Home / Chebureks / Delicious plum jam recipe. Pitted plum jam

Delicious plum jam recipe. Pitted plum jam

During the night, our plums will give a lot of juice, which will allow us not to add to plum jam water. If you want to cook for one day, then let them stand with sugar for at least a couple of hours. Place container on fire and simmer until plums are tender. Thanks to the overnight soak, this will happen very quickly.

  • Now a little about the texture of the jam. If you want to get smooth and smooth, then take a hand blender and grind the contents of our bowl into a smooth puree. We like the taste of the little pieces of fruit in the plum jam, so I pour about half into a separate container, puree it there, and return it to the pot.

  • Bring jam to a boil and simmer until desired consistency. Remember to skim off any foam that builds up in the process. Cooking time will depend on many factors, such as the juiciness of the plums and the width of the pot. So you better focus on proven tests. Place a little jam on a chilled saucer. If the droplet does not spread, then you can roll it into jars.

  • Sterilize banks in any way convenient for you. I do this in the oven. To begin with, wash them thoroughly, and then put them on a wire rack in an oven heated to 100 degrees, neck down and let them dry. This takes about 20 minutes. Sterilize the lids separately in a saucepan with boiling water.

  • Gently remove hot jars from oven, fill with boiling jam and roll up. Turn upside down and wrap until cool. From the indicated amount of ingredients, I got 4 half-liter jars and a little more for food. This jam goes very well with pancakes, pancakes, and just with white bread, buttered. The recipe is adapted from the English-language blog Serious eats. Many thanks to the author.

  • Output - 1 liter

    Cooking time - 1 hour 30 minutes

    Confiture is one of the varieties of sweet preparations intended for long-term storage... For him, high-quality and ripe fruits are selected, overripe or with traces of fermentation are not suitable. It comes with pieces of fruit and berries, as well as in the form of a jelly-like puree.

    Jam from these berries has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Combining two qualities at once, it is tasty and healthy. It can be multi-component and prepared with the addition of a mixture of various fruits and berries.

    But traditional recipe monocomponent plum jam for the winter. It is not difficult to prepare it, the main thing is to be careful and observe all the conditions of the cooking technology. The finished product acquires a dense jelly-like consistency and rich aroma.

    How to make plum jam at home - a simple recipe with a photo step by step

    Plum has strong fermentation properties, so it must be carefully sorted out and washed under running water with soap and pits. Cut into four parts, so the fruit will boil better. Place in a saucepan, cover with water and place on medium fire.

    With constant stirring, bring to a boil, remove foam and reduce heat to low. Then we leave to simmer for 50 minutes, remembering to stir constantly so as not to burn.

    Plums should be boiled well. We no longer add water. Otherwise, the syrup will be the wrong consistency.

    At the end of the time allotted for boiling, add granulated sugar, mix everything well.

    Cook over low heat for another 40 minutes, stirring constantly. At the end of this time, we check the readiness. In order to understand whether the jam is ready or not, drop a drop on a porcelain plate.

    If the drop quickly thickens and holds its shape, it means that the plum jam is ready. The recipe with the photo helped to cook it, without special trouble... It remains only to roll it up in jars and send it for storage in a cold place.

    Any kind of plum can be used to make an exquisite jam. Blanks for the winter are a blessing, so take the time to stock up on fruit and roll up your sleeves. The sweet treat is useful for morning toasts and croissants, bagels, rolls and pies.

    It is served with casseroles, ice cream, soaked in a biscuit. And if you make jam on unusual recipe, then guests are not ashamed to serve tea. But you never know where the dessert will come in handy, the main thing is that the coveted jar should be in the bins.

    Secrets of cooking dessert for the winter

    The variety and color of the fruit does not really matter - the cooking process will not change. As a result, you will get a stunning plum jam with a rich deep color, light recognizable sourness.

    Do you need gelatin? Some recipes do not include the use of special thickeners because the fruit has enough natural pectin. But if you want to make jam of a very thick consistency, there is also such a cooking method.

    How to determine readiness? Usually they look at the density of the workpiece. The plum is boiled down so that the jam does not spread. Pass a spoon along the bottom of the cooking container, if the lane is clear, fills smoothly and slowly, the jam is ready.

    Classic pitted plum jam

    Would need:

    • Hungarian (any other plum) - kilogram.
    • Water - 100 ml.
    • Granulated sugar - 350 gr.

    How to make jam for the winter:

    1. Select ripe fruits without signs of spoilage. Wash, remove bones.
    2. Fold in a basin, pour in water. If the plum is very juicy. Additional fluid can be dispensed with.
    3. We put to cook. When the mixture boils, cook for 15-20 minutes. Stir, remove foam.
    4. Turn the slightly cooled mass into mashed potatoes in any available way (blender, sieve, meat grinder, or crush, if you want to leave interspersed pieces).
    5. Return the fruit to the bowl, add sugar. Adjust the amount of sweetness based on the acidity of the plum. For sour, you can increase up to 500 grams. per kilogram of fruit mass.
    6. Let the jam boil, reduce the power of the fire. Continue to cook slowly, remembering to stir, for 20-25 minutes from the boil.
    7. Wait for the desired consistency - turn it off. Fill sterilized jars, roll up.

    Chocolate jam - a simple recipe

    The original jam with chocolate and cinnamon is an exquisite treat. I advise you to make at least a jar delicious treats from the gourmet series.

    You will need:

    • Plums - a kilogram.
    • Sugar - 700 gr.
    • Cinnamon stick (on liter jar 0.5 cm).
    • Thickener (zhelfix, confiture) - sachet.
    • Dark chocolate - bar 100 gr.

    How to make an unusual jam:

    1. Divide the clean plums into halves, select the core.
    2. Chop with a blender or mince. How fine you will grind, decide for yourself. Personally, I like it more when in the mashed mass there are pieces of plum pulp.
    3. Put mashed potatoes in a saucepan, add sugar. After boiling, cook for a quarter of an hour.
    4. Remove from the burner, chill a little. If you still decide to make the mass jelly-like, wipe it through a sieve. If you don't want to, skip this step.
    5. Let the jam boil, add crushed cinnamon, chopped chocolate pieces.
    6. Continue cooking for the last 5 minutes. Let it boil vigorously, turn it off, fill the jars with dessert. Turn sealed jars over and cool before storing.

    Plum jam with apricots

    Plum is a soft fruit, so it is often combined with more dense ones - apples, apricots. Before you is traditional, easy recipe cooking jam with apricots.

    • Fruit - apricots and plums per kilogram.
    • Water - 150 ml.
    • Granulated sugar - kilogram.
    • Citric acid - on the tip of a knife.

    Step by step cooking:

    1. Select ripe apricots and plums, sort out, wash. Remove pits from both fruits.
    2. Place in a cooking pot, add water. Turn on the gas and wait until it boils. Cooking time depends on the ripeness of the fruit and the desired degree of thickness. Tune in for 20-30 minutes.
    3. If desired, the jam can be additionally grated using a blender or other devices.
    4. Boil again, adding sugar. Cook for 20-30 minutes, if the consistency is not satisfactory, continue cooking. At the end, pour citric acid, stir, let it boil and turn off.

    Jam from apples with plums - recipe for a meat grinder

    Apples are friends with plums, ripen at the same time, it's a sin not to make jam. Both fruits have a high pectin content, so the dessert will be thick and rich in flavor.

    • Per kilogram of sweet plums and apples - 500 gr. Sahara.
    1. Slice the fruit, remove the center, free it from the seeds. Cut the apples into slices, leave the plums in halves.
    2. Scroll in a meat grinder, cover the puree with sand, add a pinch of citric acid.
    3. After boiling, mark the time for an hour. Boil the mass over low heat, not forgetting to stir.
    4. Pack the finished dessert in jars and store in the pantry.

    How to make jam with gelatin

    Plums are famous for their natural pectin, the jam will be thick anyway. If you want to thicken the syrup, add gelatin or other pectin additives.

    Would need:

    • Fruit - 1 kg.
    • Citric acid - 2 gr.
    • Gelatin - 10 gr.
    • Granulated sugar - 500 gr.
    • Water - 50 ml.


    1. Chop pure fruits in any desired way - grind in mashed potatoes.
    2. Place in a saucepan, add acid and sand.
    3. Cook for an hour and a half.
    4. Fill in parallel hot water gelatin. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, pour it into the jam.

    We cook in a slow cooker:

    If you are the lucky owner of a modern gadget, then after scrolling through the fruit puree, place it in the multicooker bowl.

    Add the rest of the ingredients, cook, setting on "Jam" or "Stew" for 1.5 hours. Of these, the last half hour with the lid open.

    Plum jam with walnuts in the oven

    Few know this recipe, usually it is much easier to cook a dessert. True, you will have to spend a little on wine and rum, but it will be very unusual, exquisite and tasty.

    Would need:

    • Fruit - 500 gr.
    • Sugar (brown) - 250 gr.
    • Cinnamon - 4 sticks.
    • Ground cinnamon - a teaspoon.
    • Walnut (almond) - 100 gr.
    • White dry wine- 130 ml.
    • Rum - glass (optional).


    1. Cut the plums into large wedges. Fold into a baking dish.
    2. Add the rest of the ingredients, mix. Leave on the table for 40 minutes.
    3. Place in an oven preheated to 170 ° C. Bake for an hour. After the end of cooking, the mass can be rubbed in jelly.
    4. Cool the jam, transfer to a jar, sprinkle with sugar on top, cover parchment paper and close with nylon caps. Keep cold.

    Video with a simple plum jam recipe. Successful pre-winter troubles!

    Today we will use * Early eel * plums for jam. We used them for. But pickled plums are needed that are not yet quite ripe, and for jam it is best to take overripe plums. This will make our jam sweeter and more aromatic.

    How to make plum jam at home

    As I already said, you need to choose ripe plums, and it is desirable that the stone is separated. This is of course not necessary, but grinding pitted plums much faster. Take the number of drains arbitrarily, as much as you want. Then we'll just add sugar after the fact.

    We wash the plums and immediately separate the stalks and seeds. As you can see in our photo, our plums are overripe, and when the seeds are separated, they no longer have beautiful slices. But we don’t need that. I also squeezed the plums with my hand. As a result, they ended up in own juice and we don’t need to add water in order for them to start juice.

    We put on the stove and bring to a boil. In our case, 5 minutes of boiling the plums was enough so that they were completely ready for grinding. You regulate the time according to your plums. They should be soft, try to squeeze a wedge to the pan with a spoon. If it is pressed down without resistance, then the plums are ready for grinding.

    Grind the plums through a sieve with a whisk. You can, of course, with your hands, a spoon, or whatever is convenient for you. But this year we discovered a new grinding method for ourselves. Speeds up the process very well. In addition, the hands remain clean.

    We took 2 kilograms of plums for ourselves. After pitting and grinding, we have 1.5 kilograms of plum puree left. The puree turned out to be thick, but not as much as we would like.

    We have weights, so we add sugar one to one exactly. 1.5 kilograms of mashed potatoes were added with 1.5 kilograms of sugar. But this can be done without weighing. You can also look at the sweetness of the plums. And the exact proportions are not required here. Although we had sweet plums, we decided to add the same amount of sugar.

    Firstly, the jam will be stored in the apartment, and secondly, we will use it mainly in cooking, so even our children eat our jams. Otherwise, in their pure form, they are not big hunters for homemade sweets. And so they eat sweets, and cottage cheese.

    We put our mashed potatoes with sugar on the stove. Begins turning into plum jam. We put on medium heat, and watch the jam. At the moment of boiling, foam rises. Therefore, I recommend using dishes that are not filled to the brim, but about half.

    In general, the jam is cooked not in enameled dishes, but in copper, aluminum or stainless steel. It is believed that in copper dishes it turns out very delicious jam or jam. You can cook both in a basin and in a saucepan. We used an aluminum 3.5 liter pan and the foam rose almost to the very edge.

    We remove this foam. Then you can use it to make compote. For example, we took the remnants of plums after grinding, foam from the jam and then after rolling the jam, we cooked compote in the same saucepan. The result is a delicious, aromatic plum compote.

    After boiling, we reduce the heat and simmer for about two hours. You can check for readiness by dropping it onto a plate or nail. The photo shows that there is a drop on the nail after 40 minutes of boiling, and on the plate after an hour of boiling. Just do not put too hot jam on your finger, cool it down.

    It is the cooled jam that will show you the correct consistency. Hot, it will still spread on the plate, especially if there is more than one drop.

    We personally boiled less, we need liquid jam. It will then be easier to mix with the curd.

    If you want to get a thick plum jam, then you need to evaporate for at least two hours. We did it recently, so we got it like marmalade.

    And here is the final photo of our plum jam. Now you have seen how to make plum jam at home, and you should only have a desire to make it. And you already know how to do it.

    Enjoy your blanks and all the best to you!

    Plum jam and jam.

    Plum Jam Jam and Jam

    Thick plum jam.

    Recipe thick jam from plums with cinnamon. It can be spread on bread, bagels and pies.


    • plums 1 kg
    • sugar 1/2 kg
    • ground cinnamon 1 tsp

    1. Wash the plums, remove the seeds. Grind the pulp with an immersion blender, cover with sugar and add cinnamon, mix. Let stand to dissolve sugar.

    2. Pour the jam into a saucepan with a wide bottom in small portions (about 2 scoops each) and cook, stirring occasionally, until the jam starts to stick slightly to the walls. After that, boil for another 1-2 minutes and pour into a prepared jar.

    3. Repeat with the remaining plum mixture.

    Plum Jam in a Caucasian way.

    This is my favorite plum jam today. I'm new to homemade preparations, but the taste, and most importantly, the aroma of this jam won me over

    What do you need:

    • Plums 2 kg
    • Dry ginger (I took fresh and grated on a medium grater) - 1 tsp.
    • Cinnamon - 1 tsp
    • Peeled walnuts - 150 gr.
    • Sugar - 600 gr.
    • Water 1 l.

    1. Wash the plums well, dry on a cloth towel, cut in half and remove the seeds. Finely chop the walnuts with a knife.

    2. Place the plums in a cooking bowl, cover with sugar. Pour in water and cook over low heat until boiling.

    3. Then add spices (ginger and cinnamon), stir and cook for 40 minutes, periodically removing the foam and stirring. After that, remove the container from the stove, cool the mass a little. V ready-made jam put chopped nuts, mix well.

    4. Put warm jam in sterilized jars, close tightly with lids. Store the jam in a cool dry place.

    Plum jam.

    Plum jam is aromatic and tasty, it has a very beautiful color and unique aroma. For cooking, an additional component is used - jellification (gelling agent), so that the jam acquires a jelly consistency. Plum jam also serves as a good addition to various pastries and desserts.


    • plums - 1 kg
    • jellix bag 40 gr.
    • sugar - 800-850 gr.
    • cinnamon - 1-2 tsp to taste
    • cognac - 100 ml.


    Prepare the plums - wash under running water, cut in half along the seam and remove the seeds. Fold into a cooking container (enameled), cover with sugar and leave for 30-40 minutes until juice appears. Put on low heat and cook, stirring gently, for 30-40 minutes until the plums are soft. Add cognac and cinnamon to taste, cook for another 10-15 minutes, remove from heat. After cooling the jam a little, add the jelly, mix well and place again on a small fire, boil for 10 minutes after boiling and pour into clean, sterilized jars, roll up or seal tightly with lids. Cool and store in a cool place. Bon Appetit!

    Plum jam with spices.

    This jam needs to be cooked for a long time, until it thickens and becomes a deep red color.


    • plums 1.5 kg.
    • sugar 225 g
    • 3/4 tsp cardamom
    • 1/2 tsp cinnamon

    Divide the plums into halves, remove the seeds, cut into 3-4 cm pieces, you do not need to remove the skin. Place plum pieces in a saucepan, add 1 cup water and sugar.

    Cook over low heat until fruits are tender (about 20 minutes). Remove the saucepan from heat, beat the fruit in a blender until a puree consistency. Return the plums to the saucepan, add the cardamom and cinnamon, and cook over very low heat, stirring constantly, until the mixture thickens (about 2.5 to 3 hours).

    Remove from heat and refrigerate. Store in a tightly closed container or pour into sterilized jars while still hot.

    Plum jam with walnuts and spices.

    You will need:

    • 500 g plums (pitted weight)
    • 350 g brown sugar (regular)
    • 100 g walnuts
    • 1 cinnamon stick
    • 1-2 stars of anise (to taste)


    Cut the plums into thin slices, cover with sugar, set aside until juice is released. Mix well, bring to a boil, remove foam, remove from heat, set aside until completely cooled.

    Repeat the process two more times, in the last step add nuts, spices to the jam and leave at a low boil for 10 minutes.

    Cool completely, remove the spices, roll the jam into jars.

    Plum jam.

    • Plums - 3 kg;
    • Sugar –2 kg;


    Plum jam is made from fresh, ripe and pureed fruits. There should be no seeds or peels in it. Put the plums in a bowl, add (for 1 kg of fruit) ½ cup of water and steam over low heat until they become soft. Then cool everything a little and rub through a sieve to free it from the skin.

    Boil the grated plums almost until tender. It is advisable to cook the jam in a low, wide bowl in order to obtain rapid evaporation, which guarantees a rich color and excellent taste of the finished product. During the cooking process, the plum jam should be stirred continuously with a wooden spatula so that it does not burn.

    Pour in sugar only after the entire fruit mass has thickened enough (we boil it almost 2 times), since sugar contributes to rapid burning.

    When preparing jam, the main role is played by determining the correct density. It is best to determine the density by running a wooden spoon or spatula along the bottom, if a path forms at the bottom of the bowl, which slowly fills, then the jam is ready.

    Ready plum jam is poured hot into washed and sterilized jars and rolled up. Air cooling.