Home / Pies / In a slow cooker, bread. Bread recipe in a slow cooker "Easy baking" How to bake bread in a slow cooker recipe

In a slow cooker, bread. Bread recipe in a slow cooker "Easy baking" How to bake bread in a slow cooker recipe

Pour 450 grams of sifted flour into a bowl, add salt, sugar and mix, add spices and yeast to the flour. Stir all ingredients until smooth.

Add 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil to the flour mixture.

Pour warm water on top.
We begin to knead the dough first with a spoon.
Then, adding a little flour, knead with your hands. We knead the dough well, constantly pouring flour on the table, and greasing our hands with vegetable oil. The flour may not all go away, but a little more may be needed, the main thing is that the dough stops sticking to the table and hands, becomes soft, springy, the consistency should turn out to be elastic, but not tight.
Such bread can be baked both in the oven and in a slow cooker. I used a multicooker. Lubricate the multicooker bowl with vegetable oil. Sprinkle the bottom of the multicooker bowl with flour and spread the dough.

Let the dough rise right in the bowl for about 1 hour. The dough will increase in volume by 2-3 times during proofing.

When the dough has risen enough, you can bake our fragrant White bread... We set the "Multipovar" program in the multicooker for 1 hour at a temperature of 160 degrees, close the lid of the multicooker. The "Multicooker" mode, if it is absent in your multicooker, can be replaced by the "Baking" mode. Next, carefully, using a plate, take out the bread from the bowl, turn the bread over and put it back in the bowl, continue to bake on the other side for another 20 minutes on the same multicooker mode.

Bon appetit, friends!

Hey! I'm a bake lover different recipes baking bread in a multicooker at home! Many now run after modern technology, such as a slow cooker, a bread maker. Everyone thinks that making bread yourself at home is good for your health.

I ask you not to confuse health and goodies! Baking bread at home really tastes better, and you yourself know what it is made of, but whatever you say, a recipe for bread made from flour top grade all the same, this fast carbohydrate will be harmful, and it cannot be attributed to health.

Therefore white or Rye bread you need to cook from millet, which you ground yourself, with all the giblets, then your bread baking at home will be really useful.

No. 1. White bread in a slow cooker

15 grams of yeast (one tablespoon can be used), premium flour 900 g, half a liter of water (it will be tastier with milk), 1 table. spoon of sugar, 1 teaspoon of salt, 2 tablespoons. tablespoons of vegetable oil. Chop off 2 tables. spoons (optional)

In a slow cooker, the bread really turns out to be airy, because it is cooked in a bowl. Homemade bread will always be tastier than store-bought bread, this has long been a proven fact.

  1. Pour warm water into a bowl and add yeast, sugar, salt and mix. Never add hot water, otherwise the yeast will die under such conditions.
  2. Now pour in the butter, stir and add the sifted flour and knead the dough.
  3. The kneaded dough must be put in a regular bowl from the multicooker, grease the sides with oil and let it rise for about 40 minutes, you can set the function and he will raise the dough with heating.
  4. After raising the dough, we set the baking function, baked goods are baked in our multicooker for about 40-50 minutes.
  5. After cooking, immediately eating hot bread is harmful, you need to let it infuse for 14-20 minutes, you can substitute glasses so that air gets in from all sides of the roll.

Bon Appetit! Let's explore the following recipes in a slow cooker!

No. 2. Rye bread in a slow cooker

Many people love rye bread, especially cooked in a slow cooker, but for some reason everyone thinks that the rye flour recipe is healthy.

But this is not entirely true, perhaps this baking of bread is useful for its vitamins, but in fact it is a fast carbohydrate, just like white bread, although the recipe is delicious, but the myth of the benefits is invented.

What products do we need to buy for baking bread in a conventional multicooker:

Water half a liter, 2 glasses of rye flour, millet flour 700 grams, 1 table. spoon of sugar, 15 grams of yeast, 1 teaspoon of salt.

Must be present in rye bread Wheat flour, if it is not there, then your dough will not be able to rise.

We begin to prepare a bread recipe:

  1. Pour warm water into the bowl, not hot. Add yeast and sugar, let stand for a few minutes, add salt and stir.
  2. Pour in the sifted flour and knead the dough.
  3. We put the resulting ball of dough in a slow cooker and put it slightly on the heating, to raise the dough. You can pull out the raised dough after 30 minutes, knead it with your hands and let it infuse in a slow cooker again to rise.
  4. Now we set the desired mode in the multicooker and bake for 30-35 minutes on each side, turning over.

After cooking, the bread should cool down, let it stand for 20-30 minutes to cool and cook completely. We study next recipe bread in a slow cooker.

No. 3. Focaccia - bread with tomatoes in a slow cooker

Now we will cook with you an interesting Italian bread from sun-dried tomato This bread recipe works very well for multicooker baking.

The recipe is very interesting and unusually tasty to eat it with cheese, soups or any other food. If you didn't know that sun-dried tomatoes are very useful for our blood, you can read about it on the Internet.

What products do we need to buy for cooking:

200 ml of water (1 cup), 2.5 cups of premium flour, olive oil 2 table. spoons (if not, then vegetable), 2 teaspoons of dry yeast, 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 table. spoon of sugar, buy sun-dried tomatoes. Italian herbs can be added (if not, then any other spices)

As for sun-dried tomatoes, you can buy them in the store, but it will be cheaper to cook them yourself.

We begin to prepare a recipe in a slow cooker:

  1. Pour warm water into a bowl, put yeast, sugar and two tablespoons. tablespoons of flour and mix, let the dough rise a little for 15 minutes.
  2. Pour in a little salt and olive oil, mix and add the sifted flour at once and knead the dough until smooth, without lumps.
  3. Let the dough rise, leave it for 40 minutes.
  4. When the dough rises, take it out and roll the dough into a layer, about 2 cm thick, put the sun-dried tomatoes on it, wrap it in a roll and put it neatly in a slow cooker.
  5. Let it infuse again for about 15 minutes, then set the bread baking and bake on both sides at a temperature of about 160 degrees for 25-30 minutes.

When the process of making bread in the multicooker is complete, let it stand for 20 minutes and serve. Bon Appetit!

Baking bread in a slow cooker is of course very cool! But when you cook in the oven, it is better to cook two rolls, because it is more profitable than oven alone.

If you want to bake one loaf of bread, then baking in a multicooker is ideal for this purpose. What you need to buy for the bread:

2 cups of premium flour (400 g), one and a half teaspoon of yeast, 2 tablespoons of butter, 1 table. spoon of sugar, 1 teaspoon of salt, 1.5 cups of water.

We start making bread:

  1. Pour water into a bowl, add yeast, salt, butter, sugar and mix well until completely dissolved.
  2. Now you need to knead the bread dough! To do this, pour sifted flour into this liquid and knead the dough until it sticks to your hands.
  3. It is necessary to completely grease the bowl from the multicooker with oil, put the dough there and leave for 1 hour to rise. If you don't want to wait, then you can put the function in the multicooker to raise the dough, the ladle will warm up slightly and the dough will rise quickly.
  4. After raising the dough, you need to set the "baking bread" function, if there is no such function in the multicooker, then this bread is baked at about 160 degrees, 25-30 minutes on each side, turning it over.

Our bread is ready! Let it cool for about 15 minutes, without covering with anything, put it on a plate.

Baking cookies at home

Well, it's time to cook our cookies! We will cook the most in a simple way! Some people put margarine and even mayonnaise in these cookies! I'm shocked at all, what does mayonnaise have to do with it!

This nastiness should not be allowed to such recipes at all, use butter, if there is no money, then you can margarine and do not take the cheapest one.

Before we start cooking, let's buy a list of the products we need:

Flour 2 cups, half a glass of sugar, 1 egg, one pack of butter (200 g), powdered sugar for decoration and half a teaspoon of baking soda.

Cooking a recipe:

  1. Pour the sifted flour into a bowl, add sugar, soda and mix well.
  2. Now you need to add warm soft butter and grind everything into crumbs.
  3. Add the egg and knead the dough again.
  4. Now it's time to prepare the cookie cutter. To do this, we need a meat grinder, twisting the dough, it turns out very beautiful cookie shapes. If you don't want to do this, then you can simplify everything, you can roll out a large layer from the dough about 5 mm thick, cut it into squares with a knife, put it on a baking sheet and bake for 15-20 minutes.
  5. The oven temperature should be 180 degrees.

Ready cookies need to be cooled and sprinkled icing sugar for beauty. Let's explore the next slow cooker bread recipe!

Rogal Ivan was with you as always! Thank you for reading me to the end! Read other recipes in a slow cooker on my website, you can use the search bar.

Alexander Gushchin

I can't vouch for the taste, but it will be hot :)


There is a multicooker in almost every modern kitchen. This device has greatly simplified the life of the hostesses. However, the fact that you can use the device not only for preparing the first and second courses, but also for baking homemade bread some don't know. Onion-cheese, bran, spicy or sweet - there are many recipes!

Is it possible to bake bread in a slow cooker

To please your household with fragrant bread, it is not necessary to have a large oven. For many hostesses, the multicooker has become an indispensable assistant in the kitchen. This device can be used to prepare first, second courses, baked goods. Some people think that baking bread in a multicooker that does not provide for such a function will not work. However, to obtain a flavorful loaf, you can apply different modes, taking into account the specific model.

Any recipe for multicooker bread can be used: make white and rye bread, with malt, kefir, bran or raisins. In addition, there are ways to make low-calorie loaves. Can I bake bread in a multicooker? To do this, it is important to choose the right device. The most suitable for baking are multicooker models with a 4-6 liter bowl. Highly important point- dough preparation process. A fluffy loaf will turn out only if all the points of the recipe are followed.

Baking bread in a multicooker begins with kneading the dough. Soda or yeast is used for it. Yeast-free dough reduces the calorie content of homemade bread. If you need to knead the composition using fast-acting yeast, then it is not necessary to pre-dissolve the powder with milk or water, you can immediately combine it with flour and other components. Cooking and proofing times depend on which multicooker you plan to use. Each model has a set of programs - “Multipovar”, “Baking”, “Prove dough” mode.

How to bake bread in a slow cooker

The main component of a fluffy bread is fresh yeast. You should not use a suspicious product with an expired shelf life - such a dough may not rise. Check the yeast carefully: it should have a nice pinkish-creamy color and smell good. According to the instructions, 35-50 g of the product should be taken per kilogram of flour, taking into account the specific recipe.

How to bake bread in a slow cooker without using yeast? You can make a dough with baking soda, slaked vinegar, sour cream, or beer. The fermentation mixture is prepared simply: combine a small amount of flour, sugar, soda and put everything in a warm place. The characteristic appearance of bubbles on the surface will ensure that the sourdough is suitable for baking a fluffy loaf.

Cooking bread in a multicooker includes the following steps:

  1. If you have a Panasonic oven, then turn on the heating for 5 minutes beforehand. When the dough rises, turn on the "Bake" mode. Some multi-cookers from this manufacturer provide a special function for baking homemade bread. It includes two stages: 1 hour at 35 degrees and 4 hours at 120 degrees.
  2. Scarlet models do not have a Bake mode, but you can use them to bake baked goods. To do this, select the "Soup" function. This method of baking requires close attention and time control so that the loaf does not remain soggy or burnt inside.
  3. Moulinex models are also used for baking bread. To do this, select the "Steam cooking" mode. A loaf prepared in this way turns out to be well baked, but, unfortunately, without an appetizing crisp crust.
  4. Multicooker Polaris and Redmond are more suitable for making bread and are equipped with special programs. In addition, using the time delay timer, hot bread can be made, for example, just for breakfast.

How to make bread in a Redmond slow cooker

Delicious and healthy home-made loaves surpass industrial baked goods in everything, so many housewives try to bake bread on their own. The process takes about 1-2 hours. For example, you can cook bread in a Redmond multicooker by following these steps:

  1. Knead the dough according to the recipe.
  2. Lubricate the bowl of the appliance with oil.
  3. Lay out the dough, flatten.
  4. Close the lid, set the multi-cook mode.
  5. Set the temperature to 40 degrees. Leave the dough for 1 hour.
  6. Turn on the baking mode, set the time on the timer - 60 minutes.

How to bake bread in a Polaris multicooker

The process of baking delicious bread with Polaris does not differ from the previous one. As a rule, models of this brand are equipped with a baking mode. You must first bake bread in a Polaris multicooker with the “Multipovar” function at a temperature of 30-40 degrees. Thereby. the dough rises well. Taking into account the recipe, after 30-60 minutes you need to turn on the "Baking" mode and bring the loaf to readiness within 1 hour.

Bread in the Philips slow cooker

Another well-known brand that produces electric pressure cookers and other kitchen appliances is Philips. Appliances can have the "Baking" function, but if this mode is not available, "Steam cooking" is used. Previously, the bread in the Philips multicooker is kept for 20 minutes ("Heating" mode). After that, they move on to baking and turn on the "Steam", "Soup" or "Bake" function. The timer is set for 1 hour.

Bread in a slow cooker - recipes with photos step by step

Some people find it difficult to make bread for dinner. However, cooking an appetizing loaf will not take a lot of effort and money, despite the fact that homemade baking much healthier, tastier, more aromatic than industrial. It is worth noting that a simple recipe for bread in a slow cooker will help save your budget and not doubt the naturalness of the product. A homemade loaf is lower in calories and better absorbed.

During cooking, it is important to pre-sift the flour, regardless of whether you plan to bake rye, gray or white bread. The amount of this ingredient directly depends on the quality, so if the mass turns out to be liquid, flour is added. The dough must be kneaded and kneaded well so that it is elastic and moves away from the side of the bowl. In a bowl-bowl, the workpiece should not take up much space, because the baking increases very much when heated. Below are some of the original recipes.

Bread on kefir in a slow cooker

  • Cooking time: 2.5 hours
  • Servings: 6 persons
  • Calorie content: 225 kcal
  • Purpose: for lunch
  • Cuisine: Russian

Grocery stores offer a variety of pastries, but kefir bread in a slow cooker is superior to purchased one. To reduce calories, you can use fat-free fermented milk product or serum. The pre-kneaded dough is baked in two stages so that the loaf cooks well. You can serve pastries for lunch, breakfast or dinner.


  • flour - 300 g
  • kefir - 1 glass
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • yeast - 1 tsp
  • sugar - 1 spoon
  • olive oil - 40 g
  • salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Dilute yeast.
  2. Combine all products, add dough.
  3. Knead the resulting mass well.
  4. Place in the container of the device.
  5. Turn on the heating for 20 minutes.
  6. Let the distance be 40 minutes.
  7. Bake for 65 minutes.
  8. Turn over, bake for another 25 minutes.

Diet bread in a slow cooker

  • Cooking time: 8 hours
  • Number of Servings: 12
  • Calorie content: 117 kcal
  • Purpose: for breakfast
  • Cuisine: European
  • Complexity of preparation: medium.

Girls who are constantly on a diet and trying to maintain their figure should not completely abandon flour. For example, the recipe for diet bread in a slow cooker presented below is ideal for them. As a result, you will get a lush loaf weighing 1.5 kilograms, which can be stored well (it can be kept in the refrigerator for up to 6 days) without losing quality and taste.


  • rye sourdough - 0.4 l
  • vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons
  • ground coriander - 15 g
  • oat flour - 350 g
  • rye flour - 350 g
  • malt - 1 spoon
  • brown sugar - 1 spoon
  • salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Knead the dough with the listed ingredients.
  2. Place in a greased cooking container.
  3. Let it come up for 6-7 hours at a temperature of 40 degrees.
  4. Turn on the "Bake" mode for 60 minutes.

Rye bread in a slow cooker

  • Cooking time: 1 hour, 50 minutes
  • Servings: 6 persons
  • Calorie content: 165 kcal
  • Purpose: for lunch, dinner
  • Cuisine: Russian
  • Complexity of preparation: medium.

Rye baked goods surpass wheat baked goods in usefulness - this is due to its special chemical composition... This kind of bread is preferred by adherents healthy eating, athletes, people with digestive problems, diabetes mellitus... It is easy to bake rye bread in a multicooker, it is only important to follow the recipe. Below is the step-by-step instruction, with which you can cook a lush loaf and please your loved ones.


  • rye flour - 0.5 kg
  • wheat flour - 3 tablespoons
  • yeast - 11 g
  • sugar - to taste
  • salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Place dry ingredients in a bowl.
  2. Heat the milk with the addition of water (100 ml).
  3. Combine the products, knead the dough.
  4. Form a ball, lay to stand, covered with a towel (50 minutes).
  5. Place the semi-finished product in the bowl for 40 minutes (in the multicooker mode, heat).
  6. Bake 40 minutes on one side and 20 minutes on the other.

Fast bread in a slow cooker

  • Cooking time: 1 hour 15 minutes
  • Servings: 6 persons
  • Calorie content: 262 kcal
  • Purpose: for breakfast
  • Cuisine: Italian
  • Complexity of preparation: medium.

Many people fell in love with the delicious and aromatic ciabatta bread. However, it is not necessary to buy it in the store, because there is a way how to make quick bread in a multicooker. The recipe below will not take much of your time, which is especially important when guests are on their way. For baking, you can use the "casserole" function - this will significantly speed up the process.


  • flour - 0.5 kg
  • yeast - 1 tsp
  • water - 450 ml
  • salt - 7 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Knead the dough.
  2. Transfer the workpiece to a warm place for 2.5 hours.
  3. The resulting dough is divided into two parts.
  4. Insist 45 minutes.
  5. Bake for 25 minutes, turn over, cook for another 20 minutes.

Oat bread in a slow cooker

  • Cooking time: 4 hours, 30 minutes
  • Servings: 8 persons
  • Calorie content: 226 kcal
  • Purpose: for breakfast
  • Cuisine: European
  • Complexity of preparation: medium.

Delicious and healthy oat bread in a multicooker it is easy to cook if you knead the dough for it correctly. Loaf of oatmeal sure to please all family members. It can be used for breakfast sandwiches or served separately for lunch. The roll can be stored for up to 5 days, during which time the taste and quality of the product does not deteriorate.


  • wheat flour - 300 g
  • oat flakes - 50 g
  • rye flour -50 g
  • fast yeast - 6 g
  • milk - 3 tablespoons
  • honey - 1 spoon.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix two types of flour, flakes, yeast, salt.
  2. Add warm milk and 100 ml of water.
  3. Knead the dough.
  4. Form a ball, leave it for 1.5 hours under a towel to infuse.
  5. Knead the risen dough, put in a multicooker container.
  6. Leave for 1 hour in the "heating" mode.
  7. Bake for 40 minutes on baking mode.
  8. Turn over, cook for another 15 minutes.

Video: Bread in a slow cooker with dry yeast

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Healthy eating has always been in vogue, which is especially evident in recent years. Gastronomic trends are increasingly leaning towards the use of natural products and avoiding store-bought food. To make your diet healthy, you don't have to have your own cow, build a chicken coop, or grow vegetables; you just need to learn how to make bread. It is bread that is always present on the table, no matter what we cook, so it is important that it is as healthy as possible. Today we will tell you how to make healthy and delicious bread in a slow cooker.

The simplest and most popular recipe. Bread in a slow cooker always comes out very lush and aromatic. Try to cook it at least once and make sure that it tastes much better than the purchased one!

What ingredients are needed to bake fluffy bread in a slow cooker:

  • yeast - 1 sachet;
  • wheat flour - 900 g;
  • milk or water - 500 ml;
  • semolina - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • sunflower oil.

To make your bread not only tasty, but also healthy, add a couple of tablespoons of bran to the dough. They will improve digestion and help cleanse the stomach and intestines from toxins.

To make bread in a slow cooker, follow the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Warm milk or water slightly and dissolve the yeast. The liquid should be slightly warmer than room temperature. Too hot water will "kill" the yeast, and the bread will not rise in the slow cooker. Add sugar, stir and leave for 5 minutes.
  2. Sift flour, semolina and yeast into a deep bowl.
  3. Add a couple tablespoons of sunflower oil and knead to a soft, elastic dough. If the dough sticks to your hands, add a little more butter.
  4. Cover the bowl with a towel and leave it on a table or near a battery.
  5. After 40-60 minutes, knead the risen dough, form a ball and put it in a multicooker bowl greased with sunflower oil.
  6. Run the Heat program for 10 minutes, lower the lid. After the beep, mark 40 minutes for the dough to come up a second time.
  7. Set the Baking program and cook the bread in the slow cooker for 50 minutes on one side, turn over and bake on the other side for 30 minutes.
  8. After cooking, place the multicooker bread on a cotton towel, wrap and let cool.

Helpful Hint: Freshly baked bread smells very tempting, but we recommend that you wait until it cools down - hot bread is bad for digestion. To make it cool faster, place it on a wire rack or tea mugs, as shown in the photo below.

Rye bread in a slow cooker

If you like black bread, we suggest baking rye bread in a slow cooker. It turns out to be quite lush and very tasty, quickly satisfies hunger, and most importantly, its cost is lower than that of a store one. Considering the excellent quality, you will get cheap, tasty and healthy bread in a slow cooker.

Ingredients for making rye bread:

  • warm water - 500 ml;
  • rye flour - 2 cups;
  • wheat flour - 700 g;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • dry yeast - 11 g;
  • salt - 1 tsp with a slide.

For the preparation of black bread in a multicooker, not only rye, but also wheat flour is used, otherwise the dough will not rise.

How to bake bread in a slow cooker:

  1. Dissolve sugar in warm water, add yeast and set aside for 5 minutes in a warm place.
  2. Sift flour into a bowl, add salt and mix with yeast until smooth.
  3. Knead the dough, lightly greasing your hands with sunflower or corn oil.
  4. Form a ball and place it in the multicooker bowl.
  5. Turn on the "Heat" mode for 15 minutes, and then leave the dough under the lowered lid for 40 minutes to rise.
  6. Then knead the dough, releasing all the carbon dioxide from it, make a ball again, grease it with oil and put it in the bowl. Wait 30 minutes.
  7. Set the "Baking" mode and cook rye bread in a slow cooker for 40 minutes on each side.
  8. Cool the bread by placing it on the wire rack and serve.

Focaccia - Italian bread with tomatoes in a slow cooker

Highly interesting recipe for fans of kitchen experiments. Such bread is very tasty to eat with soups, sauces and make sandwiches with cheese and fresh herbs. It is best to drink it with dry red wine. We offer to prepare aromatic Italian bread in a slow cooker.

To prepare focaccio, you will need the following products:

  • water - 200 ml;
  • flour - 2.5 cups;
  • olive oil - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • dry yeast - 2 tsp;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • sun-dried tomatoes;
  • olives;
  • spices "Italian herbs".

Sun-dried tomatoes can be made by yourself or bought at the store.

How to make unusual bread in a slow cooker:

Soda sweet bread in a slow cooker

A very original bread that children will definitely like. Sweet raisins, nuts and healthy oatmeal will quickly satisfy hunger, give strength and health. Breakfast sandwiches with such bread in a slow cooker will provide the body with the necessary vitamins and carbohydrates. Having tried this recipe at least once, you will forever forget about buying store-bought sweet buns and bagels!

What ingredients are needed to make sweet bread in a slow cooker:

  • flour - 2 cups;
  • sugar - 1/3 cup;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • soda - 1.5 tsp;
  • oat flakes "Hercules" - 1 glass;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • kefir - 250 ml;
  • raisins - 50 g;
  • walnuts- 50 g.

You can replace walnuts with peeled sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds... Adjust the usefulness of your bread to your liking!

How to bake delicious and healthy bread in a slow cooker:

  1. Combine all dry ingredients in a deep bowl: flour, oatmeal, sugar, salt and baking soda.
  2. Slice the butter small cubes and add to a bowl.
  3. Rub the butter with the rest of the ingredients with your hands.
  4. Grind the walnuts by rolling them with a rolling pin and send them to the rest of the ingredients along with the raisins.
  5. Add kefir and mix well with a spoon. You should have a pretty tough dough.
  6. Pour some flour on the table, pour the oatmeal onto it and knead into an elastic and pliable dough.
  7. Sift a thin layer of flour at the bottom of the multicooker, put the "bun" on top, and sprinkle it with flour on top.
  8. Use a knife to make shallow cuts in the center crosswise to allow air out and keep the beautiful shape bread in a slow cooker.
  9. Bake the bread in a multicooker in the "Bake" mode for 50-60 minutes. To check readiness, knock on the crust with a knife - if the sound is dull, then turn off the machine for now.

Such luxurious bread in a slow cooker may well pass for a cake for dessert, if served with jam or fruit.

Onion and cheese bread in a slow cooker

An original recipe for those who want to add variety to their daily diet. Prepare such bread in a slow cooker, and even empty chicken bouillon a bite with him will seem like a royal treat!

What ingredients will you need to make cheese bread in a slow cooker:

  • dry yeast - 1 sachet;
  • sugar - 1 tsp;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • warm water - 200 ml;
  • wheat flour - 500 g;
  • hard cheese - 150 g;
  • sesame;
  • green onions.

Method for preparing bread in a multicooker:

Bran yeast-free bread in a slow cooker. Video

We invite you to cook delicious yeast-free bread in a slow cooker. For its preparation, a natural sourdough is used, which makes the bread even healthier for the body.

More information can be found in the video below:

It's no secret that baking bakery products is a very painstaking and complex process that requires skills, patience and complete harmony with your oven. How often housewives complain: the bread is already burning on top, but inside it is still damp, the dough has dropped in the oven and has not risen any more, it turns out to be a concave bread with a rough, hard crust.

But an irreplaceable assistant appeared - a multicooker, which gave a new direction in baking bread. Thanks to the use of this electronic device, ideal bakery products are obtained. Of course, it is very difficult to describe the taste and smell, although there are many epithets and comparisons, it is impossible to resist the aroma of freshly baked bread spreading throughout the house.

The favorite culinary product made from dough in homemade food is the classic “white” bread with a crispy crust and airy crumb. The secrets of its preparation passed from generation to generation, and with the advent of a new household appliance, this recipe only improved.

Cooking time: 3 hours. Calorie content in 100 gr. - 247.23 kcal.

Required Ingredients:

  • milk - 250 ml;
  • wet yeast - 10 gr.;
  • wheat flour (premium) - 450 gr.;
  • sugar - 15 gr.;
  • salt - 5 gr.;
  • refined sunflower oil - 10 ml.

How to make bread in a slow cooker:

The first step is to make a dough: pour milk into a deep saucepan and heat it on small fire, add mashed wet yeast and sugar. Stir with a spoon until the yeast dissolves and gradually add flour to get a mass with the consistency of fatty sour cream.

Cover the resulting mass with a cotton towel and put in a warm place for 30 minutes.

When the dough is right, add salt, refined oil and the remaining flour to it. Knead the thick dough with a spoon until it is hard, and then put it on the table and stir until a whole ball-shaped ball does not stick to your hands.

Put the finished dough into the multicooker bowl and let it rise in the "Yogurt / dough" mode for 1 hour.

Then knead the dough again on the table, grease the multicooker bowl with vegetable oil and place in it ready dough... Switch on the Bake / Bread button and cook until the end of the program.

To toast bread on both sides: remove the bowl, turn it over on a towel and put the bread in it again, not toasted side down, set the Baking / Bread program. Cook until the end of the program.

Take out the finished bread on a dish or wire rack and leave to cool completely, and then you can treat yourself to it.

Simple recipes for bread in a slow cooker

The multifunctionality of the multicooker allows you to bake bread products of various composition and with an unusual structure: yeast-free, whole-grain, rye and with the addition of all kinds of flour and spices. Therefore, quite rare varieties of bread became possible for consumption in the same way as ordinary everyday food, and ceased to be included in the category of delicacies.


It is not difficult to bake delicious and very healthy wheat yeast-free bread using a multicooker. But it turns out to be a little rough and with a denser crumb due to the lack of yeast. But due to this, its use in food contributes to a more active work of the intestines, without causing fermentation.

The presence of cereals contributes to the enrichment of the product with fiber and enzymes that remove salts and toxins from the human body.

Cooking time: 40 min. Calorie content in 100 gr. - 240.32 kcal.

Required Bread Products:

  • kefir - 195 ml;
  • sugar - 10 gr.;
  • oat flakes - 25 gr.;
  • baking powder - 5 gr.;
  • salt - 10 gr.;
  • refined sunflower oil - 10 ml.

Cooking a dish:

  1. Pour kefir into a deep bowl, add salt, baking powder and oatmeal, and then stir everything thoroughly.
  2. Pouring the sifted flour in small portions, bring the dough to a thick structure and knead so that it practically does not stick to your hands.
  3. With your hands or a brush, grease the entire surface of the multicooker bowl with refined oil, and then send the finished dough into it and close the lid.
  4. Use the buttons to select the "Baking / bread" program and set the timer for 30 minutes. Then you need to get the bread by turning the bowl over on a clean towel, and put it back so that the top crust is browned, for 10 minutes.
  5. After the end of the program, open the lid and put the loaf of bread on a dish, cover with a towel, and leave to cool completely.

Rye with sour milk

The popularity of "black" bread is much lower due to its sour and specific taste. But there is also such a concept as "gray" bread - a kind of golden mean. It is a bread that contains both wheat and rye flour, but it is more valuable in its structure.

Cooking time: 3 hours 20 minutes. Calorie content per 100 gr. - 226.78 kcal.

Products for cooking:

  • rye flour - 100 gr.;
  • wheat flour (1st grade) - 320 gr.;
  • kefir - 250 ml;
  • wet yeast - 10 gr.;
  • sugar - 10 gr.;
  • salt - 10 gr.;
  • cumin - 5 gr.;
  • refined corn oil - 10 ml.

Cooking a dish:

  1. In a deep bowl, mix half the sugar with warm water and yeast, stir until the yeast blooms and, covered with a cotton towel, put the dough in a warm place until it increases in volume, or for about 10 minutes.
  2. When the dough rises to the top, add vegetable oil and mix.
  3. Pour it all into a deep saucepan, add warm spoiled milk(whey can be used), salt, remaining sugar, rye flour and part of the wheat. Stir the dough gradually.
  4. When the dough stops sticking to your hands, put it on the table and knead well for about 5-10 minutes. A smooth ball should come out.
  5. Put the dough back in the heat or put it in the multicooker bowl and let it come up by closing the lid and choosing the "Yogurt / dough" program, and wait until it rises up to 1 hour.
  6. Next, the dough must again be kneaded on the table, greased with refined oil in the multicooker bowl, send a round ball of dough into it, sprinkle with caraway seeds on top and close the lid.
  7. Press the Bake / Bread button and cook until the end of the program.
  8. If you need more ruddy and crispy bread, then after baking, take out the loaf, turn it over and send it back to the multicooker bowl by selecting the desired Baking / Bread program. Bake the product until the multicooker turns off.
  9. Then open the lid, take out the freshly baked black bread and let it cool on the wire rack.

So interesting diet bread will become an indispensable product in the daily diet after the first try.

Fragrant onion

Everyone knows that onions are not only a seasoning for food, but also a medicine. In addition to vitamins, mineral salts, it contains volatile substances - phytoncides that kill microorganisms. Therefore, the benefits of this baking in the autumn-winter period are undeniable.

Cooking time: 2 hours 45 minutes. Calorie content in 100 gr. - 253.42 kcal.

For a loaf you need:

  • milk - 250 gr.;
  • wet yeast - 15 gr.;
  • wheat flour (premium) - 500 gr.;
  • chicken egg -1 pc .;
  • onions - 60 gr.;
  • refined vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • sour cream - 20 ml;
  • sugar - 20 gr.;
  • salt - 10 gr.

Cooking bread:

  1. In a deep bowl, it is necessary to prepare the dough: mix warm milk with yeast and half of the sugar, stir thoroughly until the fermenting substance dissolves, then add part of the sifted flour until a mixture with the consistency of thick sour cream is formed. Then leave the dough in a warm place for up to 30 minutes, covered with a towel.
  2. Meanwhile, peel the onion and chop it finely. Pour refined oil from the total amount into a preheated frying pan and sauté the slices until transparent or slightly golden brown.
  3. Add the remaining sugar, onion, salt, sour cream (room temperature) to a bowl with the risen dough, stir and gradually add flour. Knead the dough until all the lumps are dissolved.
  4. Send the finished onion dough into a bowl, covered with a towel, and leave warm again until it rises for 60 minutes.
  5. Grease the multicooker form, knead the dough on the table again until smooth.
  6. Send the finished elastic lump to the multicooker, cover with a lid and select the "Baking / Bread" function, cook until the end of the program.
  7. Then turn the finished bun and select the "Bake / Bread" function again and bake for another 15 minutes.
  8. Put the roll on a dish and cover with a towel until it cools completely.

Such bakery product just perfect with first courses and meat.

  1. For dough, the temperature of the milk must be checked by body temperature: drip a few drops on the wrist - it should be a little warmer, if it is very hot, then it must be cooled.
  2. To replace 30 gr. wet yeast, you need to take 1 tbsp. dry.
  3. You can lubricate the form with any refined vegetable or butter, as well as margarine (whichever is better).
  4. The category of flour determines its gluten: the highest grade is the most "viscous", so if there is no flour of the 1st grade, it is possible to 70 gr. top grade add 30 gr. oatmeal or wheat bran and get 100 gr. flour to replace 1 grade. The entire amount of flour for the recipe can be recalculated using this calculation.
  5. The dough can be put into a heated oven, but it only needs to be heated for 5 minutes. Before sending to it batter, the temperature in should be such that the hand is comfortable and not hot. And on the pallet it is necessary to lay a towel so as not to put the container on the hot and not to "boil" the dough.
  6. The covered dough bowl can be placed in a larger bowl of warm (not hot) water and left to fit.

When cooking, it is necessary to ensure that the onions do not burn during frying, otherwise the finished roll will have a bitter taste.