Home / cupcakes / How to make small cabbage rolls from large cabbage. Cabbage rolls: how to wrap, step by step recipe

How to make small cabbage rolls from large cabbage. Cabbage rolls: how to wrap, step by step recipe

“Parental home, the beginning of the beginning, you are a reliable pier in my life” is sung in a famous song, and this is absolutely true. No matter what happens to us, no matter what sharp turns our life makes, we can always return to our mother in our home and feel like a little girl, curl up next to her and any of our problems fade into the background.

And I am no exception, and the most comfortable place on Earth for me is my mom's house. I must say that the place where it is located is amazing. The house is located on the territory of a nursery, where seedlings of flowers, trees and shrubs have been grown since ancient times, which then disperse throughout the Crimea and beyond. From early spring to late autumn, there is a lot of greenery and flowers around.

And there is always beauty around mom. In my mother's garden and in the garden, everything blooms, everything grows, everything bears fruit!

Strawberries that bear fruit from spring to frost.

And my mom is beautiful too!And how does she cook? Since childhood, I love her cabbage rolls, which she makes in a very special way. If you have already read the recipe, then you are already convinced of this.

Mom's house is the best place in the world, not only for me, but for our entire extended family and our friends. We are always happy to come to visit, celebrate holidays. And what kind of Christmas tree do we decorate in the yard for the New Year to the delight of children!

By the way, my mother is a rich grandmother. She already has six grandchildren! And I'm sure that in the years to come, all her grandchildren will be able to admit, as I do now, that their grandmother's house is the best place in the world!

Help yourself!

No festive table is complete without cabbage rolls. They are loved, if not by everyone, then by the majority for sure! Delicious, satisfying and quite simple. Of course, there is a lot of trouble during cooking. And if the cabbage turns out to be not as it should be, then the success of the culinary event may be thwarted.

We will not give out recipes for cabbage rolls - there are already plenty of them on the net. There would be a desire, but you can find it! Quite different - cooking technology and properly selected products. Cabbage, rice, minced meat, spices - all these are small components of a delicious dish. And, of course, the method of wrapping the filling in a cabbage leaf plays a significant role.

I remember making cabbage rolls as a child.

Huge, barely fit in the hand, and so delicious!

Only at the festive table they did not bring pleasure: eat a 600 gram cabbage roll and that's it, nothing else climbs. My sister and I shared one darling in half and ate. But when guests gather, you can’t serve huge pigeon bast shoes on the table. Immediately I wanted to write about how you can wrap cabbage rolls. Only most of us know how to do it. And therefore, first of all, we focus on the right choice of products for cabbage rolls.

Cabbage for cabbage rolls

The head can be almost any size. The most important thing is that her leaves are thin. In winter, this can be difficult to find, but still possible. The greener the upper leaves, the softer the leaf will be. From thin leaves, cabbage rolls turn out more tender and softer, it is easier to wrap the filling in them.

Rice for cabbage rolls

Rice rice is different. Don't believe? If you want the filling in ready-made cabbage rolls to be crumbly, then choose steamed rice (in the glass in the center). If you need a filling in the form of a dense cutlet inside, then give preference to the so-called sushi rice. It is also great for meatballs (a glass on the right). Rice in this variety is oblong and rounded. Many housewives use crushed rice for cooking (a glass on the left). It is cheaper, but the taste of the finished dish will definitely be worse: rice turns into a solid porridge, almost does not absorb the aroma of spices and meat. In addition, with such rice, the filling, as a rule, turns out to be quite liquid.

Spices for cabbage rolls

Choose fragrant spices: a little dill, celery, green onion, parsley root. It is in this case that the cabbage rolls will be more fragrant.

Stuffing for cabbage rolls

For classic cabbage rolls, lean minced pork is best. If you want to save money, then minced pork can be mixed with meat and vegetable in a 1: 1 ratio. That is, for 300 grams of minced pork we take 300 grams of meat and vegetable. Then the filling will be denser. To make cabbage rolls tasty, the stuffing should contain 70% minced meat, and only 30% rice.

And, of course, ways to wrap the filling.

We are used to folding cabbage leaves with an envelope. Only when we then take out the finished dish from the pan, they simply fall apart. Of course, not always, but in most cases it is!

We offer two methods for wrapping the filling in a sheet.


We put the filling in the cabbage leaf and fold it like a sausage, and then gently push the leaf sticking out along the edges with a finger to the minced meat. This is visible in the picture. The result is a neat little dove.


If the cabbage leaves are very large, then they can be cut. First you need to carefully cut the stem in the center of the leaf (the toughest place in the leaf), and then divide it into 4 parts. If the leaves were boiled correctly, then four tiny beautiful duckies will turn out from one large one.

Take ¼ sheet and put the filling.

Now we twist it like a bag for seeds.

If necessary, bend the bottom of the resulting cone. From above we get a large amount of sheet.

It must be pushed to the minced meat in the same way as when folding the sheet using the cam method. The output is a pretty dove. Guests will be greatly surprised by their size! So at the festive table it will be possible to eat a couple of duckies, and there will be room for other dishes!

Bon appetit!

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Greetings our dear readers. Today we will learn how to cook cabbage rolls so that they are juicy and tasty. Once upon a time I did not like cabbage rolls at all. When I was little, I tried to remove the cabbage and eat the stuffing. That is if the filling was delicious. I think a lot of people are familiar with this situation.

But when I grew up, my studies, the army, my family, I practically forgot what it was until my wife prepared the first batch. It's so delicious that it's hard to describe in words, you have to try it. We will write the simplest, basic and crown recipe first. The rest of the recipes are also very tasty, so you can pick up something interesting for yourself. Let's quickly learn how to cook cabbage rolls.

Before answering the question, they say, how to cook cabbage rolls, let's look at a few tips for preparing those same goodies.

  • You need to choose cabbage carefully so that there are no spoiled sheets. It is better to choose greener cabbage than white. And varieties fit oblate rather than round. They have a smaller stalk and larger leaves.
  • When blanching cabbage, you can add vinegar to the water. It will prevent sheet breaks, maintain integrity.
  • Various seasonings and herbs, such as cumin, can be added to the filling.
  • If you use minced meat without fat, then the cabbage rolls will be dry. You can then add a piece of butter to the filling in each cabbage roll.
  • To make cabbage rolls more juicy, add more vegetable fry to the filling.
  • If tomato is used in the sauce and it is sour, the cooking time will increase.
  • To improve the taste and make the sauce thicker, pre-frying the cabbage rolls in a pan will help. It is better to fry cabbage rolls in flour.
  • Gravy for stuffed cabbage does not have to be diluted with water. Broths are best suited for this: mushroom, vegetable or meat.

All the recipes below are tested by us and are quite versatile. Stuffed cabbage can be cooked in a pan, in a saucepan, oven or slow cooker. There are no limits, experiment and create your own recipe.

Well, we will begin to learn how to cook cabbage rolls in different ways.

Classic cabbage rolls with rice and minced meat.

Everything is quite simple, but the main thing in this recipe, and like in the others, is to add not only rice and meat to the filling, but also a passivation of vegetables with herbs. Stuffed cabbage will be much juicier.

Well, cabbage. We take it not anyhow, but with thin leaves. It is better to take heads of flat shape.

To get an excellent taste, add more sour cream or heavy cream to the gravy.

We will need:

  • Cabbage - 1 kg;
  • Minced meat - 250-300 g;
  • Carrots - 2-3 pieces;
  • Onion - 2-3 pcs;
  • Greens (mixture) to taste;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Pepper black and fragrant to taste;
  • paprika to taste;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Tomato juice - 1 cup (or tomato paste - 1 tablespoon).

For pouring

  • Vegetable, meat broth or boiled water - 0.5 l;
  • Sour cream (15% - 20%) - 400 ml;
  • tomato and vegetable passivation;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Greens to taste;
  • Pepper to taste.

Step 1.

How to cook cabbage rolls? Where to start? And we will start with tomato-vegetable passivation. Three carrots on a coarse grater. Onion cut into small cubes.

Fry all this in oil until soft and add tomato juice or paste.

Tomato paste should be taken of good quality and diluted with a glass of water.

Then salt and pepper to taste. Add 1 teaspoon of sugar. Well, let's mix everything.

Step 2

Now we wash the rice well and pour it with boiling water, let it cool.

We will prepare minced meat right away, here as it is convenient for you. You can take absolutely any stuffing. A mixture of pork and beef is best.

Step 3

Now 2/3 of the passivation is mixed with rice and minced meat. We add greens.

Step 4

Now let's prepare the cabbage. First, cut out the middle part (legs). Put on a fork and lower into boiling water for a few minutes. So the leaves will become softer and will not break. But be careful that the leaves do not become soft. It usually takes 2-3 minutes for this.

You can also do the same in the microwave. But they didn’t try it themselves, they say the result is the same, but less hassle.

Step 5

We remove thick veins from the sheets.

Cut the leaves into triangles. But the size of each chooses to your liking. Someone likes more stuffed cabbage. We love the small size. We get one sheet of about 4 parts.

Step 6

Now the stuffing. We have already mixed rice, minced meat and 2/3 roast with spices and herbs. Once again, you can check the taste and, if necessary, add spices to taste.

Prepare a tall stewpan or cauldron in which we will cook our cabbage rolls. Lubricate the bottom with oil.

To protect cabbage rolls from burning, cabbage marriage is laid out at the bottom. What is left of cutting our leaves for cabbage rolls.

Step 7

Now we put a sheet on the table, put the filling on it and wrap it. You can according to the diagram in the photo.

And put the cabbage rolls in a cauldron.

Step 8

Mix the broth, sour cream and the remaining 1/3 vegetable fry. In this case, sour cream (or heavy cream) should be more than broth. This will make it much tastier. Salt everything to taste, add a few peas of black and allspice and a bay leaf can be. We stir everything.

Fill all our cabbage rolls with this, so that the top layer is barely visible from the fill. We put on the stove, bring to a boil and then reduce the heat to a minimum and simmer for about an hour.

When ready, we take it out and you can serve it on the table. So we learned how to cook cabbage rolls according to a fairly simple recipe.

Cabbage rolls in a saucepan according to the classic recipe.

Cabbage rolls in a cauldron are very tasty. But what to do when it's not there? Or someone does not like sour cream or cream? Let's learn how to cook cabbage rolls in a regular pan. This is a classic. We prepared this recipe for the holiday, so there are a lot of ingredients, about 10 servings. But you can also reduce the number of ingredients.


  • Cabbage - 2 kg;
  • Rice - 450 g;
  • Minced meat - 500 g;

For frying:

  • Onion - 320-350 g;
  • Carrots - 530-550 g;
  • Tomato paste - 220 g;
  • Sunflower oil - 70 g;
  • Water - 1.5 l;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Ground black pepper to taste;
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.

Step 1.

We cook rice. Rinse it well first. Then pour water well and bring to a boil, cook for 5-6 minutes. After turning off the fire, cover with a lid and leave for another 5 minutes to sweat.

When ready, drain the water through a drushlak, let the rice lie there so that all the water comes down.

Step 2

Three carrots on a coarse grater, chop the onion not very finely. Fry in a pan for about 5-6 minutes. Don't forget to stir.

Step 3

Add tomato paste and fry for a couple more minutes. When ready, you need to remove less than half of the frying in a separate container.

Step 4

Add most of the water, stir and bring to a boil. Add salt, pepper to taste and bay leaf. We make a small fire and boil for 3-5 minutes.

Step 5

Now the stuffing. Mix rice and mince. Again, choose according to your taste. Then we add a smaller part of the fry there. Salt and pepper to taste. Mix everything thoroughly.

Step 6

Now prepare the cabbage, as described in the recipe above. We cut out part of the leg, put it on a fork, lower it into boiling water. Gradually cut off the leaves from the stem. But be careful not to overcook, so that the leaves are not soft. It takes about 3-5 minutes to do this.

Let the leaves cool and then remove the water.

Step 7

Trim the thick veins from the leaves. We cut them to the desired size.

Let's get the pot ready. At the bottom, you can lay out unnecessary leaves, trimmings.

Step 8

Now we put the filling on the prepared leaves and fold them into an envelope. Immediately put the cabbage rolls in the pan tightly to each other.

Step 9

Pour our gravy into the pan. You can add water to hide the cabbage rolls in the gravy.

Now put on fire, bring to a boil. After we put on a small fire and cook for 1-1.5 hours.

Readiness can be checked with a skewer or toothpick. When the cabbage is ready, it is easily pierced.

Although such cabbage rolls are called lazy, you still have to work hard, although you don’t need to wrap the filling in leaves. Ordinary cabbage rolls can also be cooked in the oven. During the cooking process, nothing changes, except for stewing.

The recipes described above can be cooked in the oven in the same way, by the way, I like it better. You can also cook lazy cabbage rolls in a saucepan or cauldron. Try and experiment.

And now we will learn how to cook lazy cabbage rolls, also in the oven.


  • Cabbage - 1 head;
  • Meat - 1 kg;
  • Onion - 1 pc;
  • Carrot - 1 pc;
  • Rice - 1 cup;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves;
  • Vegetable oil - 60-70 g;
  • Egg - 2 pcs;
  • Sour cream - 500 g;
  • Tomato paste - 2-3 tablespoons;
  • Pepper, herbs, salt and bay leaf to taste.

Step 1.

Chop cabbage, it's nothing complicated, we do everything as you like, but not very large.

Step 2

Boil rice, drain water.

Step 3

We rub the carrots on a coarse grater, chop the onion and fry them in a pan. Then we leave to cool.

Step 4

Now mix the tomato with sour cream. Salt and pepper.

Step 5

Add the minced meat, rice, cabbage and eggs. Salt and pepper to taste, mix everything thoroughly.

Step 6

Now you need to form cutlets with wet hands. Fry them in a pan until golden brown.

Step 7

We spread our lazy cabbage rolls in a mold and grease with sauce. We heat the oven to 180 ºС. We send cabbage rolls there and simmer for 40-50 minutes.

When ready, we take it out and serve it on the table. It is better to eat hot with sour cream and herbs.

Here again, you can cook delicious cabbage rolls in a slow cooker. Well, you can use any filling. Now let's figure out how to cook cabbage rolls in a slow cooker with dietary meat, such as chicken.

Although I prefer turkey meat or goose meat, they are more juicy. Cabbage rolls are less high-calorie than from pork and beef meat, and the taste is awesome. This dish will look beautiful on the festive table.

We will need:

  • Cabbage - 1 head;
  • Carrot - 1 pc;
  • Rice - 100 g;
  • Chicken fillet - 300 g;
  • Green peas - 100 g;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves;
  • Sunflower oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • Salt, ground pepper, peppercorns, bay leaf - to taste;
  • Dry spices for chicken;
  • Greens to taste.

Step 1.

First boil the rice. There's nothing complicated here. Cool when ready and drain off excess water.

Step 2

Grate the carrots on a medium grater. Finely chop the greens. Peas, it is better to use frozen. Canned can be used, but not as tasty. If you took frozen, then it is not necessary to defrost it.

Step 3

Now chop the chicken fillet finely and fry with garlic (finely chop it too) in a pan. Fry for approximately 5 minutes. When ready, pepper and salt to taste.

Step 4

Now mix rice, carrots, herbs, peas and chicken. Mix well.

Step 5

Now let's prepare the cabbage leaves. Everything is as usual here. See recipes above. You can either blanch the cabbage or use the microwave.

Step 6

Now we also cut out thick veins, cut the leaves to the desired size.

We put 1-2 tablespoons of the filling on the sheet and wrap it with an envelope. At this stage, you can fold all the cabbage rolls and freeze. And you can go on and on.

Step 7

Now in a slow cooker, pour a little sunflower oil on the bottom of the pan. You can also put the leftover cabbage leaves. Then lay out the layers of cabbage rolls.

Step 8

We close the slow cooker and turn on the “extinguishing” mode for 40 minutes. Best served hot and with sauce.

You can also stew stuffed cabbage with gravy in a slow cooker, or you can cook it for a couple, everything turns out very tasty.

And that's all we have. I think we were able to understand how to cook cabbage rolls in different ways to make it juicy and tasty. Bon appetit, share your comments below, join us on social networks. Until then, see you all.

How to cook stuffed cabbage delicious and juicy - 4 best recipes. updated: November 11, 2019 by: Subbotin Pavel

Cabbage rolls are a wonderful dish from childhood. This dish can be safely served at the table instead of the usual cutlets and chops. Stuffed cabbage is a combination of both the main dish (its filling, usually meat, takes on this role), and a light vegetable, namely cabbage, side dish. Many are faced with the problem: how to wrap a cabbage roll. Consider several ways to prepare this delicious dish, as well as reveal the secrets of facilitating the process.

Traditional filling

Before dealing with that, it is necessary to think about what products we will use as its filling. Usually minced meat is added to cabbage leaves, whether it be chicken, pork or beef. Sometimes boiled rice, carrots, onions, as well as various seasonings, such as black pepper, basil, coriander or garlic, are added to the minced meat filling.

Original content

Currently, there are many variations of stuffing cabbage rolls. Resourceful housewives use champignons chopped with egg and onion in combination with corn and seasoned with ketchup in the preparation of the filling. Buckwheat, kohlrabi, zucchini are also added to the filling. Stuffed cabbage rolls stuffed with vegetables alone, for example, carrots, seasoned with garlic and cloves, will turn out delicious. Some even use noodles as filling for cabbage rolls! Also, a whole piece of meat is added to the cabbage leaf, rolled into a tube and stuffed with cheese, walnuts and other goodies. When preparing cabbage rolls, you can safely experiment, wrap any products that you like in a cabbage leaf.

Choosing cabbage

Now that we have decided what ingredients we will use as a filling, before returning to the question of how to wrap a cabbage roll, we need to correctly select the head of cabbage we need. To prepare this dish, it is better to use the leaves of young cabbage, because they are less dense, which means they will be more juicy and tender. Remember: the fresher and younger the cabbage, the softer the stuffed cabbage will turn out. In order to use cabbage leaves for cooking, it is necessary to cut them off with a sharp knife from the stalk and boil them lightly in salted boiling water. If it is difficult to find a young head of cabbage, then you can use denser and older vegetables. But we warn you: the leaves of such cabbage must be carefully processed before cooking. Firstly, in this case it is better to pay attention to small heads of cabbage. Secondly, it is not necessary to leave individual cabbage leaves in boiling water over low heat, but the whole vegetable, and keep it there for about 10 minutes. Only then should the leaves be cut off from the head and coarse fibers or thick veins removed. Some housewives, in order to achieve greater softness from cabbage leaves, process them with a kitchen hammer.

How to wrap cabbage rolls: photo

Let's take a step-by-step look at how to wrap the selected filling in the prepared cabbage leaf so that the dish does not fall apart when stewing. This is how our mothers and grandmothers prepare cabbage rolls. First you need to put a cabbage leaf on a clean surface. Now you need to put a little stuffing on it. In our case, this is minced meat with herbs. It is better to place the filling not in the center, but a little closer to the base of the leaflet.

Now let's see how to properly wrap cabbage rolls in cabbage. Let's start doing this from the ground up. We turn it up and put it on the filling.

Now we connect the sides together so that the minced meat does not leave the cabbage leaf during further processing.

And now back to the base. Carefully continue to wrap the stuffed cabbage until we reach the top of the leaf.

You need to spread the resulting pie into the dishes, pressing the naughty edge of the cabbage leaf to the pan.

Some housewives, in order to be safe and avoid the possible spread of the darling, tie it with an ordinary thread. After stewing, the fixative is removed, and the dish can be safely tasted.

How to properly wrap cabbage rolls? The photo will show this more clearly. There is nothing difficult in this. Neat bundles are obtained.

We make cones

We will learn not only how to wrap cabbage rolls with an envelope, but also consider the Bulgarian way of preparing this delicious dish. So, in order to make a cone from a cabbage leaf stuffed with excellent filler, you first need to cut it in half. In this case, it is desirable to remove the hard part. Get small pieces of cabbage. We will use them in the preparation of cabbage rolls. A little filling should be laid out on a leaflet closer to the base. And now we begin to twist our stuffed cabbage like a paper sheet, that is, we take the edge closest to us and make a cone. Now it remains to wrap the edges of the cabbage inward, to the filling. This is how Bulgarian cabbage rolls are prepared.

cabbage rolls

If you want to get miniature narrow cabbage rolls, then this recipe was created especially for you. Cabbage rolls, as a rule, are prepared using meat filling with the obligatory addition of rice, as well as sesame seeds, traditional products and sauces of Japanese cuisine. How to wrap a cabbage roll in such a way as to make a roll? First you need to form the filling. It is better to roll it into a thin sausage and season with spices on top. Now the resulting mass should be laid out on a cabbage leaf in such a way as shown in the photo.

A feature of this method of preparation is that the cabbage roll is twisted not from the base to the curly part, but from one side to the other.

It turns out a long and thin stuffed cabbage. You can slightly tuck the protruding edges of the cabbage inward.


We looked at several ways to wrap cabbage rolls. A photo of the finished dish is also attached. What to do next? to end? Before you eat the resulting envelopes, cones or rolls, you need to put them out. To do this, you need a deep saucepan. It is better to completely cover its bottom with chopped vegetables, such as carrots, onions, sweet peppers, and various greens. You can also add sour cream and butter to make the dish softer. Now you should put our cabbage rolls on a vegetable pillow, add a little water. They should be simmered over low heat. Until the cabbage rolls are fully cooked, you should wait about an hour. The duration of stewing depends on the products that you used as a filling.

So, if raw rice was added to the minced meat, then the cabbage rolls should be left on the fire for an hour and a half. If the filling is light, for example, vegetable, then 25 minutes is enough. Bon appetit!

In winter, when the body lacks vitamins and antioxidants, dishes from seasonal vegetables are of particular relevance. Cabbage is one of the most affordable and budgetary of them. Most housewives use juicy leaves, rich in fiber and biologically active phytonutrients, in the preparation of cabbage rolls, a minced meat dish popular in Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian cuisines.

Juicy products from stuffing wrapped in cabbage leaves with various additives, stewed in tomato or sour cream sauce, are appropriate on both a festive and everyday table.

Traditionally, white cabbage is used to prepare cabbage rolls. Recently, however, tender leaves of Chinese cabbage, the heads of which are perfectly disassembled into individual components, have become increasingly important and do not require pre-boiling.

"Beijing" is not much more expensive than white cabbage and is sold in almost any supermarket. How to cook a delicious, healthy and nutritious meal at home? We offer you to master the recipe for cabbage rolls, the simplicity of which will allow you to diversify the winter menu and regularly pamper your household with a hearty hot dish.

How to cook delicious cabbage rolls?

For cabbage rolls, you can use any meat. The most delicious products are obtained from prefabricated minced meat, for example, pork + veal + turkey fillet. Meat cut from chicken legs or breast is also suitable. Adding a small piece of bacon will make your cabbage rolls more juicy and savory, but for those who follow a low-calorie diet, nutritionists recommend eliminating it from the recipe.

In the process of cooking, the products are not fried, so these cabbage rolls are recommended to be included in the therapeutic and preventive diet of patients suffering from diseases of the digestive system. The same category of people should exclude hot spices from minced meat - pepper and Provence herbs, replacing them with dried or frozen parsley, arugula, dill and celery.

To prepare cabbage rolls, you will need the following products:

  • Beijing cabbage - 1 medium head;
  • meat - ½ kg;
  • lard - 50 g;
  • steamed white rice - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • onion - 2 heads;
  • carrots - 1 medium root crop;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • tomato puree (paste) - 2 tbsp. l. or homemade tomato juice - 0.3 l;
  • sour cream - 2-3 tbsp. l.;
  • freshly ground black pepper - 1 teaspoon;
  • a mixture of Provence herbs - 1 teaspoon;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar - 1 dessert spoon;
  • edible sea salt - to taste.

The head of cabbage is washed under cold water and sorted into individual leaves. If there is a thickening on the lower part (a white vein in the center is the place where the leaf is attached to the stalk), then it is carefully cut off with a sharp knife. Trimmings are not thrown away - they are added to minced meat.

  • Young cabbage with tender leaves is not blanched. Rougher leaves are dipped for 1-2 minutes in salted boiling water.

To prepare minced meat, we twist the meat, cut into portioned pieces (it is most convenient to use an electric meat grinder or a food processor). Simultaneously with the meat, grind lard, peeled carrots, garlic cloves and onions in the same appliance.

Thoroughly knead the resulting cutlet mass with your hands, adding pepper, Provence herbs, sugar and salt (two large pinches). Adding granulated sugar to the mass improves the taste and juiciness of finished products.

Separately, boil the rice washed under running cold water in a large amount of water until half cooked. Folded and colandered rice grains are added to the minced meat, and continue to mix it until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

We wrap minced meat in each cabbage leaf. One product requires about a tablespoon of meat filling. We put stuffed cabbage tightly in a cauldron, goose or pan made of thick refractory glass, putting a bay leaf on the bottom.

In a half-liter jar, dilute tomato paste and sour cream in hot water. If you use tomato juice, then it is immediately poured into a container with cabbage rolls.

The most delicious cabbage rolls are obtained by languishing in a closed cauldron or goose-cooker over low heat, so keep the oven temperature at 170-180 ° C.

Ready cabbage rolls are served hot, pouring over each product with sour cream and tomato sauce left after stewing. The same fragrant gravy can be flavored with a side dish if you prefer to eat cabbage rolls with boiled potatoes or buckwheat porridge.

In the absence of Beijing cabbage in the refrigerator, you can safely take white cabbage. A stalk is cut out from a medium-sized head by making 4 cuts with a sharp knife, and immersed in boiling salted water for 10 minutes. Then they are disassembled into leaves and cooked according to the previous recipe.

Enjoy your winter meals with loved ones under the crackle of firewood burning in the fireplace or in the flickering light of candles!