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How to close a baking bag. How to use the baking sleeve

The roasting sleeve is specially designed so that during cooking the products retain their natural taste and aroma, bake evenly and do not lose their juiciness. Many housewives enjoy using this product, appreciating all the advantages of cooking in it, not only delicious, but also very healthy dishes... The baking sleeve is very easy to use - just like the baking bags that are often included in the seasoning packaging for various dishes... In this regard, the sleeves are even more convenient, since the hostess is not limited in size, and can choose the required sleeve length to fit the entire portion in it.

How to use the baking sleeve

The roasting sleeve is a long roll, about 30 cm wide, made of transparent heat-resistant polymer. Depending on the composition of the material, it is able to withstand temperatures from 200 to 230 degrees, these data must be indicated on the packaging. The sleeve comes with special clips, with which the edges of the sleeve are fixed. They are also made from heat resistant material. Some manufacturers produce baking sleeves that have perforations on one side to release steam. This is very convenient, since you need to use the baking sleeve in compliance with some rules, one of which is the device of small holes before placing it in a preheated oven. But everything is in order. So how do you use the baking sleeve?

Having prepared those products that you decided to bake in the sleeve, estimate their volume and cut a piece of the appropriate length from the roll, not forgetting about the tolerance on both sides required for attaching the clips. Place food in the sleeve. If you are cooking whole chicken, fish, or a large piece of meat, then you need to grate them in advance with spices and salt. And the cut products are placed in the sleeve, the dry spice mixture is poured into the same, the sleeve is closed on both sides with clips and shaken vigorously. As a result, you can avoid unnecessary utensils and get your hands dirty. The closed sleeve is placed in a cold mold or on a baking sheet and pierced from above in several places with a thick needle or the edge of a knife. This is done so that the hermetically sealed sleeve does not burst due to steam pressure during the baking process.
You can use the baking sleeve in a gas or electric oven, or in microwave oven, making sure that the temperature in them does not exceed 200-230 degrees. If you want to get a golden brown crust, then 15-20 minutes before the end of cooking, carefully, trying not to burn yourself with steam, cut the sleeve with a sharp knife and move its edges apart.
Recently, many chefs have tried to use the baking sleeve, as this allows you to reduce the amount of fat, salt and spices in dishes. And this is a huge plus in favor healthy eating, reducing the calorie content of food. For those who watch their weight and health, the roasting sleeve helps to diversify the menu with tasty and healthy food. And housewives especially appreciate another advantage of this cooking method: there is no need to wash the dish and the oven from greasy splashes and burnt pieces of food after baking.

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Remove the required amount of film from the roll. At both ends of which, at least 8-10 centimeters should remain for fixing with a clip. Place the product in the sleeve, clamp the ends of the film with the clip. Place the contents on a baking sheet and place in the preheated oven.

The baking film has small holes on one side. Make sure the holes are on top before placing the baking sheet in the oven. This is to prevent the steam inside the bag from breaking it. You should also check that the fixed edges do not touch the heated surface of the cabinet.

If necessary, you can brown the finished product by removing the clip from one end of the sleeve. When baking in the oven, make sure the convection mode is off. Using it can cause the film itself and the attached clips to melt.

If the sleeve you bought does not have the holes mentioned above, you can make them yourself. When the dish is placed in the film and clamped with clips, cuts are made with a toothpick or a thin edge of a knife.

You can cook in a sleeve not only in an oven (gas, electric), but also in a microwave oven and a multicooker, it is even used in steaming food.

Is there any harm in using a baking sleeve?

This question arises for many housewives. How safe is it to cook food in such a baking film? Based on the studies that have been carried out, the product is safe. No harmful substances are emitted when heated. Most of the food sleeves are made of polyethylene terephthalate. This substance has been tested and proven to be safe.

Also, this film can be used to store food in the freezer. Food prepared without adding oils and fats in the sleeve remains juicy due to the release of its own juice. Here, useful microelements are stored in the prepared products. Solid food steamed well and softened.

What's up your sleeve?

You can bake absolutely anything in such a convenient practical device. Meat, fish, vegetables, chicken - the products will not be dry and, if desired, you can lightly fry them. Alternative option is the foil. But there are some downsides. When cooking in foil, the juice produced by the food may leak out, which will affect the juiciness of the food.

The baking sleeve, as well as the bag, is hermetically sealed, which excludes "leakage". It is also much more convenient to assess the readiness of a dish when the product itself is visible. The foil has no visibility, in contrast to the transparent appearance of the bag. Another plus of using transparent polyethylene terephthalate film is that there is no need to clean the baking sheet where the food was baked.

If you plan to cook a dish from fatty foods, such as meat, you can combine it with vegetables. Then the meat will turn out to be less fatty, and the vegetables more juicy. Since they will absorb the secreted meat juice.
If the initially planned product for stewing is dry, then you can pre-marinate it. Then it will turn out more juicy dish at the exit from the oven.

You don't need to be a chef to cook tasty dish... It is enough to have on hand a set of products suitable for baking and a film sleeve. The basic rules that the "cook" must follow:

  • do not use the cooking sleeve if the temperature oven exceeds 200 degrees;
  • open the package with care, as there is hot steam, which can cause burns;
  • do not use the grill, convection function.

The combination of baking products is huge and you can choose a recipe for every taste and desire. Bon Appetit!

Many housewives have long forgotten about burnt baking sheet thanks to a wonderful kitchen device - roasting sleeve... There is nothing easier than putting all the ingredients in a "bag" and after a while get the finished dish out of the oven.

It is rumored that when heated, the roasting sleeve becomes toxic releasing substances hazardous to health. Is it so? This opinion is very common today, but, fortunately, it is erroneous.

Is the roasting sleeve toxic

The material from which the sleeve is made is intended for use at high temperatures. Scientifically, it is called a long term - modified heat-resistant polyethylene terephthalate, and when heated, it is only able to emit water and carbon dioxide. In the worst case, the roasting sleeve can turn into soot, i.e. ordinary carbon

How to use the baking sleeve correctly

      1. Let's start with the trivial: first of all, you should familiarize yourself with the attached instructions. But we suspect that after reading it, you will not discover much new, so today we will tell you about some of the nuances of cooking up your sleeve.

1. For those who like to bake dishes up their sleeve, we advise you to stock up on several types of this indispensable assistant: large and small, as well as individual packages for cooking portioned dishes... Yes, yes, and there are some!

2. It is better to take a section of the sleeve with a margin, then cut off the excess part, leaving tolerances at the edges of about 5 cm.

3. You can use the baking sleeve not only in an electric and gas oven, but also in a microwave oven, multicooker and even when steaming. Few people know that it can be used to cook a delicious omelet.

4. Before sending the dish to the oven, make several punctures in the upper part of the sleeve with a toothpick or knife to release excess steam.

5. So that the food is browned and not cooked, 20 minutes before the end of cooking, you should carefully break the sleeve from above. Some manufacturers have provided for such a need and made a dotted seam for convenience.

6. When placing the dish in the oven, make sure that the sleeve does not touch the walls, let alone the top of the oven.

7. Do not use while baking. convection mode to prevent the sleeve or its clips from melting.

8. Cognitive: food baked in the sleeve is considered less nutritious and more useful.

The roasting sleeve is designed for cooking vegetables, meat and even desserts. In a wonderful device, the food turns out to be juicy, soaked in its own juices, and most importantly - useful!

Heat treatment of vegetables, meat, fish, mushrooms, side dishes takes place in own juice... Housewives like recipes for dishes in the oven, in the sleeve, because the cooking process is simplified: - Less consumed vegetable oil, you can not add fat at all - more benefits, fewer calories and easier to wash dishes. - Preserves the juiciness of products, eliminates any risk of burning - all ingredients languish. For a crust, a baking sheet with contents should be lightly browned without coating. How to use the baking sleeve correctly? 1. Each bag is completed with clips for fastening the ends - paper or plastic - for various kitchen appliances.

The five most commonly used ingredients in recipes are:

Pay attention to compliance. If the clips are over, it is enough to tie both open ends with a knot or thread. 2. To prevent the material from bursting due to high temperature, you should first make several small holes on the surface for air and steam to escape. And make sure that the inflated bag does not come into contact with the side and top walls. 3. There should be a metal sheet, baking sheet, deep pan, or other container with a solid bottom underneath. Do not put the food sleeve on the grill rack.

Roasting is much more The right way cooking than roasting, boiling and even stewing. And the roasting sleeve is a simple and affordable tool for implementation culinary ideas healthy eating. Before using the baking sleeve, it is enough to prepare the meat and / or vegetables, and you can bake them together or separately in the sleeve. No oil, no extra calories - cooked in the bake sleeve retains maximum health, flavor and aroma. The sleeve protects food from dryness, retains moisture and ensures the juiciness of ready meals.

Baking sleeves are loved by modern housewives for their purely practical properties. Firstly, they allow you not to get dirty dishes and stove - and this is a significant saving of time and detergents. Secondly, you can use the baking sleeve in the oven, microwave and other kitchen gadgets, prepare main dishes, side dishes and pastries. The versatility of the culinary sleeve is a godsend for young housewives with a dynamic lifestyle. But only if you use the baking sleeve correctly, otherwise you will not be able to evaluate its benefits.

Baking sleeves and bags. Differences, features and rules of use
Baking bags and sleeves are not a novelty; chefs have been using these devices for a long time. Their principle of operation is the same: both bags and sleeves are made of durable and heat-resistant film. Heating polyethylene alarms many housewives - but baking bags are made of absolutely safe material that is not toxic even at high temperatures. The difference between bags and baking sleeves lies only in the shape: the bags are sealed on three sides and have a certain size. The culinary sleeve is more convenient because it is a pipe, the length and volume of which can be adjusted to your liking. Other benefits of a roasting sleeve:
Look in stores for a baked sleeve with a perforated seam on one side. Some manufacturers provide culinary sleeves with this convenient feature that allows you to effortlessly open the bag for browning baked food.

How to use the oven baking sleeve?
Using the baking sleeve is easy to learn the first time. Moreover, you will surely enjoy the process and the result so much that you will use the culinary sleeve as often as possible. And this is great, because it means that your food will be as healthy as possible, without an excess of fats and toxins that are formed when frying in oil, and vitamins will remain in the products, and will not go into the water, as is the case when cooking in boiling water. Let's learn how to use a baking sleeve with an example hearty dish: oven-baked meat with potatoes.

  1. Take an equal amount of potatoes and pork pulp - about 350-400 grams each. You will also need 150 grams of sour cream of any fat content, one medium-sized onion, 1 carrot, a pinch of salt and other spices of your choice.
  2. Prepare all foods. Wash the meat and cut into pieces. Peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes of the same size. Peel and chop onions and carrots at random (chop or use a grater).
  3. Place all ingredients in a deep bowl and season with salt. Add spices and sour cream, stir.
  4. Now take a baking sleeve and cut a piece of the appropriate size from it. In order not to be mistaken with the sleeve length, focus on the size of the dish and add 10 cm on both sides.
  5. Place the contents of the bowl into your sleeve like a pipe. Close it with clips on both sides (use paper clips for the oven). If there are no clips, you can simply tie the sleeve with two knots on one side and on the other.
  6. Place the sleeve with the food in a heat-resistant baking dish and place in the oven preheated to 180-190 ° C.
  7. After an hour, remove the dish from the oven, tear the perforated seam and return the dish to the oven for another 15 minutes to redden.
If the bag does not have a special tear line, you can carefully cut it and unfold the edges. When doing this, be very careful not to scald yourself with hot air in the pressurized bag and / or splashes of boiling liquid.

How to use the microwave oven sleeve?
Using a microwave oven and baking sleeve makes it easier to prepare hot meals, makes life easier and saves time. True, there are certain nuances that must be observed for security purposes. Let's look at them using the example of cooking baked fish in a sleeve in the microwave:

  1. Take a steak or salmon fillet. You can use another delicious fish: salmon, pink salmon, trout, etc. In addition to fish, you will need 1 fresh lemon, half a glass of dry or semi-dry white wine, a pinch of salt and ground pepper, 1 teaspoon of natural liquid honey and dried herbs to taste.
  2. Rinse the fish and pat dry with a towel. Combine dried herbs, salt and pepper and sprinkle with fish pieces. Pour freshly squeezed juice from one half of the lemon, and cut the other half into circles or semicircles.
  3. Cut off the baking sleeve to the desired length, throwing 10 cm on both sides. Fold the fish into a sleeve, place the sleeve on a ceramic baking sheet or baking dish, then place the lemon wedges on top of the fish. Dissolve honey in wine and pour into a bag.
  4. Close the sleeve with clips (for a microwave oven - plastic clips). Make several thin punctures in the upper part of the bag - steam will escape through them so that the bag does not burst from the pressure.
  5. Place the dish in the microwave and turn it on at full power for 20 minutes, making sure that the grill function is not active. When the microwave turns off, wait a couple of minutes, remove the dish and check the readiness. Open the bag carefully and remove the cooked fish.
Most roasting sleeves are suitable for both oven and microwave use. But just in case, before buying, find the appropriate mark on the package. All other experiments depend only on your imagination: cook up your sleeve different products, try combinations of spices, add cereals to meat, and vegetables to fish, and / or vice versa.

How to use the multicooker sleeve?
Using a sleeve or bags for baking in a multicooker is not prohibited, but, if you figure it out, it just doesn't make sense. The multicooker bowl itself acts as a closed container that holds back heat, splashes and moisture. Placing a bag in a multicooker creates unnecessary clutter of layers around the food. Instead, put all the ingredients directly into the multicooker bowl and cook in it. The bake and sauté modes treat food in the same way as it would cook in a sleeve in an oven.

As you learn to use the baking sleeve properly and get used to it, you will be surprised to find that you prefer this attachment to all other kitchen tools. And you will be happy to learn that in the sleeve you can not only bake, but also freeze food, raw and ready, and then defrost and reheat them. In a word, using a baking sleeve is not only beneficial, but also convenient. We wish you as many such pleasant discoveries as possible!