Home / Recipes / Beef steak frying recipe. The Perfect Steak: How To Make The Best Steak Of Your Life

Beef steak frying recipe. The Perfect Steak: How To Make The Best Steak Of Your Life

Juicy steak traditional made from beef meat... But it turns out no less tasty pork steak, fried in a pan with spices and seasonings. How to fry pork steak in a pan, not every housewife knows. But this is a remarkably simple and tasty dish with which you can meet guests or quickly feed hungry household members.

How to fry pork steak in a pan - general cooking principles

The main thing in a steak is meat. Pork tenderloin is especially tasty: it is soft and juicy. The steaks are cut from a fairly large, whole piece. It needs to be washed, dried with paper towels, and then cut into steaks.

Important points to consider:

You need to cut any meat across, not along the fibers;

The thickness of the pieces should not be thin, but not thick either - a slice not thinner than 2.5 and not thicker than 3.5 cm is considered optimal;

A piece of pork should be sent to the pan only when warmed to room temperature, that is, it should be outside the refrigerator for at least forty to fifty minutes.

So that the steak is well fried, pleases with an appetizing crust, but remains juicy, the meat must be marinated before frying. You can take salt and lemon as a marinade, soy sauce, butter. Every housewife (and every professional chef) has her own secrets of how to fry a pork steak in a pan.

Salt the meat in advance. The salt will melt in the meat juice and form an outer protective film, thanks to which the meat will remain juicy and the fibers will become more tender. But you should not pepper and use spices in advance: they will burn in the pan, giving the dish an unpleasant aroma. Sometimes spices and dried herbs are added to the marinade. In this case, it is better to blot the pieces with a napkin before frying.

The traditional steak is a piece of meat fried on both sides in a skillet. No extraneous aromas are expected, only the taste and aroma of meat.


Two ready-made steaks;

Half a spoonful of ground black pepper;

Half a teaspoon of salt.

Cooking method:

Sprinkle the meat pieces with salt, rub in, coat with butter (whatever is in the kitchen), let marinate for forty to fifty minutes.

Pour oil into a frying pan, wait until it warms up well.

As soon as smoke appears above the surface of the pan, carefully place the steaks in the pan.

Fry for three to four minutes on both sides. This time is approximate, it all depends on the thickness of the piece. You should focus on the culinary experience and the desired crust.

Allow the steak to cool slightly in a skillet, place on a plate and serve with fresh vegetable slices or lettuce.

Pork steak in a pan with creamy gravy

At the expense of butter and dried herbs pork steak acquires an interesting aroma and taste. If you know how to fry pork steak in a pan according to this recipe, you can surprise guests with an unusual and very delicious dish.


Pork steaks;

Vegetable oil (2-3 tbsp. L.);

Half a packet of butter (about 100 g);

Ch. L. dried thyme;

Powdered paprika (to taste, about 1 tsp);

Medium-ground table salt or sea salt to taste;

A pinch of sugar;

One carnation bud;

Red, black, allspice to taste.

Cooking method:

Remove a piece of butter from the refrigerator and leave for half an hour at room temperature.

Mix dry spices, salt, sugar in a mortar and grind. You can do this in a coffee grinder.

Combine the softened oil and the resulting spicy dressing, mix well.

Spread the cling film, put the butter in the center and shape it into a thin sausage, gently tucking the edge of the film.

Put the oil in the refrigerator.

Fry the steaks in hot vegetable oil.

Preheat the oven at the same time.

Transfer steaks to a baking dish.

Place a piece of butter on each piece of meat.

Send the steak dish to the oven.

When the butter melts, you get a fragrant cream sauce.

How to fry pork steak in a pan with garlic

Fragrant garlic perfectly complements delicate taste sweetish tenderloin. How to fry pork steak in a pan according to this recipe? It's also very simple.


Ready-made steaks;

A tablespoon of butter;

Vegetable oil for the frying pan;

Four cloves of garlic;

Pepper and salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Fresh garlic wash, dry and, without peeling, crush with a knife.

Salt the steaks and leave to marinate.

Heat oil well in a skillet and fry the steaks.

When it's done, add the garlic to the pan without removing the meat.

Fry the garlic for five minutes, making sure that the meat does not burn. To do this, carefully turn the pieces with tongs.

Put a piece of butter in a skillet.

When it is melted and soaked in the pork, sprinkle with pepper, grate with garlic and serve.

Pork steak in a pan with paprika

It is paprika that is one of the most delicious, harmonious spices for pork roast. To fry a pork steak in a pan and get amazingly juicy meat, it must be marinated in lemon juice or balsamic vinegar. Vary the amount of salt and paprika to your taste.


Several portions pork steak;


Vegetable oil for frying.

Cooking method:

Squeeze juice from lemon scalded with boiling water.

Salt the meat, rub in the salt with your hands, brush with lemon juice. This trick will keep the juices fresh pork tenderloin stay inside the piece.

Marinate steaks for about an hour.

Heat the pan, carefully place the steaks and fry until tender.

Two to three minutes before the meat is cooked, sprinkle with paprika.

Serve with tomatoes and lettuce.

Pork steak in a pan with mustard and soy sauce

A fragrant, spicy version of the steak can be prepared by marinating pork in soy sauce and dry mustard powder.


Three to four pork steaks;

Three tablespoons of soy sauce

A third teaspoon of ground pepper or a mixture of peppers;

Three tablespoons of vegetable oil;

Half a teaspoon of mustard powder.

Cooking method:

Prepare the marinade by combining soy sauce, dry mustard and ground pepper in a bowl and stirring well.

Grease the meat slices with marinade and leave at room temperature for one and a half to two hours.

Blot pickled steaks with a napkin to remove excess liquid.

Spread butter on each piece.

Heat a dry skillet and fry the steaks until crisp.

Reduce heat and grill meat until tender.

Put the meat out of the pan, cover with a piece of cling foil, let it rest and brew a little. Five to seven minutes will be enough.

Pork steak in a pan with spices

The smell of Provencal herbs combined with the scent fried meat anyone will turn their heads. How to fry a pork steak in a pan so as to saturate it with the aroma of spicy herbs? Marinate in them well, and then send to the pan.


Two pork tenderloin steaks;

A tablespoon of a mixture of herbs (basil, thyme, rosemary);

Half a teaspoon of salt;

A mixture of peppers to taste;

Frying oil.

Cooking method:

Rub the pork meat with salt, oil, then spicy herbs and leave to marinate.

After half an hour, turn on the fire under the frying pan, add oil and heat it up.

Blot the meat with a paper towel, pepper and fry on both sides.

Cook fried pieces with a beautiful crust over low heat for another five to seven minutes.

Turn off the heat, cover the pan with a lid, let the steaks stand for another five minutes.

How to fry pork steak in a pan - tricks and tips

To make the meat even more juicy and tender, ready-made steaks can be wrapped in foil and left in such a "thermal coat" for about five minutes. This is the answer to the question of how to fry a pork steak in a pan, but not deprive it of its juiciness. The meat juice will saturate the fibers better and will not spill out after cutting, and the pork will become even more tender.

A frying pan or roasting pan with thick sides and bottom is ideal for grilling steaks. In other dishes, the meat will not be fried, but stewed. A special cookware, an old cast iron or modern thick-walled steel skillet will do.

If possible, the meat should be allowed to breathe for about one and a half to two days. To do this, the defrosted pieces are left in the refrigerator and turned over every 6-7 hours.

How to fry a pork steak in a pan so that the meat is covered with a crust and not stewed? First of all, lay the pieces dried with napkins, on which there is no moisture left. It is also important to heat the oil in a skillet. If it is not hot enough, then the meat will not be sealed, but will simply let out the juice.

If there is no time for long marinating, you should let the meat lie in seasonings and an oil film for at least an hour. Having coated the pork, it can be wrapped cling film, put in a bowl and put on the refrigerator shelf. After an hour, take it out and be sure to warm it up to room temperature.

It is important not to let the juice leak out accidentally. This can happen even if the marinade has securely sealed the meat fibers. You need to turn the steaks either with special tongs, or (very carefully) with a fork and spatula. It is important not to pierce the pieces: in this case, the juice will flow out immediately.

Know your steak

Decide what you need. Regular steak, juicy tenderloin or striploin? Or something with fat like ribeye or sirloin? With or without a bone? Or maybe a thinner piece like a flap steak, a thick rim of a diaphragm, or a brisket?

What animal did your piece of meat actually come from? Angus, Hereford, Shorthorn or Texas Longhorn? Has the meat been aged, and if so, for how long? Ask the seller in your butcher shop all these questions, make him sweat. And if you see a complete misunderstanding in his eyes, go to another store. If your favorite piece is not available, ask to cut off another, but always fresh, exactly of the thickness and weight that you need. Don't compromise.

Buy quality meat

Is this meat obtained from purebred animal grazing, or is it delivered from a production facility where animals are fed with compound feed and hormones so that they reach their maximum weight in the shortest possible time? And most importantly: Inspect and feel the meat before buying. Very often, meat is sold almost immediately after slaughter. If it is wet, it oozes blood, if it is wrapped in plastic and rests on an absorbent pad on a polystyrene tray, leave it in the store. You can't do anything with such meat, and it will splash heavily in the pan. Good meat should be soft, dry in appearance, and may have a deep, deep red hue. The surface should be silky smooth to the touch. The most delicious steaks are obtained from meat that has sagged for three to four weeks (on the bone), which makes it slightly wither, losing moisture, and becomes very tender and aromatic.

The right frying pan

The steaks are fried for a relatively high fire for a golden brown and crispy crust. Therefore, it is worth buying a good frying pan with a thick bottom, not necessarily expensive. The cheapest option is a steel pan (made of sheet metal), which can get very hot, the bottom of which distributes heat well, and which does not deform. Before using it for the first time, it must be calcined. After use, wipe the pan with paper towels and apply a thin layer of vegetable oil (to protect it from rust) before storing.

You can purchase a more expensive multilayer pan made of stainless steel and aluminum. This frying pan is excellent at conducting heat, has excellent heat resistance and does not suffer from washing in the dishwasher. Armed with a more expensive and heavier frying pan with non-stick coating, you can also fry a good steak, but, unlike a steel or stainless steel pan, very little golden brown forms on its bottom, which can be used to make a delicious gravy or sauce.

You should also pay attention to the size. If the pan is too large, the oil and the steaks themselves will burn quickly. Ideally, a distance of 5–6 mm should be left between the steaks. For four large steaks, a frying pan with a diameter of 28 cm is suitable.For two steaks, a frying pan with a diameter of 25 cm will fit, and for one steak, a diameter of 21 cm is just right. A frying pan with a heat-resistant handle (not plastic) is very convenient - in case you want to bring steak until tender in the oven.

Frying oil

Butter gives the steak a rich flavor; you will not get this result in olive oil. The benefits of olive oil (or any other vegetable oil such as grape seed oil or sunflower oil) before creamy, there is a higher combustion temperature. This means that the pan can be heated to a higher temperature and the oil will not burn. And high temperatures are key to proper roasting. Margarine (butter substitute) and liquid cooking oil have a high burning temperature, but lack the taste of real butter. Therefore, some steak-frying specialists prefer a mixture of vegetable and butter. After the meat is browned, an extra portion of butter is added for more flavor and a quick drop in temperature. If you are neat during frying (do not make the fire too big), you can perfectly fry a steak in butter or ghee (butter from which milk solids have been removed, which means that it can be fried on it at very high temperatures and it will not burn). The result is a distinctive golden brown crispy crust and as rich taste as possible.

Before frying

Make sure to keep the steak at room temperature so that it cooks evenly. You can leave the meat for half an hour or even an hour on the kitchen table, covered with foil. Do not defrost frozen meat on the table, in the microwave or in warm water; instead, place it on a plate, cover, and refrigerate. Then you will prevent the growth of bacteria. The juice leaked during defrosting should be drained. Pat the meat dry with paper towels, otherwise it won't be crispy. Moist meat browns poorly.


Sprinkle salt and pepper on the steak before placing it in the pan. There is no consensus in culinary circles as to whether meat should be salted before, during or after frying. Salt presumably draws juice out of the meat, making it hard and dry. Typically, cookbooks warn you to salt your meat before frying it. Complete nonsense. Ask any of the best chefs the world, meat industry experts and chemists, and everyone will unanimously answer you: you need to season the meat first. Salt is the key to great taste (including the gravy in the pan). In addition, pre-salted meat browns faster. Use a cheap one before frying. fine salt(it dissolves well in flowing meat juice). And when the meat is already on the plate, you should season it with coarse sea salt (more expensive).


Meat covered with foil can be kept in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. Vacuum packed, it can be kept in the refrigerator for at least a week. In the freezer, steaks can be stored in airtight containers for up to 3–6 months. This comes in handy when ordering meat online or buying a large piece from a farmer. After being removed from the vacuum packaging, the meat may change its color. On contact with oxygen, the color changes from dark red to a brighter red. The unpleasant smell, if any, should disappear after a few minutes.

Quick roast

For the perfect crust (and thus flavor), it is important to first fry the meat on both sides until Brown color over fairly high heat. This is also called "sealing the juice inside", which, strictly speaking, is wrong. How to do it: Sprinkle freshly ground pepper and salt over the steaks. Preheat a frying pan by holding it for 2-3 minutes over high heat. When the pan is hot (check with a drop of water in the pan - if the water fizzes and splashes, the pan is hot enough), reduce the heat to medium. Place the butter in the skillet and wait for it to bubble (the butter darkens and foams). Fatty steaks such as ribeye or sirloin can be fried without any oil at all (unless you want to make a gravy or sauce). Fry the steak on both sides until brown. Steaks with a strip of fat around the edge should first be fried on the side where the fat is. The fat will melt and flavor the flowing meat juices.

Should the steak be flipped frequently?

You can fry the steak by making it "dance in the pan" by turning it over and over, or you can fry the steak by touching it as little as possible, that is, turning it over only once. The first option looks good from the outside: you seem to be saying with all your appearance "look at me and my steak!", But it is still better to choose the second method. If you constantly turn the meat over, the frying process is interrupted, making it harder to get a good crust and also affecting the taste.

Listen to your steak

Most cookbooks recommend frying steaks over high heat, which most people understand is: you need to turn the knob of the stove to the limit, to the very maximum. This is wrong, and as a result, the butter and steaks will burn. The meat is charcoal on the outside and completely cold on the inside. Better to warm up the pan first and then watch the steak closely as soon as it is placed on top of it. Watch and most importantly, listen. During frying, you should hear a slight hissing and crackling of the meat juice that flows out. If the oil is about to start to burn, add a little new (this will cause the pan and the juice mixed with oil that has dripped into it to cool slightly).

What to do and what not to do to get the perfect crust

The moisture on the surface of the meat slows down the formation of a crispy golden brown crust. Therefore, pat the steak dry with paper towels before frying. And don't put too many chunks in the pan at once. Heat the skillet and oil to maximum heat. The higher the temperature and the shorter the roasting process, the more moisture evaporates in a short time (and the steak is not overcooked inside). But be careful not to burn the fat.

Roast degree

The biggest challenge in preparing the perfect steak is achieving the desired doneness. Which steak do you prefer: bloody, medium or well done? The easiest way to determine the degree of doneness is to make a small cut and see how cooked the meat is inside. Another way that takes practice is by touch. When the meat is not fried, it is soft, and when fried, it is dense, hard. The "thumb and forefinger method" is widely used. How to do it: Put the tips of your thumb and forefinger together on one hand. Now press the index finger of your other hand against the base of the thumb of the first hand from the palmar side. This is raw, not fried, but only slightly warmed meat (blue rare) to the touch. Now touch your thumb to the tip of the middle finger and again feel the base of the thumb with the index finger of the other hand: this is the feel of meat with blood (rare). Now move your thumb to the ring finger: this is medium. Finally, touch the little finger: it's almost completely fried meat (medium well done / well done). For large oven-baked pieces, a kitchen thermometer is recommended. However, it is not very good for steaks, as its tip is too close to the hot bottom of the pan; thus, his testimony cannot be relied upon.

How to determine readiness

The length of time a piece of beef is cooked depends on its size. Older cookbooks usually state that frying times are weight-dependent (eg 15 minutes for 450g red meat at 175–177 ° C). This is outdated and incorrect advice, since weight is not as important as the thickness of the piece. It is much safer to use a kitchen thermometer. Stick the tip into the center of the piece (not too close to the bone, as the temperature rises much faster near the bone). As soon as the desired temperature is reached in the center of the piece, immediately remove the meat from the oven. The thermometer can be tested by immersing it in boiling water. The dial should show 100 ° C. Beef back steaks will come out with blood if the temperature in the middle of the piece is 49-50 ° C. Tougher cuts usually benefit from long simmering at low temperatures (100 ° C) and can sometimes be baked for up to 10 hours before reaching the desired temperature in the center of the block.

Give the meat a rest

The meat (which is a piece of muscle) contracts when heated strongly. In order for the meat served on the table to be soft and tender, it must be allowed to rest after frying. Then the juice is evenly distributed over the meat, which makes it relax and when you cut a piece, blood will not flow out of it onto the plate. It is best to leave the meat for five minutes, loosely wrapping it in aluminum foil (making it look like a tunnel or awning, open on both sides so that steam can escape). If the steam is not allowed to come out, the crisp will soften again. Ideally, place the meat on a wire rack, for example for roasting in the oven, with a tray or bowl underneath for the dripping juice.

Correct knife and slicing

Use a sharp knife with a straight edge, no teeth. If the knife is dull or jagged, you will end up with a bloody mess on your plate. When you order a steak at good restaurant, you will always be served a separate table knife with a straight cutting edge. Use a very sharp carving knife to cut up a large baked piece. You can cut it into thick or thin slices as you like (thin slices are usually considered the more refined option). Cut across the grain. If you look closely at the meat, you will notice lines. Cut across the lines to cut through these long fibers to make the meat easier to chew.

"The Art of the Perfect Steak", Bombora Publishing House.

If you are thinking of buying your man for February 23 another jumper, shirt or, worse, socks - forget about it. A rare hero admits that clothes as a gift are not exactly what he dreams of on his only men's holiday. But what - at least as a "warm-up" before the main present - no real man will definitely refuse, is a juicy meat steak. HELLO.RU decided to ask Viktor Apasyev, the chef of the Tarantino restaurant, how to cook the perfect steak at home.

1. Classification of steaks

According to the most popular classification, meat is divided into 3 types: marble steaks- these are steaks from a thick or thin edge (Ribeye, Striploin, New York), lean- tenderloin steaks (Mignon, Chateaubriand) and alternative steaks such as steak Machete, Tibon, Tamaghawk. At home, you can cook almost any kind, the main thing is to be patient and understand the cooking technology of each.

2. How to choose meat for a particular type of steak

The main mistake of those who want to get an appetizing steak at home is excessive savings on meat. Regular fillet of beef for cooking Ribeye, Chateaubriand or any other type of steak you choose is not at all suitable, it will turn out to be very tough. It is better to buy marbled meat steaks from trusted butchers or take vacuum packaging with ready-made chopped steaks. If you take a cut of beef to cut the steaks yourself, opt for the most popular ones - Ribeye and Mignon.

The quality of meat for a Minion can be checked in the following way: a finger falls into a good cut, and after you remove it, the flesh quickly recovers. Rib-eye steak meat should be fairly marbled and soft, streaked with fat. It is much more difficult to choose a quality Top Blade and not to confuse it with the stiffer part of the shoulder blade. It will be difficult for a layman to define quality, so it is better to stick to the classics.

3. Is it possible to cook from frozen meat

You can also cook frozen meat steaks. The main thing is the correct defrosting process. The meat must be put from the freezer into the refrigerator a day before cooking, so that the defrosting is soft and delicate. Then there will be no heat stress for the meat, which leads to a large loss of precious juice. Defrosting the meat in the refrigerator will leave all the juice inside and the steak will be soft and tasty.

4. How to fry a steak at home and how to choose a frying pan

Frying a steak is most convenient in a grill pan or a regular skillet with a very thick bottom. The thick bottom of the pan ensures that after heating it does not lose its temperature and will keep it at the same mark for a sufficient amount of time. If the pan has a thin bottom, it cools quickly, and the meat is not fried, but cooked in its own juice.

5. How to prepare meat for frying

It is necessary to get the meat out of the refrigerator a couple of hours before frying and let it return to room temperature. If you do decide to cook an alternative steak, you need to marinate it (we'll talk about this a little later). Half an hour before cooking, the meat must be freed from the film so that the tenderloin is slightly weathered around the edges and the meat is covered with a light crust, which during frying will help keep all the juices inside the steak.

Salt and pepper the meat only after cooking! On this I would like to focus special attention. Salting the meat before or during frying will help the juices seep out, making the meat tough.

6. Steak cooking technology

To prepare marbled steaks (Ribeye, Striploin, NY), use minimal amount oil, giving preference to olive. The cooking technology is quite simple. Place the meat in a well-heated frying pan and fry for 2-3 minutes on each side, then reduce the heat to a minimum, cover the steak with a lid and let it stand for another 1-2 minutes. Please note that the longer we let the steak stand under the lid, the higher the degree of doneness will be. For marbled steaks, medium to medium well roast is best. At the end of cooking, add garlic, rosemary, thyme or chili pepper.

Lean tenderloin steaks (Mignon, Chateaubriand) are prepared using the same technology, but with big amount oils. After we fry the steak on both sides and it acquires a golden crust, add butter to the pan and reduce the temperature to medium. We continue to fry the meat in a mixture of butter and olive oil, constantly pouring it with the juice that comes out of the steak itself. This will give the steak the correct finish.

Tibon steak

Alternative steaks (Machete, Tibon, Tamaghawk) must be marinated in herbs in advance. To make the meat softer, you can add a little to the marinade mineral water... For alternative steaks, medium doneness is better. It is not recommended to consume this type of steak with blood.

7. How to determine the degree of doneness

Do not forget to control the degree of doneness! To determine it, it is better to use a thermo needle. Each degree of roast has its own ideal temperature: Rare - 40-43 degrees, Medium Rare - 44-46, Medium - 47-50, Medium Well - 55-57, Well Done - 60 and above. If you do not have a thermo needle at hand, you can try to determine the degree by touching with your finger. If the steak is too soft, it is not cooked enough, the meat is still raw. If the steak is dense, then the roast is high. You should not cut the meat to check readiness, as juice will immediately flow out of the meat.

8. Spices and sauces for steaks

The more laconic the spices on the steak sound, the better. Therefore, do not use more than 2-3 spices at a time. Rosemary, garlic, and in rare cases - thyme are ideal for steak. To convey the aroma of these spices to the dish, it is enough to put a sprig of rosemary or a clove of garlic on a ready-made steak, the meat itself will take on their rich aroma.

There are many sauces with which it is proposed to complement the taste of the steak, for example, a sauce based on fresh herbs. To prepare it, you need to take 20 grams of fresh parsley and cilantro, half a head of garlic, chop them finely and finely with a knife until they form a gruel, add a little black pepper, salt and chili and pour over with olive oil. It makes a wonderful sauce that goes well with any steak.

Another quick to prepare and very delicious sauce- French. If you want to make it, take your time to remove the pan in which the meat was fried. Remove the meat, put the pan on medium heat, add a little red wine, butter, chicken broth, salt and pepper. Cook the sauce over medium heat to the desired consistency. You can add not only wine and spices, but also cream, interesting asian sauces like Teriyaki - here you can give free rein to imagination!

9. Side dishes for steak

In this matter, everything, of course, depends on the person - who likes what more. But from the point of view of physiology and proper nutrition it is best to eat the steak with fresh or fried vegetables. Grilled vegetables or red fresh tomatoes with onions and herbs are the most ideal options.

10. Serving and serving

One of the main rules of a perfect meal: steak should be served immediately. Steak is an independent dish, simple and straightforward. You should not invent an original serving, the main thing is the unsurpassed taste of the steak itself.

Bon Appetit!

1. Take only beef

Just in case, we remind you: only beef has the right to be called a steak. No pork, lamb, or even more so chicken! This is a fundamental point.

2. Decide in advance what kind of steak you need

If you think that "steak is steak," you are wrong. There are about a dozen types of this grilled meat. Basically, they can be divided into three groups:

  • Marble steaks... They are prepared from the so-called marbled meat: tender, soft, fat-streaked parts of the back and sirloin (thin and thick edges). This type of steak includes the popular ribeye and striploin.
  • Lean steaks... Prepared from tenderloin. They also differ in tenderness, but at the same time, due to the smaller amount of fat, they are slightly less high in calories. These include, for example, filet mignon and chateaubriand.
  • Alternative steaks... Prepared from other parts of the beef carcass: shoulder blades, flanks, and so on. These steaks are less fat and soft, rarely have the correct shape, and may contain tendons. They are more suitable for lovers of "real" meat that can be torn with teeth ... This type of steak includes flank, skert, top blade and so on.

Once you have decided what kind of flavoring and nutritional characteristics you need, go for meat.

3. Don't buy just beef pulp

We will partly repeat the previous point. The rules are tough: to get exactly the steak you want, you need to choose meat from quite specific ones. Skirt steak is always flank. The top blade is the scapula. Rib eye and striploin - back and sirloin. Filet mignon is prepared only from the most tender tenderloin - and from nothing else!

4. Don't be smart

If you are not an expert in the selection and preparation of meat, it is better to limit yourself to the classic, most popular and easy to prepare types of steaks - marbled (ribeye) and lean (filet mignon). The premium carcass parts from which they are prepared will be quite edible, including in inexpensive meat.

But alternative steaks will be delicious only if they are prepared from really good, matured meat of a beef breed, fed with grain.

5. Check the quality of the meat before buying

Rib-eye steak meat should be soft and marbled, that is, with distinct streaks of fat.

The quality of the meat for filet mignon can be checked as follows. Press down firmly on the notch with your finger: it should give in easily, but as soon as you remove your finger, quickly return to its original shape.

We will not talk about the quality of meat for other types of steaks now: it is difficult for a non-professional to determine the required characteristics, so it is better to dwell on the classics.

6. Frozen meat is allowed

But it is important to take it only from trusted sellers, so as not to run into a "second freshness product" or the wrong part of the carcass.

Please note that this option will require competent defrosting. Never defrost meat in the microwave or in the sun: a temperature jump will lead to the loss of precious juice, and this will worsen the taste characteristics of the future steak.

Place the beef from the freezer in the main compartment of the refrigerator about 24 hours before you are planning to fry. This will soften the meat without losing its juiciness.

In general, you don't need to defrost the meat at all.

How to prepare meat for frying

5. Thoroughly dry the meat

Blot the meat with a paper towel before frying to remove any excess moisture from the surface. If you don't get rid of the liquid, the steak in the pan will boil rather than broil.

Sprinkle cornstarch on raw meat to remove moisture for sure.

And a way for perfectionists. Take a disposable foil mold, pierce it in several places with wooden skewers (so that you get a kind of grid inside the mold) and place the meat wrapped in a paper napkin on this grid. Let it sit in the refrigerator for about 24 hours. Perfect surface dryness is guaranteed.

However, if you have a grate, you can do without skewers.

Let it sit in the air for at least 20-30 minutes. During this time, the meat will be weathered around the edges and covered with a light crust, which, when frying, will keep the juice inside the piece.


7. Do not salt or pepper!

If you add salt to the steak during the frying process, the meat juices will seep out. As a result, you will end up with a piece that is tougher than you could possibly be.

Here we will make a remark: many neglect this recommendation, because they prefer just such a slightly harsh type of meat. Experiment. In this case, you can rely on your own taste.

If we are talking about alternative steaks, then they should either be marinated, or salt and pepper and grease with olive oil before frying.

What else needs to be done before frying the steak

1. Choose the right pan

An ideal choice is a grill pan or a regular pan with a thick bottom (cast iron would be good). The thick bottom of the pan ensures that after heating it will keep the temperature at one level for a long time.

If the pan has a thin bottom, it cools quickly. This means that the meat is not fried, but rather boiled in its own juice.

2. Consider the choice of oil

Butter adds fatness (softness) and flavor to the meat. Which one would you like? Some recommend frying in olive oil, adding a little butter towards the end.

Others advise Food Tips: How to Cook the Perfect Steak exotic - liquid peanut butter: it has a mild aroma that will add tenderness and originality to the steak.

However, if you are preparing ribeye or any other steak from marbled meat, additional fat content is not required. It's up to you to decide, but come to this point consciously.

One more important point- boiling point (smoke point) of oil Smoke point... If the fat smokes, it will give the steak an unpleasant taste. Therefore, it makes sense to choose vegetable oils that boil at an elevated temperature for frying.

For example, unrefined sunflower and linseed oil are not suitable for cooking steaks. They begin to smoke already at 107 ° C, while the temperature of a well-heated frying pan is 150 ° C and above. Olive oil first pressing (extra virgin) and unrefined peanut tolerate up to 160 ° C. Creamy, coconut, unrefined sesame does not smoke up to 170 ° C.

Excellent options are refined sunflower and avocado oil: they start to smoke after 200 ° C.

3. Get a thermo needle or learn to do without it

The degree of doneness of a steak is determined by the temperature inside the piece of meat. It is easiest to measure with a needle thermometer.

The generally accepted degrees of roast are as follows:

  • 38 ° C and above - raw / blue (steak with blood);
  • 48 ° C and above - rare (very lightly fried);
  • 52 ° С and above - medium rare (lightly fried);
  • 58 ° C and above - medium (normally fried);
  • 63 ° C and above - medium well (well done);
  • from 74 ° С - well done (very well done).

If you don't have a needle on hand, you can roughly determine the cooking level by pressing down on the meat with your finger.

Blue and rare steaks feel the same as the muscle tissue at the base of the thumb: press it down with the index finger of your other hand and feel the softness.

If you squeeze the tips of your thumb and forefinger, the muscle will tighten and the base of your thumb will resemble a medium rare steak. Large and medium - medium. Large and unnamed - medium well.

Well, by connecting your thumb and pinky, you will feel about the same pressure as when you press a well done steak.


1. Pre-fry the steak in the oven

This trick How-To Reverse Sear A Steak will allow you to get the most uniform roasting without gray, overcooked meat around the edges.

Place the steak on a baking sheet and bake at 90–95 ° C for 30–60 minutes, depending on how deep you want the steak to be.

If you want a steak with blood, you can skip the pre-fry episode.

By the way, in a similar way, you can restore the taste of an already cooked, but cooled and lying steak. Place it in the 120 ° C oven for about 30 minutes, then pan fry on both sides to bring back crisp.

2. Heat the pan

Let it stand over high heat for at least 8-10 minutes. Better - more. The chef at Alinea in Chicago, for example, recommends 12 Unexpected (But Totally Legit) Tricks For Making The Best Steak preheat a cast iron pan for half an hour!

Then add the butter, wait a few more minutes for it to warm up, and only then lay out the steak.

3. Fry the steak at high heat

For 1.5-2 minutes, depending on the desired crust color, on each side. During frying, protein - primarily on the surface of a piece of meat - curls up and turns into a kind of film that blocks the exit of liquid. This means that steak fried over high heat will remain juicy on the inside.

Only then reduce heat to low, cover the meat with a lid and let stand for another 1–5 minutes, depending on the desired degree of doneness. This recommendation applies to steaks made from fatty and juicy marbled meat.

Check readiness with a thermo-needle or finger. You should not cut or pierce the steak with a knife: juice will leak out of the meat.

If we are talking about leaner steaks from the tenderloin, the technology will have nuances. After frying the steak on both sides until golden brown, add a little more butter (for example, butter) to the pan, as well as, if desired, your favorite spices (the same garlic) and herbs (rosemary, lavender, thyme, sage ...) ... Reduce the temperature to medium and continue toasting the meat on both sides, pouring the juices over it. This will give the steak the correct finish.

4. Bring to the desired degree of doneness in the oven

In a skillet covered with a lid, steaks with a degree of rareness up to medium rare are excellently cooked. If you want a truly cooked steak, place it in a preheated 180 ° C oven immediately after frying it on all sides in oil.

The residence time of meat in the oven depends on the desired level of roasting:

  • medium rare - 4 minutes is enough;
  • medium - 7 minutes;
  • medium well - 10 minutes;
  • well done - 14 minutes.

How and with what to serve a steak

1. Let the steak sit for 3-5 minutes

At high temperatures, the top layers of the meat shrink, fixing the juice inside. Cutting the steak right away will simply drain the juice onto the plate. Wait up to 5 minutes: this is enough for the upper layers of meat to expand and also be saturated with juice.

2. Serve hot!

This is one of the basic rules for serving steak. In this case, meat is an independent dish, simple and straightforward. The steak must be hot for its flavor to develop to its fullest.

3. For fatty juicy steaks, choose a minimum of spices

On the same ribeye, it is enough to put a sprig of rosemary or a clove of garlic: hot meat will quickly absorb the aroma. Also, the taste characteristics of the steak are well emphasized by parsley, thyme, cilantro.

4. Lean steaks require sauce

The fillet mignon tenderloin is a very tender meat that literally melts in your mouth. But at the same time, it is rather tasteless, and therefore such a steak is always served with sauce.

5. The best side dish is vegetables

Fresh or grilled. This is an ideal side dish for a steak in terms of proper nutrition.

I have been cooking steaks for many years, from the very different meat and I dare to hope I'm doing it well. In this article, I decided to collect all my experience that will allow you to achieve excellence in cooking steaks. And feel free to follow the links - they lead to other articles that cover various aspects of grilling and serving steaks, such as cooking meat or making steak sauces.


How to make a flawless steak

Cooking a perfect steak can be challenging even for a skilled chef: small cuts of meat can cook too quickly, becoming dry and tough, too large to burn on the outside without being cooked on the inside. If you are new to steak cooking, I recommend using a heavy skillet or grill pan - charcoal or electric grills are also great for steaks, but the pan will be easier to control the temperature.

Step 1 - prepare the steak

Cooking a steak begins by choosing meat from a grocery store or butcher's shop. As a rule, imported beef is used for steaks, and although high-quality steaks from Russian beef have recently begun to appear, foreign terminology is still used to classify meat cuts. The easiest way to train steaks is with steaks. ribeye and striploin, he is New York (in our classification, these cuts more or less correspond to a thick and thin edge) - they are soft in themselves, and will turn out to be tasty, even if you miss a little with a roast.

Pay attention to the so-called marbling of meat: the fat should be as evenly distributed as possible over the meat, then during the preparation of the steak, these inclusions of fat will melt, making the meat more tasty and juicy. Classic steak thickness - 2.5 centimeters, and if you buy meat already cut, make sure that the steaks are of the correct thickness, if you take a large piece, try on how you will cut it. So let's get started.

  • If the steak has been frozen, thaw it overnight in the refrigerator and wipe it dry.
  • Remove the steak from the refrigerator at least 20 minutes before frying to allow it to warm to room temperature.
  • Brush the steaks on both sides vegetable oil(I use olive, but you can use any unscented vegetable instead) and season generously with salt.
See also:

Step 2 - preheat the pan

  • Preheat the skillet over medium-high heat - it should be hot but not smoking (if the skillet is too hot, the steak will burn on the outside before cooking on the inside, and it will be tough).
  • The hissing sound after you place the steaks in the pan will tell you if it’s warmed up to the correct temperature.
  • Another way to check the heating of the pan is to drip some water on it: if you have heated the pan well, the droplet will gather into an elastic ball that will run along the surface of the pan like crazy.

Step 3 - cook to taste

  • For medium cooking, place the steaks in the skillet so that they are not touching and let cook for 1 minute.
  • Use tongs to gently turn the steaks over (be careful not to damage them to prevent the juices from leaking out) and cook for another 1 minute to form a crust.
  • Turn steaks over again and reduce heat to medium. Cook for 2 minutes, turn over, and cook for 2 more minutes.
  • To test the doneness, gently press down on the steak with your fingertip. The steak with blood should be soft and pliable, well done and firm, and the middle one, as it should be, will be something in between.

Steak cooking time

You can vary the steaks to your liking by lengthening or shortening the cooking time. Below is the approximate time that is suitable for a 2.5 cm thick steak. Thicker steaks require a longer cooking time and vice versa.

  • Rare (with blood) - 1-2 minutes on each side, rest for 6-8 minutes;
  • Medium rare (low roast) - 2-2.5 minutes on each side, rest for 5 minutes;
  • Medium - 3 minutes on each side, rest 4 minutes
  • Well done - 4.5 minutes on each side, rest for 1 minute.

However, the most accurate (although not always accessible to a beginner) way to determine the degree of doneness of a steak is to use a meat thermometer.

See also:

Step 4 - rest the steaks

  • Leaving the meat to lie down for a while is just as important as cooking it correctly - in these few minutes the juices will be distributed inside the piece, the temperature will even out inside and outside, and the whole steak will become warm, juicy and tender.
  • Remove steaks from skillet, season with black pepper and place in a baking dish. Place a slice of butter on each steak, cover with foil and leave in a warm place for 4-5 minutes.
  • Remember let better steak rests longer than necessary, and not less, this will allow him to acquire the greatest aroma and softness.
See also: