Home / Khachapuri / Banana pancakes like in Thailand recipe. Thai pancakes with banana

Banana pancakes like in Thailand recipe. Thai pancakes with banana

Light crispy homemade pancakes… Do you want these?

Then try this simple recipe for Thai pancakes, which can be mixed with a variety of toppings - vegetables, fruits, eggs. In Thailand, this dish ("roti") is considered like fast food in terms of time spent - that is, a typical street food. These pancakes are prepared quickly and simply, do not require any special or unusual ingredients, and at the same time they have an amazing taste.

During our team's stay in Tai, we ate them more than once. We strongly recommend that you try them.

So, to prepare Thai pancakes, we take the following ingredients:

  • 0.5 kg wheat flour;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1/2 cup milk;
  • 1/2 glass of water;
  • 100 grams of olive oil;
  • filling + topping - to choose from.

Cooking method:

  1. In a deep bowl, beat milk with eggs a little. Then addsugar together with salt and mix until smooth so that the sugar dissolves. After that, we fall asleep flour and constantly interfere.
  2. Carefully add water to the resulting mixture, continuing to mix the dough with your hands. The dough must be kneaded for about 10 minutes until a homogeneous elastic mass is formed.It should resemble dough for dumplings.
  3. Finally, divide the dough into two equal parts. We wrap each of them in polyethylene or a damp cloth so that it does not dry out, and leave it in the refrigerator for at least an hour or two.
  4. The filling must be prepared in advance. You will need it as soon as the pancake is in the pan. For example, you can cut bananas (cross rings).
  5. After the dough has been infused, we take it out of the refrigerator, knead it well and divide it into 15 pieces. We roll balls out of them, coat them on all sides olive oil, cover with plastic wrap and send it back to the refrigerator for half an hour.
  6. After “rescuing” the dough from the refrigerator, it needs to be rolled out very thinly - into a translucent cake. A dThe diameter of the cake itself should be slightly larger than the diameter of the pan. Do not roll out this dough on a floured surface. This is best done on a surface greased with olive oil.
  7. We heat the pan over medium heat, add a little vegetable oil and spread the dough. Immediately brush the top of the dough with the egg! One pancake is about half an egg.
  8. Immediately after greasing with an egg, we put the filling in the middle of the cake. We wrap the pancakes in the form of an envelope. Fry in a hot pan for just a minute. Then turn over and fry on the other side.
  9. We put the finished pancakes on paper so that excess oil is absorbed. After that, cut the Thai pancake into several pieces, pour over the topping. Now you can eat it. And the best way to do this is with toothpicks.

You can get a visual master class on cooking Thai pancakes from this video (in English):

As you have already seen, there are so many ways to make Thai pancakes with the most various fillings. We hope that we have intrigued you at least a little and you will try to make this dish at home. And then share your impressions in the comments below this post :)

By the way, Thai pancakes are perfect (refreshing almond drink).

We wish you successful culinary exploits and bon appetit!

Photo: chooyutshing's, alykat's, Renee S. Suen's

Highly delicious dessert in Thailand are pancakes with banana, strawberry, pineapple and other fillings. They are usually prepared by Thai craftsmen in macaroons that say Pancakes. For a long time, I avoided macaroons because I did not trust street food. But one fine day, friends suggested that I try Thai pancakes, and I just fell in love with them. Such delicious pancakes I haven't tried anywhere else. Since then, I have been buying Thai pancakes quite often. In this article, I will share a recipe for real pancakes from Thailand so that each of you can try them.


  • flour - 500 grams;
  • milk - 1/2 cup;
  • salt - 1 pinch;
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • green tea- 1/2 cup;
  • liquid honey - 1 tablespoon;
  • palm (olive) oil - 100 grams;
  • ripe bananas - 15 pieces;
  • butter for cooking;
  • condensed milk;
  • melted chocolate or nutela.

The recipe is for 20 servings. If you want less, then divide the number of all components in half.

Cooking instructions

1) In a deep bowl, add flour, salt, sugar, warm milk and green tea, palm or olive oil. Mix everything thoroughly and knead a stiff dough. Lubricate the resulting dough with palm (olive) oil. You can wrap it in cling film or put it in a bowl and cover with a towel. Leave the dough for 1 hour.

2) Next, you need to divide the dough into small parts and roll circles out of them. You should get 18-20 such circles. Each of these mugs is anointed with palm (olive) oil. cover the dough cling film and let it sit for another half an hour.

3) Then from each circle you should make a thin cake in the form of a pancake. The thinner the better. Cakes should be almost transparent.

4) Preheat the pan, add 1 tablespoon of butter to it and put the first pancake. While the pancake is frying, quickly place the sliced ​​bananas in the center of the pancake and wrap the edges in an envelope.

5) Then turn the pancake over and fry it for another half a minute.

6) Put the finished pancake on a napkin or paper towel. Cut it into 9 equal parts and pour condensed milk and melted chocolate (nutella) on top. Thai pancakes should be consumed warm. Enjoy your meal!

My review

This recipe was shared with me by a friendly Thai who works in a macaroon. And indeed the pancakes turned out to be almost the same as in Thailand. Now you can safely enjoy a Thai dessert at home.

I recommend that you also try Thai banana pancakes, I am sure you will like them. Although the filling may not only be from a banana, Thais prepare such pancakes with mango, pineapple, strawberries, and sometimes the fillings are quite unusual, for example, with cucumber, tomato and onion, cheese and chocolate. You can also experiment. And if you have been to Thailand, then write in the comments if you liked Thai pancakes and what is your favorite filling.

Pancakes for a Russian person have always been a special dish. This is the personification of home comfort, gathering the whole family around the table, and the symbol of the spring sun for Shrovetide, and, oddly enough, a word expressing dissatisfaction when circumstances do not allow the use of stronger phrases. Pancakes have always been considered a primordially Russian dish, and therefore, when we see its variations among other peoples, we are always sincerely interested and compare.

Pancakes are also prepared in Thailand, however, they are not at all similar to ours, but no less tasty. Roti is one of the famous Asian dishes, which is a serious gastronomic crime not to try. The birthplace of this culinary invention is India (in Sanskrit, roti means bread) and besides Thailand, it is also prepared in many countries of Southeast Asia. However, the Thais, as always, brought their own, completely unique, changes, after which, it would seem, an ordinary dish became so tasty that sometimes you can’t even pull off the eaters from it by the ears.

What are pancakes - roti?

Surely, you have passed by this dish a hundred times in a row, but you didn’t realize that these were pancakes. Indeed, in our understanding, a pancake is something round. Ready-made roti are more like fried pies- envelopes made of very thin dough.

To try roti, look around and look for the nearest macaroon labeled Roti or Pancakes. It is usually hung with bunches of bananas, and there is always a queue of salivating tourists and locals, shifting from impatience from foot to foot. At a large round frying pan, sometimes you can meet real virtuosos and masters of their craft. They famously twist the dough in the air, stretching it into a pancake so thin that you can read a book through it. Such wizards always cook at least three roti at the same time in a frying pan, and onlookers gather around, who want to stare at the culinary juggler.

There are many variations of fillings for Thai pancakes - meat, fruit, vegetable and curry pastes. Sometimes there is an exotic for an amateur - meat with berry jam or condensed milk. Classic variant, which can be found in Thailand, almost on every corner, is roti with roti kluay bananas, poured with condensed milk and chocolate.

Where to eat and how much?

You can taste roti almost everywhere. It's so popular dish that it is prepared both in street macaroons and in restaurants. It is believed that in Thailand the most delicious pancakes are prepared on the border with Malaysia. Prices will depend on the level of the institution and the filling. On the street, you can try a classic banana roti for 30 baht, with an egg for 25 baht, with an egg and a banana for 40 baht. Additional topping in the form of fruit jams, honey, condensed milk or Nutella will add another 10-20 baht to the cost of the dish.


Many tourists, returning from Thailand, begin to miss Thai cuisine and try to recreate their favorite dishes in their kitchen. And roti, of course, is no exception. The biggest difficulty in self-cooking of this dish is to roll the dough into a thin pancake. Not everyone succeeds the first time, and so “Moscow was not built right away.” The main thing is desire, and skill, it comes with experience.

There are many recipes for roti, and every housewife always has her own secret, because cooking is the same creativity as music, dance, photography or painting ... And although there are certain canons in it, without improvisation it is not able to develop. A real culinary specialist is always on the lookout and ready to experiment, this is the only way masterpieces are born.

We will give two recipes for classic Thai banana pancakes. The first one is more like a restaurant version of this dish, the second one is closer to the recipe from macaroons.

Roti "like in a restaurant"


Sift 500 grams of wheat flour and add salt and sugar (1 teaspoon each). Then add 1 beaten egg and 125 ml of milk there. Start kneading the dough with your hands, and in the process, carefully, little by little, add 125 ml of water. Knead the dough very carefully and for at least 10 minutes, until its consistency becomes homogeneous and elastic. The resulting mass is divided into two parts, wrapped in polyethylene and left in the refrigerator for an hour or two.

Then the dough is kneaded again, divided into 12-14 balls and smeared with palm oil. The blanks are again covered with polyethylene and allowed to stand in the refrigerator for 40 minutes.


While the dough is resting in the cold, it is necessary to cut 15-20 ripe bananas into rings.


From the ball form a thin, almost transparent, cake. Do not sprinkle the surface with flour for this as for dumplings. It is most convenient to use a silicone pad, liberally lubricated with oil. If you use a rolling pin, then it also needs to be oiled.

Heat a little in a large skillet. palm oil. Gently put the resulting cake in a pan and let it fry for 20 seconds. Then put chopped bananas in the middle of the pancake. Wrap the edges of the cake in an envelope and turn it over to the other side. Fry for another 30-40 seconds until the roti is golden brown.

Submit ready meal onto a paper-lined plate and allow excess oil to drain. Cut the pancake with a large knife into portioned pieces, pour over with condensed milk or chocolate topping. You can sprinkle with powdered sugar if you like.

Roti "as in a topper"


Melt the butter (100 g) in a water bath, adding sugar (2 tsp) and salt (1/2 tsp) to it. Sift 400 g of flour into the oil and mix thoroughly. Kneading the resulting mass with your hands, slowly add warm water (about 250 ml) to it and continue kneading with your hands for at least 10 minutes.

Roll the dough into a ball, cover with polyethylene and leave to ripen in the refrigerator for about 40 minutes.


The chilled dough is divided into 10-12 balls and pancakes are rolled out of them. So that the dough does not stick to your hands, periodically moisten them in cold water.

The resulting cakes are laid out in a preheated pan, pre-lubricated with palm (can be olive) oil. Sliced ​​bananas are placed in the center. The pancake is wrapped in an envelope and turned over. After it turns golden, the roti is laid out on paper and the excess oil is allowed to drain. Then cut into pieces, pour over with condensed milk or chocolate syrup and enjoy the taste of Thailand.

Enjoy your meal!

Thai pancakes, unlike pancakes familiar to us, are not baked from liquid dough, and are rolled out of a steep dough for frying. I wrote that they roll out, but this is not entirely true ... Thai masters stretch the dough in the air with incredibly dexterous movements! If one of you already knows how to stretch the dough for pizza by rotating it, then he can cope with blanks for Thai pancakes. I didn’t succeed, so the traditional rolling pin came to the rescue.

By the way, it is better to roll out the dough not on a floured surface, but on a greased one. vegetable oil. This is done so that no excess flour appears and does not burn on the frying surface, and in order to roll out the dough as thinly as possible and when frying the pancake turns out to be crispy.

Dessert of Thai pancakes with bananas is a popular fast food served with various sauces.

On the home kitchen it is easier to cook pancakes with a smaller diameter, and use condensed milk and / or chocolate sauce as a sauce.

For Thai banana pancakes, prepare the ingredients according to the list.

Manually or with kitchen appliances knead elastic dough.

Then divide the dough into small pieces. Roll each piece into a ball, for example, a little larger walnut and brush it with vegetable oil. There are fewer blanks in the photo, but it turned out - twelve. Let the blanks rest for another 15-30 minutes.

Peel and cut bananas into pieces. It is convenient to do this without removing one of the parts of the peel, so that when cutting the banana across, its slices remain along this peel.

On a lightly oiled surface, roll out each piece of dough thinly.

Move the thinnest dough in a heated frying pan with oil, but not very hot.

Place the banana filling in the center of the pancake.

Tuck the edges of the pancake with an envelope.

Turn over and fry a little on the other side.

Thai banana pancakes are ready.

Pour them with condensed milk and, if desired, chocolate sauce or melted chocolate. Serve immediately.

Enjoy your meal!

If you have been to Thailand, then surely your memories to this day excite the flavor of this fabulous country. As well as the taste of amazing Asian dishes, because on the streets of Thailand you can try anything, and the famous Thai banana pancakes - well, you just lick your fingers!
And after all, cooking them at home to recreate the taste of an exotic delicacy is not so difficult - everything you need for the recipe will always be found in our kitchen.

Asian intricacies of thai banana pancakes

Thai banana pancakes are called roti.

The dough for them is prepared very simply, without frills, and no video tutorials are required to mix these ingredients:

  • flour,
  • water,
  • oil,
  • salt,
  • sugar.

It was originally an Indian bread cake, and, as you know, bread is baked from the most affordable products in a particular country. The recipe was once brought to Asia from India. Now, perhaps, in every Asian country you can try similar pancakes.

For example, the recipe for Chinese pancakes does not contain sugar, but it contains green onion. Malaysian roti is made from unleavened dough based on flour, water and oil. And the recipe for Singaporean "roti" is completely the same as Thai.

More often such pancakes are served with various spicy sauces, sometimes with meat or egg filling.

But pancakes in Thai with a banana as a filling won the love of both the local population and a huge number of tourists. In a mobile shop, these thinnest Thai banana cakes are cooked right in front of you in just a couple of minutes.

This recipe is easy to make adjustments and suggest adding mango, an egg with a banana and other goodies instead of a yellow tropical fruit. There can be a huge number of variations.

To top it off, ready-made pancakes are poured with condensed milk, or liquid chocolate, or maybe both. If you haven't tried this dish yet, now is the time!

I bring to your attention two recipes for these amazing banana roti.

In restaurants, as a rule, the dish turns out more refined by making small changes to the recipe. I suggest you experiment a little in the kitchen.

Making the dough for this variation of Thai Banana Pancakes will require a little more ingredients, but trust me, it's worth it. And further cooking is completely similar. simple pancakes roti.


  • Flour - 0.4 kg;
  • Milk - 2/3 cup (warm);
  • Egg - 2 pcs.;
  • Salt - 1 tsp;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp;
  • Creamy, banana or orange syrup - 100 ml;
  • Ripe bananas - 7 pcs.;
  • Oranges - 2-3 pcs.;
  • Vegetable oil (olive) - as needed, for rolling pancakes and baking.

Thai Banana Pancakes

  1. In a bowl suitable for kneading the dough, beat the eggs, add sugar and salt and beat until the sugar and salt dissolve.
  2. Then pour the flour into the bowl and mix with your hands.
  3. We gradually add milk to the resulting mixture, constantly kneading the dough until it becomes elastic, slightly softer than dumplings. Mixing time is about 10-15 minutes.
  4. We form a ball from the dough, grease it with oil, wrap it in cellophane and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  5. We take out the dough and form it into balls the size of ping-pong balls. You should get 16-18 balls. Do not forget to grease them with vegetable oil, after which we remove the dough to cool again in the refrigerator for half an hour or an hour.
  6. We peel bananas and oranges, cut bananas into circles, citrus slices (separating the pulp from the films).
  7. We take out the balls from the refrigerator. We make a cake from a ball, knead it with our own hands in the thinnest pancake. You can try to roll out with a rolling pin in short movements, but at the same time, the rolling pin and the cake should be greased with oil.
  8. Pour oil into a preheated pan (half a tablespoon before baking each pancake) and lay out our pancake. Immediately add chopped fruit to the center of the pancake (at the rate of a third of a banana and 1-2 tablespoons of an orange for one pancake). Fry for about a minute.
  9. We wrap the edges of the pancake, closing the fruit mix. Turn the pancake over and fry for another half minute.

We move the finished pancake to a plate. Top with syrup, and if it is not, then melted milk chocolate. Incredible taste!

Having tried this dessert at least once, you will cook it forever.


  • - 400 g + -
  • - 3/4 cup (warm); + -
  • - 100 g + -
  • - 1 tsp without a slide + -
  • - 2-3 tsp + -
  • - as required, for rolling pancakes and baking + -
  • Condensed milk- 1 bank + -
  • Bananas - 8-9 pcs.; + -


    Cooking at home according to this recipe with a photo banana pancakes tastes very similar to the original traditional roti.

    In addition, the proposed option is one of the easiest to implement. Try to bake them for your relatives, because for sure ordinary pancakes are already boring.

    Moreover, the whole family can be involved in the preparation of these pancakes. Together it will be faster, more positive, and, of course, tastier.

    • Let's melt the butter. The fastest way to do this is in the microwave.
    • Pour the oil into a bowl suitable for kneading the dough.
    • Pour salt and sugar into the oil. Mix thoroughly.
    • Add all the flour to the butter.
  1. While stirring the mixture, gradually add water. The consistency of the dough should be thick, slightly softer than for dumplings.

    Knead for 10-15 minutes until completely detached from hands and dishes.

    We pack the dough in cellophane and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour.

    After 30 minutes, we take out the dough and form balls with a diameter of 2.5-3 cm. You should get 14-15 balls.

    So that the dough does not stick to your hands, you need to grease your hands with vegetable oil.

    Having covered the dishes with test balls, we put it in the refrigerator for at least half an hour.
    While the dough is cooling, cut the ripe bananas freed from the peel. We cut into thin circles, about 2 mm thick. One pancake will require about half a banana.

    We get our chilled balls. Lubricate the hands and the surface on which we will roll out the dough with butter.
    First, we form a cake from the ball with our hands, and then gently roll it with our hands or a rolling pin into the thinnest pancake until transparent.

    And, of course, we take into account the diameter of the pan. If the pancake turns out to be thick or rolls out larger than the diameter of the pan, it is better to reduce the subsequent balls by pinching off a little dough from them.

    Put the rolled pancake with your hands on a preheated pan. In the center of the pancake we put banana circles, and then we put the edges of the pancake with a spatula into an envelope. Immediately turn the envelope over and quickly fry on the other side.

    We put the finished pancake on a plate, pour over condensed milk and enjoy it while it is warm, thus the taste of pancakes from Thailand.

    By implementing these recipes, you will surely plunge into memories and enjoy the very taste of Thai banana pancakes.