Home / Khachapuri / How long do porcini mushrooms cook. Soup with fresh porcini mushrooms

How long do porcini mushrooms cook. Soup with fresh porcini mushrooms

White mushroom is famous for its nutritional qualities high level. Besides, porcini still has a pleasant taste. Boil porcini mushrooms to enjoy them - it would seem, what is easier? But everywhere there are snags: you need to know how long and how to cook porcini mushrooms so that they please the hostess and her guests with their taste.

How to cook porcini mushrooms

Fresh mushrooms must be cleaned of litter, blades of grass, dirt and rinsed thoroughly. If desired, you can wash the mushrooms several times. It depends on what dish the mushrooms are intended for.If you plan to boil them first, and then fry or bake them (for example, with fish), then you need to cook porcini mushrooms for 20-25 minutes. If boiled mushrooms will act as a separate dish or side dish, then you need to cook them for at least 32- 40 minutes

Cooking mushrooms for a very long time should not be, so as not to spoil their taste. When cooking mushrooms, it must be remembered that the foam formed during the cooking process must be regularly removed. When cooking, mushrooms are salted to taste. You can add your favorite seasoning.

If you plan to boil dried porcini mushrooms, then they are pre-soaked for 2— 3 hours. Next, the mushrooms are boiled in salted water for 20 minutes.

Recipes with boiled mushrooms

There are a great many recipes with the addition of boiled mushrooms. In addition, porcini mushrooms can be used as a side dish. We offer several interesting recipes from white mushrooms.

Potato salad with porcini mushrooms


  • white mushrooms - 200 g;
  • potato - 4 - 5 pcs;
  • leek;
  • olive oil - 4-5 tbsp. l.;
  • vinegar;
  • pepper, salt to taste.

Boil potatoes "in uniform". Next, peel and cut into cubes. Sort fresh mushrooms, clean from litter, rinse thoroughly. Throw the washed mushrooms in a colander, let the water drain. Mix mushrooms with potatoes, add leeks. Salt, pepper, dress the salad with vinegar, olive oil or mayonnaise.

Cheese soup with mushrooms

For cooking you will need:

  • white mushrooms - 150 g;
  • potato - 3 - 4 pcs;
  • processed cheese - 400 g;
  • carrot - 150 g;
  • leeks or onions - 150 g;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

Pour about 3 liters of water into a saucepan, bring it to a boil, add the mushrooms cut into small pieces and cook for 30 minutes. Then peel the potatoes, cut them into cubes. Grate carrots on a medium grater. Onion cut into rings. Add potatoes to mushrooms, cook for 10 minutes. Next, add onions and carrots. A couple of minutes before the end of cooking, add the cheese. Pepper, salt as desired. You can add greens (parsley, celery). Stir and remove from heat.

Fish with mushrooms


  • fish (pollock fillet, pike perch or other) - 5-6 pieces;
  • white mushrooms - 500 g;
  • half a lemon;
  • olive oil;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

Sort fresh mushrooms, remove debris, cut into small pieces, boil for 25— 30 minutes. Rub the fish fillets with salt and pepper, make cuts and fill them with small pieces of lemon. Drizzle the fish with lemon. If desired, the fish can also be coated with mayonnaise or sour cream. Place the fish on a greased baking sheet with olive oil. Put the mushrooms on top of the fish, salt a little. Send the fish and mushrooms to bake in the oven for 20- 30 minutes.

Calorie content of boiled porcini mushrooms: 21.50 kcal per 100 g (meaning the edible part). Zhirov- 1.6, proteins - 3.7, carbohydrates - 0.9. Calorie fried porcini mushrooms- 150 kcal per 100 g.

If you prefer fried mushrooms, get to know

Mushroom dishes are delicious and varied. Mushrooms are added to side dishes, first courses, pastries, salads. In addition, they can be dried and frozen. Therefore, it is possible to eat your favorite product all year round. The porcini mushroom is considered the king of its kind. It grows in ecologically clean areas. And we love many thanks to its rich taste and aroma. Different types the product is cooked for a different period of time. So how much to cook porcini mushroom?

Preliminary preparation

Any mushrooms, including ceps, must go through a processing stage before cooking. To begin with, the mushrooms should be carefully sorted out, throwing out rotten, spoiled units. Very often sand and dirt come across in such a product. They must also be removed.

The legs of the mushrooms are subject to processing. Their edge is completely cut off. As a rule, the edge is shrouded in dirt, which is almost impossible to remove qualitatively. Often there are dots, dark blotches. They may indicate the presence of worms. Therefore, it is also better to get rid of the dots. To get rid of worms, mushrooms are poured with saline for 20-30 minutes.

Next, you need to separate the hats and legs. Only now the product is thoroughly washed under running water. Before cooking or frying, it is better to wait until the mushrooms dry. Large units need to be cut, medium ones - cut into two parts. If the mushrooms are small, they can be boiled whole.

How and how much to cook fresh porcini mushrooms?

Fresh porcini mushrooms are usually cooked immediately after harvest. As a rule, "hunting" for this species begins in the summer and autumn. If you want to eat the product all year round, the mushrooms are dried, canned, pickled or frozen. Some resort to the frying process immediately, without prior boiling. But, even such a dish is better to boil. After all, absolutely all types of mushrooms, like a sponge, absorb harmful substances from the outside.

Experienced chefs advise to carry out the following manipulations:

  • Pour the mushrooms with salt water for 20 minutes;
  • Boil;
  • After boiling, boil for another 15 minutes.

Only then can the product be used for further heat treatment(frying, stewing), adding to already ready meals. There is another way to cook fresh porcini mushrooms. The required amount of water is collected in the pan. If the product is cooked simply, you need a little liquid, but if for soup - more liquid.

So, the water is salted and brought to a boil. Porcini mushrooms are poured into already boiling water. As soon as they reach a boil, the fire should be reduced to medium, and the product should be boiled for 40 minutes. During the cooking process, a white foam will form, which must be removed. If the product will undergo repeated heat treatment in the future, it is enough to boil it for 20-25 minutes.

It is better not to digest porcini mushrooms. So they lose their unique aroma and taste. The maximum cooking time is 40 minutes. This is the only type of mushroom that does not oxidize even when cut and stored. Due to this, it always turns out to get a clear, light soup or broth. But stored in the broth, they will gradually darken.

How to cook frozen, dried white mushrooms?

Porcini mushrooms are often frozen. Even with such low temperatures they manage to keep their flavor. To cook such a product, it should first be defrosted. This can be done both at room temperature and in microwave oven. Before cooking, the mushrooms are washed and placed not in boiling, but in cold water. They are cooked on low heat for about 20-30 minutes.

Of course, the foam that will form is removed. It will be possible to salt white mushrooms only after they are ready. If the dish will continue to fry, it is better to use any vegetable oil and not creamy. White mushroom will quickly absorb all the fat. For stewing, it is recommended to use sour cream of any fat content.

Cooking dried porcini mushroom

In this case, the mushrooms are poured into an already boiling, salty liquid. As for the amount of water, a handful of the main ingredient is required for 1 glass of liquid. Before cooking, it is better to pour the product hot water and let it sit for at least a couple of hours. They will steam out, become soft, which will allow them to be cut. After that, the liquid in which the mushroom was steamed is also sent to a common cooking pot.

When cooking a dried product, as a rule, foam is not formed. Therefore, it is not necessary to control the entire process and remove it. If the mushrooms are whole, they will cook for 35-40 minutes, chopped - 25-30 minutes. In order not to spoil the taste of either the ingredient or the broth, it is better not to add spices immediately. Only the addition of a small amount of salt and bay leaf is allowed. If there is a liquid left in which the mushroom was steamed, it can be used to prepare a delicious sauce.

Is it possible to cook white mushroom in a slow cooker?

To save all useful properties product, it can be cooked in such a modern kitchen device as a slow cooker. The cooking process consists of the following steps:

  • Rinse, cut the mushrooms;
  • Lay on the bottom of the multicooker bowl;
  • Pour cold water 1 cm higher;
  • Select the "Baking" mode, and the time is 40 minutes.

The multicooker will do everything by itself. If there is too much ingredient (it takes up more than 1/2 of the volume of the bowl), it is better to cook them gradually, in portions. Such white mushrooms can be eaten by both adults and children. And nutritionists have long proven their value for the health of the body and the preservation of the figure.

Alexander Gushchin

I can't vouch for the taste, but it will be hot :)


Before using the gifts of the forest in a dish, it is necessary to carry out their preliminary heat treatment. This should be done to improve the taste, remove toxins and harmful substances that can accumulate in boletus, boletus, mushrooms and other species. Learn how to cook mushrooms correctly and for how long.

How much to cook mushrooms

The variety of species is so great that each representative requires an individual approach for cooking. Experienced people know exactly how much mushrooms need to be boiled, but housewives who have not encountered this type of fishing find it difficult to accomplish the task. All types have their own cooking time, so to create a delicious soup, you should know exactly the cooking hours. The heat treatment methods are affected by the condition of the product, which can be either freshly picked or frozen or dried.


The gifts of nature in this form are the most fastidious. If they are processed incorrectly, they will be tough even after cooking, so be sure to find out how much mushrooms need to be cooked. First, they should be soaked for 3.5-4 hours, filled with ice water, and then sent to the pan. It is not worth pouring out water after soaking, because a rich aroma will go with it, it is better to cook food on this broth. For any dish to cook dried mushrooms after soaking, preferably about 2 hours. We can assume that the gifts of the forest are ready when they settle on the bottom of the container where they were cooked.


When the mushroom mushroom ripens, the autumn harvest period begins. Artificially grown champignons and oyster mushrooms are available year-round in markets and shops. There is general rule, which indicates what to cook fresh mushrooms should be no more than 20 minutes. However, each species requires slight timing adjustments. If you do not want the products to darken, then before boiling the mushrooms, they should be washed in lemon juice or vinegar. How many minutes to cook mushrooms? It will be enough for champignons to boil for 5-10 minutes, and white ones need to be brought to readiness for at least half an hour.


Frozen forest gifts are good because they are always at hand: they are often sold in the store or caring hostesses stock them up during the summer-autumn collection period. When freezing, water remains that should not get into the pan, so the food should be thawed naturally or in the microwave, then rinsed. Frozen mushrooms should be boiled for about 20-30 minutes, and thrown exclusively into cold water, while they should boil exclusively over low heat. In the process, foam will appear, but it must be removed.

How to cook mushrooms

Many people like the taste of the gifts of the forest, but to make a rich soup, mashed potatoes, minced meat for pies or an appetizing second course, you should take into account the rules for cooking mushrooms. Almost every kind of them is subject to cooking, which is simple and effective way heat treatment. Thanks to this process, all the pollution that the gifts of the forest have absorbed during the growth process, toxic substances, and bitterness are neutralized. How to cook mushrooms? During heat treatment with water, part of the nutrients is lost, so it is better to pour very little liquid.


Representatives of this species are among the most nutritious and delicious gifts of nature, but they must be boiled before frying or baking. Many housewives are interested in how much to cook porcini mushrooms for soup? The average heat treatment time is at least 20-25 minutes. If you plan to cook the product for the first course, then it is better to let them boil for about half an hour, and then combine them with other components. It is not worth digesting representatives of this species, because they will become rubbery in taste, and in the process you need to periodically remove the foam.

Honey mushrooms before the fry

Honey agaric occupies a leading position for seaming and pickling, but this type can still be fried with onions in sour cream - the dish is also very tasty. However, before frying, this type should be boiled for the right amount of time. How much to cook mushrooms until cooked? The process takes place in a couple of stages: first they are boiled in water for about twenty minutes, then the water is drained and boiled again. At the second stage, they throw honey agaric, onions, Bay leaf, peppercorns, and leave on the stove for another 20 minutes. Cooking time depends on the size of mushrooms: small ones cook faster, and large ones take longer.

Mushrooms until done

Some people eat champignons even raw, but many housewives still prefer to boil them. Thanks to this, they become more juicy, tender, and more saturated in taste. Small champignons can be boiled whole, while large ones are recommended to be cut into several parts. Food should be placed in boiling water, but before that it must be salted and seasoned. How long do mushrooms boil? It all depends on what dish you add them to: if you want to put them in a salad or fry, then you need to boil for about 10 minutes, it will take 20 minutes for the time.


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How to cook mushrooms correctly. How long to cook frozen, dried or fresh mushrooms

Fry fresh porcini mushrooms until golden brown.
Frozen porcini mushrooms fry over low heat.

How to fry porcini mushrooms

Boil porcini mushrooms in water for 20 minutes, then fry for 10 minutes until golden brown.
If it is not possible to cook the mushrooms, it is necessary to clean and wash the mushrooms with special care, and also pour over boiling water or soak for half an hour or an hour in salted water.

How to fry porcini mushrooms with potatoes

Potato - 1 kilogram
Porcini mushrooms fresh or frozen - 400 grams
Onion- 1 head
Dill - several sprigs
Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons

How to fry porcini mushrooms with potatoes
1. Check porcini mushrooms for worms, removing dark and wormy places.
2. Boil porcini mushrooms in a small amount of salted water.

3. Peel and finely chop the onion; put on a heated frying pan, poured with oil.

4. Peel potatoes, cut into thin semicircles, put onions and fry for 20 minutes.
5. Put the mushrooms to the potatoes, fry with constant stirring over medium heat for 10 minutes, then add the greens.

How to fry porcini mushrooms in sour cream

White mushrooms - half a kilo
Sour cream - 1 cup 300 milliliters
Onion - 2 heads
Salt and ground black pepper - to taste
Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons
Red Bell pepper and coriander - a pinch

How to fry porcini mushrooms in sour cream
1. Peel, wash and cut porcini mushrooms.
2. Cut the legs along the thickness of 1-2 centimeters, cut the caps into small pieces.
3. Peel and finely chop the onion.
4. Heat up a frying pan, add oil, put onion and fry it, stirring, for 7 minutes over medium heat without a lid.
5. Add porcini mushrooms and fry them for another 15 minutes.
6. Salt and pepper the mushrooms, add sour cream, mix, cover and simmer for another 20 minutes over low heat.

How to fry porcini mushroom cutlets

Fresh porcini mushrooms - 1 kilogram
Butter - 200 grams
Chicken eggs - 4 pieces
Flour - 15 tablespoons
Ground crackers - 6 tablespoons
Milk - 2 cups
Grated cheese "Russian" - 150 grams
Parsley - 20 grams
Vegetable ( sunflower oil) - 3 tablespoons
Ground black pepper and salt - to taste

How to fry cutlets from porcini mushrooms
1. Mushrooms clean, wash, cut, boil in salted water.
2. Strain the mushrooms and put in a bowl.
3. Prepare the sauce: mix butter, flour, eggs and milk.
4. Add the sauce to the mushrooms, mix and cool.
5. Form cutlets from the mushroom mixture, roll in breadcrumbs and fry on strong fire on both sides - 5 minutes on each side.
6. After frying, sprinkle hot mushroom cutlets with grated cheese.

Porcini mushroom cook for 30-40 minutes

White mushroom in a slow cooker cook for 40 minutes

White mushroom in a double boiler cook for 40 minutes

Porcini mushroom in a pressure cooker cook for 10-15 minutes

How long do you need to cook porcini mushroom?

Before cooking porcini mushrooms, they must be cleaned. To do this, soak the product for 1 hour in water. Then carefully remove the skin with a knife. If there are dark or damaged places, then it is also better to cut them off. Old mushrooms are recommended to be cut in half to make sure they are clean inside. Then put them in a container and fill with cold water, salt, and:

  1. cook a whole porcini mushroom for 40 minutes;
  2. porcini mushroom pieces cook for 30 minutes.

If you have dried porcini mushrooms, then just soak them for 1 hour in salted water before cooking. The cooking time remains the same as for a fresh product.

Cook the porcini mushroom over medium heat, constantly skimming off the foam.

White mushroom how long to cook in a slow cooker?

The preparation is the same. Soak, clean. Now put in a bowl, but not more than half the volume. Fill with water and add salt. Then close the lid. Then select the “Baking” mode and cook the porcini mushroom in the slow cooker for 40 minutes.

White mushroom how long to cook in a double boiler?

Clean the porcini mushroom well and then wash in plenty of water. Then salt a little. Now put it in a container. And cook the porcini mushroom in a double boiler for 40 minutes.

White mushroom how long to cook in a pressure cooker?

Put the prepared porcini mushroom into the pressure cooker bowl. Then fill with water or broth. Don't forget to salt. Now close the lid and put on fire. We cook the white mushroom in a pressure cooker for 10-15 minutes from the moment of boiling. The larger the product, the longer the cooking time.

White mushroom is ideal for soups. But side dishes and sauces are just as good.

If you are going to fry it, then the cooking time should be reduced by 10 minutes.

White mushroom - a product with a high protein content

Calorie content of porcini mushroom - 34 kcal. It contains: proteins - 3.7 grams, fats - 1.7 grams, carbohydrates - 1.1 grams.

The benefits of porcini mushroom is that it contains a large number of protein, so it takes a long time to digest. Due to its mineral composition, white fungus stimulates digestion and prevents the deposition of cholesterol. Also, these mushrooms contain enzymes that break down fats and fiber.