Home / Bakery / Corn in the microwave for 5 minutes. Corn in the microwave

Corn in the microwave for 5 minutes. Corn in the microwave

Young heads of corn do not need long-term heat treatment, and therefore they can be cooked in various ways: simply, bake, fry, or bring to readiness with the help of kitchen helpers, like the old, kind and time-tested microwave. In the recipes below, we will share with you several ways to cook corn using a microwave at once, so that you can see for yourself the simplicity and speed of this cooking method.

How to cook corn in the microwave?

Corn on the cob with leaves can be baked directly in the microwave. In this case, the leaves will act as a moisture-retaining barrier, thanks to which the grains are literally steamed, and the cob itself does not absorb excess water, as happens during cooking on the stove.

Before cooking corn in a microwave without water, the cobs should be cut off from excess stigmas sticking out from above, dry leaves should be removed, but young and green ones can be left. Arrange 3-4 cobs on any microwave-safe dish so that they do not touch each other. Thanks to the latter, during cooking, the heat of the microwaves will be distributed evenly and all the grains will boil. After placing the dishes in the microwave, select the maximum power and set the timer for 5 minutes. Flip the corn halfway through cooking. Microwaved corn cooked in 5 minutes remains juicy and soft, but if the grains are hard, then cook the heads for about a minute.

Corn in the microwave in a bag

A corn leaf-like effect can also be achieved with a simple roasting bag, which will also retain and condense moisture around the cobs throughout cooking. Set the microwave power level to 800 watts. Cut the heads of cabbage into pieces and put in a baking bag, fixing it with special clips on both sides. Set the cooking time to 10 minutes, and in the middle of cooking, toss the heads in a bag so that all the grains cook evenly.

Corn in the microwave - recipe

Peeled corn can also be cooked under cling film with a little water, for this the cobs without leaves and tops are placed on a dish, covered with a layer of cling film or a lid that is suitable for use in the microwave. The corn can also be further seasoned or oiled before being placed in the microwave. Based on the fact that it takes 2 to 4 minutes to cook each cob, set the timer of the device to maximum power. After removing the corn from the device, leave it under the film for another minute, and then remove and take a sample.

If you bought old cobs or just got used to cooking corn the old fashioned way, take advantage of this cooking technique. Within its framework, the cobs are boiled cleaned in a bowl filled with water. Cooking lasts about 40 minutes at a power of 800 watts. Throughout the preparation, make sure that the water does not boil away and the cobs are always covered with it, and therefore, if necessary, pour boiling water into the dishes. After cooking, leave the corn in the water for 10 minutes, and then remove, let the cobs dry and rub them with oil and salt before serving. If desired, ready-made corn can be sprinkled with cheese, sprinkled with lime juice or poured with your favorite sauce, and then re-microwaved for another half a minute so that the selected topping soaks the cob.

Today, a stove is not the only and not even a mandatory device for cooking. Almost always it can be successfully replaced by a microwave. Microwave corn is a dish that can be made in a few minutes according to one of the existing recipes, the most important thing is to set the appropriate power and cooking time. Cobs will be especially tasty with salt and butter.

How to cook corn in the microwave

Microwave is a device designed specifically to save time and effort. Corn in the microwave in 5 minutes is done as follows:

  1. Put the prepared product in a glass or porcelain plate.
  2. Set the oven to maximum power and bake until done.

Microwave corn recipes

Before you cook the food using any of the methods described below, pay attention to the husk: if the tops are missing in some places, then you need to remove it completely, and then wash the cob thoroughly and only then use it. It is also important to consider the following point: Cooking time is set depending on maturity and variety. Calories listed are per serving.

On the water

Time: 20 minutes.

Calorie content of the dish: 340 kcal.
Purpose: for a snack.
Cuisine: Russian.
Difficulty: easy.

This cooking method is perfect for mature shoots. When cooking them according to this recipe, keep in mind that they must be covered with water (as in the photo) throughout the entire process, so you need to periodically add hot water. You can cook corn in the microwave using this method with the addition of your favorite spices - you need to season the dish with seasonings some time before it is ready.


corn cob - 1 pc;

lime - 0.5 pcs;

salt - 0.3 tsp

Cooking method:

  1. Put the cob in a glass or porcelain container, fill with water.
  2. Set the power on the device to 800 watts and cook for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Take the cob out of the water, drizzle with lime juice, put it back in for about half a minute.

In the package

Time: 15 minutes.
Servings: 1 person.

Purpose: for a snack.
Cuisine: Russian.
Difficulty: easy.

The method of cooking in a food bag is known to all housewives who are accustomed not to waste time in vain. Potatoes, vegetables, sometimes even eggs are baked in the bag. This trick works for this appetizer too: before. how to cook an ear in a bag, rub it well with salt and add a little water. Nothing else is required.


  • corn cob - 1 pc;
  • salt - 1 pinch.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the corn thoroughly, remove the leaves, dry, salt.
  2. Put the cob in a plastic bag, add water, tie it off (as shown in the photo) and put everything in the oven.
  3. Bake the treat until done at full power.

Peeled corn in the microwave

Time: 15 minutes.
Servings: 1 person.
Calorie content of the dish: 370 kcal.
Purpose: for a snack.
Cuisine: Russian.
Difficulty: easy.

If you do not know how to cook a mature shoot without leaves, then pay attention to this recipe. It can be used to make a very tasty treat. Cooking corn in the microwave without leaves is not difficult. The food will turn out very soft and tasty (the degree of hardness depends on the ripeness of the grains). Season with pepper and your favorite sauce.


  • corn cob - 1 pc;
  • butter - 10 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Free the cob from the leaves and stigmas, wash, dry.
  2. Brush with butter and place in a microwave safe container.
  3. Pour a little water into the dishes into the dishes, cover everything with cling film (as indicated in the photo).
  4. Bake until done at 600 watts.
  5. After removing from the oven, leave the cob under the film for a while, only then remove it.

with leaves

Time: 30 minutes.
Servings: 1 person.
Calorie content of the dish: 313 kcal.
Purpose: for a snack.
Cuisine: Russian.
Difficulty: easy.

The product baked according to this method must be cleaned immediately before serving. Baked with leaves, it turns out much healthier than peeled. Corn leaves have a lot of useful substances. In addition, they help retain moisture, which means that the finished dish will turn out juicier.


  • corn cob - 1 pc;
  • salt - 0.3 tsp

Cooking method:

  1. Stick the cob in the microwave.
  2. Set the power to 800 watts, cook for about a quarter of an hour.


Do you like to crunch on corn on the cob, but don't have time to cook at all? We think that the majority of readers will answer in the affirmative. For such busy hurried people, the microwave oven has long been invented. Even corn cooks quickly in it - you don't have to wait an hour or an hour and a half. We will share with you tips on how to cook corn in the microwave in different ways.

Can you cook corn in the microwave?

These questions are asked by many inexperienced housewives. After all, most of them use a microwave oven to defrost food and heat various dishes. But the functions of this kitchen appliances are wider.

Therefore, if you want to cook tasty, but at the same time quickly and easily, you can not do without a microwave. Corn in it turns out tasty and juicy, but you need to eat it right away. As it cools, it loses its softness and subtle alluring aroma.

It is known that any recipe for cooking the queen of the fields in the microwave eliminates the fuss in the kitchen with water and dirty dishes. And this is a huge plus for busy housewives and young couples who are not interested in complex cooking recipes.

How long does it take to cook corn in the microwave?

The time spent on the process also depends on how to cook corn in the microwave. Of course, in a minute, not a single ultra-modern technique will have time to cook the cob. Therefore, get ready to wait for a delicious dish from 3 to 10 minutes.

Usually this time is enough to make the amber grains fragrant and soft. Medium-sized cobs are cooked for 5 minutes, and for large ones, it will take 10 minutes.

The complete readiness of the dish also depends on the number of heads of cabbage with grains. Remember that in most recipes, the timing is based on one ear. If you put 2 sprouts on the bowl, then the time should be almost doubled.

How to cook corn in the microwave in a bag?

Many housewives, in whose family they often feast on amber grains, know several recipes for their preparation. And they consider corn from a bag to be one of the simplest. This method completely eliminates dirty dishes and a long, agonizing wait at the pan.

Before cooking, it is important not to forget that the cobs do not need to be peeled. For cooking in the microwave, it is better to choose very young shoots with still green leaves (then the dish will turn out to be more juicy and tasty).

The preparatory stage includes:

  1. thorough washing of heads of cabbage;
  2. drying cobs naturally in the air;
  3. trimming fibrous tendrils.

In some cases, it may be necessary to trim the cobs on both sides, but do not get carried away and do not cut off the excess.

When the preparation is over, you can proceed to the most basic:

  • we place the cobs in one or more plastic bags;
  • tightly tie them into several knots;
  • place the bags on a tray in the microwave;
  • turn it on at full power.

How long does it take to eat a treat? It all depends on the power of the stove. A good microwave will bring the cobs to readiness in 7 minutes. Those whose oven power does not exceed 800 W will have to wait all 10 minutes.

Ready corn should be immediately freed from the package and served.

How to cook corn without water?

There are a lot of options on how to cook corn on the cob in the microwave without water. Let's say more - almost all methods exclude it. Therefore, the hostesses have plenty to choose from.

The simplest recipe will not require special expenses from you. For it, you need cobs of the same size. Please note that they should also be identical in maturity. Well, if the cabbages look like in the photo.

Be sure to rinse the corn and trim off any excess. In this form, it must be left in the air until completely dry. If you're in a hurry, try wiping the sprouts with paper towels (for this purpose, take thick, multi-layered towels).

Place the prepared sprouts in a microwave oven. Close the oven and turn it on at full power for 5 minutes (microwave power must be at least 1000 watts). If your kitchen has weaker appliances, then it's okay. Just increase the cooking time by 1-2 minutes.

After the timer sounds, transfer the corn to a plate, brush with oil and sprinkle with salt. Bon appetit!

How to cook corn in 5 minutes?

Every housewife dreams of finding a special recipe for how to quickly cook corn in the microwave. We offer an unusual method, which is interesting for its variability - with a slight change in the components, the taste of the dish will change dramatically.

Before cooking, completely remove the leaves from the cob. In parallel, remove the fibrous tendrils and trim the sprouts on both sides.

  1. grate the cobs with a mixture of spices;
  2. sprinkle them with cheese;
  3. squeeze lime or lemon juice on cabbages;
  4. add unusual toppings.

Any of your initiatives will change the taste of the dish beyond recognition.

Now spread the cobs in such a way that there is a small distance between them, and cover the container with a microwave-safe lid or cling film.

When all the preparations are done, it remains only to put the dish in the microwave and wait exactly 5 minutes.

Corn in "diapers"

If you are interested in different ways to bake the queen of the fields in the microwave, then the following recipe will definitely appeal to you. Moreover, it is extremely simple.

Clean the cob of the new crop from debris, leaves and everything superfluous. Rinse the grains with cold water and dry them.

Now prepare the "diapers":

  • take thick paper towels;
  • unwind a long roll;
  • moisten it gently with water (the paper should not tear).

Wrap dried corn in makeshift diapers and put in the oven. It is enough to set the timer for five minutes.

Ready cobs free from paper and serve. By the way, you can surprise guests and household members with a spicy sauce of sour cream and hot red pepper, which goes well with the taste of tender corn.

By the way, if you do not want to eat corn right away, but are afraid that it will lose its juiciness, wrap it in a towel. In this form, even after complete cooling, it will remain soft and pleasant to the taste.

More interesting things on our website.

ATTENTION: Corn is a tall herbaceous plant that grows up to 3 meters in height. The edible part is the cobs filled with grains.

From corn produce: cereals, flour, starch, alcohol, animal feed, corn oil. The rest of the parts work too. They are used to make hay or silage.

Beneficial features

Corn is a champion in the content of nutrients. Corn grains are a rich supplier of fiber for our body, so the use of this product improves the contractile and secretory activity of the digestive system, promotes the accelerated removal of toxins, radionuclides, poisons, and slags from the body.

The "queen of the fields" is rich in vitamins. 150 grams of corn will provide the daily intake of B vitamins. This means a good functioning of the nervous system, stress resistance. Vitamin E has a positive effect on visual acuity.

Few people know that corn on the cob is comparable to the liver in terms of iron content (3700 mcg), which makes corn indispensable for the treatment and prevention of anemia, especially in pregnant women.

Magnesium and potassium have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, reducing the risk of strokes, heart attacks and other cardiac diseases. Vitamins and antioxidants have a good effect on the skin, nails, hair, and slow down the aging process.

Watch a video about the beneficial properties of corn:

Which one to choose?

To prepare a tasty and healthy dish, you need to responsibly approach the issue of choosing products. An unripe, overripe or spoiled fruit can not only spoil the taste of the dish, but also cause significant harm to health. To choose the right corncob, you need to follow some simple rules:

  • Make a purchase only in stores or in verified places. Do not take food from your hands. No one will give a guarantee in their proper storage.
  • Assess the appearance of the cob. The leaves should be green in color and fit snugly on the cob, the color of the grains is uniform, light yellow.
  • Pay special attention to the presence of mold. Even a small amount of it indicates that such a fruit cannot be eaten.
  • If you crush the grain, a thick, light liquid will appear inside - this is a sign that the corn has not overripe.

ADVICE: The best season to buy corn is the end of August. This is her maturation time. If you buy corn in the future, or in the autumn-winter period, you need to take care of its proper storage.

To store in the refrigerator, you first need:

  1. Remove the husk from the cobs and cut off the “tassel”.
  2. Soak the peeled cobs in water with salt and lemon slices for 20 minutes.
  3. Drain in a colander, wait until all the liquid has drained.
  4. Remove kernels from cobs.
  5. Store corn kernels in a tightly closed food container.


Before you start cooking corn, it must be prepared. It's not hard to do this:

If overripe corn is soaked in milk for four hours before cooking, the dish will turn out soft and juicy (read about how much to cook old corn so that it becomes soft and juicy).


Is it possible to cook a dish quickly?

If you are concerned about how much to cook corn, then cooking this cereal is a long process. Depending on the degree of maturity of the corn, it will take from 30 minutes to 3 hours. This time can be greatly reduced by using a microwave oven. Microwaves are now in almost every kitchen. Many housewives use it to warm up and defrost food, although the functionality of modern appliances allows you to cook a full meal.

In order to quickly boil corn you will need:

  • microwave;
  • plastic bag for food;
  • dishes suitable for use in a microwave oven;
  • a few ears of corn;
  • salt, spices.

The principle of cooking corn in a bag for different dishes is the same:

  1. Rinse the corn thoroughly, remove the leaves from the cob.
  2. Sprinkle prepared cobs with two pinches of salt, put in a plastic bag for baking.
  3. Pour two or three tablespoons of water into the same bag.
  4. Tie the bag tightly into a knot or secure with special clips so that the contents cannot fall out of it.
  5. From above, carefully make a couple of holes in the bag with a knife, 1 cm in size, so that steam comes out of them, but the contents do not spill out.
  6. The package with the contents put the glassware without a lid.
  7. Cook in the microwave for 7-10 minutes at full power.

This method of preparation is very convenient and easy to perform, saves time, requires a minimum of costs. Cooking corn quickly the bag will protect the microwave from contamination in case of popping grains.

Watch a video on cooking bagged corn in the microwave:


The most popular corn dish. It is easy to cook in the microwave in a bag, following the simple instructions.

For cooking you will need:

  1. Rinse the corn thoroughly, carefully remove the grains from the cob with a knife.
  2. Pour two tablespoons of vegetable oil into the bottom of a plastic bag for baking.
  3. Place the grains in a bag, tie tightly in a knot or secure with a special clip so that the grains cannot spill out.
  4. Shake the bag with the contents so that all the grains inside are evenly oiled.
  5. Cook in the microwave at full power for 2-3 minutes.
  6. Pour the finished popcorn out of the bag onto a dish, sprinkle with salt or sugar to taste.
  7. Serve warm or chilled.

IMPORTANT: During the cooking process, the grains will increase greatly in size, so small portions should be used.

on the cob

The peculiarity of this delicacy is that the cob is cooked right in the leaves. For this, young cobs with green leaves are best suited. In this case, you do not need to use water; fresh greens on the cob will provide the necessary moisture.

Required for cooking:

Step by step cooking instructions:

  1. Rinse the cob well under running water.
  2. Cut dry leaves with a knife, leaving only green ones.
  3. Pat the cob dry on all sides with paper towels.
  4. Put in a plastic bag for baking without adding water, tie tightly in a knot or close with a special clip.
  5. In the bag next to the knot, make a couple of 1 cm holes with a knife so that steam escapes during cooking, but the contents do not crumble.
  6. Cook in the microwave oven for 5-7 minutes at full power.
  7. Remove the cooked corn from the bag, transfer to a dish, grease each cob with butter on top.
  8. Serve without peeling the leaves, eat with your hands, holding the leaves, without the use of cutlery.

This cooking method is good for a snack on the street. Such boiled corn is very popular with children.

On skewers

Required for cooking:

Step by step cooking instructions:

  1. Remove the leaves from cobs of the same size, rinse well under running water.
  2. Cut the cobs crosswise into several pieces of 5-6 cm.
  3. Put the pieces in a plastic bag for baking, add 2-3 tablespoons of water inside.
  4. Tie the bag tightly in a knot or close with a special clip.
  5. Poke two holes in the top of the bag with a 1 cm knife to allow steam to escape.
  6. Put the package in a glass dish without a lid.
  7. Cook in the microwave for 5-7 minutes at full power.
  8. Transfer the finished bars from the bag to a dish, season with a piece of butter, add salt, herbs and spices to taste.
  9. Insert a wooden skewer into the middle of each block so that it is convenient to hold on to it with your hand.
  10. Serve on a platter as an appetizer.

Fried with sweet pepper

Required for cooking:

Step by step cooking instructions:

  1. Peel the onion, cut into small cubes.
  2. Fry the onion in a pan with vegetable oil until golden brown.
  3. Rinse the corn, remove the leaves.
  4. Boil, separate the grains from the cob with a knife.
  5. Add boiled corn to the onion in the pan and cook for another 5 minutes
  6. Wash pepper, remove seeds, finely chop.
  7. Add the peppers to the skillet along with the onions and corn.
  8. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly, salt, pepper to taste and pour in the meat broth.
  9. Simmer covered over medium heat until done.

You can find more recipes for cooking corn in the microwave.

How to apply?

Corn dishes can be used as an appetizer or side dish to the main course. In the first case, it can be served cold or hot, pre-lubricated with oil, salt, seasoned with spices and herbs.

If corn is cooked right on the cob, you can eat it without the use of cutlery, holding hands on leaves or special skewers. Corn garnish served in portions or on a common dish, eat with a fork, helping if necessary with a knife.

Despite the beneficial properties, corn grains are contraindicated in people with stomach or duodenal ulcers. Possessing the ability to increase blood clotting, corn is harmful for thrombophlebitis. Excessive consumption can cause flatulence, a violation of the stool, even in a healthy person. Do not use corn dishes for people with individual intolerance to this product.

When cooking corn in the microwave, remember:

  • Do not use metal and coated utensils for cooking in a microwave oven!
  • Cooking time depends on the power of the microwave oven, the size of the cobs. It is important not to overcook the corn, otherwise it will turn out dry and hard.


Eating corn is a good way to diversify your menu with a tasty and healthy dish.. A nice bonus is that it takes very little time to cook. To cope with such a lunch or dinner is not at all difficult. Boil a few cobs in the microwave, season with oil and spices and beautifully serve even an inexperienced hostess.

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For anyone who has ever been to the coasts of the Black or Azov Seas, hot boiled corn is always associated with people selling it on the beaches. For men and women, walking briskly with huge pots on the hot sand, it is the most delicious and juicy, even though you have to pay for the cob as for a can of a high-quality canned product. Preservation is preferred by people who do not want to bother with cooking corn for a long time. For them, ways were devised to reduce the hours-long process to a minimum of 5 minutes.

How to choose a good cob

Before you cook corn in the microwave in 5 minutes, you need to make the right choice - purchase fresh "heads". Young cobs with grains of light yellow color are suitable for eating.

When buying, pay attention to:

  1. Stigma. The hairs enveloping the ears should be sticky to the touch, brown-golden in color.
  2. Corn. To the touch, it should be elastic and poured. If you push fresh corn with your fingernail, white sweet juice will splatter.

Do not stock up on fresh corn cobs for future use. You need to buy exactly as much as will be cooked at one time. In extreme cases, the excess is frozen. You can freeze whole heads of cabbage or peeled raw grains.

After purchase, you can cook corn in the microwave in the simplest way - in 5 minutes, at a power of 100 watts. To do this, washed, but not peeled heads of cabbage are placed on a dish and placed inside the oven. After the timer signal squeaks, the juicy and crispy dish is ready.

We bake corn in the husk and without

You can cook corn in the microwave in two forms - in the husk and without. For the first option, the ends are cut off from the heads and adjusted to fit the size of the oven. At one time, 3-4 pieces are placed in a standard volume. It is better that they lie without touching each other. If you put the cobs in a pile or stack them on top of each other, they will bake unevenly.

The secret to even heating of the corn lies in the special way it is stacked inside the oven. Three ears are stacked in a triangle, four - in the form of a rectangle. You can also turn them over while cooking. The standard cooking time is 5 minutes. If the cabbage is too big, cut it in half, or add it on the timer for 1 minute.

After the cooking time is over, the corn is taken out of the oven and allowed to cool, then the husks and stigmas are removed. If the finished cobs are burnt or softened, then they were cooked too long.

The method of preparing peeled corn differs only in that, in order to prevent the grains from losing moisture, heads of cabbage are covered on top with wet paper towels. If they are not available, use a heat-resistant dish with a lid. Add some water inside.

cooking popcorn

Fans of long TV shows just need to learn how to cook popcorn from corn in the microwave. Of course, you can buy ready-made popcorn, but the price for it will be much higher than for home-made popcorn.

You can buy special grains in any supermarket. They are sold in special packages for cooking in the microwave, or by weight. The most suitable varieties of grains are "butterfly" and "caramel".

To make voluminous and airy flakes from solid grain, you will need a special paper bag. It must be completely intact, and not let air through the seams. The ends of the bag must be wrapped (clamped) well so that the popcorn does not come out during the cooking process.

A standard bagged microwave popcorn recipe contains the following ingredients:

  • grains - 0.5 cups;
  • spices;
  • vegetable oil.

The grains are poured into a bag, which is properly closed and placed in the oven for 4 minutes. After the claps run out, the timer can be turned off ahead of schedule. Ready flakes should be poured into a plate and pour over with oil and spices.

Microwave popcorn can be cooked without a bag. It will be replaced by a plate with a lid. Cooking time will change a little - 3 minutes instead of four.

Microwaved corn cobs can be stored for a short time. A clean kitchen towel will help to keep the juiciness and warmth, which you need to wrap the cobs ready and not having time to cool.