Home / Cakes / Tokmach - what is it and how to cook? Homemade egg noodles Egg noodles for Tatar soup steaming.

Tokmach - what is it and how to cook? Homemade egg noodles Egg noodles for Tatar soup steaming.

Tokmach is a Tatar noodle soup that every Tatar woman should be able to cook. But unfortunately, in our time, city girls (not all, but many), spoiled by civilization, prefer to buy more and more ready-made semi-finished products and therefore are unlikely to please their family with a real tokmach, but a village girl - smart, beautiful, and an excellent hostess, will be able to cook a whole dinner from one chicken - for the first there will be noodle soup and for the second - the chicken itself from the broth, boiled potatoes, and feed the whole family, and even the guests who came to the fire, there will definitely be enough for six or eight people.
Even though I’m a city girl, today I’ll tell you how to properly and tasty cook real Tatar noodles! For these skills, of course, thanks to my mother, who, in principle, didn’t teach me all this, but always cooked food from our folk cuisine, and as a teenager, running past the kitchen, somehow didn’t notice how it was all done , and then, genetic memory also probably played a role) I have identified several important rules for myself so that this dish always turns out to be very tasty and a real Tatar tokmach, and I am happy to share these rules with all of you.

Rule one - right chicken, this is a very important and almost the most basic rule! It is best to use a farm chicken for the broth, so yellow all over, which walked around the paddock, nibbled grass and saw the sun. Store-bought chickens pumped up with no one knows what will give your broth no color, no taste, no aroma.

Rule two - properly cooked broth! The broth should be clear with a little amber fat from the boiled chicken floating on top. Add only chicken, salt, black pepper and a whole head to the broth onion(which is then removed and thrown away). No potatoes or carrots! No, of course you can add them, but why bother with the taste of freshly cooked fragrant broth, leave these vegetables for other soups. No other extraneous spices, only salt and ground black pepper. We add only dried noodles, or at least slightly dried ones, if you have them fresh. If you add fresh immediately, firstly, it can stick together, and secondly, the broth will become cloudy from flour, and a “mealyy” taste will be added. And most importantly, when cooking, the broth should not boil too much, it should “gurgle” slightly, then it will turn out delicious.
Properly brewed broth is a real balm for the stomach!)

The third rule is your own homemade noodles. So don’t argue, no matter how expensive the noodles from the store are, homemade ones are much tastier! Someone kneads the dough for noodles only on eggs, someone with the addition of water or broth, both methods are good, both are delicious, just whoever is used to what does it. If kneading only on eggs, then 100 gr is taken per egg. flour, and a pinch of salt, which is stirred in the egg. If kneading on an egg with water (broth), then the proportions are as follows - 1.5-2 tablespoons are taken per egg. liquids, a pinch of salt and flour, approximately 150-200 gr. We increase the proportions of the dough depending on the required amount of cooked noodles. For one large saucepan, liters for four broths, you will need about 120-150 gr.
The dough kneaded for noodles should be tight and elastic. It is very difficult to knead it, you need strong hands and fifteen minutes of hand fitness. If you have a kitchen machine or a food processor with a kneading function, then the technique will help you)
It would be best if you cook the noodles in advance and more, dry them and store them in a dark, dry place in a kitchen cabinet, in some kind of enamel pan, or in a glass or wide-mouth tin can, so that it is convenient to get the noodles from there, so that don't break it. It is advisable not to close the lid so that the noodles do not get damp, you need air access to it, cover it with baking paper folded in several layers on top, before the grandmother simply covered it with a crumpled newspaper. Dried noodles have a very long shelf life. It is important to dry it and not overdry it. If you don’t dry it out, it will be moldy; if you dry it out, the whole thing will break. Here, for now, everything is about noodles, the rest will be below, in the recipe.

Rule four - correct serving. I said at the very beginning that tokmach (as a rule) is a main course consisting of the first and second. Let's go for the first chicken bouillon with boiled noodles, and there must be a plate with chopped herbs on the table, the base is green onions and, if desired, dill or parsley, or all together. Each eater adds greens to his plate as much as he needs.
For the second - we serve chicken with potatoes on a separate dish. We take out the finished boiled chicken from the broth, let it cool slightly and cut it into portioned pieces, which we put on a baking sheet, grease with a beaten egg and bake for ten minutes at 180 gr. And boil the potatoes in a separate pan, in salted water as a whole, according to the number of eaters. We put the boiled potatoes on a large separate dish, grease it with melted butter, put pieces of baked chicken on top of the potatoes and sprinkle everything with fresh chopped herbs.
Such noodles can be served at a feast, and in the world, and in good people!) It is served both on weekdays, and on holidays, and at weddings, and at various religious events.

I wanted to write just a couple of words about noodles, but they turned into a whole article for me ...) And from all of the above, I concluded that properly cooked tokmach is a whole art, although it is a simple village dish.)

What you need for the broth:
Farm chicken - 2 kg.,
Water - 4 liters,
Onion (large) - 1 pc.,
Salt - to taste
Ground black pepper - to taste.
Dried noodles - 120-150 gr.

For submission:
Whole boiled potatoes
Butter - for greasing potatoes,
Egg - 1 pc. (for brushing the chicken)
Greens (green onion, dill)

For noodles:
Egg - 2 pcs.,
Salt - a pinch
Flour - 200 gr. + for rolling dough

How to cook:
Rinse the chicken well, singe if necessary, put in a large saucepan.
Pour water - 4 liters, put on fire, bring to a boil, remove the foam. After the scale has been removed, reduce the heat (less than average), let the chicken cook for about ten minutes, put a large peeled onion in the broth, salt 1 tbsp. salt and cook for 1 hour with a slight gurgle. Take out the chicken, add more salt and pepper to the broth, bring to taste. Pour dried noodles 120-150 g into the boiling broth (depending on the desired density), as soon as the broth with noodles boils and the noodles float up, turn off the heat, cover the pan with a lid and let stand for about five minutes. Pour the noodles on plates and serve with herbs.
As soon as the chicken is taken out of the broth, let it cool slightly for 5-10 minutes, cut into portions, put on a baking sheet, brush with a beaten egg and put in a heated oven to 180 gr. for 10 minutes.
Boiled hot potatoes put on a large dish, grease the potatoes with melted butter, put the baked chicken on top and sprinkle everything with fresh herbs. Meat and potatoes are served immediately with soup. Bon Appetit!)

Pour flour into a cup, make a hole in the middle, break eggs into it, add a pinch of salt, knead a stiff dough, knead for a long time, ten to fifteen minutes. Put the dough in a plastic bag and leave for 20-25 minutes. After that, the dough will become a little softer and easier to knead. Knead the dough a little more, it should be cool, but elastic.
Divide the dough into two parts, roll into two large thin cakes. Thin so that your palm should shine through. Lay the circles of dough on cotton kitchen napkins and let dry. Only here it is important not to overdry. As soon as the edges of the dough are a little dry, that's it, we transfer it to the board and cut long strips, 4-5 cm wide. Fold the strips in half, you can put 2-3 pieces one on one, and start cutting thin noodles with a sharp knife. Spread the resulting noodles on a large cutting board, or baking paper, or a newspaper and dry, occasionally gently loosening with your hands, trying not to break the noodles. Do not dry for a long time, so as not to overdry, it usually takes half a day to dry, but again, it all depends on the humidity and temperature in the room. And most importantly, make sure that there is no draft on the noodles, you do not need to dry them under open windows.
How to properly store noodles, I already wrote above, in the rules.
Well, that's all, if you have any questions, just ask.

For the noodles, break the eggs into a small bowl, add salt, stir with a fork until smooth. In a large bowl, place 1 cup of the sifted flour and pour in the eggs and salt. Start kneading with a wooden spoon, gradually adding the remaining flour. Continue kneading the thickened dough with your hands, it should become elastic and steep. Ready dough wrap in cling film and refrigerate for 2 hours to proof.

Divide the dough into pieces the size of a small apple. Roll out with a rolling pin alternately each part as thin as possible, until translucent. Spread towels on a large table and lay out the rolled layers of dough on them. Dry them for a few minutes. Roll up the layers of dough with a roll, cut the thinnest noodles with a sharp knife and put it on a tray.

Put the chicken in a saucepan, add the peeled onion. Pour 3 liters of drinking water, put on medium heat and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat to low, remove the foam with a slotted spoon and loosely cover the pan with a lid. Cook the broth over low heat, avoiding a rapid boil, periodically removing scale and foam, 1.5-2 hours, depending on the quality of the chicken. In the process of cooking, remove fat from the surface in a separate bowl, it will still come in handy.

Peel the carrots and cut into thin circles. Put in the broth for 20 minutes. before the end of cooking. Add with carrots Bay leaf.

Pour about 1 liter of broth into a saucepan. Bring to a boil, season with salt. Boil the noodles in this broth in portions of 1-2 minutes. Transfer the finished noodles to a bowl and with each new portion add the fat removed from the broth earlier to the noodles.

Remove the chicken, bay leaf and boiled onion from the broth pot. Let the chicken cool slightly. Cut the meat off the bones into small pieces. Salt and pepper the broth. Chop the green onion and dill very finely.

Put a serving of noodles on a plate, put a few pieces on the noodles chicken meat. Pour the broth into a bowl, trying to grab a couple of circles of carrots. Sprinkle with herbs. Put most of the greens on the table.

from the company LLC "Maslova and Co", Kazan.

This noodle attracted me with its appearance and price.

Price for this package 25 rubles.

And I bought it in store Magnet in Obninsk, Kaluga region, Russia.

Weight: 130 gr.

And why did this noodle attract me with its appearance? Yes, because it is made at home, as the Tatars do for the national Tatar chicken soup. It is their own hand-made noodles that Tatar women put in chicken soup. And they cook this soup for all holidays and always for a wake. This soup is the very first dish that is served to guests.

And this noodle is just produced in Kazan.

History reference:

Russian kitchen always put at the head of the table liquid meals. ... From soups came to Tatar cuisine with noodles.

In appearance, this noodle is very very similar to hand-made Tatar noodles. By the way, I myself made such noodles a month ago, I had to tinker.


flour, egg and water

Just the Tatars are doing their own homemade noodles flour, eggs and water.

What I liked about this noodle is that it doesn't get too soft when cooked. And in a day or two, the noodles do not swell in the soup.

Also the price of noodles is inexpensive. And you don’t have to bother making your own noodles at home.

And here is the chicken soup. The photo shows the soup on the second day after cooking.


It is necessary to cook the broth in salted water from the chicken. I usually add salt 10 minutes before the end of cooking meat or poultry.

Take out the chicken. Put onions, chopped into small cubes, into the broth, you can put carrots grated on a coarse grater, peppercorns and cook for about 5 minutes. Then put diced potatoes, cook until almost cooked, but so that the potatoes are a little undercooked. Then put the egg noodles and cook for another 3 minutes. At the same time, add a raw egg. You can just beat raw egg(both protein and yolk) with a little milk and pour it in a thin stream into the soup. You can drip a small amount of raw beaten egg into the soup with a teaspoon. In general, according to technology (among the Tatars) they do fluffy omelet, take pieces with a teaspoon and put in the soup. How you put an egg in your soup is up to you.

Separately, finely chopped parsley, dill and green onions are served with the soup.

Bon Appetit!

P.S. And this chicken soup was already cooked by my daughter and she also put these noodles. It turned out delicious!

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This dish has taken root so firmly in our menu that many are unaware that tokmach (tatar noodles - tokmach) was borrowed from Tatar cuisine.
They say that in the old days, before taking a daughter-in-law into the house, she was asked to cut noodles. The more subtle she did it, the more experienced and skillful hostess she admitted.

There is no specific recipe for tokmach. It can be cooked simply in broth with meat or you can add potatoes and roots, even there are no strict requirements for the shape of the noodles: the noodles can be cut into classic thin strips, or you can cut them into rhombuses, squares or triangles. For all options, there is only one main thing: noodles are poured into the finished broth and boiled for 2 minutes until tender.

My version is the simplest, only meat broth, noodles and greens.

Tokmach can be cooked on any basis - chicken, meat or mushroom broth or in milk. When preparing meat broth, you must remember that the dish is Tatar, which means no pork!

Wheat flour - 200 grams
Fresh eggs - 2 pcs.
Salt - a pinch
Olive oil - 1 tsp

I knead the dough in HP, somehow I’m already used to it and it’s more convenient for me. Pizza mode 10 minutes. Then half an hour / hour the dough rests in the cold.
When kneading, I always add water, 1-2 tsp.

I divide the dough into small pieces, pass through nozzle for rolling out the dough. I have had this nozzle for 5 years already, it was one of the first nozzles that I bought for my KM Kenwood
The nozzle has a dough thickness control at the exit: from 1 to 9.
First in position 1, then 2, and so on until the 8th. 9 is already very thin

So things go even faster, less time is wasted :)
If you get a lot of noodles, you can dry them well and store like any pasta.

Put the cooked tokmach noodles into the boiling broth, wait until it floats to the top, boil for 2 minutes and remove from heat.
To make the soup transparent, the noodles must be sifted before cooking and you can also scald with boiling water, put on a sieve and let the water drain.

Cut the boiled meat into pieces, arrange in plates and pour over hot soup. Sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

Bon appetit everyone!!!

Every housewife has an idea about noodle soup, which was borrowed by Russian cuisine from the Tatars and successfully took root in it. Depending on the broth on which this soup is prepared, it can be chicken, meat, mushroom or milk. Well, the method of preparing noodle soup is the same for all its types: you just need to pour the noodles into the finished broth and boil it until tender.

By the way, about noodles. Of course, you can buy it in the store, since now we are not deprived of quality pasta. And in the store we can buy wide and narrow noodles, egg noodles, etc. But you must admit that homemade noodles, cooked with your own hands, cannot be compared even with the best purchased ones. And cooking it is not difficult at all, you just need to show a little patience, give it a little time, and then your homemade noodles will become a real treat for the stomachs of your household.

Today we will try to cook several types. Of course, these will be more modern options, except for one - the classic one.

So, to business!

Tokmach (noodle soup) (Tatar cuisine)

Would need: 600 g meat with bone (beef or lamb), 150 g potatoes, 60 g carrots, 50 g onions, salt, pepper to taste.
For tokmach (noodles): 500 g wheat flour, 100 g water, 1 egg, 15 g salt.

Pour meat cold water and bring to a boil strong fire. Remove the foam, salt and continue to cook at a low boil for 2-2.5 hours. Remove the boiled meat from the broth. Strain the broth, bring to a boil. Cut the onion into rings, carrots into slices, coarsely chop the potatoes. Put everything into the boiling broth.

While the meat is cooking, you can cook tokmach. Pour the sifted flour onto the board with a mound, make a recess in it, into which pour cold water or cooled broth, add an egg, salt and knead a stiff dough. Divide the dough into small balls, roll out 1.5-2 mm thick and leave for 10-15 minutes to dry, then cut into ribbons 4-5 cm wide. Lay the ribbons on top of each other and chop into thin strips. Tokmach can be cut into diamonds, triangles or squares.

After 25-30 minutes, when the vegetables are cooked, add tokmach, pepper.
When the tokmach floats to the top, cook for another 2 minutes, then remove the pan from the heat. Cut the boiled meat into pieces, arrange in plates and pour over hot soup.

Noodle soup "Homemade with chicken"

Would need: 300 g chicken, 900 g water, 50 g each carrot and onion, 15 g parsley root, 20 g cooking oil or butter, salt to taste, herbs.
For noodles: 100 g wheat flour, 1 egg, 20 g water, salt to taste.

To prepare homemade noodles, beat the egg with water and salt, combine with sifted wheat flour, poured into a hill with a recess in the middle. Knead a stiff dough and let it stand for 20-30 minutes, then roll it into a layer 1-1.5 mm thick, cut into wide strips, which in turn are finely chopped and dried.

For 4 servings you will need: 1 onion, 100 g each of carrots, green onions and zucchini, 1 glass of dry white wine, 1 teaspoon of basil, 2 tbsp. spoons of tomato paste, 3-4 tomatoes, 3/4 l of vegetable and meat broth, 100 g of ham, 200 g of boiled egg vermicelli (in our case, homemade noodles), salt, ground black pepper, 1-2 g each cayenne pepper and sugar, 3-4 tbsp. spoons grated cheese, ½ bunch of basil.

Prepare and cut green onion stripes, zucchini and carrots - small cubes. Put vegetables in a bowl, add white wine, dried basil, cook for 8-10 minutes over high heat. stir tomato paste, peel the tomatoes, remove the seeds, cut into cubes, put in the mixture. Pour all this with vegetable or meat broth, add finely chopped ham. Cover the pot with a lid and cook for another 6-8 minutes over high heat.

Add vermicelli or homemade noodles, sugar, salt and pepper to taste and cook for another 6-8 minutes over high heat. Add grated cheese to the finished soup, pour into plates, sprinkle with chopped basil.

But what delicious milk noodles can be prepared according to this recipe.

Soup-noodles "Fragrant"

Would need: 1.5 liters of milk, ½ cup cream, homemade wheat flour noodles, 1 teaspoon salt, ½ teaspoon anise or coriander seeds.

Dip anise or coriander seeds tied in a gauze knot into boiling salted water (about 2 liters), add noodles and cook until half cooked. Throw the noodles in a colander, let the water drain, transfer the noodles to boiling milk and cook the soup until the noodles are ready. At the end of cooking soup, add cream, mix and remove the dishes from the heat.

And finally, another noodle recipe. We will get both the first and the second at once.

Dinner for the whole family "Two in one"

1. Soup-noodles "Goose"

Chop the goose carcass into pieces, add water and boil, adding 1 whole carrot and onion each (so the broth will be more fragrant). Salt lightly 20 minutes before the meat is ready. While it is cooking, prepare the homemade noodles traditional recipe kneading it on 2 eggs. Slice it thinly and pat dry. Select the meat from the broth and put the cooked noodles into it, adding the chopped onions and raw carrots. When serving, add chopped greens to each plate.

2. Goose in Vyatka

In a piece of foil 25-30 cm put cubes of potatoes, onions, circles of carrots. Add peppercorns, bay leaf, on top - a serving of goose meat. Pour over the broth, you can put a little goose fat or butter to make it juicier, wrap the foil in a bag, in the form of a truffle or an envelope (as you like) and bake in the oven at a temperature of 200-220 degrees for about 1 hour. When serving, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

From the same ingredients, the second can also be prepared in portioned pots, in which to serve. Beautiful, fragrant and very tasty!

Bon Appetit!