Home / Recipes / A simple recipe for pasta with mushrooms in a creamy sauce. Pasta with mushrooms in a creamy sauce

A simple recipe for pasta with mushrooms in a creamy sauce. Pasta with mushrooms in a creamy sauce

Step 1

We wash the black peppercorns (remove dust and debris).

Heat the black peppercorns in a skillet over medium heat. We make sure that they do not burn and that they warm up evenly, for this we twitch the pan a little so that the peas roll.

You will soon smell the pepper. When the peas are straightened (after 3-4 minutes), the fire can be turned off.

Step 2

Pour the peas onto parchment paper, wrap the edges of the paper so that the pepper does not scatter. We crush the peas using a rolling pin or the side of a wide knife. We get a fragrant crushed pepper, which is what we need.

Step 3

We rub the cheese on a fine grater.

Set aside some of the cheese (50 g) to sprinkle on ready meal in the plates.

Step 4

We wash and dry the parsley (or other greens, if desired).

Finely chop the parsley.

Step 5

Peel the onion. Finely chop the onion.

Step 6

Preheat a frying pan with vegetable and butter. Put onion, stir, fry until golden brown (5 minutes over medium heat).

I advise you to take a frying pan (not a saucepan, not a ladle), this will allow you to quickly and evenly fry the ingredients.

Step 7

We wash the mushrooms and dry with a paper towel.

Cut the mushrooms into medium slices.

Cut each mushroom in half, then cut each half along the stem into several thin slices.

For this dish, it is better not to cut the mushrooms very finely; large pieces of mushrooms will look more effective in the paste.

Step 8

5 minutes passed, the onions were fried.

Add the mushrooms to the pan.

Step 9

Mix the mushrooms and onions. Add thyme and salt (1 tsp). Fry over medium heat for 5-7 minutes, stirring occasionally.

The mushrooms should be firm, shrink and darken slightly.

Step 10

While the mushrooms are fried, cook the pasta.

Cook the tagliatelle according to the instructions on the package.

I am guided by the rule "1110", this is how you should cook any kind of pasta: for 1 liter of water, 100 g of pasta and 10 g of salt.That is, for this recipe, I boiled tagliatelle in two liters of water and added 20 g of salt. Cook the pasta until tender or al dente.

The countdown of the cooking time of the pasta should start from the moment when the water boils with the pasta immersed in it. Taste the paste before removing it.

Step 11

It took 5-7 minutes, the mushrooms were fried.

Add cream, mix thoroughly. The sauce will thicken as it boils.

Step 12

We will need some of the water in which the pasta was cooked to make the sauce - do not pour it into the sink.

Tagliatelle are ready, put them in a colander (do not rinse the paste under running water ... never).

My tagliatelle nests took 6 minutes to cook.

Step 13

The sauce simmered a little and became thick.

Add to the pan the water in which the pasta was cooked (or boiling water), mix.

We do this so that the dish is not dry (you can increase or decrease the amount of added broth at your discretion).

Pasta, or as we habitually say - pasta, world famous dough products, business card Italian cuisine.

In the old days, few people knew that there are incomparably more types of pasta than are sold in a Soviet store, where the range is limited to pasta, shells and horns.

We usually refer to packaged dried pieces of dough made from wheat flour as pasta. But the pasta is not limited to only wheat flour, she comes from rice flour, starch, flour of various legumes, etc. In addition, the pasta is not only dried, often at home cooking the dough is not dried, but freshly prepared dough products are used.

But pasta is just a dough made from flour and water. Common unleavened dough... The taste of pasta is primarily determined by the sauce or additives with which the pasta is served, for example -. Pasta is all about making the sauce.

Pasta sauce is what turns the dough into a delicious dish. Usually, how to cook pasta is not a problem for anyone. You just need to cook the pasta. V a large number well salted water. The cooking time of the pasta is indicated on the package, unless it is a compilation of low-quality flour and water.

Pasta sauces can be of all kinds. A variety of ingredients, cooking methods, a wide range of thicknesses - take your pick. Usually, the thickness of a sauce is partly determined by the type of pasta that the sauce is prepared for. For a liquid sauce, take a curly paste, with a corrugated surface or even with a complex structure.

This paste holds the liquid sauce much better. Famous sauces, for example - one of the best meat sauces,: cold and incredible delicious sauce from parmesan and basil - will not leave anyone indifferent. Thicker sauces, or even mixtures of ingredients, often made with sophisticated technology and no added liquid, go well with almost any pasta. For example, mushroom sauce almost any thickness can be cooked.

It so happened that we mostly use no more than five types of pasta at home. For soups, filini fine pasta. For bolognese or amatricana sauce, fusilli or capellini pasta. Spaghetti, of course. But our favorite pasta, which is best suited for most sauces, is penne. Short obliquely cut tubes of paste, similar to a pen for writing. Actually penne from penna, which translates as "feather". Rigate foam - Rigate is one of the most popular types of pasta.
We really like pasta with mushrooms, in particular. Usually, if it's season, we prepare the usual fried mushrooms, or fried mushrooms with onions. And we use them as a sauce for pasta. In fact, pasta with mushrooms is always delicious, as well as or. Pasta with mushrooms - with fried mushrooms and onions.

Ingredients (2 servings)

  • Paste (penne, fusilli) 250 g
  • Champignon mushrooms) 6-7 pcs
  • Onion 1 pc
  • Garlic 1-2 cloves
  • Olive oil 3-4 tbsp l.
  • Salt, ground black pepper Spices

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Pasta with mushrooms. Step by step recipe

  1. Pasta with mushrooms, the recipe for which I will give, is a simple dish and does not require any special skills. We need fresh champignons, given that the mushroom season is over or has not begun. And champignons are always on sale. You need a good pasta, better short - penne, fusilli. However, I think the usual spaghetti pasta will do.

    Penne paste

  2. Fried champignon mushrooms can already act as an independent dish, and in combination with fried onions and good pasta. Mushroom pasta is delicious.

    Looking for fresh champignons

  3. Let's prepare mushroom mushroom sauce with fried onions. This is hardly a sauce, though, given that it is prepared without adding water or other liquid ingredients. But, as experience shows, this does not make the pasta with mushrooms "dry".
  4. Fried mushrooms with onions, used as a pasta addition, are quick and easy to prepare. Wash fresh mushrooms and dry with a napkin. Cut each mushroom in half lengthwise and then cut into strips or slices. It is very convenient to cut radially, as the orange slices are divided. Chop all the mushrooms.
  5. Peel the large onion and cut into large strips. By the way, if the slicing is carried out along the onion, then when cooking fried mushrooms with onions, the onion pieces will be less exposed to creeping and will better keep their shape and the pasta will not turn into porridge.
  6. The whole process of cooking fried mushrooms with onions is carried out over medium heat, without covering the pan with a lid, it is necessary that in the end the dish contains a minimum of moisture.
  7. Heat 3-4 tbsp in a skillet. l. the finest olive oil. Fry 1-2 peeled garlic cloves in olive oil, previously flattened with a knife block. Fry the garlic until browning begins and immediately remove the cloves from the oil. The task of garlic is slightly flavoring olive oil.
  8. Fry chopped onion in prepared oil. Stir the onions all the time so that they are evenly fried.
  9. When the onion begins to acquire a golden hue, add the chopped champignons. Add salt and pepper to taste. Fry, stirring constantly, for about 10 minutes.
  10. Champignons do not need any special or specific heat treatment, so you shouldn't be afraid. Champignons - mushrooms are quite safe. Ready-made fried mushrooms with onions, by the way, is a completely independent dish, and not just a sauce for the dish.
  11. While the mushroom mushroom sauce is being prepared, you need to cook the pasta in parallel. Bring 2-3 liters of water to a boil, salt it at the rate of 5-7 grams of salt per liter of water. And cook the pasta to a state of al dente, as is customary among Italians - when full readiness pasta, barely noticeable hardness is felt inside. However, if you cook the time indicated on the package, you won't be mistaken.

Pasta with mushrooms... A hearty and delicious dish. So why not take yourself a little trip to Italy? Why Italy? Because the pasta comes from there! Appearing in Italy, after a while, the pasta began to be successfully used by housewives all over the world, moreover, it delicious dish stuck even in vegetarian cuisine!

The pasta is stored for a long time, it is quickly prepared, and it is quite inexpensive. And it is also good in that it allows you to experiment a lot with tastes - in order to get new taste, usually use various spices or sauces. Mushrooms also help to turn pasta into an unusual, original and even somewhat spicy dish. In addition, they make this dish more nutritious - in order to feel full, it is enough to eat very little pasta with mushrooms. For their unique ability to quickly satisfy hunger, nutritionists began to call mushrooms "forest meat"!

Ideally, for making pasta with mushrooms, you should take Italian-made pasta - after all, the product is still of Italian origin! If you want to make a choice in favor of domestic producers, then it is best to turn your attention to wholemeal pasta made from hard varieties wheat. By the way, people don't get better from such products!

If cheese is present in the recipe, then the most preferred option will be hard cheese (grano padano, parmesan, etc.), and olive oil is usually used for browning. As for the mushrooms, they can be taken the same as for frying or for stewing: honey mushrooms, chanterelles, porcini mushrooms, oyster mushrooms, champignons, etc. And before you start cooking them, they must be thoroughly washed and slice.

It is recommended to cook the pasta in a thick-walled dish - even if it is a frying pan, it must certainly be equipped with a lid and high sides. Thick walls are necessary so that the paste does not burn and heats up evenly, and the depth of the dishes should allow all the ingredients to fit into it without compromising the ability to easily mix them. As for the lid, it is thanks to it that the extinguishing process becomes uniform. As a rule, for every 100 g of pasta, one liter of water is taken. In this case, the saucepan in which the pasta is cooked should in no case be cramped. Usually, the pasta is boiled until half cooked - it acquires the final readiness together with the mushrooms. And if the recipe provides for adding cream to the mushrooms, the fire is turned off at this time - in this case, the dish will not burn and the cream will not curl.

Any mushrooms for the sauce are suitable, which are available: and noble White mushroom, and chanterelles, and flywheels. You can, of course, take champignons, but with forest mushrooms it will be a hundred times more delicious. Mushrooms collected in the forest must first be boiled. Champignons can be fried immediately with onions.

Cream is suitable with a fat content of 15 to 20%. They thicken well and do not curl up, the sauce turns out to be tasty and not overly oily. As for the choice of pasta, then with creamy mushroom sauce fettuccines are best combined - they look like long ribbons laid in the form of nests. The surface of fettuccine is slightly rough, so the sauce literally envelops them, adheres well to the surface. If you can't find them, then use spaghetti, always of good quality, made from durum wheat, they remain dense when cooked.

Total cooking time: 40 minutes + time for boiling mushrooms
Cooking time: 30 minutes
Yield: 3 servings


  • spaghetti or fettuccine - 200 g
  • forest mushrooms (boiled) - 400 g
  • onion large - 1 pc.
  • 15% cream - 200 ml
  • butter- 30 g
  • hard cheese (parmesan is better) - 50 g
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  • salt and freshly ground black pepper - to taste
  • parsley - for serving


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    Let's start with mushrooms. If you just brought the mushrooms from the forest, then sort, peel, rinse, trim the legs and chop them into slices (you can leave small specimens intact). Then boil the mushrooms in salted water for about 40-60 minutes, until tender. This time I used a flywheel mushroom. My mushrooms were pre-boiled and frozen, I just had to defrost them for half an hour at room temperature (if there is a lot of ice, then put it in a colander so that the excess liquid is glass). If you are planning on making a pasta with mushrooms, then skip this step.

    Immediately put a pot of water to boil the pasta, add salt. While boiling, cook the sauce in parallel. You will need a large skillet - choose a wide and deep one to accommodate both the sauce and pasta later on. So, in a frying pan, heat the butter and add a spoonful of vegetable oil. Cut the onions into cubes and sauté in oil, that is, fry them until soft and transparent.

    Send mushrooms to the softened onion. Continue to fry everything together for 15 minutes, for high fire while stirring. The mushrooms should lose moisture and brown.

    Season with salt and pepper to taste. Pour in the cream and stir.

    Cook for about 10 more minutes, over low heat. Note that the sauce should thicken, but not be too dense. If necessary, add some boiled water to it and boil for a couple of minutes.

    In the meantime, the water in the boiling pan should already boil. pasta... Pour spaghetti or fettuccine into it, cook according to the manufacturer's instructions on the package. But keep in mind that the pasta does not need to be cooked to full readiness - it will "reach" already in the pan with the sauce. In my case, it took 7 minutes for the fettuccines to be al dente, that is, a little undercooked. Transfer the pasta to the skillet with the creamy mushroom sauce.

    Heat everything together for a couple of minutes, so that both the pasta and the sauce "get married". If necessary, you can add a little broth from the saucepan in which the pasta was cooked, then the dish will be juicier and the sauce more liquid.

    Fettuccine with mushrooms in creamy sauce ready! Serve in portions, sprinkle with grated cheese (ideally parmesan) and freshly ground black pepper on top. Garnish with parsley or basil.

Pasta is the most common Italian dish. Ideas and cooking technologies are so diverse that you can experiment endlessly, easily combining simple components. The recipe for pasta in a creamy sauce with mushrooms and parmesan will be a great occasion to surprise your household unusual presentation, nutritious rich flavor of pasta with mushrooms and creamy gravy.
We use royal champignons as mushrooms, you can use ordinary ones. You can take any pasta, but it's better to take real Italian: tagliatelle, fettuccine, pappardelle, farfalle. Small pasta such as cappellini, trophy liguri, casarecce, maltagliati are not suitable for this recipe. Small pasta, in the form of our top, small circles and other forms will not work for this recipe, since it will not absorb all the sauce. For lack of italian pasta use domestic made from durum wheat.

TIME: 30 min.


Servings: 2


  • champignons (cultivated) - 150 g;
  • pasta (fettuccini) - 300 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • cream (20%) - 70 ml;
  • onion - 1 pc .;
  • garlic - 1 slice;
  • flour - 15 g;
  • butter - 15 g;
  • Extra Virgin olive oil - 25 ml;
  • cheese (parmesan) - 70 g;
  • Provencal herbs (dried) - 10 g;
  • thyme - 2-3 branches;
  • salt - 20 g;
  • pepper to taste.


Chop white onions small cube... In a saucepan, heat the butter and olive oil, put the prepared onion, squeeze out the garlic and saute until golden caramel color.
We select medium-sized champignons - the smallest - rinse cold water and dip the hat and leg with a paper towel, removing the remnants of the earth. We use them entirely without cleaning; medium - the same, but cut in half; large ones can be peeled and cut into quarters.

Combine with fried onions, cover with a mixture of Provencal herbs and lay out a few sprigs of fresh thyme, mix thoroughly. We wait, without stopping stirring, until the mushrooms are approximately halved in size, well fried.

Add cream and bring to a boil.

We take out the mushrooms and put them in a separate bowl, set aside. Break the creamy sauce with onions, garlic and Provencal herbs with a blender, put on low heat, add a well-beaten egg (the white and yolk must be combined), stir constantly.

Sprinkle with flour through a sieve, mix well again, avoiding lump formation. And leave for 30 seconds on the stove, then lay out the parmesan grated on a coarse grater.

Now you need to stir the sauce until the cheese is completely melted.

Boil the pasta according to the manufacturer's recommendation to the degree of al dente (per tooth), but not less than 6 minutes, add salt to the water during cooking. We drain the water without rinsing the pasta, set them aside.
Tip: it is best to use a wide saucepan for cooking pasta; after boiling, be sure to gently stir it with a spoon so that it does not stick to the sides and bottom of the pan. And watch the fire, after boiling, if you do not adjust the heat, then the water can boil away and pour over the stove.

Pour the sauce into a preheated pan so that it only covers the bottom. Let it warm up a little, add the fried mushrooms and then fettuccini. Shake the pan a few times and stir the sauce into the pasta. Leave in the pan for 2 minutes, no more. nine

Serve the pasta with mushrooms in a creamy sauce immediately, garnished with a sprig of thyme. It quickly and easily turned out to be an appetizing dish.
Tip: do not pour ketchup on this paste, this will only spoil it.

Leftover sauce can be stored in the refrigerator for 4 days; do not mix it with the pasta beforehand. If the sauce can be stored, then the pasta is ideally boiled immediately before eating, you should not prepare the pasta with a margin, after the refrigerator its taste changes for the worse.