Home / Cakes / How to make air marshmallows at home. How to make homemade marshmallows and marshmallows: instructions for use

How to make air marshmallows at home. How to make homemade marshmallows and marshmallows: instructions for use

The taste of marshmallow is familiar to everyone from childhood, this dessert is considered not only harmless, but useful - almost everyone is allowed to eat it, even nursing mothers and children in kindergartens. The marshmallow recipe includes fruit puree, proteins, sugar, and a gelling agent, agar, which is made from algae. No whole eggs, no oil - in short, no additives that can cause allergies. Zephyr is a healthy dessert.

And what about the taste! Perfect sweetness! Marshmallow has a delicate fruity character and a very airy texture, porous, reminiscent of soufflé and mousse at the same time. It's like tasting a sweet cloud!

Marshmallows are widely represented in stores, but it is unlikely that modern industrial marshmallows are prepared from natural, “live” products, because even ordinary egg whites are successfully replaced with a special powder, fruit puree is replaced with freeze-dried juice, and everything taste qualities marshmallow acquires thanks to flavorings and essences. Another thing is homemade marshmallows. Making marshmallows at home, in your kitchen, is a real pleasure, and you just need to follow all the instructions of the recipe during its preparation. It will turn out delicious, and very beautiful!

Basic, basic recipe marshmallows are made from applesauce. These fruits contain a lot of natural pectin, which helps marshmallows keep their shape. And also applesauce It has a strong aroma and sweet and sour taste. Given that marshmallows are prepared using a large amount of sugar, a slight sourness is only good for him.

Preparation time: about 1 hour plus a day for drying
Finished product yield: about 1 kg


  • 725 grams of sugar
  • 160 grams of water
  • 4 large apples
  • 1 egg (white)
  • 8 grams of agar
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife
  • powdered sugar


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    Mix agar with water in a small saucepan and leave to soak.

    Meanwhile, prepare the apples. Cut the fruit in half and remove the core of the apples.

    V microwave oven or bake apples in the oven. In the microwave, it only takes 4-5 minutes.
    Gently scrape the apple pulp out of the skin with a teaspoon. Send the pulp to the blender bowl.

    Grind it into an absolutely smooth puree, and then add 250 grams of sugar, vanillin and mix so that the sugar dissolves under the influence of the residual temperature. Let the resulting mass cool.

    In the meantime, put the agar water on a small fire and bring it to a boil, stirring occasionally.

    Add the remaining sugar to it and stir.

    Boil the syrup for 5 minutes until the syrup dripping from the spoon forms "threads".

    When the syrup is ready, remove it from the heat.
    Add egg whites to applesauce and beat until fluffy.

    Now, without stopping beating, in a thin stream, pour the hot syrup into protein mass. Marshmallow mass will greatly increase in volume. Continue beating until firm peaks and the temperature of the mass is just above body temperature.

    Using a pastry bag, pipe the marshmallow onto a baking sheet lined with parchment.

    Leave marshmallows at room temperature for a day to dry, then generously sprinkle it with powdered sugar.

    Glue the marshmallow halves in pairs with the bottoms - since they are sticky, this will be very easy to do.
    Store the finished marshmallow in a covered container so it doesn't dry out and remains tender.

Zephyr - recipe with orange and chocolate

And this recipe is fundamentally different, it involves the use of gelatin. The total cooking time is about 3.5 hours, of which 20 minutes will take directly to your efforts. Zephyr home cooking with citrus notes (orange and lemon juice) with the addition of chocolate, more like marshmallow.

Recipe Ingredients

  • whites 3 eggs
  • 0.3 g salt
  • 100 g water
  • 150 g granulated sugar
  • 10 g gelatin
  • 15 g lemon juice
  • 20 g orange juice
  • 25 g powdered sugar
  • 25 g dark chocolate

How to make homemade marshmallows with chocolate and citrus flavor

1. Cover the pan with a round, rectangular or square shape baking paper. This is a marshmallow mold. Soak gelatin in water.

2. Separate the yolks from the proteins, remove the yolks for other purposes, and place the proteins in a blender, add salt.

3. Whisk the whites in a blender until the whites are stiff. Pour water and sugar into a saucepan, bring to a boil and boil for another 3 minutes (120°C).

4. Squeeze out the gelatin, place it in a food processor along with the egg whites. At this step, you can add a large number of any fruit syrup. Beat on low speed for 5 minutes.

5. Wait until the temperature of the mass drops to about 50 ° C, and then add lemon and orange juice. Pour the resulting mass into the prepared form. Refrigerate for 3 hours.

6. As soon as the marshmallow hardens, cut it into rectangles or squares.

7. Mix the grated chocolate and icing sugar and sprinkle the marshmallow plates.

10 servings

40 minutes

90 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

For a long time I was afraid to “step up” to marshmallows, and, as it turned out, in vain. It is not at all difficult to prepare, if you strictly follow all the stages of the technological process.

To prepare this delicious and very natural treats you will need apples, sugar and gelatin or agar-agar. The hardest part of cooking is waiting for the zafirki to dry. But it's worth it, because marshmallows cooked at home, with your own hands, are much tastier and healthier than store-bought. So, I am doing with you my favorite recipes for this delicacy.

A simple recipe for apple marshmallows with agar-agar according to GOST

Kitchen scales, strainer, bowl, mixer, spatula, kitchen thermometer, pastry bag with star tip, parchment paper, saucepan with lid.

  • For making marshmallows choose green apples, almost unripe- they contain the highest amount of pectin (a natural thickener). Ideal variety "Antonovka". Apples should be firm, without damage or other defects.
  • Agar-agar is a gelling agent derived from seaweed. In this recipe, you should not replace it with gelatin. Agar-agar is sold not only in pastry shops, but also in ordinary supermarkets.

Step by step cooking

Cooking puree

  1. We clean 3 large apples from the core and peel.

  2. We cut them small cubes and put in a saucepan.

  3. Pour 60 ml of water (it should cover the bottom of the pan so that the apples do not burn) and put the pan on the fire.

  4. Cover it with a lid and cook small fire until the apples are soft. Stir the apples in the pan every 3-5 minutes.

  5. When the apples are cooked to such a state that they can be rubbed through a sieve, remove the pan from the stove. We grind the apples with a spoon through a metal sieve.

  6. We shift 125 grams of finished mashed potatoes into the pan.

  7. Add 100 grams of sugar.

  8. We heat this mass until the sugar is completely dissolved.

  9. Cool the puree to a temperature of 4 degrees - first at room temperature, and then in the refrigerator.

Cooking marshmallow mass

  1. In a saucepan, mix 200 grams of sugar and 5 grams of agar-agar.

  2. Add 75 ml of water, a tablespoon of lemon juice and mix everything well.

  3. We put the pan with the syrup on the fire.

  4. At this time, we transfer the cold applesauce to the mixer bowl.

  5. Add one egg white to it.

  6. Beat this mass with a mixer at high speed.

  7. Cook the syrup, stirring constantly, to a temperature of 110 degrees.

  8. While the syrup was boiling, the protein and mashed potatoes were whipped into a dense, strong foam. Pour syrup into them in a thin stream, without stopping whipping the mass at low speed.

  9. Increase the mixer speed to high and beat the marshmallow mass until it cools (the mixer bowl should be at room temperature). This process takes approximately 5 minutes.

We form a marshmallow

Marshmallow is ready, you can pour tea and savor this delicious and natural masterpiece. And you can beautifully pack a few marshmallows and present to friends or relatives. I'm sure everyone will love this gift!

Video recipe for making marshmallows at home

If after reading my recipe you still have questions about how to make marshmallows at home, be sure to watch this video. Pay special attention to how you need to plant marshmallows on parchment.

Classic marshmallow recipe with gelatin at home

Cooking time: 40 min.
Servings: 10.
Calories: 91 kcal.
Kitchen appliances and inventory: kitchen scales, strainer, bowl, mixer, spatula, pastry bag with a star tip, parchment paper, saucepan.


Step by step cooking

  1. Pour 25 grams of gelatin into the pan (I use instant gelatin), pour it hot water and let it swell.

  2. We wash apples (3-4 pieces), cut into 4 parts and remove the core.

  3. We spread the apples on parchment and bake in the oven for 15 minutes at 180 degrees.

  4. Carefully remove the skin from the apples.

  5. We rub them through a fine sieve. You should have 200 grams of thick applesauce.

  6. Add 300 grams of sugar to the cooled puree.

  7. Beat the mass with a mixer until the sugar is completely dissolved.

  8. Continuing to beat, add half the white of one egg.

  9. At this stage, it is important to continue whipping the mass without stopping. It will begin to turn white and increase in volume.

  10. After 5-7 minutes, add the second half of the protein and continue to beat until a thick, fluffy, white mass.

  11. At this stage, 1-2 drops of dye can be added to the mass if desired.

  12. Stir the swollen gelatin.

Well, friends, who is ready to cook a tender, incredibly tasty and healthy marshmallow at home? Believe me, you will never want to buy marshmallows in the store again. Homemade will appeal even to those who have never loved marshmallows, tested on myself :)

I re-read many recipes, by trial and error I deduced my ideal formula, and I also identified a few rules, following which, you will surely succeed! :)

What we need:
berry/fruit puree 250g.
egg white room temperature
150g of water
8g agar-agar
420g sugar (for syrup)

For some reason, the question of where to get agar was the most popular among everyone who asked me for a recipe. In Moscow, it was sold even in a small convenience store in the yard. In smaller cities, it turned out to be more difficult with him, but in large hypermarkets, such as Auchan and Lenta, he definitely is! Search in the section with powders for baking :))
Nuuu, let's go!

Berry/fruit puree

This point is very important! I will not scare you with theory and tables of pectin content in different berries and fruits. The bottom line is this - the more pectin, the more stable and thicker our marshmallow mass turns out, the marshmallow holds its shape well, does not spread anywhere and it turns out very beautiful. The leaders in pectin content are apples, followed by black currants. But what if you want other flavors? We can increase the pectin content by thickening the puree, or we can mix flavors with applesauce.
I tell and show on the example of marshmallow with apple-cranberry flavor. We make applesauce - everything is simple here, clean, cut into 4 parts, put in a bowl, cover with a film, make holes in it and put in the microwave for 10 minutes (until soft). Then we pierce with a blender, that's it - the puree is ready! We need 125 gr.
Now cranberries! Cranberry puree also needs to get 125 gr. From experience, for this you need to take about 300-350 grams of berries. I do this: I put the berry in a saucepan on the stove, and after it becomes soft, I punch it with a blender and pass it through a sieve. And then I send the puree back to the stove, add sugar and boil until thick. See the consistency of the finished puree in the photo. As for the amount of sugar, the berry always tastes different, so I can’t say the exact amount. Puree to taste should be sour, but at the same time tasty)) Keep in mind that later we will add to it sugar syrup and the final taste will be sweeter.
Now we mix two types of puree, if desired, you can add cinnamon or other spices to taste. Let's try! Yummy? So everything is going according to plan!
Such purees can be made from seasonal fruits and berries in advance and stored in the freezer, nothing will happen to them!

Now syrup!

We take a saucepan (at least 2 l, the mass will bubble strongly!), Pour 8 g of agar there, pour 150 ml of water, leave min 10 aside.
Then put on medium heat, wait until it boils and add sugar. For me, 410-420 grams of sugar is ideal, but if you want to get a structure that is not wet, but closer to that of a store-bought marshmallow, add 500 grams.
When the mass begins to boil, it will bubble strongly and be covered with a cap of white foam. That's good, everything continues to go according to plan :)
Super important! We need to watch out for the right syrup consistency! For good, you need to use a pyrometer and wait for 110gr. But I write for ordinary people, and not for some crazy confectioners like me)) Therefore, we can do without it. We just wait for the moment when the syrup becomes thick. It will stop dripping from the spatula and begin to flow in such a plump continuous thread. Well, it's like in the photo.
But until that happens, we still have things to do!

You need to whip puree with protein

Turn on multitasking! Back to our thick and delicious puree, cooled to room temperature, add one protein there and start whipping it all with a mixer, while not forgetting to keep an eye on the syrup.
The mass will increase and lighten. You need to beat until hard peaks (the mass does not fall from the whisk and holds its shape well, as in the photo).
If your syrup has already boiled, but the puree has not whipped yet - it doesn’t matter, the syrup can stand for a bit, the same goes for puree!
And now, the long-awaited meeting of syrup and puree, here the magic begins!
Now we need, while whipping the puree, pour the syrup into it in a thin stream, without getting on the beaters. This will take some time, don't rush! You only need to pour out what is poured out, if something stuck to the bottom of the saucepan, let it stay there, do not become marshmallows for it.
Well, now, the time of miracles! right before your eyes, this mass will begin to turn into a marshmallow! Try a little, it must already be insanely delicious!
Another important point: you need to continue to beat this mass until it cools down to 40 degrees, and if there is no pyrometer, just wait until it thickens.
The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise it will begin to turn into marshmallows right in your bowl.
Now we transfer the mass into a pre-prepared bag with some beautiful star nozzle and place the halves on silicone mats or baking paper.

And if there is neither a bag nor a nozzle, you can even spread it with a spoon, the taste will not change from this :)
It remains to wait 6-10 hours (depending on the humidity in the room), and when the marshmallow stops sticking to your hands, glue the halves, sprinkle with powder and enjoy!

Uff, I wrote so much, I can’t even believe that you can write so much about a simple marshmallow!
The main thing to remember:
1. puree should be thick
2. the syrup should flow down in a thick continuous thick stream
3. puree with protein beat until stable peaks
4. Whipping marshmallow mass, cool to 40 degrees - the temperature at which agar-agar begins to solidify.

Often we take products from the shelves of stores and do not even think that much of our shopping cart can be easily prepared at home. In fact, marshmallows are not complicated pastry. It is prepared by beating berry puree and egg whites with sugar, although at the very beginning honey was used as a sweetener.

Cooks from France, having prepared marshmallows (translated from French as “light breeze”), have altered the recipe for traditional Russian marshmallow, experimenting with the amount of proteins. Thanks to the correct proportions of proteins, the marshmallow turned out to be very light and airy.

Today, marshmallows are prepared not only in the usual white color. Often it is poured with chocolate, sprinkled with nuts, and also changed color with the help of natural dyes.

Cooking marshmallows is a simple and short process. Everything is extremely simple. You can cook many types of marshmallows: classic, apple, strawberry, plum, and so on.

Useful properties of marshmallow

Marshmallows consist of fruit puree, so it has very little fat. It contains pectin, which promotes the removal of heavy metal salts from the body. Marshmallow also improves digestion and lowers blood cholesterol levels.

Marshmallow contains iron, phosphorus and calcium, as well as alimentary fiber contributing to the normal functioning of the intestines.

Of course, you should not get carried away with marshmallows, since they contain a large amount of carbohydrates and sugar.

When buying marshmallows in stores, you need to carefully read the composition. Sometimes chemical flavors and dyes are added to it, which can harm the body, for example, cause diathesis in children.

Secrets of cooking marshmallows

If you want to cook apple marshmallow the puree should be thick. It is good to use baked antonovka. Any apples that bake well will also work.

Depending on the recipe, marshmallows harden from 1 to 5 hours at room temperature. Then the marshmallows must be dried (again at room temperature) for about a day. This forms a thin crust.

If you replace a third of the sugar in the recipe with molasses or glucose syrup, marshmallows can be stored longer. When dried, the middle will remain tender.

In order for the marshmallow to keep its shape, the mass must be well whipped, like a regular one. protein cream. Therefore, spare no time and effort. The result is worth it.

Zephyr classic

The preparation of classic white marshmallows begins with boiling gelatin and sugar syrup. The main thing in the preparation of marshmallows is to beat the mass evenly in order to achieve the correct consistency.

A little secret: if you decide to cook marshmallows at home, then be sure to take care of the presence of wooden cutting boards that will need to be well moistened with water.


  • Gelatin 60 g
  • Sugar 1 kg
  • Lemon acid 1 tsp
  • Soda 0.5 tsp

Cooking method:

  1. Start preparing the syrup. To do this, pour sugar into a small saucepan and fill it with a glass of cold water. Place the saucepan over medium heat and stir constantly until the water boils.
  2. Soak the gelatin while making the syrup. Fill it with 100 grams of water.
  3. After the sugar water boils, add the dissolved gelatin and then remove the pan from the heat. Continue stirring the mixture until the gelatin is completely dissolved in the syrup. When doing this, make sure that the contents do not cool down completely.
  4. After the gelatin has dissolved, beat the resulting mixture with a mixer at medium speed for 5 minutes. After that, take a short break, and then beat again for 5 minutes.
  5. Next, add to the mixture citric acid, soda and continue to beat for another 10 minutes. Let the marshmallow mass brew for 20 minutes.
  6. After that, put the marshmallow mass on wooden boards in the form of small round cakes and let them harden. Remove the finished marshmallow from the planks with a knife.

Homemade marshmallow


  • Egg white 3 pcs
  • Sugar 250 g
  • Water 100 g
  • Honey 1 tbsp. l.
  • Gelatin 16 g
  • Lemon juice 1 tbsp. l.
  • Flavors as desired
  • Dyes as desired
  • Powdered sugar optional
  • Vegetable oil 1/2 tsp

Cooking method:

  1. Soak gelatin in cold water. Whisk the egg whites until stiff, adding the lemon juice.
  2. In a saucepan, mix sugar, water and honey. Bring to a boil while continuing to cook. The mixture should resemble light caramel. Remove from heat and add pre-squeezed gelatin, stirring until it is completely dissolved.
  3. Continue beating the egg whites, slowly adding the cooked syrup, allowing it to drip down the sides of the bowl. Beat for about 10-15 minutes until the mixture is smooth and warm. At this point, flavoring and/or coloring may be added.
  4. Further suitable silicone mold lubricate with neutral vegetable oil and, sprinkling abundantly with powdered sugar, lay out the marshmallow mixture. Top the marshmallows also generously sprinkle with powder.
  5. Place in the refrigerator for at least an hour to allow the marshmallow to cool completely and thicken. Store at room temperature for up to 5 days.

Probably, there is no such sweet lover who would be indifferent to marshmallows. Sweet, melting in your mouth, delicate taste and proven by nutritionists the usefulness of this dessert is the dream of an inveterate sweet tooth. Especially if this marshmallow is made at home with your own hands, and you can be completely sure of the safety of the composition of which.

In this article, we will consider the features of preparing marshmallows in different options able to please even the most demanding gourmets.

The secret of unusually sweet and delicate taste, the lightness and pleasant aroma of this dessert lies in the ingredients used. There are several different ways making marshmallows. The most common and standard is a marshmallow made from the following products:

  • pulp from a variety of apples, in which there is the right amount of pectin substance (the most the best way- apples "Antonovka")
  • chicken egg white
  • powdered sugar
  • substance with thickening properties (regular gelatin, agar-agar)
  • juice, lemon zest or citric acid

Also, other berries are often used as a puree product in their own form or mixed with apples. With this method of preparation, you just need to add more gelatin to homemade marshmallows. The aroma of marshmallow will differ from the classic one, and the color will become close to the color of berries in tone.

For fans of everything chocolate, another ingredient for marshmallows is ideal - chocolate glaze or cocoa.

The composition of the marshmallow bought in the store, of course, differs from home version. Often one of the ingredients of such a marshmallow is various dyes, harmful chemical additives, flavoring substances. Therefore, do not try to create a dessert that is completely identical to the store-bought one, unless you also try to add these harmful and unnecessary ingredients.

An exquisite and incredible taste of dessert can be created with the help of homemade useful products. In addition, the preparation of marshmallows does not require an unrealistic cost of money for ingredients and great culinary skills.

How to make marshmallows delicious: cooking secrets

Experienced housewives in the preparation of marshmallows are guided by several tips that can give the dish the desired taste and shape. Let's share some of them:

  1. Homemade apple marshmallows solidify better if the puree is thick. Therefore, you need to use apples with a lot of pectin or soft apples that bake quickly and well (you can try to bake at least one before that).
  2. In order for marshmallows to be covered with a crisp on top, after hardening, it must be dried for some time in a warm room.
  3. To get the desired shape, marshmallows need to be beaten very well. The result should look like a protein cream.
  4. If you want to store marshmallows longer, replacing a third of the sugar with molasses or glucose syrup can help. After the marshmallow has dried on top, the middle will remain tender for a long time.

Homemade marshmallows with gelatin

This recipe is the most popular and classic in its essence. It is quite easy to prepare and consists of very few ingredients.

We will need:

  • Gelatin - 100 g
  • Sugar - about 1 kg, depending on the desired sweetness
  • Citric acid - ½ tablespoon
  • Baking soda - ¼ tablespoon


  1. First you need to prepare a sweet syrup: pour 1 kg of sugar into 250 ml of cold water and put on a small fire. We are waiting for the sugar and water to boil.
  2. Pour gelatin cold water before it swells.
  3. When the syrup boils, add the swollen gelatin to it and mix well.
  4. When all the ingredients are dissolved in water and there are no lumps of gelatin, beat the syrup with a blender for 10-15 minutes with interruptions (the longer, the better for solidification).
  5. Add citric acid, baking soda to the finished water and whisk for a few more minutes.
  6. We insist the prepared mixture for about 25 minutes and pour it into the molds, which must first be moistened with water. After hardening, the marshmallows are carefully removed with a knife.

This sweet and healthy marshmallow due to the amount of protein according to GOST will undoubtedly please you and your loved ones.

Homemade apple marshmallow

The taste and tenderness of this dessert is complemented by beneficial properties, thanks to natural, vitamin-rich ingredients. The delicacy that melts in your mouth sells out in just a few hours, and even the most capricious housewives cannot resist asking for its recipe.

Required Ingredients:

  • Apples - 0.5 kg
  • Egg white - 1 pc.
  • Sugar (can be diluted with substitutes) - 750 g
  • Gelatin - 40 g
  • Vanillin - to taste
  • Water - half a glass
  • Powdered sugar - optional

Marshmallow recipe step by step:

  • This recipe takes a little more time, but the effect is worth it. We start cooking by soaking the gelatin until it swells. Then we dissolve it over low heat until a liquid without lumps. While gelatin swells, prepare applesauce. To do this, clean apples with a high content of pectin are cut into two parts and baked in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Bake until soft.

  • When the apples are ready, peel them, grind them into puree in an accessible way. As a result, we should get about 250 g of puree.

  • In the finished puree, beat the protein, add vanillin and beat for a few more minutes. The color of the mass should as a result acquire a light shade.

  • Gradually add the soaked gelatin to the finished puree. Prepare syrup with sugar and water and pour into puree.

  • Using a special pastry syringe, squeeze the puree onto a baking sheet. The mass at this stage should resemble meringue. We put ready meal freeze in the refrigerator for a day. After hardening, decorate the marshmallows with powdered sugar (if desired, it can be diluted with starch).

  • Before us is a cooked marshmallow without baking, but it is also possible to cook in the oven. To do this, instead of the refrigerator, we send marshmallows to the oven, heated to 180 degrees, for about 30 minutes. When the marshmallow takes the proper form and shape, we pull it out of the oven and also sprinkle with powder. You can also top it with chocolate icing.
  • Zephyr from apples at home is ready! Exquisite delicacy will be able to give even the most unfortunate day of joy and positive!

Homemade marshmallow with agar-agar and blackcurrant

Marshmallow on agar differs from the recipe with gelatin in the speed of solidification, other properties and a greater likelihood of solidification when using a smaller amount of the substance, in comparison with pectin or gelatin. This ingredient is not very popular in general stores, but it can be easily purchased online.

Required Ingredients:

  • Currant - 500 g
  • Sugar - 500 g
  • Egg white - 1 pc.
  • Water - 150 g
  • Powdered sugar, starch - 4 teaspoons

Cooking process:

  • You can use both fresh and frozen blackcurrants. From it you need to prepare mashed potatoes by boiling over medium heat for about 20 minutes. After that, grind it with a chintz to remove the skin.
  • When the puree is completely without excess skin, boil it again over low heat, add 200 g of sugar and cook until it dissolves.

  • We soak agar-agar in water, put on fire, add 300 g of sugar and, stirring, cook the syrup until it boils.
  • When the puree has cooled, add the egg white to it and beat with a mixer. As a result, we should get a thick puree. Then add hot agar-agar syrup to it and continue to whisk.

  • We shift the finished mixture into a silicone mold. This must be done quickly and carefully, since at 40 degrees agar-agar may already begin to solidify. We create the desired shape for the marshmallow and leave it to harden.
  • When the frozen marshmallow dries, sprinkle it with a mixture of powdered sugar and starch.

Extraordinarily delicious dessert ready to eat, and the currant sourness present in the marshmallow can only add sophistication and goodness to the dessert.

Pink marshmallow: recipe with photo

Pink marshmallow is more popular among others. This is partly due to the fact that most sweet tooth like to indulge themselves not only with taste, but also with an exquisite and delicate look, in which saliva flows. Pink color can be obtained both when made from natural ingredients (a recipe with currants is presented above), and by adding dyes.


  • 500 g sugar
  • 20 g gelatin
  • 1 st. a spoonful of citric acid
  • vanillin
  • ½ st. a spoonful of baking powder or soda
  • dye or 1 tbsp. a spoonful of currants for 2 tbsp. spoons of water


  • Soak the gelatin in cold water until it swells, then dissolve it over a fire until it becomes a liquid.

  • We make syrup: add sugar to 100 ml of water, bring to a boil.

  • Pour the gelatin into the syrup and beat with a mixer for at least 10 minutes at medium speed.

  • Add either dye or currants diluted with water to the mixture.
  • Pour citric acid into the mass, vanilla sugar, baking powder or soda and beat for another 5 minutes.

Leave the mass for 10 minutes, after which we squeeze the marshmallows with a culinary syringe.

  • After cooling, put in the refrigerator until the marshmallows harden.
  • Bright and delicate marshmallow taste is ready!

Also, according to this recipe, you can cook white-pink marshmallows, doing the same with one part, only without the addition of dyes or currants. Bon Appetit!

These recipes are very easy to prepare, so even novice cooks can usually do it perfectly! Do not forget to periodically please yourself and your loved ones with yummy, especially such a useful one. But you should not overeat either: marshmallows contain a large amount of sugar, and it can harm your figure.

Video: Marshmallow Recipe at Home