Home / Cupcakes / Can I drink cocoa while feeding? Is it possible for a nursing mother to cocoa: benefits and rules of use

Can I drink cocoa while feeding? Is it possible for a nursing mother to cocoa: benefits and rules of use

During pregnancy, many women change taste preferences... I even want to eat something that was not tolerated by the spirit before. And if we are talking about cocoa and its derivatives? Many pregnant women ask the question if this product can be consumed. Many questions arise in the process of breastfeeding.

Pregnancy and cocoa

This drink can be called conditionally allowed during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that, on the one hand, cocoa has many useful ingredients for the body future mother on the other hand, some of its properties make it impossible to consume cocoa on a daily basis. You should understand everything in more detail.

Cocoa during pregnancy is a conditionally acceptable product

Benefits of application in the early and late stages

Cons of a drink in different trimesters

If cocoa had only a beneficial effect on the body of the expectant mother, then doctors would recommend it for daily use. But there are a number of reasons why the rosy idea of ​​cocoa changes during pregnancy.

  1. Cocoa flushes calcium out of the body. As you know, this mineral is a building material for the normal formation of bone tissue, nervous system, muscles and internal organs of the fetus. Lack of calcium leads to various pathologies of the unborn baby (for example, rickets). In addition, a pregnant woman may lose teeth, hair, cramps in the limbs, fragility of bones. A deficiency of this mineral can cause the development of toxicosis in the first trimester.
  2. Allergic reactions. Cocoa is a strong allergen. Therefore, its use during pregnancy can cause serious allergies. Moreover, this allergy can then appear in a child at a later age, when he drinks cocoa or eats chocolate.
  3. The caffeine present in cocoa increases the tone of the uterus and can provoke abortion by early dates... Also, caffeine constricts blood vessels, which leads to a deterioration in the supply of oxygen to the fetus and useful components. This negatively affects the growth and development of the unborn child.
  4. Pregnant women with high blood pressure should not drink the drink.
  5. Cocoa contains a substance called purine, which promotes the accumulation of uric acid in the body. This can lead to arthrosis, arthritis, rheumatism, osteochondrosis, hypertension. The increased level of uric acid in the blood contributes to toxicosis.

Usage rules

Having weighed all the positive and negative properties of cocoa, it cannot be said that this drink is generally prohibited from drinking during pregnancy. However, you should definitely adhere to certain rules.

  • Only 3-4 cups of the drink can be drunk per week.
  • It is advisable to use cocoa with milk - this will compensate for the lack of calcium in the body.
  • The drink should be prepared from natural cocoa powder. The widely advertised "Nesquik" is better to leave until other times, because it contains flavorings (increase the risk of allergies) and a lot of sugar (expectant mothers need to control its amount in food).

I drank, but I got allergic to it later ...

Happy lily

  • If in the early stages the uterus is in good shape, then cocoa can be consumed no earlier than 2 trimesters (14–26 weeks).

How to properly prepare a drink

As mentioned above, it is better to cook cocoa yourself. To prepare one cup of the drink you will need:

  • 300 ml milk or water;
  • 1 tsp cocoa powder;
  • sugar to taste.

Heat water or milk to a hot state, add cocoa powder, mix well and bring to a boil. The drink should be boiled for 2-3 minutes. Then pour it into a cup. Cocoa is ready to drink. If the drink was prepared with water, then you can add a little milk to it (to taste).

Aromatic drink during pregnancy should be used with caution

Cocoa butter for stretch marks in pregnant women

During pregnancy, you can use cocoa butter for stretch marks (scarring of the skin). They appear on the chest, hips, abdomen. Cocoa butter penetrates deeply into the layers of the skin, has a regenerating, toning and moisturizing effect on it. Cocoa butter is effective even for chronic stretch marks and does not require any other additives to its composition.

To even out the skin, it is enough to warm a piece of cocoa butter in your palms and rub it over the problem areas of the skin. The product is well absorbed and leaves no greasy residue. This activates the production of collagen, which makes the skin more elastic and prevents the appearance of stretch marks. The procedure should be carried out daily. The healing effect of the oil on the skin begins almost immediately.

Stretch marks are not a disease, do not cause pain, but significantly worsen appearance skin

Help for coughs, colds and sore throat

Cocoa butter is also indicated for ingestion during pregnancy for colds and coughs, if there is no allergy to this product. To do this, take 1 cup of warm milk (35–40 ° C) and dissolve 0.5 tsp in it. cocoa butter. For effective cough treatment, you need to take 2 glasses of the drink a day in small sips.

When coughing, pregnant women can use cocoa butter instead of various lozenges. To do this, put a small piece of butter (about the size of a pea) in your mouth and dissolve like a lollipop. It is recommended to consume 5-6 pieces per day. At the same time, not only will the cough soften, but the sore throat will also subside, since the oil has an enveloping and anti-inflammatory effect.

Cocoa Butter Can Be Used To Treat Many Respiratory Ailments


Nursing women are worried about whether it is possible to consume cocoa during lactation, because cocoa is often included in the menu of childcare facilities.

Many pediatricians and neonatologists recommend avoiding this drink during the first months of breastfeeding. Despite the fact that cocoa has many beneficial properties, do not forget about its high allergenicity. In addition, cocoa contains caffeine, which can adversely affect the infant's central nervous system. The substance tembromine has an exciting effect on the cardiovascular system.

Can a nursing mother drink, including Nesquik?

If the child is not a month old, then nursing mother cannot use cocoa. The product can be introduced into the diet for the first time only after 3 months from the birth of the baby. In this case, the drink must be prepared according to the recipe described above, but milk should be taken low-fat or diluted with water in a ratio of 2: 1 or 3: 1. It is advisable not to sweeten the drink. A nursing mother should consume cocoa only in the morning. There is no need to use any ready-made "spreading devices" - they will definitely not be useful.

During the day, you should carefully monitor the child's reaction. If the baby has a rash, itching, redness and other manifestations, cocoa should not be consumed. A retry can be done at 6 or 12 months.

Cocoa can cause serious allergic reactions

If the baby does not have any allergic reaction, then the nursing mother can drink 2 cups of cocoa per week. To reduce the likelihood of allergies, it is recommended to consume the drink after feeding.

The opinion of Dr. E.O. Komarovsky

Recently, an increasing number of mothers trust the well-known pediatrician, candidate of medical sciences, author of books and television programs, Yevgeny Olegovich Komarovsky. Such popularity of the doctor is due to the fact that he explains in an accessible language how to properly treat children, with what methods and why exactly this way, and not otherwise.

The opinion of Dr. E.O. Komarovsky is authoritative for many parents

As for the opinion of E.O. Komarovsky about the use of cocoa while breastfeeding, then everything can be understood from his quote:

Therefore, I sincerely urge you to experiment less. The less you consume citrus fruits, cocoa (chocolate), coffee, strawberries and other foods that are fundamentally dangerous in terms of allergies, the better the baby will be. You yourself will regret it later when, after eating chocolate at the age of two, the child will be covered with a rash and itch all night.

E.O. Komarovsky

Cocoa is at the same time useful product for pregnant women and nursing mothers, but at the same time potentially dangerous. Therefore, before using it, a woman should consult with an appropriate specialist, weigh the pros and cons, and only then make the right decision. In this case, it is necessary to strictly adhere to all the rules and recommendations for the use of the drink.

Yes, of course, with the right and adequate approach, you can drink cocoa while breastfeeding. A breastfeeding woman needs a full healthy eating... By being careful and gradually introducing foods into the diet, complications can be avoided.

There are substances in the cocoa drink that can cause allergies, many believe that cocoa should be postponed as far as possible due to the caffeine content. But do not forget that even green tea contains this component, but, for some reason, almost all nursing and pregnant women drink it.

Using low-fat milk for cooking and not getting carried away with daily consumption, you can drink cocoa... Then this drink will not only not harm, but will also benefit the body of a nursing woman. And it's not just about pleasure.

Is it allowed to use it in the first month after giving birth?

In the first month after birth, the baby's body is completely defenseless to external stimuli. Childbirth was a difficult test not only for the mother, but also for the child. Therefore, it is better to postpone any changes in nutrition for later.

If there are allergy sufferers or hypersensitive people in the family (especially close relatives), it is better to postpone the first test until 3-4 months. Colic will be behind, the baby will grow up, and the mother will be able to significantly diversify the diet of her child, including drinking a cup of flavored cocoa.


The main advantage is taste. Especially appreciated by those women who did not see the point in life without coffee before pregnancy. Now, while the coffee machine is lonely gathering dust in the corner, a cup of flavored cocoa is very welcome.

It contains a large amount of antioxidants, especially polyphenol, which normalizes blood pressure.

It also contains neurotransmitters. These are not simple substances, we need them in times of stress and fatigue. It is a natural antidepressant. Also consuming cocoa beans allows you to gradually lower cholesterol in the body... Especially when consumed correctly, in moderation, but regularly.

Nesquik with HB

Nesquik has established itself as quality product in the nutrition of children and adults. To understand if Nesquik can be breastfed, you need to introduce it gradually. First, a small portion of a non-concentrated drink, after 2-3 days you can try again by adding another half teaspoon of the powder. So, little by little, mom gets to a concentration that will suit her.

If all is well and the baby does not develop allergies (rash, crust behind the ears, crust in the hair, red cheeks, etc.), then you can drink the drink. 2-3 times a week is an acceptable frequency, it is better not to increase it until the child is older.

Mom's good mood is as important as her health. When a mother sets a rigid framework for herself, does not eat or drink too much and loved one, this can have a bad effect on the emotional state of the whole family. Wouldn't it be better to allow yourself your favorite drink and stay smiling?

Could it be in a child's diet?

Cocoa is a wonderful children's drink. However, not all children can drink it. This applies not only to age, but also to individual characteristics. It is better for children with allergies to postpone the first test until 2 years... The same applies to overweight children, which is not such a rarity today. A sweet, high-calorie and very invigorating drink should be a rare treat rather than a tea substitute.

From what age?

Cocoa can only be included after milk. If the child is completely healthy, his weight is normal, and no allergies were observed, the first (necessarily unconcentrated) cocoa drink can be introduced after a year.

It is important to be gradual... You can make ready-made "Nesquik" or other quality cocoa. Very often this drink is given for an afternoon snack in kindergarten.

As a rule, children go to the garden after two years. Until this age, it is better to introduce the child to cocoa in order to find out if he has any allergies.

How is it useful?

Many people know that cocoa is great for satisfying hunger and is suitable for a snack. In addition, there is theobromine in the composition, which can help during acute respiratory infections by helping to fight cough. Which is doubly better, because during a period of illness it is not so easy to feed a child with at least something.

Thanks to the tonic effect, the child is full of energy all day long and is less tired. Because of taste almost all children love it, so a cup of warm cocoa will improve the child's mood.

Potential harm

If the mother is not allergic, then cocoa does not pose any significant danger to her.... Of course, we are talking only about high-quality varieties of a trusted manufacturer. Such a powder will not only not be harmful, but also useful for mom, who is already forced to limit her diet.

As for the baby, only a small part of the harmful substances reaches it through milk. And the main danger of using cooked powder is in allergies. In second place, the content of caffeine in the composition is dangerous, which (again) will reach mom's milk in a small amount.

How to choose and what to look for?

Better to pay attention to choice good drink... Practice shows that cocoa often comes across on the shelves, which contains cocoa beans grown on chemicals and pesticides. There can be no question of any sanitary standards in such production.

It is better not to order from China or buy a drink from this country of origin. Considering that cocoa beans do not grow there, and producers do not spend money on high-quality varieties, it is not difficult to imagine what their factories give out. Opt for organic cocoa from South America... Pay attention to the type of drink.

They are usually divided into three types:

  • Criollo... This is the most expensive but the tastiest kind.
  • Forastero... More often than others, it comes across on the shelves, has a very characteristic taste.
  • Trinitario... A hybrid variety with a very pronounced aroma and taste.

Take the time to read the composition on the package. A quality drink contains cocoa butter. The fewer substitutes and chemicals, the better this drink is for a nursing woman. The finished drink smells like chocolate, does not taste bitter, does not settle with sand at the bottom of the glass.

A high-quality cocoa drink should have no more than 15% fat.

For every parent, worrying about their own child is normal. Especially when the child is small. There are hundreds of myths around breastfeeding, which are fueled by grandmothers, mothers, mothers-in-law and "experts" in the network, whispering: "You can't ...". Cocoa can be drunk by pregnant and lactating women, but you should only limit the dosage and monitor the baby's reactions. These are the only rules.

In the first months after the birth of the long-awaited baby, a period of a kind of fasting begins in the life of every mother.

At this time, there are many prohibitions regarding food and drink, but many are interested in the question: is it possible to breastfeed Nesquik cocoa? On this score, a huge number of opinions and disagreements arise among newly-made mothers, who still lack knowledge and experience.

Because of the loss a large number energy and resources during childbirth, the woman's body naturally tries to replenish all this by increasing appetite. But the acceptable list of products is not so desirable, and therefore every mom is trying to find an outlet for herself that will not harm the baby. Most often this applies to sweets and drinks, favorite in the usual period of life.

One of these is cocoa, which is considered by many to be harmless, unlike coffee. But is this so, and is it possible to breastfeed Nesquik cocoa? This issue must be carefully sorted out in order to avoid irreparable damage to the health of the baby.

Cocoa itself is a forbidden product during lactation, as it is quite allergenic. But this is not the only reason why experts do not recommend it during this period.

  • Due to the high content of caffeine in cocoa, it has an exciting effect on the fragile nervous system of the child.
  • The presence of theobromine in cocoa beans has a similar effect, but in addition, it negatively affects the cardiovascular system of the baby.
  • This substance is capable of removing calcium from the body, therefore, the use of cocoa becomes extremely dangerous, since the leaching of such an important trace element from a growing body can lead to irreversible consequences.

What then can we say about the use of semi-synthetic cocoa Nesquik during breastfeeding, which contains flavors and preservatives, due to which the negative effect increases significantly.

This detrimental effect is observed with the systematic use of the drink, and even in large quantities.

Despite all the disadvantages of this product, it contains many substances that can have a beneficial effect on the child's body and the mother's lactation function. If the baby does not suffer from frequent allergic reactions, he has a healthy sleep and a good appetite, then a couple of cups a week of Nesquik milk cocoa will not harm your child.

  • Many experts prohibit the use of cocoa in the first weeks, or even months after the birth of a child.
  • As soon as you decide to try natural cocoa or Nesquik drink, you should know that it should be introduced from 1 tablespoon. with an interval of 2-3 days. Slightly increasing the dosage each time.
  • It is advisable to consume non-concentrated drinks, and dilute them more with water.
  • You should enjoy your favorite drink in the morning to avoid the increased activity of the child in the evening.
  • If the baby has negative signs, such as: various allergic reactions, bloating, constipation or upset, you need to take a break for a couple of weeks, and then try the cocoa drink again. When the symptoms recur, it is better to refuse it altogether, so as not to cause such inconvenience to the crumbs.
  • In a good scenario, you can drink one cup of the drink 2-3 times a week.

And now let's summarize and give an answer to the question of interest to many: is it possible to breastfeed cocoa Nesquik? Of course it is possible, if the baby does not have negative reactions to this product and if the maximum permissible dosages are observed. After all, when the mother is happy, then the child will behave calmly.

Compliance with strict limits is not always good, as it can increase the percentage of irritation in the mother, and the child will behave accordingly. Therefore, spoil yourself occasionally with your favorite delicacies!

In the postpartum period, especially in the first months of a child's life, his dependence on his mother is felt especially acutely. The need to adhere to a strict diet is more important than in any other circumstance. The state of a small organism during the period of intensive growth is especially demanding on the purity and composition of the products used by the mother. One of the pressing questions for women: is it possible for a nursing mother to have cocoa.

Cocoa beans, from which the familiar powder is produced, is a rich vitamin complex containing a varied composition of micro- and macroelements. B vitamins, which are of the greatest value, contribute to the formation of neurotransmitters that ensure the functioning of the central nervous system. They also act as powerful antidepressants, which is important for mothers in the postpartum period.

Finding out whether it is possible to drink cocoa while breastfeeding, we will determine which beneficial features this pleasant drink will help a young mother. The product contains a large amount of antioxidants. They are represented by polyphenol, which helps to normalize blood pressure.

Scientists have found that the substances contained in the composition contribute to the "degeneration" of cholesterol: "bad" turns into "good". It would seem that with such positive characteristics of cocoa, nursing mothers can and even need to drink.

Beverage action

According to medical canons, cocoa is classified by physicians as a powerful allergen. Taking cocoa with HB will immediately affect the baby: a rash will appear, and the itching on the skin will make the child restless and moody.

There is also caffeine in the drink. For the mother, this is an invigorating and pleasant component, but the child after it will become restless and sleep poorly. And although its content in cocoa is small compared to coffee or tea, the effect will certainly affect the baby if the mother drinks the drink while breastfeeding.

There is another compelling argument against cocoa while nursing. The drink contains such an alkaloid as theobromine, which adversely affects the work of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. The same component promotes the excretion of calcium from the body. And he is the main building material for the formation of the baby's bone apparatus. It should be noted that the listed effects become obvious with excessive consumption of the drink, but is it worth risking the health and development of a long-awaited child?

According to young mothers, during lactation, the amount of breast milk increases if you drink cocoa with cow's milk. It should be noted that there are times when taking a drink does not lead to changes in the child's behavior. But is it? Changes can accumulate and appear suddenly and violently. In many ways, the influence of cocoa depends on the individual characteristics of the mother's body.

Answering the question whether cocoa is possible with breastfeeding, we categorically state that this should not be done in the first two months after childbirth.

Only after a period of strict diet for mom can try to drink half a glass of the desired drink. At the same time, carefully observe the reaction of the child's body. If manifestations of anxiety, shallow sleep and deterioration in appetite are noticeable, then only occasionally can you pamper yourself with your favorite drink.

Many questions arise about the use of the Nesquik drink. Doctors do not make direct prohibitions on this matter. But you need to take into account the fact that this drink contains a huge amount of sugar, and this fact is in no way positive.

If it is impossible for a nursing mother to refuse to take cocoa, it must be prepared according to the most gentle recipe. The powder must be diluted 1: 3 with water or non-greasy cow's milk... Sugar intake should be kept to a minimum.

It is important to drink cocoa early in the day in order to be able to monitor the child's behavior and condition before the onset of a night's sleep. In this case, the drink should be taken only after the next feeding of the baby has been completed. A possible effect is the appearance of itching or redness of the skin. Then the experiment with this drink must be stopped for a long time.

In any case, cocoa intake should be limited to two servings per week.

It is important to adhere to the following rules:

  • at the first sample of cocoa, take one or two sips, then observe the baby's condition for several days, in the absence of alarming symptoms, you can slightly increase the dose;
  • do not consume other food with the drink, this will help to accurately determine the cause of the reactions;
  • when cooking, you need to use low-fat milk.

How to choose cocoa

This needs special attention as beans can be grown using a lot of chemicals in unsanitary conditions.

When caring for your baby, you should never buy a drink made in China. Cocoa beans do not grow there, and the attitude of such suppliers to the quality of the product has long been known. Often these are cheap varieties made from substandard raw materials.

You should choose an organic product supplied from the countries of South America (the homeland of cocoa is Brazil). The most popular are the following varieties:

  • "Criollo" is an elite and safe, not very common variety with a mild taste and moderate aroma.
  • Forastero is the most common variety on the market, with a mild taste and characteristic aroma.
  • Trinitaro is a hybrid with a powerful aroma and a pronounced taste.

When buying, you need to pay attention that the product contains fats by mass fraction of no more than 15%. The powder must contain cocoa butter, the smell of chocolate must be present, and the grinding must be fine.

You need to store the powder in a tightly closed container, otherwise it will lose its own odor and can absorb foreign substances from neighboring products.


You can drink cocoa while breastfeeding, but this must be done with the greatest care, having foreseen in advance the possible negative consequences for the child.

How to get rid of stretch marks after childbirth?

In the first month of a child's life, mothers have to not only maintain a fairly strict diet, but also struggle with constant lack of sleep.

For a woman's body tired of pregnancy and childbirth, this is a big test. After a sleepless night, you often want to get a boost of energy. But coffee is not recommended for women who are breastfeeding, and tea does not tone up enough. Therefore, the question often arises whether nursing mothers can use cocoa.

Baby drink

Cocoa is a drink that energizes

You might think that cocoa is a children's drink, because it is served along with bun even for an afternoon snack in kindergarten. A fragrant drink in milk was brewed by many by their grandmother, and she miraculously turned out cocoa without foam!

Indeed, properly prepared, this drink energizes, warms, improves mood, saturates the body with calories, vitamins and microelements, raises immunity.

Issue 68. COFFEE for breastfeeding

What not to drink while breastfeeding?

To recognize the benefits of cocoa, we can only mention that it contains easily digestible carbohydrates, plant proteins, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins A, E, PP and group B, alimentary fiber and potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus and other trace elements necessary for normal human life. Such a healthy drink is often recommended for children and adults who often catch colds and "grab" viruses.

Such a tonic drink promotes the production of endorphins. And hormones of joy are exactly what will help a woman who recently became a mother to overcome the slightest signs of postpartum depression.

Breastfeeding moms should drink cocoa with caution.

Unfortunately, cocoa is not only about health benefits and good mood. This drink is included in the list of foods that should be avoided during lactation.

Nursing mothers should drink small amounts of cocoa, brew it in low-fat milk and constantly monitor the baby's reaction to it.