Home / Cakes / Jam from melon with orange. Melon and orange jam

Jam from melon with orange. Melon and orange jam

Melon is one of the juiciest summer berries, the sweetness of which is second to none.

Now you can buy a melon not only in a local store, but also grow it yourself. And some regions of our beautiful Motherland, in general, have always sinned by growing this sweetness in their own garden.

So what? The climate allows.

And now, having succumbed to the summer temptation and the wonderful aroma of melon, I wanted to create from it something no less fragrant, and incredibly tasty - jam.

And in order to surely drive you crazy, we will add an orange to it, the aroma of which simply knocks you off your feet, and even in such a duet.

It’s not worth talking about the taste - after tasting a spoonful of that delicacy, you simply won’t be pulled away from it.

Recipe for melon and orange jam


      • Melon - 2 kg;
      • Oranges - 3 pieces;
      • Sugar - 500 grams (to taste);


Total cooking time: 30 minutes.

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Recipe melon jam with orange:

Melon is a wonderful gift of August, sweet and fragrant, absorbing all the warmth of the outgoing summer. Basically, we try to have time to eat it in fresh, but the most avid lovers of jam will probably want to try it in such an original way. Moreover, when buying a melon, it is not always possible to choose a soft and ripe one, so if you are unlucky, you have purchased a slightly greenish melon - set it aside for making jam, in this form we just need it!

The melon must be peeled from the yellow peel and cut into medium cubes. Sprinkle sugar on top and leave for 2-3 hours.

During this time, the melon will release the juice and dissolve all the sugar, which will eventually give us the necessary syrup.

Remove the whole melon from the syrup with a slotted spoon, put the basin with the syrup on the fire and bring to a boil.

Before boiling, the syrup will turn white and begin to rise, so keep an eye on the fire and ensure that the syrup does not overflow onto the stove. Return the melon cubes to the boiling syrup, cover the basin with a towel and set aside for 10 hours.

After 10 hours, repeat the stage - remove the melon, boil the syrup, put the melon back into the syrup and set aside to infuse for 10 hours. We do not argue that cooking jam in this way is somewhat troublesome, but then you will have all the melon cubes intact!

Before the third cooking, cut the orange peeled from the bright peel, cut its flesh into quarters.

Cook melon jam with orange for 5-10 minutes.

Then roll up in banks for the winter.

You can eat such jam with tea, use it as a sweet filler in pies, dip pancakes and pancakes into it.

Fragrant melon jam with orange is ready!

Step 1: prepare the melon.

We wash the melon under running warm water and put it on a cutting board. Using a knife, cut the component in half and from each part, using a tablespoon, remove the seeds and fibers.

Now we clean the melon from the peel and cut into small cubes. Transfer the chopped component to a large bowl and sprinkle 500 grams of sugar. Gently mix everything with improvised inventory and leave aside for 2 hours. Attention: it is desirable that it be a cool place, such as a refrigerator. This must be done in order for a sufficient amount of juice to stand out from the melon.

Step 2: prepare the syrup.

In enamelled large saucepan Pour the remaining sugar and fill it with clean water. Put the container on medium fire and, stirring from time to time with a wooden spatula, bring the contents to a boil. Immediately after this, we fasten the burner and cook the syrup for a few more minutes until all the sugar has dissolved. Finally, set the pan aside using oven mitts. Attention: the burner can be turned off, since it is not yet useful to us.

Step 3: prepare the melon and orange jam - the first stage.

We take out the bowl with pieces of melon from the refrigerator and immediately fill it with hot syrup. Using a wooden spatula, mix everything thoroughly and leave to infuse for a day aside. Important: so that insects or any dirt and food do not get into the mass, we cover the container with a cloth towel, and fasten the edges of the bowl with clothespins so that the cloth does not come into contact with pieces of melon with syrup.

After the allotted time, carefully pour the syrup back into the enamel saucepan and put on medium heat. Let the liquid boil again. Immediately after this, once again pour the melon cubes with this syrup and again leave aside to infuse for 10 hours. Attention: Don't forget to cover the bowl with a cloth towel.

Step 4: Prepare Oranges.

30-60 minutes before the end of the time allotted for the tincture, we begin to prepare the oranges. To do this, first of all, thoroughly rinse them under running warm water. Then we lay out the components on a cutting board and use a knife to peel them. We separate each slice from each other and clean it from the skin and bones. If necessary, cut the citrus into small pieces and transfer to a deep plate.

Step 5: Sterilize glass jars with lids.

So that our jam does not explode at the most inopportune moment, we must sterilize jars with lids. To do this, first of all, thoroughly rinse them under running water. hot water. A kitchen sponge and dish detergent will come to the rescue. We do this procedure until you hear a creak if you run your wet fingers over the glass of the jar. Immediately after, we shift the jars with lids upside down onto a clean cloth towel, with which we previously covered the kitchen table.

Now, in a large saucepan, pour the usual cold water so that it half covers the container, and put on big fire. When the liquid begins to boil, we fasten the burner and proceed to sterilize the jars with lids. We put another clean cloth towel in the pan and tamp with special tongs. This must be done so that the banks do not beat each other. Now we put the container here and boil it for 7–10 minutes. After the allotted time, we take out the jars with the help of kitchen tongs and move them upside down on a cloth towel, which is located on the table. Then put the lids in hot water and sterilize them for the same time as the glass.

After the allotted minutes, turn off the burner, and take out the contents of the container from here and also place it on the table.

Step 6: prepare the melon and orange jam - the second stage.

When the melon is infused a second time in syrup, now we begin to cook it with orange slices. So, pour the contents of the bowl into a large enameled pan and add the chopped citruses to the court. We put the container on medium heat and, stirring from time to time with a wooden spatula, bring the mass to a boil. Immediately after this, we fasten the burner and cook the jam until the melon cubes become soft and transparent. Then we check the degree of readiness of the sweet mass. To do this, using a clean, dry tablespoon, we collect a little jam and pour it onto a flat plate or saucer. If it does not quickly spread over a flat surface, then the jam is ready and you can turn off the burner. If not, then it is worth extending the cooking time by another 5–10 minutes.

Now, using a ladle, pour hot jam into sterilized jars and tightly twist with metal lids. We put it upside down in some secluded place and wrap it with a warm blanket. When the jam is at room temperature, we shift the jars to the pantry or any other place where there is no direct sunlight.

Step 7: serve melon and orange jam.

In fact, after cooking, the jam is already ready and it can be served at the dessert table (which we usually do). But to all lovers of sweets who want to feel the aroma of summer in the cold season, I advise you to restrain yourself and open it at the right time. When the time comes, we take out a jar of jam from the pantry, open it and put it with a tablespoon into a deep bowl. We serve the sweet mass to the dessert table along with tea, coffee, as well as slices of bread or toast, on which you can spread it and just get the most out of it. After all, jam is not only very tasty, but also fragrant!
Bon appetit everyone!

To make jam, you can use any (watery, unsweetened) melon, as long as it is ripe. In any case, it will give an unforgettable aroma, and during the cooking process it will turn into almost jelly-like jam;

Such jam can be added to various pastries, for example, in the form of filling for pies, pies, pastries, cakes and much more;

To make the jam sweeter, you need to add juicy ripe orange fruits to it. The best are Egyptian citruses. They go almost without sourness.

Probably, one of the favorite tastes in summer and early autumn for many is the taste of melon, so many housewives like to cook various preparations from this berry for the winter. The most common cooking option is melon jam. Interestingly, this berry goes well with various fruits, for example, with bananas, apples, citruses, so they often act as additional ingredients in fragrant jam.

Probably, one of the favorite tastes in summer and early autumn for many is the taste of melon, so many housewives like to cook various preparations from this berry for the winter

Melon taste is quite specific. Some berries have pronounced sweet honey taste qualities, and others are deprived of this dignity in favor of a watery structure. In the absence of sweetness in the berry, citrus fruits will come to the rescue. Most often, ripe lemons or oranges are used to make melon jam.

Melon jam with lemon

In order to maximize and emphasize the delicate taste of melon in jam, you can add lemon to it. To make this jam you will need:

  • 1 kg of melon pulp;
  • 0.7 kg of sugar;
  • 2 lemons.

Step by step cooking recipe:

  1. Melon pulp is cut into short slices.
  2. Melon slices are sprinkled with sugar and left for two hours so that they release the juice.
  3. The berry, together with the secreted juice, is transferred to a saucepan, brought to a boil, and then boiled for 5-10 minutes.
  4. The workpiece is removed from the burner and infused for 8 hours at room temperature.
  5. Then the melon is again put to boil and boil for 5-10 minutes.
  6. After that, leave to infuse for 8 hours, and then washed thin slices of lemon are added to the pan.
  7. Everything is mixed and cooked for another 15 minutes.

Cowberry jam: delicious recipes for the winter

In order to maximize and emphasize the delicate taste of melon in jam, you can add lemon to it.

When hot, the jam is poured into sterilized glass containers and rolled up with clean lids. The blanks should be cooled upside down and wrapped in a warm state.

Recipe with orange

Orange jam is made in the same way as lemon melon jam.. Only instead of lemons, juicy ripe oranges should be used. Due to the fact that oranges are sweeter than lemons, a slightly reduced amount of sugar can be added to the jam: 600 g. To make the jam more tender, it is necessary to ensure that the orange peel is removed from the fruit.

The reviews of many housewives who have tried to make orange-melon jam claim that a few pinches of ground cinnamon can be added to the jam to create a spicy aftertaste. Such an ingredient will not only reveal the taste and aroma of the orange, but also give the jam an attractive aroma.

Melon jam with lemon (video)

With the addition of apples

One of the most attractive-looking jams are those that are painted in a rich amber hue. It is this color that apple fruits added to it make it possible to obtain melon jam. To cook amber jam you need:

  • 1.5 kg of melon;
  • 400 g of apples;
  • 400 g of sugar;
  • 1 lemon.

One of the most attractive-looking jams are those that are painted in a rich amber hue.

How to cook melon jam with apples:

    1. The lemon is washed under running water, dried. Lemon zest is gently rubbed with a fine grater. As a result, to make jam, you should get 1 dessert spoon of lemon zest.
    2. Melon pulp is cut into small pieces, and then crushed in a blender to a state of porridge.
    3. Apples are washed, freed from cores and skins, cut into small bars, the size of which should not exceed 3 centimeters.
    4. Melon puree is mixed with sugar and put on a slow fire. Until the mass reaches a boil, it should be periodically stirred with a wooden spatula. After boiling, the mass is cooked until the moment when it appearance will not resemble young honey.
    5. If foam forms during cooking, it should be removed with a slotted spoon.
    6. Pour apple slices into the melon and lemon peel, everything is mixed and boiled for 5 minutes.
    7. After that, the jam is laid out in sterilized jars and rolled up.

TOP 5 quick and delicious jam recipes

The workpiece cools and is stored in a cool dark place. Such jam is suitable not only as a treat for tea, but will also become great option toppings for baking.

Combination of melon and bananas

This jam turns out to be very tasty due to the presence in it of a heterogeneous structure of fruits and berries, cut into pieces. After the jam is saturated with sweetness, it becomes similar in taste to marmalade.


  • 800 g melon pulp;
  • 3 bananas;
  • 2 cups of sugar;
  • 3 lemons.

This jam turns out to be very tasty due to the presence in it of a heterogeneous structure of fruits and berries, cut into pieces

How to do:

    1. In the evening, the melon pulp is cut into small pieces, put in a saucepan, sprinkled with sugar and put in the refrigerator overnight.
    2. In the morning, a glass of water is poured into the dishes, everything is mixed, put on the stove, brought to a boil and cooked for 7 minutes.
    3. At this time, the banana and lemon are peeled, cut into thin slices, and then poured into a common pan.
    4. The fire is reduced, and the jam is cooked until the desired density appears.

Treat with pumpkin

One of the successful unusual combinations of berries and vegetables is melon and pumpkin. It is worth considering that for the preparation of such a jam, you must choose a hard melon. In this case, its pieces will not lose their shape during the cooking process and will not turn into gruel. To prepare jam from melon and pumpkin you need:

  • 450 grams of melon pulp;
  • 150 grams of pumpkin pulp;
  • 200 grams of dried apricots;
  • 200 grams of sugar.

Pumpkin jam: 8 chic recipes

One of the successful unusual combinations of berries and vegetables is melon and pumpkin.

How to do:

    1. Melon and pumpkin pulp is cut into small pieces, and then it is covered with sugar.
    2. The mass is put on a slow fire and boiled for 10 minutes.
    3. Dried apricots are washed, cut into small bars, poured into a saucepan and boiled with the rest of the ingredients for 1 hour.
    4. Glass containers are scalded with boiling water, dried, and then cooked jam is laid out in them. Banks are rolled up with sterilized lids.

This jam turns out to be fragrant and tender, so it will be able to complement a friendly tea party.

Sweet with cinnamon

Cinnamon can add flavor to almost any sweet, so it is often put in melon jam.. To make cinnamon melon jam you will need:

  • 650 grams of melon pulp;
  • 500 grams of brown sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. l. lime juice;
  • 3 cinnamon sticks.

How to cook fragrant jam:

    1. The melon pulp is cut into cubes, poured into a cooking pot, covered with sugar.
    2. With gentle movements, the berry pieces are mixed with sugar, the pan is covered with a towel and infused for several hours. Many housewives prefer to leave the workpiece overnight so that the melon releases a sufficient amount of juice.
    3. The next morning, cinnamon sticks are placed in the pan, everything is put on medium heat.
    4. After boiling, the fire is reduced to a minimum, and everything is cooked for another 5 minutes. If foam begins to form on the surface of the jam, it should be removed with a spoon.
    5. After removing from heat, the pan is covered with a thin towel and left overnight.
    6. The next morning, the jam is again brought to a boil and immediately laid out in sterilized jars and rolled up. First, cinnamon sticks should be removed from its mass.

In the summer, you need to try to stock up on all sorts of delights for the winter, so that later you can regale your relatives with delicious seamings. One of the unusual winter harvest you can safely call melon jam. Agree, such a dessert is treated infrequently.

In addition to the fact that melon jam is very beautiful and bright, it is also tasty and fragrant, but the melon itself is too sugary, so more is often added to it. sour ingredients such as citrus fruits.

Melon jam with orange

To prepare such an unusual winter treat, you will need the following set of products:

  • granulated sugar - 1000 g;
  • large orange - 1 pc.;
  • melon pulp - 750 g;
  • drinking water - 380 ml.


For harvesting, you need melon pulp. To do this, take a ripe, but not overripe melon. Wash it well, cut it into two parts and carefully scrape out all the seeds with a spoon. Peel the halves and cut into medium pieces.

We put the prepared raw materials in a non-oxidizing dish and fill it with sugar (300 g). We set the workpiece aside for a couple of hours so that the sugar crystals dissolve and the melon releases juice.

From the remaining granulated sugar and drinking water cook sugar syrup. When the sugar is completely dissolved, set aside the syrup from the heat.

Pour hot syrup into a bowl with infused melon cubes and leave for exactly 24 hours.

After a day, pour all the liquid into a ladle (without melon) and bring to a boil. Pour the jam again and insist another 10 hours.

We rinse the orange, remove the peel, divide it into slices and separate the pulp from the films and veins. Cut the orange pulp into thin slices and put in the jam, which we put on the stove. The dessert will be ready when the melon pieces are completely boiled and turn into a thick mass.

Such jam can be eaten immediately after cooling, or can be rolled up in sterile jars for winter storage. Bon Appetit!

Orange melon jam


  • melon (fragrant variety) - 1500 g;
  • orange - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 2 cups;
  • acid (citric) - 1-2 pinches;
  • vanillin - 10 g.


We clean the melon, cut it into arbitrary pieces and put it in a capacious stewpan or duckling.

Rinse the oranges well and cut into random pieces along with the zest. We mix the melon with oranges and, falling asleep with sugar, leave it overnight.

Over the next day, boil the jam three times for 10 minutes, insisting the jam between boils for 3-4 hours. After the third cooking, roll the jam into sterile jars. Bon Appetit!