Home / Khachapuri / Millet porridge with carrots and dried apricots. Recipe for making millet porridge with onions Delicious millet porridge with onions and carrots

Millet porridge with carrots and dried apricots. Recipe for making millet porridge with onions Delicious millet porridge with onions and carrots

Fragrant, tasty, appetizing, crumbly millet porridge is a great way to start a new day with a smile, a charge of cheerfulness, and positive. It is very useful for residents of megalopolises and big cities, as it contains slow carbohydrates that help cleanse the body of toxins, harmful substances, mucus, stones, toxins and salts. One plate of porridge will help not only to satisfy the feeling of hunger, but also to preserve youth, beauty and health.

The vitamins contained in it will help get rid of bad mood, depression, fatigue. Useful material make the skin smooth, supple and firm. Hair will become healthy, beautiful, lush and thick. You can diversify the porridge by adding onions to it. Do not be surprised at this combination until you cook and taste the dish. This dish will become one of your favorites in your diet. with onions it turns out crumbly, juicy, tasty, aromatic and rich. To prepare delicious and healthy dish according to a proven recipe, you need to prepare the following important ingredients:


Step-by-step cooking with detailed photos:

1. First you need to prepare onion... Take two medium heads, peel and cut with a sharp knife.

2. Take a frying pan, pour into it vegetable oil and place on the stove. Warm it up well. Add the onion and sauté it. Make sure that it does not burn and remains transparent, otherwise you will spoil the taste of the dish.

3. The next important stage in the preparation of a healthy dish is the choice of cereals. Choose quality product, the grains should be whole and not crushed, yellow. Measure out two glasses, rinse under running water using a fine sieve.

4. Prepared groats can be poured to the onion frying.

5. Then prepare the required quantity hot water... Pour boiling water over the onion and millet. Stir.

6. When the water comes to a boil, cover and heat to a minimum. You need to cook until tender for about twenty-five minutes.

There are two children's recipes for milk porridge. The first one implies that the cereal is boiled until cooked in water, without adding salt or sugar (only a small amount is permissible), and then, a couple of minutes before being cooked, milk is poured into the porridge.

Second children's recipe porridge involves boiling cereals in milk. The porridge is tastier, but useful properties there is less left, therefore, as a recipe for baby food, the second method is less preferable. Already ready-made porridge mix in a blender to a homogeneous consistency with the addition of butter... You can alternate between these methods to add at least a small variety of flavors to your child's nutrition.

The third recipe for baby porridge is based on grinding buckwheat, oatmeal or semolina to the state of flour, which significantly reduces the cooking time. To prepare baby porridge according to this recipe, you will need a coffee grinder (manual or electric). Such a recipe for making baby porridge is suitable for the smallest, but for children after a year, it is better to use a different method.

The recipe for baby porridge, which can be cooked as quickly as possible, is to soak any cereal for several hours in water, after which the cooking time is significantly reduced.

Baby dairy-free porridge prepared in water and diluted, if necessary, with boiled water. The preparation method is the same as for milk porridge.

Semolina and oatmeal are poured into a boiling liquid and cooked with constant stirring. Good way sweeten the porridge - add an apple, banana or pear, when mixing ready-made porridge in a blender. After a year, you can carefully try to inject into baby food dried fruits. A good way is to add prunes or apricots to rice or millet porridge so that the child becomes familiar with a new taste as part of an already familiar product. For children over 6 months. you can add a little butter (from 0.5 to 1 tsp) to the ready-made porridge for 250 - 300 ml. porridge. Groats: buckwheat, oat, corn - for the first feeding. By 6 months - millet. After a year - semolina and pearl barley.


1 glass of millet
2 glasses of water
2 carrots, finely grated
6-7 pcs. dried apricots, finely chopped
salt to taste
sugar, honey to taste
butter to taste

Mix the soaked groats with carrots and dried apricots. Cover with hot salted water. Add sugar to taste.

Bring to a boil, cover and cook for about 20 minutes.

Serve porridge with butter.

My daughter loves milk, so I don't always cook porridge in milk, but give her milk separately. And instead of sugar, I often put grated dates.

If you want to cook porridge with milk, then a couple of minutes before the porridge is ready, pour in 1 glass of hot milk and cook the porridge over low heat.

Bon Appetit!

Published by 12.11.2012
Posted by: Alenka
Calorie content: Not specified
Cooking time: 25 minutes

Unusual, hearty breakfast... I will share a secret: when I got married, it turned out that my husband considers food for the little ones and does not want to eat them at all. I had to debunk the stereotypes about transparent white blobs by inventing original recipes ..
Ingredients for 3 servings (one large - men's, one standard - mine, one baby - nibble).
millet - 1 glass 250 ml.,
medium fat milk - 1 liter,
one big carrot,
sugar - 50 grams, ground cinnamon.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Millet groats are an extremely unfriendly thing, since each grain is wrapped in a bitter meal. All housewives deal with it in their own way. Previously, I washed the millet, then poured it with a little water, brought it to a boil and turned it off. The water with bitterness merged, and the porridge was already cooked delicious. Now I like to grind the grains between my palms (my little daughter helps) until the water becomes clear.

So, we rinse the millet and send it to a saucepan with boiling milk. I like the ratio of 1: 4, because the porridge is very soft. And if you do not serve it right away, then the grains grow incredibly, then 1: 5 will do. Cook for five minutes.
During this time, peel and rub the carrots on a fine grater, mix sugar with cinnamon. Add all this to porridge and cook