Home / Khachapuri / Oatmeal with banana milk - photo recipe. Semolina porridge with banana Oatmeal porridge with apple and banana

Oatmeal with banana milk - photo recipe. Semolina porridge with banana Oatmeal porridge with apple and banana

Hello, friends! In the morning I have a very pleasant ritual that I never change.

This is the morning breakfast. I always eat a bowl of oatmeal in the morning. Sometimes I alternate with rice porridge, which I learned to cook from glutinous rice.

But I really love oatmeal made with traditional oatmeal flakes. And I try to add various fruits and berries to oatmeal. It can be simple raisins, cinnamon apples, mangoes or a spoonful of jam.

But oatmeal with a banana is especially good. Banana, once in hot porridge, begins to melt and gives it an extra creamy-sweet taste. Therefore, why change what brings me pleasure in the morning? It might be boring as hell for some people to have porridge for breakfast, but for me it's damn delicious. And I never get tired of this healthy breakfast!

Oatmeal, sir!

Oatmeal is rich in fiber, fats and protein compounds, while it is an easily digestible product. In the morning, this is a wonderful hearty breakfast, while you won’t gain extra kilos from it. Porridge helps to normalize the motor function of the intestine - and this is the most important thing in the morning meal. I won’t even write about the vitamins and minerals of oatmeal, it is really very useful.

I buy regular oat flakes that take a long time to boil. I think that instant cereals lose a lot of vitamins and usefulness during processing. Well, this is my opinion.

Yes, can anyone answer me? Why is oatmeal called oatmeal?

Don't know what English oatmeal tastes like? Yes, and whether they eat oatmeal at all, I already strongly doubt it. But having visited a local cafe in Hua Hin where English breakfasts are prepared, I realized that the British eat not at all what I thought.

The cafe is clean and tidy. Heavy wooden tables and chairs, waving the English flag at the entrance. And the regulars of the establishment.

After ordering each a portion of an English breakfast, we began to wait for the dish. It was still early in the morning and I was hungry. 🙂 When they brought us huge portions of food, I completely lost faith that the British eat oatmeal for breakfast. 😯 Moreover, we have chosen medium portion.

On this day, I tried an English breakfast for the first time:

  • 2 fried eggs
  • 2 toasts fried in butter
  • beans in tomato sauce
  • potatoes fried in oil
  • mushrooms
  • thin meat sausage like sausage, but quite tasty.
  • fried bacon - 2 large pieces. Oh my stomach!
  • lightly fried tomato

And they gave us:

  • large pot of freshly brewed tea
  • milk
  • jam for toast
  • sugar

I am writing myself in shock, how could we manage such huge portions? 😯 Then I realized how Winnie the Pooh felt stuck in the door of the Rabbit's house. It suited me more as a lunch and dinner, if you divide the portion into 2 times. Everything was delicious, but it was too greasy and hard for me to eat in the morning.

Then I realized that I need to look for my favorite oatmeal and cook a delicious and healthy breakfast myself. And as soon as we moved to live in where there is a kitchen, I immediately bought oatmeal.

Imagine, here oatmeal is brought directly from Australia. 🙂 I like the McGarrett brand. Clean flakes and boil well.

How to cook oatmeal

I cook oatmeal in a rice cooker, in our opinion, a slow cooker. I put all the ingredients - oatmeal, milk, water and turn on the cooking.

I like a little thin porridge, so for 1.5 cups of oatmeal I take 3 cups of water and 3 cups of milk.

I cook porridge for about 10 minutes. I do not close the rice cooker yet and occasionally stir the porridge. As soon as the porridge boils, cook for another 5 minutes, close the lid and turn off the rice cooker. Let the porridge itself sweat for another 10 minutes. In the meantime, you can do a light exercise 😉

I add salt to taste in ready-made portions to my taste. And of course my favorite bananas. I use them instead of sugar. Banana in oatmeal gives it some softness and such a delicate creamy taste that adding something else is unnecessary.

banana oatmeal recipe

Cooking time: 25 minutes

Ingredients(for 2 servings):

  • 1.5 st. oatmeal
  • 3 art. water
  • 3 art. milk
  • 2 ripe bananas
  • sea ​​salt and some sugar

Note: 1 measuring cup = 140 ml.

Cooking scheme:

  1. Pour all the ingredients into the multicooker
  2. Cook for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally with a spoon to prevent burning.
  3. As soon as it boils, cook for another 5 minutes, then cover with a lid and turn off the slow cooker.
  4. 10 minutes oatmeal will sweat itself and reach
  5. Slice a ripe banana and add to your serving
  6. Salt and sugar to taste

In the diet of our children, both very young and older, cereals are always present. But they don't like all of them.
The child needs to try to cook not just porridge, but porridge with a twist. For example, such as rice porridge with a banana.


  • banana - 1
  • rice - 50 grams
  • milk - 75 ml
  • butter - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • nutmeg - pinch


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    Porridge, of course, will need to be cooked. And then, together with a banana, bake in the oven. Therefore, we turn on the oven, setting 190 degrees.

    Rinse rice in cold water. Pour into a small saucepan and pour 75 ml of boiling water. Put on a small fire. When the water boils, pour in the milk.

    Cook until rice is fully cooked. This will take an average of 30 minutes. Watch the process so that the rice does not burn. Stir and add a little water if necessary.
    Peel the banana. Break half into pieces and mash with a fork.

    Cut the other half into slices.

    Grease a baking dish (preferably ceramic, so that later it can be served in it) with oil.

    Put mashed bananas into the boiled porridge and mix.

    Put the banana rice in a bowl. Place the remaining whole banana slices on top. Put in the oven for 15 minutes.

    After removing or transferring from the mold to a plate, sprinkle the porridge with nutmeg. Serve hot immediately, as the banana tends to darken.


Don't replace water with milk. Cooking only in milk is fraught with the fact that the porridge will burn.

Do not add sugar while cooking. Banana is a sweet enough fruit, and you can not put sugar in porridge. But if you still decide to add it, then add it to an already prepared dish, at the moment when you sprinkle porridge with nutmeg.

Banana chips can be added to rice porridge, replacing, for example, circles on top.

Take very ripe and overripe (but not black) bananas, then the porridge will be sweeter and you won’t have to add sugar.

For babies, you can lightly puree the porridge, making it creamy. Before placing in a baking dish, go through the immersion blender. But so that whole grains of rice remain.

Banana is a tasty and very popular fruit grown in tropical countries. Its fragrant white flesh goes well with many products, which contributes to the demand in cooking. Today's publication will tell you whether it is possible to eat a banana for breakfast, what effect it has on the human body and what to cook from it.

The benefits and harms of the product

The sweet pulp of a banana is considered an excellent source of unique antioxidants, the formulas of which have not yet been recreated in the laboratory. It is also rich in maltose, sucrose, glucose and fructose. This makes it the strongest natural energy. In addition to everything, it contains a sufficient amount of calories. This means that a banana eaten for breakfast, the benefits of which are due to its vitamin and mineral composition, will allow you not to part with a feeling of satiety for a long time.

This product contains a lot of potassium, which is necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system, controlling the heart rate, maintaining an acceptable level of blood pressure and preventing the occurrence of muscle cramps. The sodium contained in it helps to remove excess fluid and prevents the development of puffiness. Together with potassium, it regulates metabolic processes and normalizes the acid-base balance. It contains no fats and cholesterol at all, but there is enough vitamin C. Therefore, a banana consumed for breakfast, the benefits and harms of which have already been well studied by experts, significantly increases the absorption of iron and destroys free radicals that destroy viable cells. The dietary fiber contained in it gently cleanses the body and normalizes the digestive tract. Also, these fruits are rich in phosphorus, iron, manganese, calcium and vitamin B 6.

Despite all the above useful properties, these gifts of the tropics have a number of contraindications. According to recent studies, eating a sweet fruit on an empty stomach is bad for health and can cause harm. Banana for breakfast is recommended to eat only after eating other foods. Otherwise, it can provoke a sharp jump in blood sugar levels. To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to supplement it with nuts, cereals or fermented milk products.


This thick and very healthy drink is a successful combination of honey, fruits and fermented milk products. To prepare it you will need:

  • 1 ripe banana
  • 2 tbsp. l. unflavored yogurt.
  • 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal.
  • 1 st. l. liquid light honey.
  • 10 almonds.

Smoothies are exactly what you need for breakfast. Oatmeal with banana and yogurt perfectly complement each other and saturate the body with vital energy for a long time. This drink is prepared in just a few minutes. To do this, all the ingredients are combined in a deep suitable container, including a peeled tropical fruit, and intensively processed with a blender.


This sweet tasty dish will surely be appreciated by kids who love chocolate and bananas. To cook such a healthy and satisfying porridge, you will need:

  • 80 g dry semolina.
  • 100 ml milk cream.
  • 1 ripe banana.
  • 1 cup cow's milk.
  • 2 tsp chocolate paste.
  • ½ tsp freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  • 3 tsp any chopped nuts.

Semolina porridge is what children most often do not want to eat for breakfast. With banana and chocolate paste, it takes on a completely different taste and becomes more appetizing. It is prepared very simply and quickly, which means that you do not have to get up early in the morning to feed your family heartily. Milk is poured into a saucepan, brought to a boil and supplemented with cereals. After about three minutes, the thickened porridge is sweetened with chocolate paste and briefly insisted under the lid. Before serving, each serving is topped with a sauce made from puréed banana, lemon juice and cream, and sprinkled with nuts.

Rice porrige

This dessert dish is perfect for children's breakfast. Banana and raisins give it a rich taste and pleasant aroma. To make this porridge you will need:

  • 1 cup dry rice
  • 2 bananas.
  • 3 art. l. light pitted raisins.
  • 3 art. l. olive oil.
  • 1 st. l. shabby parmesan.
  • Cinnamon, vanilla, sugar and drinking water.

Rice is fried in a frying pan greased with half of the available olive oil. As soon as it acquires a pearly-transparent shade, it is poured with half a glass of boiling water and simmered over low heat. After the liquid has been absorbed, the contents of the container are supplemented with raisins, sugar, cinnamon and vanilla. All this is re-filled with boiling water and brought to readiness. Shortly before turning off the fire, the dish is supplemented with circles of fried bananas and sprinkled with grated parmesan.


This delicious dish has a fairly dense structure and does not contain a single gram of flour. Therefore, it is considered one of the few healthy desserts suitable for children's and dietary breakfast. Banana gives it extra sweetness, which makes it possible to minimize the use of sugar. To pamper your loved ones with such a soufflé, you will need:

  • 200 g fresh cottage cheese.
  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1 fresh raw egg.
  • 1 st. l. breadcrumbs for breading.
  • 1 st. l. fine semolina.
  • 2 tbsp. l. ordinary sugar.
  • Salt.

A banana mashed with a fork is combined with mashed cottage cheese. All this is supplemented with breadcrumbs and semolina. The resulting mass is gently mixed with an egg beaten with sugar and salt, and then laid out in molds and baked at an average temperature for about twenty minutes.


This delicious and very simple dish is ideal for a healthy diet breakfast. Bananas present in its composition contain glucose and tryptophan, and cottage cheese is rich in calcium. To treat your family with ruddy cheesecakes in the morning, you will need:

  • 50 g rice flour.
  • 200 g fresh cottage cheese.
  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1 raw egg.
  • Salt, sugar substitute and sour cream.

The cottage cheese is transferred to a large cup and kneaded thoroughly with a fork. Then it is supplemented with a raw egg, salt, sugar substitute, rice flour and mashed banana. From the resulting mass, neat cheesecakes are formed and fried in a heated dry frying pan. Serve toasted products with fresh sour cream.

Curd with banana

For breakfast, you can cook another sweet treat that your household will definitely like. It will allow you to recharge your energy and good mood for a long time. To treat them to your family, you will need:

  • 350 g fresh cottage cheese.
  • 50 g of non-acidic sour cream.
  • 100 g unsalted butter.
  • 100 g of dark chocolate.
  • 100 g of ordinary sugar.
  • 2 bananas.
  • 2 tbsp. l. pasteurized milk.
  • ½ tsp vanilla sugar.
  • Walnuts (to taste).

Cottage cheese, butter, sour cream, regular and vanilla sugar are sent to the blender bowl. Everything is intensively beaten and laid out on a plate, at the bottom of which there are already chopped bananas. The future dessert is briefly put in the refrigerator, and then poured with a sauce made from milk and melted chocolate. The finished delicacy is decorated with chopped nuts and re-placed in the refrigerator.


Borrowed from American housewives, these delicious fluffy pancakes are the best you can make for breakfast. Bananas give them an exquisite aroma and a special taste that even the most picky eaters will not be able to resist. To make these pancakes you will need:

  • 300 ml pasteurized cow's milk.
  • 20 g unsalted butter (+ a little more for frying)
  • 3 bananas.
  • 2 raw eggs.
  • 2 cups baking flour.
  • 3 art. l. ordinary sugar.
  • Salt (to taste).

First you need to do a test. To prepare it, sifted flour, milk, sugar, egg yolks and melted butter are combined in a deep clean container. All this is well mixed, salted and supplemented with one mashed banana. The finished dough is shaken again, spread with a spoon on a hot frying pan and browned on both sides. Hot pancakes are decorated with banana slices, previously fried in butter.

thin pancakes

The banana breakfast recipe discussed below will certainly interest dough lovers. To independently reproduce it in your kitchen, you will need:

  • 300 ml pasteurized cow's milk.
  • 175 g baking flour.
  • 2 bananas.
  • 4 raw eggs.
  • 2 tbsp. l. ordinary sugar
  • Salt and vegetable oil.

Peeled and chopped bananas are transferred to a large bowl and knead thoroughly with a fork. The resulting puree is supplemented with beaten eggs, sifted flour, sugar and salt. All this is diluted with milk, mixed and poured in portions into a heated greased frying pan. Browned pancakes are placed on a flat plate and served with melted chocolate, honey or sour cream.

oatmeal pancakes

These delicious, lush and very healthy pancakes are equally suitable for both children's and adult menus. Therefore, they can feed the entire hungry family to the full at once. To prepare them, you will definitely need:

  • 100 g oatmeal.
  • 50 ml skimmed milk.
  • 1 raw egg.
  • 2 ripe bananas.

It is ground into flour, and then supplemented with mashed fruit, egg and milk. Everything is intensively mixed, trying to prevent the appearance of lumps. The finished dough is spread in portions on a heated dry non-stick frying pan and fried for several minutes on both sides.

Oatmeal with banana

For breakfast, many of us are accustomed to eating dietary cereals. Therefore, for those who monitor their own health, another recipe for a healthy and tasty dish will come in handy. To eat a plate of delicious oatmeal in the morning, you will need:

  • ½ cup of drinking water.
  • 100 g bananas.
  • 3 art. l. instant oatmeal.
  • 20 g raisins (preferably pitted).
  • 10 g butter.
  • Salt (to taste).

Oatmeal is poured into a suitable saucepan and poured with the required amount of salted water. After seven minutes from the moment of boiling, it is removed from the heat, supplemented with steamed raisins and chopped banana, and then it is briefly insisted under the lid and flavored with oil.

Oatmeal with cinnamon and fruit

This delicious milk porridge will be a good option for a children's breakfast. It contains everything you need to replenish wasted energy and lift your mood. To prepare one serving of this dish you will need:

  • 45 g oatmeal.
  • 120 ml skimmed milk.
  • 1 raw egg.
  • 2 tbsp. l. liquid flower honey.
  • ½ apple.
  • 1/3 banana.
  • ¼ tsp cinnamon.

In a deep suitable container, pre-mashed in honey, milk and a raw egg are sent. All this is supplemented with slices of peeled apple, cinnamon and oatmeal, and then mixed and placed in the microwave for several minutes.

Oatmeal with milk and cocoa

This dish is best prepared the night before, so that in the morning it can simply be warmed up and served on the table. To make this porridge you will need:

  • 80 g of regular oatmeal.
  • 80 ml pasteurized cow's milk.
  • 150 g bananas.
  • 15 g cocoa powder.
  • 15 g of liquid honey.
  • 50 g of 10% sour cream.
  • Cinnamon (to taste).

Sour cream, honey, cocoa and oatmeal are combined in a glass container. All this is supplemented with cinnamon, milk and finely chopped bananas, mixed and covered with a lid. After that, the dish is sent to the refrigerator for the whole night. In the morning, its contents are simply heated in the microwave, laid out in portioned plates and served on the table. The peculiarity of this porridge is that in the summer it can be consumed cooled down. But in this case, it will have to be removed from the refrigerator in advance and kept at room temperature for a short time.

One of the reasons to start the day with oatmeal is that it prepares the stomach for subsequent meals throughout the day, normalizing digestion, cleansing the body, and regulating the level of stomach acid. A banana in your breakfast will make it even healthier and keep you feeling full longer.

simple recipe

This breakfast can be called dietary, as oatmeal with a banana is cooked on the water. A quick cooking process will appeal to those who are not used to spending a lot of time cooking in the morning.

  1. First, flakes are poured into the dishes in which the porridge will be cooked;
  2. Fill them with water, salt;
  3. At an average temperature regime, they wait for boiling, make the temperature minimal;
  4. Cook breakfast for another 5-7 minutes, then turn off the burner and remove the dishes from it;
  5. Raisins pre-soaked in hot water are mixed into porridge;
  6. Cut a banana finely enough, add to oatmeal, mix;
  7. Let stand for 2-3 minutes;
  8. A piece of butter is added and breakfast is served (you can leave 2-3 cups of banana uncut and put them on top of the porridge).

Lazy oatmeal with banana and milk

For those who do not want to spend time preparing porridge at all, a recipe that requires very little effort is suitable. The porridge is infused overnight. In the morning it will be enough to heat it in the microwave. In the summer, you can also try the cold version, but not just from the refrigerator - you will need to get it half an hour before use.


  • 80 g of cereal (not fast-cooking) and milk;
  • 150 g bananas;
  • 15 g of cocoa and not hard honey;
  • 50 g sour cream 10%;
  • 5 g cinnamon.

Porridge is cooked at night, it takes 10-15 minutes to prepare the products.

Calories per 100 g: 165 kcal.

Oatmeal with banana, pear and strawberry

The lazy oatmeal recipe is also good because you can add a variety of products to it. Another breakfast option - oatmeal with pears, berries and a banana - will allow you to get a significant amount of vitamins and replenish your energy supply before a working day.


  • 200 g of regular cereal;
  • 100 g of classic yoghurt without additives and low fat content;
  • 40 g each of pear, banana and strawberry (take fresh or frozen, depending on the season. You can pick up other berries);
  • 120 g of low fat milk.

Work on porridge will take: 15 minutes and a night for insisting.

Calorie content in 100 g of breakfast: 164 kcal.

All products are collected in a glass container with a lid, except for fruits, berries and milk. Pour cool milk, shake with the lid closed. Berries and fruits are cut into small cubes and poured into porridge. Stir and put in the main compartment of the refrigerator overnight.

Oatmeal with cinnamon and fruits

Another quick breakfast option, but without overnight infusion. The calculation in the recipe is for one person. You can cook porridge with banana, cinnamon and apple in heat-resistant bowls or a mug.


  • 45 g of regular cereal;
  • 1/3 pc. banana
  • ½ apple (remove the skin, use only the pulp);
  • 1 egg;
  • 120 ml low-fat milk;
  • 2 tbsp. l. liquid honey;
  • ¼ tsp cinnamon.

The cooking process lasts: 15 min.

Calorie content in 100 g: 140 kcal.

  1. In the container where breakfast will be prepared, knead a banana. Pour milk, honey, egg and mix the products well;
  2. Flakes, cinnamon, small pieces of apple fall asleep, mix;
  3. Cook in the microwave for 2-3 minutes.

Oatmeal with banana and honey in a slow cooker

Using a slow cooker, you can also quickly cook oatmeal for breakfast.


  • 50 g of non-fast-cooking cereal and water;
  • 100 g banana;
  • 10 g of liquid honey and plums. oils.

Duration of the culinary process: 20 min.

Calorie content in 100 g: 144 kcal.

The walls of the multicooker container are lubricated with oil. Add cereal, honey and water, mix. Most devices have a special "Porridge" mode. You can install it and wait for the signal of readiness. If automatically this mode involves a long cooking time (30-40 minutes), then for oatmeal it makes sense to reduce it to 15 minutes. Before serving, the porridge should stand for another 5 minutes. Then small pieces of fruit are added to it.

Experimenting with oatmeal breakfast is easy - you can add almost any food you like to it: different fruits, berries, seasonings and sauces for sweet dishes, nuts, chocolate. Breakfast can be not only healthy, but also very tasty, if you show a little imagination.

The required ingredients are:

1. Oatmeal 3 tablespoons
2. Milk 200ml.
3. Banana 1 pc.
4. Salt, sugar

If you cannot feed your child, tasty and varied, I suggest you try this one. Your baby will grow strong, smart and healthy. Oatmeal provides the body with part of the daily protein requirement. Suitable for diet food. And here's what I read "Researchers from Finland have shown that children who eat oatmeal every day as children are two-thirds less likely to develop asthma than those who do not eat porridge." Therefore, my baby has oatmeal every morning with something, at the moment with a banana.

Oatmeal porridge with banana milk - Step by step cooking:

Actually everything is very simple. We take a small container, for example a small saucepan, pour 200 milliliters of milk into it and put it on fire

Next, pour 3 tablespoons of oatmeal into this saucepan with milk. Bring to a boil. Then you need to salt a little, and add sugar to taste, of course, you need to salt and add sugar as your baby loves. Cook on low heat for 30 minutes.

While our oatmeal is cooking, we take a banana and cut it into small pieces, so that it is convenient to beat with a blender.

When the oatmeal is ready. As needed, boiled soft, remove it from the heat, let it cool a little and add a pre-cut banana to it.

We beat all this with a blender into a homogeneous mass so that there are no lumps, as the child can choke.

Everything, our porridge is ready, bon appetit to your baby. I hope he really likes this oatmeal with milk and banana.