Home / Buns / What can be made from proteins in the microwave. Microwave Meringue Recipe

What can be made from proteins in the microwave. Microwave Meringue Recipe

09.02.2012 30.04.2016 by gotovlyu v mikrovolnovke

A meringue cake in the microwave turns out to be not quite familiar, not the same as if it were baked in the oven. But it only takes a few seconds to cook.

Unused mixture can be put in the refrigerator, where it will be perfectly stored for a week. You just need to wrap it well so that it does not dry out.

Microwave Meringue Recipe

If you do not know how to cook meringue in the microwave, then here is the answer. Take one egg white and powdered sugar (preferably sifted) 275 grams. This microwave meringue recipe is simple both in terms of products and execution. It is only necessary to grind the protein and powder very carefully, which should completely dissolve. Squirrels are best taken chilled. And grind with a spoon, and not beat, as is customary for baking in the oven.

At first, the protein mass will be liquid, but after 5 minutes it will become thicker and brighter.

Using a pastry syringe or two spoons, place the beringles on a sheet of waxed (baking) paper laid on a turntable in a microwave oven. Be sure to leave space between the stacked meringues - they will increase and do not put in the center - there they will cook too quickly (dry out), and the rest will not be ready yet.

Bake for 1 minute at 750W. The meringue will increase in volume and spread a little. Do not open the door immediately, let cool.

How to make meringue in the microwave

You can do it this way too. Take 1 egg white and 120 grams of powdered sugar. If powdered sugar home cooking, then be sure to sift it.

Whisk the egg whites with a fork. Whisking constantly, add the powder and mix thoroughly until you get a smooth fondant. At the end, you will have to put your hands on it, since the fondant will be quite thick and it is better to knead it with your hands.

Divide the resulting mixture into 13 parts and roll into balls.

Cook 7 first, and then the rest. Place them on a parchment-lined turntable. Leave room for the balloons to grow.

Bake 1-1.5 minutes at maximum.

Remove from paper and transfer to a kitchen rack to cool completely.

Strawberry meringue in the microwave

Quick Recipe strawberry dessert, which is cooked in the microwave in just one minute.

Strawberry meringue turns out to be very fragrant and tasty, quite sweet, light and airy. It is not for nothing that strawberry meringue is translated from French as “strawberry kiss”, just as sweet and light!


  • egg - one;
  • powdered sugar - a glass;
  • strawberries - a glass.

Cooking Strawberry Meringue in the Microwave

Separate the protein from the yolk. The yolk is not needed in this recipe.

Combine the protein with powdered sugar and rub thoroughly. At this stage, do not beat anything, but intensively rub the protein into powdered sugar. The mass should lighten and become thick.

Add chopped strawberries to the resulting mass and now beat thoroughly with a blender.

Over time, the mass will become homogeneous,

and then start to increase in size.

Beat until peaks appear.

Scoop small meringues onto a plate using a pastry syringe. The meringues will increase slightly in size during baking, so it is advisable to leave space between them.

Bake in the microwave for one minute at maximum power.

Serve the cooled strawberry meringue, garnishing with strawberry slices and mint leaves.

Meringue recipe in paper molds

Would need:

  • 1 protein
  • 150 grams of powdered sugar,
  • a little bit of citric acid.


Beat the protein with a mixer in a good foam. Add a drop of citric acid and pour in a little powder, continue to beat until a dense mass.

Put in a pastry bag, with which you put the protein-sugar mass into paper molds. Bake for a maximum of 1-2 minutes. Let stand without opening the door.

meringue islands

If you do not have molds, then you can cook in cups, for example. The most delicate dessert of the island. For him you need:

  • chilled proteins,
  • powdered sugar - as much by weight as proteins weigh,
  • vanilla (vanillin) - to taste,
  • black chocolate - a little
  • lemon juice- a little bit.


Beat egg whites on low speed until fluffy. Then gradually increase the speed. Beat until strong mass.

Pour in the powder and beat for another 5-10 minutes.

At the very end, add lemon juice and vanilla.

Grate the chocolate finely and carefully fold it into the egg whites.

Spread out protein mass in cups, small molds, filling them in half - when baking, it rises strongly and put in the microwave.

Power 800 W, time - 30 seconds. Do not pull out at least a minute, so as not to fall off.

Serve directly in a cup or put on a plate (lays out easily).

Step 1: Separate and beat egg whites.

Rinse well to start chicken eggs under running water, dry them with a kitchen towel. Then break them into a separate deep bowl, while separating the yolk from the protein. Set the yolks aside, you can use them to prepare another dish, and add table salt to the proteins on the tip of a table knife and 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar. Mix everything thoroughly with a tablespoon, and then beat with a mixer into a thick foam. Protein mass should increase, at least 2 times.

Step 2: Add the rest of the ingredients and beat the protein mixture.

Then add to the protein mixture on the tip of a table knife citric acid and half of the remaining granulated sugar, again beat the mixture with a mixer at high speed. Then, while continuing to beat, gradually add the remaining granulated sugar to the mixture. Beat the mixture until it has a smooth consistency and the sugar is completely dissolved in the mixture.

Step 3: Cook the meringue in the microwave.

Now line your microwave oven rack with foil, grease it with a little butter. You can move the finished protein mass into a special pastry bag and squeeze small meringues out of it onto the prepared foil. In this case, they will turn out to be incredibly textured and aesthetic on appearance. If there is no pastry bag at hand, you can reproduce the same action with a teaspoon. At the same time, leave a small distance between the meringue, approximately in 1-1.5 centimeters so that it does not stick together during cooking. Turn the microwave oven on convection mode, heat it up to 130 degrees c, then place the baking sheet with the meringue inside and bake in this mode about half an hour.

Step 4: Serve the meringue in the microwave.

Remove the finished meringues from the oven, cool slightly, then transfer to a serving dish and serve with tea as a separate independent dessert. In addition, if you wish, you can use such meringue when forming other culinary products. For example, during the preparation or decoration of various cakes. You can also make hot chocolate cream, add pre-peeled and crushed nuts to it (any, at your discretion), then grease the bottom of the meringue with this cream and combine two pieces together. As a result, you will get delicious and very beautiful cakes - meringues with chocolate. Enjoy your meal!

Meringue according to the same recipe can be baked in the oven. But at the same time, the meringue cooking time will increase by 2 times, that is, the dish will need to be baked for 1 hour, at a temperature of 100 degrees.

If desired, the pastry bag can be replaced with a regular dense plastic bag. To do this, place the prepared protein mass in it, tie it tightly, and cut one of the corners with scissors. Squeeze the mixture a little at a time onto the prepared sheet of foil.

If your microwave oven does not have a preheat function, then put the meringue rack in the microwave and turn on the “convection” mode.

Also, if desired, you can prepare a multi-colored meringue, which is especially popular with children. For this, it is necessary to use powdered food (!) Dye. Divide the mixture into several parts (depending on the number of colors desired) and mix each with the dye in proportions according to the instructions on the paint package.

I will say right away: meringues in the microwave do not turn out as beautiful as baked the classic way in the oven. It's all about the method of heating: in the microwave, heating comes from the inside, so the meringue does not rise as it should, it quickly settles. This is a minus. We will write down everything else in pluses.

The meringue is light and airy, snow-white, with a crispy thin crust and a tiny middle. And although it is not as elegant and pretentious as the classic meringue, it is in no way inferior to it in taste. And most importantly - it cooks very quickly, less than a minute, and if you need to build some " Count's ruins”, which do not require perfect shapes, the microwave is the ideal solution.

Features of cooking meringue in a microwave oven

  1. So, to cook meringue in the microwave, you need egg white and lots and lots of powdered sugar (three times more than in the classic French recipe).
  2. Forming products is most convenient in paper cupcake liners, but if you don’t have one, then a piece of parchment paper will do. The consistency is medium, so you can lay out the dough through a pastry bag or just with a spoon.
  3. The main thing is to follow distance between bezeshkas (3-4 cm), as they swell and grow in size very strongly.
  4. The success of the enterprise, of course, depends on the power of the microwave oven. I cooked to the max 800 W, exactly 30 seconds. When you bake for the first time, first select the optimal power and time specifically for your technique. To do this, try cooking 1 piece first to adjust the time depending on the characteristics of your technique (time can vary from 30 seconds to 1 minute).
  5. As soon as the timer beeps, do not rush to immediately open the door. Wait 1-2 minutes, let the whipped proteins get stronger and finally dry. You will not have time to brew tea, as the dessert will be ready!

Total cooking time: 5 minutes
Cooking time: 30 seconds
Yield: 12 pieces

If your oven has a convection mode, then cooking will differ little from the classic oven: set the temperature to 120 degrees and bake for 30 minutes. We will consider the case when there is no such regime. Yes, and there is no time - you need to make bezeshki very quickly.


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    About the sweet taste

    The use of powdered sugar is fundamental - the sugar will not have time to melt and will crunch on the teeth. First of all, I sift the powdered sugar so that it is without large inclusions, as homogeneous and lush as possible. It is very unpleasant when large sugar crystals come across and crunch on your teeth, so take a minute to sift. I recommend taking powder with a margin, measure 220-230 g right away, it’s better to have a couple of spoons left than later you won’t have enough at the most crucial moment.

    How to beat whites on meringue

    Next, I separated the white from the yolk (we won't need it). It is important here that even the smallest particle of the yolk does not get into the protein, otherwise it will not whip. Be sure to take the egg fresh and chilled. The whisking bowl should be spacious, completely clean and dry.

    For whipping you need a mixer. It is better to refuse a blender, so it can “re-beat” our protein mass more than necessary. I start whipping the protein at a low speed, gradually increasing it. After a couple of minutes, you should get a stable and opaque foam.

    Now you can in small portions add powder. I add 2-3 tablespoons without turning off the mixer. The mixture gradually thickens, and the whisks begin to “creak”. The powder may go a little more or less, depending on the size of the egg (some are larger, some are smaller, which means protein of different weights). This time I used 190 g of powdered sugar. At the very end, I added a few drops of freshly squeezed lemon - it will whiten the meringue and slightly neutralize the cloying sweetness.

    Forming and baking meringues with microwaves

    I transferred the sweet mass into a pastry bag and put it through a nozzle into paper forms - no more than 0.5 tablespoons each. I cooked at maximum power for 30 seconds, laid out in portions of several pieces. The meringue should rise and then settle down a bit but never burn. It is better not to open the door right away, but to wait at least a minute until the fragile cookie gets stronger.

    And more advice: put the forms not in the center, where the maximum heat is, but on the contrary, try to place them along the edge of the pan, then the protein will not burn. If you cook on a sheet of parchment, then be sure to keep the distance between the blanks, lay them out at a great distance from each other, otherwise they will stick together into a common sweet mass.

The result is 10 large meringues (or 20 pieces of small size). It is crumbly and tiny. Just a couple of minutes - and crispy snacks are already on the table.

How to serve "quick" meringue

Sweet tooth can just eat with a bite of tea, add to jelly desserts, combine with cream, berries and ice cream, cook cakes and come up with your own signature desserts. The only thing I would recommend is to save sugar when you add cream or layer, as the meringues themselves are very sweet. Experiment!

By the way, you can serve not separately with tea/cocoa/coffee, but assemble a whole Count Ruins cake from meringue - delicious and easy!

On a note

You can cook colored meringue. To do this, add powder food coloring at the very end of cooking and beat the egg whites again with a mixer.

Ah, those French! How they love delicious food! After all, the whole history of cooking begins on the banks of the Loire and its new chapters are still being written! Here, for example, French meringues cooked in the microwave will still remain old recipe French delicacies, albeit baked in modern ovens. Dried whipped proteins with sugar are prepared in several ways and can also be called meringues.

How to beat whites for meringue

Whatever meringue recipe we choose, you need to beat it correctly egg whites, but it will be baked in the microwave or in the oven, it does not matter at all. Therefore, we will write down all the stages and features of each stage:

  1. Proteins are taken only from fresh eggs and definitely chilled. They should not even have the smallest particle of yolk (if a little bit of yolk gets in, the proteins will not be lush). The dishes should be absolutely clean and dry, in size - 5 times the volume of unwhipped proteins. All these conditions are required!
  2. We begin to beat the contents of the dishes with a mixer at the lowest speed, gradually increasing it. Having received an opaque and persistent foam, you can add sugar (powder) in small parts. Beating is carried out for 7-8 minutes until a strong, persistent foam.
  3. Instead of sugar, it is better to use powdered sugar. Powdered sugar can be bought at the store, or you can simply grind sugar in a coffee grinder. With powdered sugar, the meringue base is denser.
  4. It is justified to add a few drops of lemon juice to the protein mass or citric acid at the tip of a teaspoon - by the end of the preparation of the mass.
  5. Calculation of proportions: for 1 protein - 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar.
  6. Very important! Do not use a blender to obtain foam! Very often, the high speed of the blender helps to interrupt the protein mass, which becomes liquid and unstable.
  7. It is advisable to beat the protein base in a cold room or in an ice-water bath.

microwave french meringue recipe


  • - 3 pcs. + -
  • - 1 glass + -
  • - 1/2 tsp + -


I-th option

After whipping the egg whites with powdered sugar into a strong mass, fill it into a pastry bag and squeeze out the cakes with a diameter of 3-4 cm onto a flat dish covered with pastry paper, keeping a distance of 3-4 cm between them.

You can also use a baking sheet microwave ovens. We put our cakes in the microwave cabinet for 30 seconds at a power of 800 watts. If the oven power is less, then the cooking time should be increased to 1-3 minutes.

II-nd option

If your microwave oven has a convection mode, then air cakes are baked at a temperature of 110-120 degrees for 35-40 minutes.

III option

We put the protein balls in paper vases for baking muffins and put them in the oven for 1-2 minutes at maximum power.

Cooking features:

  • When processing protein cakes with microwaves, they quickly gain volume, so the distance between the meringues should be equal to their diameter. If you put the mass into molds, then their volume should be filled no more than ½.
  • Meringue in the middle of the oven bakes faster than at the edges.
  • Do not open the door until the cakes are completely cool, otherwise they will settle.
  • You need to store meringue in paper bags, in a dry place, no more than 7 days.

How to use cooked protein meringues?

These airy sweet cakes can be called fast food for unexpected guests. They make a great addition to tea or coffee. Sprinkle them with grated chocolate or cocoa powder.

Cakes can be fastened together with any cream. You can also smear cookies from the store with cream, and “plant” meringue on top.

Airy small cakes can beautifully decorate a cake, cupcake or pie. They can be successfully combined with biscuit cakes if you bake not only small cakes, but also whole cakes.

Whipped egg whites and products made from them are the most popular elements and additions to more complex ones. confectionery. The simplest and quick recipe- meringues in the microwave, which can be seen without delaying their preparation indefinitely.

Do you have a couple of fresh eggs?

Recipe number 1 - in the microwave in 30 seconds!

To prepare meringue in the microwave, you need to separate the whites from the yolks. Eggs must be chilled and very fresh. First, wash the eggs well. Not a drop of yolk should get into the protein, and the whipping bowl should be absolutely dry. For a sample, take a couple of proteins, then, if everything works out well and you like it, make more. You need as much sugar as protein by weight. Considering that the weight of the protein is 25-40 g, depending on the size of the egg, calculate for yourself. Additions for meringue to your taste, you can add lemon juice, chocolate, etc. We begin to beat the egg whites at the lowest speed. As soon as the proteins become cloudy, we gradually increase the speed and bring it to the maximum. Beat until a strong foam and begin to introduce sugar in small portions, continue to beat for another 5-10 minutes until firm peaks.

At the end, add either lemon juice or other fillers. We lay out the air mass in molds suitable for the microwave. Fill the molds halfway. Cook at max power for 30 seconds. You don’t need to open the microwave immediately, wait 30-40 seconds, otherwise the proteins may fall off. Remove the meringue to a plate, decorate with berries, fruits or chocolate. If it does not come out well, run a sharp knife along the edge of the mold. Meringue in the microwave is ready! Enjoy your meal!

Recipe number 2, meringue is obtained ALWAYS!!!

Previously, I never managed to cook meringue - it either dries up, then it falls off, then it doesn’t whip, well, no way ... But not so long ago, a friend shared with me a recipe thanks to which meringues are always obtained!

Meringue - ingredients

  • proteins - from 5 eggs (if the eggs are selected and large, then 4 is enough);
  • lemon juice - 1 tablespoon;
  • salt - a small pinch;
  • powdered sugar - 120 grams;
  • sugar - 120 grams.

Meringue - cooking

Proteins must be used from the refrigerator (we also pre-cool the bowl). Beat the whites with salt at low speeds of the mixer, then at high.

Add sugar, lemon juice and beat until you get an elastic shiny mass, and the sugar is completely dissolved.

Gradually add powdered sugar and mix gently with a spatula so that the prepared mass does not settle.

We fill the pastry bag with mass and squeeze out in small portions onto a baking sheet, previously covered parchment paper. Try not to make products too high.

We put in the oven, heated to a temperature of 200 degrees.

We turn off the oven after 3 minutes and do not open it for 10-12 hours. You can make meringues in the evening and leave the products overnight in the oven, just do not open it.

Our portion is enough for 40 small and 15 large meringues.

Everything, the meringue is ready.

Enjoy your meal!
