Home / Pies / How to make jack daniels sauce. T.G.I Friday’s Jack Daniel’s BBQ Ribs Glaze or Jack Daniel’s BBQ Ribs Glaze Sauce

How to make jack daniels sauce. T.G.I Friday’s Jack Daniel’s BBQ Ribs Glaze or Jack Daniel’s BBQ Ribs Glaze Sauce

Since the chefs noticed that the addition of a little alcohol improves the taste of food, their arsenal has been replenished with a very convincing remedy. Alcohol is traditionally added not only to baked goods and creams, but also to meat, fish, seafood, vegetables. Jack Daniel's Sauce is a culinary classic that transforms the flavors of meat and fish. And BBQ sauce based on Jack Daniels whiskey has long been a favorite addition to steaks, ribs, chicken wings.

Alcohol-based sauces

Perhaps for the first time alcohol was added to food in places where there is a lot of wine. Why not replace the water with wine or beer and add aroma and flavor to the dish? Experiments have led to new recipes. In Burgundy they cook cockerel in wine, in Bordeaux they stew lampreys in wine, in Milan - ossobuco veal shank, in Flanders - meat in dark beer.

There are a lot of recipes, they are united by the principle of preparation, which consists in the gradual evaporation of alcohol. At the same time, alcohol is boiled down, thickens and gives the meat a rich taste. Sauces, including whiskey-based sauces « Jack Daniels », learned to cook later, when people began to pay attention not only to the taste of the dish, but also to its appearance.

The spirit serves as a base or "third liquid" to complement water, broth, or oil. Alcohol activates the flavor of the ingredients and gives the dish its own aromatic note. Difficulties in preparation lie in the characteristic pungent odor. You can get rid of alcoholic amber if you boil the mixture long enough to evaporate the alcohol as much as possible. It is easier to achieve the desired result by choosing a wide saucepan for cooking. At the same time, the alcohol content will be significantly reduced, but it is still not worth offering Daniels sauce to children.

When choosing alcohol for cooking, follow the main rules:

  • Don't use drinks that you would hesitate to drink
  • Sauces based on whiskey, cognac or calvados go well with beef, lamb and pork
  • White wines, tequila and gin are more suitable for chicken, turkey or rabbit

Chefs add whiskey to hearty meat and fish dishes... Irish and Scottish cuisine has the most recipes, and Americans like to season burgers with whiskey-based sauce. Our recipe for Jack Daniel's Irish Sauce is perfect for barbecues, fried or grilled meats.

Cooking Jack Daniels

Jack Daniels whiskey is the pride of America. A quality drink, time-tested, is produced under the same brand as the Jack Daniels sauce. Original taste and unique composition provided the finished product with constant customer demand. They say that with "Jack" even overcooked or undercooked meat seems like a masterpiece of culinary art. We propose to cook the dish yourself, if you follow the recipe, it will turn out no worse than the factory one. The combination of components in a verified proportion will give the meat a unique aroma and an amazing sweet and sour taste.

Cooking time - 2 hours. Servings - 2

Ingredients :

  • One large or two small heads of garlic;
  • Two teaspoons of olive oil
  • Two glasses of pineapple juice;
  • Incomplete glass of water (150 ml);
  • 100 ml teriyaki;
  • Two tablespoons soy sauce;
  • 600 grams of brown sugar;
  • 100 grams of onions;
  • Six tablespoons of lemon juice;
  • Two tablespoons of Jack Daniel's whiskey;
  • 100 grams of pineapple;
  • Half a teaspoon of cayenne pepper.

Let's start cooking:

  1. Cut the top and bottom off the unpeeled garlic so that the head does not fall apart. Brush the garlic olive oil, wrap in foil.
  2. Preheat oven to 160 ° C and bake the garlic for 1 hour.
  3. Remove from oven and leave to cool.
  4. Pour water into a wide bowl, Pineapple juice, teriyaki sauces and soy, add sugar. While stirring constantly, bring to a boil and reduce heat to keep the mixture from boiling.
  5. Grate onion, finely chop pineapple.
  6. Add the onion and pineapple to the mixture and stir.
  7. Peel and crush the garlic, add to the mixture.
  8. Cook everything together for 40–45 minutes, stirring occasionally. The volume should be halved. By consistency ready-made sauce will look like syrup.

Jack Daniels sauce will perfectly complement fish and meat dishes, it goes well with burgers, steaks, barbecue.

I accidentally saw this sauce in a store in Barcelona, ​​could not resist and bought it. This sauce was of three kinds, smoky, chili and original. I chose the original one as I had previously heard about this sauce, but did not try it. The bottle says it can be used for meat, fish and vegetables.

I tried it. I liked the sweetish and aromatic taste. I must say right away that I did not catch the floral aroma of Jack Daniel's Kentucky whiskey, but the garlic is perfectly felt and Cayenne pepper... I'd say it's more of a frosting that will make everything you barbecue very tempting and delicious.

It is not difficult to prepare it, but it is better to prepare it in advance. When the sauce has cooled, it will thicken even more. The sauce is perfectly applied to the ribs, it was on them that I tested it, it evenly covers them and does not run off. After analyzing many recipes for this sauce, I made some adjustments to its composition in order to bring the taste as close as possible to what was bought in the store, but I’ll say right away that the changes are very minor, I increased the amount of soy sauce by 2 tbsp. l. and the amount was up to 40 ml. In general, I was very pleased with the result, I will cook this sauce often now.

Jack Daniel's tricky American cuisine sauce recipe step by step with a photo. Easy to cook at home in 1 hour and 45 minutes. Contains only 213 kcal.

  • Preparation time: 10 min
  • Cooking time: 1 hour 45 mins
  • Calorie count: 213 kcal
  • Servings: 12 servings
  • Occasion: Dinner
  • Complexity: Difficult recipe
  • National cuisine: American cuisine
  • Type of dish: Sauces
  • We need: Oven

Ingredients for twelve servings

  • Canned pineapple 20 g
  • Jack Daniel's whiskey 40 ml
  • Water 180 ml
  • Bulb onion 1 pc.
  • Extra Virgin olive oil 1 tbsp. l.
  • Cayenne pepper 0.5 tsp
  • Brown sugar 18 tbsp. l.
  • Pineapple juice 230 ml
  • Lemon juice 3 tbsp. l.
  • Soy sauce 3 tbsp. l.
  • Teriyaki sauce 4 tbsp l.
  • Garlic 1 head

Step by step cooking

  1. We will prepare the products that you will need to make the sauce: garlic, butter, whiskey, spices, soy and teriyaki sauce, onions.
  2. Put the head of garlic in foil and pour with olive oil.
  3. Close and place in the oven for baking for 25 minutes. My garlic is young because it baked quickly.
  4. Unroll the baked garlic, let it cool until it cools, and we will make the sauce.
  5. Pour all the liquid ingredients into a small saucepan - water, pineapple juice, soy sauce, teriyaki, lemon juice, mix everything and add brown sugar.
  6. We put on strong fire, with constant stirring, bring to a strong boil, then reduce the heat a little and let it cook for ourselves, the main thing is to make sure that the sauce does not burn.
  7. We cut the pineapple, you will need 1 tablespoon, finely chopping the onion will take 3 tablespoons, you can simply crush the garlic with a fork, you will need 2 teaspoons of the garlic mass.
  8. Put all this in a slightly boiling mixture, bring to a boil and pour in whiskey, add cayenne pepper. I boil it all over low heat for about an hour.
  9. Make sure that the sugar does not burn. Stir the sauce constantly. The sauce should boil down about 2 times. You will see that it is ready by its consistency. Do not forget that when the sauce is standing it will get even thicker!
  10. To achieve a homogeneous structure, I strained the sauce, but my husband and I had different opinions. He thought that I got rid of all the most delicious for the sake of the sauce bought in the store.
  11. The sauce is ready! It smells great but is still very hot.
  12. Now I'll leave it to cool, put it in the refrigerator overnight. The sauce has a pleasant texture and a light floral aroma. Bon Appetit!

There is a mysterious connection between high-end whiskey and well-cooked meat. In some cases, it can be expressed very succinctly: "Jack Daniel's". This is not only a well-known brand of alcohol, but also a self-explanatory name. sweet and sour sauce, without which it is impossible to imagine meat and fish dishes on an open fire.

The sauce goes well with steaks of various degrees of doneness, salmon and even so democratic dish like a burger. It is sweet, and sour, and spicy at the same time, and the unique note that the whiskey of the same name brings makes it unique and easily recognizable.

What's in the line-up?

  • Juice (1 full glass) - in classic version take pineapple juice, and lemon juice is used to add sourness (2-3 tablespoons). In other recipes, you can find an alternative way out of the situation when using a mixture of orange juice and pineapple (1 tsp).
  • Garlic (1 head) - taken whole.
  • Soy sauce - the amount varies depending on the presence in the sauce
    teriyaki (from 1 tablespoon to 3).
  • Teriyaki sauce (4 tablespoons) - can be either the main element of the recipe, or not at all. Given the direct relationship with soy sauce, some cooks successfully replace it with spices.
  • Onion (1 pc.), Finely chopped. Quantity: from 2-3 tsp. in the classic recipe up to 3 tbsp. for lovers of a special onion note.
  • Brown sugar (20 tablespoons, or 300 g) can be replaced with ordinary white sugar, but experts recommend opting for honey (4-6 tablespoons) - this will eliminate excessive sweetness and add additional flavoring sensations.
  • Seasonings - hot cayenne pepper is usually used (1/4 teaspoon), but additions in the form of ginger are possible, nutmeg, black pepper. This is especially true if there is no teriyaki sauce in the composition.
  • Olive oil (1 tablespoon) - required ingredient classic sauce, but many prefer the usual vegetable oil without smell.
  • Water (2/3 cup or 180 ml) - it just needs to be there.
  • Jack Daniel's is the main ingredient (from 1 tablespoon to 1 stack). There is no need to worry - the alcohol base of the drink quickly disappears, leaving only a specific taste and aroma.

Deviations from the composition of the ingredients are not so important: if you want to get an original taste famous sauce- the same one that is served in TGI Fridays - you should pay attention to the sequence of actions.

Cooking process

  1. We are engaged in garlic. It should be baked in a husk without oil, without frying. It is more convenient to take a whole head, cut off the top and bottom, wrap in foil and bake in an oven. Temperature: 160 degrees; time: 1 hour. Let cool. Subsequently, you will need 2 teaspoons of such mashed garlic stew.
  2. While the garlic is in the oven, mix the juices and sauces in a small saucepan, add sugar / honey. Heat the mixture over medium heat, stirring constantly.
  3. As soon as the mixture begins to boil, reduce the heat to low, add the remaining ingredients (the last one is the garlic puree) and slowly evaporate the contents for 35-45 minutes. The mixture should decrease in volume by 2 times and acquire a syrupy consistency. Turn off the heat and let the sauce cool.

The whole process takes up to 2 hours, but the result is worth it. In addition, the resulting sauce can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.

Whiskey, fire, meat - a combination that, in its ideal embodiment, is always associated with Jack Daniel's. Now you can replace a standard bottle of sauce with a familiar logo with the result of your own labor - by classic recipe or with a touch of personal fantasy.

In the meantime, you will be preparing the sauce, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the Burger Burger Jack Daniels Ultimate and the Burger Specialty ketchup burger, which include our sauce. Bon Appetit!

One of the specialties of the T.G.I Friday’s restaurant chain is barbecue ribs under the brand Jack Daniel's glaze sauce... Naturally, the company does not share the secret of making this glaze, and you can guess from the name and the shades of taste that the glaze contains Jack Daniel's whiskey. Honestly, I was looking for a recipe for this sauce for a long time, until I came across this recipe on one of the American sites.

Prepared - the taste is the same as the original. So, pork ribs with T.G.I.'s Jack Daniel's Icing Sauce Friday's.

On the American website, all the weights were in cups. I had to look and transfer all the volumes into tablespoons.

Due to the fact that the preparation of ribs and glaze is divided into several stages, photos of the ingredients will be placed according to each stage. Errors in the chronology will also be indicated. And all we need is:

The quantities here are based on the original recipe. In the process, I changed something, which I will report on in the course of describing the recipe.

For Jack Daniel's sauce you will need:

  • Garlic - 1 head. (then 2 teaspoons will be required from it)
  • Olive oil - 1 tablespoon (you can take just odorless vegetable oil. IMHO odorless oil is better.)
  • Sugar - if possible, dark cane sugar - 20 (twenty) tablespoons.
  • Jack Daniel's Whiskey - 1 tablespoon

For meat

  • Meat salt to taste.
  • Optional - seasoning for meat - I used Santa Maria - hot seasoning for meat.
  • Pork ribs are thicker and tastier.

Cooking pork ribs with Jack Daniel's Sauce (T.G.I Friday's Jack Daniel's Sauce)

Stage one.

You will need:

  • Garlic - 1 head
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon

We clean the garlic from the "paper" husk and the remnants of the roots, without breaking the head of the garlic itself into cloves.

Take a piece of foil, put a head of garlic in the center, pour a tablespoon of oil into the center of the garlic.

We wrap everything tightly in foil and send it to the oven with a temperature of 160 ° C for an hour.

After an hour we take it out and cool it down.

Stage two.

You will need:

  • Pork ribs
  • Seasoning for ribs to taste. I do not advise taking any strongly aromatic spices- subsequently kill the smell of the sauce.

If you are limited in time - pork ribs you can preliminarily, for example, the day before, boil, and on the day of serving, simply quickly bake the already boiled ribs in the oven. It is also worth pre-boiling the ribs in the event that you are going to bake them over coals, and you do not have a barbecue boiler with a lid - just an ordinary grill. Of course, it is best to cook this dish over charcoal - the aroma of haze will certainly add its own charm and taste.

Since I had time, and there was no desire to dig out the grill from the snow, I cut the ribs into pieces, the size of 2 ribs.

Salted them, sprinkled with spices, not particularly thick.

I put it in a baking sheet, packed it tightly in foil and put it in the oven for 2 hours for the first 15-20 minutes at 200 ° С - then reduced it to 170 ° С.

I took up the sauce.

It was here that my main mistake in the chronology of events became clear.


Baked garlic and, accordingly, the icing is better to cook tangibly in advance, since garlic is used at the initial stage of preparing the glaze, and it is better to grease the meat with the glaze at about room temperature - as it thickens, and the layer on the meat becomes thicker.

Stage three

You will need:

  • Water - 180 ml or 12 tablespoons.
  • Pineapple juice - 1 cup ~ 236 ml - 16 tablespoons
  • Teriyaki sauce - 4 tablespoons
  • Soy sauce - 1 tablespoon
  • Sugar - if possible, dark cane sugar - 20 (twenty) tablespoons. In fact, 15 were used because the pineapple was canned. So when fortune-telling on coffee grounds, chrysanthemum and three pots (with chamomiles, it's a bummer - it's out of season and they are not in the garden) in the mode: "Sticky / Not sticky" - "Sticky" won - so the amount of sugar was reduced by a quarter. I will say right away - I did not lose. The sugar was normal, since the cane sugar ran out badly.
  • Lemon juice - 3 tablespoons
  • White onion- 1 onion (3 tablespoons finely chopped onion)
  • Finely chopped pineapple - 1 tablespoon.
  • Cayenne or chilli - 1/4 teaspoon
  • Jack Daniel's Whiskey - 1 tablespoon.

Take a small saucepan and mix water, pineapple and lemon juice, teriyaki, soy sauce in it, add sugar

We mix everything qualitatively, trying to dissolve the sugar as much as possible and put the saucepan on high heat. It needs to boil faster. For the meat is already in the oven, and it’s a miracle to cook for at least an hour (in fact, it turned out to be at least one and a half).

We chop the onion finely and finely with a total of 3 tablespoons of already chopped, 1 washer of pineapple - it does not matter that a little more than 1 tablespoon. It won't hurt. We take a small chili pepper - dry and grind it in a mortar, removing most of the seeds so that it is not so hot.

We are waiting for all the brew to boil

And with a strong-willed movement of the hand, we turn down the fire to the state of "Barely gurgles"

We take out the already cooled baked head of garlic.

We break off a couple - three cloves from it, so that in total we get about 2 teaspoons.

We carefully put the rest of the garlic in the refrigerator. It will be needed to some other sauces, or in what side dish to knead the clove - in mashed potatoes, for example, in buckwheat, or in rice ... Fortunately, the smell from this garlic is breathtaking.

Squeeze the crushed and mashed garlic into the dull mixture, add finely chopped pineapple and onion.

And bring it to a boil again. Reduce heat and add 1 tablespoon of Jack Daniel's whiskey. It was then that I fundamentally disagreed with the original recipe…. Therefore, I added another gram that way 70-80 whiskey to the already mentioned tablespoon. Because for our person 100 grams is sacred ...

Stir from time to time, quite often. Especially when it starts to boil a little more intensely than usual.

The main task is to prevent the sugar from burning. Simmer for a long time over low heat, stirring often. Evaporates for about an hour, remains in the saucepan a little less than half of the original amount of sauce. Accordingly, it becomes thicker.

Then everything is simple, we take out the almost finished pork from the oven, remove the foil. We generously grease the ribs with the resulting glaze and put them back in the oven without foil. After 3-5 minutes, repeat the operation. And so 3-4 times.

As I already mentioned, my mistake was that I smeared hot meat with hot icing. Therefore, the glaze was quite liquid, and its layer was thin. So chill the sauce before greasing.

Pour the remaining icing into the gravy boat and serve with the ribs.

I accidentally saw this sauce in a store in Barcelona, ​​could not resist and bought it. This sauce was of three kinds, smoky, chili and original. I chose the original one as I had previously heard about this sauce, but did not try it. The bottle says it can be used for meat, fish and vegetables.

I tried it. I liked the sweetish and aromatic taste. I must say right away that I did not catch the floral aroma of Jack Daniel's Kentucky whiskey, but the garlic and cayenne pepper are perfectly felt. I'd say it's more of a frosting that will make everything you barbecue very tempting and delicious.

It is not difficult to prepare it, but it is better to prepare it in advance. When the sauce has cooled, it will thicken even more. The sauce is perfectly applied to the ribs, it was on them that I tested it, it evenly covers them and does not run off. After analyzing many recipes for this sauce, I made some adjustments to its composition in order to bring the taste as close as possible to what was bought in the store, but I’ll say right away that the changes are very minor, I increased the amount of soy sauce by 2 tbsp. l. and the amount was up to 40 ml. In general, I was very pleased with the result, I will cook this sauce often now.