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Experiments with dry ice in kindergarten. Dry ice: application and experimentation

The trick of dry ice is that it immediately goes from a solid state to a gaseous state without an intermediate liquid phase (this process is called sublimation). The sublimation temperature of carbon dioxide is -78.5 ° C. Dry ice is freely sold in two forms - briquettes and granules. For experiments, it is more convenient to use granules, since they are small in size, they are easier to dose. On the other hand, dry ice is a consumable: up to 15% of its mass evaporates in a foam container per day.

1. Pour warm water into one container, and a dishwashing detergent into the second (you can use liquid soap or liquid for soap bubbles).

Experience principle

Most of the dry ice experiments are based on the same principle. The fact is that, upon contact with water, dry ice begins to rapidly change from a solid to a gaseous state, and it looks like boiling, only with much brighter and more characteristic vaporization. Moreover, evaporating carbon dioxide is heavier than air (density 1.9768 kg / m3 versus 1.225 kg / m3), and therefore "smoke" spreads over the surface surrounding the container with water, and does not rise up.

2. Lubricate the edges of the container with water with soap. Take a piece of cloth tape (for example, cut from an old pillowcase) and dip it in soap.

The experimenter pours water into a container and then throws ice there. The warmer the water, the faster the ice will evaporate, the shorter and more visually effective the reaction. This is where the division into experimental directions arises. The first option is to let the ice vapor escape calmly and watch it spread.

3. Throw dry ice into the water - about half of the water volume is enough. The more ice you use, the more active the steam will be.

The second option is to limit the distribution area of ​​steam, that is, in other words, to evaporate ice in a confined space. If you do this, for example, in a closed plastic bottle, it will knock the cork out of it (or even tear it apart - never repeat this!), Since CO2 takes up much more space in the gaseous state (the density of the gas, recall, is 1.9768 kg / m3, and solid phase - 1560 kg / m3). But doing this with bottles is quite dangerous, it is much more interesting and easier to inflate a soap bubble with carbon dioxide.

4. Using the soap tape, gently stretch the soap film onto the container. Carbon dioxide will be trapped inside, a huge soap bubble (most often in combination with many small ones) will begin to inflate.

Precautionary measures:

When used correctly, dry ice is completely safe, just like water ice. But certain precautions must be taken:

1) Be sure to wear gloves and never allow dry ice to come into contact with your skin for a long time. Its temperature is -78.5 C below zero, and you can get a cold burn. Simple cloth gloves are enough.

2) When transporting and storing ice, be sure to leave two or three small holes a couple of millimeters in diameter in the container. This will prevent the container from bursting. Never put ice in an airtight container.

3) Try to inhale fumes as little as possible. CO2 - it can cause headaches.

The middle of winter is a good time for ice experiments. And even if the weather outside the window is not happy with the presence of snow or frost, as it happens in some places, ice fun will add variety to your life and help you get into the winter mood, because the freezer of an ordinary refrigerator is enough to organize them.

Today we will not only freeze water and, but show the child how different substances affect ice, whether all liquids can be frozen, how cold affects different ones, and, of course, we will not forget about creativity.

Let's start with those experiences that impressed my daughter the most.

Colored tunnels in a block of ice

We'll need a fairly large piece of ice (I froze, a bowl full of water), as well as salt, an eyedropper, and liquid paint (we used yellow, green, and blue food colors).

To make it easier to remove the frozen ice, pour hot water over the outside of the bowl. Now place the ice on a tray or large bowl. We give the child salt and ask him to add some ice.

The fun begins - you will hear how the ice is cracking and you will see small cracks appear inside the ice block. After some time, the salt will begin to eat through the larger passages along these faults.

For clarity, use paint - drip it onto the surface of the ice and it will penetrate into all small cracks and tunnels. This experiment can be continued long enough until the salt has eaten away the entire block of ice. You will get an amazing sight and a lot of impressions. And besides, you will have time to talk about why salt eats away ice.

Pay the child's attention to the fact that the ice began to melt as soon as you took it out of the freezer, because the room is warm. When sprinkled with salt, the salt began to dissolve in water on the surface of the ice and it turned out to be salt water, which turns into ice only at very low temperatures. For example, a 10% salt solution freezes at a temperature of -13 degrees. It was this salty solution that quickly began to melt the ice. And cracks and cracks appeared due to a strong temperature difference between ice and brine.

Frost on a bottle

Continuing the discussion about the properties of the salt and ice mixture, create frost in your kitchen with your child. To do this, in an opaque container, mix salt with snow or crushed ice (we used pieces that are frozen on the inner walls of the freezer) and leave on a saucer with a little water.

After a while, a thick layer of frost will appear on the surface of the jar, and the water on the saucer will turn into ice. And all this in a warm room.

If you look inside the bottle, you will see that the snow has melted. At the same time, the temperature of the liquid is very low, less than 0. Because of this, water vapor in the ambient air settles on the outer surface of the bottle (condenses) and immediately freezes, turning into frost. The water in the saucer also freezes, forming an ice crust. This experiment clearly demonstrates how frost forms on trees when the temperature drops sharply at high humidity.

In addition, this property of salt and ice is used to quickly cool drinks before serving.

Rain in the bank

Ice will help us demonstrate to the child the water cycle in nature. To do this, pour a 3 liter jar of hot water on the bottom, close it with a lid, and put a saucer with ice cubes on top. For clarity, you can glue the sun on the top of the can.

Water heated in one way or another evaporates, turning into a gas, and rises up, forming a cloud of water vapor. There it cools down and condenses, passing from a gaseous state to a liquid (raise the saucer and see how many drops hang on the lid). When enough water is collected, it spills onto the ground in the form of rain, which we see from the flowing droplets.

Ice skating rink

Shall we set up an ice rink for toys? To do this, freeze the water on a tray or flat plate - this, as well as freeze the figure of a man in half a glass of water. Now we roll the figure like on a skating rink, explaining in parallel that the ice is slippery, due to the fact that it is quite smooth and at the same time covered with a thin film of water, so it is so easy to fall on it. If the ice is sprinkled with sand, then it becomes rough and it becomes more difficult to fall on it, however, as well as to ride.

Sizzling ice

Another experience that will delight your child. Freeze the cubes of soda, water and dye in advance. I did it in advance, so my daughter did not suspect anything. When the cubes are frozen, put them on a plate, dilute vinegar with water 1: 1 and invite the child to drip the solution onto colored ice with a pipette. The ice begins to melt and fizzle more and more.

Do you want to play with your child easily and with pleasure?

My daughter was delighted, but could not understand what the secret was, because before that she dripped on the ice with the same pipette and there was no hiss. I decided that it was the water and started dripping onto the remaining large piece from the first experiment - there was no hiss. "Mom, confess, what's the trick?" - said my daughter and I admitted that there is soda in cubes))). Masha wanted to see this for herself and froze a few more pieces of soda, successfully repeating the experiment a few hours later.

Hissing occurs as a result of the chemical reaction of acetic acid and soda with the formation of carbonic acid, which is a very unstable compound and immediately decomposes into water and carbon dioxide, which we observe in the form of bubbles.

Ice melting time

We are actively mastering the time and decided to conduct an experiment with timing the ice melting on a stopwatch. We figured out where the minutes, seconds and fractions of a second are. Prepared two glasses of warm and cold water. At the same time, they put the cubes in different glasses and began to wait.

The ice melted in warm water after 2 minutes. 46 s., And in the cold - melted for 40 minutes! Of course, even I did not expect such a turn of events. Tired of looking at the stopwatch, my daughter managed to eat and play. And she called the experience "very difficult."

Freezing various liquids

For the experiment, we selected: water, sunflower oil, milk and 9% vinegar. They didn’t start timing, but left it in the freezer overnight to see what would freeze and what would not.

The photo shows the liquid before and 12 hours after freezing.

As a result, only water and milk were completely frozen, the sunflower oil became thick and cloudy. In vinegar, which at such a concentration should freeze at -3 degrees, only a few pieces of ice were formed, complete freezing occurred only after 2 days. We concluded that the freezing point depends on the properties of the mortar, and not every solution can be frozen in a home freezer.

The thread cuts the ice

To carry out the experiment, we need: a piece of ice, a thin thread and weights. As the latter, we used wooden cubes, tied to a thread. Place the ice cube on an inverted glass and put a thread on top, which is pulled down from both sides by two cubes.

The essence of the experiment is that in the place of increased pressure on ice, its melting point changes. That. under the thread that presses, the ice should melt (as with the pressure of the skates on the ice). And the resulting water above the line will freeze due to the low ambient temperature (ice on both sides). It turns out that the thread, as it were, cuts the ice in half, leaving it intact on top.

We carried out the experiment in a refrigerator so that the ice did not have time to melt quickly, but cutting the piece did not work. The thread is frozen a couple of millimeters and that's it. Neither the increase in pressure in the form of 4 wooden cubes nor the change in temperature moved the experiment in the right direction. A piece of ice began to melt rapidly, and the experiment had to be stopped.

Drawing on ice

Moving on to the more creative part. Try painting on an icy surface with paints. We used gouache. For rinsing the brush, it is better to take cold water so that the drawing does not spread from the rapid melting of the ice.

Natalia Yakubo

Abstract of cognitive and experimental activities

on the theme: « Experiments with dry ice»

for children of all ages

Target: the formation of research and cognitive interest through experimenting with dry ice.


Teach children make hypotheses and test them empirically;

Enrich vocabulary children;

Cultivate interest in experimental activities and the desire to do it; accuracy, desire to achieve a positive result in the process of work.

Material: dry ice (in granules, a container with warm water, a ball, a detergent, a string, a basin, flasks, a scoop, household gloves, a white coat, pictures with animals of the north, a tray.

Dry ice properties

Dry ice is solid carbon dioxide. At ordinary temperature, it passes into a vapor state, bypassing the liquid phase. The peculiarities of its composition and internal structure, despite the very low surface temperature, make it possible to take a piece of such ice with a bare palm for a short time without the risk of frostbite of the skin.

Dry ice is very convenient because it does not need to be disposed of - when it becomes unnecessary, it is simply left in the open air (evaporation in this case occurs very quickly, carbon dioxide ice will not leave any watery puddles, and only carbon dioxide will be released into the atmosphere - no harmful impurities).

It evaporates 5 times slower than ordinary ice melts, and to create the required low temperature, it already takes 15 times less than ice from water.

Test 1

"Super - smokehouse"

Experiment phase:

Pour dry ice into a container and add warm water (the higher the water temperature, the stronger the reaction)... As a result, clouds of white vapor appear from the container and begin to spread over the entire surface. The experiment was a success!

Explanation of the experiment:

Dry ice enters into a chemical reaction with warm water, during which carbon dioxide is released. And since carbon dioxide is heavier than air, it, getting out of the container, begins to creep over the surface in a thick fog. Science is great!

Test 2

"Soap porridge"

Experiment phase:

Add detergent to a mixture of water and dry ice, resulting in soap bubbles filled with dense mist.

Test 3

"Soap bubble"

Who among us in childhood did not like blowing bubbles?

Experiment phase:

Put dry ice in a round bowl and add a little warm water. We draw a cord along the side of the bowl (after wetting the cord in a detergent, pressing it tightly to the edge. A soapy film forms. After that, we observe how a soap bubble slowly grows on the bowl. The ice that turns into steam will inflate the soapy film more and more, until until the tension from within tears it apart, and when this happens, white steam will escape from the bowl and spread over the table in a spectacular swirling stream.

Test 4

"How to inflate a balloon without a pump?"

Experiment phase:

We put dry ice in a narrow flask and pour in some warm water, steam begins to evolve. We put the ball on the neck of the flask, the steam fills the entire ball and stretches its walls. The balloon was inflated!

Dry ice has many amazing properties and tricks with it are amazing not only children but also adults. Experiments with this substance they are able to quickly lift the mood and turn any event into a truly unforgettable adventure.

Related publications:

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Did you know that Professor Nicolas, for your convenience, recorded many videos of interesting experiments for children with detailed descriptions and recommendations on how to carry out the experiments correctly? Cheerful and smart assistants to the professor will not only show, but also tell in detail how and how this or that process occurs - why liquids do not mix, but fold like a whatnot, why ice is called dry, or many other cognitive things.
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Professor Nicolas continues to amaze
Oh, that restless mad professor Nicolas! Like all professors, he is always on the lookout. Home experiences for children are his latest “developments”. On our website you can find many experiments that can be carried out at home, and for which very complex devices and ingredients are not required. Look in the catalog, pick up what your child might like.
Experiments in the dark, in the open air, chemical reactions, experiments with pressure and liquid - these are only a part of what can be found in our video library. Older children themselves can search for what they like best and try themselves in the role of a real scientist. Why not? All scientists, too, were once children, and, most likely, they conducted their children's experiments in the same way. But in their time, it is unlikely that there were such visual aids that we offer you.
We receive many questions from parents - is it not dangerous to conduct entertaining experiments in chemistry, is it harmful to the health of the child? You can be absolutely calm - all experiments are carefully selected and thought out, first of all, based on safety considerations. In every child, an experimenter sleeps, who wakes up from time to time. Wouldn't it be better to take control of the situation, to allow simple experiments for children at home, which Professor Nicolas has selected especially for children who want and love to experiment.
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