Home / Biscuits / Honey glaze for gingerbread. Homemade honey gingerbread with lemon glaze

Honey glaze for gingerbread. Homemade honey gingerbread with lemon glaze

Put honey and sugar in a large thick-walled saucepan, put on fire and heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Do not boil! Sugar can be chopped beforehand to dissolve faster.
Add the spices and butter, turn off the heat and add the baking soda; the mass will immediately become fluffy and turn white.
Stir well with a wooden spoon.
Allow the dough to cool to body temperature (touch it with your finger so that it does not burn, but it is still warm).
Then add the egg, yolks.
Mix two types of flour, sift, add sifted cocoa, mix.
Add flour gradually, you may need more or less.
Knead the dough (be sure to knead the dough well, I first knead it in a food processor, and then mash it with my hands 10).
The dough should be plastic, not very sticky to the table, hands, BUT not steep.
Leave the kneaded dough in a cool place for a couple of hours. it is better to leave in the refrigerator overnight. I leave it overnight, it is more convenient for me, knead in the evening, stand overnight and bake in the morning.

After the night, the dough should lie at room temperature for 2 hours, otherwise you will not be able to work with it.
Cut a lump of dough into 4 parts and roll out each part into a layer 3-5 mm thick (better than 3).
It is not necessary to dust the dough with flour, it does not stick after ripening and rolls out well.
Roll out the dough on parchment, on a baking sheet, cut out in the same molds or on a stencil so as not to transfer, not to deform.

Do not forget to immediately make holes on the gingerbread cookies if you are going to make them with ribbons.
It is convenient to make holes with a cocktail tube.
Bake in a preheated oven at a temperature of 180-200 degrees for 8-10 minutes until cooked. Do not overexpose in the oven! Otherwise, you will not get soft gingerbread, and crispy cookies. Bake the next batch for 1 minute less, do not overdry.

If after baking the gingerbread cookies are deformed (although this does not happen), then you need to put something flat on the gingerbread cookies (such as a cutting board) so that they are even, but not immediately after taking it out of the oven, but after 2-3 minutes, otherwise there will be "temper" inside, as if not baked.
During baking, the aroma is soooo at home, so you should have the willpower not to "taste" everything at once.
Once cool, put in a tin box or wrap in plastic and put away until the next day. You can decorate immediately after cooling.
Decorate with glaze. At this stage, be sure to attract the children, they will be very happy to join the creation of such gingerbread, yes, and it's just a wonderful way to have fun preparing for the holiday Well, and of course, the most beautiful and most expensive are gingerbreads painted by children !! !

Glaze preparation:
The most important thing is to prepare everything in advance, otherwise the glaze dries quickly and there will be no time to prepare it later.
The bowl for mixing the glaze must be clean, dry and free from traces of grease.
Prepare: a hand whisk, teaspoons (several, if there are different dyes), sachets (very convenient with a zip-fastener) small or paper bags, toothpicks or syringe needles, dyes (I use gel, dry ones are not suitable - not uniform are obtained by consistency and dull colors), small cups, plates, etc., paper napkin, wet napkin.
Stir the protein with a whisk until light foam.

Powder NECESSARILY sift through a fine-fine sieve, and add portions to the protein.
Stir with a whisk. It may take less powder, depending on the amount of protein. I have derived for myself the proportions of 40 grams per 250 grams of powder.
Do not make a lot of glaze at once, it is better to make half of the portion (!!!), over, stir again. It dries quickly and becomes not so beautiful.
Add lemon juice, through a sieve so that no pulp particles get into.
The consistency should be such as to hold the strip and it would hold for 7 seconds, i.e. rather thick.

Place in sachets. While placing in sachets, cover the remaining icing with a wet napkin.
You can draw with a nozzle, or you can just cut off the small tip of the bag. It's more convenient for me without a nozzle.

Put the gingerbread on a paper napkin to prevent slipping and to wipe off the toothpicks from the glaze.
We outline the contour of the gingerbread cookies, do not forget about the hole for the ribbon.

For beginners, it is more convenient not to draw a continuous line all over the gingerbread at once, but abruptly, on the sides, but at the same time so that it connects.
Draw the outline, set it to dry. The main glaze is quite thick and it dries quickly.
Now we do glaze for pouring.
Add a little water to the main glaze, drop by drop, to the desired consistency.
It should spread like condensed milk.

The fill is also convenient to apply from a bag, just make a bigger hole.
Apply the filling from the bag and then immediately stir the glaze inside with a toothpick for a better and even distribution.
In the corners, touch up with a toothpick.
It is necessary to "pour" the glaze onto the contour. With a toothpick, make circular movements along the edge, "pouring" onto the contour.
Then immediately take the gingerbread with two fingers and make sliding movements on the table so that the icing spreads evenly.
Do everything quickly, otherwise the glaze will harden and there will be an uneven surface.

  • After cooking, you will receive 3 trays
  • Cooking time: 1 hour 30 minutes + + 1-3 days for the dough to ripen

It's time to start baking honey cakes! Delicious with milk, fragrant for tea! Baking for the New Year and - gingerbread - can be used in different ways ... How?

This dough takes time to ripen - it will be stored for at least three days before baking. This is how its aroma unfolds - and the gingerbread gets the typical taste of gingerbread.

Ingredients for 3 sheets

250 g honey
250 g sugar
200 ml of water
1 pinch of salt
15 g gingerbread seasoning
8 g ammonium carbonate

Ammonium carbonate used instead of yeast in bakery and confectionery industry ( food supplement E503).

700 g flour
whole almonds

Only high-quality honey will add a unique flavor to your baked goods.
Honey- a great ingredient not only for baking! You can make honey from mead ! If you are interested in history of the drink and mead recipes - welcome to the specialists https://sviymed.com/staty/76-recepty-medovyhi

How to cook

Step: Bring honey, sugar and water to a boil

Put honey, sugar and water in a saucepan and bring to a boil while stirring. Stir until honey and sugar dissolve

Step: Stir in spices

Remove the saucepan from the hot stove and stir in the salt and seasoning.
Then let the mass cool to room temperature (below 25 ° C).

Step: Mix honey mixture and flour

Meanwhile, sift the ammonium carbonate onto the flour and mix with the flour.
Add the cooled honey mixture to the flour and stir with a wooden spoon. Knead with your hands.
Wrap the dough in foil and refrigerate for at least 3 days.

Step: Roll out the dough

Roll the gingerbread dough onto a floured work surface about 5-7 mm thick.
Roll out the center - while turning the dough constantly so that it does not stick to the working surface.

Step: Cut the gingerbread

Cut out small figures from dough, for example, small animals, Christmas trees, etc.
Place the gingerbread cookies on baking trays lined with baking paper and garnish with nuts.
Brush the gingerbread with a little water and let it rest for another 10 minutes.
Bake the gingerbread cookies in a preheated oven at 180 ° C (electric stove) for 12-15 minutes.

Step: Decorate to your liking.

Advice: You can also make your own gingerbread seasoning:

  • - mix and grind cinnamon, coriander, cloves, cardamom, allspice, ginger, star anise, pepper and nutmeg

in equal parts and keep in closed bank.

Ready gingerbread are kept in a closed bank for four to six weeks.

2. Gingerbread with nuts


300 g wheat flour
1 tsp baking powder
100 g ground hazelnuts
125 g prunes
150 g of liquid honey
1 egg
1 yolk
3 tsp spices for gingerbread
egg for lubrication

For decoration

whole almonds, peeled
250 g icing sugar
food coloring

How to cook

Step 1

Mix flour with baking powder and hazelnuts. Grind prunes in mashed potatoes with a blender. Mix plum puree, honey, egg, egg yolk and gingerbread spice with flour mixture with a mixer until firm.
Cover the dough and leave at room temperature overnight.

Step 2

Roll out the dough about 1 cm thick and cut the cookies with cookie cutters. Place on a baking sheet lined with baking paper.
Stir the egg with 2 tablespoons of water and brush over the gingerbread and garnish with almonds.
Bake in a preheated oven (180 ° C) for about 20 minutes and then let cool well.

Step 3

To decorate

For glaze 3-4 tbsp. Mix water with powdered sugar until a homogeneous consistency and - (color optional) - paint with dyes.
Place the glaze in the cornets and decorate with the gingerbread cookies.
Let them dry.

3. Gingerbread cookies in 1 bowl "Shake it!"

If you do not have at all, at all time, then you can use this recipe. Everything is prepared in 1 bowl. Just shake things up!


350 g flour
300 g sugar
150 g candied fruits
100 g hazelnuts, chopped
3 tsp gingerbread spice
1 tsp ground cloves
1 tbsp vanilla sugar
1 pack of baking powder
250 ml milk
150 g butter, liquid
2 tablespoons honey
4 eggs

Glaze (ready-made)

How to cook

Put flour, sugar, chopped candied fruits (candied fruits), chopped nuts, seasoning, clove powder, vanilla sugar and baking powder in a bowl, close tightly and shake vigorously.
Put milk, butter, honey and eggs in a bowl or shaker, cover and shake vigorously.
Add liquid ingredients to dry ingredients, cover and shake well.
Stir with a spatula and place on a greased baking sheet.
Furnace at 200 ° C about 20 min.
After baking, cover with glaze and cut into squares, rectangles or triangles.

4. Gingerbread cookies with spelled flour


500 g honey
125 ml vegetable oil
250 g brown sugar
700 g spelled flour
16 g ammonium carbonate
250 g almonds, peeled and ground
1 ½ tsp cinnamon
a pinch of ground cloves
1 tsp ginger powder
1 tsp ground coriander
½ tsp sea ​​salt
3 eggs
100 g citronate, finely chopped
100 g orange, finely chopped
3 tbsp coffee cream (10%)
100 g almonds

How to cook

Boil honey, butter and sugar slowly in a saucepan and let cool again.
Sift flour with ammonium carbonate into a bowl and mix with almonds, spices, salt, eggs, candied fruits.
Add the cooled honey mixture and knead well. Add a little flour if necessary.
Cover the dough and leave for 1 hour.
Preheat oven to 200 ° C and grease a baking sheet or line with baking paper.
Press the dough evenly with your hands sprinkled with flour and spread over the baking sheet.
Grease with cream.
Using a knife and a ruler, mark out squares with a side length of about 6 cm on the test.

Garnish each piece with almonds.
Bake in the oven at 180-200 ° C within 35-45 minutes until light brown.
After baking, allow to cool slightly, then cut into the marked squares and allow to cool on a wire shelf.

Honey cakes are not just cookies!

From gingerbread dough can be made

spruce and decoration for the Christmas tree,

Gingerbread house

and even a whole gingerbread town.

Here you can download templates for the gingerbread town.

And what else can you make from gingerbread dough - take a look!

There is no more exquisite, primordially Russian delicacy than honey gingerbread, their recipe is easy, any housewife can handle it at home. They can be placed on any festive table. Neither adults nor children will refuse such a delicacy.

Before choosing your perfect recipe, you should know the basic recommendations that professional pastry chefs and experienced housewives advise to adhere to:

  • V traditional recipes it is said that the flour should be rye, but it is allowed to replace it with a wheat analogue.
  • Don't add too much honey. Better to let the amount be on a par with flour or slightly less.
  • Before adding honey, butter, sugar, they must first be melted and poured in at the last stage of the dough preparation.
  • Dream up with the shape of the future gingerbread, using all kinds of shapes. They can also be glazed or decorated with mastic.
  • Add some berry jam, spices, a few drops of rum or any other ingredients to the filling. This will help you create your own unique treat, the recipe for which all your friends and family will ask for.

Original recipe

For the preparation of primordially Russian gingerbread cookies on honey, the following products are needed:

  • Butter - 120 gr.
  • Honey - 100 gr.
  • Granulated sugar - 250 gr.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Flour - 0.5 kg.
  • Ground cinnamon, ginger root - 1 tsp
  • Soda - half a teaspoon.

Step by step recipe:

  • Use a suitable sized enamel pot. Mix honey, butter, eggs and sugar in it. Place the cookware on the hotplate with the hotplate set to medium temperature. Stir the mixture periodically with a spoon until a smooth consistency is achieved. After that, add spices, add soda. Let the pan sit on the stove for a few more minutes and set aside to cool.
  • While the mixture is cooling, sift through the flour. Start adding it a little to the pot, stirring constantly with a spoon to avoid clumping. Having achieved the required thick consistency, place the dough on any horizontal surface. Continue kneading until the mixture is smooth and docile. Add more flour if required.
  • Let the dough rest a little by wrapping it in a clean towel and placing it in the refrigerator for half an hour, ideally in the freezer.
  • Dust the surface with a little flour. Cut a small piece from a whole piece of dough, roll it out to a thickness of about 7 mm. Use the molds to cut out the future gingerbread. Repeat this procedure for the rest of the test.
  • Lightly grease a baking sheet or cover with baking paper. Place all the figurines on it, making sure not to touch the gingerbread. It is best to leave a small distance between the products - about 1 cm.
  • Place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 180 ° C. Leave it there for 15 minutes, then let it rest a little. The treat is ready to be served.

Glazed honey treat

To make honey dessert look festive and elegant, try experimenting with it. appearance... To prepare the icing gingerbread treat, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Flour - 500 gr.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Honey - 100 gr.
  • Granulated sugar - 150 gr.
  • Egg whites - 5 pcs.
  • Ready-made glaze - 1 pack.
  • Ground cinnamon, grated ginger root - 2 tsp
  • Powdered sugar - 200 gr.
  • Ground nutmeg - 150 gr.

Step by step recipe:

  • Get a container that is the right size. Combine butter, honey, granulated sugar. Place the ingredients on a small fire or steam bath. The result of this process will be a uniform consistency. Remember to stir and adjust the temperature periodically to avoid burning the food.
  • Mix all the spices. You can grind them again in a mortar or with a coffee grinder. Make sure there are no large particles. Add the mixture to the melted workpiece, mix well and close the lid. Leave it to cool.
  • Sift half the flour, stir in two eggs. Then add the rest of the mixture along with the cooled mixture. Place the resulting dough in a plate, wrap with plastic wrap and refrigerate for several hours.
  • Cut off a small piece of dough. Roll it out on a horizontal surface lightly dusted with flour. The thickness of the finished product should not exceed 2 cm. Cut out the figures with molds.
  • Place the prepared gingerbread cookies on an oiled baking sheet, bake for about 20 minutes at 180 ° C. Let them cool slightly.
  • Roll out the frosting, form figures out of it.
  • It remains only to prepare the cream for the final decoration of our baked goods. To do this, whisk egg whites, gradually adding powdered sugar to them. If you want to decorate your dessert with colorful patterns, use food coloring.

Such bright gingerbread will be a wonderful decoration. festive table... They can also be presented to your family and friends by putting them in an elegant package.

Honey and kefir gingerbread

Another incredibly simple recipe that all housewives should take note of. For cooking you will need:

  • Butter- 100 gr.
  • Kefir of any fat content - 300 ml.
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Granulated sugar - 250 gr.
  • Honey - 1 tablespoon
  • Flour - 500 gr.
  • Spices to taste - 1 tsp

Step by step recipe:

  • In an enamel bowl, combine butter, honey, granulated sugar. Put the ingredients on low heat, stirring constantly until a smooth consistency is obtained. Add your favorite spices like ginger or cinnamon. Important: they must be thoroughly ground. Remove to cool.
  • Sift flour. Add kefir, one whole egg. And from the second only white, remove the yolk for a while. Knead the dough, gradually pouring in the cooled mixture.
  • Put the finished gingerbread cookies on a baking sheet, brush them with the remaining yolk. Do not forget that the distance between products should be about 1 cm.
  • Leave the treat in the oven for 18 minutes, setting the temperature to 180 ° C. Then decorate them as you like.

Ideas for decoration

Each hostess decorates the finished product in her own way. We offer you several simple ideas, which can be easily implemented in practice:

  • Buy a ready-made frosting and place it in a piping bag you can make yourself from baking paper. Trace the outline of the gingerbread by placing any liquid filling inside.
  • Decorate the treat with protein cream, the simple recipe for which was described above. It can be used to make beautiful flowers or ornaments.
  • Sprinkle the finished dessert with powdered sugar, cocoa, or coconut. You can also add melted chocolate to the dough.

In order not to disappoint you, I will say right away that these homemade honey cakes are completely different from those that we usually buy in the store. The name is the only thing that unites them. In practice, homemade baked goods, for example, are cheaper than a purchased finished product, but this is not the case.

Although do not be alarmed, it is not much more expensive, just in this case we use honey, and this product is not cheap, this is the only thing. I assure you that the result will not disappoint you, the gingerbread cookies prepared according to this recipe have a delicious taste and wonderful aroma.

Prepare homemade honey gingerbread pretty simple. This is a very convenient recipe, it is not necessary to strictly adhere to all proportions. Honey gingerbread will be delicious even without eggs, and if you put less butter, taste it will not be reflected. If you don't have as much honey as the recipe needs, you can easily substitute sugar for it. As a result, if you do not immediately report all these listed ingredients, you will get a natural gingerbread from the store, which is also quite good.

To cook homemade honey gingerbread we need the following products:

  • Honey - 0.5 cups
  • Sugar - ¾ glass
  • Water - ¼ glass
  • Flour - 3 glass
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Egg yolk - 2 pcs.
  • Butter (or margarine) - 50g.
  • Soda - 1/4 tsp.
  • Carnation - 3 pcs.
  • Cinnamon - ¼ tsp
  • Nutmeg - 1 pinch
  • Allspice - 1 pc.
  • Coriander and cardamom - to taste (without them)

Recipe for making honey homemade gingerbread:

We take a saucepan, put honey, sugar and fill it with water. We put it on little fire... You do not need to boil this sugar mixture, you just need to warm it all up thoroughly until the listed ingredients are dissolved. When everything is dissolved, remove the saucepan from the heat, sift 1 cup of flour and pour it into this mixture. It is better to add flour gradually, stirring constantly, to prevent the formation of lumps.

Now we wait until the dough cools down to room temperature. Then add eggs, butter (warm), baking soda, and 1 more glass of flour. You also need to add spices crushed into dust: cloves, nutmeg, cinnamon, allspice, coriander and cardamom. Yes, the dough turns out to be quite spicy, but that's what we need, it's not for nothing that the gingerbreads were named that way, that's why they are gingerbread.

Knead the dough. At the moment, we will knead with our hands, although it is completely difficult, the dough is very sticky and viscous like clay, but it should be so. Gradually add 1 more glass of flour. The dough should be like plasticine. If you try to mold something out of it and it retains its shape, then there is already enough flour, if it still does not hold its shape, then we add more. The main thing is not to overdo it with flour, otherwise our honey cakes will be harsh. The quality of honey is also of great importance.

Especially aromatic are obtained homemade honey gingerbread from mustard honey, in addition to the aroma, they also give them an attractive color. If you only have light honey, you can tint it, although this is absolutely not necessary, but if the color still matters to you, then put sugar (1 tablespoon) on the pan, heat it until dark, then dissolve in a small amount of water and dissolve in honey.

We begin to roll out the dough. To do this, sprinkle the table with flour, lay out a part of the dough and roll it out with a rolling pin, but not thinly (about 2 centimeters) and cut out different figures using molds. If you want to give the shape of store-bought gingerbread, then blind the balls and flatten them on one side.

Now you need to grease our honey cakes with egg yolk and send them to the oven, preheated to 200 0 C for 20 or 30 minutes. The baking time depends on the size of the gingerbread, so periodically check their readiness with a toothpick.

A few more different tricks. In the dough, in addition to the listed spices, you can also put lemon zest, ground nuts, raisins, vanillin and it would not be bad yet ready-made homemade honey gingerbread grease sugar glaze- so it will be more beautiful and will be stored longer.

It is very simple to prepare such a glaze: dissolve a tablespoon (or more) of powdered sugar in a tablespoon of water, and as soon as you get the gingerbread out of the oven, immediately grease them with this mixture.

You can grease with jam, but not immediately after the oven, but a little later, when it has cooled down a little, but not completely. Jam is well absorbed by warm gingerbread. The same goes for melted chocolate, of course.

We offer you to see more interesting recipe that can be cooked in a pan.

I am sure that you will succeed, and " Culinary secrets»Wish you bon appetit!

Gingerbread is a traditional Russian sweet that is usually drunk with tea. These delicacies appeared in antiquity. The main ingredients of the gingerbread were Rye flour and honey. For this reason, gingerbread was formerly called honey bread. A little later, the chefs began to practice the addition of various spices. How many varieties of gingerbread are there today? Enough a large number of... However, honey cakes are the most popular among adults and children. In today's article we will talk about the most common types of recipes for this sweetness.

To cook this delicious dessert for tea, we need to acquire the following set of ingredients:

  • 250 ml of honey. The variety does not matter;
  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 75 g sugar;
  • 75 g margarine or butter;
  • Half a teaspoon of baking soda or 2 teaspoons of baking powder;
  • Vanillin, cinnamon, cloves to taste;
  • One chicken egg.

We put the pan on a low heat. We add our ingredients in the following sequence. First honey, then butter, sugar and spices. The entire contents of the container must be stirred regularly. Better to use butter instead of margarine. Especially when it comes to children's gingerbread. Sprinkle spices in small quantities. This will achieve a subtle, spicy and delicate aroma. Once all the ingredients have melted and turned into homogeneous mass, you can remove them from the burner. The main thing is not to bring it to a boil. Otherwise, healthy honey will lose all its vitamins.

Pour the butter-honey mixture into a bowl and let it cool. In another container, mix the flour and baking powder. If possible, then add vinegar slaked soda instead of baking powder. We also send the egg and the cooled honey mixture here. We mix all the components very thoroughly. The main thing is not to form lumps that can spoil the taste and quality of honey aromatic gingerbread.

Once the dough is kneaded, it must be covered cling film or a lid. We send the blank for the gingerbread to the refrigerator. It is best to let the dough stand in a cold place for at least a couple of hours. For those who cannot wait, take out the dough no earlier than after 30 minutes.

We take out the chilled dough from the refrigerator. Divide into several parts and begin to roll out the cakes one by one. The thickness of the base should be about half a centimeter. Well, now the most interesting thing is the formation of the gingerbread. Take a regular glass and cut standard circles along its contour. For those who want to achieve the best result and surprise their children, you can use special molds. Today, there are a huge number of these devices. Therefore, you can easily bake honey bears or hearts.

We heat the oven to a temperature of 170-175 degrees. We take out a baking sheet and grease it with a thin layer of butter or vegetable oil. We spread our gingerbread cookies on top. This amount of dough should make one baking sheet. Baking time approx. 10 minutes. The cooking process must be closely monitored. After all, the power and performance of the equipment is different for everyone. Accordingly, the baking time may vary. Honey gingerbread cookies can be decorated with icing and other decorative but edible items.

Bon Appetit!

Honey gingerbread on kefir

This recipe is one of the easiest. Even a novice hostess can cope with its implementation. For cooking, you will need the following components:

  • 300 ml of kefir of any fat content;
  • Two chicken eggs... One protein will be spent on making the fondant;
  • 100 grams of butter. Can be substituted with margarine;
  • 250 grams of granulated sugar. Of these, 50 g will be needed for fondant;
  • 50 ml of honey;
  • A pinch of salt;
  • A teaspoon of baking soda, slaked with vinegar;
  • Two and a half glasses of premium wheat flour.

First you need to separate the white from one egg and set it aside for a while. We have already said that we will need it in the process of making fondant. Remaining chicken yolk and we beat another egg until foam forms. At the same time, gradually add sugar (200 gr).

Next, add kefir and two tablespoons of honey to the beaten eggs. Pre-etch butter or margarine to a liquid consistency and also send it to the rest of the ingredients. It remains to add a little salt and soda quenched with vinegar. The final step will be the addition of flour. First, it must be sieved and gradually poured into a common bowl.

Mix the resulting mass thoroughly and intensively until a homogeneous dough consistency is formed. Pay special attention to the amount of flour added. If there is too much of it, then the dough will turn out to be tight and not elastic. Therefore, you do not need to pour out all the flour. In the process of kneading the dough, leave 20% of the flour, which is better to add as you prepare the dough. Of course, if necessary.

This dough does not need refrigeration. Therefore, immediately after its preparation, you can begin to shape our honey cakes. Roll out the dough about 0.5 cm thick. The layer should be evenly rolled out. Using a glass or pastry molds, we cut out the gingerbread. We send gingerbread blanks to a preheated oven up to 170-175 degrees. Cover baking sheet parchment paper... If this is not possible, then simply grease the surface of the mold with a creamy or vegetable oil... The approximate cooking time is 20-25 minutes. As soon as you see that the gingerbread cookies have risen and become ruddy, you can get them out of the oven.

While the gingerbread cookies are being baked, we need to perform one more process - to prepare the fondant. We will smear on top with this sweet mixture honey baked goods... Beat the protein with sugar until a thick and white mass is formed. In order for the protein to be whipped in the best quality, you first need to add a little salt. Make sure that there is not a drop of water on the whisk or container in which the whites are whipped. Otherwise, the protein simply won't rise.

5-7 minutes before the end of the preparation of the gingerbread, they need to be removed from the oven. Using a special pastry brush or a regular spoon, grease the baking surface with protein glaze. Try to make sure that the cooked protein mass is enough for all the gingerbread cookies. Then place the baking sheet in the oven for another five minutes. That's it, our honey cakes with kefir are ready. Pleasant aroma and incredible delicate taste dessert is provided.

Secrets of making honey cakes

There are some tricks you can use to make the most delicious honey cakes.

  • The most important thing in making honey gingerbread dough is the presence of all components and their thorough kneading.
  • Gingerbread dough must be kneaded for 10-15 minutes. Then you will be able to achieve the required structure.
  • In order for your gingerbread cookies to become a real table decoration, they need to be decorated. Protein sugar glaze is often used as decoration. It can cover the whole gingerbread or make a certain pattern.
  • The advantage of honey cakes is their shelf life. They can stay in a tightly closed food container for up to two and a half weeks. At the same time, their taste remains the same as after baking. Gingerbread can also be stored in the freezer. Here, their shelf life is increased to three months. Just defrost them before use.

If you want to cook delicious honey cakes, then the proposed recipes will help you make your plan come true. Such pastries are suitable even for children from one year old. The most important thing is that the child does not have an allergic reaction to honey or eggs.

Enjoy your tea!

Video recipes for honey gingerbread