Home / Khachapuri / Honey Fair TsVZ Manezh, All-Russian Honey Fairs of the Central Exhibition Hall. Exhibition of honey in Gostiny Dvor Honey and cheese in Gostiny Dvor

Honey Fair TsVZ Manezh, All-Russian Honey Fairs of the Central Exhibition Hall. Exhibition of honey in Gostiny Dvor Honey and cheese in Gostiny Dvor

The honey fair in Gostiny Dvor 2019 will open after the winter holidays and will last a whole month. These days, Gostiny Dvor is filled with aromas of bee products: wax, honey, propolis, which you can inhale and taste a sweet delicacy for free. Beekeepers bring a tasty and, most importantly, healthy product from various regions. The fair is called "Festival of honey and farm delicacies".

Opening hours

What is the opening date? Information about this is posted on the "World of Beekeeping" website. The fair will be held from January 26 to February 18... In January, the event will take place at Gostiny Dvor.

The organizers invite every day to look at the abundance, taste, choose and buy the most delicious honey. Schedule: from 9.00 to 20.00. The entrance is free.

As part of the fair, specialists organize master classes. They will explain all the subtleties of choosing honey, share the secret of how you can distinguish a natural healthy product from a sweet surrogate.

An important factor is the environmental friendliness of products and an attractive cost, because honey is sold without store margins. A special control service tests all products on professional equipment, that is, visitors know that they are purchasing fresh and high-quality goods. This is especially important in relation to farm cheeses, which you can not only buy but also taste at the fair.

Why honey is useful

Natural pharmacy - this is how bee products are called. In some cases, honey can replace a drug. It is pleasant to be treated with such medicine.

Useful properties of honey:

  • improves digestion and has a slight laxative effect;
  • softens cough and promotes sputum discharge;
  • soothes and helps to fall asleep;
  • promotes wound healing.

Important: honey can cause an allergic reaction. For those for whom bee products do not cause allergies, honey is indicated for gastritis, anemia, and liver pathologies. It is also considered a good immunostimulant: it contains vitamins, trace elements.

Beekeeping products are widely used in cosmetology and folk medicine. Masks with natural honey, honey compresses are indicated for problem skin. At the fair you can choose and buy propolis, wax, royal jelly. Products made on their basis are also presented.

Percentage composition of honey:

Beekeeping products for every taste

The fair presents not only honey, but also delicious farm cheeses. The peculiarity of the event is live communication with specialists, the opportunity to learn the technology of cheese production, see photos of plants from which the bees collected nectar, learn professional secrets, and receive recommendations on food storage.

The "Union of beekeepers" organizes fairs on a regular basis. Beekeepers bring honey to the capital from everywhere. On the shelves there is the famous Bashkir honey, and the most fragrant mountain honey, and exotic eucalyptus, and delicious linden, and tender chestnut, and specific coriander. Beekeepers will not only treat you with honey, but also talk about useful properties and the characteristics of each grade.

And what colors! Straw, golden, amber, vanilla, brown, coffee - eyes run up. And the smell! It is advisable to buy natural honey directly from beekeepers, that is, from first hand - this is a guarantee of the best price and excellent quality.

The fair of honey and farm cheese "From Crimea to Vladivostok" was supposed to be held in Gostiny Dvor, but was moved to Vetoshny Lane.

The fair will run from 13 January to 12 February 2018.

Fair opening hours: from 10:00 to 20:00, daily.

The nearest metro stations are Okhotny Ryad, Ploshchad Revolyutsii and Teatralnaya.

From January 13 to February 4, residents of Moscow and guests of the capital will be able to visit the fair of honey and farm cheese "From Crimea to Vladivostok", which will be held on the territory of the central exhibition site "Gostiny Dvor". Visitors to this event will have an excellent opportunity to get acquainted with the products of the largest Russian manufacturers of honey and cheeses, as well as purchase them at affordable prices directly from manufacturers. In addition to domestic enterprises, the fair is also expected to host guests from neighboring and non-CIS countries, who will be able to delight visitors with products exotic for Russia.

How to get there?

When choosing a venue for the fair of honey and farm cheese "From Crimea to Vladivostok", the organizers traditionally chose the indoor trade and exhibition complex "Gostiny Dvor", which not only possesses rich history, but also ideal for such events in the cold season. This complex is located at the address: Moscow, Ilyinka Street, 4 (in one of the quarters of Kitay-gorod).

You can get to the fair site either using public transport or by car. In the first case, the most convenient solution will be the metro, since there are two metro stations at once - "Revolution Square" and "Kitay-Gorod", in relative proximity to the trade and exhibition area. In addition, there are several bus routes near the site.

Please note that the fair of honey and farm cheese "From Crimea to Vladivostok" receives visitors from January 13 to February 12 (seven days a week from 10.00 am to 8.00 pm).

If you like honey or farm cheeses, then this event promises to be a real gift for you, which will leave many vivid and pleasant memories, and will also allow you to purchase high-quality and delicious food on whole year forward. A special feature of the fair is live communication with producers of honey and cheese, professional beekeepers and other specialists.

You will be able to hear firsthand about how your favorite products are created, as well as learn some of the professional secrets used by their manufacturers. It is also a great opportunity to discover new and exclusive types of cheeses and honey that you may not have even heard of before. Everyone will be able to test all the products presented at the fair and add their own opinion about them.

Of course, an important factor is the ability to purchase honey or cheese at the most affordable and attractive price without the usual store margins. Practically all existing types of such products, created in various parts of our country and abroad, will be available to visitors of the event. At the same time, many types of honey presented at the fair "From Crimea to Vladivostok" are classified as environmentally friendly products.

The security at the event will be monitored by a specially created control service. Its representatives not only carefully check all fair participants for permits, but also test each product using professional equipment. Thanks to this, you can be sure that any cheese or honey purchased at the fair meets all the necessary requirements in terms of quality, freshness and environmental safety.

Official site

Treat yourself to bright and positive emotions by visiting the fair of honey and farm cheese "From Crimea to Vladivostok" in Moscow! This is a great opportunity to have a good time and purchase natural and incredible healthy foods created with the participation of nature itself. You can get more information by calling on the official website of the fair.

From time immemorial, one of the most convenient and cheapest ways to sell goods from small and medium-sized local producers in Russia has been a form of fair trade. This tradition has survived to this day. Moreover, trying to provide the population with high-quality domestic products, relevant departments and ministries, individual officials - they all support this type of trade in every possible way. To date, more than 1,800 trade fairs are registered in Russia.

However, fairs do not always promote the sale of quality goods. First of all, this concerns the sale of natural honey. Often, it is at fairs that artificial honey is sold under the guise of natural. It can be difficult for a person who does not understand such subtleties to distinguish a product by its appearance and even taste. But after buying a fake natural honey, when the buyer nevertheless realizes his mistake, his trust in honey sellers is lost.

Such cases negatively affect the reputation of producers of natural beekeeping products, and under the onslaught of counterfeiting, they are often forced to lower prices for natural honey in order to somehow win the battle for the market. As a result, honey production works at a loss for itself and many of the beekeepers simply cannot withstand such stress.

Date of the fair

Nearest the honey fair will open on January 14, 2017 and last until February 05 and will take place in Moscow at Gostiny Dvor.

Where the honey fair will take place

The choice for the location of the honey fair is by no means accidental. Gostiny Dvor was considered one of the most popular places in the capital, where fairs were often held where you could buy really high-quality goods. Only natural honey has always been sold here, and we hope that the new organizers will adhere to this tradition. Previously, one of the organizers of the fairs was the Russian National Union of Beekeepers, which monitored the naturalness of the products offered. So the residents of the capital could have no doubt that they would get a really high-quality product here.

Honey, before entering the fair counters, underwent the most stringent quality control. And in case of doubts about the quality characteristics, such a product was simply not allowed for sale. As a rule, fair organizers value their reputation, therefore they sell only natural goods.

Features of the honey fair 2017

The organizers of the hospitable honey fair next year promise that their customers will also receive a product of excellent quality, taste and benefits. Throughout January, it will be possible to purchase honey from the best beekeepers from Bashkiria, the Far East, North Ossetia, Chuvashia, Altai, Krasnodar Territory and from other regions of the country where they are engaged in beekeeping and keep apiaries. It is already known that more than two hundred types of varietal honey positions will be presented, which will surprise even the most demanding honey gourmets with their taste.

Visitors to the fair will also expect favorable discounts, unique offers, free honey tastings and master classes from specialists who will help you learn how to choose the right honey and determine if it is a fake in front of you. This is definitely worth a look! Buyers will not only be able to purchase honey at more affordable prices, but will also be able to bargain with sellers of sweet goods. You won't allow yourself to do that in a supermarket, but bargaining at a fair is just that.

Entertainment program of the honey fair

People and pop groups, tournaments and competitions will entertain buyers and producers of honey. The program will be very bright and interesting for different age groups. Honey producers and experienced beekeepers will also hold a series of open lectures, where they will tell everyone about the production of honey and its healing properties, about how they influence different types honey on the human body.

The venue of the fair will give a special flavor to this event. Gostiny Dvor is one of the oldest exhibition and shopping complexes in the capital, which has managed to preserve its historical appearance to this day. So it is no coincidence that the organizers of the fair and the city authorities chose this place for the honey fair. Where, if not here, to trade honey.

Product quality control

The VSE laboratory staff will control the quality of the products sold. Thanks to the presence of a mobile station, which has all the necessary equipment for quality control, they will be able to check any product for its authenticity. So that buyers can be absolutely calm about whether they are buying high-quality honey. And if in doubt, they can always turn to specialists and get advice and an answer from them.

Apitherapists at the fair

But apitherapists, whom the fair organizers also invited to this event, promise to tell everyone about honey treatment, what types of honey should be used for what ailments, to devote to all the subtleties of honey types (depending on honey plants, from the place of collection ). They will also tell you how to properly store honey so that it does not lose its beneficial properties.

How the fair will work

Every day from the day of its opening, without a break, the honey fair will wait for buyers in Gostiny Dvor, which is located on Ilyinka Street, 4. You can get here by metro, reaching Kitay-Gorod station, and walking from there on foot for 10 minutes.

At the fair, you can buy not only your favorite and well-known varieties of honey, but also rare ones - chestnut, milkweed and goldenrod. You will also be offered other popular products of the beekeeping industry - honey pollen, bee pollen, propolis, royal jelly, bee dead ...

Based on the peculiarities of the program, the abundance of producers who have already declared their desire to take part in the event, it can be assumed that the 2017 honey fair, which will be held in January at the Gostiny Dvor of the capital, promises to be really exciting, bright and unforgettable. So do not miss your opportunity to purchase high-quality natural honey and other beekeeping products at affordable fair prices.

Driving directions

Address: metro station "Ploschad Revolyutsii", Gostiny Dvor, st. Ilyinka, 4
Working hours: from 10.00 to 20.00

Registration is open on the official website of the fair.

    Russian State University for the Humanities

    Vice-rector for administrative work Martynov A.V.

    The team of the Russian State University for the Humanities expresses gratitude to the management and employees of the Holding of Security Structures "RUS" for the reliable protection of our facilities. Throughout the entire term of the contractual relationship, the security company has established itself on the positive side. Supervised by professionals in their field, the employees of the Holding "RUS" provide a reliable access control, anti-terrorist security of guarded objects, act decisively in difficult situations.

    We note the high and high-quality training of senior shifts, security personnel, always tidy appearance, clear knowledge job descriptions, compliance with safety requirements.

    We especially note the thoughtful organization of strengthening the security during mass events and meetings of foreign delegations.

    ITE International Exhibitions and Conferences

    Ilyin O.A. Technical Director

    We express our gratitude to the staff of the Holding of Security Structures "RUS" for the professional organization of work and the high-quality fulfillment of contractual obligations, namely, access control, control and order on the territory of the facility, including during mass events, reliable protection of material values ​​at the facilities: International Exhibition Center Crocus Expo and Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center

    Ministry of Education

    Stepanyan I.V., Director of FGOU SPO Moscow Publishing and Printing College named after Ivan Fedorov

    The Moscow Publishing and Printing College named after Ivan Fedorov asks to note and expresses gratitude to the employees of the Holding of Security Structures "RUS" Mamedov Kh.N. and Lalaev S.G. for prompt actions to prevent a fire situation during the heat wave of the summer of 2010.

    Ministry of the Interior Russian Federation

    Lieutenant Colonel of the Internal Service Kazmin A.V.

    The leadership of the Department of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Zyuzino district of Moscow expresses its gratitude to the RUS Holding for the excellent professional training of its employees, which manifested itself, in particular, during the actions of the guard of boarding school No. 95, Dmitry Vladimirovich Kantsurov, who showed resourcefulness and decisiveness in performing his duties. Security guard Kantsurov D.The. when walking around the territory of the object was found in the bushes infant... Thanks to the timely actions of the security officer, the ambulance managed to save the child from hypothermia. Subsequently, the child was taken to the baby's home.

    CJSC "Resort Tsargrad Spas-Teshilovo"

    General manager Radwan Tamir Mahmoud Radi Hasan

    The management of CJSC "Resort Tsargrad Spas-Teshilovo" has been cooperating with the Holding of security structures "RUS" for more than two and a half years.

    The staff of the RUSS Holding always fulfills its contractual obligations in full, the security personnel who carry out the security service of the complex and the management personnel of the security company have proven themselves exclusively from the positive side during the period of cooperation. Thanks to the professionalism of the staff, attempts to violate public order and the internal regulations of the Resort-Hotel were repeatedly suppressed.

    Clinical Hospital No. 1, Moscow State Medical University THEM. Sechenov

    Chief physician Babenko Oleg Vasilievich

    Clinical Hospital No. 1, Moscow State Medical University THEM. Sechenova expresses her gratitude to the Holding of security structures "RUS" for the conscientious performance of official duties.
    We look forward to further fruitful cooperation. We would like to note the exemplary appearance, responsibility in the performance of assigned tasks, clear knowledge and fulfillment of their duties.

Honey fair in Moscow "Manezh"

The exhibition hall "Manezh" traditionally hosts annual all-Russian honey fairs, more than 500 beekeepers from 42 Russian regions come to the fair in Manezh, they bring more than 40 different varieties of honey, as well as other beekeeping products such as royal jelly, propolis, bee bread, pollen, wax, mead. Discounts for pensioners of 10% are provided for all sold products, and 20% for participants and veterans of the Great Patriotic War. Admission is free for everyone.

The fair in the Manezh exhibition hall presents a variety of honey varieties produced in different parts of Russia. In addition to honey, it will be possible to purchase other beekeeping products: royal jelly, pollen, bee bread, wax. You can get qualified advice from beekeepers on all issues of interest.

The organizer of the honey fair in the exhibition hall "Manezh" is RNSP (Russian National Union of Beekeepers). The fair is attended by beekeepers-producers, members of the RNSP. Conditions for fair participants strict product certificates, high quality and the naturalness of the product. Membership in the RNSP, and this is a whole package of documents (a certificate of the presence of an apiary, a veterinary passport). The ability to buy honey from producers, not dealers and not run into scammers. At the honey fair in the Manege, the Russian Union of Beekeepers promises high quality honey.