Home / Bakery products / How to fry croutons in the oven with garlic. How to make homemade bread and loaf croutons in the oven

How to fry croutons in the oven with garlic. How to make homemade bread and loaf croutons in the oven

Olga: | March 3rd, 2018 | 3:08 pm

Thanks! Did it. We ate with pleasure. And just like that with the soup. Even children. Even the youngest (4 years old), who hates garlic))) In general, not a single recipe from yours has let us down)
Answer: Olga, bon appetit !!!

Anonymous: | May 25th, 2017 | 7:47 pm

and salt?
Answer: Salt to taste. You can do it without salt.

AndreyKa: | April 5th, 2017 | 1:15 pp

Thanks for the recipes and advice.
Answer: AndreyKa, delicious crackers!

LISA: | May 16th, 2015 | 6:05 pm


Anna: | December 26th, 2014 | 8:48 dp

An excellent recipe, I went to cook different variations, in addition to garlic, I also want to make Italian herbs with paprika.

Anonymous: | November 11th, 2014 | 2:26 pm

Answer: To your health! I am glad that you liked the recipe :)

Thomas: | June 20th, 2013 | 6:42 pm

The recipe is good but everything burned out !! Probably shouldn't have kept it in the oven ...

Answer: perhaps you have a more powerful oven, since it happened :(

Evgeshka: | June 5th, 2013 | 1:04 pm

Now I did it, it turned out superb, thanks!

Nura: | April 18th, 2013 | 1:36 pp

A very good and simple recipe. I succeeded in everything, even though I cooked crackers for the first time.

Anonymous: | February 10th, 2013 | 12:06 pm

cool thanks for the recipe

DmitryE: | September 17th, 2012 | 6:21 pm

Croutons in the microwave.
2-3 minutes maximum, then stir.
5 minutes to defrost or about 30% power. I mix again.
And so - for 5 minutes - until it is ready.
You need to hold it at the maximum so that the bread heats up and moisture begins to release.

Ksenia: | August 20th, 2012 | 3:59 pm

Did it. At first, of course, they looked more beautiful than the usual ones, but the smell of garlic disappeared almost immediately, and when they lay down for a while, a terrible musty smell appeared due to the oil.

Answer: they should not be stored for a long time, it is better to eat them immediately, while they are still fresh and crispy.

Ira: | August 7th, 2012 | 4:02 dp

very tasty and no salt needed

Alena: | July 23rd, 2012 | 1:27 pp

La, be more restrained in your statements! For example, I really like the smell of baked garlic. And with croutons and hams;)
Thanks for the recipe. I have not tried such a simple one yet.

Anonymous: | July 23rd, 2012 | 8:22 dp

Thanks a lot. Everything worked out.

La: | July 22nd, 2012 | 10:28 am

Ugh, how can you handle the smell of baked garlic, it turns me on! I do this: I cut the bread, knead it in oil with spices (Italian herbs). I dry in the oven until golden brown... Then on a napkin so that the fat comes off at least as much, otherwise it is very greasy. And already in the plate, where the ready-made croutons lie, squeeze out the garlic and stir. Smell fresh garlic much better than a sickly baked one.

Aziz: | July 4th, 2012 | 2:19 pm

Thanks! There is a lot of bread left, I decided to make crackers and immediately came across your site, it turned out very tasty. I began to experiment with different spices.

Maxim: | June 29th, 2012 | 8:36 dp

Senk Yu Veri Mach! I'll go try))

Julia: | June 23rd, 2012 | 4:04 pm

Fucked up everything !!! People! Do not hold them for half an hour ... pull them out immediately after 5 minutes !!!

Answer: that's the most interesting. According to some reviews, everything worked out great, while others burned out. If the recipe is the same, but the result is different, then it's in the ovens. Each has its own new…. Yes, for the first time you can be advised to immediately pull it out after 5 minutes and evaluate the result. If you still need to hold it in the oven, then return it back. If everything is ready, pull it out.

Bulshop: | May 27th, 2012 | 2:31 pm

thanks for the recipe, went to cook

Elena: | February 5th, 2012 | 6:36 dp

Thanks for the recipe, great croutons! In general, I am delighted with the site, so many useful things that I was looking for!

Olli: | February 5th, 2012 | 6:31 dp

Dasha, thanks! It turned out unusually well. At least for soup, at least for tea ...

Masha Mironova: | January 21st, 2012 | 2:39 pm

Dasha, thanks, these are perfect croutons. They turn out fine and finely chopped, and large, and from black bread and from white. And what I like the most: they give complete satisfaction, but you can't overeat them like bread. Now one loaf of bread is enough for me for a week. Onion soup cooked, a handful of crackers, grated cheese - and you can die of delight, life has already gone right))

Answer: perfect!

Anonymous: | January 19th, 2012 | 6:57 pm

wondering how to do with cheese?

Answer: with cheese - it's like sandwiches. I do this: I cut the bread into thin slices, put them on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil (the underside of the sandwich will be crispy). Top - filling (anything + cheese). I remember in student years Sprats and cheese sandwiches were a constant hit. You can just grate the top with garlic and sprinkle with grated cheese on top. It will be delicious with tomatoes, sausage, pickles, etc. Bake until the cheese is melted.

Anonymous: | January 19th, 2012 | 2:42 pm

must be delightfully delicious, thanks, I'll try!


Brown bread croutons with garlic- this is a simple in every respect and very tasty delicacy. It will not be difficult to make it with your own hands the youngest and not experienced hostess... To understand the process of preparing delicacies, a simple step by step recipe with photographs in which you can see the whole process from start to finish.

Home-made black bread croutons will be appropriate as a replacement for bread, because their taste goes well with soups and broths. The delicacy is perfect as well as a beer snack. Despite the fact that the delicacy is prepared with garlic, children will also like homemade crackers, and their parents will not have to worry about the product being harmful. Flavored rusks can also be used to make salads.

Modern housewives can hardly be surprised with recipes for making crackers. Many will even say, they say, what is so difficult here: cutting and drying bread. But really delicious crackers, especially from rye bread, - this is art!

To get a treat, you can use an oven, an electric vegetable dryer, a microwave oven and a frying pan - the choice of accessories is quite large. There are no less ways and methods of obtaining delicacies. Among the many recipes for making delicious crackers offered in print and online publications, we liked this one. Already at the stage of baking croutons, we realized the correctness of our choice. Why - you will learn from your own experience, as soon as you decide to cook a treat at home. Share your impressions with us by leaving your review under this article!


Cooking steps

    To speed up the result, namely delicious and crispy brown bread croutons, prepare everything necessary ingredients and fixtures. I would like to note that it is advisable to take yesterday's bread for crackers and always factory-made, that is, prepared according to GOST, without baking powder. Such bread is easy to recognize: it is heavy and has a pleasant sour taste.

    The first step is to cut the bread: cut the loaf lengthwise as shown in the photo.

    Now cut off the crust that covers the top of the bread.

    Cut into thin slices. The slice width should not exceed five millimeters. Drying out, crackers will have a thickness slightly less than this size, and outwardly they will resemble a store counterpart.

    Cut the slices into strips as shown in the photo. But if you want, you can cut the dainty blank into cubes and figures. Pour the prepared product carefully into a bowl. This will make it easier to transfer the workpiece to the baking sheet.

    Pour a few tablespoons of vegetable oil, always refined, onto a large baking sheet. Most delicious treat it is obtained with sunflower oil, but olive or corn oil is also suitable for these croutons.

    Carefully, trying not to break, place the slices of brown bread on a baking sheet. Stir them well and dip in oil. If it seems to you that the latter is not enough and there are unoiled slices, then add butter in small portions and mix the bread again.

    Preheat oven to 150 degrees Celsius and select convection mode. Place the workpiece in the oven and leave the door of the unit uncovered. To do this, use a non-combustible object that is inserted between the door and the oven.

    Dry the crackers for forty minutes and do not forget to stir occasionally and also turn the treat over. In the meantime, prepare the garlic: pour over the whole head cold water and leave for twenty minutes. This manipulation will make it easy to clean aromatic spice: the scales will come off easily and will not stick to your hands.

    Put the hot ready-made crackers in a bowl, and then add some finely ground table salt and garlic passed through a press to them.

    Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Leave the crackers to cool.

    When the brown bread croutons are such that you can take them with your hands, stir them again.

    Cover the bowl with the breadcrumbs with a lid and leave the treat on the table until it cools completely.

    Serve the finished croutons to the table, and transfer the product that is not eaten right away for storage in paper bags or tightly curled glass jar... This action will keep the treat crunchy and tender for a long time.

    Bon Appetit!

Our ancestors treated bread with respect, trying not to throw away a single piece. Today, many people prefer to do without this product or eat it in small quantities. As a result, it dries up or grows moldy, ends up in the trash can. But bread can be saved by turning it into aromatic crunchy croutons, which are difficult to resist even for those who are indifferent to snacks. In small quantities, this unpretentious snack is even useful: it contains B vitamins and other components necessary for the body. Therefore, it makes sense to learn how to make garlic croutons at home. They can be used as an addition to salads and soups, as a snack for beer. Children will be especially happy with them.

Cooking features

Making garlic croutons is not difficult. Even a teenager can make such snacks, not to mention an experienced hostess. However, due to ignorance of some points, a culinary experiment may end in failure.

  • Any type of bread is suitable for making garlic croutons, but the easiest way to make them is from a rye loaf. Black bread has a denser consistency and is easy to cut into pieces of any shape, while a loose loaf or bran loaf is much more difficult to chop. If you intend to make snacks from white bread and you have it soft, do not cut it into small pieces.
  • The loaf will be easier to cut into even slices if turned over with the convex side down.
  • Croutons from slightly dried bread are more flavorful and tasty than from fresh ones. If you don't have yesterday's loaf, but you really want to make homemade crackers, you can dry the bread before chopping - put it in the refrigerator for two hours. This technique will only work if your refrigeration unit is equipped with a "no frost" function.
  • For the preparation of crackers, only the crumb is used, it is advisable to cut off the crusts.
  • Garlic for making croutons can be used fresh or granulated. Snacks with these types of seasonings are different in taste and aroma, but it is impossible to say which of them is better: it all depends on the gastronomic preferences of the person who tries them.
  • To help the garlic and seasonings adhere better to the pieces of bread, they are greased or sprinkled with oil. To do this, use a culinary brush or spray bottle. Another way to evenly coat the croutons with oil and spices is to put them in a bag, add the seasoning, and shake well. If the croutons are going to be fried in a pan, there is no need to cover them with oil beforehand.
  • When drying crackers in the oven, use the convection mode. If your stove does not have one, open the door slightly by inserting any object between it and the stove that does not melt or ignite when heated. Protect the taps with foil.
  • It takes 2-3 times more time to cook rye crackers than to cook wheat ones, since black bread is denser than white bread.

Garlic croutons can be cooked in a pan, oven or microwave. Each method has its own specifics.

Black croutons with garlic in the oven

  • loaf of black bread - 0.7 kg;
  • olive oil- 60 ml;
  • garlic - 5-7 cloves;
  • salt to taste.

Recipe for the occasion::

Cooking method:

  • Cut the loaf in half lengthwise. Cut off the crusts. Cut each half into 1 cm thick slices.Then cut the workpiece into 1 cm thick bars.
  • Pour a spoonful of oil into the bag. Put half of the future croutons in it. Tie the bag, shake it. Transfer the bread slices to a baking sheet.
  • Add another spoonful of butter to the bag, put the remaining bread sticks in it, do with them in the same way as with the first batch. Transfer to a baking sheet.
  • Preheat the oven to 100-130 degrees. Place a baking sheet with croutons in it. Remember to set convection mode or secure the door oven so that a gap remains.
  • Dry the croutons for 40-60 minutes, depending on the temperature in the oven. Remove the baking sheet from time to time and stir in the croutons with a wooden spatula.
  • Peel the garlic cloves, crush with a special press.
  • Combine the garlic with the remaining oil and salt. Place this mixture in a bowl.
  • Pour the croutons into a bowl of butter and garlic and roll in it. Leave to cool without covering or pouring back onto the baking sheet.

Store garlic croutons prepared according to this recipe in a cloth bag or covered with a napkin. They won't go bad for at least a month, but they are usually eaten much earlier.

Black bread croutons with garlic in a pan

  • black bread - 0.7 kg;
  • refined vegetable oil- how much is required;
  • granulated garlic, salt to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Peel black bread, cut into square pieces about 2-3 cm wide, about 1 cm thick, or even half as thin.
  • Preheat a frying pan, pour a little oil on it, heat it up.
  • Place a batch of croutons in a skillet. Sprinkle them with a little garlic and salt. Let them brown and soak in oil, turn over, remove from the pan after a minute.
  • Fry the rest of the croutons in the same way.
  • Place the croutons on a napkin to absorb the excess oil.

Cooking croutons in a frying pan takes less time, but makes you constantly stand at the stove: if you gape, the bread will burn and be spoiled.

Garlic croutons in the microwave

  • toaster bread - 0.3 kg;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • vegetable oil - 60 ml;
  • spicy herbs to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Cut the crumb of white bread into 1-1.5 cm cubes.
  • Cut the garlic into slices, fry in oil for 3-4 minutes.
  • Discard the garlic, cool the oil, mix with spices.
  • Using a cooking brush, coat the croutons with garlic oil, spreading them out on a microwave-safe dish.
  • Place the croutons in the microwave. Turn it on at medium power for 2 minutes.
  • Turn the croutons over, brush on the other side with oil, microwave again and cook for another 2 minutes.
  • If the bread is still not dry, turn the croutons over, but do not grease with oil. Microwave for another 1-2 minutes.
  • Repeat the procedure until the bread is golden brown.
  • Prepare the rest of the croutons in the same way.

Brown bread croutons in the microwave are prepared in the same way, but you can cut the loaf a little smaller.

White croutons with garlic and cheese in the oven

  • loaf - 0.3 kg;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • dried parsley or basil - 10 g;
  • hard cheese - 100 g;
  • salt, paprika - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - 60 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Pass the garlic through a press.
  • Heat oil in a skillet.
  • Put garlic, salt, paprika, dried herbs in it.
  • Heat the garlic paste for 2-3 minutes, transfer to a bowl.
  • Cut white bread into small cubes, put in a container with aromatic paste, mix well.
  • Put slices of bread on a baking sheet, put it in an oven preheated to 130-150 degrees for 10 minutes.
  • Grate the cheese finely, sprinkle with croutons.
  • Continue cooking for 5 minutes.
  • Turn off the oven, open the door, wait for the croutons to cool.

Croutons made with garlic and cheese cannot be stored as long as regular ones - they must be eaten within 10 days.

You can make garlic croutons at home different ways... Both white and black bread are suitable for this. Even more delicious snacks will turn out if you supplement them spicy herbs, cheese and other similar ingredients, but such products are worse stored. Homemade croutons can be served with ketchup, cheese or mushroom sauce, mayonnaise. They will be a good snack for a frothy drink. They can be put into salad, pea or vegetable puree soup.

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Homemade croutons in the oven absolutely everyone can cook. This will require very little: bread, garlic, soy sauce and twenty minutes of your time. Delicious and aromatic crackers will be eaten by your household with great pleasure. Children will not be an exception, because, despite the rather a large number of garlic in the recipe, the pungency and taste of this product during the cooking process will become completely imperceptible. Contributes to the imparting of aroma and enhancement of taste characteristics and soy sauce, which at the same time plays the role of salt and spices here, and gives the croutons a natural shine when baking delicacies in the oven.

Homemade crackers, unlike a product prepared in an industrial environment, are a completely natural delicacy. It will not harm the body and will satisfy gastronomic needs.

You can eat homemade crackers prepared according to the proposed recipe with soup or broth. You can also serve them with beer, or you can simply crunch them to cheer up at any time and for no reason. If you manage to isolate some of the croutons and grind them, then the result will be an amazing, incomparable breading for meat or cutlets.

How to make ruddy, fragrant and delicious croutons with garlic at home with your own hands, a simple and detailed step-by-step recipe with photographs will help you figure it out. You can familiarize yourself with the technology for preparing a treat in this article.


  • (300 g)

  • (300 g)

  • (5 teeth)

  • (100 ml)

  • (50 ml)

Cooking steps

    Prepare the components shown in the photo. Measure out the amount of soy sauce and sunflower oil specified in the recipe. Peel the garlic and prepare the required amount of bread. In order not to waste time, turn on the oven. Set the heating temperature in it at around 220 degrees Celsius.

    In our recipe, we suggest using rye and wheat bread in equal parts, but you can choose bread at your discretion. If you have a bran loaf or a variety of flours in your home, you can also use it. The only thing I would like to focus on: it is advisable to take the product a little stale (but not dry!), So that when cutting it crumbles and crumbles less.

    Cut the croutons base into pieces of a size and shape convenient for you.

    Transfer the bread to a deep bowl and mix.

    Chop the prepared garlic with a knife or pass through a press.

    Transfer the garlic to a plate and then add there. sunflower oil and soy sauce. Stir the dressing with a spoon or brush.

    Cover the baking sheet with a sheet of parchment paper, and spread the prepared bread on top of it approximately as shown in the photo. Using a brush, apply to the pieces of soy- garlic dressing and then place the bread in a preheated oven. Then reduce the temperature to 180 degrees Celsius. Let the food sit for fifteen minutes, then remove the baking sheet and carefully turn the dried treats over with the fried side down. Keep in mind that the croutons are very hot! Oil the light side with a brush. Return the baking sheet to the oven and brown the bread over an overheat or grill for five minutes.

    Remove the ready-made crackers from the oven and place them together with a sheet of parchment on a suitable sized wooden board or wire rack. Cool to room temperature and call the tasters. Although, why call them? All this time they were sitting waiting for a treat next to!

    Bon Appetit!

If you like crunching while sitting in front of the TV, then you will love our recipe. I suggest making garlic croutons, which are perfect as a light snack. Crackers are prepared very quickly from the products that every hostess has. Crackers can be taken with you to nature, prepared for a beer party. Fly away instantly.

For cooking garlic croutons take these foods in the oven.

First, prepare a garlic dressing. Peel the chives. Place in a convenient deep bowl or narrow blender glass. Pour in olive oil or unscented sunflower oil. Grind with an immersion blender until mushy.

Season to taste with salt and ground black pepper. At this step, you can experiment with spices. Stir.

Cut the white bread into portions. Rub the garlic mixture with your hands into the pores of the bread on both sides.

Cut into small cubes or straws as you like.

Cover a baking sheet parchment paper... Place the bread on a baking sheet. Preheat the oven to 190-200 degrees. Bake for 15-25 minutes, until light golden brown.

Garlic croutons are ready. Cool to room temperature and invite everyone to crunch.

Bon Appetit!