Home / Dough / Ilya Lazerson: biography of the best chef. The Story of "Sprinkle Chef" - a Chef Who Became a Meme Chef Biography

Ilya Lazerson: biography of the best chef. The Story of "Sprinkle Chef" - a Chef Who Became a Meme Chef Biography

Member name: Alexander Belkovich

Age (birthday): 22.11.1984

City: Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk region

Work: Belka restaurant (St. Petersburg)

Family: married, have children

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Alexander Belkovich was born on November 22, 1984 in the small naval town of Severodvinsk in the Arkhangelsk region. From the age of six he was passionate about cooking.

Now an experienced brand chef of a large restaurant chain in St. Petersburg, the owner of his own culinary school and the star of the STS TV channel, with a smile on his lips, recalls how, in his youth, he presented a homemade super sandwich with bread and sausages and made homemade yogurt according to his own recipe.

When Sasha was in the 9th grade, he began to think about going to study to be a cook... He even had the idea of ​​getting a job at McDonald's.

In 2000 he graduated from the Arkhangelsk Cooperative College, after which he moved to live in the capital and began to think about getting a job in one of the kitchens of Moscow restaurants.

At the age of 26, the guy was able to become the curator of 7 restaurants that were considered the most fashionable in Russia: Plyushkin, Ginza Project, Volga-Volga, Terrassa, Moscow, Baranka, Mansarda, Ribeye.

Alexander assures that not only culinary skills helped him to achieve success, but also the vein of a true businessman. Thus, restaurants have become popular with regular customers. At the age of 17, it was difficult to find a place for oneself in the capital, there were even cases when Sasha was left without work without paying benefits.

One day he found himself in Correa’s kitchen, under the guidance of Puerto American chef Isaac Correa, who taught him all the basics. This man became a teacher for Sasha and inspired him to new achievements. They worked together for 5 years. Moscow allowed Sasha to discover his talent, and in 2006 the guy moved to St. Petersburg, where he began to work in the Ginza Project network as a chef.

Alexander always devotes himself to work, tries to give energy to the wards and inspire them to masterpieces, he does not sit still, moving around the territory of the kitchen. Despite the fact that success came to Sasha at a young age, he was not overtaken by star fever. He assures that snobbery is detrimental to work, and therefore he does not have time for these stupidity.

Belkovic is not only a talented chef, but also in 2010 published his cookbook entitled "Open Kitchen", where he presented the readers with interesting dishes based on simple products.

Belkovich calls his secret of success the ability to develop his flair and correctly understand the tastes of people visiting his restaurants. Thanks to the ability to feel the taste of many, special combinations, he was able to create dishes that appeal to all guests of the institution.

Alexander is ambitious, purposeful and hardworking, he devotes a lot of time to work and is always ready for new discoveries. In 2015 he became the host of the show “Masterchef. Children"... Since 2017, she has been working at the show "Just Kitchen" as a presenter, demonstrating that even from the available ingredients from modern stores, everyone can prepare a restaurant dish.

In addition to cooking, Alexander is fond of snowboarding, boxing, loves to play basketball and travel. He is married to his wife Olga, together the parents are raising a sweet daughter named Isabella. In 2017, a son was born to Alexander and Olga.

Photo by Alexander

The chef has an Instagram account where you can see many personal photos from everyday life.

When a person loves his job, you can feel it, it can be seen between the lines of the video. Turkish chef Nusret Gökçe became a meme, the so-called “Sprinkle Chef”, thanks to this one video, which we came across in social media feeds more than once.

Zozhnik has translated for you an interview with the legendary chef:

Tell us who you are, where are you from?

I was born in 1983 in Erzurum, Turkey, and was one of the five sons of a miner. At the age of 5, my family moved to the city of Darıca. Due to the hard work, I could only see my father once every 5 weeks.

Of all the children, only the youngest brother had enough money to study; I had to leave school in the 6th grade due to a lack of money in my family.

How did your career start?

I started working as an assistant in the catch-up at the Bostancı Bazaar market, I worked with 10 chefs at the same time, and therefore I did not have a minute of rest. I did not rest, did not take days off, worked until 18 hours a day.

And how did you get out of this? What happened next?

In 2007, a conceptual meat restaurant opened in İstinye Park. This inspired me and I began to think and think about how the best meat restaurants in other countries are arranged, in Argentina, America, Japan they were the best and I wanted to visit all these countries.

But you have no education, you do not speak other languages, how did you muster the courage for this?

One of the clients, a Frenchman, once helped me to fulfill my dream. I collected all my savings and took out a loan (I collected about $ 2000 in total) and went to Argentina. I traveled for 3 months, visited farms, butchers, restaurants, studied experience.

What did you do after you returned to Turkey?

I went back to my old job and tried to show everything I learned on the trip, I made great meat dishes (‘Ceviz’, ‘Kafes’). When I got back my relationship with meat changed.

In 2010, my goal was to get to the United States, I applied for a visa many times, but I had no savings in the bank, property, wife. I was refused 4 times. After my trip to Argentina, I even got into local newspapers and I had to show an article about myself at the consulate and I was finally given a 3 month visa.

The menu that I made in the US ended up being published in The New York Times. I worked at 4 of the best meat restaurants in NYC without a paycheck, just as an assistant, for experience.

And you returned to your work in Turkey again?

My goal was to create my own establishment. And I had a lot of suggestions. Mithat Erdem, my old friend has invested money, I have invested my work and skills. He asked me what I would like to name my restaurant, and I wrote him ‘Nusret’ on paper, but it seemed to him that the letters “-et” were written separately. I also added "give me money and I will buy you a banknote counter so you can count our profit." After 5-6 months of work of the institution, all debts were closed.

How does it feel to be successful?

When I realized that everything worked out, I went out on the street in front of my restaurant and stared at the sign with my name. I just looked and was grateful to fate.

How has your life changed since then?

I once worked for $ 500 a month, now I have 400 employees and our business is growing. Foreigners (and many celebrities) specially fly to us on their business jets - just to taste our food and this is a great happiness for me.

Evgeny Nikiforov, chef and owner of Kaizen cafe and Ideal Furshet catering restaurant in St. Petersburg

Most of the people who come to the cooking profession want to become chefs, and some dream of their own restaurant. Achieving such a goal requires more effort than just working in the kitchen from dawn to dusk, faced with fumes, difficulties in relationships with the team, low wages and unfair, and sometimes despicable, employer attitudes. Unfortunately, some of these dreamers give up at the first difficulties in their careers and give up their dreams, not wanting to work on themselves. This is the answer to the question why not all chefs become chefs. And in a career, as in business, you need to make more efforts, constantly increasing your level of knowledge and experience.

Step one: read cooking books

Outside of work, when you have free time, be sure to read cooking books - recipe by recipe, indiscriminately. This knowledge will not be remembered the way we are used to remembering what we read, but you can easily understand different cuisines, you will come across recipes that you want to apply. And even if you think that you will never need a cooking book with Australian Bushmen recipes in restaurants in Murmansk, you will have knowledge that no one else but you has. The theoretical base creates your competitive advantage among chefs, regardless of the need to apply this knowledge.

I remember the book "Caucasian Cuisine" very much. I re-read recipe after recipe and found a large number of recipes for the same dish, which changed depending on the regions of the Caucasus: in some one ingredient changed, in others several, in some one recipe was the same, but they differed in name. The knowledge from this book helped me to diversify the menu when it was necessary, but the biggest plus I felt when interacting with chefs from the Caucasus.

When I found out where the chef was from, I talked to him about the dishes of his region, because it was genuinely interesting for me, it was easier to establish contact. When you show an interest in people and their culture, you not only become closer to them, but you also gain respect.

Step two: read books on people management

Read books on managing people. This is more difficult to do, since some of these books are written in a specific and even rather boring way. But successful people differ from everyone else in that they are willing to do boring things for a good result. And in this step, the most important thing is to apply and practice all the methods recommended in the books.

At the very beginning of their careers, many chefs believe that they first need to learn how to cook, that this is their goal, and management is not necessary at all. That's right: you have to learn how to cook, but this is today and you do this at work and during work. But already now, you need to build an understanding of management into your arsenal of the best chef.

At work, you get tired, and the desire to relax with friends in the club may oppose the need to read books, especially since you will not get the result from reading soon. Trust us: the result will be soon! Even if you don't become a chef because of your little culinary experience, you can apply the knowledge to your colleagues. Successful management can be summed up in one phrase: people want to do for you what you want them to do.

For starters, I recommend Dale Carnegie's books: they are fun to read and easy to apply. The most important thing is that they are 100% applicable in life, and the results can be obtained in a short time. Seeing the outcome will push you to explore further.

“At work, you get tired, and the desire to relax with friends may oppose the need to read books, especially since you will not get the result from reading soon. Believe me: the result will be soon! "

"The theoretical base will create your competitive advantage among chefs, regardless of the need to apply this knowledge."

Step three: arrange training for yourself

Train right now, and be sure to apply all the new knowledge from the books in practice! If you are learning recipes, then look for opportunities to apply them in the kitchen.

In many restaurants, your chefs will sabotage your suggestions for developing any recipes, and this is normal, because the chef may have already tried this recipe before and is not interested. And if you offer something interesting that he himself has not done yet, then the study can take place only because of his personal interests - but it does not work otherwise. The main thing is not to give up after the tenth or even three hundredth refusal. Perhaps the economy in the restaurant does not allow the use of products for processing, then spare your money for the sake of experience: buy food and cook it. Think of this process as learning, and good learning comes at a price. You can use new recipes for staff nutrition.

Read an interesting way to influence and control in the evening - practice it at work. This is both useful and very interesting. Those unfamiliar with management practice are usually loudly outraged at such advice, considering it, to put it mildly, unethical. Therefore, you should not share your practices with colleagues. Without occupying a leadership position, you can manage people only if others like you and they are ready for you to do what you want them to do. In essence, management is the science and art of how to become a good person. Become a good colleague!

“Management is the science and art of how to become a good person. Become a good colleague! "

Step four: sacrifice salary today to get more tomorrow

Some chefs, having embarked on a career path, work in the same company, in the same restaurant, with the same kitchen. More often than not, cooks of authentic cuisine - for example, Japanese cuisine - fall into the trap of a narrow focus. I have friends who worked in Japanese restaurants for eight years, grew up to the level of chefs and eventually made the decision to change jobs. Only Japanese cuisine no longer suits them, but they can only get into a European cuisine restaurant as cooks, and even - for a start - as trainees. They are offered the salaries of interns and ordinary chefs because their knowledge of Japanese cuisine is not applicable in Europe. As a result, they do not quit their old jobs, because they feel sorry for losing two-thirds of today's salary, but they no longer get any pleasure from their work.

No need to delay expanding your horizons and gaining experience in various cuisines! If you have already worked in one kitchen for a couple of years - for example, in Italian, then quit and go to study another, even if you are now a sous chef, and in a new restaurant you will receive a chef's salary. The loss in money now can be up to 50%, but this is nothing compared to the experience that you will receive and thanks to which you will become unrivaled among other chefs when applying for the next job or when your management is faced with the task of choosing a sous chef or a chef from the team. ... The one who knows more and can win.

In my practice, there was such a case: I worked as a sous-chef in an Italian restaurant, received a good salary, but at one point I moved to work in a Japanese restaurant to study Japanese cuisine. My salary as a cook in a Japanese restaurant was half that of a sous-chef in an Italian one. In two months I made up for the losses and again received my previous sous-chef's salary, and when I quit from there, I went to the next restaurant without a competition as a universal Italian and Japanese cuisine with experience of working as a sous-chef. Many people laughed behind me when I went into negative salaries for the sake of experience, but I knew that these losses are my investments in myself, in my knowledge, this is tuition fees. I have done this many times, and even from the position of a chef I left to work as a simple cook in order to learn from a good chef.

I know several chefs who have done the same, leaving good jobs for lower salaries to gain the work experience they thought they needed. One of these chefs is now a brand chef of four restaurants in St. Petersburg, and these are unique restaurants with raw food cuisine.

All the methods of successful career growth that I recommend have been worked out in practice by me personally, my colleagues and my students. The results are different for everyone, depending on the goals. Someone is already a sous-chef, others work as chefs and brand-chefs, I have my own cafe and an off-site restaurant. All this is due to hard work and constant self-education. In order to write these educational articles, I specifically read books on writing texts and articles, took trainings on retaining attention with text and engaging the reader in the plot. But I could say, like many: "I am a cook, I just love to cook, why do I need all this?"

In Russia, the education of chefs is at a very low level, and there is no understanding of who we are and why in the kitchen. Many work as cooks in order to provide themselves with a steady income - to receive a salary. But a cook is a life that you have to live with pleasure and achieve results that you can be proud of!

I believe that Russian chefs will be recognized as the best in the world!

He began his professional training at the Poltava Commercial College, specializing in food technologist, and graduated with honors. He continued his education at the Poltava Cooperative University. In 2004 he began his career as a chef at the Belogorye restaurant, Belgorod. In 2005 he trained at the Nostalgie restaurant (Moscow) with Patrick Pazhes. In 2007 he worked in a Russian cuisine restaurant "Onegin". In 2010 he came to the Italian restaurant "Ander-Vander" (23rd position in the rating of the best restaurants in Ukraine). Recognized as one of the 25 best chefs in Ukraine according to the magazine "Focus" for 2011. Since January 2012, the chef -de-cousin of the Fairmont Grand Hotel Kiev, had an internship at the hotels of this chain in Dubai and Abu Dhabi. Since mid-October - Russian brand-chef of the Probka restaurant chain Aram Mnatsakanov. Took part as a sous-chef in Ukrainian and Russian TV projects "Hell's Kitchen", "At Knives" (analogous to "Kitchen of Nightmares" by Gordon Ramsay), "War of the Worlds: The Inspector against the Chief".

What is the most important thing for you in your work? Why did you choose this particular job or type of activity?

The most important thing in our work is the quality of the products and the understanding of the product or process! We have a piece of meat - and you need to understand that it is fresh and cool, and also suitable for frying, not stewing, otherwise you can spoil it irrevocably. And it works for absolutely everything - vegetables, meat, fish…. And this requires knowledge and experience! Since childhood, I liked to cook, to surprise my family and friends, I did better than my mother. And the father helped in the choice - he always says that it is necessary to do what you like and what you know how to do best of all! Of course, there are many difficulties in our work, but if you are not afraid and take on everything with pleasure, your work turns into creativity! The gratitude of the guests is probably the most precious thing for which you work!

What's not to like about what you are doing?

There is nothing that I do not like in what I do. There is dissatisfaction in the accompanying ... This is the level of preparedness of cooks, although it is more likely that we are talking about 25-30 year olds - I notice that this particular generation is the most difficult, the younger guys are already more interested))) further the level of our consumption culture in general and there are problems with food and delivery. Another point - non-professionals who give advice and master classes everywhere, having a superficial understanding of cooking and nutrition, in general, we have not yet developed the habit of trusting the right people. Trainers giving weird nutritional advice, lovers of meat cutting in the frame, with their index finger on the knife.

How do you plan to develop in this direction?

Once every 2 years I try to go abroad to study. This can be restaurant internships and special courses for chefs. A prerequisite for development is training, attention to trends and exchange of experience with others! If you don't grow, you fall. And you can learn something completely new for you from any housewife! I also try to watch videos from tutorials or just from famous masters - fortunately now it is easy and accessible to everyone. I myself started this way - I watched Heston Blumenthal cook, and I consider him the person I would like to be equal to!

Do you work for the idea or for the money?

Money is not the main thing in my work, but I understand that there is a necessary minimum income that will allow me to choose schools for study, restaurants to visit for educational purposes, travel to learn new things - products, processing methods, cooking history that you can see with your own eyes! However, without interest in work - nothing of this will happen - it means that I have a certain symbiosis in this matter.

Are you thinking about starting your own company or starting your own business?

Yes, I am thinking about opening my own restaurant, but for this I will need to work a lot, a lot))) although, of course, if life brings me together with someone who wants to invest in my project, I will make my dreams come true with great pleasure!) the idea of ​​some gastronomic restaurant for a small number of places, where I would only make a set menu, with selected wine ... I saw something similar in New York and St. Petersburg, and I think Ukrainians are already ready for a gastronomic experience!

What would you like to do if you had enough time and money to do it?

I would like to travel more and study more, attend courses, master classes, exhibitions)))

Can we say that you are successfully realizing yourself?

I am constantly working to fulfill myself. For me, this is my kitchen, my food, but the fact is that any specialist goes deeply into his business, into the nuances, but few of those who understand exactly this in processes, technologies and products. Therefore, you have to not only cook what your heart desires, but also teach people, talk about "little things".

What did you want to become as a child? To what extent have childhood dreams come true?

As a child, I wanted to become a film actor))) I still remember how I went to audition in St. Petersburg as a child)))). How much have my dreams come true…. You can see for yourself!)))

How did you start your professional career?

For the first time, I was paid money for my work at the time of my first practice in a restaurant, in a butcher shop))) the butcher went on vacation and left us, 5 guys instead of himself))) and then we were given the chef's salary divided among all, but It was very nice!!! After that, they invited me to help "in the evenings." And after school I went to the evening shift in the cold shop, and then on Saturday. and sun. I went to the pastry shop at 6 in the morning, like a baker.))) That's how I started.))))

Did your parents support you in choosing a career?

I started cooking at home when I was 11 years old.))) My father noticed that I was doing well, and of course helped me with the choice of an educational institution.))) He always taught me - do what you like and do what you can do the best! Many thanks to my father for his help !!!

What is the most interesting or funny story that happened in your work?

The funniest story at work ... Yes, on a good day, we have several funny situations at once.))) Of those that I remember, the last one is how they played a girl-waiter: they served Dorada baked in salt, which required cutting at the table - without the fish itself) )) just salt and head,))))) (and they warned the guests about this!) it was all fun!

Where do you get your determination? Inspiration?

Determination - life itself gives, difficulties, some problems, unfulfilled desires pressure can be very strong, and at one point, suddenly you realize that it's time to gather all the efforts of the will to solve everything finally. Inspiration ... With this it is more difficult, it is born somewhere in the heart and in the head at the same time))) comes by itself))))

What did you think you will be doing in 10 years?

I love making plans for the future, but life is constantly making its own adjustments. Sometimes there is a plan for 5 years ahead, at the moment, I do not yet understand what I will do in the future. I only know one thing, that instead of a plan, I try to work on the system, instead of constantly moving towards the goal, I try to enjoy and enjoy everything - every day !!!

Do you have desires that you simply cannot fulfill?

Desires that are still not realizable are to improve my personal life, as I would like to. With our work, it is very difficult. What advice would you give to those who wish to work abroad? I simply advise: you must definitely go and work abroad. Everyone!) There is even nothing more to be explained!

What do you think is the most important when applying for a job?

The first months of work are always very difficult in a new place, until you yourself go through all the moments, think over and check every step, it is very difficult to control and keep your finger on the pulse of production!

Who do you consider to be revolutionaries in the art of cooking, and what new technologies in the art of cooking in the 21st century do you consider revolutionary?

The revolutionaries are Ferran Adria, and Heston Blumenthal.

But it's just that these are the most famous, there are still many guys who experiment interestingly, but we don't know much about them - Daniel Fippard, Vladimir Mukhin, Brothers Berezutsky, Igor Grishechkin.

Technology - cooking in vacuum at low temperatures.

Molecular cuisine - processing with textures - revolutionary, but far too far from familiar - and I only support a few ways ....

The food should be understandable!

What foreign languages ​​do you speak? Where did you study languages? Was it easy for you? How long did it take to study?

I know English a little. I studied with a tutor and I try to do it from time to time, plus communication with native speakers. This is a necessity in our life! I also studied Italian for some time - I was going to go to school in Italy. Languages ​​are easy, there would be more free time!)))))

If you were writing interview questions, what would you like to ask the other person about the job? What questions would you ask?

When interviewing, I ask what a person likes to cook, does he know how to bake bread, what he loves to eat himself, well, and who he considers to be his teacher, whom he looks up to, and why, and what are the last dishes that a person would like to boast about!

What advice would you give to Odessa chefs to achieve success?

I always advise everyone to look into themselves, understand what we love, and do what we love! Each time doing it as if the expected result is now the most important thing in your life!

Thank you very much, Vladimir!

We are waiting in Odessa!

Interview with Vladimir Yaroslavsky was conducted by Dmitry Kuznetsov (owner and author of the project “Odessa Barmen School & Shop”)

Well-known in culinary circles, chef Konstantin Ivlev is a guru of the restaurant business and a famous TV presenter. Not a single important detail escapes his inquisitive gaze. He knows everything that is connected with delicious, exquisite food, elegant presentation of dishes.

The biography of Konstantin Ivlev is, for the most part, associated with Moscow. Here he was born and lived from the age of 12. The future chef spent his early childhood abroad. Dishes from Konstantin Ivlev can be tasted at the Wicked restaurant (he is its co-owner and chief culinary specialist). Also, fans can watch the development of events on the TV screen, which shows various shows with Konstantin Ivlev ("At the Knives", "Ask the Cook"). At the moment, Konstantin Ivlev is 43 years old. The personal life of a chef is developing successfully. He has been married for a long time. Raises his son Matvey, who is already taking his first steps in the culinary arts, and daughter Marusya.

The beginning of the way

Konstantin Ivlev's path to high-class restaurants began with a European-level Steak House, where he ended up after the army. It is difficult to overestimate the skill of a cook in the 80s "perestroika" years. There were no places where you can eat deliciously. Konstantin Ivlev found himself by offering customers dishes that were unique for that time. The path to the restaurant business turned out to be accidental. The future hero of culinary programs, Konstantin Ivlev, entered a specialized school for the company. He considered it pointless to continue his studies in grade 10: he was unlucky in his studies, but he managed to create something interesting in the kitchen. The foreman's first experience was associated with serving visitors to the institute's canteen, where up to a thousand people came an hour. After graduating with honors from the institution, he rapidly gained "points", constantly improving his qualifications.

Chef Ivlev's chain of restaurants included the most famous places, the "Rublev" entertainment complexes "Karo" and "Razdory-2000". The chef Ivlev considers the legendary "Nostalgie" to be a life and professional school. In 1996-1997, the restaurateur worked here as a sous-chef and adopted the experience of the famous Frenchman and culinary master Patrick Pages.

Konstantin Ivlev received the high-profile title "chef" at the age of 24, heading the "Reporter" restaurant.

Returning in 1999 to "Nostalgie" in a new capacity, he worked in tandem with Yuri Rozhkov.

Participation in the promotion of projects

Since the early 2000s, Konstantin Ivlev has been actively involved in promoting restaurant projects, offering author's cuisine of various variations. At the Boulevard, the chef was promoting eclecticism, which was popular at that time. In parallel, the menu from Ivlev's In Vino restaurant was gaining popularity. Also Konstantin Ivlev participated in the project of Konstantin Novikov "GQ-bap", improved the position of the White Rabbite restaurant, was engaged in the trattoria "Luciano". Dishes from Konstantin Ivlev could be tasted at Poison cafe, L'Etranger and Zebra Square establishments. Continuously studying, the chef attends thematic training seminars and master classes from top-class specialists in Europe and America. The activities of Konstantin Ivlev have been repeatedly noted by authoritative publications. Chef of the Year is one of the awards he has received from Time Out magazine.

The famous restaurateur is also a member of the gastronomes guild (France), the head of the Russian Federation of Chefs and Pastry Chefs. Together with his colleague Yuri Rozhkov, he owns the Ask the Chef culinary school.

His preference is for quality ingredients. He travels a lot (both for filming TV programs and for personal purposes) and himself participates in the selection of products for restaurants. Konstantin Ivlev's area of ​​interest is reflected in Instragram, where he shares professional and personal content. Photos and videos of Konstantin Ivlev (with his wife, children, colleagues and friends) can be viewed on his personal page on social media. networks.

Activities on television

On television, the chef acts as a popularizer of the author's cuisine and the art of cooking in general. He has many loyal fans. Konstantin Ivlev is not only a competent cook, a good host, but also an attractive man. Weighing 104 kg. is tall, athletic, takes care of himself. According to him, the plump and pink-cheeked chef is just a myth.

Now very popular videos of Konstantin Ivlev from the show "On Knives". "War" against non-professionalism in the catering sector is broadcast on TV screens and is loved by Russian viewers. Reality tours reveal the true state of affairs in the restaurant business in Russia and stimulate the owners of establishments to develop and carry out regular “correcting mistakes”. The TV show “Ask the Chef” will appeal to those who love to cook. The chef shares the secrets of dishes that can be easily mastered at home. The target audience of the project is culinary specialists of any skill level (both beginners and professionals). Also on the network you can find various materials and original recipes from a talented gastronome.

For lovers of books, Konstantin Ivlev has prepared several printed editions. The most popular are the books "My philosophy of cuisine" and "Russia is cooking at home." Other books were co-written with a colleague and friend of the chef, Yuri Rozhkov. Active educational activities contribute to the prosperity of the chef's personal projects - in particular, Konstantin Ivlev's restaurant in Moscow is always popular.

The famous restaurateur collects chef dolls. Now the collection includes more than two hundred figurines from different countries. Konstantin Ivlev pays special attention to the exhibits and keeps them in a special cabinet. Among them there is also a mini-copy of Konstantin Ivlev himself - as a gift from the chef's wife

  • He gave up alcohol 20 years ago;
  • is a fan of Dynamo Moscow;
  • once a year, the Ivlev family "escapes" on vacation to an exotic country, where they devote time exclusively to themselves.

Konstantin Ivlev is a good example of how a passionate person becomes successful in his business and helps others find their own path. In the projects of the chef, good personnel grow up, which in the future will form the basis of a highly qualified galaxy of restaurateurs. And for the ordinary viewer of the Konstantin Ivlev show, it is a reason to relax, be creative in the kitchen and just enjoy the process of preparing delicious dishes.