe 8, step by step: creamy tiramisu in Italian

  • 500 g mascarpone cream cheese;
  • 500 ml of cream with a fat content of at least 33%;
  • 10 yolks;
  • 300 g savoyardi biscuit cookies (ladies' fingers);
  • 400 ml freshly brewed coffee;
  • 40 g of high quality cocoa powder;
  • 200 g icing sugar.

First of all, let's brew strong coffee. We will proceed from the proportions: for 400 ml of boiling water, 2 teaspoons of coffee and 2 tablespoons of sugar. We brew and leave to cool completely.

Using a whisk, beat the egg yolks with powdered sugar until smooth.

We put the whipped mass in a water bath to heat, stirring continuously. During the heating process, the yolks will become lighter and begin to thicken. Everything about everything will take about 5 minutes. After we boil the mass and completely cool it, it will become even thicker.

We transfer the cooled yolk-sugar mass to a deep dish of a large size, since there will be a lot of cream. We send mascarpone to the mixture.

Beat the prepared ingredients using a mixer at low speed. Mascarpone should be added in several steps. To prevent the cheese from curdling, you cannot beat for a long time! The mass should be light and airy.

Now you need to whip the cream. The dishes in which the whole process will take place, the whisk, and the product itself must certainly be very well chilled. We take cream with a fat content of at least 33%. We pour them into the dishes, we also remove them from the walls of the package by cutting the bag.

Beat the cream continuously with a mixer at medium speed. As soon as a clear pattern is formed on the surface of the dairy product, the whipping process is stopped. Do not whip the cream for a long time. They should not be liquid, but dense enough. The whipped cream is ready!

Now you need to mix two prepared masses: yolk with mascarpone and cream. We introduce the cream gradually, in several steps.

Mix the mass very carefully with a spatula until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

All preparatory stages have been passed. We begin to collect the dessert itself. We take cookies and dip them in brewed and chilled coffee. We do this very quickly, because the cookies are very tender, and if you keep them in liquid for longer, they will simply lose their shape.

Immediately place the cookies on the bottom of the large mold.

Put half the portion of the resulting cream on the cookie layer. Spread it evenly over the entire surface of the cookie.

Put the cookies on the cream again, which we dip in coffee. Lightly sprinkle the cookies with cocoa.

Now we send the second part of the cream to the form, distribute it over the cookie layer. We cover the form with cling film and send it to the refrigerator for several hours (ideally overnight). During this time, all ingredients will begin to interact. The sugar will dissolve, the cookies will give off a coffee aroma and are well saturated with a delicious cream.

Sprinkle chilled tiramisu generously with cocoa. It is best to use a sieve to make the cocoa lightly even layer.

Now you know the classic Tiramisu recipe. And at home, the dessert turns out to be no less tasty than in a restaurant. Serve the cake, cut into portions, garnished with a mint leaf. Bon Appetit!

Recipe 9: the most tender tiramisu with cream and cheese

  • Cream - 200 ml
  • Mascarpone cream - 250 g
  • Cookies "Savoyardi" - 200 g
  • Cognac - 2 tablespoons
  • Brewed coffee - 200 ml
  • Powdered sugar - 3 tablespoons
  • Cocoa powder - 1 tablespoon

So, let's prepare all the products according to the list. It is better to prepare brewed coffee in advance so that it cools down by the time the dessert is prepared.

Let's prepare a cream for dessert. Put the Mascarpone cream in a bowl.

Pour cream of 30% fat into the cheese.

Add powdered sugar.

IMPORTANT: we do not like very sweet cream, so I put powdered sugar to a minimum, you can add a little more powdered sugar to your taste.

Beat all the ingredients with a mixer until a thick cream is obtained.

Mix the cooled brewed coffee and brandy in a bowl.

Now is the time to put together our Tiramisu dessert.

Cover the bottom of the mold with a thin layer of cream. Dip the Savoyardi cookie sticks into the coffee-cognac solution and put the cookies in one layer in the mold.

Distribute two or three tablespoons of cream on top.

We repeat the layers of cookies and cream several times. We should have some cream left, we will decorate our dessert with it before serving.

At the very end, cover the dessert with foil and send it to the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Decorate the soaked Tiramisu dessert with cream and mascarpone with the remaining cream, sprinkle with cocoa powder and serve it to the table.

Recipe 10: anniversary cookie tiramisu (step by step photos)

  • Cookies "Jubilee" - 400 grams (3 packs)
  • Mascarpone Cheese - 250 Grams
  • Cream 30% - 200 Milliliters
  • Natural ground coffee - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Cocoa - 2-3 Art. spoons
  • Powdered sugar - 100 Grams
  • Cognac - 1 Art. spoon

We make coffee without sugar. We need about a glass of it. Let the coffee cool, then add cognac to it.

Whip the cream and icing sugar into a strong, stable mass.

Then add the whipped cream in small portions in mascarpone, beat until smooth.

I didn't moisten the first layer of cookies in coffee, but you can moisten it. We spread the cookies on a dish or in a mold with sides, if your cream is a little liquid.