Home / Dumplings / Kefir in a multicooker redmond. Homemade kefir in a multicooker made of milk

Kefir in a multicooker redmond. Homemade kefir in a multicooker made of milk

Our children love to enjoy such a tasty, healthy and satisfying fermented milk product like kefir. And some mothers feed their babies with this wonderful drink at night, if the baby wants to eat a little. Today we will tell you about the wonderful recipe that our reader Ekaterina suggested to us. She's cooking homemade kefir in two ways: on the stove and with the help of a kitchen assistant - a multicooker. We will consider both options, since not all housewives have this miracle technique. This kefir is perfect for feeding a child for an afternoon snack with or with another delicacy, as well as a couple of hours before bedtime, or, as mentioned above, to feed a child in a dream. Make your child's table varied and cook homemade yogurt yourself - it's not only fast, but also delicious, and most importantly - very useful!


  • milk

if store pasteurized - 2 liters
if homemade cow - 1-1.5 liters, depending on the fat content

  • children's kefir or beefelife - 250 g

Recipe for making baby kefir:

If you are cooking from store-bought milk, then just bring it to a boil. Let it cool down to about 38 - 40 degrees.

If we prepare children's kefir from homemade milk (I usually cook from this one), then we dilute the milk 2: 1 with water, boil for about 5 minutes. It is during this time that all dangerous bacteria die in milk.

A little hint: in order to boil the milk properly, you need to bring it to a boil and turn down the heat so that the milk slowly boils, but does not "run away" and from that moment we detect 5 minutes. Then we cool the milk in the same way as with the store milk.

Add kefir or beefelife to milk cooled to the desired temperature, mix thoroughly, bottle it and into a warm place overnight.

I usually just put bottles on the battery.

If I cook kefir for a child in a multi-cooker(I have Redmond RMC-M4502), for example, in the summer, when there is no heating, I pour the mixture into the bowl, turn on the heating function for 10 minutes, turn it off - I count the hour and then heat it up again for 10 minutes.
Then I just let the kefir cool down and bottle it. Then I put it in the refrigerator for souring for about 5 - 6 hours.

Children's kefir ready. It is better to consume it within three days.

There are three things to keep in mind:

1) it is better to chill milk on the stove, and not by shock method on the street, as this ultimately affects the fermentation and taste of kefir;

2) it is better to take kefir or bifilife for children, since the rate of living microorganisms in it is higher than in an adult, which means that it is healthier and ferments better;

3) remember: young kefir weakens the baby's stool, and three to four-day kefir, on the contrary, strengthens.

Bon appetit to you and your kids !!!

Now it is difficult to buy healthy and high-quality dairy products in stores. Even if there is a wide assortment of kefir labeled "bio" on the shelves, this does not mean that fermented milk products will be useful. When there is a multicooker in the house, you can refuse from store-bought dairy products and cook homemade kefir in a multicooker. You will be 100% sure of its benefits.

Before preparing kefir in a multicooker, let's take a closer look at its composition, calorie content and medicinal properties... So, kefir has long been considered a healing fermented milk product for healthy eating children and adults. Not everyone knows how to use kefir correctly in order to get benefits.

Kefir contains a large number of calcium, B vitamins, vitamins H and A. Kefir also contains trace elements such as chromium, copper, manganese and phosphorus. Since in fresh product there are small amounts of alcohol (about 0.2-0.6%) and lactic acid, this must be taken into account when including kefir in various diets. If you prepare kefir according to all the rules, namely, to make kefir in a multicooker, then such a product will well quench your thirst, tone blood vessels and have a beneficial effect on the work of the stomach and intestines. Even if you suffer from milk intolerance, kefir is not contraindicated for you - it will do its job well and replenish the body with vitamins and microelements.

People suffering from obesity, heart disease, chronic colitis and diabetes mellitus it is necessary to use kefir every day. According to doctors-immunologists, kefir prevents the development of cancer cells and increases immunity.

Which is better to drink kefir - fat or fat-free? This question is often asked by young parents, and it cannot be answered unequivocally. This will depend on the person's age and condition. A young, growing body (schoolchildren, students) needs to eat kefir with a normal percentage of fat, since it contains more vitamins, in particular, vitamin A. The calorie content of fatty kefir (3.2%) is 59 calories. Low-fat kefir contains fewer vitamins, but if a person has vascular and heart disease (atherosclerosis), then you need to use low-fat kefir. It is better for small children to make kefir from milk with a fat content of no more than 2.5%.

Kefir in a slow cooker

Probably, there is no more convenient device for making homemade kefir than a multicooker. Even electric yogurt makers are gradually fading into the background, since it becomes unprofitable for many housewives to clutter up the kitchen with electrical appliances. The recipe for making kefir in a slow cooker is distinguished by its simplicity. So light and delicious kefir will appeal to all family members.

What products are needed:

  • pasteurized milk (not less than 2.5% fat) - 1 liter;
  • yogurt starter - 1 sachet.

Buy only fresh milk, this will allow you to prepare a high-quality fermented milk product.

  1. Pour milk into a multicooker saucepan. Turn on the "Extinguishing" mode for 20 minutes. Wait for the milk to boil, continue boiling it for another 5 minutes. If you have purchased ultra-pasteurized milk, then you do not need to boil it, it is enough to warm it up to room temperature (no higher than 40 degrees).
  2. Hot milk can be poured into a cold saucepan and allowed to cool down.
  3. While the milk is boiling and cooling down, all this time the starter culture should be stored in a cool place, and 15 minutes before use, remove it from the refrigerator and wait until it reaches room temperature. You can find out the temperature of milk and sourdough with a thermometer. It is better to remove the film from milk.
  4. Now you can pour the milk into the multicooker bowl, add the starter culture and mix well. At this stage of preparing kefir, it is advisable to use a plastic or wooden spoon.
  5. Some multicooker models come with yogurt jars. If there are any, then pour the prepared milk into jars, tighten the lids tightly and place them in the multicooker bowl.
  6. Now you need to pour water into the bowl so that the cans are half in the water. Close the lid of the multicooker and turn on the Yogurt mode. If your multicooker does not have such a function, then activate the “Multipovar” or “Heating” mode. Cooking time - 50 minutes.
  7. Turn off the multicooker, but do not take out the jars of kefir, they should stand in the multicooker for at least 7 hours (it is better to leave it overnight). Just in the morning, the whole family will have a great opportunity to have breakfast with fresh and healthy kefir.

It is better to drink such kefir within 3 days and do not leave it "in reserve". Remember that the child's body can react to kefir in different ways, and if rare stools may appear on the first and second days, then on the third day - vice versa.

Kefir in a slow cooker on kefir

You can cook kefir in a multicooker not only using a pharmacy starter culture, but also ordinary fresh kefir. The option of using kefir prepared with sourdough is not excluded. Leave one jar of fresh "sourdough" for making homemade kefir. So you will save your family budget and get an equally valuable and useful product.

To prepare kefir in a multicooker, prepare the following ingredients:

  • cow's milk with a fat content of 3.2% - 2 liters;
  • fresh kefir - a glass.

How to cook kefir in a slow cooker:

  1. Heat milk to 40 0 ​​С. You can determine the temperature with your little finger, dipping it into milk and feeling a slight burning sensation. The heating process only applies to pasteurized milk. If you make homemade yogurt in a slow cooker from whole cow's milk, then it must first be boiled, and then cooled to 40 degrees.
  2. When the milk is prepared, pour kefir (the same temperature) into a saucepan and mix both ingredients. Remember that the calorie content of your kefir will depend not only on milk, but also on the fat content of the starter culture. The higher it is, the denser and thicker the yogurt will turn out in a slow cooker.
  3. Pour the fermented milk into the multicooker container and activate the Multicook program. The cooking time for kefir in a multicooker is 6 hours. Set the temperature to 35 degrees and be sure to turn off the heating.
  4. When the kefir is ready, it should be cooled a little. Pour the contents from the multicooker bowl into an empty container ( glass jar with a lid) and refrigerate.

Kefir in a multicooker can be consumed immediately, just do not forget to leave a glass of sourdough (at least 200 gr.) For making a fresh portion of homemade kefir. Each time you can leave a fresh portion of kefir, but no more than 5-6 times, then the starter must be renewed.

Children's kefir in a slow cooker

Children are usually very fond of fermented milk products and are always happy to use them. So why spend money on store-bought kefir if you can cook it yourself. We offer a simple recipe for making kefir in a slow cooker.

Prepare the following foods:

  • store or homemade cow's milk - 2 liters;
  • "Bifilife" or children's kefir - 250 gr.

Cooking kefir for children in a multicooker:

  1. Bring home cow's milk to a boil, turn off the multicooker and pour into an empty container. It is necessary to wait for the milk to cool down to room temperature (about 38-40 degrees - no higher). Homemade milk for baby kefir, it is better to dilute with boiled water (1 part of water is taken for 2 parts of milk) and after dilution, the mixture is boiled for 5 minutes.
  2. If kefir is prepared from store-bought pasteurized milk, then it must be heated to the desired temperature.
  3. Add sourdough to milk and mix well. Pour the mixture into a bowl and turn on the heating for 10 minutes. When the time is up, turn off the multicooker and leave the kefir under a closed lid for 1 hour. Then we reheat the kefir in a slow cooker again for 10 minutes. Leave it to cool completely.
  4. After a few hours, the kefir will cool down and can be bottled. After that, in order for the kefir to grab, it must be sent to a cool place (in the refrigerator) for another 5 hours.
  5. When kefir in a slow cooker is ready, you can give it to the child, but only warm. Warm in microwave oven children's kefir is not allowed, since all beneficial bacteria will be destroyed. Better to put a bottle of kefir in a container of warm water.

Drink children's kefir cooked in a multicooker, preferably within 3 days.

What else you need to know about kefir:

  1. Cool boiled milk not on the balcony (especially in severe frosts), but on the stove. Let you spend an extra hour, but the milk will not be shocked. This method may affect taste and affect the fermentation process.
  2. To prepare kefir in a multicooker for babies, it is better to use children's kefir or special starter cultures, they have more microorganisms, and therefore more health benefits of the crumbs.
  3. "Young" kefir will weaken, and "mature" - will strengthen the chair.
  4. You can make a lot of kefir delicious dishes... In addition to baking and sour milk cocktails, you can make a kefir mask for hair and face.

Kefir in a slow cooker. Video

Cooking time: 5 hours.

Yield: 6 servings.

Have you ever tried homemade kefir? It tastes different from the store one, and there is no doubt about its usefulness! I offer you kefir at home for your judgment - a recipe in a slow cooker. The hostesses have adapted to prepare this wonderful fermented milk drink in it. I must say right away that here I used store-bought pasteurized milk (in film) of good quality 3.2% fat and regular kefir 2.5% fat.

If you are going to cook from whole cow's milk, then it must be diluted 1: 2 and must be boiled, and then cooled to the desired temperature. There are many recipes on the Internet: how to make kefir in a slow cooker with sourdough, sour cream, yogurt, but here you will find out the common version with kefir. As a result, the product turns out to be more delicate than store-bought, with a slight sourness, and of course, more natural - in a word, homemade!

And if you are sure of the quality of the starting products, then such a recipe for kefir in a multicooker for children from 10 months is also suitable.

How to make yogurt in a multicooker from milk - a recipe with a photo step by step:

Prepare only two products: a liter of milk and a glass of fresh kefir. Above, I have already described what quality they should be.

Pour the milk into the multicooker bowl.

Now it needs to be heated. Since I propose to make kefir from high-quality store milk, you do not need to boil it. We bring it to a temperature of 40 degrees. If you do not have a special thermometer, you can check the degree of heating with your finger (do not forget to wash your hands thoroughly). You should feel a slight burning sensation, very weak. If the temperature is higher, kefir from milk in a multicooker may not work.

Pour a glass of kefir into the warmed milk. Stir everything with a spoon or a whisk.

We put the bowl in the multicooker. We close the lid. You don't need to choose any program. Since I cook homemade yogurt in a Panasonic multicooker, I need to turn on the "Heating" mode. Timed 4 to 5 hours. Set an alarm or timer, as longer times are not recommended. In other brands of multicooker there is a function "Multipovar", where you can set the temperature to 40 degrees.

When time has passed, open the lid. You will see that some whey has come off. This is fine.

Let our kefir cool down a little. Then stir it. Grains may form.

This can be easily corrected with a blender. Bring the liquid to a homogeneous state.

Pour the fermented milk product into a clean jar. Refrigerate. Refrigerate for 3-4 hours. Now the preparation of kefir in a multicooker is completely finished. You can drink it neat or with added sugar, jam. Such kefir can stand in the refrigerator for 3 days. As well as from the usual, it can also be used to make pancakes, pancakes and other dishes where kefir is required. For the next portion, leave a glass of kefir for the sourdough. And if you want to get more product, take initially 2 liters of milk.

Bon appetit!

Kefir can be easily prepared using a multicooker absolutely independently. There is no need to have any special skills or abilities for this. It is enough to remember a few little things and everything will work out. Now all the details.

We prepare products

Of course, you need to purchase fatty milk and sourdough or kefir. There are now 2 options:

  • cow's milk must be brought to a boil and then cooled to 40 degrees. This procedure can be carried out in a multicooker bowl. Pour out the milk and select the "Stew" mode. It will take about 20 minutes to boil. Cool the product in the same place in the multicooker bowl. If you used a saucepan and brought the milk to a boil on the stove, then just turn off the heat and leave the container in the same place until the liquid reaches the required temperature;
  • if you have pasteurized milk, just heat it to 40 degrees.

Kefir in a slow cooker

Kefir in a multicooker can be prepared in several ways, since all gadgets are different, and the sets of products are also different.

Kefir in a slow cooker with sourdough

Add 1 sachet of a special yogurt starter culture to the prepared milk, preheating it to room temperature. Mix well. Then pour the milk mixture into the jars or leave everything in the bowl. Further:

  • if you have poured a semi-finished product into jars, then put a cloth napkin on the bottom of the bowl and place containers on it. Now pour in warm water. The liquid should reach the middle of the cans. Close the lid and select the Yogurt setting. It only remains to wait. In the absence of such a program, you can select the "Multi Cook" or "Heating" mode. In this case, set the time to 50 minutes. After the beep, turn off the multicooker and leave it closed for the next 7-8 hours.
  • if you decide to cook kefir in the bowl itself, then just close the lid and set one of the above modes. The sequence of operations and cooking time are the same.

Kefir on kefir in a slow cooker

Take a liter of prepared milk and add 100 g of fatty kefir at room temperature to it. Now mix everything. Pour the prepared product into the multicooker bowl and select the "Multicooker" mode. The cooking time will be 6 hours at a temperature of 35 degrees. Then pour the prepared kefir into a jar and store it for no more than 3 days in the refrigerator.

As a child, she was very wary of kefir and never expressed a special desire to drink it because of its rather sharp (for me) and pronounced sour taste. Well, maybe with sugar Yes, and in the family of fans of this fermented milk product was not observed, in general, never. I remember how I stood in lines for milk from a barrel, and in a grocery store they bought milk "in triangles" or glass bottle with a foil lid, the same story was with sour cream. These two products replaced in our home all that dairy and sour-milk variety, which is now available to any person in abundance. But suddenly there was a turning point! No - I was not struck by lightning: I got married And my husband turned out to be a lover of kefir! Moreover, a dozen years later, he put his son on kefir! And - where to go - I had to populate the refrigerator with a fermented milk friend of the strong half of the family. However, a problem of the following nature arose: when kefir remains in the bag "neither here nor there," it simply stagnates, deteriorates and has to be thrown away. It's not that we're in poverty, but it's a pity all the same for the product. This amount is not enough for baking, but there are other areas of application - already for me, my beloved For example, smear the face with kefir and become the whiter in the world)) I honestly admit that kefir is not the first freshness from a tetrapak, which, moreover, it seems to me , it becomes sour day by day, and indeed suspiciously shoplifting, the desire to smear on oneself disappeared after several heroic attempts.

Having scoured my brains and scrolled through the Internet, I came to a risky experiment: to make fresh, homemade kefir from sourdough, of which, as it turned out, there are quite a few in stores, pharmacies, and even through the Internet they can be bought if it is difficult to get them in the traditional simple way in your place of residence. I thought for a long time, was afraid of crooked hands, tossed between different manufacturers, toiled. As a result, I absolutely spontaneously took and bought kefir starter in the store - the first one that caught my eye - kefir from VIVO - a company that I knew absolutely nothing about. It turned out that the company is international, they trade in sourdoughs in many countries and live, in general, quite well. In general, having decided that lactic acid bacteria are bacteria in Africa, I just took and bought what I saw.

This is how it looks from the outside. Small box, very light, store in the refrigerator, cook within the expiration date, and pluck up the courage to take a chance

There are three spare parts inside the box: instructions and 2 sachets with sourdough.

Instruction. A very large "sheet" with a description of the product:

All the options that can be prepared at home from the starter cultures of this brand;

A plate by which you can choose which product is needed and useful for you at this stage of life;

A tip on how to make the same product without buying a new batch of sourdough;

GUARANTEE !!! the fact that if you fail to prepare the declared product, then you will be compensated for material costs and mental anguish)) (having patiently listened, made a debriefing and gave instructions on what to do in order to get the desired result next time.

Fine! We read, we are impressed, we joyfully take out bags with magic contents

Here they are - handsome bags. On each again we see the name, composition and recipe. In case there is no storage space in your refrigerator, albeit small, but still boxes, and you decided to just throw these small bags into it (after reading, remembering and, possibly, saving detailed instructions out of the box). Very comfortably.

Then everything is simple. We take milk (I took 1 liter, 3.2% - shop "Prostokvashino", collected this liter from two previously opened bottles in the refrigerator). We take a sachet of sourdough (probably both can be done at once, but by increasing the volume of milk, according to the instructions) and proceed to the process.

I had pasteurized milk, so I had to gently boil it, cool it to 40 degrees (to the touch), remove the froth (you don't need to boil ultra-pasteurized milk - just heat it to 40 degrees). You can cook kefir in a jar or thermos if there are no other devices at home, but I have a Polaris 0519D multicooker (which I am also afraid of, and every time I put food in it, I risk their life and my nerves), and the multicooker has a cooking mode " Yogurt". This is very good (albeit scary), because there is no need to be afraid that the thermos will not withstand the required temperature for the required time, the jar will break and there is no need to look for a battery under which to ferment kefir. And washing the multicooker bowl is much easier than washing a bottle, thermos or jar.

In general, let's go: pour milk into the multicooker at the required temperature, add the sourdough (I have 1 sachet per 1 liter), mix well, close the lid, turn on the "Yogurt" mode (by default, 8 hours, and leave it), we leave to live our life ...