Home / Pies / Blue plum jam for the winter recipes. Plum Jam

Blue plum jam for the winter recipes. Plum Jam

For plum jam, fully ripe fruits are selected. Fleshy, with a well-separating bone - they are perfect for cooking thick delicious sweetness... By size, plum fruits are divided into large, weighing about 50 grams, medium and small. They range in shape from oblong-oval to round varieties. Depending on the variety, they can be dark blue, dark red, purple, yellow and even green.

To give exquisite aroma you can add to plum jam vanilla essence... But plum is best combined with nutmeg and cloves. They are added to taste at the end of cooking.

Jam cooking rules

Plum goes well with any other berry, and this mix creates a great taste. Cherries make this jam soft in taste, apple and cinnamon give aristocratic notes, quince or grapes will fill the dessert with nobility, and walnuts will add astringency to the jam.

In order for the finished mixture at home to have a homogeneous thick consistency, several conditions must be correctly observed:

  1. 1. For 1 kg of fruit you need about 1.25 kg of sugar.
  2. 2. Cook until full readiness, here a lot depends on the pectin content in the fruit. At the end, a little syrup is dripped onto a cold saucer, and if the drop does not spread during cooling, then the jam is considered ready.
  3. 3. Cooking is carried out in a can with a wide bottom and sides corresponding to the intended volume. You should not use enameled dishes for cooking - the jam in it burns a lot.
  4. 4. Simultaneous cooking with other dishes on the same hob is undesirable: the jam absorbs foreign odors.
  5. 5. When preparing the syrup, use purified water.
  6. 6. Berries and fruits for jam are weighed on a scale. The capacity can only determine the volume, but it does not correspond to the mass.

Stir the jam with a wooden spatula.

Table of volumes of products used.

Plum jam classic

This recipe requires blue plums with an easy-to-peel pit. The fruits are washed, preferably each fruit separately, under running water. To remove the skin from them, the fruits are dipped in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, and then dipped in cold water- the skin is cracked and easy to remove. The plums are carefully cut into two or more slices, and the seeds are removed.

For 700 g pitted plums, you need:

  • 4 things. Pelargonium leaf (you can do it without it or replace it with any fragrant herb).
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • 0.5 l of water.

Peeled plums are immediately immersed in citric acid water to prevent the pulp from darkening.

1 kg of sugar is dissolved in 0.5 l of water. Then the liquid is heated and boiled for about 10 minutes, and in the process the formed foam is removed. The syrup is cooled to room temperature. Prepared plums are dipped into it, and everything is thoroughly mixed. After boiling, the jam is constantly stirred to remove the foam. Approximately 4 minutes before the end of cooking, 4 sheets of pelargonium are added, tied together with a thread. They are removed before sealing. The finished dish should have a thick and uniform syrup.

Thick and homogeneous syrup

"Grandma's recipe"

The plum fruit is washed and the seeds are removed. For 1 kg of drainage you need:

  • sugar - 1300 g;
  • water - 610 ml.

Syrup is made from 610 g of sugar and water. Prepared slices of fruit are placed in a bowl and filled with hot syrup.

The jam is cooked in three steps with an exposure time of about 8 hours. The remaining sugar is halved at 345 g and added one serving before each serving. Hot jam is poured into sterilized jars and tightly closed. Nylon caps can be used. Wrapping is optional.

Five minutes

Quickly make classic jam you can using the five-minute recipe. Plums are washed and dried. Then the bones are removed, and the pulp is passed through a meat grinder or chopped in a blender.

Prepare syrup by taking 1 kg of twisted plums 1300 gr. sugar and 300 gr. water. Pour the pulp into sweet water and cook over medium heat, stirring constantly. The heated mass should be boiled for 5–7 minutes, and then filled with it in previously prepared sterilized jars. The containers are covered with circles. parchment paper soaked in vodka and hermetically sealed. There is no need to turn the jars to cool.

Jam from small plums "Solemn"

To make such a delicacy, a multicooker is used. Any model is taken in which there is a "extinguishing" function. You will also need:

  1. 1.1 kg of small pitted plums;
  2. 2. 750 g sugar;
  3. 3.1⁄2 pcs. lemon with peel;
  4. 4.1.5 tbsp. l. honey;
  5. 5. 2-3 pcs. carnations;
  6. 6.3 tbsp. l. cognac.

Fruits, granulated sugar, crushed lemon with zest, honey, cognac and cloves are poured into the multicooker bowl. The extinguishing program is set for 1 hour. After the end of the specified time, the jam languishes for another two hours. Then it is poured into sterilized jars and closed with a lid.

Sliced ​​plums for jam in syrup

When cooking in a multicooker or bread maker, there is no need to control the process itself, to constantly stir and remove the foam. Enough to fall asleep necessary ingredients according to the volume of the bowl.

Jam from plums in the microwave

The plums are washed, dried and, without dividing them into two halves, the seeds are taken out of them. A piece of refined sugar is placed in the middle of each plum. For this you will need:

  1. 1. Drain - 30 pcs.
  2. 2. Refined sugar - 30 pcs.

Put the prepared fruit in a deep microwave dish and cover with a lid. Baking is carried out at full power for 9 minutes. Then, hot, they are laid out in sterilized jars and rolled up.

The number of plums may be different. Basic rule: 18 seconds per drain. The consistency of the syrup and dessert depends on the quality of the fruits themselves. Soft, slightly overripe plums will produce a thick, opaque liquid. Hard varieties with dense pulp will help to get a little more tender jam with clear syrup.

Plum jam with walnuts

The plums are cut into two halves and the seeds are removed. Put the fruits in a cooking bowl, pour 1 glass of water and bring to a boil, then cook over medium heat until softened (about 15–20 minutes).

For this you will need:

  • 1 kg dark blue plums;
  • 4 glasses of sugar;
  • 100 g peeled walnuts;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vodka or brandy;
  • citric acid on the tip of a knife.

Then sugar and nuts are added to the mixture and cooked together until tender. The sample readiness of the jam is determined using easy way... A drop of syrup should not spread too much on the plate. Add vodka to a slightly cooled sweet mixture, stir gently, and then lay out on prepared jars.

Step-by-step recipes for amazing five-minute plum jam with nuts and lemon on the stove and in a slow cooker with halves and whole berries

2018-07-01 Yulia Kosich





In 100 grams ready meal

0 gr.

0 gr.


40 gr.

160 kcal.

Option 1: The classic recipe for plum jam five minutes

Plum Jam quite popular with us. Moreover, it is used for self-serving with bread or cookies for tea, and as a filling for pies, and as a basis for various sauces for meat. And today we will talk about creating a five-minute plum jam with different ingredients.


  • two kilograms of plums;
  • kilogram of white sugar.

Step-by-step recipe for plum jam five minutes

Sort fresh, medium-sized plums. Remove the ponytails and wash thoroughly in cold clean water. Spread out on a towel. Let the fruit dry a little.

After half an hour, cut all the plums (along the seam) into two halves. Pull out the bones. Place the plum pieces in a bowl.

Sprinkle the fruits with sugar and cover with a clean dry towel so that no dust or small debris gets there.

Leave the ingredients overnight to form a sweet juice and not have to use water.

The next day, remove the towel and put the bowl on big fire the largest hotplate. Cook for five minutes without lowering the temperature.

Finally, turn off the stove and pour the hot mixture into sterilized jars. Tighten the lids and send the five-minute plum jam to the refrigerator shelf for further storage.

If you plan to store sweet preserves in the pantry instead of the refrigerator, increase the amount of sugar (1 to 1 ratio) and be sure to sterilize the jam in boiling water after pouring it into the jars.

Option 2: A quick recipe for plum jam five minutes

The presented jam is prepared quickly. But in order to reduce the process time to a minimum, we suggest refusing to infuse berries in sugar. For the same reason, we recommend including some water in the recipe.


  • a kilogram of fresh plums;
  • glass of water;
  • a kilogram of fine sugar.

How to quickly make plum jam five minutes

Put a kilogram of fresh plums in a deep bowl with cool purified water. Remove floating leaves and thin tails.

Cut the washed fruits in two parts in a circle. Remove the bones and move the soft halves to the enamel basin.

Pour in a glass of water. Pour in a kilogram of white sugar. Gently mix everything with a wide long spatula.

Put a container with future jam from plums for five minutes on strong fire... Stir and skim for a short five minutes.

Immediately pour the resulting hot mass into clean, sterilized jars to the brim. Twist. Move to refrigerator shelf.

Although plums don't have a lot of sugar due to their natural sweetness, we recommend using a one-to-one ratio for this option. Since we will not insist the fruits for several hours and subject them to minimal heat treatment, such a volume of sugar will allow us to preserve the workpiece for several months.

Option 3: Plum jam with pits five minutes

Typically, plum jam is made seedless. However, it is permissible to make a sweet preparation with whole berries in sugar syrup... This option is perfect for decorating desserts or other dishes.


  • two kilograms of small plums;
  • two glasses of purified water;
  • kilogram of sugar.

How to cook

Sort out the shallow plums. Tear off the tails with leaves. Wash each one and place it on a clean towel.

While the berries are drying, pour a couple of glasses of water into an enamel bowl. Add sugar. Boil the syrup for several minutes until all crystals are completely dissolved.

Pour dried plums into hot sweet liquid with maximum care. Mix. Increase fire to maximum.

Cook the jam for five minutes, mixing and removing the froth in the process. Switch off the stove. Arrange the berries in sterilized jars.

Pour five-minute plum jam with syrup and then roll up the lids. Cool down. Refrigerate for future preservation.

To make the plum soaked in sweet syrup, we recommend choosing small berries for this option. In addition, it will be easier to place them in the bank. As for the presence of water, it is necessary, since we cook whole berries and they will not give a lot of juice.

Option 4: Five-minute plum jam with nuts

The first ingredient we suggest adding to the recipe is walnuts. They will perfectly "fit" into plum jam. But it is not recommended to use other types of nuts, since they will remain tough and slightly spoil the taste characteristics of the workpiece.


  • a kilogram of fresh plums;
  • two glasses of shelled walnuts;
  • kilogram of sugar.

Step by step recipe

Sort out all the fresh plums and clean them from the tails. Wash each berry, shaking off the liquid.

Remove the walnut kernels from the shell. Disassemble into small pieces with your hands. In addition, cut the fruit and remove the seeds from the halves.

Throw the plum into a medium-sized basin. Sprinkle with nuts and sugar. Leave for a couple of hours, covered with a towel.

When the set time has passed, turn on the large hotplate. At the maximum temperature, simmer the plum jam for five minutes, removing a light foam.

Turn off the fire after five minutes. Pour the hot berry mixture with nuts into sterilized jars.

Given the short boiling time, the nuts take time to steep in the syrup and become soft. Therefore, it is important not to touch this version of the workpiece for a month. By the way, it is important to carefully examine the nuts so that shell fragments and thin bitter partitions do not get into the jam.

Option 5: Five-minute plum jam in a slow cooker

We will make the next version of jam in a slow cooker. Thanks to this modern machine, the workpiece will turn out to be very delicate and rich in taste.


  • one and a half kilograms of plums;
  • half a glass of filtered water;
  • one and a half kilograms of white sugar.

How to cook

Wash all planned plums, removing hard tails and leaves in the process. Then cut them one by one in a circle.

Turning the halves, separate the berries. Get the bones. Transfer in a single layer onto a clean, dry towel.

Pour water into the bowl. Add sugar. Install in a multicooker. Turn on the "Fry" mode. Bring the syrup to a boil and dissolve the crystals.

Now put the plum halves inside. Mix. Snap the cover. Without changing the mode, cook plum jam for five minutes.

Turn off the machine after five minutes. Leave covered for an hour. Then pour the berry mixture into jars scalded with boiling water.

Sterilize the sweet workpiece in boiling water for about 7-8 minutes, then roll up and cool. Only then put the jam on the refrigerator shelf.

You need a little water for this option. But it should still be present in the recipe, since we will not insist the berries in sugar so that they let the juice go. As for the regime, it is important to establish the strongest one. As a rule, this is "Frying".

Option 6: Five-minute plum jam with lemon

We will make the last plum jam with bitter sour lemon. This will saturate the workpiece with an incredible aroma and light sourness. Moreover, we suggest using lemon with skin, which will also make the jam very useful.


  • large fresh lemon;
  • a kilogram of medium plums;
  • one and a half kilograms of fine sugar.

Step by step recipe

Wash large lemon with special care. Cut into medium pieces along with the skin. Grind in a stationary blender or meat grinder.

Rinse the entire plum. Cut in a circle, twist and remove the bones, removing the tails, if any.

Transfer the berry halves to a bowl or large bowl. Spread the lemon shavings evenly. Cover with sugar.

Leave the mixture, covered with a towel, for two to three hours, during which the ingredients will let the juice out.

Pour the sweet mass into sterilized glass jars... Tighten immediately. Cool and send the jam to storage until winter.

Since we are using lemon along with the skin, the latter must be washed as well as possible. To do this, it is best to use the hard side of a clean sponge. By the way, it is advisable to cut the "butts" because they are too hard and bitter.

Continuing the preparations for the winter, we proceed to cooking plum jam. Plums different varieties grow in all self-respecting summer residents. Having eaten from the heart, it's time to cook a simple jam or turn it into delicious dessert... There are not too many cooking recipes in my notebook.

But each of them has been tested over the years. Choose whatever you like, collect the plum and start harvesting.

How to make delicious plum jam for the winter

For cooking delicious treats any kind of plum is suitable - yellow, white, prune, cherry plum, Hungarian, round, it all depends on your taste preferences.

Taking out the core is not a prerequisite, but most housewives prefer to harvest a pitted winter delicacy. Agree, it is not too pleasant to "spit" in a circle of guests, and your family will not approve. Therefore, you have to work a little, however, it is not too difficult to get the seeds out of the plums.

If you like to experiment, try to diversify the taste of the dessert by adding walnuts, apples, oranges, cinnamon, apricots.

Plum in chocolate

Cook dessert with cocoa. Remember the famous chocolate-covered prunes? Very similar.

Jam has the only drawback - it is not stored for long. You will have to eat it within 6 months, but given unusual taste, it will not be difficult.


  • Plums, better than a dark variety - a kilogram.
  • Sugar - 500 gr.
  • Cocoa powder - 200 gr.

How to make unusual jam:

  1. Remove the seeds from the fruit, chop finely (you can work with a blender, but it is better if large pieces of fruit remain).
  2. Add half the granulated sugar and place on the stove.
  3. Mix the remaining sugar with the cocoa.
  4. When the dessert boils, gradually add cocoa sugar in portions. Stir the mixture well each time.
  5. Cook for 15-20 minutes. Let it simmer, remove from heat and fill the jars immediately. Twist, wait for cooling, send to the pantry.

Pitted Plum Five-Minute Jam

Traditionally, we try to conserve vitamins at the expense of less heat treatment fruits. Cooking a five-minute period is not much different from making a dessert from other fruits. Tip: choose not too ripe plums, otherwise it will boil over, and you risk getting jam.

You will need:

  • Plum - 2 kg.
  • Sugar is a kilogram.
  • Vanillin - 10 gr.


  1. Cook in three steps. Rinse fruit, divide in halves, select seeds.
  2. Fill the slices with sugar, leave to infuse for several hours and let the juice flow. Time depends on the juiciness of the fruit.
  3. Put it to boil. After boiling, reduce heat, cook the wedges for 5 minutes.
  4. Remove from stove. Set aside to cool.
  5. Reboil by boiling again and boiling for five minutes.
  6. When the jam has cooled, cook one last time. At the end, boil it hard, turn it off.
  7. Fill sterile jars, screw up. After cooling, transfer to the pantry, cellar.

Classic jam recipe - video

Delicious plum jam for the winter with slices

Transparent syrup in which the slices float beautifully. For the sake of this, you can try and patronize by removing the bones. For cooking, Hungarian is ideal, or similar varieties of plums.

Would need:

  • Sugar and plums of any kind - per kilogram (for sour fruits, it is allowed to increase the amount of sand to 1.3 kg).
  • Water - half a glass.

How to make delicious jam:

  1. Set aside overripe and soft fruits, they will go to other plum blanks. Wash the dense plums, free them from the seeds.
  2. Cover the slices with sugar, do other things for 5-6 hours.
  3. Set the dessert to simmer. Time it after boiling. Cook for 40 minutes.
  4. Check the readiness of the jam by dropping a drop on a saucer. Arrange in jars, cork, move to winter storage.

Thick plum jam with gelatin

This is not jam, although the syrup will turn out to be quite thick. But the delicacy is cooked in slices. More correctly, the jam should be called "plum in jelly."

  • Sugar - 2 cups.
  • Plum - 1 kg.
  • Gelatin - 30 gr.

How to cook properly with gelatin:

  1. Divide the clean fruit into halves, remove the seeds. Divide the large halves into wedges.
  2. Sprinkle with sugar. If you are using instant gelatin, do not soak, just add with the sand.
  3. The contents must be infused to let the juice flow. This will take several hours.
  4. Put it to boil. After boiling, immediately turn off and fill the jars. The plum does not need a long heat treatment according to this recipe. But by all means sterilize the banks themselves.
  5. Roll up, turn over, wait for it to cool.

Seedless jam in a slow cooker with cinnamon

Cook any jam, with seeds, without them, the cooking process is unchanged. I warn you, the dessert turns out to be liquid.

Would need:

  • Plums - 1 kg.
  • Cinnamon is a stick.
  • Granulated sugar - 500 gr.

Step by step cooking:

  1. Remove the seeds from the fruit, measure out the sugar. Place in a bowl, stir the contents conscientiously.
  2. Do not start boiling for 15 minutes to allow the juice to drain. Add chopped cinnamon.
  3. Then close the lid, cook for 40 minutes, setting the "Stew" or "Jam" mode.
  4. In the middle of cooking, open the lid, stir.
  5. Distribute the finished delicacy among the jars.

Into the piggy bank of your recipes

Yellow plum jam with orange

White and yellow plums, including cherry plums, are better suited for making jam with orange.

  • Oranges - 500 gr.
  • Granulated sugar - 1.5 kg.
  • Plum - 1.5 kg.

How to cook:

  1. Remove the core from the plums.
  2. Wash the orange, cut into small pieces directly with the zest (bones will come across, select). Punch into the gruel with a blender.
  3. Combine plums with orange puree, add sugar.
  4. After 30 minutes, send to cook. Boil the mass over high heat, then reduce and continue cooking for 5-10 minutes.
  5. Remove the foam, let it boil vigorously. Shut down and distribute to banks. Roll up, chill, send to the cellar, pantry.

Plum jam with walnuts and cognac

Unusual nutty taste, pleasant sourness, subtle aroma of cognac will make the dessert unusually tasty. Boil from any plum, but from black it will turn out to be watery. You can balance the consistency simply by increasing the number of nuts.


  • Fruit - 1 kg.
  • Walnuts, shelled - 200 gr.
  • Cognac - 2-3 large spoons.
  • Water - ½ glass.
  • Sugar - 4 cups.


  1. Divide clean plums into halves, remove the center.
  2. Place in a cooking container, add water and bring to a boil.
  3. Pour in granulated sugar, crushed nuts (mix them into pieces and crumbs).
  4. When the mixture boils, cook for 20 minutes, skimming off the foam.
  5. Turn off the burner, hold it with the lid open for 10 minutes, letting it cool down a bit.
  6. Pour in the cognac. Distribute hot to the banks, roll up.

Assorted plums and apples

A fragrant delicacy is obtained by boiling plum jam with sweet apples.

You will need:

  • Apples and plums - by a kilogram.
  • Sugar - 800 gr.
  • Citric acid - half a small spoon.
  • Water - 100 ml.
  1. Wash the fruit, cut into pieces, peel and seed. Fold into a basin.
  2. Pour granulated sugar into boiling water, stir and add fruit slices.
  3. Bring to a simmer. While skimming off the froth, cook for 10 minutes. Remove from the burner, leave to infuse for 3-4 hours.
  4. Re-cook. After boiling, cook for 10 minutes, add citric acid.
  5. Continue cooking for another 5 minutes. then turn off, spill and seal.

Chocolate plum jam with cocoa

Video recipe for plum dessert for the winter. Do not feel confident, repeat the actions of the author and everything will work out for you. Successful blanks to you.

Plum is a fairly common fruit, therefore, among winter preparations there must be at least one plum jam. The delicacy is very healthy and also very tasty and aromatic. In order to have something to treat guests in winter, you can make jam according to one of the proposed recipes.

Plum jam five minutes

The simplest and not time-consuming preparation is five-minute plum jam. For him, you need ingredients in the following amount:

  • Plums - 2 kg;
  • Vanilla - 1 bag of sugar (10 g);
  • Granulated sugar - 1 kg.

It is recommended to take not quite ripe fruits, so that it is jam, and the plum is not boiled, forming a jam. In running water, we wash the prepared plums well and, after cleaning them from leaves and fine debris, remove them from each stalk. Then, having cut the fruit in half, remove the seeds with a knife.

Peeled plums are covered with regular sugar and left overnight. During this time, the plums will become harder and will release the right amount of juice. The next day, a container with plums can be placed on the stove and brought to a boil, turning on high heat. After that, cook the fruit in sugar and your own juice for about 5 minutes over low heat.

After the time has elapsed, remove the pan from the stove and cool the jam. When the temperature of the treat has reached room temperature, we again send the container to the fire. But now we just bring it to a boil and turn it off. Immediately, hot jam is distributed among the jars, which have been washed and sterilized in advance. We store the rolled blanks in the basement or refrigerator.

Plum jam with slices transparent

You can make delicious plum jam. In this case, the delicacy will be quite transparent. To enjoy the great taste and beneficial effects of the fruit on the gastrointestinal tract, you must take the following products:

  • Sugar - 1 kg;
  • Plums - 1 kg;
  • Water - 0.5 tbsp.

We prepare transparent jam in slices: we sort the plums, setting aside too soft and overripe fruits. This recipe needs strong, dense fruits so that the slices come out whole. We wash the selected fruits well under running water, since they will be cooked in the peel. Next, we peel the fruit from the seeds, so that this stage passes easily and quickly, it is recommended to take the Vengerka plum variety. Now all that remains is to cut the plums into slices.

Pour the plums in a saucepan with water, send sugar there as well. Please note that if the plum is sour, then an increase in the amount of granulated sugar up to 1.3 kg is allowed. So, having combined all the ingredients, we set them aside so that they let the juice go for several hours. While you can, for example, prepare cans - rinse them thoroughly, hold them over steam or ignite them.

Then we send the pan with food to the stove, after boiling, we cook everything for about 40 minutes. We check for readiness in the usual way - by dropping jam on a saucer. If it doesn't spread, then you're done. We fill the jars to the top with the finished delicacy and roll them up. The jam is ready, enjoy your tea!

Plum jam with gelatin

In another way, this recipe is also called plums in gelatin. And really in finished form, the fruit looks like it is in jelly. The delicacy comes out original, but no less tasty. For its preparation we take:

  • Plums - 1 kg;
  • Gelatin - 30 g;
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp.

As in the previous recipes, for jam from plums with gelatin, it is advisable to take dense fruits, you can even slightly unripe. Cut the washed and sorted plums in half. Remove seeds from each and cut the fruit into slices. Although you can leave it in halves. We take an enamel dish and pour the plums in it with sugar mixed with instant gelatin. Ideally, of course, there is 1 spoonful of sugar for each half of the plum.

In this form, you can leave the plums overnight, or, if you cook in the morning, then until the evening, and then continue cooking. During this time, juice from the fruit will stand out. We send the pan to the stove and bring it to a boil over medium heat. There is no need to cook the food, it is quite enough time until they boil. Distribute the finished jam in sterile jars and roll it up.

To cool the seams, wrap them upside down in a blanket for about a day. Then you can send it to the cellar for storage. Pay attention, before using, it is worth holding a jar of goodies in the refrigerator for a bit so that it freezes. Enjoy your tea!

Yellow plum jam with orange

In the role yellow plum cherry plum will be used in this recipe. This variety needs to be purchased or harvested in time, as its season is very short. In order to brighten both the color and taste of the treat, the plum can be diluted with an orange. So, for jam we take:

  • Ripe cherry plum - 1.5 kg;
  • Orange - 0.5 kg;
  • Sugar - 1.5 kg.

For jam with orange and yellow plums, you need to select the most whole fruits so that there is no damage or rot. This is to keep the jam as long as possible. Next, we wash and dry the sorted fruits. We remove the seeds from the finished plums. Now it was the turn of the preparation of the oranges. We also wash them well, you can even use soap, after which they need to be scalded with boiling water.

Cut the prepared oranges into pieces directly in the peel, removing the seeds. Then we send the fruit to a meat grinder or grind it with a blender. Now mix the orange puree with cherry plum and pour into an enamel pan. We fill them with sugar and set them aside for half an hour. During this time, the fruit juice will dissolve the sugar crystals, and at the same time more juice will be released. This is necessary so that the jam does not burn.

After the time has elapsed, put the pan on the stove and turn on medium heat. When the mass boils, reduce the heat to a minimum and boil for a few more minutes until the delicacy is ready. During cooking, periodically you need to stir the jam and skim the foam.

Ready jam can be laid out on sterile clean jars and rolled up. Turning over the containers with jam, we wrap them in a blanket for about a day. After cooling the jam, we send it to storage in a cool, dark place, for example, in a cellar.

Blackthorn plum jam

This variety of plum is very sweet, therefore, it is absolutely necessary to make aromatic jam from it. It will go well with tea, with pie and with cookies. To prepare it you need:

  • Plum - 6 kg;
  • 4 kg of sugar.

We wash the ternovka well and sort it out. After that, remove the seeds from the fruit and transfer the finished fruits to an enamel pan. Sprinkle the plums with granulated sugar on top and set aside the pan to form juice from the plums. It is recommended to leave them overnight.

For the preparation, you also need to prepare containers - sterilize the cans. The next day, put the saucepan with the plums on the stove, turning on medium heat. When the mass boils, we reduce the flame to a minimum. We simmer the jam for about an hour, after which, bringing it to a boil, put it in jars and roll it up. After complete cooling, we remove the blanks into the cellar.

Cherry plum and plum jam

Cherry plum is quite a sour fruit, so you need a lot of sugar. And star anise can give some flavor to the jam. So, for jam from cherry plums and plums, the following products are needed:

  • Plum - 1 kg;
  • Cherry plum - 1 kg;
  • Water - 2 tbsp. 200 g each;
  • Sugar - 4 kg;
  • 2 pcs. star anise.

Rinse the fruit and cut it in half. Then, turning the halves of each fruit, carefully separate them from each other. It's so easy to get rid of the bones and leave the halves intact. To simplify the procedure, it is recommended to take initially ripe fruit. Transfer the finished fruits to a saucepan.

Next, cook the syrup separately. To do this, mix sugar with star anise and water in a saucepan and send them to the stove. The finished syrup should not contain undissolved sugar and should be transparent. Pour our fruits with boiling syrup and mix the contents of the pan well.

In this form, the plums are infused for about 3 hours. Next, put the pan on the fire again and bring to a boil, stirring the contents from time to time. After boiling, the jam should cook for about an hour. In the meantime, it is boiling, you can sterilize the jars for the blanks.

Distribute the finished delicacy while still hot into containers and roll it up tightly. Pay attention, before closing the jars, you need to remove the star anise from the jam, since its role in the play is over. Enjoy your tea!

Pitted plum jam in a slow cooker

Of course, it's easier to entrust half of the work to kitchen helpers. It is so easy and quick to prepare seedless plum jam in a slow cooker. For this we take the following products:

  • Plums - 1 kg (this is already pitted);
  • Sugar - 0.5 kg.

Rinse the plums and cut them into halves. It is now easier to get rid of the bones. When the plums are ready, we weigh them so that there is the right amount of fruit. We also measure sugar. Put both ingredients into the multicooker bowl and mix well. Let them sit for about 15 minutes. During this time, the sand will melt a little, and the plum will let out the juice. After that, close the lid of the device and set it for 40 minutes in extinguishing mode.

When half the time has passed, you need to open the lid and mix the contents. At this stage, you can just check how much the sugar has dissolved. When all the cooking time has expired, the delicacy can be distributed among the prepared jars. We send the blanks to the cellar for the winter, and in due time we enjoy the amazing taste of this simple delicacies... Enjoy your tea!

Yellow plum jam 5 minutes

Yellow varieties of plums will not only add a special taste to the jam, but the delicacy will also have a gorgeous color. It looks a lot like honey. To make a sunny five-minute jam, you will need:

  • Yellow plum - 1 kg;
  • 0.5-0.8 kg of sugar.

We wash the fruits well and peel them not only of the seeds, but also of the peel. This procedure is not as complicated as it might seem. Put the finished plum fillet into a saucepan and add sugar for cooking. After mixing everything, put it on the stove. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until all the sugar crystals are dissolved - after boiling for about 5 minutes.

Even hotter, but already ready-made delicacy, lay out in jars and twist. Then, as usual, we wrap it up, wait for the blank to cool down, and put it in the cellar. The aromatic jam has an amazing color and taste. In this case, the plum will remain in pieces and retain all its vitamins. Due to the fact that there is no peel, this jam just melts in your mouth. Enjoy your tea!

Gooseberry jam with plum

Plum will get along well with other products as well. For example, you get great taste when making plum jam with gooseberry berries. To do this, we take products in the following proportions:

  • Plum - 0.5 kg;
  • Gooseberries - 0.5 kg;
  • 0.7 kg of sugar;
  • Water - 100 ml.

For gooseberry jam with plums, we sort out all the berries, clean them of leaves and stalks, and plums also from seeds. We wash everything and divide it in half. We put half of the products in a saucepan and pour water into it. Having sent a container with berries and plums to the fire, we wait until they boil. After that, cover with a lid and cook for 20 minutes, until the berries are soft.

Turn the slightly cooled berries in a meat grinder or blender, if you want uniformity, and cook again on the stove for about 5 minutes, remembering to stir. Then add a little sugar, again stirring the mass, and the second half of the plums and gooseberries. Cook until the mass starts to gel. Sprinkle hot jam into jars and seal. Store the treat in a cool place. Bon Appetit!

Siberian plum jam

Siberian plum is somewhat reminiscent of cherry plum, but the taste is not so sour. In addition, the fruits are quite dense and it is difficult to get seeds from them. But they make jam amazing in taste. To prepare it, you need to prepare:

  • 1 kg of plums;
  • Water - 1 tbsp.;
  • 1 kg of sugar.

After washing and sorting out the plums, each must be pricked several times with a toothpick. Next, cook the syrup. Pour sugar in a saucepan with water, send it to the stove. While stirring, wait until the granulated sugar has dispersed. When the syrup has boiled, remove it from the heat. Pour our plum with this syrup and leave it for a day.

On the second day, the plum syrup is poured into a separate container and boiled. After that, pour the fruit for the second time and cook together for about 1.5 hours. The finished jam will turn out to be quite thick, with pulp and a special aroma. At the same time, the berries practically dissolve, and the presence of seeds does not interfere at all, they are clearly visible and easy to get.

The finished delicacy can be laid out in sterilized jars and put into the cellar until better times. Enjoy your tea!

Plum jam Alyonushka

This fruit variety pleases with large yields and fruit sizes. The usefulness of the plum lies in its help with headaches and the fight against vitamin deficiency, which is so important in winter. So, to make jam from this variety of plums, you need to take:

  • 1 kg of plums;
  • Sugar - 1.2 kg.

The washed plums are cut into two halves and the seeds are removed from them. In a container for jam, fill the plums with sugar and leave them aside for half an hour. Then put the saucepan (bowl, basin) on the stove and boil over low heat. In this case, you need to stir the mass with a wooden spatula all the time.

At the same time, you can do the sterilization of cans for the workpiece. We also boil the lids. When the jam on the stove begins to boil, boil it for 10 minutes and remove from heat. We put the cooled delicacy on the stove again and boil again. As soon as it boils, the jam is ready. You can distribute it to ready-made cans and seal.

Jam from unripe plums

It is impossible for all the harvested fruits to be equally ripe. But don't throw out the green plums. If you may not use them raw, then the jam from them will turn out to be excellent. For such a jam from unripe plums, we take fruits and other products in the following proportions:

  • Plums - 400 g;
  • 2 tbsp. water;
  • 4 tbsp. Sahara.

Late varieties of plums are suitable for this recipe. We wash the prepared fruits and prick each of them with a toothpick. In the process of preparing each plum, we transfer them to a saucepan of cold water. When all the fruits are chopped, you need to change the water and send the container to the stove. By the time the water boils, all the plums will already be floating on the surface.

Remove the pan from the heat and set it aside. When all the fruits "drown" again, we again send them to the fire, repeating the first procedure. Only this time we put the plums in a colander. While the water is draining from the drain, you can start making a syrup from half the prepared sugar and 2 glasses of water. When the water with sugar in a saucepan boils, remove it from the heat, cool it and fill it with plum syrup.

So the fruit costs a day (you can leave it overnight), after which the syrup is drained again. Add 1 glass of sugar to it, boil and remove from the stove. Pour the cooled syrup back into a saucepan with fruits. And again we leave the jam for a day. On the third day, we boil the syrup for the last time, adding the rest of the sugar and already with the plums.

The third cooking includes several repeated procedures - the mass boils, is removed from the heat for a couple of minutes and mixed. So we repeat 3 times. The jam is cooked over low heat. As a result, the syrup should be covered with a thin film, and the plums themselves will no longer be sour.

Drunk Plum Jam

Of course, such a jam is hardly worth offering to kids, but guests for the winter holidays will surely like the originality of the recipe and the special taste. To make drunk plum jam, you need to take the following:

  • Plum - 1 kg;
  • Cognac - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • 600 g sugar;
  • 1 tsp cinnamon.

Preparing the plums involves rinsing them and cutting each fruit in two. Thus, it is easy to get rid of the bones. Finished plums are sprinkled with granulated sugar and set aside for 1 hour to extract juice from the fruit. To make the jam thick, there is no water in the recipe. So, put the infused plums into a saucepan, mix well and put on medium heat.

We periodically check the degree of sugar dissolution. When it is almost invisible, and enough juice has been released, add cinnamon. Thanks to this ingredient, the jam will acquire a special flavor. After mixing the mass, bring it to a boil. After boiling, you need to periodically remove the foams. When the foam no longer forms, and the jam itself becomes thick enough, remove the container from the stove.

Now pour cognac there, and it can be replaced with vodka or liqueur to taste, and mix again. In this form, pour the still hot jam into clean sterile jars, seal and turn over to cool. Such jam in a cool dark place will be stored for a very long time if gourmets have the patience. Enjoy your tea!

Yellow plum jam in a slow cooker

The easiest way to make jam is using a multicooker. At the same time, the taste and quality of the product will not change, but a lot of time is saved. To prepare it, you will need the following:

  • Yellow plums - 1 kg;
  • 1 kg of sugar.

The yellow variety of plums needs to be washed and sorted out. For cooking, you need whole, dense fruits without flaws. Dividing each plum into slices, remove unnecessary seeds. Finished fruit halves are covered with sugar right in the multicooker bowl. Then the device is set to extinguishing mode. We set the time for 60 minutes.

At the same time, during the cooking process, you do not need to stir anything, the main thing is to close the multicooker with a lid. After an hour, the jam is ready! While it was cooking, you can safely prepare the dishes for clogging the sweet piece. And then all that remains is to spread the delicacy over them and close them. Bon Appetit!

It was not for nothing that in the old days, buns and bagels were always served at the table, a samovar was put on and cups with honey, and sweet boiled summer berries and fruits.

Imagine that you were served not some familiar delicacy, but delicious springy plums in amber syrup... Just think what a delicious smell comes from it. And what a pleasure it is to bite off practically gummy nectarines in small pieces! Have you presented?

Preparing such a delicious dessert is not at all difficult. True, in order for the lilac or yellow magnificent fruits to have time to give juice and are sufficiently saturated with sugar, it takes from 6 to 12 hours. But it's worth it! Moreover, to save useful properties and vitamins, the further heat treatment process lasts only a few minutes.

Although the recipe is called "five minutes", the time required for boiling over low heat, it will still require time. Therefore, it is worth starting to cook it in the evening.

No, you won't bother with it for a long time! Everything is done quickly enough. Simply chopped plums must be allowed to run own juice... Thus, there will be a kind of "canning" in sugar syrup.

We will need:

  • Plums - 3 kg.
  • Granulated sugar - 2 kg.


First, you must thoroughly rinse the plums and remove the stalks. If there are any damages on the skin, then it is imperative to remove them so that the jam does not ferment later.

Cut each nectarine in a circle and remove the pit. You can cook, in principle, with it. But remember that not everyone likes to dabble with a hard core while eating. And guests, unknowingly, can inadvertently break their teeth against her.

For convenience, and so that the fruit pulp gives more liquid, and then it is better saturated, it is worth pouring the prepared halves into a basin and pour sugar on top.

If you used plastic dishes, and not an enamel basin, then for cooking you need to pour the workpiece into a convenient pan.

Put it on medium heat and let it boil. Then slightly reduce the heat and let it simmer quietly in your cage syrup for only 5 minutes.

You can stir periodically, but do not press, so that the fruits do not lose their shape, and remove the foam. The skin will wrinkle slightly, but that's okay.

Pour into clean sterile jars ready-made jam and seal with metal lids. Allow to cool at room temperature, and then you can take it to the cellar for storage.

On long winter evenings, enjoy the aroma and taste of summer fruits, thereby cheering up everyone at home.

The classic recipe for thick pitted plum jam

V classic recipe cooking takes place in one long reception and it is not required to insist the syrup for hours. The only thing is that the color in this version is more saturated. Brown due to thorough heat treatment.

But some people like it even better. Moreover, it turns out to be thicker.

We will need:

  • Plums - 2 kg.
  • Granulated sugar - 2 kg.
  • Water - 200 gr.


Under running water or in a deep basin, rinse the plums and remove the tails, as well as any damage.

Remove the seeds and, if the fruits are too large, cut into wedges. In the case of small sizes, it is sufficient to leave them in the form of halves.

Prepare a syrup filling, which will become the basis of sweet jam. To do this, pour sugar into a saucepan and dissolve it in water. You will get a rather thick viscous mass.

Send to the stove and boil. To prevent the amber liquid from burning, it must be constantly stirred. And cook for 5 minutes.

Pour the liquid directly into a bowl or saucepan with prepared plum halves while hot, and allow the contents to boil over medium heat.

From time to time, foam will appear - it is advisable to remove it so that the jam remains without all kinds of whitish or dark blotches. And also so that it does not ferment later.

The treat prepared in this way quickly thickens and becomes like jam with large pieces of plums. Therefore, it is necessary to pour into sterile jars immediately after cooking and roll up the lids.

Turn over and wrap in warm "fur coat". Allow to cool in this position for about a day. Then it can be stored for a long time in any dark place.

Five-minute plum jam with stone

Undoubtedly, there are plum lovers who definitely need whole fruits. They are not at all embarrassed by the presence of a bone, and on the contrary, the process of "nibbling" the pulp from it gives pleasure.

Well, you can simmer the jam on the stove for a long time according to the previous recipe. You get fruit almost gummy balls in thick syrup.

However, rarely does anyone like to stand at the stove for so long. And the hostesses prefer to let their preparation brew overnight, but then cook for one, two or three times and seal the winter stocks.

We will need:

  • Plums - 800 gr.
  • Sugar - 600 gr.
  • Water - 150 ml.


It's best to prepare a liquid fill first so as not to waste time. Pour water into a saucepan and add sugar in portions.

With frequent stirring, allow the free-flowing product to completely dissolve and boil. To get a truly viscous syrup, it must be cooked over low heat for at least 5 minutes.

In the meantime, we have this process going on, carefully wash the plums, and pierce them with a fork on each side so that we get small holes right down to the bone. This will allow not only the juice to stand out, but also to penetrate the sweet liquid evenly inside.

Send the prepared fruit into the amber liquid and let it brew without heating overnight. Then boil in the morning and cook for 5 minutes.

Leave it again for half a day and repeat the five-minute boil. So repeat one more time. In total, you should get 3 approaches.

As a result, the plums will really become like marmalade, and the liquid component will be completely saturated with the aroma of fruit.

All that remains is to arrange in the jars and store for the right moment to serve.

How to make delicious pitted and waterless plum jam

You love thick jam, so that it is convenient to spread it on fresh, slightly hot toast in the morning and wash it down with a coffee or tea drink? Then this recipe is perfect for you. It turns out something similar to jam, but at the same time plums remain beautiful elastic slices.

Do you know what the secret is? No water is added to the syrup! Fruit will be in its own juice!

We'll need it.

  • Plum - 2 kg.
  • Sugar - 2 kg.


To make the skin more tender, after washing, slightly pour over the fruits with boiling water, and then cool in cool. The skin will not come off the pulp, but will become almost as soft as the inside during cooking. Cut into halves and remove all seeds.

Cover with sugar and let it brew for 8 hours. During this time, the fruit juice will mix with the sugar to make a syrup from your own liquid.

Put the container on the stove to heat up and, as soon as the contents boil, immediately turn off the heating. Allow to cool to room temperature.

Boil and cool again in the same way. Two times is enough, but if you like a little thicker, and so that the plum slices become almost transparent, then you can do it in three passes.

Transfer to a sterile container and roll up for winter storage.

The treat turns out to be thick and is completely preserved in its own juice.

Plum jam with gelatin for the winter at home

When gelatin is added to the jam, a soft confiture is obtained. And somehow jellied berries and fruits taste juicier and fresher.

We will need:

  • Plums - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 400 gr.
  • Gelatin - 30 gr.


It is not necessary to dilute gelatin with water. After all, plums will give off juice, and it can swell in it. And to avoid lumps, it is better to mix it with granulated sugar.

Remove the seeds from the fruit and crumble into convenient pieces. You can leave it in halves - that's how you like it.

Fill the resulting crushed plums with a free-flowing mixture.

For a better connection of the substances, you can use a spatula and gently mix everything. Or you can simply shake the dishes well and the sugar with the gelling agent will penetrate into the depths of the mass.

Now it is worth leaving the workpiece overnight, covering it with a towel on top.

In the morning, put the container on low heat.

The beauty of this recipe is that you don't have to cook this jam! You just need to let it boil and that's it! Store in jars, roll up and store in a cool place.

Jelly envelops the fruit, and without oxygen, they remain almost fresh.

Homemade apple-plum jam without sugar for the winter

No less delicious jam is made from plums with apples. And the natural pectin contained in the latter allows you to achieve gelation of the syrup without any additives.

And those who, for medical reasons, cannot consume sugar, will like this recipe, because the fruits themselves have enough fructose, which will give its sweetness when cooked. Not an ounce of extra sugar!

Long-term infusion is not required, because water is added. True, you will need to cook in 4 approaches, but you will not waste much time near the heated unit.

We will need:

  • Ripe apples - 3 kg.
  • Plums - 2 kg.
  • Water - 3 liters.


So that there are no unnecessary inclusions from the skin, it is best to clean the apples not only from the core and stalk, but also from the skin. Cut into centimeter-thick slices.

With the plums, proceed in the usual way: cut in half and free from the seeds.

Combine both cuts in a cooking container, pour in water and wait to boil over medium heat. Then turn off the stove and let cool completely for 8-12 hours.

Then bring to a boil again and cool again for a long time. So repeat two more times. Although it will take about 2 days, the apples will thicken the syrup.

Transfer to a sterile container and store in a cool place.

Ready-made jam is aromatic, tasty and always eaten with great pleasure!

Video on how to make chocolate plum jam

And if you have already prepared a lot of all kinds of jam and do not know how else to surprise your household, then take a closer look at this original recipe.

This option, which is called with a "twist", and as such is used here cocoa powder. As a result, the recipe “Plum in chocolate”, beloved by many, is obtained. I just love it.

And also choose for yourself other methods, which we have already talked about a lot today.

In addition to yellow and blue plums, you can cook prunes according to the recipes given, as well as late hybrids that ripen after the first frost.

The mouth-watering jam halves can be easily used in baked goods, to decorate desserts and even as an aromatic ingredient when steaming herbal tea.

Bon appetit and plum mood over a cup of tea!