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Custom cakes a. How I made money making cakes

Some enjoy tasting sweets, while others enjoy the process of making them with their own hands.

If you finally have time to prepare more complex dishes than soup and mashed potatoes, learn how to learn how to make cakes at home for yourself and to order. We will tell you what is the best way to start this delicious and beautiful hobby, what to buy, where to learn the craft, and how to come to a confectionery masterpiece that delights guests.

Where does the path of a respected chef begin

Any skill starts with desire and practice. But if you dream of learning how to bake beautiful cakes, then do not rush to immediately take on masterpieces from the portfolio of cool pastry chefs. Start from scratch, gradually moving up the steps.

Simple recipes - fast results and powerful incentives

It is known that success inspires and gives confidence in a new business. There is only one way to quickly get the desired result - choose the simplest recipes for a start with simple decor elements available to a beginner.

The easiest way to learn how to make cakes from ready-made biscuit cakes, which are sold in stores. They are always perfectly flat and have the same crust thickness. You just have to prepare the cream and decorate the product.

Equipment and tools - essential tools

If you want to learn how to bake cakes for cakes, then you will definitely need a gas or electric oven. For biscuits, it is convenient to use a multicooker with a baking function (we will learn more about this technique and its choice). From household appliances, you will definitely need a mixer, it is advisable to buy a stationary one in order to do other things while whipping cream or dough.

If you have a lot of dishes, you probably won't have to buy anything, but make sure there are different sizes of bowls, plastic and stainless steel containers with non-stick and enamel coatings, spoons and forks of different sizes.

However, the most important thing in the preparation of confectionery is the tools for decorating, it is difficult to create admirable beauty with “bare hands”.

What a novice pastry chef should have:

  • kitchen scales, measuring glasses and spoons;
  • baking dishes - professionals recommend buying metal ones with a non-stick coating with a removable ring, silicone molds and non-stick mats are also useful;
  • a pastry bag with a set of nozzles - it is better to purchase a bag, since working with a syringe is not very convenient;
  • stencils for quickly transforming simple homemade tori using powdered sugar or cocoa powder;
  • brushes for decoration;
  • tools for rolling out dough, sugar mass and mastic;
  • leveling paddles;
  • cling film.

Consumables will require: baking paper, border and packing tapes, boxes or paper disposable stands.

There are many cooking recipes, but there are products that are bought in stock, because they are used very often:

  • dyes;
  • vanillin, cinnamon;
  • flavors;
  • nuts;
  • cocoa powder;
  • powdered sugar;
  • impregnation for cake layers;
  • powdered milk or cream;
  • gelatin;

Later, when you have learned how to make cakes and have decided on the basic recipes, this list will be supplemented with other ingredients.

How to learn to make beautiful cakes

There are a lot of techniques for decorating homemade confectionery products, we will consider only those suitable for beginners.

Mastic - quick results without drawbacks. Mastic is a sweet elastic mass that is used for covering cakes and making decorative items. To cover the cake, the mastic is rolled into a layer (like dough for dumplings) and the product is completely or partially wrapped with the resulting layer. The result is a ready-made field for creativity - other decorations and inscriptions can be applied to the surface. You can buy ready-made or do it yourself.

Confectionery spray - a novelty for an instant effect. This product deserves special attention, unlike mastic, it does not require any preparation. The spray just needs to be sprayed onto the product, after which its surface will acquire the effect of a flocked coating.

Ready-made sugar figurines for effortless beauty. Today there is a huge selection of ready-made decor for cakes on sale:

  • flowers for every taste in different sizes;
  • figurines of animals and people, including the bride and groom;
  • toys and cartoon characters for children's cakes;
  • figures for anniversaries and children's themes;
  • inscriptions, names and individual letters;
  • imitation of fruits and berries and other decor.

All kinds of sprinkles in the form of gold and silver balls, beads, stars look interesting.

Edible decals are another beautiful cake secret for those who are just learning the pastry craft. Such pictures are printed with food colors on rice, waffle or sugar paper. The decor is applied to the cake lined with mastic.

Openwork decorations and chocolate figurines also quickly turn an ordinary cake into an elegant and festive one. Later you will learn how to make lace and leaves on your own, but first you can buy ready-made decor.

The most popular types of homemade cakes

DIY cakes do not have to look like the masterpieces of eminent pastry chefs. Over time, you will have your own flavor, and perhaps your own style. But with all the variety of options, all of them can be divided into several types. Consider the most popular and fashionable ones, because the confectionery world also has its own trends.

Jelly cakes contain a minimum of dough and fat, for which they are appreciated by adherents of a healthy diet. Jelly is made from sour cream, cream, cottage cheese, soft cheeses, juices, fruits. Read about how to cook and decorate a sour cream cake.

Puff pastry products are most of all similar to homemade ones, as they resemble the beloved grandmother's "Napoleon".

Waffle cakes are suitable for making simple cakes at home. They do not require complex decor and are quickly transformed by sprinkling with chocolate, nuts, and powder.

Honeymen are a favorite delicacy of those who love tender and aromatic dough. The softness of these cakes depends on the cream. If it is sour cream, then you get a very soft and delicate dessert, when using butter cream, a slight crunch will remain.

Sponge cake is the most popular; dozens of others are distinguished in this group, classifying by the number of layers and tiers, types of cream, type of decoration.

At the peak of popularity is the naked cake - with this method, the sides of the product are not covered with cream, but left as they are, showing creamy layers. Fresh fruit is most often used for decoration.

Where to improve your skills and learn professionalism

If you have been baking sweets at home for several days, but want to learn how to make cakes to order, consider the courses. There are three options here:

Homemade cakes are in demand because they are associated with naturalness. Making money on dessert lovers is a current trend, but to translate it into reality will take a little more effort than learning how to bake for yourself. This is detailed in our other publication.

If you are determined to learn how to make homemade cakes with your own hands, then start baking! Only with experience do skills and abilities come, no books can replace practice.

Many people start working for themselves, as a rule, purposefully, but I became an exception. I started making money by making cakes quite by accident.

Later it turned into a small home business, which brought me up to 30 thousand rubles a month.

My first experience was connected with my son's birthday. Two years is not a big and significant date, but we invited a lot of guests and it was no longer affordable to buy a cake to decorate with figures of different characters. That is why I decided to bake it myself.

After all the guests saw and tasted the cake, they instantly forgot about their son's birthday. For the rest of the evening, they only did what they praised me, and two days later, a friend suggested that I make about the same cake.

The photo, she showed her work colleague, praised my creation and thus I received the first order.

Initially, I refused because I was somehow uncomfortable. It's one thing when you do it for yourself at your own peril and risk, another thing is when for someone else, all the more you take money for it. I myself would never have come to this.

A friend persuaded me, convinced and even set the price herself, having studied the market supply and demand.

For my son, I prepared a cake with characters from the cartoon "Cars", so I did not experience any difficulties, but, in my opinion, I fulfilled the first order badly.

But, everything worked out. The cake was successfully sold. Later, the customer admitted: the look of the LoL dolls left much to be desired (in which I completely agree with her), but the taste of the cake is amazing.

About the technology of making cakes

The cake making process is incredibly simple. It only looks like this: in order to bake such a culinary miracle, you need to be a born pastry chef, have talent, patience and great experience.

And before starting to prepare it, I also thought so and, until the very last moment, doubted that I would succeed. But in fact, all you need is desire and a drop of patience.

I have no culinary education, but it took me only three hours to bake a large cake (1500 grams). Half of this time was spent decorating and making the figurines.

The cake can be divided into three parts:

  • THE FOUNDATION ... As a base, cakes, regular biscuit and the famous American chocolate brownie biscuit are used. 3-4 cakes are enough, depending on their thickness. Various creams, boiled or simple condensed milk are used as a filling.
  • FILLING ... Usually cream or chocolate is used. If it is necessary to change the fill color, to make it blue, green, then a dye is added.
  • Figurines ... In my opinion, this is the most difficult process, since I have never had the pleasure of studying in art circles. The figurines are made from ordinary confectionery paste. It's best to buy it. At least I didn't manage to do it myself. By its consistency, confectionery mastic resembles plasticine.

It is in this order that the cake is prepared. In order to prepare it for an evening meal, you need to start in the morning.

The shelf life of such a cake is 4 days. To make the figures stand on the cakes, they are attached to toothpicks or skewers. Also, with their help, arms, legs, head and other elements are fastened.

Before giving the cake, the buyer should be warned about this so that no one gets hurt during use.


Images and figures are the most important customer requirements. Parents give preference to the child's taste. In fashion, popular modern toys, cartoons and cartoons:

  • Cars;
  • Cold heart;
  • MostrKhai;
  • LOL dolls;
  • Ralph.

Where to buy ingredients

All products for making cakes can be bought in regular supermarkets. For cooking, you need eggs, flour, sugar, salt, soda, honey.

The situation is more complicated with confectionery mastic. It is from it that figures are made. I bought it in online confectionery stores.

Sometimes in the wholesale market. You can also buy white or dark chocolate there.

Costs associated with making one cake

All ingredients are pretty cheap except for the pastry paste. When I made the cake for the first time, I bought very little of it, but for serious production, it is best to buy in large quantities.

It is sold in online confectionery stores and wholesale markets, in small kilogram buckets. Each bucket contains mastic of a certain color. Buckets with multiple colors are very rare.

The cost of one kilogram of confectionery mastic is 200 rubles, plus or minus 20 rubles.

Confectionery chocolate is not cheap. The average cost of one kilogram is 450 rubles. In order to save money, it is best to take tiles weighing 2-3 kilograms.

To bake one cake weighing 1400 - 1700 grams, you will need:

  • 6-7 large eggs - 40 rubles;
  • butter - 100-150 grams - 60 rubles;
  • 5 glasses of flour - 15 rubles;
  • 1 glass of kefir or sour milk - 20 rubles;
  • boiled or simple condensed milk - 60 rubles;
  • 400 grams of sour cream - 40 rubles;
  • 400 grams of chocolate - 120 rubles;
  • confectionery mastic - 100 rubles;
  • a glass of sugar - 10 rubles;
  • salt, soda, a couple of pinches of vanillin - 10 rubles.

Outcome: 475 rubles are spent on the production of one cake.

Sometimes, the costs associated with producing one cake can be higher. It is also worth adding here the cost of a cardboard box - 15 rubles.

Income from the sale of one cake

I have heard that in pastry shops where cakes of this kind are made, the price is set for one hundred grams or kilogram. The cost for each figure is added to this price.

Thus, the cake can pull out 3000 rubles or more.

I set the price (or rather, my friend set the price at the first order, and I just continued to work on it) - 1,500 rubles per cake and chose the weight category of 1,500 grams.

Making cakes with less weight is not profitable.

The manufacturing time is the same, but the benefit is less.

I spent 400 - 700 rubles on making one cake. Benefit - 800 - 1100 rubles.

Search for customers (clients)

For the first three months there were few orders. If my memory serves me 3-5 a month. They were friends of friends, relatives. Word-of-mouth worked, but at some point I realized that you couldn't earn much with this approach.

All three months I was at a crossroads: either to go to work after sending the child to a private kindergarten, or to wait until a place in a public kindergarten was provided and at this time to bake cakes.

I don’t remember who prompted me to create a group on the VKontakte social network. I was advised to use every possible social network, but I got by with only one and was quite successful.
It is not enough to create a group "Vkontakte", put examples of your cakes there and indicate prices.

You need to attract subscribers. I started with all my acquaintances. I asked to make reposts on my pages. But that was not enough. Then I started to climb in other subgroups of our city and spread information there.

These were mainly communities: "mothers on maternity leave", "my baby", "mothers". In general, wherever there is at least some hint of children. She also invited women who have children to join the group directly.

Women who have children willingly joined the group. Every cake that I made and laid out in the group was vigorously discussed and praised.
Things went well.

I didn’t even expect it to give great results. Orders began to arrive almost every day. Largely due to the large population of our city.

I asked everyone who bought a cake from me to upload a photo to a social network and sign under the photo: “Cakes to order: 8 ". I did not track who made such a record and who did not, but I assume that not everyone is ready to upload photos from the holiday and sign it with this text.

Soon, they began to turn to me for making wedding cakes. Baking a masterpiece weighing 4-5 kilograms is not easy, but profitable.

The income that I managed to reach

After the orders became more, I managed to earn 22000 - 28000 rubles per month.

The record for production in one month was: 29 cakes.

The hardest day was when I had to make three cakes at once. On this day, I had to send the child to his grandmother. Whatever one may say, but having a child complicates work at home.

Work process from ordering to receiving money

It's usually pretty straightforward. The customer calls (most often the customer) and makes an order for a certain date.

There are three parts to choosing a cake:

  • Base (brownie, regular biscuit or cakes).
  • Filling (condensed milk, chocolate or protein cream)
  • A cartoon, the characters of which will sit on the cake.

On the day when the cake is ready, they come and, taking it, make a payment. In the group, I indicated that the order must be made a few days before the birthday, and picked up in the afternoon. But despite this, orders were received several times the day before.

Difficulties and non-standard situations that I had to face

By and large, I cannot say that there were many difficulties in the process of work, but I had to face some difficulties:

  • Once I didn’t fulfill an order because I accidentally dropped my creation off the table. Of course, the customer was unhappy and this incident even knocked me down for several days. For two days I did not take orders. I just didn’t pick up phones from unknown numbers.
  • A non-standard situation occurred when a man came for a cake and asked to show a health book. Fortunately, I had it, although the last entries in it were made even before the maternity leave. The man leafed through it with the air of a connoisseur and, taking his order, paid.
  • Several times customers asked me to bring a cake, although I always said to everyone: no delivery. I had to carry. There is nowhere to put the cake, but I didn't want to lose money.

Making cakes at home, the job is not difficult, but you always have to get up early. After the cake is baked, it takes time to infuse.

This will make it tastier. As beautiful as it is, taste matters.


Making cakes at home, great income for those who are on maternity leave or simply cannot find a job.

Many people argue that working at home is relaxing, but that depends on how you feel about it.

Even my capricious child did not stop me. I managed to organize myself.

Making cakes at home is not only a good income - it is interesting and very entertaining. I am still doing this, but I take orders exclusively on weekends, since I went to my main job, after the release of their maternity leave, I had to think about how to reduce the number of orders.

* Calculations are based on average data for Russia

30,000 rubles

Initial attachments

200 - 300%

Product markup

1 month

Payback period

From 10,000 rubles.

Home business on cakes is a great idea for their own business for mothers on maternity leave, as well as everyone who loves to cook beautifully and deliciously. In this article, we decided to answer the basic questions of novice cake makers and give them an incentive to take action.

In other words, for those people who really want to learn something, there is no shortage of information. All bakers “from God” were once mere mortals. You can master all the wisdom in baking cakes for free and on your own only if you have the desire and ability to self-organize. Best of all, if you conduct the first experiments on your home, slowly and step by step honing your skills. Do not rush to sell right away without really learning anything. So that later you do not blush in front of people and not discourage yourself from moving on. Break some firewood, but let no one except the closest people know about it. Oh yeah, don't forget to photograph successful attempts. They will come in handy for your portfolio.

Cost price. How to calculate the price of a cake

To bake cakes to order, you do not need to draw up a business plan according to generally accepted canons and standards. It will be enough to learn how to calculate the cost of cakes and establish a margin that will allow you to extract the desired profit. In simple terms, the cost of a cake is the cost of all the ingredients included in it + the price of packaging and other consumables. To calculate the cost, you will need to know the amount of ingredients. The disadvantage is that you will need to convert many of the ingredients from teaspoons, tablespoons, and faceted glasses to grams and kilograms. To make it easier to calculate, keep a translation table like this next to it:

There are a lot of similar tables on the Internet, translation into measures of weight can be found for any product. An easier option is to purchase a kitchen scale. The only thing, if you are weighing something that cannot be weighed without dishes, do not forget to subtract the weight of the dishes themselves from the resulting figure. Please also note that the weight of the finished cake will always differ from the weight of its ingredients, as shrinkage occurs during baking.

What is the markup to make on your cakes? Experienced cake makers advise you to boldly multiply the cost by 2-3 times (a margin of 200-300%). That is, if the cost of a conventional cake is 1,000 rubles, then the price of 2,000-3,000 rubles is normal. Remember that the cake includes not only the ingredients, but also the light, gas, water spent on its preparation, and most importantly - your time and your work, which should also be rewarded. The second criterion for setting prices is competitors' prices. The price should not be higher than that of other cake makers.

How do you calculate your profit? Which one do you want? 30 thousand rubles a month? Then you need to sell 15 conventional cakes with a cost of 1,000 rubles at a price of 3,000 rubles. 50 thousand rubles? Then you need to sell exactly the same 25 cakes. This is elementary mathematics, elementary school. Of course, all cakes will be of different sizes, weights, and costs, but sketching a rough plan is not difficult. As a rule, cakes weighing 2 kg or more are most often ordered from private traders. Making cakes and mini-cakes doesn't make much money.

Competition. How to surprise the sophisticated with a cake

"Little housewives". They “sit at home in their kitchen and try to bake to order” .... “They do not have a sanitary book, they don’t have special equipment.” This is “the absence of any control over the production process.” But try to react less to them. Despite the huge competition, anyone can stand out with their confectionery and make money on it. Even not very well versed in public catering, not knowing the norms of SanPiNs and not having a network of pastry shops behind him. To understand how you stand out, you need to do two things. The first is to see what offers are in your city. The second is to see what offers in your city are not yet available. Pay attention not to the assortment of large confectionery shops (although knowing their cakes and prices does not hurt either), but what private traders offer. Your best bet is to search through social media. A simple query with the word “cakes” and the name of your city will give you a lot of food for thought. For example, the query “Moscow cakes” on the Vkontakte social network gives 1838 answers, “Krasnodar cakes” - 414 answers, and even “Pyatigorsk cakes” - 34.

But do not rush to despair from such a beating! Surely half of these groups are dead. Their number illustrates well the number of failed attempts to start a business. See what quality is offered in the largest and most active groups: this is what you should strive for. Here, at the same time, you can see the techniques of doing business on the social network, but more on that later. Please note that no one offers custom-made napoleons and sour cream anymore. Most often these are all kinds of children's and wedding cakes: romantic and funny, bright and stylish. A huge number of plots. Someone makes chocolate portraits, someone sculpts pastry trees, someone produces edible Disney cartoons ...

Ready-made ideas for your business

As regrettable as it may sound to you, all the cake ideas have already been invented. On the one hand, this is good - there are many examples for inspiration. A good selection of 300 cake decorating ideas from the 1000 Ideas portal. On the other hand, you will not invent anything radically new. If you don't believe me, try this experiment. Go to any Internet search engine in the section of pictures. Type the phrase "cake in the form of ..." and then substitute any words that come to your mind: "piano", "iron", "elephant" and so on. Whatever request you make, all the cakes have already been invented by someone. Moreover, the peculiarities of the cake business are such that the client himself sometimes acts as the main creative inventor, sending you a photo of a cake in the form of a cap or a pink laptop with a request to bake exactly the same and no other. Here we smoothly come to the conclusion that the idea itself does not at all guarantee you 100% success without a lack of skill, a willingness to take on any order and, of course, without the right approach to promotion.

Promotion. How to advertise yourself for free

After you get your hands on making cakes for your family, start switching to acquaintances and friends. Surely, by this time, recipes and photographs will appear in your portfolio that you are not ashamed to show. Be sure to create a group or page on Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki and Instagram and try to fill them out regularly, keep active, invite friends. You can publish not only your own photo reports, but also photos of cakes from other masters, inspiring ideas. Try to lead communities not too corny - people like a lively approach, lively emotions, observation of the process. Remember that your customers are the main thing, so set up phone notifications for incoming messages, try to respond to orders as quickly as possible. Over time, you will realize that social media can be a launching pad for so much more. Many cake makers through social networks begin to gather an audience for their own master classes, hold promotions with free tasting, post educational videos, and hold contests with reposts. Remember that in the name of your accounts you must use the word “cakes”, “custom-made cakes” and so on, so that you will be surely found when searching.

Pay extra attention to your Instagram page. Up to 80% of your customers are likely to come from there. Food photography is one of the most common types of blogging on this social network. Learn the basics of food photography. Check out examples of the best pastry art Instagram accounts. Food photos with natural light sources are generally popular. All food looks plastic and unattractive under the light of the lamps. The composition of the frame, the angle, the background are also very important. Here is some good material on how to properly sell food through Instagram from which you can glean some useful ideas. Also, take a good look at the tips for styling Instagram profiles - there are a lot of articles on this topic.

Many people decide that the most important thing in starting a cake home business is to create a website. And it is desirable that the site design looks richer and more expensive. But this step needs to be taken only after well considering the consequences. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting what the majority gets - a bunch of money spent, an oblique-crooked page that Yandex and Google bypassed (which means that your customers do not see it either), periodic blockings and a whole set of technical problems that are unfamiliar to you. which distract you from your main activity.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Secondly, in human psychology, a website is more than just a collection of pictures. This is your official representation, some kind of administration, the demand for which has increased. The site, as a rule, is started by those stores that have already found their face and are somehow distinguished from competitors, have well-oiled mechanisms of interaction with the client. Now imagine that instead of the image of a pastry shop with hundreds of exquisite cakes and a designer style of the interior, the customer comes to your home for an order and sees the stained old wallpaper and you pulling a cake from the balcony in house slippers. It is unlikely that his expectations will come true.

If you already have something to brag about, then it's another matter. Then you have to create a website where a catalog of your products, current prices, an individual order form, and contacts must be presented. When you have something to be proud of, you can add elements of status,

publish the faces of satisfied customers, their great reviews of their work, and so on. In the meantime - gain experience, collect photos of your creations, reviews of those who tried them, develop, but better not start the site.

Underwater rocks. You are hard, the share of the cake maker

Baking cakes is not without a fly in the ointment. The most common complaint of those who started to work on a contract basis is physical fatigue. Many women admit that they overestimated their strengths. Fulfillment of orders with parallel education of the child becomes a burden for them. You have to spend the whole day on your feet near the oven and stove, while taking your son or daughter to the kindergarten or to sections and circles. Legs begin to ache, nerves fail, patience bursts.

And it also happens that the demand has gone, orders have gone, and not only there is no time to fulfill them, but also knowledge, it turns out, is somehow not enough. Orders are fulfilled in a hurry at night, and the person suddenly finds himself spending several hours leveling the cake, which he could handle much faster if he just knew how. The cake maker suddenly discovers that there is no time to study, and there is not much time. Cakes come out oblique-curves, and the client is dissatisfied with the result. Time is generally a headache for everyone who makes cakes. For example, large cakes from 3-6 kg give more revenue, but it is better to take orders for them in advance, because there is a risk that they will not meet the deadline. And the deadline here is strict: after the holiday, no one needs the cake anymore.

Many mistakes are made when communicating with clients. For example, many cake makers forget to negotiate the terms of return with the client, when the customer, having already eaten the cake, says that he did not like the cake and wants to return the money. Even if your business is not registered, you should not forget about basic hygiene: cleaning your nails, hands, teeth, and so on. Work with gloves, meet the customer in a cap or with gathered hair, maintain cleanliness in the kitchen, in the apartment and in the bathrooms, where the client can go by taking the finished order from you. Avoid situations when pets roam freely near orders. This can scare the client away.

Another pitfall is scammers. Unfortunately, your social media activities will certainly not go unnoticed. One way to get divorced is this. A client enters your group and leaves an order on your wall. While you are not online, a fraudster immediately responds in private messages to the customer on your behalf - he names the price of the cake and “negotiates” the price. The details are sent to the client, he pays the prepayment, the fraudster disappears immediately. Then the disgruntled client writes in all public pages that your community has bred him for money, and you are a scammer. Warn potential customers about such cases and clearly indicate who exactly you need to contact to place an order. And also - never forget to watermark your photos so they don't get stolen.

IP opening. A little about the fears of "cake makers"

One of the controversial questions among novice cake makers - is it worth it or not open your IP, officially register a business and pay taxes to the state? From the point of view of the law, of course, this must be done. But in practice, starting a cake home business most home bakers turn a blind eye to the formalities. Until a decent customer base has been developed and there is no stable sales volume, no one usually bothers himself with registration. For such a business in the form of part-time work, this is unprofitable: you need to pay taxes and pay mandatory insurance premiums for yourself (in 2019, this is a one-time payment per year in the amount of RUB 29,354). Of course, one can easily succumb to fears by reading the advice of lawyers. To the extent that, for example, you can be imprisoned for five years, or, for example, fined 500 thousand rubles. But it is not so.

Why? First, serious responsibility comes for large-scale tax evasion, and it is rather difficult to prove this. Here you need a law enforcement officer to make a test purchase for a large amount or prove that you have received large income. And secondly, excuse me for being so blunt, nobody needs you and your cakes. This can be seen if you open any news aggregator and see exactly who is fined for illegal business activities under Article 171. As a rule, these are sellers of alcohol, spontaneous street hawkers or sellers of counterfeit anti-freeze products from the garage. Sometimes raids are organized along embankments and parks, from where they drive any illegal trade of an unsightly look, flea markets, or, for example, hookah people who sell hookahs from the floor. In a word, troubles await those who either sell “opium for the people” or simply an eyesore to the authorities.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Now imagine what would happen if the state massively begins to hunt for maternity moms, quietly selling cakes? At the same time, they are raising a couple of small noisy creatures, preparing dinners for their husbands, keeping the household on themselves. Yes, not otherwise than the people's revolution, which will begin with the programs of Malakhov. The only way you might run into a real problem is this. Some client will really suffer from your cake, for example, get serious poisoning and write an evil statement to the police. Then a check can come to you. And he will fine you ... in the amount of 500 to 2000 rubles (administrative responsibility). Of course, accidents do occur, no one is immune from them. For example, one of the competitors from whom you take customers away with your cakes can send you a check. You can find out how such checks are carried out in practice and what you need to be prepared for.

It is worth thinking about a more serious business if you, at least, bought an additional refrigerator, hired “additional hands” and are experiencing an acute tightness in the room, which clearly does not correspond to the level of your ambitions and income. Then it is already possible to open an individual entrepreneur, look for premises for your own retail outlet or mini-workshop, purchase new equipment, and expand the sales market. The ideal option is to combine in-line production with custom production. Products can also be handed over to coffee shops, cafes and supermarkets. But remember that even a tiny production will require investments in the amount of 500 thousand rubles.

This business is more likely not a business, but "self-employment". When considering it, I would draw attention to 5 main aspects:

1. Quality problems. You need to be very careful about the raw materials! If the recipe says "animal oil", then it must be of good quality. After all, "animal oil" is not always "animal". At dairy plants, other products, mainly of vegetable origin (coconut and palm oil at best) are added to it to reduce the cost. And so in everything! It should be understood that a tough approach to the quality of raw materials also has the other side of the coin - an increase in the cost of the finished product. At the same time, it is almost impossible to balance. It is difficult to make a product from low-quality raw materials, which will be bought a second time.

2. On home equipment, it is impossible to reach ... conditionally "industrial volumes" of production, in other words, on a decent revenue. For this, there is industrial equipment.

3. Sales is always a delicate and complex matter, and the number of "orders" will be "jumpy" in nature, and a permanent customer base is created over the years. Therefore ... maybe it makes sense to add something different to the sweet with the elements of meat? Scientifically, this is called "diversify the assortment."

4. When designing this business - special attention should be paid to the problems of "transportation" of finished products. Sometimes it’s expensive, sometimes it’s not.

5. And the last, the so-called "illegal business". Actually, it is advisable to do everything in order not to fall under the "radars of the state", but, alas, this is impossible. It should be borne in mind that such activities are of little interest for the fiscal authorities and are difficult to prove, but ... you always have to be on the lookout. It is necessary to consult with a lawyer in advance how to answer the questions, if the situation will turn out in an unfavorable way. If our state was a little smarter, in its legislative part and not only, such a problem would not arise. In the meantime, we have ... Friends - everything, the rest - the law!

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Fresh, deliciously delicious cakes are always a great idea to celebrate an important event or just to please yourself and your loved ones! They will decorate your family celebrations, friendly parties and corporate buffets with dignity and will easily turn the most ordinary tea party or everyday dinner into a real holiday!

Delivery of cakes in Moscow from the most famous pastry shops

Our assortment of cakes is made only from selected and natural ingredients from trusted suppliers. Airy mousses, creams and soufflés, soft biscuits and meringues melting in your mouth, amazing fruits and ripe berries, the most delicate jellies, noble truffles and pralines, hazelnuts and whipped cream, sweet liqueurs and glazes with bright flavors - the culinary fantasies of pastry chefs know no bounds!

In the catalog of cakes of the online store site, you can see the prices and buy cakes:

  • from the pastry chef of Azbuka Vkusa;
  • from the family company Cream Royal;
  • cakes "Vienna shop" from the "Bolshevik" factory;
  • premium confectionery from the Restaurant Collection company.

"Bird's Milk", "Medovik", "Napoleon", "Kievsky", "Prague" or "Moscow" cake - choose your favorite traditional desserts, familiar to everyone from childhood! Or buy cakes prepared according to exclusive recipes that will pleasantly surprise your guests, friends and colleagues!

Sweet cakes are the best gift!

You can order cakes with home delivery in the shops of the Azbuka Vkusa supermarket chain and in the online store:

  • chocolate (for example, "Three Chocolates", "Baltazar", "Biscuit-Chocolate", "Cheese-Chocolate", "Super Chocolate");
  • berry (for example, "Blueberry-curd", "Forest berry", "Giovanni", "Pistachio-strawberry" and others);
  • based on butter creams, whipped cream and curd cheeses (for example, "Curd", "Caramel-pear", several types of cheesecakes);
  • low-calorie and lean desserts.

Original "elegant" cakes will perfectly complement any holiday or cozy evening with a cup of tea! It is impossible to imagine a birthday, March 8, September 1, New Year, February 23 and other joyful life events without a sweet treat! Choose a delicacy for every taste, order cakes with delivery in our online store, enjoy yourself, treat your loved ones or take them with you when you are going to visit!